1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2001 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_grid_tools_h
17 #  define dealii_grid_tools_h
20 #  include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #  include <deal.II/base/bounding_box.h>
23 #  include <deal.II/base/geometry_info.h>
24 #  include <deal.II/base/std_cxx17/optional.h>
26 #  include <deal.II/boost_adaptors/bounding_box.h>
28 #  include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
30 #  include <deal.II/fe/mapping.h>
31 #  include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1.h>
33 #  include <deal.II/grid/manifold.h>
34 #  include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
35 #  include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
36 #  include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
38 #  include <deal.II/hp/dof_handler.h>
40 #  include <deal.II/lac/sparsity_tools.h>
42 #  include <deal.II/numerics/rtree.h>
45 #  include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
46 #  include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
47 #  include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
48 #  include <boost/serialization/array.hpp>
49 #  include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
51 #  ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_ZLIB
52 #    include <boost/iostreams/device/back_inserter.hpp>
53 #    include <boost/iostreams/filter/gzip.hpp>
54 #    include <boost/iostreams/filtering_stream.hpp>
55 #    include <boost/iostreams/stream.hpp>
56 #  endif
59 #  include <bitset>
60 #  include <list>
61 #  include <set>
65 // Forward declarations
66 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
67 namespace parallel
68 {
69   namespace distributed
70   {
71     template <int, int>
72     class Triangulation;
73   }
74 } // namespace parallel
76 namespace hp
77 {
78   template <int, int>
79   class MappingCollection;
80 }
82 class SparsityPattern;
83 #  endif
85 namespace internal
86 {
87   template <int dim, int spacedim, class MeshType>
88   class ActiveCellIterator
89   {
90   public:
91 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
92     using type = typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator;
93 #  else
94     using type = TriaActiveIterator<dealii::CellAccessor<dim, spacedim>>;
95 #  endif
96   };
98 #  ifdef _MSC_VER
99   template <int dim, int spacedim>
100   class ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, dealii::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>>
101   {
102   public:
103     using type =
104       TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dim, spacedim, false>>;
105   };
106 #  endif
109 #  ifdef _MSC_VER
110   template <int dim, int spacedim>
111   class ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, dealii::hp::DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>>
112   {
113   public:
114     using type =
115       TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dim, spacedim, false>>;
116   };
117 #  endif
118 } // namespace internal
120 /**
121  * This namespace is a collection of algorithms working on triangulations,
122  * such as shifting or rotating triangulations, but also finding a cell that
123  * contains a given point. See the descriptions of the individual functions
124  * for more information.
125  *
126  * @ingroup grid
127  */
128 namespace GridTools
129 {
130   template <int dim, int spacedim>
131   class Cache;
133   /**
134    * @name Information about meshes and cells
135    */
136   /*@{*/
138   /**
139    * Return the diameter of a triangulation. The diameter is computed using
140    * only the vertices, i.e. if the diameter should be larger than the maximal
141    * distance between boundary vertices due to a higher order mapping, then
142    * this function will not catch this.
143    */
144   template <int dim, int spacedim>
145   double
146   diameter(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria);
148   /**
149    * Compute the volume (i.e. the dim-dimensional measure) of the
150    * triangulation. We compute the measure using the integral $\sum_K \int_K 1
151    * \; dx$ where $K$ are the cells of the given triangulation. The integral
152    * is approximated via quadrature for which we need the mapping argument.
153    *
154    * If the triangulation is a dim-dimensional one embedded in a higher
155    * dimensional space of dimension spacedim, then the value returned is the
156    * dim-dimensional measure. For example, for a two-dimensional triangulation
157    * in three-dimensional space, the value returned is the area of the surface
158    * so described. (This obviously makes sense since the spacedim-dimensional
159    * measure of a dim-dimensional triangulation would always be zero if dim @<
160    * spacedim.
161    *
162    * This function also works for objects of type
163    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation, in which case the function is a
164    * collective operation.
165    *
166    * @param tria The triangulation.
167    * @param mapping An optional argument used to denote the mapping that
168    * should be used when describing whether cells are bounded by straight or
169    * curved faces. The default is to use a $Q_1$ mapping, which corresponds to
170    * straight lines bounding the cells.
171    * @return The dim-dimensional measure of the domain described by the
172    * triangulation, as discussed above.
173    */
174   template <int dim, int spacedim>
175   double
176   volume(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
177          const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &      mapping =
178            (StaticMappingQ1<dim, spacedim>::mapping));
180   /**
181    * Return an approximation of the diameter of the smallest active cell of a
182    * triangulation. See step-24 for an example of use of this function.
183    *
184    * Notice that, even if you pass a non-trivial mapping, the returned value is
185    * computed only using information on the vertices of the triangulation,
186    * possibly transformed by the mapping. While this is accurate most of the
187    * times, it may fail to give the correct result when the triangulation
188    * contains very distorted cells.
189    */
190   template <int dim, int spacedim>
191   double
192   minimal_cell_diameter(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
193                         const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &      mapping =
194                           (StaticMappingQ1<dim, spacedim>::mapping));
196   /**
197    * Return an approximation of the diameter of the largest active cell of a
198    * triangulation.
199    *
200    * Notice that, even if you pass a non-trivial mapping to this function, the
201    * returned value is computed only using information on the vertices of the
202    * triangulation, possibly transformed by the mapping. While this is accurate
203    * most of the times, it may fail to give the correct result when the
204    * triangulation contains very distorted cells.
205    */
206   template <int dim, int spacedim>
207   double
208   maximal_cell_diameter(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
209                         const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &      mapping =
210                           (StaticMappingQ1<dim, spacedim>::mapping));
212   /**
213    * Given a list of vertices (typically obtained using
214    * Triangulation::get_vertices) as the first, and a list of vertex indices
215    * that characterize a single cell as the second argument, return the
216    * measure (area, volume) of this cell. If this is a real cell, then you can
217    * get the same result using <code>cell-@>measure()</code>, but this
218    * function also works for cells that do not exist except that you make it
219    * up by naming its vertices from the list.
220    */
221   template <int dim>
222   double
223   cell_measure(
224     const std::vector<Point<dim>> &all_vertices,
225     const unsigned int (&vertex_indices)[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell]);
227   /**
228    * A variant of cell_measure() accepting an ArrayView instead of a
229    * fixed-sized array for @p vertex_indices.
230    *
231    * The parameter @p vertex_indices is expected to have
232    * GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell entries. A std::vector is implicitly
233    * convertible to an ArrayView, so it can be passed directly. See the
234    * ArrayView class for more information.
235    */
236   template <int dim>
237   double
238   cell_measure(const std::vector<Point<dim>> &      all_vertices,
239                const ArrayView<const unsigned int> &vertex_indices);
241   /**
242    * A version of the function above that can accept input for nonzero
243    * codimension cases. This function only exists to aid generic programming
244    * and calling it will just raise an exception.
245    */
246   template <int dim, typename T>
247   double
248   cell_measure(const T &, ...);
250   /**
251    * Computes an aspect ratio measure for all locally-owned active cells and
252    * fills a vector with one entry per cell, given a @p triangulation and
253    * @p mapping. The size of the vector that is returned equals the number of
254    * active cells. The vector contains zero for non locally-owned cells. The
255    * aspect ratio of a cell is defined as the ratio of the maximum to minimum
256    * singular value of the Jacobian, taking the maximum over all quadrature
257    * points of a quadrature rule specified via @p quadrature. For example, for
258    * the special case of rectangular elements in 2d with dimensions $a$ and $b$
259    * ($a \geq b$), this function returns the usual aspect ratio definition
260    * $a/b$. The above definition using singular values is a generalization to
261    * arbitrarily deformed elements. This function is intended to be used for
262    * $d=2,3$ space dimensions, but it can also be used for $d=1$ returning a
263    * value of 1.
264    *
265    * @note Inverted elements do not throw an exception. Instead, a value of inf
266    * is written into the vector in case of inverted elements.
267    *
268    * @note Make sure to use enough quadrature points for a precise calculation
269    * of the aspect ratio in case of deformed elements.
270    *
271    * @note In parallel computations the return value will have the length
272    * n_active_cells but the aspect ratio is only computed for the cells that
273    * are locally owned and placed at index CellAccessor::active_cell_index(),
274    * respectively. All other values are set to 0.
275    */
276   template <int dim>
277   Vector<double>
278   compute_aspect_ratio_of_cells(const Mapping<dim> &      mapping,
279                                 const Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
280                                 const Quadrature<dim> &   quadrature);
282   /**
283    * Computes the maximum aspect ratio by taking the maximum over all cells.
284    *
285    * @note When running in parallel with a Triangulation that supports MPI,
286    * this is a collective call and the return value is the maximum over all
287    * processors.
288    */
289   template <int dim>
290   double
291   compute_maximum_aspect_ratio(const Mapping<dim> &      mapping,
292                                const Triangulation<dim> &triangulation,
293                                const Quadrature<dim> &   quadrature);
295   /**
296    * Compute the smallest box containing the entire triangulation.
297    *
298    * If the input triangulation is a `parallel::distributed::Triangulation`,
299    * then each processor will compute a bounding box enclosing all locally
300    * owned, ghost, and artificial cells. In the case of a domain without curved
301    * boundaries, these bounding boxes will all agree between processors because
302    * the union of the areas occupied by artificial and ghost cells equals the
303    * union of the areas occupied by the cells that other processors own.
304    * However, if the domain has curved boundaries, this is no longer the case.
305    * The bounding box returned may be appropriate for the current processor,
306    * but different from the bounding boxes computed on other processors.
307    */
308   template <int dim, int spacedim>
309   BoundingBox<spacedim>
310   compute_bounding_box(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
312   /**
313    * Return the point on the geometrical object @p object closest to the given
314    * point @p trial_point. For example, if @p object is a one-dimensional line
315    * or edge, then the returned point will be a point on the geodesic that
316    * connects the vertices as the manifold associated with the object sees it
317    * (i.e., the geometric line may be curved if it lives in a higher
318    * dimensional space). If the iterator points to a quadrilateral in a higher
319    * dimensional space, then the returned point lies within the convex hull of
320    * the vertices of the quad as seen by the associated manifold.
321    *
322    * @note This projection is usually not well-posed since there may be
323    * multiple points on the object that minimize the distance. The algorithm
324    * used in this function is robust (and the output is guaranteed to be on
325    * the given @p object) but may only provide a few correct digits if the
326    * object has high curvature. If your manifold supports it then the
327    * specialized function Manifold::project_to_manifold() may perform better.
328    */
329   template <typename Iterator>
330   Point<Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>
331   project_to_object(
332     const Iterator &                                      object,
333     const Point<Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension> &trial_point);
335   /**
336    * Return the arrays that define the coarse mesh of a Triangulation. This
337    * function is the inverse of Triangulation::create_triangulation().
338    *
339    * The return value is a tuple with the vector of vertices, the vector of
340    * cells, and a SubCellData structure. The latter contains additional
341    * information about faces and lines.
342    *
343    * This function is useful in cases where one needs to deconstruct a
344    * Triangulation or manipulate the numbering of the vertices in some way: an
345    * example is GridGenerator::merge_triangulations().
346    */
347   template <int dim, int spacedim>
348   std::
349     tuple<std::vector<Point<spacedim>>, std::vector<CellData<dim>>, SubCellData>
350     get_coarse_mesh_description(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria);
352   /*@}*/
353   /**
354    * @name Functions supporting the creation of meshes
355    */
356   /*@{*/
358   /**
359    * Remove vertices that are not referenced by any of the cells. This
360    * function is called by all <tt>GridIn::read_*</tt> functions to eliminate
361    * vertices that are listed in the input files but are not used by the cells
362    * in the input file. While these vertices should not be in the input from
363    * the beginning, they sometimes are, most often when some cells have been
364    * removed by hand without wanting to update the vertex lists, as they might
365    * be lengthy.
366    *
367    * This function is called by all <tt>GridIn::read_*</tt> functions as the
368    * triangulation class requires them to be called with used vertices only.
369    * This is so, since the vertices are copied verbatim by that class, so we
370    * have to eliminate unused vertices beforehand.
371    *
372    * Not implemented for the codimension one case.
373    */
374   template <int dim, int spacedim>
375   void
376   delete_unused_vertices(std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &vertices,
377                          std::vector<CellData<dim>> &  cells,
378                          SubCellData &                 subcelldata);
380   /**
381    * Remove vertices that are duplicated, due to the input of a structured
382    * grid, for example. If these vertices are not removed, the faces bounded
383    * by these vertices become part of the boundary, even if they are in the
384    * interior of the mesh.
385    *
386    * This function is called by some <tt>GridIn::read_*</tt> functions. Only
387    * the vertices with indices in @p considered_vertices are tested for
388    * equality. This speeds up the algorithm, which is, for worst-case hyper
389    * cube geometries $O(N^{3/2})$ in 2D and $O(N^{5/3})$ in 3D: quite slow.
390    * However, if you wish to consider all vertices, simply pass an empty
391    * vector. In that case, the function fills @p considered_vertices with all
392    * vertices.
393    *
394    * Two vertices are considered equal if their difference in each coordinate
395    * direction is less than @p tol.
396    */
397   template <int dim, int spacedim>
398   void
399   delete_duplicated_vertices(std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &all_vertices,
400                              std::vector<CellData<dim>> &  cells,
401                              SubCellData &                 subcelldata,
402                              std::vector<unsigned int> &   considered_vertices,
403                              const double                  tol = 1e-12);
405   /*@}*/
406   /**
407    * @name Rotating, stretching and otherwise transforming meshes
408    */
409   /*@{*/
411   /**
412    * Transform the vertices of the given triangulation by applying the
413    * function object provided as first argument to all its vertices.
414    *
415    * The transformation given as argument is used to transform each vertex.
416    * Its respective type has to offer a function-like syntax, i.e. the
417    * predicate is either an object of a type that has an <tt>operator()</tt>,
418    * or it is a pointer to the function. In either case, argument and return
419    * value have to be of type <tt>Point@<spacedim@></tt>.
420    *
421    * @note The transformations that make sense to use with this function
422    *   should have a Jacobian with a positive determinant. For example,
423    *   rotation, shearing, stretching, or scaling all satisfy this (though
424    *   there is no requirement that the transformation used actually is
425    *   linear, as all of these examples are). On the other hand, reflections
426    *   or inversions have a negative determinant of the Jacobian. The
427    *   current function has no way of asserting a positive determinant
428    *   of the Jacobian, but if you happen to use such a transformation,
429    *   the result will be a triangulation in which cells have a negative
430    *   volume.
431    *
432    * @note If you are using a parallel::distributed::Triangulation you will
433    * have hanging nodes in your local Triangulation even if your "global" mesh
434    * has no hanging nodes. This will cause issues with wrong positioning of
435    * hanging nodes in ghost cells if you call the current functions: The
436    * vertices of all locally owned cells will be correct, but the vertices of
437    * some ghost cells may not. This means that computations like
438    * KellyErrorEstimator may give wrong answers.
439    *
440    * @note This function is in general not compatible with manifolds attached
441    * to the triangulation. For example, in order to refine the grid (using
442    * manifolds) after the grid transformation, you have to make sure that
443    * the original manifold is still valid for the transformed geometry. This
444    * does not hold in general, and it is necessary to clear the manifold and
445    * attach a new one for the transformed geometry in these cases.
446    * If you want to perform refinements according to the original
447    * manifold description attached to the triangulation, you should first do
448    * the refinements, subsequently deactivate all manifolds, and finally call
449    * the transform() function. The result is a triangulation with correctly
450    * transformed vertices, but otherwise straight-sided elements. The
451    * following procedure is recommended
452    * @code
453    * ...
454    * triangulation.refine_global(n_refinements);
455    * triangulation.reset_all_manifolds();
456    * Transformation<dim> transformation;
457    * GridTools::transform(transformation, triangulation);
458    * ...
459    * @endcode
460    *
461    * This function is used in the "Possibilities for extensions" section of
462    * step-38. It is also used in step-49 and step-53.
463    */
464   template <int dim, typename Transformation, int spacedim>
465   void
466   transform(const Transformation &        transformation,
467             Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
469   /**
470    * Shift each vertex of the triangulation by the given shift vector. This
471    * function uses the transform() function above, so the requirements on the
472    * triangulation stated there hold for this function as well.
473    */
474   template <int dim, int spacedim>
475   void
476   shift(const Tensor<1, spacedim> &   shift_vector,
477         Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
480   /**
481    * Rotate all vertices of the given two-dimensional triangulation in
482    * counter-clockwise sense around the origin of the coordinate system by the
483    * given angle (given in radians, rather than degrees). This function uses
484    * the transform() function above, so the requirements on the triangulation
485    * stated there hold for this function as well.
486    *
487    * @note This function is only supported for dim=2.
488    */
489   template <int dim>
490   void
491   rotate(const double angle, Triangulation<dim> &triangulation);
493   /**
494    * Rotate all vertices of the given @p triangulation in counter-clockwise
495    * direction around the axis with the given index. Otherwise like the
496    * function above.
497    *
498    * @param[in] angle Angle in radians to rotate the Triangulation by.
499    * @param[in] axis Index of the coordinate axis to rotate around, keeping
500    * that coordinate fixed (0=x axis, 1=y axis, 2=z axis).
501    * @param[in,out] triangulation The Triangulation object to rotate.
502    *
503    * @note Implemented for dim=1, 2, and 3.
504    */
505   template <int dim>
506   void
507   rotate(const double           angle,
508          const unsigned int     axis,
509          Triangulation<dim, 3> &triangulation);
511   /**
512    * Transform the given triangulation smoothly to a different domain where,
513    * typically, each of the vertices at the boundary of the triangulation is
514    * mapped to the corresponding points in the @p new_points map.
515    *
516    * The unknown displacement field $u_d(\mathbf x)$ in direction $d$ is
517    * obtained from the minimization problem \f[ \min\, \int \frac{1}{2}
518    *   c(\mathbf x)
519    *   \mathbf \nabla u_d(\mathbf x) \cdot
520    *   \mathbf \nabla u_d(\mathbf x)
521    *   \,\rm d x
522    * \f]
523    * subject to prescribed constraints. The minimizer is obtained by solving the
524    * Laplace equation of the dim components of a displacement field that maps
525    * the current
526    * domain into one described by @p new_points . Linear finite elements with
527    * four Gaussian quadrature points in each direction are used. The difference
528    * between the vertex positions specified in @p new_points and their current
529    * value in @p tria therefore represents the prescribed values of this
530    * displacement field at the boundary of the domain, or more precisely at all
531    * of those locations for which @p new_points provides values (which may be
532    * at part of the boundary, or even in the interior of the domain). The
533    * function then evaluates this displacement field at each unconstrained
534    * vertex and uses it to place the mapped vertex where the displacement
535    * field locates it. Because the solution of the Laplace equation is smooth,
536    * this guarantees a smooth mapping from the old domain to the new one.
537    *
538    * @param[in] new_points The locations where a subset of the existing
539    * vertices are to be placed. Typically, this would be a map from the vertex
540    * indices of all nodes on the boundary to their new locations, thus
541    * completely specifying the geometry of the mapped domain. However, it may
542    * also include interior points if necessary and it does not need to include
543    * all boundary vertices (although you then lose control over the exact
544    * shape of the mapped domain).
545    *
546    * @param[in,out] tria The Triangulation object. This object is changed in-
547    * place, i.e., the previous locations of vertices are overwritten.
548    *
549    * @param[in] coefficient An optional coefficient for the Laplace problem.
550    * Larger values make cells less prone to deformation (effectively
551    * increasing their stiffness). The coefficient is evaluated in the
552    * coordinate system of the old, undeformed configuration of the
553    * triangulation as input, i.e., before the transformation is applied.
554    * Should this function be provided, sensible results can only be expected
555    * if all coefficients are positive.
556    *
557    * @param[in] solve_for_absolute_positions If set to <code>true</code>, the
558    * minimization problem is formulated with respect to the final vertex
559    * positions as opposed to their displacement. The two formulations are
560    * equivalent for
561    * the homogeneous problem (default value of @p coefficient), but they
562    * result in very different mesh motion otherwise. Since in most cases one
563    * will be using a non-constant coefficient in displacement formulation, the
564    * default value of this parameter is <code>false</code>.
