2# Fink package definition
3# Written by Chris Dolan (up to 1.6.3)
4# Tweaked by Alexis Wilke (since 1.7.0)
6# Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Made to Order Software Corp.
9Package: sswf
10Version: <VERSION>
11Revision: <REVISION>
12# Am I the one releasing the packages?
13# I only have g++ 3.3
14#GCC: 3.3
15Maintainer: Alexis Wilke <alexis@m2osw.com>
16Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
17BuildDepends: bison (>= 1.35), libjpeg, freetype2 (>= 2.1.2), libiconv-dev
18BuildDependsOnly: True
20# I will use the following to handle beta versions
21# (at this time, 1.7.5 is a beta version)
22#Source:  ftp://ftp.m2osw.com/sswf/beta/%n-%v-src.tar.gz
23#Source2: ftp://ftp.m2osw.com/sswf/beta/%n-%v-doc.tar.gz
25Source:  mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v-src.tar.gz
26Source2: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v-doc.tar.gz
28Source-MD5: <SRCMD5>
29Source2-MD5: <DOCMD5>
32# To generate a patch:
33# 1) use the command line:
34#	diff -Naur sswf-<version>-original sswf-<version> >%f.patch
35# 2) place the result in the same directory as this .info file
36# 3) uncomment the Patch: %f.patch line below
37#Patch: %f.patch
38SourceDirectory: %n-%v
39DocFiles: <DOCFILES>
40ConfigureParams: --mandir=%i/share/man --disable-dependency-tracking
41#CompileScript: <<
42#  configure prefix=%p
43#  make
45InstallScript: <<
46  make install prefix=%i
47  mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%N
48  mv %i/share/%N/html %i/share/doc/%N/html
50#InstallScript: <<
51#  make install prefix=%i
52#  rm -f bin/ft2sswf
53#  mv %i/lib/libsswf.dylib %i/lib/libsswf.%v.dylib
54#  mv %i/doc %i/share
55#  mv %i/share/doc/%N-%v %i/share/doc/%N
56#  mv %i/include/sswf/scripts %i/share/doc/%N
57#  ln -s libsswf.%v.dylib %i/lib/libsswf.1.dylib
58#  ln -s libsswf.1.dylib %i/lib/libsswf.dylib
60SplitOff: <<
61  Package: %N-shlibs
62  #Depends: libjpeg, zlib, freetype2 (>= 2.1.2)
63  # It seems that zlib is now part of the Apple setup and
64  # thus not a requirement in fink packages.
65  Depends: libjpeg-shlibs, freetype2-shlibs (>= 2.1.2), libiconv
66  Files: lib/*.dylib
67  Shlibs: <<
68    %p/lib/libsswf-%v.*.*.*.dylib      2.0.0 %n (>= 1.7.5-6)
69    %p/lib/libsswf_c-%v.*.*.*.dylib    2.0.0 %n (>= 1.7.5-6)
70    %p/lib/libsswf_as-%v.*.*.*.dylib   2.0.0 %n (>= 1.7.5-6)
71    %p/lib/libsswf_asas-%v.*.*.*.dylib 2.0.0 %n (>= 1.7.5-6)
72  <<
73  DocFiles: doc/LICENSE.txt
74  Description: Shared libraries for SSWF and its ActionScript compiler
76SplitOff2: <<
77  Package: %N-bin
78  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
79  Files: bin share/man
80  DocFiles: doc/LICENSE.txt
81  Description: SSWF tools: compiler, decompiler, jpeg to Flash, font convertor
83SplitOff3: <<
84  Package: %N-docs
85  # Do we need dependencies here?! Probably not since you can
86  # read the docs without having the binaries/libraries/etc.
87  #Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
88  Files: share/doc/%N
89  # Avoid duplicating the license...
90  #DocFiles: doc/LICENSE.txt
91  Description: SSWF libraries, tools and also Flash documentation
93# According to the policy, we cannot have a -dev + -bin packages
94#SplitOff4: <<
95#  Package: %N-dev
96#  Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r)
97#  BuildDependsOnly: True
98#  # The following will break whenever the library version goes to more than
99#  # one digit but I'm not too sure how to do better with glob patterns...
100#  Files: <<
101#    include lib/libsswf.a lib/libsswf.dylib lib/libsswf.la
102#    lib/libsswf_as.a lib/libsswf_as.dylib lib/libsswf_as.la
103#    lib/libsswf_asas.a lib/libsswf_asas.dylib lib/libsswf_asas.la
104#  <<
105#  DocFiles: doc/LICENSE.txt
106#  Description: Header files, static libraries and dynamic library links
108Description: Library/tools for creating Flash movies
109DescPort: <<
110  Fink bison version 1.29 won't work with this package.
112  OSX 10.3 comes with version 1.35 which is what will be required by
113  default.
115  First ported to Mac OS/X by Chris Dolan.
117# The license is really MIT, but Fink only accepts a set of licenses
118# and they decided that BSD would mean any BSD license or the MIT license
119License: BSD
120Homepage: http://sswf.sourceforge.net/