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.NS 8 "Transformer" .sh 2 "Overview" .lp The transformer module performs a number of manipulations on the AST and on the Symbol Table. The object of these manipulations is to place the internal data structures in a canonical form that is easy to process by later phases. .lp The following transformations are performed on the AST: L Canonicalize alignment and distribution directives and create symbols for descriptors. L Transform array assignments and WHERE statements into FORALL statements. L Canonicalize FORALL statements L Rewrite arguments of subroutines, array-valued intrinsics and functions, and various intrinsics. L Perform transformations on sequential variables and common blocks. .lp The Symbol Table and AST are modified by this module. Statements are inserted and deleted, and new symbols created. .sh 2 "Data Structures" .sh 3 "Global Data Structures" S "Symbol Table" New symbols are created for the following data items: L Alignment descriptors and their pointers. .lp Each aligned array is assigned an alignment descriptor, which is a one-dimensional integer array, with a bound of 1. The alignment descriptor is created as a based variable, and a pointer for the alignment descriptor is created. The various variables are accessed as follows: given a symbol pointer .cw sptr for an aligned array A, the alignment descriptor (array) for A is accessed via .cw DESCRG(sptr) , and the pointer to the alignment descriptor (as for any based variable) is accessed via .cw MIDNUMG(DESCRG(sptr)) . L Section descriptors and their pointers. .lp A section descriptor is created for each aligned array; the descriptor will describe the entire array. The descriptor is pointed to by .cw DESCRG(sptr) . L Processor descriptors and their pointers. .lp Each .cw ST_PROCESSOR symbol has a descriptor, created in the same way as alignment descriptors, and referenced via .cw DESCRG . L Template descriptors and their pointers. .cw ST_TEMPLATE symbols receive descriptors in the same way as .cw ST_PROCESSOR symbols. L Internal .cw ST_PROCESSOR and .cw ST_TEMPLATE symbols. .lp For arrays directly distributed onto processor arrangements, templates are created. For distributed arrays and templates with no explicit processor arrangement, processor arrangements are created. These use internal compiler-created names but are otherwise the same as user-defined templates and processors. S "AST" .lp The AST is modified by insertion and deletion of statements. The modification is described in more detail in the section on processing. .sh 3 "Local Data Structures" .lp There are no significant local data structures in the transform module. .sh 2 Processing .sh 3 Overview .lp The main processing function is .cw "transform()" . It performs canonical alignment transformations, rewrites foralls containing transformational intrinsics, rewrites block WHERE statements, rewrites subroutine and intrinsic calls, converts array assignments and WHERE statements into foralls, and foralls into canonical form. Also, descriptor symbols are created. .lp The processing for the transform module is performed in two files: .cw "transfrm.c" and .cw "func.c" . .sh 3 "Transformational Intrinsics" .lp .cw "rewrite_forall_intrinsic" removes transformational intrinsics from forall statements. For example, .(b .CS forall (i=1:n, j=1:n) a(i,j) = a(i,j) + sum(b(i,:)*c(:,j)) .CE .)b is transformed into: .(b .CS do i = 1,n do j = 1,n temp(i,j) = sum(b(i,:) * c(:,j) enddo enddo forall (i=1:n, j=1:n) a(i,j) = a(i,j) + temp(i,j) .CE .)b .sh 3 "Block Wheres" .cw "rewrite_block_where" converts block WHERE constructs into single-statement WHEREs. For example, .(b .CS WHERE (a .gt. 0) a = 12 b = a / 13 ENDWHERE .CE .)b is transformed into: .(b .CS temp = a .gt. 0 WHERE (temp) a = 12 WHERE (temp) b = a / 13 .CE .)b Note that the temporary is always created; this could be avoided in many cases some analysis; for example, if no variable referenced in the mask expression is assigned to in the block, then no temporary is required. .sh 3 "Subroutine Arguments" .cw "rewrite_calls()" is the most complex part of the transform module. The file .cw func.c contains this function. It is responsible for three tasks: .np Rewrite array expression arguments to functions to use temporaries. For example, .(b L .CS call sub(a(1:n:2) + b(1:m:3)) .CE .)b becomes .(b L .CS allocate temp(1:n:2) temp = a(1:n:2) + b(1:m:3) .CE .)b .np Rewrite expressions using array-valued functions, and the calls to those functions. This involves creating a temporary to hold the return value of the function. This is done currently only for intrinsic functions. .np Rewrite intrinsics. This is the most important part of .cw rewrite_calls. .lp Intrinsic rewriting is performed on transformational intrinsics, as well as a number of Fortran intrinsics. Transformational intrinsics are turned into calls to runtime support functions. Here is an example: .lp Consider the statement: .CS a = SUM(b * c, dim=2, mask=a .ne. 0) + d .CE First, a temporary is created to hold the expression .cw b*c . This is done as part of the array expression argument processing. A temporary is also created for the mask expression. Then, the function .cw rewrite_func_ast is called. It determines that the appropriate runtime call is .cw ftn_sum . A call to this function is generated. Since the result of the intrinsic is used in an expression, a temporary to hold the return value is also generated. .lp The generated code looks like: .CS allocate temp1 temp1 = b*c allocate temp2 temp2 = a .ne. 0 allocate temp3 call ftn_sum(temp3, temp1, dim, temp2) a = temp3 deallocate temp3 deallocate temp2 deallocate temp1 .CE .)b .sh 3 "Rewrite Into Foralls" The function .cw rewrite_into_forall() converts array assignments and WHERE statements into forall statements. This is relatively straightforward; special care must be taken for array-valued subscripts. Also, an attempt is made to generate the forall so that later DO-loops will be in column major order. .sh 3 "Rewrite Foralls" .cw rewrite_forall creates temporaries for forall statements that would have a dependence if directly scalarized (this functionality will be moved to a later phase). It also handles vector foralls, such as: .(b .CS forall (i=1:n) a(i,:) = b(i,:) .CE .)b These are converted into foralls with multiple indices: .(b .CS forall (i=1:n,j=1:m) a(i,j) = b(i,j) .CE .)b This should probably be part of an earlier phase.