1<!-- reviewbouncing.tt2 -->
3    [%|loc%]Manage bouncing list members[%END%]
4    <a class="openInNewWindow" href="[% 'nomenu/help' | url_rel(['admin-bounces.html']) %]" target="wws_help">
5        <i class="fa fa-info-circle" title="[%|loc%]Help[%END%]" aria-hidden="true"></i>
6    </a>
9[% IF bounce_rate %]
10    <a class="actionMenuLinks" href="[% 'export_member' | url_rel([list,'bounce']) %]">
11        [%|loc%]Dump[%END%]
12    </a>
14    <form action="[% path_cgi %]" method="post">
15        <fieldset>
16            <input type="hidden" name="previous_action" value="reviewbouncing" />
17            <input type="hidden" name="list"            value="[% list %]" />
18            <input type="hidden" name="action"          value="search" />
19            <input size="25" id="filter_reviewbouncing" name="filter" value="[% filter %]" />
20            <input class="MainMenuLinks disableIfEmpty"
21                   data-selector="#filter_reviewbouncing"
22                   type="submit" name="action_search" value="[%|loc%]Search[%END%]" />
23        </fieldset>
24    </form>
26    <form method="post" action="[% path_cgi %]">
27        <div>
28            <input class="MainMenuLinks" type="submit"
29                   value="[%|loc%]Remind all subscribers[%END%]" name="action_remind" />
30            <input type="hidden" name="previous_action" value="[% action %]" />
31            <input type="hidden" name="action"          value="remind" />
32            <input type="hidden" name="list"            value="[% list %]" />
33        </div>
34    </form>
36    <form action="[% path_cgi %]">
37        <fieldset>
38            <input type="hidden" name="sortby" value="[% sortby %]" />
39            <input type="hidden" name="action" value="reviewbouncing" />
40            <input type="hidden" name="list"   value="[% list %]" />
41            <label for="size">
42                [%|loc%]Page size[%END%]
43            </label>
44            [% SET mysize = (size || 0) ~%]
45            <select name="size" class="submitOnChange">
46                [% FOREACH s = [25, 50, 100, 500] ~%]
47                    [% IF 0 < mysize && mysize < s ~%]
48                        <option value="[% size %]" selected>[% size %]</option>
49                        <option value="[% s %]">[% s %]</option>
50                        [%~ mysize = 0 ~%]
51                    [%~ ELSIF mysize == s ~%]
52                        <option value="[% size %]" selected>[% size %]</option>
53                        [%~ mysize = 0 ~%]
54                    [%~ ELSIF s < mysize && loop.last() ~%]
55                        <option value="[% s %]">[% s %]</option>
56                        <option value="[% size %]" selected>[% size %]</option>
57                    [%~ ELSE ~%]
58                        <option value="[% s %]">[% s %]</option>
59                    [%~ END %]
60                [%~ END %]
61            </select>
62            <noscript>
63                <input type="submit" class="MainMenuLinks"
64                       name="action_reviewbouncing" value="[%|loc%]Change[%END%]" />
65            </noscript>
66        </fieldset>
67    </form>
69    <div class="text-center">
70        [% IF prev_page ~%]
71            <a href="[% 'reviewbouncing' | url_rel([list,prev_page,size]) %]">
72                <i class="fa fa-caret-left fa-lg" title="[%|loc%]Previous page[%END%]"></i>
73            </a>
74        [%~ END %]
75        [% IF page ~%]
76            [%|loc(page,total_page)%]page %1 / %2[%END%]
77        [%~ END %]
78        [% IF next_page ~%]
79            <a href="[% 'reviewbouncing' | url_rel([list,next_page,size]) %]">
80                <i class="fa fa-caret-right fa-lg" title="[%|loc%]Next page[%END%]"></i>
81            </a>
82        [%~ END %]
83    </div>
85    <form name="myform" action="[% path_cgi %]" method="POST"
86          class="toggleContainer" data-toggle-selector="input[name='email']">
87        <fieldset>
88            <input type="hidden" name="list" value="[% list %]" />
89            <input type="hidden" name="previous_action" value="reviewbouncing" />
90            <table class="listOfItems">
91                <caption>[%|loc%]Table to display list bounces[%END%]</caption>
92                <tr>
93                    <th rowspan="2">
