1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 1997-2018, OFFIS e.V.
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module:  dcmjpeg
15  *
16  *  Author:  Norbert Olges, Marco Eichelberg
17  *
18  *  Purpose: codec parameter class for dcmjpeg codecs
19  *
20  */
22 #ifndef DJCPARAM_H
23 #define DJCPARAM_H
25 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"
26 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dccodec.h" /* for DcmCodecParameter */
27 #include "dcmtk/dcmjpeg/djutils.h" /* for enums */
29 /** codec parameter for IJG codecs
30  */
31 class DCMTK_DCMJPEG_EXPORT DJCodecParameter: public DcmCodecParameter
32 {
33 public:
35   /** constructor.
36    *  @param pCompressionCSConversion color conversion mode for compression
37    *  @param pDecompressionCSConversion color conversion mode for decompression
38    *  @param pCreateSOPInstanceUID mode for SOP Instance UID creation
39    *  @param pPlanarConfiguration flag describing how planar configuration of
40    *    decompressed color images should be handled
41    *  @param predictor6WorkaroundEnable enable workaround for buggy lossless compressed images with
42    *    overflow in predictor 6 for images with 16 bits/pixel
43    *  @param cornellWorkaroundEnable enable workaround for buggy Cornell lossless compressed images with
44    *    Huffman table overflow
45    *  @param pForceSingleFragmentPerFrame while decompressing a multiframe image,
46    *    assume one fragment per frame even if the JPEG data for some frame is incomplete
47    *  @param pOptimizeHuffman perform huffman table optimization for 8 bits/pixel compression?
48    *  @param pSmoothingFactor smoothing factor for image compression, 0..100
49    *  @param pForcedBitDepth forced bit depth for image compression, 0 (auto) or 8/12/16
50    *  @param pFragmentSize maximum fragment size (in kbytes) for compression, 0 for unlimited.
51    *  @param pCreateOffsetTable create offset table during image compression?
52    *  @param pSampleFactors subsampling mode for color image compression
53    *  @param pWriteYBR422 flag indicating whether a compressed YBR color stream should
54    *    be marked as YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 on DICOM level
55    *  @param pConvertToSC flag indicating whether image should be converted to
56    *    Secondary Capture upon compression
57    *  @param pWindowType mode for VOI transformation of monochrome images
58    *  @param pWindowParameter parameter for VOI transform of monochrome images, used in modes 1, 2, 4, 6
59    *  @param pVoiCenter VOI window center for mode 5
60    *  @param pVoiWidth  VOI window width for mode 5
61    *  @param pRoiLeft   Region of Interest left corner for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
62    *  @param pRoiTop    Region of Interest upper corner for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
63    *  @param pRoiWidth  Region of Interest width for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
64    *  @param pRoiHeight Region of Interest height for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
65    *  @param pUsePixelValues check smallest and largest pixel value and optimize compression, mode 0 only
66    *  @param pUseModalityRescale create Rescale Slope/Intercept to scale back to original pixel range, mode 0 only
67    *  @param pAcceptWrongPaletteTags accept wrong palette attribute tags (only "pseudo lossless" encoder)
68    *  @param pAcrNemaCompatibility accept old ACR-NEMA images without photometric interpretation
69    *    (only "pseudo" lossless encoder)
70    *  @param pTrueLosslessMode Enables true lossless compression (replaces old "pseudo lossless" encoder)
71    */
72   DJCodecParameter(
73     E_CompressionColorSpaceConversion pCompressionCSConversion,
74     E_DecompressionColorSpaceConversion pDecompressionCSConversion,
75     E_UIDCreation pCreateSOPInstanceUID,
76     E_PlanarConfiguration pPlanarConfiguration,
77     OFBool predictor6WorkaroundEnable = OFFalse,
78     OFBool cornellWorkaroundEnable = OFFalse,
79     OFBool pForceSingleFragmentPerFrame = OFFalse,
80     OFBool pOptimizeHuffman = OFFalse,
81     int pSmoothingFactor = 0,
82     int pForcedBitDepth = 0,
83     Uint32 pFragmentSize = 0,
84     OFBool pCreateOffsetTable = OFTrue,
85     E_SubSampling pSampleFactors = ESS_444,
86     OFBool pWriteYBR422 = OFFalse,
87     OFBool pConvertToSC = OFFalse,
88     size_t pWindowType = 0,
89     size_t pWindowParameter = 0,
90     double pVoiCenter = 0.0,
91     double pVoiWidth = 0.0,
92     size_t pRoiLeft = 0,
93     size_t pRoiTop = 0,
94     size_t pRoiWidth = 0,
95     size_t pRoiHeight = 0,
96     OFBool pUsePixelValues = OFTrue,
97     OFBool pUseModalityRescale = OFFalse,
98     OFBool pAcceptWrongPaletteTags = OFFalse,
99     OFBool pAcrNemaCompatibility = OFFalse,
100     OFBool pTrueLosslessMode = OFTrue);
102   /// copy constructor
103   DJCodecParameter(const DJCodecParameter& arg);
105   /// destructor
106   virtual ~DJCodecParameter();
108   /** this methods creates a copy of type DcmCodecParameter *
109    *  it must be overweritten in every subclass.