565    *
566    * @note This function is not currently implemented for the 1d case.
567    */
568   template <int dim>
569   void
570   laplace_transform(const std::map<unsigned int, Point<dim>> &new_points,
571                     Triangulation<dim> &                      tria,
572                     const Function<dim, double> *coefficient = nullptr,
573                     const bool solve_for_absolute_positions  = false);
575   /**
576    * Return a std::map with all vertices of faces located in the boundary
577    *
578    * @param[in] tria The Triangulation object.
579    */
580   template <int dim, int spacedim>
581   std::map<unsigned int, Point<spacedim>>
582   get_all_vertices_at_boundary(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria);
584   /**
585    * Scale the entire triangulation by the given factor. To preserve the
586    * orientation of the triangulation, the factor must be positive.
587    *
588    * This function uses the transform() function above, so the requirements on
589    * the triangulation stated there hold for this function as well.
590    */
591   template <int dim, int spacedim>
592   void
593   scale(const double                  scaling_factor,
594         Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
596   /**
597    * Distort the given triangulation by randomly moving around all the
598    * vertices of the grid.  The direction of movement of each vertex is
599    * random, while the length of the shift vector has a value of @p factor
600    * times the minimal length of the active edges adjacent to this vertex.
601    * Note that @p factor should obviously be well below <tt>0.5</tt>.
602    *
603    * If @p keep_boundary is set to @p true (which is the default), then
604    * boundary vertices are not moved.
605    */
606   template <int dim, int spacedim>
607   void
608   distort_random(const double                  factor,
609                  Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
610                  const bool                    keep_boundary = true);
612   /**
613    * Remove hanging nodes from a grid. If the @p isotropic parameter is set
614    * to @p false (default) this function detects cells with hanging nodes and
615    * refines the neighbours in the direction that removes hanging nodes.
616    * If the @p isotropic parameter is set
617    * to @p true, the neighbours refinement is made in each directions.
618    * In order to remove all hanging nodes this procedure has to be repeated:
619    * this could require a large number of iterations.
620    * To avoid this a max number (@p max_iterations) of iteration is provided.
621    *
622    * Consider the following grid:
623    * @image html remove_hanging_nodes-hanging.png
624    *
625    * @p isotropic == @p false would return:
626    * @image html remove_hanging_nodes-aniso.png
627    *
628    * @p isotropic == @p true would return:
629    * @image html remove_hanging_nodes-isotro.png
630    *
631    * @param[in,out] tria Triangulation to refine.
632    *
633    * @param[in] isotropic If true refine cells in each directions, otherwise
634    * (default value) refine the cell in the direction that removes hanging node.
635    *
636    * @param[in] max_iterations At each step only closest cells to hanging nodes
637    * are refined. The code may require a lot of iterations to remove all
638    * hanging nodes. @p max_iterations is the maximum number of iteration
639    * allowed. If @p max_iterations == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int this
640    * function continues refining until there are no hanging nodes.
641    *
642    * @note In the case of parallel codes, this function should be combined
643    * with GridGenerator::flatten_triangulation.
644    */
645   template <int dim, int spacedim>
646   void
647   remove_hanging_nodes(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
648                        const bool                    isotropic      = false,
649                        const unsigned int            max_iterations = 100);
651   /**
652    * Refine a mesh anisotropically such that the resulting mesh is composed by
653    * cells with maximum ratio between dimensions less than @p max_ratio.
654    * This procedure requires an algorithm that may not terminate. Consequently,
655    * it is possible to set a maximum number of iterations through the
656    * @p max_iterations parameter.
657    *
658    * Starting from a cell like this:
659    * @image html remove_anisotropy-coarse.png
660    *
661    * This function would return:
662    * @image html remove_anisotropy-refined.png
663    *
664    * @param[in,out] tria Triangulation to refine.
665    *
666    * @param[in] max_ratio Maximum value allowed among the ratio between
667    * the dimensions of each cell.
668    *
669    * @param[in] max_iterations Maximum number of iterations allowed.
670    *
671    * @note In the case of parallel codes, this function should be combined
672    * with GridGenerator::flatten_triangulation and
673    * GridTools::remove_hanging_nodes.
674    */
675   template <int dim, int spacedim>
676   void
677   remove_anisotropy(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
678                     const double                  max_ratio      = 1.6180339887,
679                     const unsigned int            max_iterations = 5);
681   /**
682    * Analyze the boundary cells of a mesh, and if one cell is found at
683    * a corner position (with dim adjacent faces on the boundary), and its
684    * dim-dimensional angle fraction exceeds @p limit_angle_fraction,
685    * refine globally once, and replace the children of such cell
686    * with children where the corner is no longer offending the given angle
687    * fraction.
688    *
689    * If no boundary cells exist with two adjacent faces on the boundary, then
690    * the triangulation is left untouched. If instead we do have cells with dim
691    * adjacent faces on the boundary, then the fraction between the
692    * dim-dimensional
693    * solid angle and dim*pi/2 is checked against the parameter @p limit_angle_fraction.
694    * If it is higher, the grid is refined once, and the children of the
695    * offending cell are replaced with some cells that instead respect the limit.
696    * After this process the triangulation is flattened, and all Manifold objects
697    * are restored as they were in the original triangulation.
698    *
699    * An example is given by the following mesh, obtained by attaching a
700    * SphericalManifold to a mesh generated using GridGenerator::hyper_cube:
701    *
702    * @code
703    * const SphericalManifold<dim> m0;
704    * Triangulation<dim> tria;
705    * GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria,-1,1);
706    * tria.set_all_manifold_ids_on_boundary(0);
707    * tria.set_manifold(0, m0);
708    * tria.refine_global(4);
709    * @endcode
710    *
711    * <p ALIGN="center">
712    * @image html regularize_mesh_01.png
713    * </p>
714    *
715    * The four cells that were originally the corners of a square will give you
716    * some troubles during computations, as the jacobian of the transformation
717    * from the reference cell to those cells will go to zero, affecting the error
718    * constants of the finite element estimates.
719    *
720    * Those cells have a corner with an angle that is very close to 180 degrees,
721    * i.e., an angle fraction very close to one.
722    *
723    * The same code, adding a call to regularize_corner_cells:
724    * @code
725    * const SphericalManifold<dim> m0;
726    * Triangulation<dim> tria;
727    * GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria,-1,1);
728    * tria.set_all_manifold_ids_on_boundary(0);
729    * tria.set_manifold(0, m0);
730    * GridTools::regularize_corner_cells(tria);
731    * tria.refine_global(2);
732    * @endcode
733    * generates a mesh that has a much better behaviour w.r.t. the jacobian of
734    * the Mapping:
735    *
736    * <p ALIGN="center">
737    * @image html regularize_mesh_02.png
738    * </p>
739    *
740    * This mesh is very similar to the one obtained by GridGenerator::hyper_ball.
741    * However, using GridTools::regularize_corner_cells one has the freedom to
742    * choose when to apply the regularization, i.e., one could in principle first
743    * refine a few times, and then call the regularize_corner_cells function:
744    *
745    * @code
746    * const SphericalManifold<dim> m0;
747    * Triangulation<dim> tria;
748    * GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria,-1,1);
749    * tria.set_all_manifold_ids_on_boundary(0);
750    * tria.set_manifold(0, m0);
751    * tria.refine_global(2);
752    * GridTools::regularize_corner_cells(tria);
753    * tria.refine_global(1);
754    * @endcode
755    *
756    * This generates the following mesh:
757    *
758    * <p ALIGN="center">
759    * @image html regularize_mesh_03.png
760    * </p>
761    *
762    * The function is currently implemented only for dim = 2 and
763    * will throw an exception if called with dim = 3.
764    *
765    * @param[in,out] tria Triangulation to regularize.
766    *
767    * @param[in] limit_angle_fraction Maximum ratio of angle or solid
768    * angle that is allowed for a corner element in the mesh.
769    */
770   template <int dim, int spacedim>
771   void
772   regularize_corner_cells(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
773                           const double limit_angle_fraction = .75);
775   /*@}*/
776   /**
777    * @name Finding cells and vertices of a triangulation
778    */
779   /*@{*/
781   /**
782    * Given a Triangulation's @p cache and a list of @p points create the quadrature rules.
783    *
784    * @param[in] cache The triangulation's GridTools::Cache .
785    * @param[in] points The point's vector.
786    * @param[in] cell_hint (optional) A cell iterator for a cell which likely
787    * contains the first point of @p points.
788    *
789    * @return A tuple containing the following information:
790    *  - @p cells : A vector of all the cells containing at least one of
791    *   the @p points .
792    *  - @p qpoints : A vector of vectors of points. @p qpoints[i] contains
793    *   the reference positions of all points that fall within the cell @p cells[i] .
794    *  - @p indices : A vector of vectors of integers, containing the mapping between
795    *   local numbering in @p qpoints , and global index in @p points .
796    *
797    * If @p points[a] and @p points[b] are the only two points that fall in @p cells[c],
798    * then @p qpoints[c][0] and @p qpoints[c][1] are the reference positions of
799    * @p points[a] and @p points[b] in @p cells[c], and @p indices[c][0] = a,
800    * @p indices[c][1] = b. The function
801    * Mapping::transform_unit_to_real(qpoints[c][0])
802    * returns @p points[a].
803    *
804    * The algorithm assumes it's easier to look for a point in the cell that was
805    * used previously. For this reason random points are, computationally
806    * speaking, the worst case scenario while points grouped by the cell to which
807    * they belong are the best case. Pre-sorting points, trying to minimize
808    * distances between them, might make the function extremely faster.
809    *
810    * @note If a point is not found inside the mesh, or is lying inside an
811    * artificial cell of a parallel::TriangulationBase, an exception is thrown.
812    *
813    * @note The actual return type of this function, i.e., the type referenced
814    * above as @p return_type, is
815    * @code
816    * std::tuple<
817    *   std::vector<
818    *     typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
819    *   std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
820    *   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>>
821    * @endcode
822    * The type is abbreviated in the online documentation to improve readability
823    * of this page.
824    *
825    * @note This function optimizes the search by making use of
826    * GridTools::Cache::get_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree(), which either returns
827    * a cached rtree or builds and stores one. Building an rtree might hinder
828    * the performance if the function is called only once on few points.
829    */
830   template <int dim, int spacedim>
831 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
832   std::tuple<
833     std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
834     std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
835     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>>
836 #  else
837   return_type
838 #  endif
839   compute_point_locations(
840     const Cache<dim, spacedim> &        cache,
841     const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &points,
842     const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
843       &cell_hint =
844         typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator());
846   /**
847    * This function is similar to GridTools::compute_point_locations(),
848    * but it tries to find and transform every point of @p points.
849    *
850    * @return A tuple containing four elements; the first three
851    * are documented in GridTools::compute_point_locations().
852    * The last element of the @p return_type contains the
853    * indices of points which are neither found inside the mesh
854    * nor lie in artificial cells. The @p return_type equals the
855    * following tuple type:
856    * @code
857    *   std::tuple<
858    *     std::vector<
859    *        typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
860    *     std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
861    *     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
862    *     std::vector<unsigned int>
863    *   >
864    * @endcode
865    *
866    * @note This function optimizes the search by making use of
867    * GridTools::Cache::get_cell_bounding_boxes_rtree(), which either returns
868    * a cached rtree or builds and stores one. Building an rtree might hinder
869    * the performance if the function is called only once on few points.
870    *
871    * For a more detailed documentation see
872    * GridTools::compute_point_locations().
873    */
874   template <int dim, int spacedim>
875 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
876   std::tuple<
877     std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
878     std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
879     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
880     std::vector<unsigned int>>
881 #  else
882   return_type
883 #  endif
884   compute_point_locations_try_all(
885     const Cache<dim, spacedim> &        cache,
886     const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &points,
887     const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
888       &cell_hint =
889         typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator());
891   /**
892    * Given a @p cache and a list of
893    * @p local_points for each process, find the points lying on the locally
894    * owned part of the mesh and compute the quadrature rules for them.
895    * Distributed compute point locations is a function similar to
896    * GridTools::compute_point_locations but working for
897    * parallel::TriangulationBase objects and, unlike its serial version, also
898    * for a distributed triangulation (see parallel::distributed::Triangulation).
899    *
900    * @param[in] cache a GridTools::Cache object
901    * @param[in] local_points the array of points owned by the current process.
902    * Every process can have a different array of points which can be empty and
903    * not contained within the locally owned part of the triangulation
904    * @param[in] global_bboxes a vector of vectors of bounding boxes; it
905    * describes the locally owned part of the mesh for each process. The bounding
906    * boxes describing which part of the mesh is locally owned by process with
907    * rank rk are contained in global_bboxes[rk]. The local description can be
908    * obtained from GridTools::compute_mesh_predicate_bounding_box; then the
909    * global one can be obtained using either
910    * GridTools::exchange_local_bounding_boxes or Utilities::MPI::all_gather
911    * @return A tuple containing the quadrature information
912    *
913    * The elements of the output tuple are:
914    * - cells : a vector of all cells containing at least one point.
915    * - qpoints : a vector of vector of points; containing in @p qpoints[i]
916    *   the reference positions of all points that fall within the cell @p cells[i] .
917    * - maps : a vector of vector of integers, containing the mapping between
918    *  the numbering in qpoints (previous element of the tuple), and the vector
919    *  of local points of the process owning the points.
920    * - points : a vector of vector of points. @p points[i][j] is the point in the
921    *  real space corresponding.
922    *  to @p qpoints[i][j] . Notice @p points are the points lying on the locally
923    *  owned part of the mesh; thus these can be either copies of @p local_points
924    *  or points received from other processes i.e. local_points for other
925    * processes
926    * - owners : a vector of vectors; @p owners[i][j] contains the rank of
927    *  the process owning the point[i][j] (previous element of the tuple).
928    *
929    * The function uses the triangulation's mpi communicator: for this reason it
930    * throws an assert error if the Triangulation is not derived from
931    * parallel::TriangulationBase .
932    *
933    * In a serial execution the first three elements of the tuple are the same
934    * as in GridTools::compute_point_locations .
935    *
936    * Note: this function is a collective operation.
937    *
938    * @note The actual return type of this function, i.e., the type referenced
939    * above as @p return_type, is
940    * @code
941    * std::tuple<
942    *   std::vector<
943    *     typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
944    *   std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
945    *   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
946    *   std::vector<std::vector<Point<spacedim>>>,
947    *   std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>>
948    * @endcode
949    * The type is abbreviated in the online documentation to improve readability
950    * of this page.
951    */
952   template <int dim, int spacedim>
953 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
954   std::tuple<
955     std::vector<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>,
956     std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim>>>,
957     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
958     std::vector<std::vector<Point<spacedim>>>,
959     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>>
960 #  else
961   return_type
962 #  endif
963   distributed_compute_point_locations(
964     const GridTools::Cache<dim, spacedim> &                cache,
965     const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &                   local_points,
966     const std::vector<std::vector<BoundingBox<spacedim>>> &global_bboxes);
968   /**
969    * Return a map `vertex index -> Point<spacedim>` containing the used
970    * vertices of the given `container`. The key of the returned map (i.e.,
971    * the first element of the pair above) is the global index in the
972    * triangulation, whereas the value of each pair is the physical
973    * location of the corresponding vertex. The used vertices are obtained by
974    * looping over all cells,
975    * and querying for each cell where its vertices are through the (optional)
976    * `mapping` argument.
977    *
978    * In serial Triangulation objects and parallel::shared::Triangulation
979    * objects, the size of the returned map
980    * equals Triangulation::n_used_vertices() (not Triangulation::n_vertices()).
981    * Note that in parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects, only vertices in
982    * locally owned cells and ghost cells are returned, as for all other vertices
983    * their real location might not be known (e.g. for distributed computations
984    * using MappingQEulerian).
985    *
986    * If you use the default `mapping`, the returned map satisfies the following
987    * equality:
988    *
989    * @code
990    * const auto used_vertices = extract_used_vertices(tria);
991    * auto all_vertices = tria.get_vertices();
992    *
993    * for(const auto &id_and_v : used_vertices)
994    *   all_vertices[id_and_v.first] == id_and_v.second; // true
995    * @endcode
996    *
997    * Notice that the above is not satisfied for mappings that change the
998    * location of vertices, like MappingQEulerian.
999    *
1000    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1001    * @param container The container to extract vertices from.
1002    * @param mapping The mapping to use to compute the points locations.
1003    */
1004   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1005   std::map<unsigned int, Point<spacedim>>
1006   extract_used_vertices(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &container,
1007                         const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &      mapping =
1008                           StaticMappingQ1<dim, spacedim>::mapping);
1010   /**
1011    * Find and return the index of the closest vertex to a given point in the
1012    * map of vertices passed as the first argument.
1013    *
1014    * @param vertices A map of index->vertex, as returned by
1015    *        GridTools::extract_used_vertices().
1016    * @param p The target point.
1017    * @return The index of the vertex that is closest to the target point `p`.
1018    */
1019   template <int spacedim>
1020   unsigned int
1021   find_closest_vertex(const std::map<unsigned int, Point<spacedim>> &vertices,
1022                       const Point<spacedim> &                        p);
1024   /**
1025    * Find and return the index of the used vertex (or marked vertex) in a
1026    * given mesh that is located closest to a given point.
1027    *
1028    * This function uses the locations of vertices as stored in the
1029    * triangulation. This is usually sufficient, unless you are using a Mapping
1030    * that moves the vertices around (for example, MappingQEulerian). In this
1031    * case, you should call the function with the same name and with an
1032    * additional Mapping argument.
1033    *
1034    * @param mesh A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of the
1035    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1036    * @param p The point for which we want to find the closest vertex.
1037    * @param marked_vertices An array of bools indicating which
1038    * vertices of @p mesh will be considered within the search
1039    * as the potentially closest vertex. On receiving a non-empty
1040    * @p marked_vertices, the function will
1041    * only search among @p marked_vertices for the closest vertex.
1042    * The size of this array should be equal to the value returned by
1043    * Triangulation::n_vertices() for the triangulation underlying the given mesh
1044    * (as opposed to the value returned by Triangulation::n_used_vertices()).
1045    * @return The index of the closest vertex found.
1046    */
1047   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1048   unsigned int
1049   find_closest_vertex(const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1050                       const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1051                       const std::vector<bool> &      marked_vertices = {});
1053   /**
1054    * Find and return the index of the used vertex (or marked vertex) in a
1055    * given mesh that is located closest to a given point. Use the given
1056    * mapping to compute the actual location of the vertices.
1057    *
1058    * If the Mapping does not modify the position of the mesh vertices (like,
1059    * for example, MappingQEulerian does), then this function is equivalent to
1060    * the one with the same name, and without the `mapping` argument.
1061    *
1062    * @param mapping A mapping used to compute the vertex locations
1063    * @param mesh A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of the
1064    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1065    * @param p The point for which we want to find the closest vertex.
1066    * @param marked_vertices An array of bools indicating which
1067    * vertices of @p mesh will be considered within the search
1068    * as the potentially closest vertex. On receiving a non-empty
1069    * @p marked_vertices, the function will
1070    * only search among @p marked_vertices for the closest vertex.
1071    * The size of this array should be equal to the value returned by
1072    * Triangulation::n_vertices() for the triangulation underlying the given mesh
1073    * (as opposed to the value returned by Triangulation::n_used_vertices()).
1074    * @return The index of the closest vertex found.
1075    */
1076   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1077   unsigned int
1078   find_closest_vertex(const Mapping<dim, spacedim> & mapping,
1079                       const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1080                       const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1081                       const std::vector<bool> &      marked_vertices = {});
1084   /**
1085    * Find and return a vector of iterators to active cells that surround a
1086    * given vertex with index @p vertex_index.
1087    *
1088    * For locally refined grids, the vertex itself might not be a vertex of all
1089    * adjacent cells that are returned. However, it will always be either a
1090    * vertex of a cell or be a hanging node located on a face or an edge of it.
1091    *
1092    * @param container A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of
1093    * the
1094    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1095    * @param vertex_index The index of the vertex for which we try to find
1096    * adjacent cells.
1097    * @return A vector of cells that lie adjacent to the given vertex.
1098    *
1099    * @note If the point requested does not lie in any of the cells of the mesh
1100    * given, then this function throws an exception of type
1101    * GridTools::ExcPointNotFound. You can catch this exception and decide what
1102    * to do in that case.
