1 /**********************************************************************
2  *
3  * GEOS - Geometry Engine Open Source
4  * http://geos.osgeo.org
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Refractions Research Inc.
7  * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Vivid Solutions Inc.
8  *
9  * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
10  * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published
11  * by the Free Software Foundation.
12  * See the COPYING file for more information.
13  *
14  **********************************************************************
15  *
16  * Last port: algorithm/RobustLineIntersector.java r785 (JTS-1.13+)
17  *
18  **********************************************************************/
23 #include <geos/export.h>
24 #include <string>
26 #include <geos/geom/Coordinate.h>
28 // Forward declarations
29 namespace geos {
30 namespace geom {
31 class PrecisionModel;
32 }
33 }
35 namespace geos {
36 namespace algorithm { // geos::algorithm
38 /** \brief
39  * A LineIntersector is an algorithm that can both test whether
40  * two line segments intersect and compute the intersection point
41  * if they do.
42  *
43  * The intersection point may be computed in a precise or non-precise manner.
44  * Computing it precisely involves rounding it to an integer.  (This assumes
45  * that the input coordinates have been made precise by scaling them to
46  * an integer grid.)
47  *
48  */
49 class GEOS_DLL LineIntersector {
50 public:
52     /// \brief
53     /// Return a Z value being the interpolation of Z from p0 and p1 at
54     /// the given point p
55     static double interpolateZ(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& p0, const geom::Coordinate& p1);
58     /// Computes the "edge distance" of an intersection point p in an edge.
59     ///
60     /// The edge distance is a metric of the point along the edge.
61     /// The metric used is a robust and easy to compute metric function.
62     /// It is <b>not</b> equivalent to the usual Euclidean metric.
63     /// It relies on the fact that either the x or the y ordinates of the
64     /// points in the edge are unique, depending on whether the edge is longer in
65     /// the horizontal or vertical direction.
66     ///
67     /// NOTE: This function may produce incorrect distances
68     ///  for inputs where p is not precisely on p1-p2
69     /// (E.g. p = (139,9) p1 = (139,10), p2 = (280,1) produces distanct
70     /// 0.0, which is incorrect.
71     ///
72     /// My hypothesis is that the function is safe to use for points which are the
73     /// result of <b>rounding</b> points which lie on the line,
74     /// but not safe to use for <b>truncated</b> points.
75     ///
76     static double computeEdgeDistance(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& p0, const geom::Coordinate& p1);
78     static double nonRobustComputeEdgeDistance(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& p1,
79             const geom::Coordinate& p2);
81     LineIntersector(const geom::PrecisionModel* initialPrecisionModel = nullptr)
82         :
precisionModel(initialPrecisionModel)83         precisionModel(initialPrecisionModel),
84         result(0),
85         isProperVar(false)
86     {}
~LineIntersector()88     ~LineIntersector() {}
90     /** \brief
91      * Tests whether either intersection point is an interior point of
92      * one of the input segments.
93      *
94      * @return <code>true</code> if either intersection point is in
95      * the interior of one of the input segments
96      */
97     bool isInteriorIntersection();
99     /** \brief
100      * Tests whether either intersection point is an interior point
101      * of the specified input segment.
102      *
103      * @return <code>true</code> if either intersection point is in
104      * the interior of the input segment
105      */
106     bool isInteriorIntersection(size_t inputLineIndex);
108     /// Force computed intersection to be rounded to a given precision model.
109     ///
110     /// No getter is provided, because the precision model is not required
111     /// to be specified.
112     /// @param newPM the PrecisionModel to use for rounding
113     ///
114     void
setPrecisionModel(const geom::PrecisionModel * newPM)115     setPrecisionModel(const geom::PrecisionModel* newPM)
116     {
117         precisionModel = newPM;
118     }
120     /// Compute the intersection of a point p and the line p1-p2.
121     ///
122     /// This function computes the boolean value of the hasIntersection test.
123     /// The actual value of the intersection (if there is one)
124     /// is equal to the value of <code>p</code>.
125     ///
126     void computeIntersection(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2);
128     /// Same as above but doesn't compute intersection point. Faster.