110    *  @return copy of this object
111    */
112   virtual DcmCodecParameter *clone() const;
114   /** returns the class name as string.
115    *  can be used as poor man's RTTI replacement.
116    */
117   virtual const char *className() const;
119   /** returns huffman table optimization flag for 8 bits/pixel compression
120    *  @return huffman table optimization flag for 8 bits/pixel compression
121    */
getOptimizeHuffmanCoding()122   OFBool getOptimizeHuffmanCoding() const
123   {
124     return optimizeHuffman;
125   }
127   /** returns smoothing factor for image compression, 0..100
128    *  @return smoothing factor for image compression, 0..100
129    */
getSmoothingFactor()130   int getSmoothingFactor() const
131   {
132     return smoothingFactor;
133   }
135   /** returns forced bit depth for image compression, 0 (auto) or 8/12/16
136    *  @return forced bit depth for image compression
137    */
getForcedBitDepth()138   int getForcedBitDepth() const
139   {
140     return forcedBitDepth;
141   }
143   /** returns maximum fragment size (in kbytes) for compression, 0 for unlimited.
144    *  @returnmaximum fragment size for compression
145    */
getFragmentSize()146   Uint32 getFragmentSize() const
147   {
148     return fragmentSize;
149   }
151   /** returns offset table creation flag
152    *  @return offset table creation flag
153    */
getCreateOffsetTable()154   OFBool getCreateOffsetTable() const
155   {
156     return createOffsetTable;
157   }
159   /** returns subsampling mode for color image compression
160    *  @return subsampling mode for color image compression
161    */
getSampleFactors()162   E_SubSampling getSampleFactors() const
163   {
164     return sampleFactors;
165   }
167   /** returns flag indicating whether a compressed YBR color stream should be marked
168    *  as YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 on DICOM level
169    *  @return YBR422 flag
170    */
getWriteYBR422()171   OFBool getWriteYBR422() const
172   {
173     return writeYBR422;
174   }
176   /** returns secondary capture conversion flag
177    *  @return secondary capture conversion flag
178    */
getConvertToSC()179   OFBool getConvertToSC() const
180   {
181     return convertToSC;
182   }
184   /** returns mode for SOP Instance UID creation
185    *  @return mode for SOP Instance UID creation
186    */
getUIDCreation()187   E_UIDCreation getUIDCreation() const
188   {
189     return uidCreation;
190   }
192   /** returns mode for VOI transformation of monochrome images.