1103    *
1104    * @note It isn't entirely clear at this time whether the function does the
1105    * right thing with anisotropically refined meshes. It needs to be checked
1106    * for this case.
1107    */
1108   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1109 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1110   std::vector<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>
1111 #  else
1112   std::vector<
1113     typename dealii::internal::
1114       ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type>
1115 #  endif
1116   find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &container,
1117                                 const unsigned int             vertex_index);
1119   /**
1120    * Find an active cell that surrounds a given point @p p. The return type
1121    * is a pair of an iterator to the active cell along with the unit cell
1122    * coordinates of the point.
1123    *
1124    * The algorithm used in this function proceeds by first looking for the
1125    * vertex located closest to the given point, see
1126    * GridTools::find_closest_vertex(). Secondly, all adjacent cells to this
1127    * vertex are found in the mesh, see
1128    * GridTools::find_cells_adjacent_to_vertex(). Lastly, for each of these
1129    * cells, the function tests whether the point is inside. This check is
1130    * performed using the given @p mapping argument to determine whether cells
1131    * have straight or curved boundaries.
1132    *
1133    * If a point lies on the boundary of two or more cells, then the algorithm
1134    * tries to identify the cell that is of highest refinement level.
1135    *
1136    * If the point requested does not lie in a locally-owned or ghost cell,
1137    * then this function throws an exception of type GridTools::ExcPointNotFound.
1138    * You can catch this exception and decide what to do in that case. Hence,
1139    * for programs that work with partitioned (parallel) triangulations, this
1140    * function should always be called inside a `try`-block unless it is a
1141    * priori clear that the point with which it is called must be inside
1142    * a locally owned or ghost cell (and not close enough to the boundary
1143    * between ghost and artificial cells so that decision which cell it is
1144    * on depends on floating point accuracy).
1145    *
1146    * @param mapping The mapping used to determine whether the given point is
1147    *   inside a given cell.
1148    * @param mesh A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of the
1149    *   @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1150    * @param p The point for which we want to find the surrounding cell.
1151    * @param marked_vertices An array of `bool`s indicating whether an
1152    *   entry in the vertex array should be considered
1153    *   (and the others must be ignored) as the potentially
1154    *   closest vertex to the specified point. On specifying a non-default
1155    *   @p marked_vertices, find_closest_vertex() would
1156    *   only search among @p marked_vertices for the closest vertex.
1157    *   The size of this array should be equal to n_vertices() of the
1158    *   triangulation (as opposed to n_used_vertices() ). The motivation of using
1159    *   @p marked_vertices is to cut down the search space of vertices if one has
1160    *   a priori knowledge of a collection of vertices that the point of interest
1161    *   may be close to.
1162    * @param tolerance Tolerance in terms of unit cell coordinates. Depending
1163    *   on the problem, it might be necessary to adjust the tolerance in order
1164    *   to be able to identify a cell. Floating
1165    *   point arithmetic implies that a point will, in general, not lie exactly
1166    *   on a vertex, edge, or face. In either case, it is not predictable which
1167    *   of the cells adjacent to a vertex or an edge/face this function returns.
1168    *   Consequently, algorithms that call this function need to take into
1169    *   account that the returned cell will only contain the point approximately.
1170    *
1171    * @return A pair of an iterators into the mesh that points to the
1172    * surrounding cell, and of the unit cell coordinates of that point. This
1173    * local position might be located slightly outside an actual unit cell,
1174    * due to numerical roundoff. Therefore, the point returned by this function
1175    * should be projected onto the unit cell, using
1176    * GeometryInfo::project_to_unit_cell().  This is not automatically performed
1177    * by the algorithm. The returned cell can be a locally-owned cell or a
1178    * ghost cell (but not an artificial cell). The returned cell might be a
1179    * ghost cell even if the given point is a vertex of a locally owned cell.
1180    * The reason behind is that this is the only way to guarantee that all
1181    * processors that participate in a parallel triangulation will agree which
1182    * cell contains a point. For example, if two processors come together
1183    * at one vertex and the function is called with this vertex, then one
1184    * processor will return a locally owned cell and the other one a ghost cell.
1185    */
1186   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1187 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1188   std::pair<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim>>
1189 #  else
1190   std::pair<typename dealii::internal::
1191               ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type,
1192             Point<dim>>
1193 #  endif
1194   find_active_cell_around_point(const Mapping<dim, spacedim> & mapping,
1195                                 const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1196                                 const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1197                                 const std::vector<bool> &marked_vertices = {},
1198                                 const double             tolerance = 1.e-10);
1200   /**
1201    * A version of the above function that assumes straight boundaries and
1202    * as a consequence simply calls the above function using MappingQ1 for
1203    * the mapping argument.
1204    *
1205    * @return An iterator into the mesh that points to the surrounding cell.
1206    */
1207   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1208 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1209   typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
1210 #  else
1211   typename dealii::internal::
1212     ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type
1213 #  endif
1214   find_active_cell_around_point(const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1215                                 const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1216                                 const std::vector<bool> &marked_vertices = {},
1217                                 const double             tolerance = 1.e-10);
1219   /**
1220    * Another version where we use that mapping on a given
1221    * cell that corresponds to the active finite element index of that cell.
1222    * This is obviously only useful for hp problems, since the active finite
1223    * element index for all other DoF handlers is always zero.
1224    */
1225   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1226   std::pair<typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator,
1227             Point<dim>>
1228   find_active_cell_around_point(
1229     const hp::MappingCollection<dim, spacedim> &mapping,
1230     const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &           mesh,
1231     const Point<spacedim> &                     p,
1232     const double                                tolerance = 1.e-10);
1234   /**
1235    * Finding an active cell around a point can be very expensive in terms
1236    * of computational costs. This function aims at providing a fast version
1237    * of the above functions by using a space-tree to speed up the geometry
1238    * search.
1239    *
1240    * @param cache Object with information about the space-tree of a triangulation,
1241    * see GridTools::Cache.
1242    * @param p The point for which we want to find the surrounding cell.
1243    * @param cell_hint Gives a hint for the geometry search, which is beneficial
1244    * if a-priori knowledge is available regarding the cell on which the point
1245    * may likely be located. A typical use case would be that this search has
1246    * to be done for an array of points that are close to each other and where
1247    * the adjacent cell of the previous point is a good hint for the next point
1248    * in the array.
1249    * @param marked_vertices See above.
1250    * @param tolerance See above.
1251    *
1252    *
1253    * The following code example shows how to use this function:
1254    *
1255    * @code
1256    * GridTools::Cache<dim, dim> cache(triangulation, mapping);
1257    * auto cell_hint = typename Triangulation<dim, dim>::active_cell_iterator();
1258    * std::vector<bool> marked_vertices = {};
1259    * double tolerance = 1.e-10;
1260    *
1261    * std::vector<Point<dim>> points; // a vector of many points
1262    * ...
1263    *
1264    * for(auto p : points)
1265    * {
1266    *   try
1267    *   {
1268    *     auto cell_and_ref_point = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point(
1269    *       cache, p, cell_hint, marked_vertices, tolerance);
1270    *
1271    *     // use current cell as hint for the next point
1272    *     cell_hint = cell_and_ref_point.first;
1273    *   }
1274    *   catch(...)
1275    *   {
1276    *   }
1277    *
1278    *   ...
1279    * }
1280    * @endcode
1281    */
1282   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1283   std::pair<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator,
1284             Point<dim>>
1285   find_active_cell_around_point(
1286     const Cache<dim, spacedim> &cache,
1287     const Point<spacedim> &     p,
1288     const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator &
1289                              cell_hint = typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator(),
1290     const std::vector<bool> &marked_vertices = {},
1291     const double             tolerance       = 1.e-10);
1293   /**
1294    * A version of the previous function that exploits an already existing
1295    * map between vertices and cells (constructed using the function
1296    * GridTools::vertex_to_cell_map()), a map of vertex_to_cell_centers (obtained
1297    * through GridTools::vertex_to_cell_centers_directions()), and
1298    * optionally an RTree constructed from the used vertices of the
1299    * Triangulation.
1300    *
1301    * @note All of these structures can be queried from a
1302    * GridTools::Cache object. Note, however, that in this case MeshType
1303    * has to be Triangulation, so that it might be more appropriate to directly
1304    * call the function above with argument `cache` in this case.
1305    */
1306   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1307 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1308   std::pair<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator, Point<dim>>
1309 #  else
1310   std::pair<typename dealii::internal::
1311               ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type,
1312             Point<dim>>
1313 #  endif
1314   find_active_cell_around_point(
1315     const Mapping<dim, spacedim> & mapping,
1316     const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1317     const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1318     const std::vector<
1319       std::set<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>>
1320       &                                                  vertex_to_cell_map,
1321     const std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim>>> &vertex_to_cell_centers,
1322     const typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator &cell_hint =
1323       typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator(),
1324     const std::vector<bool> &                              marked_vertices = {},
1325     const RTree<std::pair<Point<spacedim>, unsigned int>> &used_vertices_rtree =
1326       RTree<std::pair<Point<spacedim>, unsigned int>>{},
1327     const double tolerance = 1.e-10);
1329   /**
1330    * As compared to the functions above, this function identifies all cells
1331    * around a point for a given tolerance level `tolerance` in terms of unit
1332    * coordinates. Given a first cell with reference coordinates as parameter
1333    * @p first_cell, e.g. obtained by one of the functions above, all
1334    * corresponding neighboring cells with points in unit coordinates are also
1335    * identified.
1336    *
1337    * This function is useful e.g. for discontinuous function spaces where, for
1338    * the case the given point `p` lies on a vertex, edge or face, several
1339    * cells might hold independent values of the solution that get combined in
1340    * some way in a user code.
1341    *
1342    * This function is used as follows
1343    * @code
1344    *   auto first_cell = GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point(...);
1345    *   auto all_cells  = GridTools::find_all_active_cells_around_point(
1346    *   			   mapping, mesh, p, tolerance, first_cell);
1347    * @endcode
1348    */
1349   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1350 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1351   std::vector<std::pair<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator,
1352                         Point<dim>>>
1353 #  else
1354   std::vector<std::pair<
1355     typename dealii::internal::
1356       ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type,
1357     Point<dim>>>
1358 #  endif
1359   find_all_active_cells_around_point(
1360     const Mapping<dim, spacedim> & mapping,
1361     const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1362     const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1363     const double                   tolerance,
1364     const std::pair<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator,
1365                     Point<dim>> &  first_cell);
1367   /**
1368    * A variant of the previous function that internally calls one of the
1369    * functions find_active_cell_around_point() to obtain a first cell, and
1370    * subsequently adds all other cells by calling the function
1371    * find_all_active_cells_around_point() above.
1372    */
1373   template <int dim, template <int, int> class MeshType, int spacedim>
1374 #  ifndef _MSC_VER
1375   std::vector<std::pair<typename MeshType<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator,
1376                         Point<dim>>>
1377 #  else
1378   std::vector<std::pair<
1379     typename dealii::internal::
1380       ActiveCellIterator<dim, spacedim, MeshType<dim, spacedim>>::type,
1381     Point<dim>>>
1382 #  endif
1383   find_all_active_cells_around_point(
1384     const Mapping<dim, spacedim> & mapping,
1385     const MeshType<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1386     const Point<spacedim> &        p,
1387     const double                   tolerance       = 1e-10,
1388     const std::vector<bool> &      marked_vertices = {});
1390   /**
1391    * Return a list of all descendants of the given cell that are active. For
1392    * example, if the current cell is once refined but none of its children are
1393    * any further refined, then the returned list will contain all its
1394    * children.
1395    *
1396    * If the current cell is already active, then the returned list is empty
1397    * (because the cell has no children that may be active).
1398    *
1399    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1400    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1401    * @param cell An iterator pointing to a cell of the mesh.
1402    * @return A list of active descendants of the given cell
1403    *
1404    * @note Since in C++ the MeshType template argument can not be deduced from
1405    * a function call, you will have to specify it after the function name, as
1406    * for example in
1407    * @code
1408    *   GridTools::get_active_child_cells<DoFHandler<dim> > (cell)
1409    * @endcode
1410    */
1411   template <class MeshType>
1412   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
1413   get_active_child_cells(const typename MeshType::cell_iterator &cell);
1415   /**
1416    * Extract the active cells around a given cell @p cell and return them in
1417    * the vector @p active_neighbors. These neighbors are specifically the
1418    * <i>face</i> neighbors of a cell or, if that neighbor is further
1419    * refined, its active children that border on that face. On the other
1420    * hand, the neighbors returned do not include cells that lie, for
1421    * example, diagonally opposite to a vertex but are not face neighbors
1422    * themselves. (In 3d, it also does not include cells that are
1423    * adjacent to one of the edges of the current cell, but are not
1424    * face neighbors.)
1425    *
1426    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1427    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1428    * @param[in] cell An iterator pointing to a cell of the mesh.
1429    * @param[out] active_neighbors A list of active descendants of the given
1430    * cell
1431    *
1432    * @note Since in C++ the MeshType template argument can not be deduced from
1433    * a function call, you will have to specify it after the function name, as
1434    * for example in
1435    * @code
1436    *   GridTools::get_active_neighbors<DoFHandler<dim>>(cell, active_neighbors)
1437    * @endcode
1438    */
1439   template <class MeshType>
1440   void
1441   get_active_neighbors(
1442     const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &       cell,
1443     std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator> &active_neighbors);
1445   /**
1446    * Extract and return the active cell layer around a subdomain (set of
1447    * active cells) in the @p mesh (i.e. those that share a common set of
1448    * vertices with the subdomain but are not a part of it). Here, the
1449    * "subdomain" consists of exactly all of those cells for which the @p
1450    * predicate returns @p true.
1451    *
1452    * An example of a custom predicate is one that checks for a given material
1453    * id
1454    * @code
1455    * template <int dim>
1456    * bool
1457    * pred_mat_id(const typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator & cell)
1458    * {
1459    *   return cell->material_id() ==  1;
1460    * }
1461    * @endcode
1462    * and we can then extract the layer of cells around this material with the
1463    * following call:
1464    * @code
1465    * GridTools::compute_active_cell_halo_layer(tria, pred_mat_id<dim>);
1466    * @endcode
1467    *
1468    * Predicates that are frequently useful can be found in namespace
1469    * IteratorFilters. For example, it is possible to extract a layer
1470    * of cells around all of those cells with a given material id,
1471    * @code
1472    * GridTools::compute_active_cell_halo_layer(
1473    *   tria, IteratorFilters::MaterialIdEqualTo(1, true));
1474    * @endcode
1475    * or around all cells with one of a set of active FE indices for an
1476    * hp::DoFHandler
1477    * @code
1478    * GridTools::compute_active_cell_halo_layer(
1479    *   hp_dof_handler, IteratorFilters::ActiveFEIndexEqualTo({1,2}, true));
1480    * @endcode
1481    * Note that in the last two examples we ensure that the predicate returns
1482    * true only for locally owned cells. This means that the halo layer will
1483    * not contain any artificial cells.
1484    *
1485    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1486    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1487    * @param[in] mesh A mesh (i.e. objects of type Triangulation, DoFHandler,
1488    * or hp::DoFHandler).
1489    * @param[in] predicate A function  (or object of a type with an operator())
1490    * defining the subdomain around which the halo layer is to be extracted. It
1491    * is a function that takes in an active cell and returns a boolean.
1492    * @return A list of active cells sharing at least one common vertex with
1493    * the predicated subdomain.
1494    */
1495   template <class MeshType>
1496   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
1497   compute_active_cell_halo_layer(
1498     const MeshType &mesh,
1499     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
1500       &predicate);
1503   /**
1504    * Extract and return the cell layer around a subdomain (set of
1505    * cells) on a specified level of the @p mesh (i.e. those cells on
1506    * that level that share a common set of vertices with the subdomain
1507    * but are not a part of it). Here, the "subdomain" consists of exactly
1508    * all of those cells for which the @p predicate returns @p true.
1509    */
1510   template <class MeshType>
1511   std::vector<typename MeshType::cell_iterator>
1512   compute_cell_halo_layer_on_level(
1513     const MeshType &mesh,
1514     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::cell_iterator &)>
1515       &                predicate,
1516     const unsigned int level);
1519   /**
1520    * Extract and return ghost cells which are the active cell layer around all
1521    * locally owned cells. This is most relevant for
1522    * parallel::shared::Triangulation where it will return a subset of all
1523    * ghost cells on a processor, but for parallel::distributed::Triangulation
1524    * this will return all the ghost cells.
1525    *
1526    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1527    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1528    * @param[in] mesh A mesh (i.e. objects of type Triangulation, DoFHandler,
1529    * or hp::DoFHandler).
1530    * @return A list of ghost cells
1531    */
1532   template <class MeshType>
1533   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
1534   compute_ghost_cell_halo_layer(const MeshType &mesh);
1536   /**
1537    * Extract and return the set of active cells within a geometric distance of
1538    * @p layer_thickness around a subdomain (set of active cells) in the @p mesh.
1539    * Here, the "subdomain" consists of exactly all of
1540    * those cells for which the @p predicate returns @p true.
1541    *
1542    * The function first computes the cells that form the 'surface' of the
1543    * subdomain that consists of all of the active cells for which the predicate
1544    * is true. Using compute_bounding_box(), a bounding box is
1545    * computed for this subdomain and extended by @p layer_thickness. These
1546    * cells are called interior subdomain boundary cells.
1547    * The active cells with all of their vertices outside the extended
1548    * bounding box are ignored.
1549    * The cells that are inside the extended bounding box are then checked for
1550    * their proximity to the interior subdomain boundary cells. This implies
1551    * checking the distance between a pair of arbitrarily oriented cells,
1552    * which is not trivial in general. To simplify this, the algorithm checks
1553    * the distance between the two enclosing spheres of the cells.
1554    * This will definitely result in slightly more cells being marked but
1555    * also greatly simplifies the arithmetic complexity of the algorithm.
1556    *
1557    * @image html active_cell_layer_within_distance.png
1558    * The image shows a mesh generated by subdivided_hyper_rectangle(). The cells
1559    * are marked using three different colors. If the grey colored cells in the
1560    * image are the cells for which the predicate is true, then the function
1561    * compute_active_cell_layer_within_distance() will return a set of cell
1562    * iterators corresponding to the cells colored in red.
1563    * The red colored cells are the active cells that are within a given
1564    * distance to the grey colored cells.
1565    *
1566    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1567    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1568    * @param mesh A mesh (i.e. objects of type Triangulation, DoFHandler,
1569    * or hp::DoFHandler).
1570    * @param predicate A function  (or object of a type with an operator())
1571    * defining the subdomain around which the halo layer is to be extracted. It
1572    * is a function that takes in an active cell and returns a boolean.
1573    * @param layer_thickness specifies the geometric distance within
1574    * which the function searches for active cells from the predicate domain.
1575    * If the minimal distance between the enclosing sphere of the an
1576    * active cell and the enclosing sphere of any of the cells for which
1577    * the @p predicate returns @p true is less than @p layer_thickness,
1578    * then the active cell is an \a active_cell_within_distance.
1579    * @return A list of active cells within a given geometric distance
1580    * @p layer_thickness from the set of active cells for which the @p predicate
1581    * returns @p true.
1582    *
1583    * See compute_active_cell_halo_layer().
1584    */
1585   template <class MeshType>
1586   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
1587   compute_active_cell_layer_within_distance(
1588     const MeshType &mesh,
1589     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
1590       &          predicate,
1591     const double layer_thickness);
1593   /**
1594    * Extract and return a set of ghost cells which are within a
1595    * @p layer_thickness around all locally owned cells.
1596    * This is most relevant for parallel::shared::Triangulation
1597    * where it will return a subset of all ghost cells on a process, but for
1598    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation this will return all the ghost cells.
1599    * All the cells for the parallel::shared::Triangulation class that
1600    * are not owned by the current processor can be considered as ghost cells;
1601    * in particular, they do not only form a single layer of cells around the
1602    * locally owned ones.
1603    *
1604    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
1605    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
1606    * @param mesh A mesh (i.e. objects of type Triangulation, DoFHandler,
1607    * or hp::DoFHandler).
