1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2015 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_fe_nedelec_sz_h
17 #define dealii_fe_nedelec_sz_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/polynomials_integrated_legendre_sz.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/qprojector.h>
25 #include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
26 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
27 #include <deal.II/fe/mapping.h>
31 /*!@addtogroup fe */
32 /*@{*/
34 /**
35  * This class represents an implementation of the
36  * H<sup>curl</sup>-conforming N&eacute;d&eacute;lec element described in the
37  * PhD thesis of S. Zaglmayr, <b>High Order Finite Element Methods for
38  * Electromagnetic Field Computation</b>, Johannes Kepler Universit&auml;t Linz,
39  * 2006. It its used in the same context as described at the top of the
40  * description for the FE_Nedelec class.
41  *
42  * This element overcomes the sign conflict issues present in
43  * traditional N&eacute;d&eacute;lec elements that arise from the edge
44  * and face parameterizations used in the basis functions. Therefore,
45  * this element should provide consistent results for general
46  * quadrilateral and hexahedral elements for which the relative
47  * orientations of edges and faces as seen from all adjacent cells are
48  * often difficult to establish.
49  *
50  * The way this element addresses the sign conflict problem is to
51  * assign local edges and faces a globally defined orientation. The
52  * local edge orientation is always chosen such that the first vertex
53  * defining the edge is the one that has the highest global vertex
54  * numbering, with the second edge vertex being that which has the
55  * lowest global vertex numbering.
56  *
57  * Similarly, the face orientation is always chosen such that the first
58  * vertex is chosen to be that with the highest global vertex numbering of the
59  * four vertices making up the face. The third vertex is then chosen to be that
60  * which is geometrically opposite the first vertex, and the second and fourth
61  * vertices are decided such that the second has a higher global vertex
62  * numbering than the fourth.
63  *
64  * Note that this element does not support non-conforming meshes at this time.
65  *
66  * Further details on this element, including some benchmarking, can be
67  * in the paper R. Kynch, P. Ledger: <b>Resolving the sign conflict
68  * problem for hp-hexahedral N&eacute;d&eacute;lec elements with application to
69  * eddy current problems</b>, Computers & Structures 181, 41-54, 2017 (see
70  * https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruc.2016.05.021).
71  */
72 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
73 class FE_NedelecSZ : public FiniteElement<dim, dim>
74 {
75 public:
76   static_assert(dim == spacedim,
77                 "FE_NedelecSZ is only implemented for dim==spacedim!");
79   /**
80    * Constructor for the NedelecSZ element of given @p order. The maximal
81    * polynomial degree of the shape functions is `order+1` (in each variable;
82    * the total polynomial degree may be higher). If `order = 0`, the element is
83    * linear and has degrees of freedom only on the edges. If `order >= 1` the
84    * element has degrees of freedom on the edges, faces and volume. For example
85    * the 3D version of FE_NedelecSZ has 12 degrees of freedom for `order = 0`
86    * and 54 for `degree = 1`. It is important to have enough quadrature points
87    * in order to perform the quadrature with sufficient accuracy.
88    * For example [QGauss<dim>(order + 2)](@ref QGauss) can be used for the
89    * quadrature formula, where `order` is the order of FE_NedelecSZ.
90    */
91   FE_NedelecSZ(const unsigned int order);
93   virtual UpdateFlags
94   requires_update_flags(const UpdateFlags update_flags) const override;
96   virtual std::string
97   get_name() const override;
99   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, dim>>
100   clone() const override;
102   /**
103    * This element is vector-valued so this function will
104    * throw an exception.
105    */
106   virtual double
107   shape_value(const unsigned int i, const Point<dim> &p) const override;
109   /**
110    * Not implemented.
111    */
112   virtual double
113   shape_value_component(const unsigned int i,
114                         const Point<dim> & p,
115                         const unsigned int component) const override;
117   /**
118    * This element is vector-valued so this function will
119    * throw an exception.