193    *  @return mode for VOI transformation of monochrome images
194    */
getWindowType()195   size_t getWindowType() const
196   {
197     return windowType;
198   }
200   /** returns parameter for VOI transform of monochrome images, used in VOI modes 1, 2, 4, 6
201    *  @return parameter for VOI transform of monochrome images, used in VOI modes 1, 2, 4, 6
202    */
getWindowParameter()203   size_t getWindowParameter() const
204   {
205     return windowParameter;
206   }
208   /** returns VOI window center and width for VOI mode 5
209    *  @param center VOI center returned in this parameter
210    *  @param width VOI width returned in this parameter
211    */
getVOIWindow(double & center,double & width)212   void getVOIWindow(double& center, double& width) const
213   {
214     center = voiCenter;
215     width = voiWidth;
216   }
218   /** returns ROI coordinates for VOI mode 7
219    *  @param left_pos ROI left edge returned in this parameter
220    *  @param top_pos ROI top edge returned in this parameter
221    *  @param width ROI width returned in this parameter
222    *  @param height ROI height returned in this parameter
223    */
getROI(size_t & left_pos,size_t & top_pos,size_t & width,size_t & height)224   void getROI(
225     size_t& left_pos,
226     size_t& top_pos,
227     size_t& width,
228     size_t& height) const
229   {
230     left_pos = roiLeft;
231     top_pos = roiTop;
232     width = roiWidth;
233     height = roiHeight;
234   }
236   /** returns planar configuration flag
237    *  @return planar configuration flag
238    */
getPlanarConfiguration()239   E_PlanarConfiguration getPlanarConfiguration() const
240   {
241     return planarConfiguration;
242   }
244   /** returns color conversion mode for compression
245    *  @return color conversion mode for compression
246    */
getCompressionColorSpaceConversion()247   E_CompressionColorSpaceConversion getCompressionColorSpaceConversion() const
248   {
249     return compressionCSConversion;
250   }
252   /** returns color conversion mode for compression
253    *  @return color conversion mode for compression
254    */
getDecompressionColorSpaceConversion()255   E_DecompressionColorSpaceConversion getDecompressionColorSpaceConversion() const
256   {
257     return decompressionCSConversion;
258   }
260   /** returns flag indicating if compression to be optimized for real pixel values
261    *  @return flag indicating if compression to be optimized for real pixel values
262    */
getUsePixelValues()263   OFBool getUsePixelValues() const
264   {
265     return usePixelValues;
266   }
268   /** returns flag indicating if compression should compute Rescale Slope/Intercept
269    *  @return flag indicating if compression should compute Rescale Slope/Intercept
270    */
getUseModalityRescale()271   OFBool getUseModalityRescale() const
272   {
273     return useModalityRescale;
274   }
276   /** Returns flag indicating if incorrect palette attribute tags should be accepted
277    *  @return flag indicating if incorrect palette attribute tags should be accepted
278    */
getAcceptWrongPaletteTags()279   OFBool getAcceptWrongPaletteTags() const
280   {
281     return acceptWrongPaletteTags;
282   }
284   /** Returns flag indicating if compatibility to old ACR-NEMA images without
285    *  photometric interpretation is enabled.
286    *  @return flag indicating if ACR-NEMA compatibility is enabled
287    */
getAcrNemaCompatibility()289   OFBool getAcrNemaCompatibility() const
290   {
291     return acrNemaCompatibility;
292   }
294   /** returns flag indicating if real lossless mode is enabled
295    *  @return flag indicating if real lossless mode is enabled
296    */
getTrueLosslessMode()297   OFBool getTrueLosslessMode() const
298   {
299     return trueLosslessMode;
300   }
302   /** returns flag indicating whether the workaround for buggy JPEG lossless images with incorrect predictor 6 is enabled
303    *  @return flag indicating whether the workaround for buggy JPEG lossless images with incorrect predictor 6 is enabled
304    */
predictor6WorkaroundEnabled()305   OFBool predictor6WorkaroundEnabled() const
306   {
307     return predictor6WorkaroundEnabled_;
308   }
310   /** returns flag indicating whether the workaround for buggy Cornell JPEG lossless images with Huffman table overflow is enabled
311    *  @return flag indicating whether the workaround for buggy Cornell JPEG lossless images with Huffman table overflow is enabled
312    */
cornellWorkaroundEnabled()313   OFBool cornellWorkaroundEnabled() const
314   {
315     return cornellWorkaroundEnabled_;
316   }
318   /** returns flag indicating whether one fragment per frame should be enforced while decoding
319    *  @return flag indicating whether one fragment per frame should be enforced while decoding
320    */
getForceSingleFragmentPerFrame()321   OFBool getForceSingleFragmentPerFrame() const
322   {
323     return forceSingleFragmentPerFrame;
324   }
326 private:
328   /// private undefined copy assignment operator
329   DJCodecParameter& operator=(const DJCodecParameter&);
331   /// color conversion mode for compression
332   E_CompressionColorSpaceConversion compressionCSConversion;
334   /// color conversion mode for decompression
335   E_DecompressionColorSpaceConversion decompressionCSConversion;
337   /// flag describing how planar configuration of decompressed color images should be handled
338   E_PlanarConfiguration planarConfiguration;
340   /// perform huffman table optimization for 8 bits/pixel compression?
