1<sect1 id="sect-gui-menus">
2  <title>Menus</title>
4<!-- TODO: add explanation of how to use a menu. -->
5<!-- TODO: go over sub-menus and treat consistently. -->
6<!-- TODO: add xref to each menu entry for other section of the manual. -->
8  <para>
9    This section of the manual describes the use of the menubar and
10    the menus themselves. It then explains each entry in every
11    &gnum; menu, submenu or context menu.
12  </para>
14  <sect2 id="menu-nav">
15    <title>Using Menus</title>
17  <para>
18    A menu is a graphical element within a program which appears with
19    a list of options. For instance, almost all applications have a
20    <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu through which the user can access the
21    computer's filesystem to open or save their work. The main menus
22    are on the menubar. The use of these menus is discussed in <xref
23    linkend="menu-bars" />.
24  </para>
26  <para>
27    &gnum; also uses context menus to
28    give users a quick way to access certain commands. The context
29    menu will open up right under the mouse pointer when one of the
30    secondary mouse buttons, usually the rightmost, is clicked. This
31    menu is called a context menu because the entries in the menu are
32    different depending on the location of the mouse pointer. The
33    <guilabel>context</guilabel> menus are discussed in <xref
34    linkend="context-menu" />.
35  </para>
37  <para>
38    Both the main menus, on the menubar, and context menus may have
39    submenus. A submenu is indicated by a small right-pointing
40    arrow. To access a submenu, move the pointer
41    down to the submenu entry. When the submenu opens,
42    move the pointer directly across into the submenu.
43    When there is not enough room to the right
44    of the currently open menu, submenus may open to the
45    left. Note that the submenu will
46    close if the mouse pointer moves into any other menu entry.
47  </para>
49  <para>
50    You can also use the keyboard to navigate menus and submenus.
51    See <xref linkend="menu-bars" /> to access the main menus using the keyboard.
52    Once a menu is displayed, menu entries can be highlighted by pressing the
53    down and up arrow keys. When a submenu opens, pressing the right
54    arrow key moves the highlight to the first entry of the submenu. When
55    a submenu entry is highlighted, pressing the left arrow key removes
56    the highlight from the submenu. Pressing the space bar or the <keycap>Enter</keycap>
57    key activates the highlighted menu entry.
58  </para>
60  <para>
61    Menu entries ending with an ellipsis (three dots) open a dialog window which
62    asks for more choices.
63  </para>
64  </sect2>
66  <sect2 id="menu-bars">
67    <title>Menubar</title>
69    <para>
70      The default location of the menubar is at the top of the
71      application window.  The menus provide quick and organized access
72      to all major commands such as opening files, saving files,
73      printing and quitting the application.
74    </para>
76    <figure id="menubar.png">
77    <title>The Gnumeric menubar.</title>
78    <screenshot>
79      <mediaobject>
80            <imageobject>
81              <imagedata fileref="figures/menubar.png" />
82            </imageobject>
83            <textobject>
84              <phrase>An image of the &gnum; menubar.</phrase>
85            </textobject>
86           </mediaobject>
87    </screenshot>
88    </figure>
91    <para>
92      To open a &gnum; menu, click on the name of the menu in the menu bar.
93      Once clicked, the menu will stay open.
94      If the mouse pointer is moved to the name of another menu on the
95      menubar, the first menu will close and the new menu open up. This is a useful way
96      to look in each menu to hunt for a commands. Menus can also be
97      opened through the keyboard.
98      Pressing and holding the <keycap>Alt</keycap> key causes
99      one of the letters in each menu name to be underlined.
100      Press-and-hold <keycap>Alt</keycap> and press the underlined letter
101      to open the associated menu.
102      Using the keyboard for menu activation or navigation causes
103      a letter of each menu or submenu item label to be underlined.
104      Press that letter key to activate the menu item.
105      Once a menu is open, the arrow keys can be used to move between
106      menus or select an entry in a particular menu.
107      To close an open menu, click over any other area of the application
108      or of the desktop or press the Escape key, <keysym>Esc</keysym>.
109    </para>
111    <para>
112      Many menu entries are followed by a series of key names. These
113      keys can be used to perform the menu action without having to
114      open the menu.  These are often combinations of keys involving
115      the control key which is labeled as <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>, the
116      shift key which is labeled <keycap>Shift</keycap> and the
117      function keys which are labeled with an <keycap>F</keycap> and
118      then a number. For example, to quickly cut a selection
119      (accessible through the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu), the user
120      can make a selection and then type the control key and the "x"
121      key at the same time.
