2 #line 210 "./glsl.g"
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29 #pragma once
31 #include "glslparsertable_p.h"
32 #include "glsllexer.h"
33 #include "glslast.h"
34 #include "glslengine.h"
35 #include <vector>
36 #include <stack>
38 namespace GLSL {
40 class GLSL_EXPORT Parser: public GLSLParserTable
41 {
42 public:
43     union Value {
44         void *ptr;
45         const QString *string;
46         AST *ast;
47         List<AST *> *ast_list;
48         DeclarationAST *declaration;
49         List<DeclarationAST *> *declaration_list;
50         ExpressionAST *expression;
51         List<ExpressionAST *> *expression_list;
52         StatementAST *statement;
53         List<StatementAST *> *statement_list;
54         TypeAST *type;
55         StructTypeAST::Field *field;
56         List<StructTypeAST::Field *> *field_list;
57         TranslationUnitAST *translation_unit;
58         FunctionIdentifierAST *function_identifier;
59         AST::Kind kind;
60         TypeAST::Precision precision;
61         struct {
62             StatementAST *thenClause;
63             StatementAST *elseClause;
64         } ifstmt;
65         struct {
66             ExpressionAST *condition;
67             ExpressionAST *increment;
68         } forstmt;
69         struct {
70             FunctionIdentifierAST *id;
71             List<ExpressionAST *> *arguments;
72         } function;
73         int qualifier;
74         LayoutQualifierAST *layout;
75         List<LayoutQualifierAST *> *layout_list;
76         struct {
77             int qualifier;
78             List<LayoutQualifierAST *> *layout_list;
79         } type_qualifier;
80         struct {
81             TypeAST *type;
82             const QString *name;
83         } param_declarator;
84         ParameterDeclarationAST *param_declaration;
85         FunctionDeclarationAST *function_declaration;
86     };
88     Parser(Engine *engine, const char *source, unsigned size, int variant);
89     ~Parser();
parse()91     TranslationUnitAST *parse() {
92         if (AST *u = parse(T_FEED_GLSL))
93             return u->asTranslationUnit();
94         return nullptr;
95     }
parseExpression()97     ExpressionAST *parseExpression() {
98         if (AST *u = parse(T_FEED_EXPRESSION))
99             return u->asExpression();
100         return nullptr;
101     }
103     AST *parse(int startToken);
105 private:
106     // 1-based
location(int n)107     int &location(int n) { return _locationStack[_tos + n - 1]; }
sym(int n)108     Value &sym(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1]; }
ast(int n)109     AST *&ast(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].ast; }
string(int n)110     const QString *&string(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].string; }
expression(int n)111     ExpressionAST *&expression(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].expression; }
statement(int n)112     StatementAST *&statement(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].statement; }
type(int n)113     TypeAST *&type(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].type; }
function(int n)114     FunctionDeclarationAST *&function(int n) { return _symStack[_tos + n - 1].function_declaration; }
consumeToken()116     inline int consumeToken() {
117         if (_index < int(_tokens.size()))
118             return _index++;
119         return static_cast<int>(_tokens.size()) - 1;
120     }
tokenAt(int index)121     inline const Token &tokenAt(int index) const {
122         if (index == 0)
123             return _startToken;
124         return _tokens.at(index);
125     }
tokenKind(int index)126     inline int tokenKind(int index) const {
127         if (index == 0)
128             return _startToken.kind;
129         return _tokens.at(index).kind;
130     }
131     void reduce(int ruleno);
warning(int line,const QString & message)133     void warning(int line, const QString &message)
134     {
135         _engine->warning(line, message);
136     }
error(int line,const QString & message)138     void error(int line, const QString &message)
139     {
140         _engine->error(line, message);
141     }
143     template <typename T>
makeAstNode()144     T *makeAstNode()
145     {
146         T *node = new (_engine->pool()) T ();
147         node->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
148         return node;
149     }
151     template <typename T, typename A1>
makeAstNode(A1 a1)152     T *makeAstNode(A1 a1)
153     {
154         T *node = new (_engine->pool()) T (a1);
155         node->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
156         return node;
157     }
159     template <typename T, typename A1, typename A2>
makeAstNode(A1 a1,A2 a2)160     T *makeAstNode(A1 a1, A2 a2)
161     {
162         T *node = new (_engine->pool()) T (a1, a2);
163         node->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
164         return node;
165     }
167     template <typename T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
makeAstNode(A1 a1,A2 a2,A3 a3)168     T *makeAstNode(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3)
169     {
170         T *node = new (_engine->pool()) T (a1, a2, a3);
171         node->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
172         return node;
173     }
175     template <typename T, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
makeAstNode(A1 a1,A2 a2,A3 a3,A4 a4)176     T *makeAstNode(A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4)
177     {
178         T *node = new (_engine->pool()) T (a1, a2, a3, a4);
179         node->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
180         return node;
181     }
makeBasicType(int token)183     TypeAST *makeBasicType(int token)
184     {
185         TypeAST *type = new (_engine->pool()) BasicTypeAST(token, spell[token]);
186         type->lineno = yyloc >= 0 ? (_tokens[yyloc].line + 1) : 0;
187         return type;
188     }
190 private:
191     Engine *_engine;
192     int _tos;
193     int _index;
194     int yyloc;
195     int yytoken;
196     int yyrecovering;
197     bool _recovered;
198     Token _startToken;
199     std::vector<int> _stateStack;
200     std::vector<int> _locationStack;
201     std::vector<Value> _symStack;
202     std::vector<Token> _tokens;
203 };
205 } // namespace GLSL