1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2010-2018, OFFIS e.V.
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module:  ofstd
15  *
16  *  Author:  Uli Schlachter
17  *
18  *  Purpose: Defines a template vector class based on the STL vector class
19  *
20  */
22 #ifndef OFVECTOR_H
23 #define OFVECTOR_H
25 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
28 #error Your C++ compiler cannot handle class templates:
29 #endif
33 // Use the standard template library (STL) vector class.
34 #include <vector>
37 #define OFVector std::vector
38 #else
39 #define OFVector vector
40 #endif
42 #else
44 #define INCLUDE_CASSERT          /* for assert() */
45 #define INCLUDE_CSTDLIB          /* for NULL */
46 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/ofstdinc.h"
47 #include "dcmtk/ofstd/oftypes.h" /* for OFBool */
49 /** this is a resizable array. You can add and remove elements after it was
50  *  created and this class will handle all the memory management needed. This
51  *  implements parts of std::vector's features.
52  */
53 template<typename T>
54 class OFVector
55 {
56 public:
57     /** the type of elements that this OFVector stores */
58     typedef T        value_type;
59     /** the type used for sizes and indexes */
60     typedef size_t   size_type;
61     /** the type of mutable iterators on this object */
62     typedef T*       iterator;
63     /** the type of constant iterators on this object */
64     typedef const T* const_iterator;
65     /** the type of mutable references on this object */
66     typedef T&       reference;
67     /** the type of constant references on this object */
68     typedef const T& const_reference;
70 protected:
72     /** array that is used for storing the entries in this OFVector */
73     T* values_;
75     /** the size for which values_ was allocated */
76     size_type allocated_;
78     /** the number of valid entries in values_. elements past this
79      *  index have undefined content.
80      */
81     size_type size_;
83 public:
85     /** default constructor. This creates an empty OFVector. */
OFVector()86     OFVector() : values_(NULL), allocated_(0), size_(0)
87     {
89     }
91     /** copy constructor.
92      *  @param other OFVector from which all elements are copied
93      */
OFVector(const OFVector & other)94     OFVector(const OFVector& other) : values_(NULL), allocated_(0), size_(0)
95     {
96         reserve(other.size());
97         for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != other.end(); ++it)
98             push_back(*it);
99     }
101     /** construct an OFVector with predefined content.
102      *  @param n number of elements that this OFVector should have.
103      *  @param v The value used for all elements.
104      */
values_(NULL)105     explicit OFVector(size_type n, const T& v = T()) : values_(NULL), allocated_(0), size_(0)
106     {
107         if (n > 0)
108             resize(n, v);
109         else
110             // Make sure that values_ never is a NULL pointer
111             reserve(0);
112     }
114     /** construct an OFVector from a range of iterators.
115      *  @param from first iterator to include
116      *  @param to first iterator that should not be included anymore
117      */
OFVector(const_iterator from,const_iterator to)118     OFVector(const_iterator from, const_iterator to) : values_(NULL), allocated_(0), size_(0)
119     {
120         reserve(to - from);
121         while (from != to)
122             push_back(*(from++));
123     }
125     /** destructor. Frees all memory used by this object.
126      */
~OFVector()127     ~OFVector()
128     {
129         delete[] values_;
130     }
132     /** assignment operator. All elements from this object are removed and then
133      *  a copy of other is made. All iterators to this object will become
134      *  invalid.
135      *  @param other OFVector instance to copy elements from.
136      */
137     OFVector& operator=(const OFVector& other)
138     {
139         if (this == &other)
140             return *this;
142         clear();
143         reserve(other.size());
144         for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != other.end(); ++it)
145             push_back(*it);
146         return *this;
147     }
149     /** swap this vector's content with some other vector.
150      *  All iterators will stay valid.
151      *  @param other object to swap with
152      */
swap(OFVector & other)153     void swap(OFVector& other)
154     {
155         T* tmp_val = values_;
156         size_type tmp_all = allocated_;
157         size_type tmp_size = size_;
159         values_ = other.values_;
160         allocated_ = other.allocated_;
161         size_ = other.size_;
163         other.values_ = tmp_val;
164         other.allocated_ = tmp_all;
165         other.size_ = tmp_size;
166     }
168     /** get an iterator for the first element in this object.
169      *  @return iterator that points to the first element.
170      */
begin()171     iterator begin() { return &values_[0]; }
173     /** get an iterator for the first element in this object.
174      *  @return iterator that points to the first element.
175      */
begin()176     const_iterator begin() const { return &values_[0]; }
178     /** get an iterator that points past the last valid object.
179      *  @return iterator that points to the end of this OFVector.
180      */
end()181     iterator end() { return &values_[size_]; }
183     /** get an iterator that points past the last valid object.
184      *  @return iterator that points to the end of this OFVector.
185      */
end()186     const_iterator end() const { return &values_[size_]; }
188     /** get the size of this OFVector.
189      *  @return number of elements in this instance.
190      */
size()191     size_type size() const { return size_; }
193     /** check whether this OFVector is empty.
194      *  @return true if this OFVector is empty.
195      */
empty()196     OFBool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
198     /** clear this OFVector. The existing content will be freed and all
199      *  iterators become invalid.