122    </para>
124  </sect2>
129  <!-- ************************  FILE MENU   *************************** -->
130  <sect2 id="File-Menu">
131    <title>File Menu</title>
133    <para>
134      The <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu is the most important menu in
135      &gnum; because it gives the user
136      the ability to interact with the computer operating system. This
137      menu allows the user to create files containing all the work
138      they have done. It also enables users to print the results of
139      their work. Finally, the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu is the
140      best way to close &gnum;.
141    </para>
143    <figure id="menu-file-labelled.png">
144      <title>The <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.</title>
145      <screenshot>
146        <mediaobject>
147          <imageobject>
148            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-file-labelled.png" />
149          </imageobject>
150          <textobject>
151            <phrase>An image of the File menu.</phrase>
152          </textobject>
153        </mediaobject>
154      </screenshot>
155    </figure>
157    <para>
158      The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:
159    </para>
162    <para>
163      <variablelist>
165      <varlistentry>
166	<term>
167	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
168	    Workbook creation operations.
169	</term>
171	<listitem>
172	  <para>These menu items perform operations on files. Each item is
173	  presented below. File operations are critical and are therefore
174	  discussed in their own section latter in this manual in <xref
175	  linkend="chapter-files" />. </para>
176	 <itemizedlist>
178      	    <listitem>
179     	      <para>
180     	        <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> &mdash; Create a new
181                workbook. This opens a new workbook in a new
182                window. By default the workbook will be named "Book1"
183                or another number if there is already a worksheet with
184                that name open. Note that the opened file has not yet
185                been saved.
186     	      </para>
187     	    </listitem>
189      	    <listitem>
190     	      <para>
191     	        <guimenuitem>New From Template</guimenuitem> &mdash; This
192                menu item brings up a submenu from which a template can be selected.
193                Rather than creating a new empty workbook, the template
194                specifies some standard content. The new workbook is opened in a new
195                window. The name named of the workbook is determined by the name
196                of the template. Note that the opened file has not yet
197                been saved.
198     	      </para>
199     	    </listitem>
201     	    <listitem>
202     	      <para>
203     	        <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
204	        <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> menu item opens the
205	        file chooser dialog to allow the user to pick an
206	        existing workbook for &gnum; to open. Files in many
207	        different spreadsheet formats can be opened.
208		To open files in  a non-spreadsheet format,
209		use the <guimenuitem>Data</guimenuitem> menu described in
210		<xref linkend="Data-Menu"/>. See <xref
211	        linkend="sect-file-formats" /> for details.  The
212	        <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> menu item creates a
213	        new window containing the selected file.  A more
214	        extensive discussion is presented in <xref
215	        linkend="sect-file-open" />.
216      	      </para>
217     	    </listitem>
219          </itemizedlist>
220        </listitem>
221      </varlistentry>
223      <varlistentry>
224	<term>
225	  <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
226	    File creation operations.
227	</term>
228	<listitem>
229	  <itemizedlist>
230            <listitem>
231              <para>
232                <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
233		<guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem> menu item saves the
234		current worksheet. If the file has been named and
235		saved before, this will silently save the file to the
236		current filename. If it has not been saved before,
237		this will act as if the <guimenuitem>Save
238		As...</guimenuitem> menu item had been called and
239		prompt the user for a filename.
240              </para>
241            </listitem>
242            <listitem>
243              <para>
244                <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
245		<guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem> menu item allows
246		users to save a file which has not yet been named to a
247		named file. This is always used when a user saves a
248		file which &gnum; has named by default.  This menu
249		item can also be used to save a newly created file or
250		to save an existing file to a new and different
251		name. To export data from &gnum; to a non-spreadsheet format,
252		use the <guimenuitem>Data</guimenuitem> menu described in
253		<xref linkend="Data-Menu"/>.
254		For an explanation of the file formats which
255		&gnum; supports see <xref linkend="sect-file-save"/>.
256              </para>
257            </listitem>
258          </itemizedlist>
259        </listitem>
261      </varlistentry>
263      <varlistentry>
264	<term>
265	  <emphasis role="bold">3</emphasis>
266	    Printing operations.
267	</term>
268	<listitem>
269	  <para>
270	    These menu items enable
271	    &gnum; to print. Each item is
272	    presented below and printing issues are discussed fully in
273	    <xref linkend="chapter-printing" />.
274          </para>
276	 <itemizedlist>
277 	    <listitem>
278	      <para>
279 	        <guimenuitem>Page Setup...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
280                <guimenuitem>Page Setup...</guimenuitem> menu item
281                call the <guilabel>Page Setup</guilabel> dialog. This
282                dialog allows the user to set various printing options
283                such as paper type, margin sizes and running header
284                and footer formats. This dialog is explained in detail
285                in <xref linkend="sect-printing-setup" />.
