1<!-- renewpasswd.tt2 -->
4[% IF account_creation %]
5    <p>[%|loc%]You requested an account creation on this list server.[%END%]</p>
6[% ELSIF login_error == 'wrong_password' %]
7    [%# Perhaps currently not used. ~%]
8    <h2>
9        <i class="fa fa-user"></i>
10        [%|loc%]Login[%END%]
11    </h2>
12    <p>
13        [%|loc%]Unable to continue: The username / password combination provided was incorrect.[%END%]
14    </p>
15    [% SET SAFE_TO_REVEAL_EMAIL = 0 %]
16[% ELSIF login_error == 'password_reset' %]
17    <h2>
18        <i class="fa fa-user"></i>
19        [%|loc%]Login[%END%]
20    </h2>
21    <p>
22        [%|loc%]Too many wrong passwords were submitted for this account. Your account has been blocked in order to protect you against attacks. You must renew your password in order to login.[%END%]
23    </p>
24[% ELSIF login_error == 'missing_password' %]
25    [%# Perhaps currently not used. ~%]
26    <p>
27        [%|loc%]The password was incorrect. Please try again. Perhaps you have forgotten it?[%END%]
28    </p>
29[% ELSIF login_error == 'ticket_sent' %]
30    <p>
31        [%|loc%]You will receive an email that will allow you to choose your password.[%END%]
32    </p>
33[% ELSE %]
34    [% IF reason == 'firstpasswd' %]
35        <p>
36            [%|loc%]Please enter your email address to begin the registration process.[%END%]
37        </p>
38    [% ELSE %]
39        <p>
40            [%|loc%]You have forgotten your password. You must renew it.[%END%]
41        </p>
42    [% END %]
43[% END %]
45    <form class="bold_label" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post" autocomplete="on">
46        <fieldset>
47            <input type="hidden" name="previous_action" value="[% previous_action %]" />
48            <input type="hidden" name="previous_list" value="[% previous_list %]" />
49            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="requestpasswd" />
50            <input type="hidden" name="reason" value="[% reason %]" />
52            <div class="row">
53                <div class="columns">
54                    <label for="email">[%|loc%]Your e-mail address:[%END%] </label>
55                    <input id="email" type="text" name="email" size="20" value="[% email %]" />
56                </div>
57            </div>
58            <div class="row">
59                <div class="columns">
60                    <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit" name="action_requestpasswd"
61                           [% IF reason == 'firstpasswd' %]
62                               value="[%|loc%]Request first password[%END%]" />
63                           [% ELSE %]
64                               value="[%|loc%]Request new password[%END%]" />
65                           [% END %]
66                </div>
67            </div>
68        </fieldset>
69    </form>
70[% END %]
71<!-- end renewpasswd.tt2 -->