1 //
2 //    This file is part of Dire Wolf, an amateur radio packet TNC.
3 //
4 //    Copyright (C) 2019  John Langner, WB2OSZ
5 //
6 //    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 //    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 //    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
9 //    (at your option) any later version.
10 //
11 //    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 //    GNU General Public License for more details.
15 //
16 //    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 //    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 //
19 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 //
21 //
22 // Some of this is based on:
23 //
24 // FX.25 Encoder
25 //	Author: Jim McGuire KB3MPL
26 //	Date: 	23 October 2007
27 //
28 // This program is a single-file implementation of the FX.25 encapsulation
29 // structure for use with AX.25 data packets.  Details of the FX.25
30 // specification are available at:
31 //     http://www.stensat.org/Docs/Docs.htm
32 //
33 // This program implements a single RS(255,239) FEC structure.  Future
34 // releases will incorporate more capabilities as accommodated in the FX.25
35 // spec.
36 //
37 // The Reed Solomon encoding routines are based on work performed by
38 // Phil Karn.  Phil was kind enough to release his code under the GPL, as
39 // noted below.  Consequently, this FX.25 implementation is also released
40 // under the terms of the GPL.
41 //
42 // Phil Karn's original copyright notice:
43   /* Test the Reed-Solomon codecs
44    * for various block sizes and with random data and random error patterns
45    *
46    * Copyright 2002 Phil Karn, KA9Q
47    * May be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
48    *
49    */
51 #include "direwolf.h"
53 #include <stdio.h>
54 #include <stdlib.h>
55 #include <string.h>
56 #include <ctype.h>
57 #include <stdint.h>		// uint64_t
58 #include <inttypes.h>		// PRIx64
59 #include <assert.h>
61 #include "fx25.h"
62 #include "textcolor.h"
65 #define NTAB 3
67 static struct {
68   int symsize;		// Symbol size, bits (1-8).  Always 8 for this application.
69   int genpoly;		// Field generator polynomial coefficients.
70   int fcs;		// First root of RS code generator polynomial, index form.
71   int prim;		// Primitive element to generate polynomial roots.
72   int nroots;		// RS code generator polynomial degree (number of roots).
73 			// Same as number of check bytes added.
74   struct rs *rs;	// Pointer to RS codec control block.  Filled in at init time.
75 } Tab[NTAB] = {
76   {8, 0x11d,   1,   1, 16, NULL },  // RS(255,239)
77   {8, 0x11d,   1,   1, 32, NULL },  // RS(255,223)
78   {8, 0x11d,   1,   1, 64, NULL },  // RS(255,191)
79 };
81 /*
82  * Reference:	http://www.stensat.org/docs/FX-25_01_06.pdf
83  *				FX.25
84  *		Forward Error Correction Extension to
85  *		AX.25 Link Protocol For Amateur Packet Radio
86  *		Version: 0.01 DRAFT
87  *		Date: 01 September 2006
88  */
90 struct correlation_tag_s {
91 	uint64_t value;		// 64 bit value, send LSB first.
92 	int n_block_radio;	// Size of transmitted block, all in bytes.
93 	int k_data_radio;	// Size of transmitted data part.
94 	int n_block_rs;		// Size of RS algorithm block.
95 	int k_data_rs;		// Size of RS algorithm data part.
96 	int itab;		// Index into Tab array.