341   OFBool optimizeHuffman;
343   /// smoothing factor for image compression, 0..100
344   int smoothingFactor;
346   /// forced bit depth for image compression, 0 (auto) or 8/12/16
347   int forcedBitDepth;
349   /// maximum fragment size (in kbytes) for compression, 0 for unlimited.
350   Uint32 fragmentSize;
352   /// create offset table during image compression
353   OFBool createOffsetTable;
355   /// subsampling mode for color image compression
356   E_SubSampling sampleFactors;
358   /** flag indicating whether a compressed YBR color stream should be marked
359    *  as YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 on DICOM level
360    */
361   OFBool writeYBR422;
363   /// flag indicating whether image should be converted to Secondary Capture upon compression
364   OFBool convertToSC;
366   /// mode for SOP Instance UID creation
367   E_UIDCreation uidCreation;
369   /** mode for VOI transformation of monochrome images. possible values:
370       0: no VOI transformation (default). See also variables
371          usePixelValues (default) or useModalityRescale denoting two
372          further variables tweaking compression behaviour.
373       1: use the n-th VOI window from the image file (see variable windowType)
374       2: use the n-th VOI look up table from the image file (see variable windowType)
375       3: compute VOI window using min-max algorithm
376       4: compute VOI window using Histogram algorithm, ignoring n percent
377       5: compute VOI window using center r and width s
378       6: compute VOI window using min-max algorithm ignoring extremes
379       7: compute region of interest VOI window
380    */
381   size_t windowType;
383   /// parameter for VOI transform of monochrome images, used in modes 1, 2, 4, 6
384   size_t windowParameter;
386   /// VOI window center for mode 5
387   double voiCenter;
389   /// VOI window width for mode 5
390   double voiWidth;
392   /// Region of Interest left corner for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
393   size_t roiLeft;
395   /// Region of Interest upper corner for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
396   size_t roiTop;
398   /// Region of Interest width for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
399   size_t roiWidth;
401   /// Region of Interest height for for VOI transform of monochrome images, mode 7
402   size_t roiHeight;
404   /// Check smallest and largest pixel value and optimize compression, mode 0 only
405   OFBool usePixelValues;
407   /// Create Rescale Slope/Intercept to scale back to original pixel range, mode 0 only
408   OFBool useModalityRescale;
410   /// Accept wrong palette attribute tags
411   OFBool acceptWrongPaletteTags;
413   /// Compatibility with old ACR-NEMA images without photometric interpretation
414   OFBool acrNemaCompatibility;
416   /// True losless mode, replaces old "pseudo" lossless encoders, when true (default)
417   OFBool trueLosslessMode;
419   /// flag indicating that the workaround for buggy JPEG lossless images with incorrect predictor 6 is enabled
420   OFBool predictor6WorkaroundEnabled_;
422   /// flag indicating that the workaround for buggy Cornell JPEG lossless images with huffman table overflow is enabled
423   OFBool cornellWorkaroundEnabled_;
425   /** flag indicating that while decompressing a multiframe image one fragment per frame
426    *  should be assumed even if the JPEG data for some frame is incomplete
427    */
428   OFBool forceSingleFragmentPerFrame;
430 };
433 #endif