200      */
clear()201     void clear()
202     {
203         delete[] values_;
204         values_ = NULL;
205         size_ = 0;
206         allocated_ = 0;
207         // We must never have values_ == NULL
208         reserve(0);
209     }
211     /** removes an entry from this OFVector.
212      *  All iterators pointing to the element removed or elements that come
213      *  behind it in this OFVector will become invalid.
214      *  @param it iterator for the entry that should be removed.
215      */
erase(iterator it)216     void erase(iterator it)
217     {
218         size_type idx = it - begin();
219         for (size_type i = idx + 1; i < size_; i++) {
220             values_[i - 1] = values_[i];
221         }
222         size_--;
223     }
225     /** insert an entry in this OFVector.
226      *  All iterators for this OFVector become invalid.
227      *  @param it the new element will be inserted in front of the element to
228      *            which this iterator points.
229      *  @param v the element to insert
230      *  @return iterator for the newly inserted element.
231      */
insert(iterator it,const T & v)232     iterator insert(iterator it, const T& v)
233     {
234         size_type idx = it - begin();
236         if (size_ == allocated_) {
237             reserve(size_ * 2);
238         }
240         if (idx < size_)
241             for (size_type i = size_; i > idx; i--) {
242                 values_[i] = values_[i - 1];
243             }
244         values_[idx] = v;
245         size_++;
246         return &values_[idx];
247     }
249     /** insert a range of elements in this OFVector.
250      *  All iterators for this OFVector become invalid.
251      *  @param it the new elements will be inserted in front of the element to
252      *            which this iterator points.
253      *  @param from iterator to the beginning of the range to insert.
254      *  @param to iterator past the end of the range to insert.
255      */
256     template<class InputIterator>
insert(iterator it,InputIterator from,InputIterator to)257     void insert(iterator it, InputIterator from, InputIterator to)
258     {
259         while (from != to)
260         {
261             it = insert(it, *from);
262             it++;
263             from++;
264         }
265     }
267     /** get a reference to the first element of this vector.
268      *  @return reference to the first element.
269      */
front()270     T& front()
271     {
272         return values_[0];
273     }
275     /** get a reference to the first element of this vector.
276      *  @return reference to the first element.
277      */
front()278     const T& front() const
279     {
280         return values_[0];
281     }
283     /** get a reference to the last element of this vector.
284      *  @return reference to the last element.
285      */
back()286     T& back()
287     {
288         return values_[size_ - 1];
289     }
291     /** get a reference to the last element of this vector.
292      *  @return reference to the last element.
293      */
back()294     const T& back() const
295     {
296         return values_[size_ - 1];
297     }
299     /** insert an entry at the end of this object
300      *  @param v the value to insert
301      */
push_back(const T & v)302     void push_back(const T& v)
303     {
304         insert(end(), v);
305     }
307     /** remove the last entry in this object
308      */
pop_back()309     void pop_back()
310     {
311         erase(end() - 1);
312     }
314     /** access an entry by index. undefined behavior occurs when the index is
315      *  out of bounds (bigger than the maximum allowed index).
316      *  @param i index of the element to return
317      *  @return reference to the element.
318      */
319     T& operator[](size_type i)
320     {
321         return values_[i];
322     }
324     /** access an entry by index. undefined behavior occurs when the index is
325      *  out of bounds (bigger than the maximum allowed index).
326      *  @param i index of the element to return
327      *  @return reference to the element.
328      */
329     const T& operator[](size_type i) const
330     {
331         return values_[i];
332     }
334     /** access an entry by index.
335      *  @param i index of the element to return
336      *  @return reference to the element.
337      */
at(size_type i)338     T& at(size_type i)
339     {
340         assert(i < size_);
341         return (*this)[i];
342     }
344     /** access an entry by index.
345      *  @param i index of the element to return
346      *  @return reference to the element.
347      */
at(size_type i)348     const T& at(size_type i) const
349     {
350         assert(i < size_);
351         return (*this)[i];
352     }
354     /** resize this OFVector. after this call, size() will be n.
355      *  @param n the new size that this object should use
356      *  @param v if any new elements need to be inserted, they get this value.
357      */
358     void resize(size_type n, T v = T())
359     {
360         if (n > size_)
361         {
362             reserve(n);
363             // Set up the new elements
364             for (size_t i = size_; i < n; i++)
365                 values_[i] = v;
366         }
367         size_ = n;
368     }
370     /** reserves enough space for the given number of elements. from now on, no
371      *  memory allocations will occur as long as this OFVector's size stays
372      *  below n and clear() is not called.
373      *  @param n the number of elements for which space should be reserved.
374      */
reserve(size_type n)375     void reserve(size_type n)
376     {
377         T* old_values = values_;
378         T* new_values;
380         if (n == 0)
381             n = 1;
382         if (n <= allocated_)
383             return;
385         // While we are at it, let's reserve some extra space
386         n += 10;
388         new_values = new T[n];
389         if (old_values)
390         {
391             for (size_type i = 0; i < size_; i++)
392                 new_values[i] = old_values[i];
393             delete[] old_values;
394         }
396         values_ = new_values;
397         allocated_ = n;
398     }
399 };
401 #endif
403 #endif