97 };
99 static const struct correlation_tag_s tags[16] = {
100     /* Tag_00 */ { 0x566ED2717946107ELL,   0,   0,   0,   0, -1 },  //  Reserved
102     /* Tag_01 */ { 0xB74DB7DF8A532F3ELL, 255, 239, 255, 239, 0 },  //  RS(255, 239) 16-byte check value, 239 information bytes
103     /* Tag_02 */ { 0x26FF60A600CC8FDELL, 144, 128, 255, 239, 0 },  //  RS(144,128) - shortened RS(255, 239), 128 info bytes
104     /* Tag_03 */ { 0xC7DC0508F3D9B09ELL,  80,  64, 255, 239, 0 },  //  RS(80,64) - shortened RS(255, 239), 64 info bytes
105     /* Tag_04 */ { 0x8F056EB4369660EELL,  48,  32, 255, 239, 0 },  //  RS(48,32) - shortened RS(255, 239), 32 info bytes
107     /* Tag_05 */ { 0x6E260B1AC5835FAELL, 255, 223, 255, 223, 1 },  //  RS(255, 223) 32-byte check value, 223 information bytes
108     /* Tag_06 */ { 0xFF94DC634F1CFF4ELL, 160, 128, 255, 223, 1 },  //  RS(160,128) - shortened RS(255, 223), 128 info bytes
109     /* Tag_07 */ { 0x1EB7B9CDBC09C00ELL,  96,  64, 255, 223, 1 },  //  RS(96,64) - shortened RS(255, 223), 64 info bytes
110     /* Tag_08 */ { 0xDBF869BD2DBB1776LL,  64,  32, 255, 223, 1 },  //  RS(64,32) - shortened RS(255, 223), 32 info bytes
112     /* Tag_09 */ { 0x3ADB0C13DEAE2836LL, 255, 191, 255, 191, 2 },  //  RS(255, 191) 64-byte check value, 191 information bytes
113     /* Tag_0A */ { 0xAB69DB6A543188D6LL, 192, 128, 255, 191, 2 },  //  RS(192, 128) - shortened RS(255, 191), 128 info bytes
114     /* Tag_0B */ { 0x4A4ABEC4A724B796LL, 128,  64, 255, 191, 2 },  //  RS(128, 64) - shortened RS(255, 191), 64 info bytes
116     /* Tag_0C */ { 0x0293D578626B67E6LL,   0,   0,   0,   0, -1 },  //  Undefined
117     /* Tag_0D */ { 0xE3B0B0D6917E58A6LL,   0,   0,   0,   0, -1 },  //  Undefined
118     /* Tag_0E */ { 0x720267AF1BE1F846LL,   0,   0,   0,   0, -1 },  //  Undefined
119     /* Tag_0F */ { 0x93210201E8F4C706LL,   0,   0,   0,   0, -1 }   //  Undefined
120 };
124 #define CLOSE_ENOUGH 8		// How many bits can be wrong in tag yet consider it a match?
125 				// Needs to be large enough to match with significant errors
126 				// but not so large to get frequent false matches.
127 				// Probably don't want >= 16 because the hamming distance between
128 				// any two pairs is 32.
129 				// What is a good number?  8??  12??  15??
130 				// 12 got many false matches with random noise.
131 				// Even 8 might be too high.  We see 2 or 4 bit errors here
132 				// at the point where decoding the block is very improbable.
133 				// After 2 months of continuous operation as a digipeater/iGate,
134 				// no false triggers were observed.  So 8 doesn't seem to be too
135 				// high for 1200 bps.  No study has been done for 9600 bps.
137 // Given a 64 bit correlation tag value, find acceptable match in table.
138 // Return index into table or -1 for no match.
140 // Both gcc and clang have a built in function to count the number of '1' bits
141 // in an integer.  This can result in a single machine instruction.  You might need
142 // to supply your own popcount function if using a different compiler.
fx25_tag_find_match(uint64_t t)144 int fx25_tag_find_match (uint64_t t)
145 {
146 	for (int c = CTAG_MIN; c <= CTAG_MAX; c++) {
147 	  if (__builtin_popcountll(t ^ tags[c].value) <= CLOSE_ENOUGH) {
148 	    //printf ("%016" PRIx64 " received\n", t);
149 	    //printf ("%016" PRIx64 " tag %d\n", tags[c].value, c);
150 	    //printf ("%016" PRIx64 " xor, popcount = %d\n", t ^ tags[c].value, __builtin_popcountll(t ^ tags[c].value));
151 	    return (c);
152 	  }
153 	}
154 	return (-1);
155 }
free_rs_char(struct rs * rs)159 void free_rs_char(struct rs *rs){
160   free(rs->alpha_to);
161   free(rs->index_of);
162   free(rs->genpoly);
163   free(rs);
164 }
167 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
168  *
169  * Name:	fx25_init
170  *
171  * Purpose:	This must be called once before any of the other fx25 functions.
172  *
173  * Inputs:	debug_level - Controls level of informational / debug messages.
174  *
175  *			0		Only errors.
176  *			1 (default)	Transmitting ctag. Currently no other way to know this.
177  *			2 		Receive correlation tag detected.  FEC decode complete.
178  *			3		Dump data going in and out.
179  *
180  *			Use command line -dx to increase level or -qx for quiet.
181  *
182  * Description:	Initialize 3 Reed-Solomon codecs, for 16, 32, and 64 check bytes.
