1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_convergence_table_h
17 #define dealii_convergence_table_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/table_handler.h>
27 /**
28  * The ConvergenceTable class is an application to the TableHandler class and
29  * stores some convergence data, such as residuals of the cg-method, or some
30  * evaluated <i>L<sup>2</sup></i>-errors of discrete solutions, etc, and
31  * evaluates convergence rates or orders.
32  *
33  * The already implemented #RateMode's are #reduction_rate, where the
34  * convergence rate is the quotient of two following rows, and
35  * #reduction_rate_log2, that evaluates the order of convergence. These
36  * standard evaluations are useful for global refinement, for local refinement
37  * this may not be an appropriate method, as the convergence rates should be
38  * set in relation to the number of cells or the number of DoFs. The
39  * implementations of these non-standard methods is left to a user.
40  *
41  * The number of cells and the number of DoFs may be added to the table by
42  * calling e.g.  <tt>add_value("n cells", n_cells)</tt>. The table data is
43  * also added by calling add_value().  Before the output of the table the
44  * functions evaluate_convergence_rates() and evaluate_all_convergence_rates()
45  * may be called.
46  *
47  * There are two possibilities of how to evaluate the convergence rates of
48  * multiple columns in the same RateMode.
49  * <ol>
50  * <li> call evaluate_convergence_rates() for all wanted columns
51  * <li> call omit_column_from_convergence_rate_evaluation() for all columns
52  * for which this evaluation is not desired and then
53  * evaluate_all_convergence_rates() to evaluate the convergence rates of all
54  * columns that have not been flagged for omission.
55  * </ol>
56  *
57  * A detailed discussion of this class can also be found in the step-7 and
58  * step-13 example programs.
59  *
60  * @ingroup textoutput
61  */
62 class ConvergenceTable : public TableHandler
63 {
64 public:
65   /**
66    * Constructor.
67    */
68   ConvergenceTable() = default;
70   /**
71    * Rate in relation to the rows.
72    */
73   enum RateMode
74   {
75     /**
76      * Do not do anything.
77      */
78     none,
79     /**
80      * Quotient of values in the previous row and in this row.
81      */
82     reduction_rate,
83     /**
84      * Logarithm of #reduction_rate to the base 2 representing the order of
85      * convergence when halving the grid size, e.g. from h to h/2.
86      */
87     reduction_rate_log2
88   };
90   /**
91    * Evaluate the convergence rates of the data column
92    * <tt>data_column_key</tt> due to the #RateMode in relation to the
93    * reference column <tt>reference_column_key</tt>. Be sure that the value
94    * types of the table entries of the data column and the reference data
95    * column is a number, i.e. double, float, (unsigned) int, and so on.
96    *
97    * As this class has no information on the space dimension upon which the
98    * reference column vs. the value column is based upon, it needs to be
99    * passed as last argument to this method. The <i>default dimension for the
100    * reference column</i> is 2, which is appropriate for the number of cells
101    * in 2D. If you work in 3D, set the number to 3. If the reference column is
102    * $1/h$, remember to set the dimension to 1 also when working in 3D to get
103    * correct rates.
104    *
105    * The new rate column and the data column will be merged to a supercolumn.
106    * The tex caption of the supercolumn will be (by default) the same as the
107    * one of the data column. This may be changed by using the
108    * <tt>set_tex_supercaption (...)</tt> function of the base class
109    * TableHandler.
110    *
111    * This method behaves in the following way:
112    *
113    * If RateMode is reduction_rate, then the computed output is $
114    * \frac{e_{n-1}/k_{n-1}}{e_n/k_n}, $ where $k$ is the reference column (no
115    * dimension dependence!).
116    *
117    * If RateMode is reduction_rate_log2, then the computed output is $ dim
118    * \frac{\log |e_{n-1}/e_{n}|}{\log |k_n/k_{n-1}|} $.