1608    * @param layer_thickness specifies the geometric distance within
1609    * which the function searches for active cells from the locally owned cells.
1610    * @return A subset of ghost cells within a given geometric distance of @p
1611    * layer_thickness from the locally owned cells of a current process.
1612    *
1613    * Also see compute_ghost_cell_halo_layer() and
1614    * compute_active_cell_layer_within_distance().
1615    */
1616   template <class MeshType>
1617   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
1618   compute_ghost_cell_layer_within_distance(const MeshType &mesh,
1619                                            const double    layer_thickness);
1621   /**
1622    * Compute and return a bounding box, defined through a pair of points
1623    * bottom left and top right, that surrounds a subdomain of the @p mesh.
1624    * Here, the "subdomain" consists of exactly all of those
1625    * active cells for which the @p predicate returns @p true.
1626    *
1627    * For a description of how @p predicate works,
1628    * see compute_active_cell_halo_layer().
1629    *
1630    * @note This function was written before the BoundingBox class was invented.
1631    *   Consequently, it returns a pair of points, rather than a BoundingBox
1632    * object as one may expect. However, BoundingBox has a conversion constructor
1633    * from pairs of points, so the result of this function can still be assigned
1634    * to a BoundingBox object.
1635    */
1636   template <class MeshType>
1637   std::pair<Point<MeshType::space_dimension>, Point<MeshType::space_dimension>>
1638   compute_bounding_box(
1639     const MeshType &mesh,
1640     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
1641       &predicate);
1643   /**
1644    * Compute a collection of bounding boxes so that all active cells for which
1645    * the given predicate is true, are completely enclosed in at least one of the
1646    * bounding boxes. Notice the cover is only guaranteed to contain all these
1647    * active cells but it's not necessarily exact i.e. it can include a bigger
1648    * area than their union.
1649    *
1650    * For each cell at a given refinement level containing active cells for which @p predicate is true,
1651    * the function creates a bounding box of its children for which @p predicate is true.
1652    *
1653    * This results in a cover of all active cells for which @p predicate is true; the parameters
1654    * @p allow_merge and @p max_boxes are used to reduce the number of cells at a computational cost and
1655    * covering a bigger n-dimensional volume.
1656    *
1657    * The parameters to control the algorithm are:
1658    * - @p predicate : the property of the cells to enclose e.g. IteratorFilters::LocallyOwnedCell .
1659    *  The predicate is tested only on active cells.
1660    * - @p refinement_level : it defines the level at which the initial bounding box are created. The refinement
1661    *  should be set to a coarse refinement level. A bounding box is created for
1662    * each active cell at coarser
1663    *  level than @p refinement_level; if @p refinement_level is higher than the number of levels of the
1664    *  triangulation an exception is thrown.
1665    * - @p allow_merge : This flag allows for box merging and, by default, is false. The algorithm has a cost of
1666    *  O(N^2) where N is the number of the bounding boxes created from the
1667    * refinement level; for this reason, if
1668    *  the flag is set to true, make sure to choose wisely a coarse enough @p refinement_level.
1669    * - @p max_boxes : the maximum number of bounding boxes to compute. If more are created the smaller ones are
1670    *  merged with neighbors. By default after merging the boxes which can be
1671    * expressed as a single one no more boxes are merged. See the
1672    * BoundingBox::get_neighbor_type () function for details.
1673    *  Notice only neighboring cells are merged (see the @p get_neighbor_type  function in bounding box class): if
1674    *  the target number of bounding boxes max_boxes can't be reached by merging
1675    * neighbors an exception is thrown
1676    *
1677    * The following image describes an example of the algorithm with @p refinement_level = 2, @p allow_merge = true
1678    * and @p max_boxes = 1. The cells with the property predicate are in red, the area of a bounding box is
1679    * slightly orange.
1680    * @image html bounding_box_predicate.png
1681    * - 1. In black we can see the cells of the current level.
1682    * - 2. For each cell containing the red area a bounding box is created: by
1683    * default these are returned.
1684    * - 3. Because @p allow_merge = true the number of bounding boxes is reduced while not changing the cover.
1685    *  If @p max_boxes was left as default or bigger than 1 these two boxes would be returned.
1686    * - 4. Because @p max_boxes = 1 the smallest bounding box is merged to the bigger one.
1687    * Notice it is important to choose the parameters wisely. For instance, @p allow_merge = false and
1688    * @p refinement_level = 1 returns the very same bounding box but with a
1689    * fraction of the computational cost.
1690    *
1691    * This function does not take into account the curvature of cells and thus it
1692    * is not suited for handling curved geometry: the mapping is assumed to be
1693    * linear.
1694    */
1695   template <class MeshType>
1696   std::vector<BoundingBox<MeshType::space_dimension>>
1697   compute_mesh_predicate_bounding_box(
1698     const MeshType &mesh,
1699     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
1700       &                predicate,
1701     const unsigned int refinement_level = 0,
1702     const bool         allow_merge      = false,
1703     const unsigned int max_boxes        = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
1705   /**
1706    * Given an array of points, use the global bounding box description obtained
1707    * using GridTools::compute_mesh_predicate_bounding_box to guess, for each of
1708    * them, which process might own it.
1709    *
1710    * @param[in] global_bboxes Vector of bounding boxes describing the portion of
1711    *  mesh with a property for each process.
1712    * @param[in] points Array of points to test.
1713    *
1714    * @return A tuple containing the following information:
1715    *  - A vector indicized with ranks of processes. For each rank it contains
1716    *   a vector of the indices of points it might own.
1717    *  - A map from the index <code>unsigned int</code> of the point in @p points
1718    *   to the rank of the owner.
1719    *  - A map from the index <code>unsigned int</code> of the point in @p points
1720    *   to the ranks of the guessed owners.
1721    *
1722    * @note The actual return type of this function, i.e., the type referenced
1723    * above as @p return_type, is
1724    * @code
1725    * std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
1726    *            std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int>,
1727    *            std::map< unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>>
1728    * @endcode
1729    * The type is abbreviated in the online documentation to improve readability
1730    * of this page.
1731    */
1732   template <int spacedim>
1733 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
1734   std::tuple<std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>>,
1735              std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>,
1736              std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>>
1737 #  else
1738   return_type
1739 #  endif
1740   guess_point_owner(
1741     const std::vector<std::vector<BoundingBox<spacedim>>> &global_bboxes,
1742     const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &                   points);
1745   /**
1746    * Given a covering rtree (see GridTools::Cache::get_covering_rtree()), and an
1747    * array of points, find a superset of processes which, individually,
1748    * may own the cell containing the points.
1749    *
1750    * For further details see GridTools::guess_point_owner; here only
1751    * different input/output types are reported:
1752    *
1753    * @param[in] covering_rtree RTRee which enables us to identify which
1754    * process(es) in a parallel computation may own the cell that
1755    * surrounds a given point.
1756    *
1757    * @param[in] points A vector of points to consider.
1758    *
1759    * @return A tuple containing the following information:
1760    *  - A map indexed by processor ranks. For each rank it contains
1761    *   a vector of the indices of points it might own.
1762    *  - A map from the index <code>unsigned int</code> of the point in @p points
1763    *   to the rank of the owner; these are points for which a single possible
1764    *   owner was found.
1765    *  - A map from the index <code>unsigned int</code> of the point in @p points
1766    *   to the ranks of the guessed owners; these are points for which multiple
1767    *   possible owners were found.
1768    *
1769    * @note The actual return type of this function, i.e., the type referenced
1770    * above as @p return_type, is
1771    * @code
1772    * std::tuple<std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>,
1773    *            std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>,
1774    *            std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>>
1775    * @endcode
1776    * The type is abbreviated in the online documentation to improve readability
1777    * of this page.
1778    */
1779   template <int spacedim>
1780 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
1781   std::tuple<std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>,
1782              std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>,
1783              std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>>>
1784 #  else
1785   return_type
1786 #  endif
1787   guess_point_owner(
1788     const RTree<std::pair<BoundingBox<spacedim>, unsigned int>> &covering_rtree,
1789     const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> &                         points);
1792   /**
1793    * Return the adjacent cells of all the vertices. If a vertex is also a
1794    * hanging node, the associated coarse cell is also returned. The vertices
1795    * are ordered by the vertex index. This is the number returned by the
1796    * function <code>cell-@>vertex_index()</code>. Notice that only the indices
1797    * marked in the array returned by
1798    * Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::get_used_vertices() are used.
1799    */
1800   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1801   std::vector<
1802     std::set<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>>
1803   vertex_to_cell_map(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
1805   /**
1806    * Return a vector of normalized tensors for each vertex-cell combination of
1807    * the output of GridTools::vertex_to_cell_map() (which is expected as input
1808    * parameter for this function). Each tensor represents a geometric vector
1809    * from the vertex to the respective cell center.
1810    *
1811    * An assertion will be thrown if the size of the input vector is not equal to
1812    * the number of vertices of the triangulation.
1813    *
1814    * result[v][c] is a unit Tensor for vertex index v, indicating the direction
1815    * of the center of the c-th cell with respect to the vertex v.
1816    */
1817   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1818   std::vector<std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim>>>
1819   vertex_to_cell_centers_directions(
1820     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &mesh,
1821     const std::vector<
1822       std::set<typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>>
1823       &vertex_to_cells);
1826   /**
1827    * Return the local vertex index of cell @p cell that is closest to
1828    * the given location @p position. The location of the vertices is extracted
1829    * from the (optional) @p mapping argument, to guarantee that the correct
1830    * answer is returned when the underlying mapping modifies the position of the
1831    * vertices.
1832    */
1833   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1834   unsigned int
1835   find_closest_vertex_of_cell(
1836     const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
1837     const Point<spacedim> &                                            position,
1838     const Mapping<dim, spacedim> &                                     mapping =
1839       StaticMappingQ1<dim, spacedim>::mapping);
1841   /**
1842    * Compute a globally unique index for each vertex and hanging node
1843    * associated with a locally owned active cell. The vertices of a ghost cell
1844    * that are hanging nodes of a locally owned cells have a global index.
1845    * However, the other vertices of the cells that do not <i>touch</i> an
1846    * active cell do not have a global index on this processor.
1847    *
1848    * The key of the map is the local index of the vertex and the value is the
1849    * global index. The indices need to be recomputed after refinement or
1850    * coarsening and may be different.
1851    */
1852   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1853   std::map<unsigned int, types::global_vertex_index>
1854   compute_local_to_global_vertex_index_map(
1855     const parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
1857   /**
1858    * Return the highest value among ratios between extents in each of the
1859    * coordinate directions of a @p cell. Moreover, return the dimension
1860    * relative to the highest elongation.
1861    *
1862    * @param[in] cell an iterator pointing to the cell.
1863    *
1864    * @return  A std::pair<unsigned int, double> such that the @p first value
1865    * is the dimension of the highest elongation and the @p second value is the
1866    * ratio among the dimensions of the @p cell.
1867    */
1868   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1869   std::pair<unsigned int, double>
1870   get_longest_direction(
1871     typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell);
1873   /*@}*/
1874   /**
1875    * @name Partitions and subdomains of triangulations
1876    */
1877   /*@{*/
1879   /**
1880    * Produce a sparsity pattern in which nonzero entries indicate that two
1881    * cells are connected via a common face. The diagonal entries of the
1882    * sparsity pattern are also set.
1883    *
1884    * The rows and columns refer to the cells as they are traversed in their
1885    * natural order using cell iterators.
1886    */
1887   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1888   void
1889   get_face_connectivity_of_cells(
1890     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
1891     DynamicSparsityPattern &            connectivity);
1893   /**
1894    * Produce a sparsity pattern in which nonzero entries indicate that two
1895    * cells are connected via a common vertex. The diagonal entries of the
1896    * sparsity pattern are also set.
1897    *
1898    * The rows and columns refer to the cells as they are traversed in their
1899    * natural order using cell iterators.
1900    */
1901   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1902   void
1903   get_vertex_connectivity_of_cells(
1904     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
1905     DynamicSparsityPattern &            connectivity);
1907   /**
1908    * Produce a sparsity pattern for a given level mesh in which nonzero entries
1909    * indicate that two cells are connected via a common vertex. The diagonal
1910    * entries of the sparsity pattern are also set.
1911    *
1912    * The rows and columns refer to the cells as they are traversed in their
1913    * natural order using cell iterators.
1914    */
1915   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1916   void
1917   get_vertex_connectivity_of_cells_on_level(
1918     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
1919     const unsigned int                  level,
1920     DynamicSparsityPattern &            connectivity);
1922   /**
1923    * Use graph partitioner to partition the active cells making up the entire
1924    * domain. After calling this function, the subdomain ids of all active cells
1925    * will have values
1926    * between zero and @p n_partitions-1. You can access the subdomain id of a cell by using
1927    * <tt>cell-@>subdomain_id()</tt>.
1928    *
1929    * Use the third argument to select between partitioning algorithms provided
1930    * by METIS or ZOLTAN. METIS is the default partitioner.
1931    *
1932    * If deal.II was not installed with ZOLTAN or METIS, this function will
1933    * generate an error
1934    * when corresponding partition method is chosen, unless @p n_partitions is one.
1935    * I.e., you can write a program so that it runs in the single-processor
1936    * single-partition case without packages installed, and only requires them
1937    * installed when multiple partitions are required.
1938    *
1939    * @note If the @p cell_weight signal has been attached to the @p triangulation,
1940    * then this will be used and passed to the partitioner.
1941    */
1942   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1943   void
1944   partition_triangulation(const unsigned int               n_partitions,
1945                           Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &   triangulation,
1946                           const SparsityTools::Partitioner partitioner =
1947                             SparsityTools::Partitioner::metis);
1949   /**
1950    * This function performs the same operation as the one above, except that
1951    * it takes into consideration a specific set of @p cell_weights, which allow the
1952    * partitioner to balance the graph while taking into consideration the
1953    * computational effort expended on each cell.
1954    *
1955    * @note If the @p cell_weights vector is empty, then no weighting is taken
1956    * into consideration. If not then the size of this vector must equal to the
1957    * number of active cells in the triangulation.
1958    */
1959   template <int dim, int spacedim>
1960   void
1961   partition_triangulation(const unsigned int               n_partitions,
1962                           const std::vector<unsigned int> &cell_weights,
1963                           Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &   triangulation,
1964                           const SparsityTools::Partitioner partitioner =
1965                             SparsityTools::Partitioner::metis);
1967   /**
1968    * This function does the same as the previous one, i.e. it partitions a
1969    * triangulation using a partitioning algorithm into a number of subdomains
1970    * identified by the <code>cell-@>subdomain_id()</code> flag.
1971    *
1972    * The difference to the previous function is the second argument, a
1973    * sparsity pattern that represents the connectivity pattern between cells.
1974    *
1975    * While the function above builds it directly from the triangulation by
1976    * considering which cells neighbor each other, this function can take a
1977    * more refined connectivity graph. The sparsity pattern needs to be of size
1978    * $N\times N$, where $N$ is the number of active cells in the
1979    * triangulation. If the sparsity pattern contains an entry at position
1980    * $(i,j)$, then this means that cells $i$ and $j$ (in the order in which
1981    * they are traversed by active cell iterators) are to be considered
1982    * connected; partitioning algorithm will then try to partition the domain in
1983    * such a way that (i) the subdomains are of roughly equal size, and (ii) a
1984    * minimal number of connections are broken.
1985    *
1986    * This function is mainly useful in cases where connections between cells
1987    * exist that are not present in the triangulation alone (otherwise the
1988    * previous function would be the simpler one to use). Such connections may
1989    * include that certain parts of the boundary of a domain are coupled
1990    * through symmetric boundary conditions or integrals (e.g. friction contact
1991    * between the two sides of a crack in the domain), or if a numerical scheme
1992    * is used that not only connects immediate neighbors but a larger
1993    * neighborhood of cells (e.g. when solving integral equations).
1994    *
1995    * In addition, this function may be useful in cases where the default
1996    * sparsity pattern is not entirely sufficient. This can happen because the
1997    * default is to just consider face neighbors, not neighboring cells that
1998    * are connected by edges or vertices. While the latter couple when using
1999    * continuous finite elements, they are typically still closely connected in
2000    * the neighborship graph, and partitioning algorithm
2001    * will not usually cut important connections in this case. However, if there
2002    * are vertices in the mesh where many cells (many more than the common 4 or 6
2003    * in 2d and 3d, respectively) come together, then there will be a significant
2004    * number of cells that are connected across a vertex, but several degrees
2005    * removed in the connectivity graph built only using face neighbors. In a
2006    * case like this, partitioning algorithm may sometimes make bad decisions and
2007    * you may want to build your own connectivity graph.
2008    *
2009    * @note If the @p cell_weight signal has been attached to the @p triangulation,
2010    * then this will be used and passed to the partitioner.
2011    */
2012   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2013   void
2014   partition_triangulation(const unsigned int            n_partitions,
2015                           const SparsityPattern &       cell_connection_graph,
2016                           Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
2017                           const SparsityTools::Partitioner partitioner =
2018                             SparsityTools::Partitioner::metis);
2020   /**
2021    * This function performs the same operation as the one above, except that
2022    * it takes into consideration a specific set of @p cell_weights, which allow the
2023    * partitioner to balance the graph while taking into consideration the
2024    * computational effort expended on each cell.
2025    *
2026    * @note If the @p cell_weights vector is empty, then no weighting is taken
2027    * into consideration. If not then the size of this vector must equal to the
2028    * number of active cells in the triangulation.
2029    */
2030   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2031   void
2032   partition_triangulation(const unsigned int               n_partitions,
2033                           const std::vector<unsigned int> &cell_weights,
2034                           const SparsityPattern &       cell_connection_graph,
2035                           Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
2036                           const SparsityTools::Partitioner partitioner =
2037                             SparsityTools::Partitioner::metis);
2039   /**
2040    * Generates a partitioning of the active cells making up the entire domain
2041    * using the same partitioning scheme as in the p4est library if the flag
2042    * @p group_siblings is set to true (default behavior of this function).
2043    * After calling this function, the subdomain ids of all active cells will
2044    * have values between zero and @p n_partitions-1. You can access the
2045    * subdomain id of a cell by using <tt>cell-@>subdomain_id()</tt>.
2046    *
2047    * @note If the flag @p group_siblings is set to false, children of a
2048    *       cell might be placed on different processors even though they are all
2049    *       active, which is an assumption made by p4est. By relaxing this, we
2050    *       can create partitions owning a single cell (also for refined
2051    *       meshes).
2052    */
2053   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2054   void
2055   partition_triangulation_zorder(const unsigned int            n_partitions,
2056                                  Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
2057                                  const bool group_siblings = true);
2059   /**
2060    * Partitions the cells of a multigrid hierarchy by assigning level subdomain
2061    * ids using the "youngest child" rule, that is, each cell in the hierarchy is
2062    * owned by the processor who owns its left most child in the forest, and
2063    * active cells have the same subdomain id and level subdomain id. You can
2064    * access the level subdomain id of a cell by using
2065    * <tt>cell-@>level_subdomain_id()</tt>.
2066    *
2067    * Note: This function assumes that the active cells have already been
2068    * partitioned.
2069    */
2070   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2071   void
2072   partition_multigrid_levels(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
2074   /**
2075    * For each active cell, return in the output array to which subdomain (as
2076    * given by the <tt>cell->subdomain_id()</tt> function) it belongs. The
2077    * output array is supposed to have the right size already when calling this
2078    * function.
2079    *
2080    * This function returns the association of each cell with one subdomain. If
2081    * you are looking for the association of each @em DoF with a subdomain, use
2082    * the <tt>DoFTools::get_subdomain_association</tt> function.
2083    */
2084   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2085   void
2086   get_subdomain_association(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
2087                             std::vector<types::subdomain_id> &  subdomain);
2089   /**
2090    * Count how many cells are uniquely associated with the given @p subdomain
2091    * index.
2092    *
2093    * This function may return zero if there are no cells with the given @p
2094    * subdomain index. This can happen, for example, if you try to partition a
2095    * coarse mesh into more partitions (one for each processor) than there are
2096    * cells in the mesh.
2097    *
2098    * This function returns the number of cells associated with one subdomain.
2099    * If you are looking for the association of @em DoFs with this subdomain,
2100    * use the <tt>DoFTools::count_dofs_with_subdomain_association</tt>
2101    * function.