183  *
184  *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
186 static int g_debug_level;
fx25_init(int debug_level)188 void fx25_init ( int debug_level )
189 {
190 	g_debug_level = debug_level;
192 	for (int i = 0 ; i < NTAB ; i++) {
193 	  Tab[i].rs = INIT_RS(Tab[i].symsize, Tab[i].genpoly, Tab[i].fcs,  Tab[i].prim, Tab[i].nroots);
194 	  if (Tab[i].rs == NULL) {
195 	        text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR);
196 		dw_printf("FX.25 internal error: init_rs_char failed!\n");
197 		exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
198 	  }
199 	}
201 	// Verify integrity of tables and assumptions.
202 	// This also does a quick check for the popcount function.
204 	for (int j = 0; j < 16 ; j++) {
205 	  for (int k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
206 	    if (j == k) {
207 	      assert (__builtin_popcountll(tags[j].value ^ tags[k].value) == 0);
208 	    }
209 	    else {
210 	      assert (__builtin_popcountll(tags[j].value ^ tags[k].value) == 32);
211 	    }
212           }
213 	}
215 	for (int j = CTAG_MIN; j <= CTAG_MAX; j++) {
216 	  assert (tags[j].n_block_radio - tags[j].k_data_radio == Tab[tags[j].itab].nroots);
217 	  assert (tags[j].n_block_rs - tags[j].k_data_rs == Tab[tags[j].itab].nroots);
218 	  assert (tags[j].n_block_rs == FX25_BLOCK_SIZE);
219 	}
221 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+1, 239) == 1);
222 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+1, 240) == -1);
224 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+5, 223) == 5);
225 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+5, 224) == -1);
227 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+9, 191) == 9);
228 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (100+9, 192) == -1);
230 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (16, 32) == 4);
231 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (16, 64) == 3);
232 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (16, 128) == 2);
233 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (16, 239) == 1);
234 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (16, 240) == -1);
236 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (32, 32) == 8);
237 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (32, 64) == 7);
238 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (32, 128) == 6);
239 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (32, 223) == 5);
240 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (32, 234) == -1);
242 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (64, 64) == 11);
243 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (64, 128) == 10);
244 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (64, 191) == 9);
245 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (64, 192) == -1);
247 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 32) == 4);
248 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 33) == 3);
249 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 64) == 3);
250 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 65) == 6);
251 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 128) == 6);
252 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 191) == 9);
253 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 223) == 5);
254 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 239) == 1);
255 	assert (fx25_pick_mode (1, 240) == -1);
257 }  // fx25_init
260 // Get properties of specified CTAG number.
fx25_get_rs(int ctag_num)262 struct rs *fx25_get_rs (int ctag_num)
263 {
264 	assert (ctag_num >= CTAG_MIN && ctag_num <= CTAG_MAX);
265 	assert (tags[ctag_num].itab >= 0 && tags[ctag_num].itab < NTAB);
266 	assert (Tab[tags[ctag_num].itab].rs != NULL);
267 	return (Tab[tags[ctag_num].itab].rs);
268 }
fx25_get_ctag_value(int ctag_num)270 uint64_t fx25_get_ctag_value (int ctag_num)
271 {
272 	assert (ctag_num >= CTAG_MIN && ctag_num <= CTAG_MAX);
273 	return (tags[ctag_num].value);
274 }
fx25_get_k_data_radio(int ctag_num)276 int fx25_get_k_data_radio (int ctag_num)
277 {
278 	assert (ctag_num >= CTAG_MIN && ctag_num <= CTAG_MAX);
279 	return (tags[ctag_num].k_data_radio);
280 }
fx25_get_k_data_rs(int ctag_num)282 int fx25_get_k_data_rs (int ctag_num)
283 {
284 	assert (ctag_num >= CTAG_MIN && ctag_num <= CTAG_MAX);
285 	return (tags[ctag_num].k_data_rs);
286 }
fx25_get_nroots(int ctag_num)288 int fx25_get_nroots (int ctag_num)
289 {
290 	assert (ctag_num >= CTAG_MIN && ctag_num <= CTAG_MAX);
291 	return (Tab[tags[ctag_num].itab].nroots);
292 }
fx25_get_debug(void)294 int fx25_get_debug (void)
295 {
296 	return (g_debug_level);
297 }
299 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
300  *
301  * Name:	fx25_pick_mode
302  *
303  * Purpose:	Pick suitable transmission format based on user preference
304  *		and size of data part required.
305  *
306  * Inputs:	fx_mode	- 0 = none.