129     static bool hasIntersection(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2);
131     enum intersection_type : uint8_t {
132         /// Indicates that line segments do not intersect
133         NO_INTERSECTION = 0,
135         /// Indicates that line segments intersect in a single point
136         POINT_INTERSECTION = 1,
138         /// Indicates that line segments intersect in a line segment
140     };
142     /// Computes the intersection of the lines p1-p2 and p3-p4
143     void computeIntersection(const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2,
144                              const geom::Coordinate& p3, const geom::Coordinate& p4);
146     std::string toString() const;
148     /**
149      * Tests whether the input geometries intersect.
150      *
151      * @return true if the input geometries intersect
152      */
153     bool
hasIntersection()154     hasIntersection() const
155     {
156         return result != NO_INTERSECTION;
157     }
159     /// Returns the number of intersection points found.
160     ///
161     /// This will be either 0, 1 or 2.
162     ///
163     size_t
getIntersectionNum()164     getIntersectionNum() const
165     {
166         return result;
167     }
170     /// Returns the intIndex'th intersection point
171     ///
172     /// @param intIndex is 0 or 1
173     ///
174     /// @return the intIndex'th intersection point
175     ///
176     const geom::Coordinate&
getIntersection(size_t intIndex)177     getIntersection(size_t intIndex) const
178     {
179         return intPt[intIndex];
180     }
182     /// Returns false if both numbers are zero.
183     ///
184     /// @return true if both numbers are positive or if both numbers are negative.
185     ///
186     static bool isSameSignAndNonZero(double a, double b);
188     /** \brief
189      * Test whether a point is a intersection point of two line segments.
190      *
191      * Note that if the intersection is a line segment, this method only tests for
192      * equality with the endpoints of the intersection segment.
193      * It does <b>not</b> return true if
194      * the input point is internal to the intersection segment.
195      *
196      * @return true if the input point is one of the intersection points.
197      */
198     bool isIntersection(const geom::Coordinate& pt) const;
200     /** \brief
201      * Tests whether an intersection is proper.
202      *
203      * The intersection between two line segments is considered proper if
204      * they intersect in a single point in the interior of both segments
205      * (e.g. the intersection is a single point and is not equal to any of the
206      * endpoints).
207      *
208      * The intersection between a point and a line segment is considered proper
209      * if the point lies in the interior of the segment (e.g. is not equal to
210      * either of the endpoints).
211      *
212      * @return true if the intersection is proper
213      */
214     bool
isProper()215     isProper() const
216     {
217         return hasIntersection() && isProperVar;
218     }
220     /** \brief
221      * Computes the intIndex'th intersection point in the direction of
222      * a specified input line segment
223      *
224      * @param segmentIndex is 0 or 1
225      * @param intIndex is 0 or 1
226      *
227      * @return the intIndex'th intersection point in the direction of the
228      *         specified input line segment
229      */
230     const geom::Coordinate& getIntersectionAlongSegment(size_t segmentIndex, size_t intIndex);
232     /** \brief
233      * Computes the index of the intIndex'th intersection point in the direction of
234      * a specified input line segment
235      *
236      * @param segmentIndex is 0 or 1
237      * @param intIndex is 0 or 1
238      *
239      * @return the index of the intersection point along the segment (0 or 1)
240      */
241     size_t getIndexAlongSegment(size_t segmentIndex, size_t intIndex);
243     /** \brief
244      * Computes the "edge distance" of an intersection point along the specified
245      * input line segment.
246      *
247      * @param geomIndex is 0 or 1
248      * @param intIndex is 0 or 1
249      *
250      * @return the edge distance of the intersection point
251      */
252     double getEdgeDistance(size_t geomIndex, size_t intIndex) const;
254 private:
256     /**
257      * If makePrecise is true, computed intersection coordinates
258      * will be made precise using Coordinate#makePrecise
259      */
260     const geom::PrecisionModel* precisionModel;
262     size_t result;
264     const geom::Coordinate* inputLines[2][2];
266     /**
267      * We store real Coordinates here because
268      * we must compute the Z of intersection point.