2102    */
2103   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2104   unsigned int
2105   count_cells_with_subdomain_association(
2106     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation,
2107     const types::subdomain_id           subdomain);
2110   /**
2111    * For a triangulation, return a mask that represents which of its vertices
2112    * are "owned" by the current process in the same way as we talk about
2113    * locally owned cells or degrees of freedom (see
2114    * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedCell
2115    * and
2116    * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedDof).
2117    * For the purpose of this function, we define a locally owned vertex as
2118    * follows: a vertex is owned by that processor with the smallest subdomain
2119    * id (which equals the MPI rank of that processor) among all owners of
2120    * cells adjacent to this vertex. In other words, vertices that are in the
2121    * interior of a partition of the triangulation are owned by the owner of
2122    * this partition; for vertices that lie on the boundary between two or more
2123    * partitions, the owner is the processor with the least subdomain_id among
2124    * all adjacent subdomains.
2125    *
2126    * For sequential triangulations (as opposed to, for example,
2127    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation), every user vertex is of course
2128    * owned by the current processor, i.e., the function returns
2129    * Triangulation::get_used_vertices(). For parallel triangulations, the
2130    * returned mask is a subset of what Triangulation::get_used_vertices()
2131    * returns.
2132    *
2133    * @param triangulation The triangulation of which the function evaluates
2134    * which vertices are locally owned.
2135    * @return The subset of vertices, as described above. The length of the
2136    * returned array equals Triangulation.n_vertices() and may, consequently,
2137    * be larger than Triangulation::n_used_vertices().
2138    */
2139   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2140   std::vector<bool>
2141   get_locally_owned_vertices(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
2143   /*@}*/
2144   /**
2145    * @name Comparing different meshes
2146    */
2147   /*@{*/
2149   /**
2150    * Given two meshes (i.e. objects of type Triangulation, DoFHandler, or
2151    * hp::DoFHandler) that are based on the same coarse mesh, this function
2152    * figures out a set of cells that are matched between the two meshes and
2153    * where at most one of the meshes is more refined on this cell. In other
2154    * words, it finds the smallest cells that are common to both meshes, and
2155    * that together completely cover the domain.
2156    *
2157    * This function is useful, for example, in time-dependent or nonlinear
2158    * application, where one has to integrate a solution defined on one mesh
2159    * (e.g., the one from the previous time step or nonlinear iteration)
2160    * against the shape functions of another mesh (the next time step, the next
2161    * nonlinear iteration). If, for example, the new mesh is finer, then one
2162    * has to obtain the solution on the coarse mesh (mesh_1) and interpolate it
2163    * to the children of the corresponding cell of mesh_2. Conversely, if the
2164    * new mesh is coarser, one has to express the coarse cell shape function by
2165    * a linear combination of fine cell shape functions. In either case, one
2166    * needs to loop over the finest cells that are common to both
2167    * triangulations. This function returns a list of pairs of matching
2168    * iterators to cells in the two meshes that can be used to this end.
2169    *
2170    * Note that the list of these iterators is not necessarily ordered, and
2171    * does also not necessarily coincide with the order in which cells are
2172    * traversed in one, or both, of the meshes given as arguments.
2173    *
2174    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
2175    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
2176    *
2177    * @note This function can only be used with
2178    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation when both meshes use the same
2179    * Triangulation since, with a distributed Triangulation, not all cells are
2180    * stored locally, so the resulting list may not cover the entire domain.
2181    */
2182   template <typename MeshType>
2183   std::list<std::pair<typename MeshType::cell_iterator,
2184                       typename MeshType::cell_iterator>>
2185   get_finest_common_cells(const MeshType &mesh_1, const MeshType &mesh_2);
2187   /**
2188    * Return true if the two triangulations are based on the same coarse mesh.
2189    * This is determined by checking whether they have the same number of cells
2190    * on the coarsest level, and then checking that they have the same
2191    * vertices.
2192    *
2193    * The two meshes may have different refinement histories beyond the coarse
2194    * mesh.
2195    */
2196   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2197   bool
2198   have_same_coarse_mesh(const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &mesh_1,
2199                         const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &mesh_2);
2201   /**
2202    * The same function as above, but working on arguments of type DoFHandler,
2203    * or hp::DoFHandler. This function is provided to allow calling
2204    * have_same_coarse_mesh for all types of containers representing
2205    * triangulations or the classes built on triangulations.
2206    *
2207    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
2208    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
2209    */
2210   template <typename MeshType>
2211   bool
2212   have_same_coarse_mesh(const MeshType &mesh_1, const MeshType &mesh_2);
2214   /*@}*/
2215   /**
2216    * @name Dealing with distorted cells
2217    */
2218   /*@{*/
2220   /**
2221    * Given a triangulation and a list of cells whose children have become
2222    * distorted as a result of mesh refinement, try to fix these cells up by
2223    * moving the center node around.
2224    *
2225    * The function returns a list of cells with distorted children that
2226    * couldn't be fixed up for whatever reason. The returned list is therefore
2227    * a subset of the input argument.
2228    *
2229    * For a definition of the concept of distorted cells, see the
2230    * @ref GlossDistorted "glossary entry".
2231    * The first argument passed to the current function is typically the
2232    * exception thrown by the Triangulation::execute_coarsening_and_refinement
2233    * function.
2234    */
2235   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2236   typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::DistortedCellList
2237   fix_up_distorted_child_cells(
2238     const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::DistortedCellList
2239       &                           distorted_cells,
2240     Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation);
2244   /*@}*/
2245   /**
2246    * @name Extracting and creating patches of cells
2247    *
2248    * These functions extract and create patches of cells surrounding a single
2249    * cell, and creating triangulation out of them.
2250    */
2251   /*@{*/
2254   /**
2255    * This function returns a list of all the active neighbor cells of the
2256    * given, active cell.  Here, a neighbor is defined as one having at least
2257    * part of a face in common with the given cell, but not edge (in 3d) or
2258    * vertex neighbors (in 2d and 3d).
2259    *
2260    * The first element of the returned list is the cell provided as argument.
2261    * The remaining ones are neighbors: The function loops over all faces of
2262    * that given cell and checks if that face is not on the boundary of the
2263    * domain. Then, if the neighbor cell does not have any children (i.e., it
2264    * is either at the same refinement level as the current cell, or coarser)
2265    * then this neighbor cell is added to the list of cells. Otherwise, if the
2266    * neighbor cell is refined and therefore has children, then this function
2267    * loops over all subfaces of current face adds the neighbors behind these
2268    * sub-faces to the list to be returned.
2269    *
2270    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
2271    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
2272    * In C++, the compiler can not determine <code>MeshType</code> from the
2273    * function call. You need to specify it as an explicit template argument
2274    * following the function name.
2275    * @param[in] cell An iterator pointing to a cell of the mesh.
2276    * @return A list of active cells that form the patch around the given cell
2277    *
2278    * @note Patches are often used in defining error estimators that require
2279    * the solution of a local problem on the patch surrounding each of the
2280    * cells of the mesh. This also requires manipulating the degrees of freedom
2281    * associated with the cells of a patch. To this end, there are further
2282    * functions working on patches in namespace DoFTools.
2283    *
2284    * @note In the context of a parallel distributed computation, it only makes
2285    * sense to call this function on locally owned cells. This is because the
2286    * neighbors of locally owned cells are either locally owned themselves, or
2287    * ghost cells. For both, we know that these are in fact the real cells of
2288    * the complete, parallel triangulation. We can also query the degrees of
2289    * freedom on these.
2290    */
2291   template <class MeshType>
2292   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
2293   get_patch_around_cell(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &cell);
2296   /**
2297    * This function takes a vector of active cells (hereafter named @p
2298    * patch_cells) as input argument, and returns a vector of their parent
2299    * cells with the coarsest common level of refinement. In other words, find
2300    * that set of cells living at the same refinement level so that all cells
2301    * in the input vector are children of the cells in the set, or are in the
2302    * set itself.
2303    *
2304    * @tparam Container In C++, the compiler can not determine the type of
2305    * <code>Container</code> from the function call. You need to specify it as
2306    * an explicit template argument following the function name. This type has
2307    * to satisfy the requirements of a mesh container (see
2308    * @ref ConceptMeshType).
2309    *
2310    * @param[in] patch_cells A vector of active cells for which this function
2311    * finds the parents at the coarsest common level. This vector of cells
2312    * typically results from calling the function
2313    * GridTools::get_patch_around_cell().
2314    * @return A list of cells with the coarsest common level of refinement of
2315    * the input cells.
2316    */
2317   template <class Container>
2318   std::vector<typename Container::cell_iterator>
2319   get_cells_at_coarsest_common_level(
2320     const std::vector<typename Container::active_cell_iterator> &patch_cells);
2322   /**
2323    * This function constructs a Triangulation (named @p local_triangulation)
2324    * from a given vector of active cells. This vector (which we think of the
2325    * cells corresponding to a "patch") contains active cells that are part of
2326    * an existing global Triangulation. The goal of this function is to build a
2327    * local Triangulation that contains only the active cells given in @p patch
2328    * (and potentially a minimum number of additional cells required to form a
2329    * valid Triangulation). The function also returns a map that allows to
2330    * identify the cells in the output Triangulation and corresponding cells in
2331    * the input list.
2332    *
2333    * The function copies the location of vertices of cells from the cells of the
2334    * source triangulation to the triangulation that is built from the list of
2335    * patch cells.  This adds support for triangulations which have been
2336    * perturbed or smoothed in some manner which makes the triangulation
2337    * deviate from the standard deal.II refinement strategy of placing new
2338    * vertices at midpoints of faces or edges.
2339    *
2340    * The operation implemented by this function is frequently used in the
2341    * definition of error estimators that need to solve "local" problems on
2342    * each cell and its neighbors. A similar construction is necessary in the
2343    * definition of the Clement interpolation operator in which one needs to
2344    * solve a local problem on all cells within the support of a shape
2345    * function. This function then builds a complete Triangulation from a list
2346    * of cells that make up such a patch; one can then later attach a
2347    * DoFHandler to such a Triangulation.
2348    *
2349    * If the list of input cells contains only cells at the same refinement
2350    * level, then the output Triangulation simply consists of a Triangulation
2351    * containing only exactly these patch cells. On the other hand, if the
2352    * input cells live on different refinement levels, i.e., the Triangulation
2353    * of which they are part is adaptively refined, then the construction of
2354    * the output Triangulation is not so simple because the coarsest level of a
2355    * Triangulation can not contain hanging nodes. Rather, we first have to
2356    * find the common refinement level of all input cells, along with their
2357    * common parents (see GridTools::get_cells_at_coarsest_common_level()),
2358    * build a Triangulation from those, and then adaptively refine it so that
2359    * the input cells all also exist in the output Triangulation.
2360    *
2361    * A consequence of this procedure is that the output Triangulation may
2362    * contain more active cells than the ones that exist in the input vector.
2363    * On the other hand, one typically wants to solve the local problem not on
2364    * the entire output Triangulation, but only on those cells of it that
2365    * correspond to cells in the input list.  In this case, a user typically
2366    * wants to assign degrees of freedom only on cells that are part of the
2367    * "patch", and somehow ignore those excessive cells. The current function
2368    * supports this common requirement by setting the user flag for the cells
2369    * in the output Triangulation that match with cells in the input list.
2370    * Cells which are not part of the original patch will not have their @p
2371    * user_flag set; we can then avoid assigning degrees of freedom using the
2372    * FE_Nothing<dim> element.
2373    *
2374    * @tparam Container In C++, the compiler can not determine the type of
2375    * <code>Container</code> from the function call. You need to specify it as
2376    * an explicit template argument following the function name. This type that
2377    * satisfies the requirements of a mesh container (see
2378    * @ref ConceptMeshType).
2379    *
2380    * @param[in] patch A vector of active cells from a common triangulation.
2381    * These cells may or may not all be at the same refinement level.
2382    * @param[out] local_triangulation A triangulation whose active cells
2383    * correspond to the given vector of active cells in @p patch.
2384    * @param[out] patch_to_global_tria_map A map between the local
2385    * triangulation which is built as explained above, and the cell iterators
2386    * in the input list.
2387    */
2388   template <class Container>
2389   void
2390   build_triangulation_from_patch(
2391     const std::vector<typename Container::active_cell_iterator> &patch,
2392     Triangulation<Container::dimension, Container::space_dimension>
2393       &local_triangulation,
2394     std::map<
2395       typename Triangulation<Container::dimension,
2396                              Container::space_dimension>::active_cell_iterator,
2397       typename Container::active_cell_iterator> &patch_to_global_tria_map);
2399   /**
2400    * This function runs through the degrees of freedom defined by the
2401    * DoFHandler and for each dof constructs a vector of
2402    * active_cell_iterators representing the cells of support of the associated
2403    * basis element at that degree of freedom. This function was originally
2404    * designed for the implementation of local projections, for instance the
2405    * Clement interpolant, in conjunction with other local patch functions like
2406    * GridTools::build_triangulation_from_patch.
2407    *
2408    * DoFHandler's built on top of Triangulation or
2409    * parallel:distributed::Triangulation are supported and handled
2410    * appropriately.
2411    *
2412    * The result is the patch of cells representing the support of the basis
2413    * element associated to the degree of freedom.  For instance using an FE_Q
2414    * finite element, we obtain the standard patch of cells touching the degree
2415    * of freedom and then add other cells that take care of possible hanging node
2416    * constraints.  Using a FE_DGQ finite element, the degrees of freedom are
2417    * logically considered to be "interior" to the cells so the patch would
2418    * consist exclusively of the single cell on which the degree of freedom is
2419    * located.
2420    *
2421    * @param[in] dof_handler The DoFHandler which could be built on a
2422    * Triangulation or a parallel::distributed::Triangulation with a finite
2423    * element that has degrees of freedom that are logically associated to a
2424    * vertex, line, quad, or hex.
2425    * @return A map from the global_dof_index of
2426    * degrees of freedom on locally relevant cells to vectors containing
2427    * DoFHandler::active_cell_iterators of cells in the support of the basis
2428    * function at that degree of freedom.
2429    */
2430   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2431   std::map<
2432     types::global_dof_index,
2433     std::vector<typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator>>
2434   get_dof_to_support_patch_map(DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> &dof_handler);
2437   /*@}*/
2439   /**
2440    * @name Dealing with periodic domains
2441    */
2442   /*@{*/
2444   /**
2445    * Data type that provides all information necessary to create periodicity
2446    * constraints and a periodic p4est forest with respect to two 'periodic'
2447    * cell faces.
2448    */
2449   template <typename CellIterator>
2450   struct PeriodicFacePair
2451   {
2452     /**
2453      * The cells associated with the two 'periodic' faces.
2454      */
2455     CellIterator cell[2];
2457     /**
2458      * The local face indices (with respect to the specified cells) of the two
2459      * 'periodic' faces.
2460      */
2461     unsigned int face_idx[2];
2463     /**
2464      * The relative orientation of the first face with respect to the second
2465      * face as described in orthogonal_equality() and
2466      * DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() (and stored as a bitset).
2467      */
2468     std::bitset<3> orientation;
2470     /**
2471      * A @p dim $\times$ @p dim rotation matrix that describes how vector
2472      * valued DoFs of the first face should be modified prior to constraining
2473      * to the DoFs of the second face.
2474      *
2475      * The rotation matrix is used in DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints()
2476      * by applying the rotation to all vector valued blocks listed in the
2477      * parameter @p first_vector_components of the finite element space. For
2478      * more details see DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() and the
2479      * glossary
2480      * @ref GlossPeriodicConstraints "glossary entry on periodic conditions".
2481      */
2482     FullMatrix<double> matrix;
2483   };
2486   /**
2487    * An orthogonal equality test for faces.
2488    *
2489    * @p face1 and @p face2 are considered equal, if a one to one matching
2490    * between its vertices can be achieved via an orthogonal equality relation.
2491    *
2492    * Here, two vertices <tt>v_1</tt> and <tt>v_2</tt> are considered equal, if
2493    * $M\cdot v_1 + offset - v_2$ is parallel to the unit vector in unit
2494    * direction @p direction. If the parameter @p matrix is a reference to a
2495    * spacedim x spacedim matrix, $M$ is set to @p matrix, otherwise $M$ is the
2496    * identity matrix.
2497    *
2498    * If the matching was successful, the _relative_ orientation of @p face1
2499    * with respect to @p face2 is returned in the bitset @p orientation, where
2500    * @code
2501    * orientation[0] -> face_orientation
2502    * orientation[1] -> face_flip
2503    * orientation[2] -> face_rotation
2504    * @endcode
2505    *
2506    * In 2D <tt>face_orientation</tt> is always <tt>true</tt>,
2507    * <tt>face_rotation</tt> is always <tt>false</tt>, and face_flip has the
2508    * meaning of <tt>line_flip</tt>. More precisely in 3d:
2509    *
2510    * <tt>face_orientation</tt>: <tt>true</tt> if @p face1 and @p face2 have
2511    * the same orientation. Otherwise, the vertex indices of @p face1 match the
2512    * vertex indices of @p face2 in the following manner:
2513    *
2514    * @code
2515    * face1:           face2:
2516    *
2517    * 1 - 3            2 - 3
2518    * |   |    <-->    |   |
2519    * 0 - 2            0 - 1
2520    * @endcode
2521    *
2522    * <tt>face_flip</tt>: <tt>true</tt> if the matched vertices are rotated by
2523    * 180 degrees:
2524    *
2525    * @code
2526    * face1:           face2:
2527    *
2528    * 1 - 0            2 - 3
2529    * |   |    <-->    |   |
2530    * 3 - 2            0 - 1
2531    * @endcode
2532    *
2533    * <tt>face_rotation</tt>: <tt>true</tt> if the matched vertices are rotated
2534    * by 90 degrees counterclockwise:
2535    *
2536    * @code
2537    * face1:           face2:
2538    *
2539    * 0 - 2            2 - 3
2540    * |   |    <-->    |   |
2541    * 1 - 3            0 - 1
2542    * @endcode
2543    *
2544    * and any combination of that... More information on the topic can be found
2545    * in the
2546    * @ref GlossFaceOrientation "glossary"
2547    * article.
2548    */
2549   template <typename FaceIterator>
2550   bool orthogonal_equality(
2551     std::bitset<3> &                                              orientation,
2552     const FaceIterator &                                          face1,
2553     const FaceIterator &                                          face2,
2554     const int                                                     direction,
2555     const Tensor<1, FaceIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension> &offset =
2556       Tensor<1, FaceIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>(),
2557     const FullMatrix<double> &matrix = FullMatrix<double>());
2560   /**
2561    * Same function as above, but doesn't return the actual orientation
2562    */
2563   template <typename FaceIterator>
2564   bool
2565   orthogonal_equality(
2566     const FaceIterator &                                          face1,
2567     const FaceIterator &                                          face2,
2568     const int                                                     direction,
2569     const Tensor<1, FaceIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension> &offset =
2570       Tensor<1, FaceIterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>(),
2571     const FullMatrix<double> &matrix = FullMatrix<double>());
2574   /**
2575    * This function will collect periodic face pairs on the coarsest mesh level
2576    * of the given @p mesh (a Triangulation or DoFHandler) and add them to the
2577    * vector @p matched_pairs leaving the original contents intact.
2578    *
2579    * Define a 'first' boundary as all boundary faces having boundary_id @p
2580    * b_id1 and a 'second' boundary consisting of all faces belonging to @p
2581    * b_id2.
2582    *
2583    * This function tries to match all faces belonging to the first boundary
2584    * with faces belonging to the second boundary with the help of
2585    * orthogonal_equality().
2586    *
2587    * The bitset that is returned inside of PeriodicFacePair encodes the
2588    * _relative_ orientation of the first face with respect to the second face,
2589    * see the documentation of orthogonal_equality() for further details.
2590    *
2591    * The @p direction refers to the space direction in which periodicity is
2592    * enforced. When matching periodic faces this vector component is ignored.
2593    *
2594    * The @p offset is a vector tangential to the faces that is added to the
2595    * location of vertices of the 'first' boundary when attempting to match
2596    * them to the corresponding vertices of the 'second' boundary. This can be
2597    * used to implement conditions such as $u(0,y)=u(1,y+1)$.