120    */
121   virtual Tensor<1, dim>
122   shape_grad(const unsigned int i, const Point<dim> &p) const override;
124   /**
125    * Not implemented.
126    */
127   virtual Tensor<1, dim>
128   shape_grad_component(const unsigned int i,
129                        const Point<dim> & p,
130                        const unsigned int component) const override;
132   /**
133    * This element is vector-valued so this function will
134    * throw an exception.
135    */
136   virtual Tensor<2, dim>
137   shape_grad_grad(const unsigned int i, const Point<dim> &p) const override;
139   /**
140    * Not implemented.
141    */
142   virtual Tensor<2, dim>
143   shape_grad_grad_component(const unsigned int i,
144                             const Point<dim> & p,
145                             const unsigned int component) const override;
147 protected:
148   /**
149    * The mapping kind to be used to map shape functions from the reference
150    * cell to the mesh cell.
151    */
152   MappingKind mapping_kind;
154   virtual std::unique_ptr<
155     typename dealii::FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>::InternalDataBase>
156   get_data(
157     const UpdateFlags             update_flags,
158     const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &mapping,
159     const Quadrature<dim> &       quadrature,
160     dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::FiniteElementRelatedData<dim,
161                                                                        spacedim>
162       &output_data) const override;
164   /**
165    * Compute information about the shape functions on the cell denoted by the
166    * first argument. Note that this function must recompute the cell-dependent
167    * degrees of freedom, and so is not thread-safe at this time.
168    */
169   virtual void
170   fill_fe_values(
171     const typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
172     const CellSimilarity::Similarity                       cell_similarity,
173     const Quadrature<dim> &                                quadrature,
174     const Mapping<dim, dim> &                              mapping,
175     const typename Mapping<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &   mapping_internal,
176     const dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::MappingRelatedData<dim, dim>
177       &                                                       mapping_data,
178     const typename FiniteElement<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
179     dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::FiniteElementRelatedData<dim, dim>
180       &data) const override;
182   /**
183    * Compute information about the shape functions on the cell and face denoted
184    * by the first two arguments. Note that this function must recompute the
185    * cell-dependent degrees of freedom, and so is not thread-safe at this time.
186    */
187   virtual void
188   fill_fe_face_values(
189     const typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
190     const unsigned int                                     face_no,
191     const Quadrature<dim - 1> &                            quadrature,
192     const Mapping<dim, dim> &                              mapping,
193     const typename Mapping<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &   mapping_internal,
194     const dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::MappingRelatedData<dim, dim>
195       &                                                       mapping_data,
196     const typename FiniteElement<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
197     dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::FiniteElementRelatedData<dim, dim>
198       &data) const override;
200   /**
201    * Not implemented.
202    */
203   virtual void
204   fill_fe_subface_values(
205     const typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
206     const unsigned int                                     face_no,
207     const unsigned int                                     sub_no,
208     const Quadrature<dim - 1> &                            quadrature,
209     const Mapping<dim, dim> &                              mapping,
210     const typename Mapping<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &   mapping_internal,
211     const dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::MappingRelatedData<dim, dim>
212       &                                                       mapping_data,
213     const typename FiniteElement<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase &fedata,
214     dealii::internal::FEValuesImplementation::FiniteElementRelatedData<dim, dim>
215       &data) const override;
217   /**
218    * Derived Internal data which is used to store cell-independent data.
219    * Note that due to the nature of this element, a number of useful
220    * pre-computed quantities are stored for the computation of cell-dependent
221    * shape functions.
222    *
223    * The main quantities which are stored are associated with edge and face
224    * parameterizations. These are:
225    * <ul>
226    * <li> $\lambda_{i}$ - trilinear function, equal to one at the $i$-th vertex
227    * and zero at all other vertices.</li>
228    * <li> $\sigma_{i}$ - linear functional associated with the $i$-th vertex.</li>
229    * </ul>
230    *
231    * The definitions of these functionals, as well as the edge and face
232    * parameterizations and edge and face extension parameters, can be found on
233    * page 82 of Zaglmayr's thesis. The details of the definition of the
234    * globally-defined edge and face orientations can be found on page 67.