307  *			1 = pick a tag automatically.
308  *			16, 32, 64 = use this many check bytes.
309  *			100 + n = use tag n.
310  *
311  *			0 and 1 would be the most common.
312  *			Others are mostly for testing.
313  *
314  *		dlen - 	Required size for transmitted "data" part, in bytes.
315  *			This includes the AX.25 frame with bit stuffing and a flag
316  *			pattern on each end.
317  *
318  * Returns:	Correlation tag number in range of CTAG_MIN thru CTAG_MAX.
319  *		-1 is returned for failure.
320  *		The caller should fall back to using plain old AX.25.
321  *
322  *--------------------------------------------------------------*/
fx25_pick_mode(int fx_mode,int dlen)324 int fx25_pick_mode (int fx_mode, int dlen)
325 {
326 	if (fx_mode <= 0) return (-1);
328 // Specify a specific tag by adding 100 to the number.
329 // Fails if data won't fit.
331 	if (fx_mode - 100 >= CTAG_MIN && fx_mode - 100 <= CTAG_MAX) {
332 	  if (dlen <= fx25_get_k_data_radio(fx_mode - 100)) {
333 	    return (fx_mode - 100);
334 	  }
335 	  else {
336 	    return (-1);	// Assuming caller prints failure message.
337 	  }
338 	}
340 // Specify number of check bytes.
341 // Pick the shortest one that can handle the required data length.
343 	else if (fx_mode == 16 || fx_mode == 32 || fx_mode == 64) {
344 	  for (int k = CTAG_MAX; k >= CTAG_MIN; k--) {
345 	    if (fx_mode == fx25_get_nroots(k) && dlen <= fx25_get_k_data_radio(k)) {
346 	      return (k);
347 	    }
348 	  }
349 	  return (-1);
350 	}
352 // For any other number, [[ or if the preference was not possible, ?? ]]
353 // try to come up with something reasonable.  For shorter frames,
354 // use smaller overhead.  For longer frames, where an error is
355 // more probable, use more check bytes.  When the data gets even
356 // larger, check bytes must be reduced to fit in block size.
357 // When all else fails, fall back to normal AX.25.
358 // Some of this is from observing UZ7HO Soundmodem behavior.
359 //
360 //	Tag 	Data 	Check 	Max Num
361 //	Number	Bytes	Bytes	Repaired
362 //	------	-----	-----	-----
363 //	0x04	32	16	8
364 //	0x03	64	16	8
365 //	0x06	128	32	16
366 //	0x09	191	64	32
367 //	0x05	223	32	16
368 //	0x01	239	16	8
369 //	none	larger
370 //
371 // The PRUG FX.25 TNC has additional modes that will handle larger frames
372 // by using multiple RS blocks.  This is a future possibility but needs
373 // to be coordinated with other FX.25 developers so we maintain compatibility.
375 	static const int prefer[6] = { 0x04, 0x03, 0x06, 0x09, 0x05, 0x01 };
376 	for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
377 	  int m = prefer[k];
378 	  if (dlen <= fx25_get_k_data_radio(m)) {
379 	    return (m);
380 	  }
381 	}
382 	return (-1);
384 // TODO: revisit error messages, produced by caller, when this returns -1.
386 }
389 /* Initialize a Reed-Solomon codec
390  *   symsize = symbol size, bits (1-8) - always 8 for this application.