2598    *
2599    * Optionally, a $dim\times dim$ rotation @p matrix can be specified that
2600    * describes how vector valued DoFs of the first face should be modified
2601    * prior to constraining to the DoFs of the second face. The @p matrix is
2602    * used in two places. First, @p matrix will be supplied to
2603    * orthogonal_equality() and used for matching faces: Two vertices $v_1$ and
2604    * $v_2$ match if $\text{matrix}\cdot v_1 + \text{offset} - v_2$ is parallel
2605    * to the unit vector in unit direction @p direction. (For more details see
2606    * DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints(), the glossary
2607    * @ref GlossPeriodicConstraints "glossary entry on periodic conditions"
2608    * and step-45). Second, @p matrix will be stored in the PeriodicFacePair
2609    * collection @p matched_pairs for further use.
2610    *
2611    * @tparam MeshType A type that satisfies the requirements of the
2612    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
2613    *
2614    * @note The created std::vector can be used in
2615    * DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints() and in
2616    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation::add_periodicity() to enforce
2617    * periodicity algebraically.
2618    *
2619    * @note Because elements will be added to @p matched_pairs (and existing
2620    * entries will be preserved), it is possible to call this function several
2621    * times with different boundary ids to generate a vector with all periodic
2622    * pairs.
2623    *
2624    * @note Since the periodic face pairs are found on the coarsest mesh level,
2625    * it is necessary to ensure that the coarsest level faces have the correct
2626    * boundary indicators set. In general, this means that one must first set
2627    * all boundary indicators on the coarse grid before performing any global
2628    * or local grid refinement.
2629    */
2630   template <typename MeshType>
2631   void
2632   collect_periodic_faces(
2633     const MeshType &         mesh,
2634     const types::boundary_id b_id1,
2635     const types::boundary_id b_id2,
2636     const int                direction,
2637     std::vector<PeriodicFacePair<typename MeshType::cell_iterator>>
2638       &                                         matched_pairs,
2639     const Tensor<1, MeshType::space_dimension> &offset =
2640       dealii::Tensor<1, MeshType::space_dimension>(),
2641     const FullMatrix<double> &matrix = FullMatrix<double>());
2644   /**
2645    * This compatibility version of collect_periodic_faces() only works on
2646    * grids with cells in
2647    * @ref GlossFaceOrientation "standard orientation".
2648    *
2649    * Instead of defining a 'first' and 'second' boundary with the help of two
2650    * boundary_ids this function defines a 'left' boundary as all faces with
2651    * local face index <code>2*dimension</code> and boundary indicator @p b_id
2652    * and, similarly, a 'right' boundary consisting of all face with local face
2653    * index <code>2*dimension+1</code> and boundary indicator @p b_id. Faces
2654    * with coordinates only differing in the @p direction component are
2655    * identified.
2656    *
2657    * This function will collect periodic face pairs on the coarsest mesh level
2658    * and add them to @p matched_pairs leaving the original contents intact.
2659    *
2660    * See above function for further details.
2661    *
2662    * @note This version of collect_periodic_faces() will not work on
2663    * meshes with cells not in
2664    * @ref GlossFaceOrientation "standard orientation".
2665    */
2666   template <typename MeshType>
2667   void
2668   collect_periodic_faces(
2669     const MeshType &         mesh,
2670     const types::boundary_id b_id,
2671     const int                direction,
2672     std::vector<PeriodicFacePair<typename MeshType::cell_iterator>>
2673       &                                                 matched_pairs,
2674     const dealii::Tensor<1, MeshType::space_dimension> &offset =
2675       dealii::Tensor<1, MeshType::space_dimension>(),
2676     const FullMatrix<double> &matrix = FullMatrix<double>());
2678   /*@}*/
2679   /**
2680    * @name Dealing with boundary and manifold ids
2681    */
2682   /*@{*/
2684   /**
2685    * Copy boundary ids to manifold ids on faces and edges at the boundary. The
2686    * default manifold_id for new Triangulation objects is
2687    * numbers::flat_manifold_id. This function copies the boundary_ids of
2688    * the boundary faces and edges to the manifold_ids of the same faces and
2689    * edges, allowing the user to change the boundary_ids and use them for
2690    * boundary conditions regardless of the geometry, which will use
2691    * manifold_ids to create new points. Only active cells will be iterated
2692    * over. This is a function you'd typically call when there is only one
2693    * active level on your Triangulation. Mesh refinement will then inherit
2694    * these indicators to child cells, faces, and edges.
2695    *
2696    * The optional parameter @p reset_boundary_ids, indicates whether this
2697    * function should reset the boundary_ids of boundary faces and edges to its
2698    * default value 0 after copying its value to the manifold_id. By default,
2699    * boundary_ids are left untouched.
2700    *
2701    * @ingroup manifold
2702    * @relatesalso boundary
2703    */
2704   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2705   void
2706   copy_boundary_to_manifold_id(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
2707                                const bool reset_boundary_ids = false);
2709   /**
2710    * Map the given boundary ids to the given manifold ids on faces and
2711    * edges at the boundary.
2712    *
2713    * This function copies the boundary ids of the boundary faces and
2714    * edges that are present in the parameter @p src_boundary_ids to
2715    * the corresponding manifold id in @p dst_manifold_ids, of the same
2716    * faces and edges.
2717    *
2718    * If the optional parameter @p reset_boundary_ids is non empty,
2719    * each boundary id in @p src_boundary_ids, is replaced with the
2720    * corresponding boundary id in @p reset_boundary_ids.
2721    *
2722    * An exception is thrown if the size of the input vectors do not
2723    * match. If a boundary id indicated in @p src_boundary_ids is not
2724    * present in the triangulation, it is simply ignored during the
2725    * process.
2726    *
2727    * @ingroup manifold
2728    * @relatesalso boundary
2729    */
2730   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2731   void
2732   map_boundary_to_manifold_ids(
2733     const std::vector<types::boundary_id> &src_boundary_ids,
2734     const std::vector<types::manifold_id> &dst_manifold_ids,
2735     Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &         tria,
2736     const std::vector<types::boundary_id> &reset_boundary_ids = {});
2738   /**
2739    * Copy material ids to manifold ids. The default manifold_id for new
2740    * Triangulation objects is numbers::flat_manifold_id. When refinements
2741    * occurs, the Triangulation asks where to locate new points to the
2742    * underlying manifold.
2743    *
2744    * When reading a Triangulation from a supported input format, typical
2745    * information that can be stored in a file are boundary conditions for
2746    * boundary faces (which we store in the boundary_id of the faces), material
2747    * types for cells (which we store in the material_id of the cells) and in
2748    * some cases subdomain ids for cells (which we store in the subdomain_id of
2749    * the cell).
2750    *
2751    * If you read one of these grids into a Triangulation, you might still want
2752    * to use the material_id specified in the input file as a manifold_id
2753    * description. In this case you can associate a Manifold object to internal
2754    * cells, and this object will be used by the Triangulation to query
2755    * Manifold objects for new points. This function iterates over active cells
2756    * and copies the material_ids to the manifold_ids.
2757    *
2758    * The optional parameter @p compute_face_ids, indicates whether this
2759    * function should also set the manifold_ids of the faces (both for internal
2760    * faces and for faces on the boundary). If set to true, then each face will
2761    * get a manifold_id equal to the minimum of the surrounding manifold_ids,
2762    * ensuring that a unique manifold id is selected for each face of the
2763    * Triangulation. By default, face manifold_ids are not computed.
2764    *
2765    * @ingroup manifold
2766    */
2767   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2768   void
2769   copy_material_to_manifold_id(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
2770                                const bool compute_face_ids = false);
2772   /**
2773    * Propagate manifold indicators associated with the cells of the
2774    * Triangulation @p tria to their co-dimension one and two objects.
2775    *
2776    * This function sets the @p manifold_id of faces and edges (both on the
2777    * interior and on the boundary) to the value returned by the
2778    * @p disambiguation_function method, called with the set of
2779    * manifold indicators of the cells that share the same face or edge.
2780    *
2781    * By default, the @p disambiguation_function returns
2782    * numbers::flat_manifold_id when the set has size greater than one (i.e.,
2783    * when it is not possible to decide what manifold indicator a face or edge
2784    * should have according to the manifold indicators of the adjacent cells)
2785    * and it returns the manifold indicator contained in the set when it has
2786    * dimension one (i.e., when all adjacent cells and faces have the same
2787    * manifold indicator).
2788    *
2789    * The parameter @p overwrite_only_flat_manifold_ids allows you to specify
2790    * what to do when a face or an edge already has a manifold indicator
2791    * different from numbers::flat_manifold_id. If the flag is @p true, the edge
2792    * or face will maintain its original manifold indicator.
2793    * If it is @p false, then also the manifold indicator of these faces and edges
2794    * is set according to the return value of the @p disambiguation_function.
2795    */
2796   template <int dim, int spacedim>
2797   void
2798   assign_co_dimensional_manifold_indicators(
2799     Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &            tria,
2800     const std::function<types::manifold_id(
2801       const std::set<types::manifold_id> &)> &disambiguation_function =
2802       [](const std::set<types::manifold_id> &manifold_ids) {
2803         if (manifold_ids.size() == 1)
2804           return *manifold_ids.begin();
2805         else
2806           return numbers::flat_manifold_id;
2807       },
2808     bool overwrite_only_flat_manifold_ids = true);
2809   /*@}*/
2811   /**
2812    * Exchange arbitrary data of type @p DataType provided by the function
2813    * objects from locally owned cells to ghost cells on other processors.
2814    *
2815    * After this call, you typically will have received data from @p unpack on
2816    * every ghost cell as it was given by @p pack on the owning processor.
2817    * Whether you do or do not receive information to @p unpack on a given
2818    * ghost cell depends on whether the @p pack function decided that
2819    * something needs to be sent. It does so using the std_cxx17::optional
2820    * mechanism: if the std_cxx17::optional return object of the @p pack
2821    * function is empty, then this implies that no data has to be sent for
2822    * the locally owned cell it was called on. In that case, @p unpack will
2823    * also not be called on the ghost cell that corresponds to it on the
2824    * receiving side. On the other hand, if the std_cxx17::optional object is
2825    * not empty, then the data stored within it will be sent to the received
2826    * and the @p unpack function called with it.
2827    *
2828    * @tparam DataType The type of the data to be communicated. It is assumed
2829    *   to be serializable by boost::serialization. In many cases, this
2830    *   data type can not be deduced by the compiler, e.g., if you provide
2831    *   lambda functions for the second and third argument
2832    *   to this function. In this case, you have to explicitly specify
2833    *   the @p DataType as a template argument to the function call.
2834    * @tparam MeshType The type of @p mesh.
2835    *
2836    * @param mesh A variable of a type that satisfies the requirements of the
2837    * @ref ConceptMeshType "MeshType concept".
2838    * @param pack The function that will be called on each locally owned cell
2839    *   that is a ghost cell somewhere else. As mentioned above, the function
2840    *   may return a regular data object of type @p DataType to indicate
2841    *   that data should be sent, or an empty
2842    *   <code>std_cxx17::optional@<DataType@></code> to indicate that nothing has
2843    *   to be sent for this cell.
2844    * @param unpack The function that will be called for each ghost cell
2845    *   for which data was sent, i.e., for which the @p pack function
2846    *   on the sending side returned a non-empty std_cxx17::optional object.
2847    *   The @p unpack function is then called with the data sent by the
2848    *   processor that owns that cell.
2849    * @param cell_filter Only cells are communicated where this filter function returns
2850    *   the value `true`. In the default case, the function returns true on all
2851    * cells and thus, all relevant cells are communicated.
2852    *
2853    * <h4> An example </h4>
2854    *
2855    * Here is an example that shows how this function is to be used
2856    * in a concrete context. It is taken from the code that makes
2857    * sure that the @p active_fe_index (a single unsigned integer) is
2858    * transported from locally owned cells where one can set it in
2859    * hp::DoFHandler objects, to the corresponding ghost cells on
2860    * other processors to ensure that one can query the right value
2861    * also on those processors:
2862    * @code
2863    * using active_cell_iterator =
2864    *   typename dealii::hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator;
2865    * auto pack = [] (const active_cell_iterator &cell) -> unsigned int
2866    *             {
2867    *               return cell->active_fe_index();
2868    *             };
2869    *
2870    * auto unpack = [] (const active_cell_iterator &cell,
2871    *                   const unsigned int active_fe_index) -> void
2872    *               {
2873    *                 cell->set_active_fe_index(active_fe_index);
2874    *               };
2875    *
2876    * GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts<
2877    *   unsigned int, dealii::hp::DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>> (dof_handler,
2878    *                                                        pack,
2879    *                                                        unpack);
2880    * @endcode
2881    *
2882    * You will notice that the @p pack lambda function returns an `unsigned int`,
2883    * not a `std_cxx17::optional<unsigned int>`. The former converts
2884    * automatically to the latter, implying that data will always be transported
2885    * to the other processor.
2886    *
2887    * (In reality, the @p unpack function needs to be a bit more
2888    * complicated because it is not allowed to call
2889    * DoFAccessor::set_active_fe_index() on ghost cells. Rather, the
2890    * @p unpack function directly accesses internal data structures. But
2891    * you get the idea -- the code could, just as well, have exchanged
2892    * material ids, user indices, boundary indicators, or any kind of other
2893    * data with similar calls as the ones above.)
2894    */
2895   template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
2896   void
2897   exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts(
2898     const MeshType &                                     mesh,
2899     const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
2900       const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
2901     const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &,
2902                              const DataType &)> &        unpack,
2903     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
2904       &cell_filter =
2905         [](const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &) { return true; });
2907   /**
2908    * Exchange arbitrary data of type @p DataType provided by the function
2909    * objects from locally owned level cells to ghost level cells on other
2910    * processes.
2911    *
2912    * In addition to the parameters of exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts(), this
2913    * function allows to provide a @p cell_filter function, which can be used to only
2914    * communicate marked cells. In the default case, all relevant cells are
2915    * communicated.
2916    */
2917   template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
2918   void
2919   exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts(
2920     const MeshType &                                    mesh,
2921     const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
2922       const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
2923     const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &,
2924                              const DataType &)> &       unpack,
2925     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)>
2926       &cell_filter =
2927         [](const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &) { return true; });
2929   /* Exchange with all processors of the MPI communicator @p mpi_communicator the vector of bounding
2930    * boxes @p local_bboxes.
2931    *
2932    * This function is meant to exchange bounding boxes describing the locally
2933    * owned cells in a distributed triangulation obtained with the function
2934    * GridTools::compute_mesh_predicate_bounding_box .
2935    *
2936    * The output vector's size is the number of processes of the MPI
2937    * communicator:
2938    * its i-th entry contains the vector @p local_bboxes of the i-th process.
2939    */
2940   template <int spacedim>
2941   std::vector<std::vector<BoundingBox<spacedim>>>
2942   exchange_local_bounding_boxes(
2943     const std::vector<BoundingBox<spacedim>> &local_bboxes,
2944     MPI_Comm                                  mpi_communicator);
2946   /**
2947    * In this collective operation each process provides a vector
2948    * of bounding boxes and a communicator.
2949    * All these vectors are gathered on each of the processes,
2950    * organized in a search tree which, and then returned.
2951    *
2952    * The idea is that the vector of bounding boxes describes a
2953    * relevant property of the computations on each process
2954    * individually, which could also be of use to other processes. An
2955    * example would be if the input vector of bounding boxes
2956    * corresponded to a covering of the locally owned partition of a
2957    * mesh (see
2958    * @ref GlossLocallyOwnedCell)
2959    * of a
2960    * parallel::distributed::Triangulation object. While these may
2961    * overlap the bounding boxes of other processes, finding which
2962    * process owns the cell that encloses a given point is vastly
2963    * easier if the process trying to figure this out has a list of
2964    * bounding boxes for each of the other processes at hand.
2965    *
2966    * The returned search tree object is an r-tree with packing
2967    * algorithm, which is provided by boost library. See
2968    * https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_67_0/libs/geometry/doc/html/geometry/spatial_indexes/introduction.html
2969    * for more information.
2970    *
2971    * In the returned tree, each node contains a pair of elements:
2972    * the first being a bounding box,
2973    * the second being the rank of the process whose local description
2974    * contains the bounding box.
2975    *
2976    * @note This function is a collective operation.
2977    */
2978   template <int spacedim>
2979   RTree<std::pair<BoundingBox<spacedim>, unsigned int>>
2980   build_global_description_tree(
2981     const std::vector<BoundingBox<spacedim>> &local_description,
2982     MPI_Comm                                  mpi_communicator);
2984   /**
2985    * Collect for a given triangulation all locally relevant vertices that
2986    * coincide due to periodicity.
2987    *
2988    * Coinciding vertices are put into a group, e.g.: [1, 25, 51], which is
2989    * labeled by an arbitrary element from it, e.g.: "1". All coinciding vertices
2990    * store the label to its group, so that they can quickly access all the
2991    * coinciding vertices in that group: e.g.: 51 ->  "1" -> [1, 25, 51]
2992    *
2993    * @param[in] tria Triangulation.
2994    * @param[out] coinciding_vertex_groups A map of equivalence classes (of
2995    *             coinciding vertices) labeled by an arbitrary element from them.
2996    *             Vertices not coinciding are ignored.
2997    * @param[out] vertex_to_coinciding_vertex_group Map of a vertex to the label
2998    *             of a group of coinciding vertices. Vertices not contained in
2999    *             this vector are not coinciding with any other vertex.
3000    */
3001   template <int dim, int spacedim>
3002   void
3003   collect_coinciding_vertices(
3004     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &               tria,
3005     std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<unsigned int>> &coinciding_vertex_groups,
3006     std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> &vertex_to_coinciding_vertex_group);
3008   /**
3009    * Return a map that, for each vertex, lists all the processes whose
3010    * subdomains are adjacent to that vertex.
3011    *
3012    * @param[in] tria Triangulation.
3013    */
3014   template <int dim, int spacedim>
3015   std::map<unsigned int, std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id>>
3016   compute_vertices_with_ghost_neighbors(
3017     const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria);
3019   /**
3020    * A structure that allows the transfer of cell data of type @p T from one processor
3021    * to another. It corresponds to a packed buffer that stores a vector of
3022    * CellId and a vector of type @p T.
3023    *
3024    * This class facilitates the transfer by providing the save/load functions
3025    * that are able to pack up the vector of CellId's and the associated
3026    * data of type @p T into a stream.
3027    *
3028    * Type @p T is assumed to be serializable by <code>boost::serialization</code> (for
3029    * example <code>unsigned int</code> or <code>std::vector@<double@></code>).
3030    */
3031   template <int dim, typename T>
3032   struct CellDataTransferBuffer
3033   {
3034     /**
3035      * A vector to store IDs of cells to be transferred.
3036      */
3037     std::vector<CellId> cell_ids;
3039     /**
3040      * A vector of cell data to be transferred.
3041      */
3042     std::vector<T> data;
3044     /**
3045      * Write the data of this object to a stream for the purpose of
3046      * serialization.
3047      *
3048      * @pre The user is responsible to keep the size of @p data
3049      * equal to the size as @p cell_ids .
3050      */
3051     template <class Archive>
3052     void
3053     save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const;
3055     /**
3056      * Read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose of
3057      * serialization. Throw away the previous content.
3058      */
3059     template <class Archive>
3060     void
3061     load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
3063 #  ifdef DOXYGEN
3064     /**
3065      * Write and read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose
3066      * of serialization.
3067      */
3068     template <class Archive>
3069     void
3070     serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version);
3071 #  else
3072     // This macro defines the serialize() method that is compatible with
3073     // the templated save() and load() method that have been implemented.