119    *
120    * This is useful, for example, if we use as reference key the number of
121    * degrees of freedom or better, the number of cells.  Assuming that the
122    * error is proportional to $ C (1/\sqrt{k})^r $ in 2D, then this method
123    * will produce the rate $r$ as a result. For general dimension, as
124    * described by the last parameter of this function, the formula needs to be
125    * $ C (1/\sqrt[dim]{k})^r $.
126    *
127    * @note Since this function adds columns to the table after several rows
128    * have already been filled, it switches off the auto fill mode of the
129    * TableHandler base class. If you intend to add further data with auto
130    * fill, you will have to re-enable it after calling this function.
131    */
132   void
133   evaluate_convergence_rates(const std::string &data_column_key,
134                              const std::string &reference_column_key,
135                              const RateMode     rate_mode,
136                              const unsigned int dim = 2);
139   /**
140    * Evaluate the convergence rates of the data column
141    * <tt>data_column_key</tt> due to the #RateMode.  Be sure that the value
142    * types of the table entries of the data column is a number, i.e. double,
143    * float, (unsigned) int, and so on.
144    *
145    * The new rate column and the data column will be merged to a supercolumn.
146    * The tex caption of the supercolumn will be (by default) the same as the
147    * one of the data column. This may be changed by using the
148    * set_tex_supercaption() function of the base class TableHandler.
149    *
150    * @note Since this function adds columns to the table after several rows
151    * have already been filled, it switches off the auto fill mode of the
152    * TableHandler base class. If you intend to add further data with auto
153    * fill, you will have to re-enable it after calling this function.
154    */
155   void
156   evaluate_convergence_rates(const std::string &data_column_key,
157                              const RateMode     rate_mode);
159   /**
160    * Omit this column <tt>key</tt> (not supercolumn!) from the evaluation of
161    * the convergence rates of `all' columns (see the following two functions).
162    *
163    * The Column::flag==1 is reserved for omitting the column from convergence
164    * rate evaluation.
165    */
166   void
167   omit_column_from_convergence_rate_evaluation(const std::string &key);
169   /**
170    * Evaluate convergence rates due to the <tt>rate_mode</tt> in relation to
171    * the reference column <tt>reference_column_key</tt>. This function
172    * evaluates the rates of ALL columns except of the columns that are to be
173    * omitted (see previous function) and except of the columns that are
174    * previously evaluated rate columns.  This function allows to evaluate the
175    * convergence rate for almost all columns of a table without calling
176    * evaluate_convergence_rates() for each column separately.
177    *
178    * Example: Columns like <tt>n cells</tt> or <tt>n dofs</tt> columns may be
179    * wanted to be omitted in the evaluation of the convergence rates. Hence
180    * they should omitted by calling the
181    * omit_column_from_convergence_rate_evaluation().
182    */
183   void
184   evaluate_all_convergence_rates(const std::string &reference_column_key,
185                                  const RateMode     rate_mode);
187   /**
188    * Evaluate convergence rates due to the <tt>rate_mode</tt>. This function
189    * evaluates the rates of ALL columns except of the columns that are to be
190    * omitted (see previous function) and except of the columns that are
191    * previously evaluated rate columns.  This function allows to evaluate the
192    * convergence rate for almost all columns of a table without calling
193    * evaluate_convergence_rates() for each column separately.
194    *
195    * Example: Columns like <tt>n cells</tt> or <tt>n dofs</tt> columns may be
196    * wanted to be omitted in the evaluation of the convergence rates. Hence
197    * they should omitted by calling the
198    * omit_column_from_convergence_rate_evaluation().
199    */
200   void
201   evaluate_all_convergence_rates(const RateMode rate_mode);
203   /**
204    * @addtogroup Exceptions
205    * @{
206    */
208   /**
209    * Exception
210    */
211   DeclException1(ExcRateColumnAlreadyExists,
212                  std::string,
213                  << "Rate column <" << arg1 << "> does already exist.");
214   //@}
215 };
220 #endif