235    */
236   class InternalData : public FiniteElement<dim, dim>::InternalDataBase
237   {
238   public:
239     /**
240      * Storage for shape functions on the reference element. We only pre-compute
241      * cell-based DoFs, as the edge- and face-based DoFs depend on the cell.
242      *
243      * Due to the cell-dependent DoFs, this variable is declared mutable.
244      */
245     mutable std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>>> shape_values;
247     /**
248      * Storage for shape function gradients on the reference element. We only
249      * pre-compute cell-based DoFs, as the edge- and face-based DoFs depend on
250      * the cell.
251      *
252      * Due to the cell-dependent DoFs, this variable is declared mutable.
253      */
254     mutable std::vector<std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, dim>>> shape_grads;
256     /**
257      * Storage for all possible edge parameterization between vertices. These
258      * are required in the computation of edge- and face-based DoFs, which are
259      * cell-dependent.
260      *
261      * The edge parameterization of an edge, E, starting at vertex i and ending
262      * at vertex $j$ is given by $\sigma_{E} = \sigma_{i} - \sigma{j}$.
263      *
264      * sigma_imj_values[q][i][j] stores the value of the edge parameterization
265      * connected by vertices $i$ and $j$ at the q-th quadrature point.
266      *
267      * Note that not all of the $i$ and $j$ combinations result in valid edges
268      * on the hexahedral cell, but they are computed in this fashion for use
269      * with non-standard edge and face orientations.
270      */
271     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> sigma_imj_values;
273     /**
274      * Storage for gradients of all possible edge parameterizations between
275      * vertices. These are required in the computation of edge- and face-based
276      * DoFs, which are cell-dependent. Note that the components of the gradient
277      * are constant.
278      *
279      * The edge parameterization of an edge, $E$, starting at vertex $i$ and
280      * ending at vertex $j$ is given by $\sigma_{E} = \sigma_{i} - \sigma{j}$.
281      *
282      * sigma_imj_grads[i][j][d] stores the gradient of the edge parameterization
283      * connected by vertices $i$ and $j$ in component $d$.
284      *
285      * Note that the gradient of the edge parameterization is constant on an
286      * edge, so we do not need to store it at every quadrature point.
287      */
288     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> sigma_imj_grads;
290     /**
291      * Storage for values of edge parameterizations at quadrature points. These
292      * are stored for the 12 edges such that the global vertex numbering would
293      * follow the order defined by the "standard" deal.II cell.
294      *
295      * edge_sigma_values[m][q] stores the edge parameterization value at the
296      * q-th quadrature point on edge m.
297      *
298      * These values change with the orientation of the edges of a physical cell
299      * and so must take the "sign" into account when used for computation.
300      */
301     std::vector<std::vector<double>> edge_sigma_values;
303     /**
304      * Storage for gradients of edge parameterization at quadrature points.
305      * These are stored for the 12 edges such that the global vertex numbering
306      * would follow the order defined by the "standard" deal.II cell.
307      *
308      * edge_sigma_grads[m][d] stores the gradient of the edge parameterization
309      * for component d on edge m.
310      *
311      * These values change with the orientation of the edges of a physical cell
312      * and so must take the "sign" into account when used for computation.
313      */
314     std::vector<std::vector<double>> edge_sigma_grads;
316     /**
317      * Storage for edge extension parameters at quadrature points. These are
318      * stored for the 12 edges such that the global vertex numbering would
319      * follow the order defined by the "standard" deal.II cell.
320      *
321      * The edge extension parameter of an edge, $E$, starting at vertex $i$ and
322      * ending at vertex $j$ is given by $\lambda_{E} = \lambda_{i} +
323      * \lambda_{j}$.
324      *
325      * Note that under this definition, the values of $\lambda_{E}$ do not
326      * change with the orientation of the edge.
327      *
328      * edge_lambda_values[m][q] stores the edge extension parameter value at
329      * the $q$-th quadrature point on edge $m$.
