1return {
2	msg_timeout = 100,
3	tbar_timeout = 200,
4	font_def = "default.ttf",
5	font_fb = "emoji.ttf",
6	font_sz = 18,
7	font_hint = 2,
8	font_str = "",
9	text_color = "\\#aaaaaa",
11-- decoration settings
12	borderw = 1,
13	bordert = 1,
14	bordert_float = 1,
15	borderw_float = 4,
16	border_color = {60, 104, 135},
17	titlebar_color = {60, 104, 135},
19-- quite expensive so need to be 'none' at start (or have a GPU probe stage)
20	shadow_style = "none",
21	shadow_focus = 0.5,
22	shadow_defocus = 1.0,
23	shadow_t = 6,
24	shadow_l = 6,
25	shadow_d = 6,
26	shadow_r = 6,
28-- soft, fixed
29	shadow_style = "none",
30	shadow_color = {0, 0, 0},
32-- right now, the options are 'none', 'image', 'full'
33	browser_preview = "full",
34	browser_timer = 5,
35	browser_position = 20,
36	browser_trigger = "selection", -- or visibility
38-- for the first run, enable more helpers
39	first_run = true,
41-- show the description field of the menu item that is selected
42	menu_helper = true,
44-- should entries that request a password show the input as *** chars
45	passmask = false,
48-- advanced lockscreen features, not currently mapped to UI
49-- lock_ok = "/some/path/like/resume_all",
50-- lock_on = "/some/path/like/suspend_all"
51-- lock_fail_1 = "/system/output=fail_once",
52-- lock_fail_10 = "/system/shutdown/ok",
55-- default window dimensions (relative tiler size) for windows
56-- created in float mode with unknown starting size
57	float_defw = 0.3,
58	float_defh = 0.2,
60-- % ratio (0..1) of allocated column space for titlebar
61	htab_barw = 0.1,
63-- padding pixels
64	htab_lpad = 0,
65	htab_tpad = 0,
66	htab_rpad = 0,
68-- default encoder setting, used by suppl when building string. We don't
69-- have a way to query the span of these parameters yet (like available
70-- codecs).
71	enc_fps = 30,
72	enc_srate = -1,
73	enc_vcodec = "H264",
74	enc_vpreset = 8,
75	enc_container = "mkv",
76	enc_presilence = 0,
77	enc_vbr = 0,
78	enc_vqual = 7,
80-- SECURITY: set _path to :disabled to disable these features
81	extcon_path = "durden",
82	control_path = "control",
84-- SECURITY: set to "full" to allow clients that request authentication tokens
85-- against the GPU to let those tokens go through. This can compromise security
86-- or safety as the privileges given for such a token may expose buffer contents
87-- or queue GPU resources that may compromise the display server.
88	gpu_auth = "full",
90-- SECURITY: set to passive, active, full or none depending on the default
91-- access permissions to any client that requests to manage gamma or clipboard
92	gamma_access = "none",
93	clipboard_access = "none",
95-- if > 0, wait n ticks before re-activating external connection path
96-- (default clock, ~25 == 1s.)
97	extcon_rlimit = 25,
98-- ignore rlimit first n ticks after startup (allow initial start burst)
99	extcon_startdelay = 100,
100-- if n > 0: while >= n external windows, disable external windows (
101-- requires extcon_rlimit > 0 as it uses the same timer when evaluating)
102	extcon_wndlimit = 0,
103-- limit subwindows per connection, also covers hidden windows (e.g. clipboard)
104	subwnd_limit = 10,
106-- MANUAL/REQUIRES RESTART: setting this to true possibly reduces latency,
107-- Performance footprint etc. but prevents certain features like selective
108-- desktop sharing and multiple displays.
109	display_simple = false,
110	display_shader = "basic",
112-- clear-color on display rendertarget when no wallpaper is set
113	display_color = {30, 30, 30},
115-- on dedicated- fullscreen, switch rendertarget refreshrate to the following
116-- cloclvalue (0, disabled entirely, -n every n frame, n every n tick
117	display_fs_rtrate = 2,
119-- some people can't handle the flash transition between workspaces,
120-- setting this to a higher value adds animation fade in/out
121	transition = 10,
122	animation = 10,
123	wnd_animation = 10,
125-- (none, move-h, move-v, fade)
126	ws_transition_in = "fade",
127	ws_transition_out = "fade",
128	ws_autodestroy = true,
129	ws_autoadopt = true,
130	ws_default = "tile",
131	ws_altmenu = "wsmenu",
133-- [parent] or [current]
134	ws_child_default = "parent",
135	ws_popup = "wsbtn",
137-- per window toggle, global default here
138	hide_titlebar = false,
140-- if titlebars are "hidden" and this is true, merge the selected window
141-- titlebar into the statusbar center area and recursively relayout
142	titlebar_statusbar = false,
144-- %(fmt-char) p (tag) t (title) i (ident) a (archetype)
145-- optional character limit after each entry, whitespace breaks out of fmt-char
146	titlebar_ptn = "%p %t - %i",
147	titlebar_sidepad = 5,
149-- we repeat regular mouse/mstate properties here to avoid a separate
150-- path for loading / restoring / updating
151	mouse_focus_event = "click", -- motion, hover
152	mouse_remember_position = true,
153	mouse_factor = 1.0,
154	mouse_autohide = true,
155	mouse_reveal = true,
156	mouse_dblclick = 12,
157	mouse_hidetime = 420,
158	mouse_hovertime = 40,
159	mouse_dragdelta = 4,
160	mouse_cursorset = "default",
162-- use in iostatem to join all mouse devices into one label
163	mouse_coalesce = true,
165-- disable all mouse management and related menus
166	mouse_block = false,
168-- > 0, the minimum clock-delta before a button is accepted again
169	mouse_debounce_1 = 0,
170	mouse_debounce_2 = 0,
171	mouse_debounce_3 = 0,
172	mouse_debounce_4 = 0,
173	mouse_debounce_5 = 0,
174	mouse_debounce_6 = 0,
175	mouse_debounce_7 = 0,
176	mouse_debounce_8 = 0,
178-- used for keyboard- move step size in float mode
179	float_tile_sz = {16, 16},
180	float_tbar_override = false,
181	float_bg_rclick = "/global/tools/popup/menu=/menus/floatbg",
182	float_bg_click = "",
183	float_bg_dblclick = "",
185-- used for adding 'gaps' in the tile layout
186	tile_gap_w = 0,
187	tile_gap_h = 0,
189-- control child window creation in [normal or child]
191-- normal inserts in tile mode based on currently selected window and
192-- workspace insertion mode, child sets it as a child to the spawning
193-- window. 'child' also forces ws_child_default = parent.
