1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #ifndef dealii_fe_q_bubbles_h
18 #define dealii_fe_q_bubbles_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/tensor_product_polynomials_bubbles.h>
24 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_q_base.h>
29 /*!@addtogroup fe */
30 /*@{*/
32 /**
33  * Implementation of a scalar Lagrange finite element @p Q_p^+ that yields the
34  * finite element space of continuous, piecewise polynomials of degree @p p in
35  * each coordinate direction plus some bubble enrichment space spanned by
36  * $(2x_j-1)^{p-1}\prod_{i=0}^{dim-1}(x_i(1-x_i))$. Therefore the highest
37  * polynomial degree is $p+1$. This class is realized using tensor product
38  * polynomials based on equidistant or given support points.
39  *
40  * The standard constructor of this class takes the degree @p p of this finite
41  * element. Alternatively, it can take a quadrature formula @p points defining
42  * the support points of the Lagrange interpolation in one coordinate
43  * direction.
44  *
45  * For more information about the <tt>spacedim</tt> template parameter check
46  * the documentation of FiniteElement or the one of Triangulation.
47  *
48  * Due to the fact that the enrichments are small almost everywhere for large
49  * p, the condition number for the mass and stiffness matrix fastly
50  * increaseses with increasing p. Below you see a comparison with
51  * FE_Q(QGaussLobatto(p+1)) for dim=1.
52  *
53  * <p ALIGN="center">
54  * @image html fe_q_bubbles_conditioning.png
55  * </p>
56  *
57  * Therefore, this element should be used with care for $p>3$.
58  *
59  * <h3>Implementation</h3>
60  *
61  * The constructor creates a TensorProductPolynomials object that includes the
62  * tensor product of @p LagrangeEquidistant polynomials of degree @p p plus
63  * the bubble enrichments. This @p TensorProductPolynomialsBubbles object
64  * provides all values and derivatives of the shape functions. In case a
65  * quadrature rule is given, the constructor creates a
66  * TensorProductPolynomialsBubbles object that includes the tensor product of
67  * @p Lagrange polynomials with the support points from @p points and the
68  * bubble enrichments as defined above.
69  *
70  * Furthermore the constructor fills the @p interface_constrains, the @p
71  * prolongation (embedding) and the @p restriction matrices.
72  *
73  * <h3>Numbering of the degrees of freedom (DoFs)</h3>
74  *
75  * The original ordering of the shape functions represented by the
76  * TensorProductPolynomialsBubbles is a tensor product numbering. However, the
77  * shape functions on a cell are renumbered beginning with the shape functions
78  * whose support points are at the vertices, then on the line, on the quads,
79  * and finally (for 3d) on the hexes. Finally, there are support points for
80  * the bubble enrichments in the middle of the cell.
81  */
82 template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
83 class FE_Q_Bubbles
84   : public FE_Q_Base<TensorProductPolynomialsBubbles<dim>, dim, spacedim>
85 {
86 public:
87   /**
88    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials of degree @p p plus bubble
89    * enrichments
90    */
91   FE_Q_Bubbles(const unsigned int p);
93   /**
94    * Constructor for tensor product polynomials with support points @p points
95    * plus bubble enrichments based on a one-dimensional quadrature formula.
96    * The degree of the finite element is <tt>points.size()</tt>. Note that the
97    * first point has to be 0 and the last one 1.
98    */
99   FE_Q_Bubbles(const Quadrature<1> &points);
101   /**
102    * Return a string that uniquely identifies a finite element. This class
103    * returns <tt>FE_Q_Bubbles<dim>(degree)</tt>, with @p dim and @p degree
104    * replaced by appropriate values.
105    */
106   virtual std::string
107   get_name() const override;
109   // documentation inherited from the base class
110   virtual void
111   convert_generalized_support_point_values_to_dof_values(
112     const std::vector<Vector<double>> &support_point_values,
113     std::vector<double> &              nodal_values) const override;
115   /**
116    * Return the matrix interpolating from the given finite element to the
117    * present one.  The size of the matrix is then @p dofs_per_cell times
118    * <tt>source.n_dofs_per_cell()</tt>.
119    *
120    * These matrices are only available if the source element is also a @p
121    * FE_Q_Bubbles element. Otherwise, an exception of type
122    * FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>::ExcInterpolationNotImplemented is thrown.
123    */
124   virtual void
125   get_interpolation_matrix(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &source,
126                            FullMatrix<double> &matrix) const override;
128   virtual const FullMatrix<double> &
129   get_prolongation_matrix(
130     const unsigned int         child,
131     const RefinementCase<dim> &refinement_case) const override;
133   virtual const FullMatrix<double> &
134   get_restriction_matrix(
135     const unsigned int         child,
136     const RefinementCase<dim> &refinement_case) const override;
138   /**
139    * Check for non-zero values on a face.
140    *
141    * This function returns @p true, if the shape function @p shape_index has
142    * non-zero values on the face @p face_index.
143    *
144    * Implementation of the interface in FiniteElement
145    */
146   virtual bool
147   has_support_on_face(const unsigned int shape_index,
148                       const unsigned int face_index) const override;
150   virtual std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>>
151   clone() const override;
153   /**
154    * @copydoc FiniteElement::compare_for_domination()
155    */
156   virtual FiniteElementDomination::Domination
157   compare_for_domination(const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe_other,
158                          const unsigned int codim = 0) const override final;
160 private:
161   /**
162    * Return the restriction_is_additive flags. Only the last components for
163    * the bubble enrichments are true.
164    */
165   static std::vector<bool>
166   get_riaf_vector(const unsigned int degree);
168   /**
169    * Only for internal use. Its full name is @p get_dofs_per_object_vector
170    * function and it creates the @p dofs_per_object vector that is needed
171    * within the constructor to be passed to the constructor of @p
172    * FiniteElementData.
173    */
174   static std::vector<unsigned int>
175   get_dpo_vector(const unsigned int degree);
177   /**
178    * Number of additional bubble functions
179    */
180   const unsigned int n_bubbles;
181 };
185 /*@}*/
190 #endif