286  	       </para>
287  	      </listitem>
289 	    <listitem>
290	      <para>
291 	        <guimenuitem>Print Area</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
292                <guimenuitem>Print Area</guimenuitem> menu item
293                opens the submenu shown in <xref linkend="menu-file-printarea.png" />.
294                The items in this submenu allow the print area to be set,
295                shown or cleared; and manual page breaks to be set or cleared.
296		The print area of a sheet is that range
297                of the sheet that should be printed. Items outside of the
298                print area are usually omitted when printing. When printing
299		&gnum; will usually choose the appropriate page breaks. Manual
300		page breaks can be used to force &gnum; to insert a page break
301		prematurely.
302  	       </para>
303    <figure id="menu-file-printarea.png">
304      <title>The <guimenu>Print Area</guimenu> submenu.</title>
305      <screenshot>
306        <mediaobject>
307          <imageobject>
308            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-file-printarea.png" />
309          </imageobject>
310          <textobject>
311            <phrase>An image of the Print Area submenu.</phrase>
312          </textobject>
313        </mediaobject>
314      </screenshot>
315    </figure>
316  	      </listitem>
317  	      <listitem>
318   	      <para>
319   	        <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
320		<guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem> menu item allows a
321		user to print one or all of the worksheets in a
322		workbook. &gnum; can send files directly to a
323		printer or can print to PostScript or portable
324		document format files. The <guilabel>Print</guilabel>
325		dialog is explained further in <xref
326		linkend="sect-printing" />.
327         </para>
328        </listitem>
329        <listitem>
330         <para>
331                <guimenuitem>Print Preview...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
332		<guimenuitem>Print Preview...</guimenuitem> menu item
333		calls a dialog which presents the current workbook as
334		it would be printed with the current <guilabel>Page
335		Setup</guilabel> settings. The dialog also permits the
336		user to print. This dialog is explained in <xref
337		linkend="sect-printing-preview" />.
338         </para>
339        </listitem>
342		</itemizedlist>
344      </listitem>
348      </varlistentry>
352	<!-- summary -->
353      <varlistentry>
354		<term>
355		  <emphasis role="bold">4</emphasis>
356	  Miscellaneous Operations.
357	</term>
358	<listitem>
359	 <itemizedlist>
360 	   <listitem>
361	      <para>
363 	         <guimenuitem>Send To...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
364	         <guimenuitem>Send To...</guimenuitem> menu item call
365	         the <guilabel>Send To</guilabel> dialog. This dialog
366	         allows the user to send a &gnum; workbook as an
367	         attachment to an email message. This dialog is
368	         explained in detail in <xref
369	         linkend="sect-files-email" />.
370	  </para>
371	  </listitem>
372	  <listitem>
373	  <para>
374	    <guimenuitem>Document Properties...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
375	    <guimenuitem>Document Properties...</guimenuitem> menu item calls
376	    the <guilabel>Document Properties</guilabel> dialog, a
377        dialog with several tabs that allow many document specific
378        settings to be adjusted. The dialog is described in detail in
379        <xref linkend="chapter-workbooks" />.
380	  </para>
381	</listitem>
382	 </itemizedlist>
383	</listitem>
384      </varlistentry>
386	<!-- recent files -->
387      <varlistentry>
388	<term>
389          <emphasis role="bold">5</emphasis>
390	  Recently used files.
391	</term>
392	<listitem>
393        <itemizedlist>
394	<listitem>
395	  <para>
396	    The first three menu entries in this section are shortcuts to
397        re-open recently used
398	    files.  The list will change dynamically as new workbooks
399	    are opened and created.  Clicking on a file name listed
400	    here is the same as using the
401	    <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> menu entry and finding the
402	    file in the <guilabel>Find File</guilabel> dialog. Note
403	    that if the file has been moved since
404	    &gnum; last saved it,
405	    &gnum; will not find the
406	    file. To access any recent file not listed, one can use the
407	    <guimenuitem>Full History...</guimenuitem> menu item below.
408	  </para>
409	</listitem>
410	  <listitem>
411	  <para>
412	    <guimenuitem>Full History...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
413	    <guimenuitem>Full History...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a dialog
414        that shows all recently used files.
415	  </para>
416	</listitem>
417	 </itemizedlist>
418	</listitem>
419      </varlistentry>
422      <varlistentry>
423	<term>
424          <emphasis role="bold">6</emphasis>
425          The Close and Quit operations.
426	</term>
427	<listitem>
428	  <para>
429	    These menu items either close the current worksheet,
430	    <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>, or close all open
431	    worksheets, <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>. &gnum; will
432	    prompt the user with a <guilabel>Save
433	    Workbook..</guilabel> dialog for any workbooks that have
434	    been changed since the last time they were opened or
435	    saved.