194	tile_insert_child = "child",
196-- used as a workaround for mouse-control issues when we cannot get
197-- relative samples etc. due to being in a windows mode with different
198-- scaling parameters, SDL on OSX for instance.
199	mouse_hardlock = false,
200	mouse_scalef = 1.0,
202-- default classifier for unknown touch devices
203	mt_classifier = "relmouse",
205-- time since last input from which a device is considered in an 'idle' state
206	idle_threshold = 2500,
208-- audio settings
209	global_gain = 1.0,
210	gain_fade = 10,
211	global_mute = false,
213-- default keyboard repeat rate for all windows, some archetypes have
214-- default overrides and individual windows can have strong overrides
215	kbd_period = 4,
216	kbd_delay = 600,
218-- accepted values: m1, m2, none
219	meta_lock = "m2",
220	meta_stick_time = 0,
221	meta_dbltime = 10,
222	meta_guard = false,
224-- minimum amount of ticks from epoch (-1 disables entirely)
225-- before device- event notifications appears
226	device_notification = 500,
228-- built-in terminal defaults
229	term_autosz = true, -- will ignore cellw / cellh and use font testrender
230	term_cellw = 12,
231	term_cellh = 12,
232	term_font_sz = 12,
233	term_font_hint = 2,
234	term_blink = 0,
235	term_tpack = true,
236	term_cursor = "block",
237	term_font = "hack.ttf",
238	term_bgcol = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
239	term_fgcol = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff},
240	term_opa = 1.0,
241	term_bitmap = false,
242	term_palette = "",
243	term_append_arg = "", -- ci=ind,r,g,b to override individual colors
245-- input bar graphics
246	lbar_dim = 0.8,
247	lbar_tpad = 4,
248	lbar_bpad = 0,
249	lbar_spacing = 10,
250	lbar_sz = 12, -- dynamically recalculated on font changes
251	lbar_bg = {0x33, 0x33, 0x33},
252	lbar_helperbg = {0x24, 0x24, 0x24},
253	lbar_textstr = "\\#cccccc ",
254	lbar_alertstr = "\\#ff0000 ",
255	lbar_labelstr = "\\#00ff00 ",
256	lbar_menulblstr = "\\#ffff00 ",
257	lbar_menulblselstr = "\\#ffff00 ",
258	lbar_helperstr = "\\#aaaaaa ",
259	lbar_errstr = "\\#ff4444 ",
260	lbar_caret_w = 2,
261	lbar_caret_h = 16,
262	lbar_caret_col = {0x00, 0xff, 0x00},
263	lbar_seltextstr = "\\#ffffff ",
264	lbar_seltextbg = {0x44, 0x66, 0x88},
265	lbar_itemspace = 10,
266	lbar_fltfun = "prefix",
267	lbar_nextsym = string.char(0xe2) .. string.char(0x9e) .. string.char(0xa1),
269-- binding bar
270	bind_waittime = 30,
271	bind_repeat = 5,
273-- statusbar
274	sbar_tpad = 2, -- add some space to the text
275	sbar_bpad = 2,
276	sbar_sz = 12, -- dynamically recalculated on font changes
277	sbar_textstr = "\\#00ff00 ",
278	sbar_alpha = 0.3,
279	sbar_tspace = 0,
280	sbar_lspace = 0,
281	sbar_dspace = 0,
282	sbar_rspace = 0,
283	sbar_tshadow = 8,
284	sbar_lshadow = 5,
285	sbar_dshadow = 8,
286	sbar_rshadow = 5,
287	sbar_popup_pad = 4,
288	sbar_shadow = "soft",
289	sbar_shadow_color = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00},
290	sbar_pos = "top",
291	sbar_visible = "desktop", -- (desktop / hud / hidden)
292	sbar_wsbuttons = true, -- show the dynamic workspace switch buttons
293	sbar_wsmeta = true, -- show the workspace- create button
294	sbar_numberprefix = true,
295	sbar_dispbuttons = true, -- controls for multidisplay
296	sbar_dispbutton_dir = "right", -- keep in the tray side
297	sbar_dispbutton_prefix = "D", -- any valid vsym
298	sbar_lblcolor = "dynamic", -- or specific: "\\#ffff00",
299	sbar_prefixcolor = "dynamic", -- "\\#ffffff ",
301-- titlebar
302	tbar_sz = 12, -- dynamically recalculated on font changes
303	tbar_tpad = 4,
304	tbar_bpad = 2,
305	tbar_text = "left", -- left, center, right
306	tbar_textstr = "\\#ffffff ",
307	tbar_rclick = "/global/tools/popup/menu=/target",
309-- icons
310	icon_set = "default",
312-- notification system
313	notifications_enable = true,
315-- LWA specific settings, only really useful for development / debugging
316	lwa_autores = true,
318-- cleared after running the first time
319	first_run = true