3075 #  endif
3076   };
3078   /**
3079    * @name Exceptions
3080    */
3081   /*@{*/
3083   /**
3084    * Exception
3085    */
3086   DeclException1(ExcInvalidNumberOfPartitions,
3087                  int,
3088                  << "The number of partitions you gave is " << arg1
3089                  << ", but must be greater than zero.");
3090   /**
3091    * Exception
3092    */
3093   DeclException1(ExcNonExistentSubdomain,
3094                  int,
3095                  << "The subdomain id " << arg1
3096                  << " has no cells associated with it.");
3097   /**
3098    * Exception
3099    */
3100   DeclException0(ExcTriangulationHasBeenRefined);
3102   /**
3103    * Exception
3104    */
3105   DeclException1(ExcScalingFactorNotPositive,
3106                  double,
3107                  << "The scaling factor must be positive, but it is " << arg1
3108                  << ".");
3109   /**
3110    * Exception
3111    */
3112   template <int N>
3113   DeclException1(ExcPointNotFoundInCoarseGrid,
3114                  Point<N>,
3115                  << "The point <" << arg1
3116                  << "> could not be found inside any of the "
3117                  << "coarse grid cells.");
3118   /**
3119    * Exception
3120    */
3121   template <int N>
3122   DeclException1(ExcPointNotFound,
3123                  Point<N>,
3124                  << "The point <" << arg1
3125                  << "> could not be found inside any of the "
3126                  << "subcells of a coarse grid cell.");
3128   /**
3129    * Exception
3130    */
3131   DeclException1(ExcVertexNotUsed,
3132                  unsigned int,
3133                  << "The given vertex with index " << arg1
3134                  << " is not used in the given triangulation.");
3137   /*@}*/
3139 } /*namespace GridTools*/
3143 /* ----------------- Template function --------------- */
3145 #  ifndef DOXYGEN
3147 namespace GridTools
3148 {
3149   template <int dim>
3150   double
cell_measure(const std::vector<Point<dim>> & all_vertices,const unsigned int (& indices)[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell])3151   cell_measure(
3152     const std::vector<Point<dim>> &all_vertices,
3153     const unsigned int (&indices)[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell])
3154   {
3155     // We forward call to the ArrayView version:
3156     const ArrayView<const unsigned int> view(
3157       indices, GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell);
3158     return cell_measure(all_vertices, view);
3159   }
3161   template <int dim, typename T>
3162   double
cell_measure(const T &,...)3163   cell_measure(const T &, ...)
3164   {
3165     Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
3166     return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
3167   }
3171   // This specialization is defined here so that the general template in the
3172   // source file doesn't need to have further 1D overloads for the internal
3173   // functions it calls.
3174   template <>
3175   inline Triangulation<1, 1>::DistortedCellList
fix_up_distorted_child_cells(const Triangulation<1,1>::DistortedCellList &,Triangulation<1,1> &)3176   fix_up_distorted_child_cells(const Triangulation<1, 1>::DistortedCellList &,
3177                                Triangulation<1, 1> &)
3178   {
3179     return {};
3180   }
3184   template <int dim, typename Predicate, int spacedim>
3185   void
transform(const Predicate & predicate,Triangulation<dim,spacedim> & triangulation)3186   transform(const Predicate &             predicate,
3187             Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &triangulation)
3188   {
3189     std::vector<bool> treated_vertices(triangulation.n_vertices(), false);
3191     // loop over all active cells, and
3192     // transform those vertices that
3193     // have not yet been touched. note
3194     // that we get to all vertices in
3195     // the triangulation by only
3196     // visiting the active cells.
3197     typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
3198       cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
3199       endc = triangulation.end();
3200     for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
3201       for (const unsigned int v : cell->vertex_indices())
3202         if (treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] == false)
3203           {
3204             // transform this vertex
3205             cell->vertex(v) = predicate(cell->vertex(v));
3206             // and mark it as treated
3207             treated_vertices[cell->vertex_index(v)] = true;
3208           };
3211     // now fix any vertices on hanging nodes so that we don't create any holes
3212     if (dim == 2)
3213       {
3214         typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
3215           cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
3216           endc = triangulation.end();
3217         for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
3218           for (const unsigned int face : cell->face_indices())
3219             if (cell->face(face)->has_children() &&
3220                 !cell->face(face)->at_boundary())
3221               {
3222                 Assert(cell->reference_cell_type() ==
3223                          ReferenceCell::get_hypercube(dim),
3224                        ExcNotImplemented());
3226                 // this line has children
3227                 cell->face(face)->child(0)->vertex(1) =
3228                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(0) + cell->face(face)->vertex(1)) /
3229                   2;
3230               }
3231       }
3232     else if (dim == 3)
3233       {
3234         typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
3235           cell = triangulation.begin_active(),
3236           endc = triangulation.end();
3237         for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
3238           for (const unsigned int face : cell->face_indices())
3239             if (cell->face(face)->has_children() &&
3240                 !cell->face(face)->at_boundary())
3241               {
3242                 Assert(cell->reference_cell_type() ==
3243                          ReferenceCell::get_hypercube(dim),
3244                        ExcNotImplemented());
3246                 // this face has hanging nodes
3247                 cell->face(face)->child(0)->vertex(1) =
3248                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(0) + cell->face(face)->vertex(1)) /
3249                   2.0;
3250                 cell->face(face)->child(0)->vertex(2) =
3251                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(0) + cell->face(face)->vertex(2)) /
3252                   2.0;
3253                 cell->face(face)->child(1)->vertex(3) =
3254                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(1) + cell->face(face)->vertex(3)) /
3255                   2.0;
3256                 cell->face(face)->child(2)->vertex(3) =
3257                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(2) + cell->face(face)->vertex(3)) /
3258                   2.0;
3260                 // center of the face
3261                 cell->face(face)->child(0)->vertex(3) =
3262                   (cell->face(face)->vertex(0) + cell->face(face)->vertex(1) +
3263                    cell->face(face)->vertex(2) + cell->face(face)->vertex(3)) /
3264                   4.0;
3265               }
3266       }
3268     // Make sure FEValues notices that the mesh has changed
3269     triangulation.signals.mesh_movement();
3270   }
3274   template <class MeshType>
3275   std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
get_active_child_cells(const typename MeshType::cell_iterator & cell)3276   get_active_child_cells(const typename MeshType::cell_iterator &cell)
3277   {
3278     std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator> child_cells;
3280     if (cell->has_children())
3281       {
3282         for (unsigned int child = 0; child < cell->n_children(); ++child)
3283           if (cell->child(child)->has_children())
3284             {
3285               const std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>
3286                 children = get_active_child_cells<MeshType>(cell->child(child));
3287               child_cells.insert(child_cells.end(),
3288                                  children.begin(),
3289                                  children.end());
3290             }
3291           else
3292             child_cells.push_back(cell->child(child));
3293       }
3295     return child_cells;
3296   }
3300   template <class MeshType>
3301   void
get_active_neighbors(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator & cell,std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator> & active_neighbors)3302   get_active_neighbors(
3303     const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &       cell,
3304     std::vector<typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator> &active_neighbors)
3305   {
3306     active_neighbors.clear();
3307     for (const unsigned int n : cell->face_indices())
3308       if (!cell->at_boundary(n))
3309         {
3310           if (MeshType::dimension == 1)
3311             {
3312               // check children of neighbor. note
3313               // that in 1d children of the neighbor
3314               // may be further refined. In 1d the
3315               // case is simple since we know what
3316               // children bound to the present cell
3317               typename MeshType::cell_iterator neighbor_child =
3318                 cell->neighbor(n);
3319               if (!neighbor_child->is_active())
3320                 {
3321                   while (neighbor_child->has_children())
3322                     neighbor_child = neighbor_child->child(n == 0 ? 1 : 0);
3324                   Assert(neighbor_child->neighbor(n == 0 ? 1 : 0) == cell,
3325                          ExcInternalError());
3326                 }
3327               active_neighbors.push_back(neighbor_child);
3328             }
3329           else
3330             {
3331               if (cell->face(n)->has_children())
3332                 // this neighbor has children. find
3333                 // out which border to the present
3334                 // cell
3335                 for (unsigned int c = 0;
3336                      c < cell->face(n)->number_of_children();
3337                      ++c)
3338                   active_neighbors.push_back(
3339                     cell->neighbor_child_on_subface(n, c));
3340               else
3341                 {
3342                   // the neighbor must be active
3343                   // himself
3344                   Assert(cell->neighbor(n)->is_active(), ExcInternalError());
3345                   active_neighbors.push_back(cell->neighbor(n));
3346                 }
3347             }
3348         }
3349   }
3353   namespace internal
3354   {
3355     namespace ProjectToObject
3356     {
3357       /**
3358        * The method GridTools::project_to_object requires taking derivatives
3359        * along the surface of a simplex. In general these cannot be
3360        * approximated with finite differences but special differences of the
3361        * form
3362        *
3363        *     df/dx_i - df/dx_j
3364        *
3365        * <em>can</em> be approximated. This <code>struct</code> just stores
3366        * the two derivatives approximated by the stencil (in the case of the
3367        * example above <code>i</code> and <code>j</code>).
3368        */
3369       struct CrossDerivative
3370       {
3371         const unsigned int direction_0;
3372         const unsigned int direction_1;
3374         CrossDerivative(const unsigned int d0, const unsigned int d1);
3375       };
CrossDerivative(const unsigned int d0,const unsigned int d1)3377       inline CrossDerivative::CrossDerivative(const unsigned int d0,
3378                                               const unsigned int d1)
3379         : direction_0(d0)
3380         , direction_1(d1)
3381       {}
3385       /**
3386        * Standard second-order approximation to the first derivative with a
3387        * two-point centered scheme. This is used below in a 1D Newton method.
3388        */
3389       template <typename F>
3390       inline auto
3391       centered_first_difference(const double center,
3392                                 const double step,
3393                                 const F &f) -> decltype(f(center) - f(center))
3394       {
3395         return (f(center + step) - f(center - step)) / (2.0 * step);
3396       }
3400       /**
3401        * Standard second-order approximation to the second derivative with a
3402        * three-point centered scheme. This is used below in a 1D Newton method.
3403        */
3404       template <typename F>
3405       inline auto
3406       centered_second_difference(const double center,
3407                                  const double step,
3408                                  const F &f) -> decltype(f(center) - f(center))
3409       {
3410         return (f(center + step) - 2.0 * f(center) + f(center - step)) /
3411                (step * step);
3412       }
3416       /**
3417        * Fourth order approximation of the derivative
3418        *
3419        *     df/dx_i - df/dx_j
3420        *
3421        * where <code>i</code> and <code>j</code> are specified by @p
3422        * cross_derivative. The derivative approximation is at @p center with a
3423        * step size of @p step and function @p f.
3424        */
3425       template <int structdim, typename F>
3426       inline auto
3427       cross_stencil(
3428         const CrossDerivative cross_derivative,
3429         const Tensor<1, GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> &center,
3430         const double                                                 step,
3431         const F &f) -> decltype(f(center) - f(center))
3432       {
3433         Tensor<1, GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> simplex_vector;
3434         simplex_vector[cross_derivative.direction_0] = 0.5 * step;
3435         simplex_vector[cross_derivative.direction_1] = -0.5 * step;
3436         return (-4.0 * f(center) - 1.0 * f(center + simplex_vector) -
3437                 1.0 / 3.0 * f(center - simplex_vector) +
3438                 16.0 / 3.0 * f(center + 0.5 * simplex_vector)) /
3439                step;
3440       }
3444       /**
3445        * The optimization algorithm used in GridTools::project_to_object is
3446        * essentially a gradient descent method. This function computes entries
3447        * in the gradient of the objective function; see the description in the
3448        * comments inside GridTools::project_to_object for more information.
3449        */
3450       template <int spacedim, int structdim, typename F>
3451       inline double
gradient_entry(const unsigned int row_n,const unsigned int dependent_direction,const Point<spacedim> & p0,const Tensor<1,GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> & center,const double step,const F & f)3452       gradient_entry(
3453         const unsigned int     row_n,
3454         const unsigned int     dependent_direction,
3455         const Point<spacedim> &p0,
3456         const Tensor<1, GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> &center,
3457         const double                                                 step,
3458         const F &                                                    f)
3459       {
3460         Assert(row_n < GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell &&
3461                  dependent_direction <
3462                    GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell,
3463                ExcMessage("This function assumes that the last weight is a "
3464                           "dependent variable (and hence we cannot take its "
3465                           "derivative directly)."));
3466         Assert(row_n != dependent_direction,
3467                ExcMessage(
3468                  "We cannot differentiate with respect to the variable "
3469                  "that is assumed to be dependent."));
3471         const Point<spacedim>     manifold_point = f(center);
3472         const Tensor<1, spacedim> stencil_value  = cross_stencil<structdim>(
3473           {row_n, dependent_direction}, center, step, f);
3474         double entry = 0.0;
3475         for (unsigned int dim_n = 0; dim_n < spacedim; ++dim_n)
3476           entry +=
3477             -2.0 * (p0[dim_n] - manifold_point[dim_n]) * stencil_value[dim_n];
3478         return entry;
3479       }
3481       /**
3482        * Project onto a d-linear object. This is more accurate than the
3483        * general algorithm in project_to_object but only works for geometries
3484        * described by linear, bilinear, or trilinear mappings.
3485        */
3486       template <typename Iterator, int spacedim, int structdim>
3487       Point<spacedim>
project_to_d_linear_object(const Iterator & object,const Point<spacedim> & trial_point)3488       project_to_d_linear_object(const Iterator &       object,
3489                                  const Point<spacedim> &trial_point)
3490       {
3491         // let's look at this for simplicity for a quad (structdim==2) in a
3492         // space with spacedim>2 (notate trial_point by y): all points on the
3493         // surface are given by
3494         //   x(\xi) = sum_i v_i phi_x(\xi)
3495         // where v_i are the vertices of the quad, and \xi=(\xi_1,\xi_2) are the
3496         // reference coordinates of the quad. so what we are trying to do is
3497         // find a point x on the surface that is closest to the point y. there
3498         // are different ways to solve this problem, but in the end it's a
3499         // nonlinear problem and we have to find reference coordinates \xi so
3500         // that J(\xi) = 1/2 || x(\xi)-y ||^2 is minimal. x(\xi) is a function
3501         // that is structdim-linear in \xi, so J(\xi) is a polynomial of degree
3502         // 2*structdim that we'd like to minimize. unless structdim==1, we'll
3503         // have to use a Newton method to find the answer. This leads to the
3504         // following formulation of Newton steps:
3505         //
3506         // Given \xi_k, find \delta\xi_k so that
3507         //   H_k \delta\xi_k = - F_k
3508         // where H_k is an approximation to the second derivatives of J at
3509         // \xi_k, and F_k is the first derivative of J.  We'll iterate this a
3510         // number of times until the right hand side is small enough. As a
3511         // stopping criterion, we terminate if ||\delta\xi||<eps.
3512         //
3513         // As for the Hessian, the best choice would be
3514         //   H_k = J''(\xi_k)
3515         // but we'll opt for the simpler Gauss-Newton form
3516         //   H_k = A^T A
3517         // i.e.
3518         //   (H_k)_{nm} = \sum_{i,j} v_i*v_j *
3519         //                   \partial_n phi_i *
3520         //                   \partial_m phi_j
3521         // we start at xi=(0.5, 0.5).
3522         Point<structdim> xi;
3523         for (unsigned int d = 0; d < structdim; ++d)
3524           xi[d] = 0.5;
3526         Point<spacedim> x_k;
3527         for (const unsigned int i : GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertex_indices())
3528           x_k += object->vertex(i) *
3529                  GeometryInfo<structdim>::d_linear_shape_function(xi, i);
3531         do
3532           {
3533             Tensor<1, structdim> F_k;
3534             for (const unsigned int i :
3535                  GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertex_indices())
3536               F_k +=
3537                 (x_k - trial_point) * object->vertex(i) *
3538                 GeometryInfo<structdim>::d_linear_shape_function_gradient(xi,
3539                                                                           i);
3541             Tensor<2, structdim> H_k;
3542             for (const unsigned int i :
3543                  GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertex_indices())
3544               for (const unsigned int j :
3545                    GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertex_indices())
3546                 {
3547                   Tensor<2, structdim> tmp = outer_product(
3548                     GeometryInfo<structdim>::d_linear_shape_function_gradient(
3549                       xi, i),
3550                     GeometryInfo<structdim>::d_linear_shape_function_gradient(
3551                       xi, j));
3552                   H_k += (object->vertex(i) * object->vertex(j)) * tmp;
3553                 }
3555             const Tensor<1, structdim> delta_xi = -invert(H_k) * F_k;
3556             xi += delta_xi;
3558             x_k = Point<spacedim>();
3559             for (const unsigned int i :
3560                  GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertex_indices())
3561               x_k += object->vertex(i) *
3562                      GeometryInfo<structdim>::d_linear_shape_function(xi, i);
3564             if (delta_xi.norm() < 1e-7)
3565               break;
3566           }
3567         while (true);
3569         return x_k;
3570       }
3571     } // namespace ProjectToObject
3572   }   // namespace internal
3576   namespace internal
3577   {
3578     // We hit an internal compiler error in ICC 15 if we define this as a lambda
3579     // inside the project_to_object function below.
3580     template <int structdim>
3581     inline bool
weights_are_ok(const Tensor<1,GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> & v)3582     weights_are_ok(
3583       const Tensor<1, GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell> &v)
3584     {
3585       // clang has trouble figuring out structdim here, so define it
3586       // again:
3587       static const std::size_t n_vertices_per_cell =
3588         Tensor<1, GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell>::
3589           n_independent_components;
3590       std::array<double, n_vertices_per_cell> copied_weights;
3591       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices_per_cell; ++i)
3592         {
3593           copied_weights[i] = v[i];
3594           if (v[i] < 0.0 || v[i] > 1.0)
3595             return false;
3596         }
3598       // check the sum: try to avoid some roundoff errors by summing in order
3599       std::sort(copied_weights.begin(), copied_weights.end());
3600       const double sum =
3601         std::accumulate(copied_weights.begin(), copied_weights.end(), 0.0);
3602       return std::abs(sum - 1.0) < 1e-10; // same tolerance used in manifold.cc
3603     }
3604   } // namespace internal
3606   template <typename Iterator>
3607   Point<Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension>
project_to_object(const Iterator & object,const Point<Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension> & trial_point)3608   project_to_object(
3609     const Iterator &                                      object,
3610     const Point<Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension> &trial_point)
3611   {
3612     const int spacedim  = Iterator::AccessorType::space_dimension;
3613     const int structdim = Iterator::AccessorType::structure_dimension;
3615     Point<spacedim> projected_point = trial_point;
3617     if (structdim >= spacedim)
3618       return projected_point;
3619     else if (structdim == 1 || structdim == 2)
3620       {
3621         using namespace internal::ProjectToObject;
3622         // Try to use the special flat algorithm for quads (this is better
3623         // than the general algorithm in 3D). This does not take into account
3624         // whether projected_point is outside the quad, but we optimize along
3625         // lines below anyway:
3626         const int                      dim = Iterator::AccessorType::dimension;
3627         const Manifold<dim, spacedim> &manifold = object->get_manifold();
3628         if (structdim == 2 && dynamic_cast<const FlatManifold<dim, spacedim> *>(
3629                                 &manifold) != nullptr)
3630           {
3631             projected_point =
3632               project_to_d_linear_object<Iterator, spacedim, structdim>(
3633                 object, trial_point);
3634           }
3635         else
3636           {
3637             // We want to find a point on the convex hull (defined by the
3638             // vertices of the object and the manifold description) that is
3639             // relatively close to the trial point. This has a few issues:
3640             //
3641             // 1. For a general convex hull we are not guaranteed that a unique
3642             //    minimum exists.
3643             // 2. The independent variables in the optimization process are the
3644             //    weights given to Manifold::get_new_point, which must sum to 1,
3645             //    so we cannot use standard finite differences to approximate a
3646             //    gradient.
3647             //
3648             // There is not much we can do about 1., but for 2. we can derive
3649             // finite difference stencils that work on a structdim-dimensional
3650             // simplex and rewrite the optimization problem to use those
3651             // instead. Consider the structdim 2 case and let
3652             //
3653             // F(c0, c1, c2, c3) = Manifold::get_new_point(vertices, {c0, c1,
3654             // c2, c3})
3655             //
3656             // where {c0, c1, c2, c3} are the weights for the four vertices on
3657             // the quadrilateral. We seek to minimize the Euclidean distance
3658             // between F(...) and trial_point. We can solve for c3 in terms of
3659             // the other weights and get, for one coordinate direction
3660             //
3661             // d/dc0 ((x0 - F(c0, c1, c2, 1 - c0 - c1 - c2))^2)
3662             //      = -2(x0 - F(...)) (d/dc0 F(...) - d/dc3 F(...))