330      */
331     std::vector<std::vector<double>> edge_lambda_values;
333     /**
334      * Storage for gradients of edge extension parameters in 2D. In this case
335      * they are constant. These are stored for the 12 edges such that the global
336      * vertex numbering* would follow the order defined by the "standard"
337      * deal.II cell.
338      *
339      * edge_lambda_grads_2d[m][d] stores the gradient of the edge extension
340      * parameter for component $d$ on edge $m$.
341      */
342     std::vector<std::vector<double>> edge_lambda_grads_2d;
344     /**
345      * Storage for gradients of edge extension parameters in 3D. In this case
346      * they are non-constant. These are stored for the 12 edges such that the
347      * global vertex numbering* would follow the order defined by the
348      * "standard" deal.II cell.
349      *
350      * edge_lambda_grads_3d[m][q][d] stores the gradient of the edge extension
351      * parameter for component $d$ at the $q$-th quadrature point on edge m.
352      */
353     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> edge_lambda_grads_3d;
355     /**
356      * Storage for 2nd derivatives of edge extension parameters in 3D, which are
357      * constant across the cell. These are stored for the 12 edges such that the
358      * global vertex numbering* would follow the order defined by the
359      * "standard" deal.II cell.
360      *
361      * edge_lambda_gradgrads_3d[m][d1][d2] stores the 2nd derivatives of the
362      * edge extension parameters with respect to components d1 and d2 on edge
363      * $m$.
364      */
365     std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double>>> edge_lambda_gradgrads_3d;
367     /**
368      * Storage for the face extension parameters. These are stored for the 6
369      * faces such that the global vertex numbering would follow the order
370      * defined by the "standard" deal.II cell.
371      *
372      * The face extension parameter of a face, F, defined by the vertices
373      * v1, v2, v3, v4 is given by
374      * $\lambda_{F} = \lambda_{v1} + \lambda_{v2} + \lambda_{v3} +
375      * \lambda_{v4}$.
376      *
377      * Note that under this definition, the values of $\lambda_{F}$ do not
378      * change with the orientation of the face.
379      *
380      * face_lambda_values[m][q] stores the face extension parameter value at
381      * the $q$-th quadrature point on face $m$.
382      */
383     std::vector<std::vector<double>> face_lambda_values;
385     /**
386      * Storage for gradients of face extension parameters. These are stored for
387      * the 6 faces such that the global vertex numbering would follow the order
388      * defined by the "standard" deal.II cell.
389      *
390      * face_lambda_grads[m][d] stores the gradient of the face extension
391      * parameters for component $d$ on face $m$.
392      */
393     std::vector<std::vector<double>> face_lambda_grads;
394   };
396 private:
397   /**
398    * Internal function to return a vector of "dofs per object"
399    * where the components of the returned vector refer to:
400    * 0 = vertex
401    * 1 = edge
402    * 2 = face (which is a cell in 2D)
403    * 3 = cell
404    */
405   static std::vector<unsigned int>
406   get_dpo_vector(const unsigned int degree);
408   /**
409    * Internal storage for all required integrated Legendre polynomials.
410    */
411   std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>> IntegratedLegendrePolynomials;
413   /**
414    * Internal function to populate the internal array of integrated Legendre
415    * polynomials.
416    */
417   void
418   create_polynomials(const unsigned int degree);
420   /**
421    * Returns the number of DoFs in the basis set.
422    */
423   unsigned int
424   compute_num_dofs(const unsigned int degree) const;
426   /**
427    * Populates cell-dependent edge-based shape functions on the given
428    * InternalData object.
429    */
430   void
431   fill_edge_values(const typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
432                    const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
433                    const InternalData &   fedata) const;
435   /**
436    * Populates the cell-dependent face-based shape functions on the given
437    * InternalData object.
438    */
439   void
440   fill_face_values(const typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
441                    const Quadrature<dim> &quadrature,
442                    const InternalData &   fedata) const;
443 };
447 /*@}*/
451 #endif