269      */
270     geom::Coordinate intPt[2];
272     /**
273      * The indexes of the endpoints of the intersection lines, in order along
274      * the corresponding line
275      */
276     size_t intLineIndex[2][2];
278     bool isProperVar;
279     //Coordinate &pa;
280     //Coordinate &pb;
282     bool
isCollinear()283     isCollinear() const
284     {
285         return result == COLLINEAR_INTERSECTION;
286     }
288     uint8_t computeIntersect(const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2,
289                              const geom::Coordinate& q1, const geom::Coordinate& q2);
291     bool
isEndPoint()292     isEndPoint() const
293     {
294         return hasIntersection() && !isProperVar;
295     }
297     void computeIntLineIndex();
299     void computeIntLineIndex(size_t segmentIndex);
301     uint8_t computeCollinearIntersection(const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2,
302                                          const geom::Coordinate& q1, const geom::Coordinate& q2);
304     /** \brief
305      * This method computes the actual value of the intersection point.
306      *
307      * To obtain the maximum precision from the intersection calculation,
308      * the coordinates are normalized by subtracting the minimum
309      * ordinate values (in absolute value).  This has the effect of
310      * removing common significant digits from the calculation to
311      * maintain more bits of precision.
312      */
313     geom::Coordinate intersection(const geom::Coordinate& p1,
314                                   const geom::Coordinate& p2,
315                                   const geom::Coordinate& q1,
316                                   const geom::Coordinate& q2) const;
318     /**
319      * Test whether a point lies in the envelopes of both input segments.
320      * A correctly computed intersection point should return true
321      * for this test.
322      * Since this test is for debugging purposes only, no attempt is
323      * made to optimize the envelope test.
324      *
325      * @return true if the input point lies within both
326      *         input segment envelopes
327      */
328     bool isInSegmentEnvelopes(const geom::Coordinate& intPt) const;
331     /**
332      * Computes a segment intersection.
333      * Round-off error can cause the raw computation to fail,
334      * (usually due to the segments being approximately parallel).
335      * If this happens, a reasonable approximation is computed instead.
336      *
337      * @param p1 a segment endpoint
338      * @param p2 a segment endpoint
339      * @param q1 a segment endpoint
340      * @param q2 a segment endpoint
341      * @return the computed intersection point is stored there
342      */
343     geom::Coordinate intersectionSafe(const geom::Coordinate& p1, const geom::Coordinate& p2,
344                                       const geom::Coordinate& q1, const geom::Coordinate& q2) const;
346     /**
347      * Finds the endpoint of the segments P and Q which
348      * is closest to the other segment.
349      * This is a reasonable surrogate for the true
350      * intersection points in ill-conditioned cases
351      * (e.g. where two segments are nearly coincident,
352      * or where the endpoint of one segment lies almost on the other segment).
353      * <p>
354      * This replaces the older CentralEndpoint heuristic,
355      * which chose the wrong endpoint in some cases
356      * where the segments had very distinct slopes
357      * and one endpoint lay almost on the other segment.
358      *
359      * @param p1 an endpoint of segment P
360      * @param p2 an endpoint of segment P
361      * @param q1 an endpoint of segment Q
362      * @param q2 an endpoint of segment Q
363      * @return the nearest endpoint to the other segment
364      */
365     static geom::Coordinate nearestEndpoint(const geom::Coordinate& p1,
366                                             const geom::Coordinate& p2,
367                                             const geom::Coordinate& q1,
368                                             const geom::Coordinate& q2);
370     static double zGet(const geom::Coordinate& p, const geom::Coordinate& q);
372     static double zGetOrInterpolate(const geom::Coordinate& p,
373                                     const geom::Coordinate& p0,
374                                     const geom::Coordinate& p1);
376     static geom::Coordinate zGetOrInterpolateCopy(const geom::Coordinate& p,
377                                                   const geom::Coordinate& p0,
378                                                   const geom::Coordinate& p1);
380     /// \brief
381     /// Return a Z value being the interpolation of Z from p0 to p1 at
382     /// the given point p
383     static double zInterpolate(const geom::Coordinate& p,
384                                const geom::Coordinate& p0,
385                                const geom::Coordinate& p1);
387     static double zInterpolate(const geom::Coordinate& p,
388                                const geom::Coordinate& p1,
389                                const geom::Coordinate& p2,
390                                const geom::Coordinate& q1,
391                                const geom::Coordinate& q2);
393 };
396 } // namespace geos::algorithm
397 } // namespace geos