1 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
2 /*
3  *  Main authors:
4  *     Christian Schulte <schulte@gecode.org>
5  *     Guido Tack <tack@gecode.org>
6  *
7  *  Contributing authors:
8  *     Gabor Szokoli <szokoli@gecode.org>
9  *
10  *  Copyright:
11  *     Christian Schulte, 2002
12  *     Guido Tack, 2004
13  *     Gabor Szokoli, 2003
14  *
15  *  This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint
16  *  development environment:
17  *     http://www.gecode.org
18  *
19  *  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
20  *  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
21  *  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
22  *  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
23  *  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
24  *  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
25  *  the following conditions:
26  *
27  *  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
28  *  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
29  *
37  *
38  */
40 #ifndef GECODE_INT_REL_HH
41 #define GECODE_INT_REL_HH
43 #include <gecode/int.hh>
45 /**
46  * \namespace Gecode::Int::Rel
47  * \brief Simple relation propagators
48  */
50 namespace Gecode { namespace Int { namespace Rel {
52   /*
53    * Equality propagators
54    *
55    */
57   /**
58    * \brief Binary domain consistent equality propagator
59    *
60    * Uses staging by first performing bounds propagation and only
61    * then domain propagation.
62    *
63    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
64    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
65    */
66   template<class View0,class View1>
67   class EqDom :
68     public MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_DOM,View1,PC_INT_DOM> {
69   protected:
70     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_DOM,View1,PC_INT_DOM>::x0;
71     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_DOM,View1,PC_INT_DOM>::x1;
73     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
74     EqDom(Space& home, EqDom<View0,View1>& p);
75   public:
76     /// Constructor for posting
77     EqDom(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
78     /// Constructor for rewriting \a p during cloning
79     EqDom(Space& home, Propagator& p, View0 x0, View1 x1);
80     /// Copy propagator during cloning
81     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
82     /**
83      * \brief Cost function
84      *
85      * If a view has been assigned, the cost is low unary.
86      * If in stage for bounds propagation, the cost is
87      * low binary. Otherwise it is high binary.
88      */
89     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
90     /// Perform propagation
91     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
92     /// Post domain consistent propagator \f$ x_0 = x_1\f$
93     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
94   };
96   /**
97    * \brief Binary value propagation equality propagator
98    *
99    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
100    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
101    */
102   template<class View0, class View1>
103   class EqVal :
104     public MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_VAL,View1,PC_INT_VAL> {
105   protected:
106     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_VAL,View1,PC_INT_VAL>::x0;
107     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_VAL,View1,PC_INT_VAL>::x1;
109     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
110     EqVal(Space& home, EqVal<View0,View1>& p);
111   public:
112     /// Constructor for posting
113     EqVal(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
114     /// Constructor for rewriting \a p during cloning
115     EqVal(Space& home, Propagator& p, View0 x0, View1 x1);
116     /// Copy propagator during cloning
117     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
118     /// Cost function: low unary.
119     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
120     /// Perform propagation
121     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
122     /// Post value propagation propagator \f$ x_0 = x_1\f$
123     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
124   };
126   /**
127    * \brief Binary bounds consistent equality propagator
128    *
129    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
130    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
131    */
132   template<class View0, class View1>
133   class EqBnd :
134     public MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_BND,View1,PC_INT_BND> {
135   protected:
136     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_BND,View1,PC_INT_BND>::x0;
137     using MixBinaryPropagator<View0,PC_INT_BND,View1,PC_INT_BND>::x1;
139     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
140     EqBnd(Space& home, EqBnd<View0,View1>& p);
141   public:
142     /// Constructor for posting
143     EqBnd(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
144     /// Constructor for rewriting \a p during cloning
145     EqBnd(Space& home, Propagator& p, View0 x0, View1 x1);
146     /// Copy propagator during cloning
147     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
148     /// Perform propagation
149     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
150     /// Post bounds consistent propagator \f$ x_0 = x_1\f$
151     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View0 x0, View1 x1);
152   };
154   /**
155    * \brief n-ary domain consistent equality propagator
156    *
157    * Uses staging by first performing bounds propagation and only
158    * then domain propagation.
159    *
160    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
161    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
162    */
163   template<class View>
164   class NaryEqDom : public NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM> {
165   protected:
166     using NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM>::x;
168     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
169     NaryEqDom(Space& home, NaryEqDom<View>& p);
170     /// Constructor for posting
171     NaryEqDom(Home home, ViewArray<View>&);
172   public:
173     /// Copy propagator during cloning
174     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
175     /**
176      * \brief Cost function
177      *
178      * If a view has been assigned, the cost is low unary.