436	  </para>
438	  <itemizedlist>
439      	    <listitem>
440     	      <para>
441     	       <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
442	       <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem> menu item allows the
443	       user to close the current workbook. If this is the only
444	       workbook which this instance of
445	       &gnum; has open, the close
446	       operation will also quit
447	       &gnum;. If other workbooks
448	       are open, this workbook will close without affecting
449	       the others.  If the workbook has unsaved changes,
450	       &gnum; will ask the user
451	       if he wants to save the file.
452     	      </para>
453     	   </listitem>
455      	    <listitem>
456     	      <para>
458     	       <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
459	       <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> menu item will close
460	       all the workbooks currently being used by
461	       &gnum; and quit the
462	       program. &gnum; will
463	       prompt the user asking if he wants to save any
464	       workbooks which has changes which have not been saved.
466     	      </para>
467     	   </listitem>
469		</itemizedlist>
470	  </listitem>
471        </varlistentry>
473      </variablelist>
474    </para>
476  </sect2>
479  <!--  ******************************** EDIT MENU    ******************** -->
480  <sect2 id="Edit-Menu">
481    <title>Edit Menu</title>
483    <para>
484      The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu is mostly used for operations
485      on a worksheet or between worksheets. This menu gives users
486      powerful editing operations such as the ability to undo recent
487      changes, the ability to cut and paste selections of cells and
488      the ability to search for specific cell contents.
489    </para>
491    <figure id="menu-edit-labelled.png">
492		    <title>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu.</title>
493		    <screenshot>
494		      <mediaobject>
495            <imageobject>
496              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-edit-labelled.png" />
497            </imageobject>
498            <textobject>
499              <phrase>An image of the Edit menu.</phrase>
500            </textobject>
501           </mediaobject>
502		    </screenshot>
503    </figure>
505    <para>
506      The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:
507    </para>
511  <variablelist>
513    <varlistentry>
514      <term>
515        <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
516	  Change History.
517      </term>
518      <listitem>
519	<para>
520	  These menu items allow the user to remove recent changes to
521	  a worksheet or re-introduce changes which have been
522	  undone. These options give the user control over recent
523	  edits. This functionality is often called the "change
524	  history" of an application. </para>
526	<para>
527	  The type of edit has no importance. An edit which deletes
528	  the contents of a cell is treated in the same way as an edit
529	  which adds contents to a cell. The change history is session
530	  specific. The user will not be able to undo changes through
531	  the change history if the file is saved and then
532	  re-opened. Note also that the list only covers the last few
533	  dozen operations. The number of operations which &gnum;
534	  tracks in its history depends on the size and complexity of
535	  those operations. You can customize this number using the preference
536	  facility described in <xref linkend="chapter-configuring" />.
537	  There are a few unusual operations which
538	  are not yet tracked in this way.
539	</para>
540	<itemizedlist>
541	  <listitem>
542	    <para>
543	      <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
544	      <guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem> menu item is used to
545	      remove the last few edits from a workbook. The edits
546	      must be undone in order. This menu item removes only the
547	      last edit from the workbook. The user can also access
548	      the undo list through one of the toolbar buttons and its
549	      associated menu.  With this menu, the user can undo
550	      several operations at once. This is explained in section
551	      <xref linkend="std-toolbar" />.  </para> </listitem>
553	  <listitem>
554	    <para>
555	      <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
556	      <guimenuitem>Redo</guimenuitem> menu item is used after
557	      an undo operation to restore the change that was undone.
558	      The menu item only restores the last undone
559	      operation. Users can also restore edit using a button on
560	      the standard toolbar and through the associated
561	      menu. The menu allows several operations to be redone at
562	      once. It is explained in <xref linkend="std-toolbar" />.
563	    </para>
564	  </listitem>
565	</itemizedlist>
566      </listitem>
567    </varlistentry>
572    <!-- Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Special... -->
573    <varlistentry>
574      <term>
575	<emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
576	  Operations on selected areas.
577      </term>
578      <listitem>
579	<para>
580	These menu items enable selected cell contents to be moved
581	around a spreadsheet, moved between worksheets or between
582	workbooks. Selections are areas of the spreadsheet that have
583	been chosen, usually with the mouse, and are usually colored
584	pale blue. Selections are explained in greater detail in <xref
585	linkend="sect-data-selections" />.