94                        <a href="#" data-tooltip aria-haspopup="true" class="toggleButton"
95                           title="[%|loc%]Toggle Selection[%END%]">
96                            <i class="fa fa-check-square-o"></i>
97                        </a>
98                    </th>
99                    <th rowspan="2">[%|loc%]Email[%END%]</th>
100                    <th rowspan="2">[%|loc%]Bounce score[%END%]</th>
101                    <th colspan="3">[%|loc%]Details[%END%]</th>
102                </tr>
103                <tr>
104                    <th>[%|loc%]Number of bounces[%END%]</th>
105                    <th>[%|loc%]First bounce[%END%]</th>
106                    <th>[%|loc%]Last bounce[%END%]</th>
107                </tr>
110                [% FOREACH u = members %]
111                    [% IF dark == '1' %]
112                        [% SET dark = 0 %]
113                        <tr>
114                    [% ELSE %]
115                        [% SET dark = 1 %]
116                        <tr class="color0">
117                    [% END %]
119                            <td>
120                                <input type="checkbox" name="email" value="[% u.email %]" />
121                            </td>
122                            <td>
123                                <a href="[% 'editsubscriber' | url_rel([list],{email=>u.email,previous_action=>action}) %]">
124                                    [% u.email %]
125                                </a>
126                            </td>
127                            <td class="text_center
128                                [% IF u.bounce_level == '2' %]
129                                    bounce_level2
130                                [% ELSIF u.bounce_level == '1' %]
131                                    bounce_level1
132                                [% END %]">
133                                [% IF ! u.bounce_score %]
134                                    [%|loc%]no score[%END%]
135                                [% ELSE %]
136                                    [% u.bounce_score %]
137                                [% END %]
138                            </td>
139                            <td>[% u.bounce_count %]</td>
140                            <td>[% u.first_bounce %]</td>
141                            <td>[% u.last_bounce %]</td>
142                        </tr>
143                    [% END %]
144            </table>
145            <div class="text-center">
146                [% IF prev_page ~%]
147                    <a href="[% 'reviewbouncing' | url_rel([list,prev_page,size]) %]">
148                        <i class="fa fa-caret-left fa-lg" title="[%|loc%]Previous page[%END%]"></i>
149                    </a>
150                [%~ END %]
151                [% IF page ~%]
152                    [%|loc(page,total_page)%]page %1 / %2[%END%]
153                [%~ END %]
154                [% IF next_page ~%]
155                    <a href="[% 'reviewbouncing' | url_rel([list,next_page,size]) %]">
156                        <i class="fa fa-caret-right fa-lg" title="[%|loc%]Next page[%END%]"></i>
157                    </a>
158                [%~ END %]
159            </div>
160            [% IF is_owner %]
161                <div>
162                    <input class="MainMenuLinks disableUnlessChecked"
163                           data-selector="input[name='email']"
164                           type="submit" name="action_del"
165                           value="[%|loc%]Delete selected email addresses[%END%]" />
166                    <input id="quiet" type="checkbox" name="quiet" />
167                    <label for="quiet">[%|loc%]quiet[%END%] </label>
168                </div>
169                <div>
170                    <input class="MainMenuLinks disableUnlessChecked"
171                           data-selector="input[name='email']"
172                           type="submit" name="action_resetbounce"
173                           value="[%|loc%]Reset errors for selected users[%END%]" />
174                </div>
175            [% END %]
176        </fieldset>
177    </form>
178[% ELSE %]
179    <p class="small-12 medium-8 medium-centered columns alert-box info text-center">
180        [%|loc%]No bouncing members[%END%]
181    </p>
182[% END %]
183<!-- end reviewbouncing.tt2 -->