179      * If in stage for bounds propagation, the cost is
180      * low linear. Otherwise it is high linear.
181      */
182     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
183     /// Perform propagation
184     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
185     /// Post domain consistent propagator \f$ x_0 = x_1=\ldots =x_{|x|-1}\f$
186     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<View>& x);
187   };
189   /**
190    * \brief n-ary bounds consistent equality propagator
191    *
192    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
193    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
194    */
195   template<class View>
196   class NaryEqBnd : public NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND> {
197   protected:
198     using NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND>::x;
200     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
201     NaryEqBnd(Space& home, NaryEqBnd<View>& p);
202     /// Constructor for posting
203     NaryEqBnd(Home home, ViewArray<View>&);
204   public:
205     /// Copy propagator during cloning
206     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
207     /**
208      * \brief Cost function
209      *
210      * If a view has been assigned, the cost is low unary.
211      * Otherwise it is low linear.
212      */
213     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
214     /// Perform propagation
215     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
216     /// Post bounds consistent propagator \f$ x_0 = x_1=\ldots =x_{|x|-1}\f$
217     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<View>& x);
218   };
220   /**
221    * \brief n-ary less and less or equal propagator
222    *
223    * If \a o is 0, less or equal is propagated, if \a o is 1 less is
224    * propagated.
225    *
226    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
227    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
228    */
229   template<class View, int o>
230   class NaryLqLe : public NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_NONE> {
231   protected:
232     using NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_NONE>::x;
233     /// %Advisors for views (by position in array)
234     class Index : public Advisor {
235     public:
236       /// The position of the view in the view array
237       int i;
238       /// Create index advisor
239       Index(Space& home, Propagator& p, Council<Index>& c, int i);
240       /// Clone index advisor \a a
241       Index(Space& home, Index& a);
242     };
243     /// The advisor council
244     Council<Index> c;
245     /// Positions in view array that have to be propagated
246     class Pos : public FreeList {
247     public:
248       /// Position of view in view array
249       int p;
251       /// \name Constructor
252       //@{
253       /// Initialize with position \a p and next position \a n
254       Pos(int p, Pos* n);
255       //@}
257       /// \name Linkage access
258       //@{
259       /// Return next position
260       Pos* next(void) const;
261       //@}
263       /// \name Memory management
264       //@{
265       /// Free memory for this position
266       void dispose(Space& home);
268       /// Allocate memory from space
269       static void* operator new(size_t s, Space& home);
270       /// No-op (for exceptions)
271       static void operator delete(void* p);
272       /// No-op (use dispose instead)
273       static void operator delete(void* p, Space& home);
274       //@}
275     };
276     /// Stack of positions
277     Pos* pos;
278     /// Whether no more positions must be propagated
279     bool empty(void) const;
280     /// Pop a position to be propagated and return it
281     int pop(Space& home);
282     /// Push a new position \a p to be propagated
283     void push(Space& home, int p);
284     /// Whether the propagator is currently running
285     bool run;
286     /// Number of already subsumed advisors (or views)
287     int n_subsumed;
288     /// Compact during cloning when more advisors than that are subsumed
289     static const int n_threshold = 7;
290     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
291     NaryLqLe(Space& home, NaryLqLe<View,o>& p);
292     /// Constructor for posting
293     NaryLqLe(Home home, ViewArray<View>&);
294   public:
295     /// Copy propagator during cloning
296     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
297     /// Cost function
298     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
299     /// Schedule function
300     virtual void reschedule(Space& home);
301     /// Give advice to propagator
302     virtual ExecStatus advise(Space& home, Advisor& a, const Delta& d);
303     /// Perform propagation
304     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
305     /// Delete propagator and return its size
306     virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
307     /// Post propagator for \f$ x_0 +c\leq x_1+c\leq\cdots \leq x_{|x|-1}\f$
308     static ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<View>& x);
309   };
311   /**
312    * \brief Nary disequality propagator
313    *
314    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
315    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
316    */
317   template<class View>
318   class NaryNq : public NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_VAL> {
319   protected:
320     using NaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_VAL>::x;
321     /// Constructor for posting
322     NaryNq(Home home, ViewArray<View>& x);
323     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
324     NaryNq(Space& home, NaryNq<View>& p);
325   public:
326     /// Copy propagator during cloning
327     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
328     /// Cost function
329     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
330     /// Perform propagation
331     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
332     /// Post propagator \f$ \neg\left(x_0=x_1=\cdots=x_{|x|-1}\right)\f$
333     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<View>& x);
334     /// Delete propagator and return its size
335     virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
336   };
339   /**
340    * \brief Reified binary domain consistent equality propagator
341    *
342    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
343    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
344    */
345   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
346   class ReEqDom : public ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView> {
347   protected:
348     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView>::x0;
349     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView>::x1;
350     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView>::b;
352     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
353     ReEqDom(Space& home, ReEqDom& p);
354     /// Constructor for posting
355     ReEqDom(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
356   public:
357     /// Copy propagator during cloning
358     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
359     /// Perform propagation
360     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
361     /// Post domain consistent propagator \f$ (x_0 = x_1)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
362     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
363   };
365   /**
366    * \brief Reified binary bounds consistent equality propagator
367    *
368    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
369    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
370    */
371   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
372   class ReEqBnd : public ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView> {
373   protected:
374     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x0;
375     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x1;
376     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::b;
378     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
379     ReEqBnd(Space& home, ReEqBnd& p);
380     /// Constructor for posting
381     ReEqBnd(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
382   public:
383     /// Copy propagator during cloning
384     virtual Actor*     copy(Space& home);
385     /// Perform propagation
386     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
