1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright 2017-2021 Gajim Team -->
3<component type="desktop-application">
4  <id>org.gajim.Gajim</id>
5  <metadata_license>CC-BY-SA-3.0</metadata_license>
6  <project_license>GPL-3.0</project_license>
7  <name>Gajim</name>
8  <summary>A fully-featured XMPP chat client</summary>
9  <description>
10    <p>Gajim aims to be an easy to use and fully-featured XMPP client.
11    Just chat with your friends or family, easily share pictures and
12    thoughts or discuss the news with your groups.
13    </p>
14    <p>Chat securely with End-to-End encryption via OMEMO or OpenPGP.</p>
15    <p>Gajim integrates well with your other devices: simply continue conversations on your mobile device.
16    </p>
17    <p>Features:</p>
18    <ul>
19      <li>Never miss a message, keep all your chat clients synchronized</li>
20      <li>Invite friends to group chats or join one</li>
21      <li>Easily send pictures, videos or other files to friends and groups</li>
22      <li>Chat securely with End-to-End encryption via OMEMO or OpenPGP</li>
23      <li>Use your favorite emoticons, set your own profile picture</li>
24      <li>Keep and manage all your chat history</li>
25      <li>Organize your chats with tabs</li>
26      <li>Automatic spell-checking for your messages</li>
27      <li>Connect to other Messengers via Transports (Facebook, IRC, ...)</li>
28      <li>Lookup things on Wikipedia, dictionaries or other search engines directly from the chat window</li>
29      <li>Set your activity, tune, and mood to show your friends how you are feeling</li>
30      <li>Support for multiple accounts</li>
31      <li>Group multiple contacts from one friend to a single Meta-Contact</li>
32      <li>XML console to see what's happening on the protocol layer</li>
33      <li>Serverless messaging (Bonjour/Zeroconf)</li>
34      <li>Support for service discovery including nodes and search for users</li>
35      <li>Even more features via plugins</li>
36    </ul>
37  </description>
38  <screenshots>
39    <screenshot type="default">
40      <image>https://gajim.org/img/screenshots/single-window-mode.png</image>
41      <caption>Contact list</caption>
42    </screenshot>
43    <screenshot>
44      <image>https://gajim.org/img/screenshots/tabbed-chat.png</image>
45      <caption>Tabbed chat window</caption>
46    </screenshot>
47    <screenshot>
48      <image>https://gajim.org/img/screenshots/groupchat-window.png</image>
49      <caption>Group chat support</caption>
50    </screenshot>
51    <screenshot>
52      <image>https://gajim.org/img/screenshots/history-window.png</image>
53      <caption>Chat history</caption>
54    </screenshot>
55    <screenshot>
56      <image>https://gajim.org/img/screenshots/plugins.png</image>
57      <caption>Plugin manager</caption>
58    </screenshot>
59  </screenshots>
60  <launchable type="desktop-id">org.gajim.Gajim.desktop</launchable>
61  <developer_name>Gajim Team</developer_name>
62  <update_contact>gajim-devel_AT_gajim.org</update_contact>
63  <url type="homepage">https://gajim.org/</url>
64  <url type="bugtracker">https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim</url>
65  <url type="faq">https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/-/wikis/help/gajimfaq</url>
66  <url type="help">https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/-/wikis/help/Help</url>
67  <url type="donation">https://gajim.org/development/#donations</url>
68  <url type="translate">https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/-/wikis/development/devtranslate</url>
69  <translation type="gettext">gajim</translation>
70  <content_rating type="oars-1.1">
71    <content_attribute id="social-chat">intense</content_attribute>
72    <content_attribute id="social-audio">intense</content_attribute>
73  </content_rating>
74  <releases>
75    <release version="1.3.3" date="2021-10-10" />
76    <release version="1.3.2" date="2021-04-24" />
77    <release version="1.3.1" date="2021-03-01" />
78    <release version="1.3.0" date="2021-02-08" />
79    <release version="1.2.2" date="2020-08-15" />
80    <release version="1.2.1" date="2020-07-08" />
81    <release version="1.2.0" date="2020-06-21" />
82    <release version="1.1.3" date="2019-04-23" />
83    <release version="1.1.2" date="2019-01-15" />
84    <release version="1.1.1" date="2018-12-23" />
85    <release version="1.1.0" date="2018-11-06" />
86    <release version="1.0.3" date="2018-05-20" />
87    <release version="1.0.2" date="2018-04-30" />
88    <release version="1.0.1" date="2018-04-01" />
89    <release version="1.0.0" date="2018-03-17" />
90  </releases>