1 /**********************************************************************
2  *
3  * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
4  * http://geos.osgeo.org
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2009      Sandro Santilli <strk@kbt.io>
7  *
8  * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
9  * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
10  * by the Free Software Foundation.
11  * See the COPYING file for more information.
12  *
13  **********************************************************************
14  *
15  * Last port: algorithm/BoundaryNodeRule.java rev 1.4 (JTS-1.10)
16  *
17  **********************************************************************/
22 #include <geos/export.h>
24 // Forward declarations
25 // ...
27 namespace geos {
28 namespace algorithm { // geos::algorithm
31 /** \brief
32  * An interface for rules which determine whether node points which are
33  * in boundaries of lineal geometry components
34  * are in the boundary of the parent geometry collection.
35  *
36  * The SFS specifies a single kind of boundary node rule,
37  * the `Mod2BoundaryNodeRule` rule.
38  * However, other kinds of Boundary Node Rules are appropriate
39  * in specific situations (for instance, linear network topology
40  * usually follows the `EndPointBoundaryNodeRule`.)
41  * Some JTS operations allow the BoundaryNodeRule to be specified,
42  * and respect this rule when computing the results of the operation.
43  *
44  * @author Martin Davis
45  * @version 1.7
46  *
47  * @see operation::relate::RelateOp
48  * @see operation::IsSimpleOp
49  * @see algorithm::PointLocator
50  */
51 class GEOS_DLL BoundaryNodeRule {
53 public:
55     // virtual classes should always have a virtual destructor..
56     virtual
~BoundaryNodeRule()57     ~BoundaryNodeRule() {}
59     /** \brief
60      * Tests whether a point that lies in `boundaryCount`
61      * geometry component boundaries is considered to form part of
62      * the boundary of the parent geometry.
63      *
64      * @param boundaryCount the number of component boundaries that
65      *                      this point occurs in
66      * @return `true` if points in this number of boundaries lie in
67      *         the parent boundary
68      */
69     virtual bool isInBoundary(int boundaryCount) const = 0;
71     /** \brief
72      * The Mod-2 Boundary Node Rule (which is the rule specified
73      * in the OGC SFS).
74      *
75      * A BoundaryNodeRule specifies that points are in the boundary of
76      * a lineal geometry iff the point lies on the boundary of an odd number
77      * of components. Under this rule LinearRings and closed LineStrings have
78      * an empty boundary.
79      *
80      * This is the rule specified by the OGC SFS, and is the default
81      * rule used in JTS.
82      */
83     //static const BoundaryNodeRule& MOD2_BOUNDARY_RULE;
84     static const BoundaryNodeRule& getBoundaryRuleMod2();
86     /** \brief
87      * The Endpoint Boundary Node Rule.
88      *
89      * A BoundaryNodeRule which specifies that any points which are endpoints
90      * of lineal components are in the boundary of the parent geometry. This
91      * corresponds to the "intuitive" topological definition of boundary. Under
92      * this rule LinearRings have a non-empty boundary (the common endpoint
93      * of the underlying LineString).
94      *
95      * This rule is useful when dealing with linear networks. For example,
96      * it can be used to check whether linear networks are correctly noded.
97      * The usual network topology constraint is that linear segments may
98      * touch only at endpoints. In the case of a segment touching a closed
99      * segment (ring) at one point, the Mod2 rule cannot distinguish between
100      * the permitted case of touching at the node point and the invalid case
101      * of touching at some other interior (non-node) point. The EndPoint rule
102      * does distinguish between these cases, so is more appropriate for use.
103      */
104     //static const BoundaryNodeRule& ENDPOINT_BOUNDARY_RULE;
105     static const BoundaryNodeRule& getBoundaryEndPoint();
107     /** \brief
108      * The MultiValent Endpoint Boundary Node Rule.
109      *
110      * A BoundaryNodeRule which determines that only endpoints with valency
111      * greater than 1 are on the boundary. This corresponds to the boundary
112      * of a MultiLineString being all the "attached" endpoints, but not
113      * the "unattached" ones.
114      */
115     //static const BoundaryNodeRule& MULTIVALENT_ENDPOINT_BOUNDARY_RULE;
116     static const BoundaryNodeRule& getBoundaryMultivalentEndPoint();
118     /** \brief
119      * The Monovalent Endpoint Boundary Node Rule.
120      *
121      * A BoundaryNodeRule which determines that only endpoints with valency of
122      * exactly 1 are on the boundary. This corresponds to the boundary of
123      * a MultiLineString being all the "unattached" endpoints.
124      */
125     //static const BoundaryNodeRule& MONOVALENT_ENDPOINT_BOUNDARY_RULE;
126     static const BoundaryNodeRule& getBoundaryMonovalentEndPoint();
128     /** \brief
129      * The Boundary Node Rule specified by the OGC Simple Features
130      * Specification, which is the same as the Mod-2 rule.
131      *
132      * A BoundaryNodeRule which determines that only endpoints with valency
133      * greater than 1 are on the boundary. This corresponds to the boundary
134      * of a MultiLineString being all the "attached" endpoints, but not the
135      * "unattached" ones.
136      */
137     //static const BoundaryNodeRule& OGC_SFS_BOUNDARY_RULE;
138     static const BoundaryNodeRule& getBoundaryOGCSFS();
139 };
141 } // namespace geos::algorithm
142 } // namespace geos