586	&gnum; currently only allows
587	single range selections for these operations.
588	</para>
590	<para>
591	  To use these menu items, the user must first select the range
592	  of the cut or copy area. When the user then picks these
593	  menu items, the contents of the selected areas will be
594	  entered into the &gnum;
595	  clipboard and into the X clipboard. The
596	  contents of the &gnum;
597	  clipboard can then be inserted into a new region of the
598	  spreadsheet, into another worksheet or into a new
599	  workbook. The X clipboard holds the space delimited results
600	  of each cell: either the text or the result of any
601	  calculation. The X clipboard can be pasted into any text
602	  area.
603	</para>
605        <itemizedlist>
606	  <listitem>
608	    <para>
609	      <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
610	      <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> menu item is used to
611	      remove a selection from the selected area of a currently
612	      open workbook. When the menu item is chosen, the
613	      selected area will be outlined with a moving dotted
614	      line. This is the area which will be moved. The
615	      selection will only be removed after it is moved to the
616	      new location. Until then cut has not had an effect on
617	      the worksheet.
618	    </para>
619	  </listitem>
621	  <listitem>
622	    <para>
623	      <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
624	      <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> menu item allows a user
625	      to duplicate a selection. The original data remains
626	      where it was and the &gnum;
627	      clipboard (and the X clipboard) has a copy which can be
628	      inserted elsewhere.
630	    </para>
631	  </listitem>
633	  <listitem>
634	    <para>
635	      <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
636	      <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> menu item is used to
637	      paste the contents of a selection which has been cut or
638	      copied. If the selection was cut, it is pasted into the
639	      new location unchanged. Cell references will not change
640	      in that they will still point to the same cells.
641	    </para>
642	  </listitem>
644	  <listitem>
645	    <para>
646	      <guimenuitem>Paste Special...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
647	      <guimenuitem>Paste Special...</guimenuitem> is used to
648	      paste a selection while altering certain
649	      characteristics. The <guimenuitem>Paste
650	      Special...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a dialog with
651	      three categories. The defaults make <guimenuitem>Paste
652	      Special...</guimenuitem> act as if it were the
653	      <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> menu item.
654	    </para>
656    <figure id="menu-edit-paste-special.png">
657		    <title>The Paste Special Dialog</title>
658		    <screenshot>
659		      <mediaobject>
660            <imageobject>
661              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-edit-paste-special.png" />
662            </imageobject>
663            <textobject>
664              <phrase>An image of the Paste Special Dialog.</phrase>
665            </textobject>
666           </mediaobject>
667		    </screenshot>
668    </figure>
672	    <para>
673	      The first set of choices allow the user to control the
674	      data pasted.The user can chose to limit the pasting to
675	      only the cell contents (no cell formatting is copied) or ---
676	      the opposite --- only cell formats copied (no
677	      contents). Furthermore, the user can insert the
678	      selection while transforming all the contents into
679	      values only. In this case, formulae will not be copied, only the
680	      results will be.
681	    </para>
682	    <para>
683	      A second set of choices allows the user to perform
684	      simple mathematical transformations during the
685	      paste. The data in the cells being pasted into are
686	      modified by the cell contents. For instance, using the
687	      divide operation will result in each cell in the zone
688	      pasted into being divided by the equivalent cell which
689	      was copied originally.
690	    </para>
691	    <para>
692	      The third set of choices allow the transposition or flip of the
693	      original selection. The
694	      <guilabel>transpose</guilabel> choice will change the
695	      selection by flipping it about the diagonal from top left to
696	      bottom right. Similarly, <guilabel>flip horizontally</guilabel> and
697	      <guilabel>flip vertically</guilabel> paste the selection accordingly.
698	    </para>
699	    <para>The <guilabel>skip
700	      blanks</guilabel> check box prevents
701	      &gnum; from taking any
702	      action for the cells in the selection that are
703	      blank. Normally &gnum; will modify formulae that use relative
704	      addressing to cells outside the selection. The <guilabel>do not
705	      change formulae</guilabel> checkbox suppresses this change. (Note that
706	      references to cells within the selection are always preserved.)
707	    </para>
708	  </listitem>
710	</itemizedlist>
712	</listitem>
713      </varlistentry>
716	<varlistentry>
717		<term>
718			<emphasis role="bold">3</emphasis>
719			Data entry and removal operations.
720		</term>
721		<listitem>
722			<para>These operations add or remove data from the worksheet. They
723			differ in the type of data modified or removed and the possible
724			re-arrangement of remaining data, as explained below. With one
725			exception noted below, these operations are like the previous group
726			in acting based on the selected cells.