3663             //
3664             // where we substitute back in for c3 after taking the
3665             // derivative. We can compute a stencil for the cross derivative
3666             // d/dc0 - d/dc3: this is exactly what cross_stencil approximates
3667             // (and gradient_entry computes the sum over the independent
3668             // variables). Below, we somewhat arbitrarily pick the last
3669             // component as the dependent one.
3670             //
3671             // Since we can now calculate derivatives of the objective
3672             // function we can use gradient descent to minimize it.
3673             //
3674             // Of course, this is much simpler in the structdim = 1 case (we
3675             // could rewrite the projection as a 1D optimization problem), but
3676             // to reduce the potential for bugs we use the same code in both
3677             // cases.
3678             const double step_size = object->diameter() / 64.0;
3680             constexpr unsigned int n_vertices_per_cell =
3681               GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell;
3683             std::array<Point<spacedim>, n_vertices_per_cell> vertices;
3684             for (unsigned int vertex_n = 0; vertex_n < n_vertices_per_cell;
3685                  ++vertex_n)
3686               vertices[vertex_n] = object->vertex(vertex_n);
3688             auto get_point_from_weights =
3689               [&](const Tensor<1, n_vertices_per_cell> &weights)
3690               -> Point<spacedim> {
3691               return object->get_manifold().get_new_point(
3692                 make_array_view(vertices.begin(), vertices.end()),
3693                 make_array_view(weights.begin_raw(), weights.end_raw()));
3694             };
3696             // pick the initial weights as (normalized) inverse distances from
3697             // the trial point:
3698             Tensor<1, n_vertices_per_cell> guess_weights;
3699             double                         guess_weights_sum = 0.0;
3700             for (unsigned int vertex_n = 0; vertex_n < n_vertices_per_cell;
3701                  ++vertex_n)
3702               {
3703                 const double distance =
3704                   vertices[vertex_n].distance(trial_point);
3705                 if (distance == 0.0)
3706                   {
3707                     guess_weights           = 0.0;
3708                     guess_weights[vertex_n] = 1.0;
3709                     guess_weights_sum       = 1.0;
3710                     break;
3711                   }
3712                 else
3713                   {
3714                     guess_weights[vertex_n] = 1.0 / distance;
3715                     guess_weights_sum += guess_weights[vertex_n];
3716                   }
3717               }
3718             guess_weights /= guess_weights_sum;
3719             Assert(internal::weights_are_ok<structdim>(guess_weights),
3720                    ExcInternalError());
3722             // The optimization algorithm consists of two parts:
3723             //
3724             // 1. An outer loop where we apply the gradient descent algorithm.
3725             // 2. An inner loop where we do a line search to find the optimal
3726             //    length of the step one should take in the gradient direction.
3727             //
3728             for (unsigned int outer_n = 0; outer_n < 40; ++outer_n)
3729               {
3730                 const unsigned int dependent_direction =
3731                   n_vertices_per_cell - 1;
3732                 Tensor<1, n_vertices_per_cell> current_gradient;
3733                 for (unsigned int row_n = 0; row_n < n_vertices_per_cell;
3734                      ++row_n)
3735                   {
3736                     if (row_n != dependent_direction)
3737                       {
3738                         current_gradient[row_n] =
3739                           gradient_entry<spacedim, structdim>(
3740                             row_n,
3741                             dependent_direction,
3742                             trial_point,
3743                             guess_weights,
3744                             step_size,
3745                             get_point_from_weights);
3747                         current_gradient[dependent_direction] -=
3748                           current_gradient[row_n];
3749                       }
3750                   }
3752                 // We need to travel in the -gradient direction, as noted
3753                 // above, but we may not want to take a full step in that
3754                 // direction; instead, guess that we will go -0.5*gradient and
3755                 // do quasi-Newton iteration to pick the best multiplier. The
3756                 // goal is to find a scalar alpha such that
3757                 //
3758                 // F(x - alpha g)
3759                 //
3760                 // is minimized, where g is the gradient and F is the
3761                 // objective function. To find the optimal value we find roots
3762                 // of the derivative of the objective function with respect to
3763                 // alpha by Newton iteration, where we approximate the first
3764                 // and second derivatives of F(x - alpha g) with centered
3765                 // finite differences.
3766                 double gradient_weight = -0.5;
3767                 auto   gradient_weight_objective_function =
3768                   [&](const double gradient_weight_guess) -> double {
3769                   return (trial_point -
3770                           get_point_from_weights(guess_weights +
3771                                                  gradient_weight_guess *
3772                                                    current_gradient))
3773                     .norm_square();
3774                 };
3776                 for (unsigned int inner_n = 0; inner_n < 10; ++inner_n)
3777                   {
3778                     const double update_numerator = centered_first_difference(
3779                       gradient_weight,
3780                       step_size,
3781                       gradient_weight_objective_function);
3782                     const double update_denominator =
3783                       centered_second_difference(
3784                         gradient_weight,
3785                         step_size,
3786                         gradient_weight_objective_function);
3788                     // avoid division by zero. Note that we limit the gradient
3789                     // weight below
3790                     if (std::abs(update_denominator) == 0.0)
3791                       break;
3792                     gradient_weight =
3793                       gradient_weight - update_numerator / update_denominator;
3795                     // Put a fairly lenient bound on the largest possible
3796                     // gradient (things tend to be locally flat, so the gradient
3797                     // itself is usually small)
3798                     if (std::abs(gradient_weight) > 10)
3799                       {
3800                         gradient_weight = -10.0;
3801                         break;
3802                       }
3803                   }
3805                 // It only makes sense to take convex combinations with weights
3806                 // between zero and one. If the update takes us outside of this
3807                 // region then rescale the update to stay within the region and
3808                 // try again
3809                 Tensor<1, n_vertices_per_cell> tentative_weights =
3810                   guess_weights + gradient_weight * current_gradient;
3812                 double new_gradient_weight = gradient_weight;
3813                 for (unsigned int iteration_count = 0; iteration_count < 40;
3814                      ++iteration_count)
3815                   {
3816                     if (internal::weights_are_ok<structdim>(tentative_weights))
3817                       break;
3819                     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_vertices_per_cell; ++i)
3820                       {
3821                         if (tentative_weights[i] < 0.0)
3822                           {
3823                             tentative_weights -=
3824                               (tentative_weights[i] / current_gradient[i]) *
3825                               current_gradient;
3826                           }
3827                         if (tentative_weights[i] < 0.0 ||
3828                             1.0 < tentative_weights[i])
3829                           {
3830                             new_gradient_weight /= 2.0;
3831                             tentative_weights =
3832                               guess_weights +
3833                               new_gradient_weight * current_gradient;
3834                           }
3835                       }
3836                   }
3838                 // the update might still send us outside the valid region, so
3839                 // check again and quit if the update is still not valid
3840                 if (!internal::weights_are_ok<structdim>(tentative_weights))
3841                   break;
3843                 // if we cannot get closer by traveling in the gradient
3844                 // direction then quit
3845                 if (get_point_from_weights(tentative_weights)
3846                       .distance(trial_point) <
3847                     get_point_from_weights(guess_weights).distance(trial_point))
3848                   guess_weights = tentative_weights;
3849                 else
3850                   break;
3851                 Assert(internal::weights_are_ok<structdim>(guess_weights),
3852                        ExcInternalError());
3853               }
3854             Assert(internal::weights_are_ok<structdim>(guess_weights),
3855                    ExcInternalError());
3856             projected_point = get_point_from_weights(guess_weights);
3857           }
3859         // if structdim == 2 and the optimal point is not on the interior then
3860         // we may be able to get a more accurate result by projecting onto the
3861         // lines.
3862         if (structdim == 2)
3863           {
3864             std::array<Point<spacedim>, GeometryInfo<structdim>::lines_per_cell>
3865               line_projections;
3866             for (unsigned int line_n = 0;
3867                  line_n < GeometryInfo<structdim>::lines_per_cell;
3868                  ++line_n)
3869               {
3870                 line_projections[line_n] =
3871                   project_to_object(object->line(line_n), trial_point);
3872               }
3873             std::sort(line_projections.begin(),
3874                       line_projections.end(),
3875                       [&](const Point<spacedim> &a, const Point<spacedim> &b) {
3876                         return a.distance(trial_point) <
3877                                b.distance(trial_point);
3878                       });
3879             if (line_projections[0].distance(trial_point) <
3880                 projected_point.distance(trial_point))
3881               projected_point = line_projections[0];
3882           }
3883       }
3884     else
3885       {
3886         Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
3887         return projected_point;
3888       }
3890     return projected_point;
3891   }
3895   template <int dim, typename T>
3896   template <class Archive>
3897   void
save(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)3898   CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, T>::save(Archive &ar,
3899                                        const unsigned int /*version*/) const
3900   {
3901     Assert(cell_ids.size() == data.size(),
3902            ExcDimensionMismatch(cell_ids.size(), data.size()));
3903     // archive the cellids in an efficient binary format
3904     const std::size_t n_cells = cell_ids.size();
3905     ar &              n_cells;
3906     for (const auto &id : cell_ids)
3907       {
3908         CellId::binary_type binary_cell_id = id.template to_binary<dim>();
3909         ar &                binary_cell_id;
3910       }
3912     ar &data;
3913   }
3917   template <int dim, typename T>
3918   template <class Archive>
3919   void
load(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)3920   CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, T>::load(Archive &ar,
3921                                        const unsigned int /*version*/)
3922   {
3923     std::size_t n_cells;
3924     ar &        n_cells;
3925     cell_ids.clear();
3926     cell_ids.reserve(n_cells);
3927     for (unsigned int c = 0; c < n_cells; ++c)
3928       {
3929         CellId::binary_type value;
3930         ar &                value;
3931         cell_ids.emplace_back(value);
3932       }
3933     ar &data;
3934   }
3937   namespace internal
3938   {
3939     template <typename DataType,
3940               typename MeshType,
3941               typename MeshCellIteratorType>
3942     void
exchange_cell_data(const MeshType & mesh,const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType> (const MeshCellIteratorType &)> & pack,const std::function<void (const MeshCellIteratorType &,const DataType &)> & unpack,const std::function<bool (const MeshCellIteratorType &)> & cell_filter,const std::function<void (const std::function<void (const MeshCellIteratorType &,const types::subdomain_id)> &)> & process_cells,const std::function<std::set<types::subdomain_id> (const parallel::TriangulationBase<MeshType::dimension,MeshType::space_dimension> &)> & compute_ghost_owners)3943     exchange_cell_data(
3944       const MeshType &mesh,
3945       const std::function<
3946         std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(const MeshCellIteratorType &)> &pack,
3947       const std::function<void(const MeshCellIteratorType &, const DataType &)>
3948         &                                                         unpack,
3949       const std::function<bool(const MeshCellIteratorType &)> &   cell_filter,
3950       const std::function<void(
3951         const std::function<void(const MeshCellIteratorType &,
3952                                  const types::subdomain_id)> &)> &process_cells,
3953       const std::function<std::set<types::subdomain_id>(
3954         const parallel::TriangulationBase<MeshType::dimension,
3955                                           MeshType::space_dimension> &)>
3956         &compute_ghost_owners)
3957     {
3958 #    ifndef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
3959       (void)mesh;
3960       (void)pack;
3961       (void)unpack;
3962       (void)cell_filter;
3963       (void)process_cells;
3964       (void)compute_ghost_owners;
3965       Assert(false,
3966              ExcMessage("GridTools::exchange_cell_data() requires MPI."));
3967 #    else
3968       constexpr int dim      = MeshType::dimension;
3969       constexpr int spacedim = MeshType::space_dimension;
3970       auto          tria =
3971         dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
3972           &mesh.get_triangulation());
3973       Assert(
3974         tria != nullptr,
3975         ExcMessage(
3976           "The function exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts() only works with parallel triangulations."));
3978       // build list of cells to request for each neighbor
3979       std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id> ghost_owners =
3980         compute_ghost_owners(*tria);
3981       std::map<dealii::types::subdomain_id,
3982                std::vector<typename CellId::binary_type>>
3983         neighbor_cell_list;
3985       for (const auto ghost_owner : ghost_owners)
3986         neighbor_cell_list[ghost_owner] = {};
3988       process_cells([&](const auto &cell, const auto key) {
3989         if (cell_filter(cell))
3990           neighbor_cell_list[key].emplace_back(
3991             cell->id().template to_binary<spacedim>());
3992       });
3994       Assert(ghost_owners.size() == neighbor_cell_list.size(),
3995              ExcInternalError());
3998       // Before sending & receiving, make sure we protect this section with
3999       // a mutex:
4000       static Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex      mutex;
4001       Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(
4002         mutex, tria->get_communicator());
4004       const int mpi_tag =
4005         Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::exchange_cell_data_request;
4006       const int mpi_tag_reply =
4007         Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::exchange_cell_data_reply;
4009       // send our requests:
4010       std::vector<MPI_Request> requests(ghost_owners.size());
4011       {
4012         unsigned int idx = 0;
4013         for (const auto &it : neighbor_cell_list)
4014           {
4015             // send the data about the relevant cells
4016             const int ierr = MPI_Isend(it.second.data(),
4017                                        it.second.size() * sizeof(it.second[0]),
4018                                        MPI_BYTE,
4019                                        it.first,
4020                                        mpi_tag,
4021                                        tria->get_communicator(),
4022                                        &requests[idx]);
4023             AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4024             ++idx;
4025           }
4026       }
4028       using DestinationToBufferMap =
4029         std::map<dealii::types::subdomain_id,
4030                  GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>>;
4031       DestinationToBufferMap destination_to_data_buffer_map;
4033       // receive requests and reply with the ghost indices
4034       std::vector<std::vector<typename CellId::binary_type>> cell_data_to_send(
4035         ghost_owners.size());
4036       std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>>
4037                                      send_dof_numbers_and_indices(ghost_owners.size());
4038       std::vector<MPI_Request>       reply_requests(ghost_owners.size());
4039       std::vector<std::vector<char>> sendbuffers(ghost_owners.size());
4041       for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
4042         {
4043           MPI_Status status;
4044           int        ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
4045                                mpi_tag,
4046                                tria->get_communicator(),
4047                                &status);
4048           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4050           int len;
4051           ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
4052           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4053           Assert(len % sizeof(cell_data_to_send[idx][0]) == 0,
4054                  ExcInternalError());
4056           const unsigned int n_cells =
4057             len / sizeof(typename CellId::binary_type);
4058           cell_data_to_send[idx].resize(n_cells);
4060           ierr = MPI_Recv(cell_data_to_send[idx].data(),
4061                           len,
4062                           MPI_BYTE,
4063                           status.MPI_SOURCE,
4064                           status.MPI_TAG,
4065                           tria->get_communicator(),
4066                           &status);
4067           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4069           // store data for each cell
4070           for (unsigned int c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned int>(n_cells); ++c)
4071             {
4072               const auto cell =
4073                 CellId(cell_data_to_send[idx][c]).to_cell(*tria);
4075               MeshCellIteratorType                mesh_it(tria,
4076                                            cell->level(),
4077                                            cell->index(),
4078                                            &mesh);
4079               const std_cxx17::optional<DataType> data = pack(mesh_it);
4081               if (data)
4082                 {
4083                   typename DestinationToBufferMap::iterator p =
4084                     destination_to_data_buffer_map
4085                       .insert(std::make_pair(
4086                         idx,
4087                         GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>()))
4088                       .first;
4090                   p->second.cell_ids.emplace_back(cell->id());
4091                   p->second.data.emplace_back(*data);
4092                 }
4093             }
4095           // send reply
4096           GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType> &data =
4097             destination_to_data_buffer_map[idx];
4099           sendbuffers[idx] =
4100             Utilities::pack(data, /*enable_compression*/ false);
4101           ierr = MPI_Isend(sendbuffers[idx].data(),
4102                            sendbuffers[idx].size(),
4103                            MPI_BYTE,
4104                            status.MPI_SOURCE,
4105                            mpi_tag_reply,
4106                            tria->get_communicator(),
4107                            &reply_requests[idx]);
4108           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4109         }
4111       // finally receive the replies
4112       std::vector<char> receive;
4113       for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
4114         {
4115           MPI_Status status;
4116           int        ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
4117                                mpi_tag_reply,
4118                                tria->get_communicator(),
4119                                &status);
4120           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4122           int len;
4123           ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
4124           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4126           receive.resize(len);
4128           char *ptr = receive.data();
4129           ierr      = MPI_Recv(ptr,
4130                           len,
4131                           MPI_BYTE,
4132                           status.MPI_SOURCE,
4133                           status.MPI_TAG,
4134                           tria->get_communicator(),
4135                           &status);
4136           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4138           auto cellinfo =
4139             Utilities::unpack<CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>>(
4140               receive, /*enable_compression*/ false);
4142           DataType *data = cellinfo.data.data();
4143           for (unsigned int c = 0; c < cellinfo.cell_ids.size(); ++c, ++data)
4144             {
4145               const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator
4146                 tria_cell = cellinfo.cell_ids[c].to_cell(*tria);
4148               MeshCellIteratorType cell(tria,
4149                                         tria_cell->level(),
4150                                         tria_cell->index(),
4151                                         &mesh);
4153               unpack(cell, *data);
4154             }
4155         }
4157       // make sure that all communication is finished
4158       // when we leave this function.
4159       if (requests.size() > 0)
4160         {
4161           const int ierr =
4162             MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), requests.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
4163           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4164         }
4165       if (reply_requests.size() > 0)
4166         {
4167           const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(reply_requests.size(),
4168                                        reply_requests.data(),
4169                                        MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
4170           AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
4171         }
4174 #    endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
4175     }
4177   } // namespace internal
4179   template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
4180   void
exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts(const MeshType & mesh,const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType> (const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)> & pack,const std::function<void (const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &,const DataType &)> & unpack,const std::function<bool (const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)> & cell_filter)4181   exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts(
4182     const MeshType &                                     mesh,
4183     const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
4184       const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
4185     const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &,
4186                              const DataType &)> &        unpack,
4187     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &)>
4188       &cell_filter)
4189   {
4190 #    ifndef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
4191     (void)mesh;
4192     (void)pack;
4193     (void)unpack;
4194     (void)cell_filter;
4195     Assert(false,
4196            ExcMessage(
4197              "GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts() requires MPI."));
4198 #    else
4199     internal::exchange_cell_data<DataType,
4200                                  MeshType,
4201                                  typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator>(
4202       mesh,
4203       pack,
4204       unpack,
4205       cell_filter,
4206       [&](const auto &process) {
4207         for (const auto &cell : mesh.active_cell_iterators())
4208           if (cell->is_ghost())
4209             process(cell, cell->subdomain_id());
4210       },
4211       [](const auto &tria) { return tria.ghost_owners(); });
4212 #    endif
4213   }
4217   template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
4218   void
exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts(const MeshType & mesh,const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType> (const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> & pack,const std::function<void (const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &,const DataType &)> & unpack,const std::function<bool (const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> & cell_filter)4219   exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts(
4220     const MeshType &                                    mesh,
4221     const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
4222       const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
4223     const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &,
4224                              const DataType &)> &       unpack,
4225     const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)>
4226       &cell_filter)
4227   {
4228 #    ifndef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
4229     (void)mesh;
4230     (void)pack;
4231     (void)unpack;
4232     (void)cell_filter;
4233     Assert(false,
4234            ExcMessage(
4235              "GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts() requires MPI."));
4236 #    else
4237     internal::exchange_cell_data<DataType,
4238                                  MeshType,
4239                                  typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator>(
4240       mesh,
4241       pack,
4242       unpack,
4243       cell_filter,
4244       [&](const auto &process) {
4245         for (const auto &cell : mesh.cell_iterators())
4246           if (cell->level_subdomain_id() !=
4247                 dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id &&
4248               !cell->is_locally_owned_on_level())
4249             process(cell, cell->level_subdomain_id());
4250       },
4251       [](const auto &tria) { return tria.level_ghost_owners(); });
4252 #    endif
4253   }
4254 } // namespace GridTools
4256 #  endif
4260 /*----------------------------   grid_tools.h     ---------------------------*/
4261 /* end of #ifndef dealii_grid_tools_h */
4262 #endif
4263 /*----------------------------   grid_tools.h     ---------------------------*/