387     /// Post bounds consistent propagator \f$ (x_0 = x_1)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
388     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
389   };
391   /**
392    * \brief Reified domain consistent equality with integer propagator
393    *
394    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
395    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
396    */
397   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
398   class ReEqDomInt : public ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView> {
399   protected:
400     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView>::x0;
401     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_DOM,CtrlView>::b;
403     /// Integer constant to check
404     int c;
405     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
406     ReEqDomInt(Space& home, ReEqDomInt& p);
407     /// Constructor for posting
408     ReEqDomInt(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
409   public:
410     /// Copy propagator during cloning
411     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
412     /// Perform propagation
413     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
414     /// Post domain consistent propagator \f$ (x = c)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
415     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
416   };
418   /**
419    * \brief Reified bounds consistent equality with integer propagator
420    *
421    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
422    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
423    */
424   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
425   class ReEqBndInt : public ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView> {
426   protected:
427     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x0;
428     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::b;
430     /// Integer constant to check
431     int c;
432     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
433     ReEqBndInt(Space& home, ReEqBndInt& p);
434     /// Constructor for posting
435     ReEqBndInt(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
436   public:
437     /// Copy propagator during cloning
438     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
439     /// Perform propagation
440     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
441     /// Post bounds consistent propagator \f$ (x = c)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
442     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
443   };
448   /*
449    * Disequality propagators
450    *
451    */
453   /**
454    * \brief Binary disequality propagator
455    *
456    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
457    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
458    */
459   template<class V0, class V1>
460   class Nq : public MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_VAL,V1,PC_INT_VAL> {
461   protected:
462     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_VAL,V1,PC_INT_VAL>::x0;
463     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_VAL,V1,PC_INT_VAL>::x1;
465     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
466     Nq(Space& home, Nq<V0,V1>& p);
467     /// Constructor for posting
468     Nq(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
469   public:
470     /// Copy propagator during cloning
471     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
472     /// Cost function (defined as low unary)
473     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
474     /// Perform propagation
475     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
476     /// Post propagator \f$x_0\neq x_1\f$
477     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
478   };
480   /*
481    * Order propagators
482    *
483    */
485   /**
486    * \brief Less or equal propagator
487    *
488    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
489    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
490    */
492   template<class V0, class V1>
493   class Lq : public MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND> {
494   protected:
495     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND>::x0;
496     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND>::x1;
497     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
498     Lq(Space& home, Lq& p);
499     /// Constructor for posting
500     Lq(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
501   public:
502     /// Copy propagator during cloning
503     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
504     /// Perform propagation
505     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
506     /// Post propagator \f$x_0 \leq x_1\f$
507     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
508   };
510   /**
511    * \brief Less propagator
512    *
513    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
514    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
515    */
516   template<class V0, class V1>
517   class Le : public MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND> {
518   protected:
519     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND>::x0;
520     using MixBinaryPropagator<V0,PC_INT_BND,V1,PC_INT_BND>::x1;
521     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
522     Le(Space& home, Le& p);
523     /// Constructor for posting
524     Le(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
525   public:
526     /// Copy propagator during cloning
527     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
528     /// Perform propagation
529     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
530     /// Post propagator \f$x_0 \le x_1\f$
531     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, V0 x0, V1 x1);
532   };
535   /*
536    * Reified order propagators
537    *
538    */
540   /**
541    * \brief Reified less or equal propagator
542    *
543    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
544    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
545    */
547   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
548   class ReLq : public ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView> {
549   protected:
550     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x0;
551     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x1;
552     using ReBinaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::b;
554     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
555     ReLq(Space& home, ReLq& p);
556     /// Constructor for posting
557     ReLq(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
558   public:
559     /// Copy propagator during cloning
560     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
561     /// Perform propagation
562     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
563     /// Post propagator for \f$ (x_0 \leq x_1)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
564     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x0, View x1, CtrlView b);
565   };
567   /**
568    * \brief Reified less or equal with integer propagator
569    *
570    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
571    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
572    */
574   template<class View, class CtrlView, ReifyMode rm>
575   class ReLqInt : public ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView> {
576   protected:
577     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::x0;
578     using ReUnaryPropagator<View,PC_INT_BND,CtrlView>::b;
580     /// Integer constant to check
581     int c;
582     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
583     ReLqInt(Space& home, ReLqInt& p);
584     /// Constructor for posting
585     ReLqInt(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
586   public:
587     /// Copy propagator during cloning
588     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
589     /// Perform propagation
590     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
591     /// Post propagator for \f$ (x \leq c)\Leftrightarrow b\f$
592     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, View x, int c, CtrlView b);
593    };
599   /**
600    * \brief Lexical ordering propagator
601    *
602    * The propagator uses the algorithm (and also the automaton)
603    * from:
604    *   Mats Carlsson, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Revisiting the
605    *   Lexicographic Ordering Constraint. SICS Technical
606    *   Report T2002:17, SICS, Sweden, 2002.