727			</para>
730		<itemizedlist>
731      	    	<listitem>
732<!-- Do NOT introduce any whitespace AROUND the <anchor>. -->
733     	      	<para><anchor id="edit-menu-clear-links"
734     	      		  xreflabel="Clear&nbsp;&#9654; Formats &amp; Hyperlinks"
735			  /><guimenuitem>Clear</guimenuitem> opens a submenu
736			with eight choices, organized into two sets of four.
737			The first group affects all cells in the selection.
738			The second group applies the same actions to just the
739			selected cells that are in rows selected by the filter.
740			See <xref linkend="sect-data-filter" />
741			for details of setting up a filter.
742			</para>
743		<para>
744			Choose <guimenuitem>All</guimenuitem> to clear all
745			the elements of the cells in the selection: the formats and hyperlinks,
746			the comments, and the contents.
747			Choose <guimenuitem>Formats &amp; Hyperlinks</guimenuitem>
748			to clear the formats and hyperlinks while leaving the data or
749			formula in the cell intact.
750			This removes any borders, re-sets the cell alignments, changes the
751			background colour to white and the text colour to black,
752			resets the number format to <guilabel>General</guilabel>, and removes
753			the hyperlink associated with each cell, if any.
754			Choose <guimenuitem>Comments</guimenuitem> to delete the
755			comments for the cells in the selection.
756			Choose <guimenuitem>Contents</guimenuitem> to leave the
757			cell's formatting in place but remove the formula or data
758			contents of the cell.
759			</para>
760     	   		</listitem>
762      	    	<listitem>
763      	    	<para>
764      	    		<guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> opens a submenu
765      	    		with five choices. They permit deleting a range of rows or
766      	    		columns, deleting just the
767      	    		selected cells, or deleting just the comments or hyperlinks
768      	    		associated with the selected cells.
769      	    	</para>
770     	      	<para>
771     	      		Choose <guimenuitem>Columns</guimenuitem> or
772     	      		<guimenuitem>Rows</guimenuitem> to delete the columns or rows,
773			respectively, that cover the cells in the selection.
774			Selecting <guimenuitem>Rows</guimenuitem> when the selection
775			is one or more columns or <guimenuitem>Columns</guimenuitem>
776			when the selection is one or more rows deletes all cells in the
777			worksheet.
778			The space left by deleted rows is filled by moving lower rows up.
779			The space left by deleted columns is filled by moving to the
780			left columns which were right of the selection.
781			For example, if columns D and E are deleted,
782			&gnum; will move the contents of all columns from F onwards two
783			columns to the left.
784		</para>
785		<para>
786			<guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem>: If the selection is one or more
787			columns or one or more rows, <guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem>
788			deletes the selected columns or rows as described above.
789			If the selection is a block of cells, <guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem>
790			opens a dialog asking how to fill in the deleted cells. Blocks of
791			cells can be filled in by the columns of cells below the block
792			selection or by the rows on the right of the block.
793		</para>
795    <figure id="menu-edit-delete-cells.png">
796		    <title>The Delete Cells Dialog</title>
797		    <screenshot>
798		      <mediaobject>
799            <imageobject>
800              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-edit-delete-cells.png" />
801            </imageobject>
802            <textobject>
803              <phrase>An image of the Delete Cells Dialog.</phrase>
804            </textobject>
805           </mediaobject>
806		    </screenshot>
807    </figure>
809				 <para>
810				 For example, if the
811				 block of cells from E6:G8 is deleted, those cells would be
812				 filled in by the cells below E8, F8 and G8 if the <guilabel>Shift cells
813				 up</guilabel> option were chosen. The cells to the right
814				 of G6, G7 and G8 would fill in the space from the right if the
815				 <guilabel>Shift cells left</guilabel> option were chosen. The
816				 two <guilabel>Delete</guilabel> choices are the same as
817				<guimenuitem>Edit &#9654; Delete &#9654; Rows</guimenuitem> and
818				<guimenuitem>Edit &#9654; Delete &#9654; Columns</guimenuitem>.
819				 </para>
820		<para>
821			<guimenuitem>Comments</guimenuitem>: This is the same as
822			<guimenuitem>Edit &#9654; Clear &#9654; Comments</guimenuitem>,
823			described above.
824		</para>
825		<para>
826			<guimenuitem>Hyperlinks</guimenuitem>: This is similar
827			to <guimenuitem>Edit &#9654; Clear &#9654; Formats &amp;
828				Hyperlinks</guimenuitem>, as described above, except
829			that existing cell formats are not disturbed.