391  *   gfpoly = Field generator polynomial coefficients
392  *   fcr = first root of RS code generator polynomial, index form
393  *   prim = primitive element to generate polynomial roots
394  *   nroots = RS code generator polynomial degree (number of roots)
395  */
INIT_RS(unsigned int symsize,unsigned int gfpoly,unsigned fcr,unsigned prim,unsigned int nroots)397 struct rs *INIT_RS(unsigned int symsize,unsigned int gfpoly,unsigned fcr,unsigned prim,
398 		unsigned int nroots){
399   struct rs *rs;
400   int i, j, sr,root,iprim;
402   if(symsize > 8*sizeof(DTYPE))
403     return NULL; /* Need version with ints rather than chars */
405   if(fcr >= (1<<symsize))
406     return NULL;
407   if(prim == 0 || prim >= (1<<symsize))
408     return NULL;
409   if(nroots >= (1<<symsize))
410     return NULL; /* Can't have more roots than symbol values! */
412   rs = (struct rs *)calloc(1,sizeof(struct rs));
413   rs->mm = symsize;
414   rs->nn = (1<<symsize)-1;
416   rs->alpha_to = (DTYPE *)malloc(sizeof(DTYPE)*(rs->nn+1));
417   if(rs->alpha_to == NULL){
418     free(rs);
419     return NULL;
420   }
421   rs->index_of = (DTYPE *)malloc(sizeof(DTYPE)*(rs->nn+1));
422   if(rs->index_of == NULL){
423     free(rs->alpha_to);
424     free(rs);
425     return NULL;
426   }
428   /* Generate Galois field lookup tables */
429   rs->index_of[0] = A0; /* log(zero) = -inf */
430   rs->alpha_to[A0] = 0; /* alpha**-inf = 0 */
431   sr = 1;
432   for(i=0;i<rs->nn;i++){
433     rs->index_of[sr] = i;
434     rs->alpha_to[i] = sr;
435     sr <<= 1;
436     if(sr & (1<<symsize))
437       sr ^= gfpoly;
438     sr &= rs->nn;
439   }
440   if(sr != 1){
441     /* field generator polynomial is not primitive! */
442     free(rs->alpha_to);
443     free(rs->index_of);
444     free(rs);
445     return NULL;
446   }
448   /* Form RS code generator polynomial from its roots */
449   rs->genpoly = (DTYPE *)malloc(sizeof(DTYPE)*(nroots+1));
450   if(rs->genpoly == NULL){
451     free(rs->alpha_to);
452     free(rs->index_of);
453     free(rs);
454     return NULL;
455   }
456   rs->fcr = fcr;
457   rs->prim = prim;
458   rs->nroots = nroots;
460   /* Find prim-th root of 1, used in decoding */
461   for(iprim=1;(iprim % prim) != 0;iprim += rs->nn)
462     ;
463   rs->iprim = iprim / prim;
465   rs->genpoly[0] = 1;
466   for (i = 0,root=fcr*prim; i < nroots; i++,root += prim) {
467     rs->genpoly[i+1] = 1;
469     /* Multiply rs->genpoly[] by  @**(root + x) */
470     for (j = i; j > 0; j--){
471       if (rs->genpoly[j] != 0)
472 	rs->genpoly[j] = rs->genpoly[j-1] ^ rs->alpha_to[modnn(rs,rs->index_of[rs->genpoly[j]] + root)];
473       else
474 	rs->genpoly[j] = rs->genpoly[j-1];
475     }
476     /* rs->genpoly[0] can never be zero */
477     rs->genpoly[0] = rs->alpha_to[modnn(rs,rs->index_of[rs->genpoly[0]] + root)];
478   }
479     /* convert rs->genpoly[] to index form for quicker encoding */
480   for (i = 0; i <= nroots; i++) {
481     rs->genpoly[i] = rs->index_of[rs->genpoly[i]];
482   }
484 // diagnostic prints
485 /*
486   printf("Alpha To:\n\r");
487   for (i=0; i < sizeof(DTYPE)*(rs->nn+1); i++)
488     printf("0x%2x,", rs->alpha_to[i]);
489   printf("\n\r");
491   printf("Index Of:\n\r");
492   for (i=0; i < sizeof(DTYPE)*(rs->nn+1); i++)
493     printf("0x%2x,", rs->index_of[i]);
494   printf("\n\r");
496   printf("GenPoly:\n\r");
497   for (i = 0; i <= nroots; i++)
498     printf("0x%2x,", rs->genpoly[i]);
499   printf("\n\r");
500 */
501   return rs;
502 }
505 // TEMPORARY!!!
506 // FIXME: We already have multiple copies of this.
507 // Consolidate them into one somewhere.
fx_hex_dump(unsigned char * p,int len)509 void fx_hex_dump (unsigned char *p, int len)
510 {
511 	int n, i, offset;
513 	offset = 0;
514 	while (len > 0) {
515 	  n = len < 16 ? len : 16;
516 	  dw_printf ("  %03x: ", offset);
517 	  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
518 	    dw_printf (" %02x", p[i]);
519 	  }
520 	  for (i=n; i<16; i++) {
521 	    dw_printf ("   ");
522 	  }
523 	  dw_printf ("  ");
524 	  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
525 	    dw_printf ("%c", isprint(p[i]) ? p[i] : '.');
526 	  }
527 	  dw_printf ("\n");
528 	  p += 16;
529 	  offset += 16;
530 	  len -= 16;
531 	}
532 }