607    *
608    * It deviates in the following two main aspects:
609    *  - Assigned variables are eagerly eliminated
610    *    This yields the same incremental behaviour with
611    *    respect to states 1 and 2 of the automaton.
612    *    With respect to the values of \a q and \a r in the report:
613    *     - \a q is always 0 after elimination
614    *     - \a r is always 1 after elimination
615    *
616    *  - It is not incremental with respect to states 3 and 4
617    *    as no propagation event information is available
618    *
619    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
620    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
621    */
622   template<class VX, class VY>
623   class LexLqLe : public Propagator {
624   protected:
625     /// View arrays
626     ViewArray<VX> x;
627     ViewArray<VY> y;
628     /// Determines whether propagator is strict or not
629     bool strict;
630     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
631     LexLqLe(Space& home, LexLqLe<VX,VY>& p);
632     /// Constructor for posting
633     LexLqLe(Home home, ViewArray<VX>& x, ViewArray<VY>& y, bool strict);
634   public:
635     /// Copy propagator during cloning
636     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
637     /// Cost function (defined as low linear)
638     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
639     /// Schedule function
640     virtual void reschedule(Space& home);
641     /// Perform propagation
642     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
643     /// Post propagator for lexical order between \a x and \a y
644     static ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<VX>& x, ViewArray<VY>& y,
645                            bool strict);
646     /// Delete propagator and return its size
647     virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
648   };
650   /**
651    * \brief Lexical disequality propagator
652    *
653    * Requires \code #include <gecode/int/rel.hh> \endcode
654    * \ingroup FuncIntProp
655    */
656   template<class VX, class VY>
657   class LexNq : public Propagator {
658   protected:
659     /// View currently subscribed to
660     VX x0;
661     /// View currently subscribed to
662     VY y0;
663     /// View currently subscribed to
664     VX x1;
665     /// View currently subscribed to
666     VY y1;
667     /// Views not yet subscribed to
668     ViewArray<VX> x;
669     /// Views not yet subscribed to
670     ViewArray<VY> y;
671     /// Update subscription
672     ExecStatus resubscribe(Space& home,
673                            RelTest rt, VX& x0, VY& y0, VX x1, VY y1);
674     /// Constructor for posting
675     LexNq(Home home, ViewArray<VX>& x, ViewArray<VY>& y);
676     /// Constructor for cloning \a p
677     LexNq(Space& home, LexNq<VX,VY>& p);
678   public:
679     /// Copy propagator during cloning
680     virtual Actor* copy(Space& home);
681     /// Cost function
682     virtual PropCost cost(const Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med) const;
683     /// Schedule function
684     virtual void reschedule(Space& home);
685     /// Perform propagation
686     virtual ExecStatus propagate(Space& home, const ModEventDelta& med);
687     /// Post propagator \f$ x\neq y\f$
688     static  ExecStatus post(Home home, ViewArray<VX>& x, ViewArray<VY>& y);
689     /// Delete propagator and return its size
690     virtual size_t dispose(Space& home);
691   };
693 }}}
695 #include <gecode/int/rel/eq.hpp>
696 #include <gecode/int/rel/nq.hpp>
697 #include <gecode/int/rel/lq-le.hpp>
698 #include <gecode/int/rel/lex.hpp>
700 #endif
703 // STATISTICS: int-prop