830		</para>
831     	   		</listitem>
832		<listitem>
833		  <para>
834		    <guimenuitem>Modify</guimenuitem> opens a submenu with three choices:
835		    </para>
836		  <itemizedlist>
837		    <listitem>
838		      <para>
839		        <guimenuitem>Comment...</guimenuitem> opens the
840		        <guimenu>Edit Cell Comment</guimenu> dialog.
841		        This is the same as the dialog for
842		        <guimenuitem>Comment...</guimenuitem> on the
843		        <xref linkend="Insert-Menu" />.
844		        See <xref linkend="sect-data-comment" /> for more information.
845		        </para>
846		      </listitem>
847		    <listitem>
848		      <para>
849		        <guimenuitem>Hyperlink...</guimenuitem> opens the
850		        <guimenu>Hyperlink</guimenu> dialog.
851		        This is the same as the dialog for
852		        <guimenuitem>Hyperlink...</guimenuitem> on the
853		        <xref linkend="Insert-Menu" />.
854		        See <xref linkend="sect-data-link" /> for more information.
855		        </para>
856		      </listitem>
857		    <listitem>
858		      <para>
859		        <guimenuitem>Names...</guimenuitem> opens the
860		        <guimenu>Define Names</guimenu> dialog.
861		        <xref linkend="sect-data-names" />
862		        explains names and describes the dialog.
863		        </para>
865		      </listitem>
866		    </itemizedlist>
867			</listitem>
868			</itemizedlist>
869		</listitem>
870	</varlistentry>
872	<varlistentry>
873		<term>
874	            <emphasis role="bold">4</emphasis>
875			Search and replace operations.
876		</term>
877		<listitem>
879	 		<itemizedlist>
881      	    	<listitem>
882     	      	<para>
883     	       	<guimenuitem>Search...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
884			       <guimenuitem>Search...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a dialog
885				 to search for cells with particular content. The dialog has
886				 three tabs. In the first the user can enter the information
887				 the user wants to find and some constraints on the search. The
888				 second tab gives some extra choices for the search. When the
889				 user has picked the options they prefer, pushing the search
890				 button on the first tab will run the search. The third tab
891				 will show which cells match the search.
892				 </para>
893     	   		</listitem>
895      	    	<listitem>
896     	      	<para>
897     	       	<guimenuitem>Search &amp; Replace...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
898			       <guimenuitem>Search &amp; Replace..</guimenuitem> menu item
899				 will launch a dialog to find cells with particular
900				 characteristics and replace them all with a common content.
901				 This dialog is similar to the <guilabel>Search</guilabel>
902				 dialog.
903				 </para>
904     	   		</listitem>
906		    </itemizedlist>
907		    </listitem>
909	</varlistentry>
911	<varlistentry>
912		<term>
913	            <emphasis role="bold">5</emphasis>
914			Other operations on worksheets.
915		</term>
916		<listitem>
918	 		<itemizedlist>
919      	    	<listitem>
920     	      	<para>
921                  <guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> &mdash; From the
922                  <guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> submenu you can perform operations
923                  on the worksheet as a whole. These functions are also available
924                  from the worksheet tab context menu. You can create, duplicate,
925                  rename, re-order, or delete worksheets. These functions are
926                  described in detail in
927                  <xref linkend="sect-worksheets-managing-process-contextmenu" />.
928		</para>
929     	   		</listitem>
931      	    	<listitem>
932     	      	<para>
933     	       	<guimenuitem>Select</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
934			       <guimenuitem>Select</guimenuitem> menu item allows the user
935				    to select various portions of the worksheet. When selected
936                    it opens a submenu.
937 				 </para>
939    <figure id="menu-edit-select.png">
940		    <title>The Select Submenu</title>
941		    <screenshot>
942		      <mediaobject>
943            <imageobject>
944              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-edit-select.png" />
945            </imageobject>
946            <textobject>
947              <phrase>An image of the Select Submenu.</phrase>
948            </textobject>
949           </mediaobject>
950		    </screenshot>
951    </figure>
954	            <itemizedlist>
955     	   		  <listitem>
956				    <para>The
957				      <guimenuitem>All</guimenuitem> item provides a quick way to
958				      select the entire worksheet.
959				    </para>
960     	   		</listitem>
962      	    	<listitem>
963				    <para>
964				      The <guimenuitem>Row</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Column
965                      </guimenuitem>
966				      items allow the user to select all the rows or columns
967				      spanned by the current selection.
968				    </para>
969     	   		</listitem>
971      	    	<listitem>
972				    <para>
973				      The <guimenuitem>Array</guimenuitem> menu item allows a
974				      user to select all the cells which are part of the same array
975				      as the current cell.
976				    </para>
977     	   		</listitem>
979      	    	<listitem>
980				    <para>
981				      The <guimenuitem>Depends
982                      </guimenuitem>
983				      menu item selects all the cells which contain formula that
984				      reference data in the current cell.
985				    </para>
986     	   		</listitem>
988      	    	<listitem>
989				    <para>
990				      Similarly, the <guimenuitem>Inputs
991                      </guimenuitem>
992				      menu item selects all the cells whose data is referenced
993                      by the formula in the current cell.
994				    </para>
995     	   		</listitem>
997      	    	<listitem>
998				    <para>
999				      The <guimenuitem>Next Object
1000                      </guimenuitem>
1001				      menu item selects the next sheet object on the current sheet.
1002                      If no object is selected it will select the object locate at
1003                      the front.
1004				    </para>
1005		</listitem>
1007		<listitem>
1008		  <para>
1009		    The <guimenuitem>Go to Top</guimenuitem>,
1010		    <guimenuitem>Go to Bottom</guimenuitem>,
1011		    <guimenuitem>Go to the First</guimenuitem>,
1012		    <guimenuitem>Go to the Last</guimenuitem>,
1013		  menu items move the selection within a rectangular block of data cells.
1014		  the front.
1015		  </para>
1016		</listitem>
1018      	    	<listitem>
1019     	      	<para>
1020     	       	<guimenuitem>Goto cell...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1021			       <guimenuitem>Goto cell...</guimenuitem> menu item opens up a
1022				   dialog which allows the user to type the name or address of
1023                    a cell in
1024				   the worksheet. The current view will then change to ensure
1025				   that the selected cell is in the current view and the
1026				   selection will cover that cell.
1027				 </para>
1028     	   		</listitem>
1029	            </itemizedlist>
1030     	   		</listitem>
1032      	    	<listitem>
1033     	      		<para>
1034     	       		<guimenuitem>Recalculate</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1035			       	  <guimenuitem>Recalculate</guimenuitem> menu item forces
1036					the workbook to recalculate its results. This is useful
1037					if a formula in the current worksheet depends on a cell in
1038					a different workbook. &gnum; will not necessarily know
1039					when that data has been updated so a user can force
1040					&gnum; to recalculate all the cells in the current
1041					workbook.
1042     	      		</para>
1043     	   		</listitem>
1044	  </itemizedlist>
1045	</listitem>
1046	</varlistentry>
1048	<varlistentry>
1049		<term>
1050	            <emphasis role="bold">6</emphasis>
1051			General Configuration of
1052            &gnum;.
1053		</term>
1054		<listitem>
1055                <para>
1056                    <guimenuitem>Preferences...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1057                    <guimenuitem>Preference...</guimenuitem> menu item calls
1058                    the <guilabel>&gnum; Preferences</guilabel> dialog
1059                    explained in detail in <xref linkend="chapter-configuring" />
1060                </para>
1061	    </listitem>
1062	</varlistentry>
1064  </variablelist>
1068  <!-- *************************** View Menu *********** -->
1069  <sect2 id="View-Menu">
1070    <title>View Menu</title>
1075    <para>
1076      The <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu is
1077    </para>
1079    <figure id="menu-view-labelled.png">
1080      <title>The <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu.</title>
1081      <screenshot>
1082        <mediaobject>
1083            <imageobject>
1084              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-view-labelled.png" />
1085            </imageobject>
1086            <textobject>
1087              <phrase>An image of the View menu.</phrase>
1088            </textobject>
1089        </mediaobject>
1090      </screenshot>
1091    </figure>
1093    <para>
1094      The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:
1095    </para>
1099    <variablelist>
1101      <varlistentry>
1102        <term>
1103          <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
1104          Alternative views of the current document.
1105        </term>
1106        <listitem>
1107          <para>
1108            These menu items allow the user to open multiple views of
1109            the same document.
1110          </para>
1112          <itemizedlist>
1113            <listitem>
1114              <para>
1115                <guimenuitem>New View...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1116                <guimenuitem>New View...</guimenuitem> menu item opens
1117                up a new window with the current workbook visible.
1118                and where both windows are open to the same section of
1119                the workbook. If the user starts editing a different
1120                part of the sheet in one view, the other view moves
1121                automatically to that portion of the
1122                worksheet. Similarly, if the user changes to a
1123                different worksheet in one view, the other view
1124                changes also.
1125<!-- TODO: are views 'shared' or 'unshared'? To what extent? -->
1126              </para>
1127            </listitem>
1128            <listitem>
1129              <para>
1130                <guimenuitem>Freeze Panes</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1131                <guimenuitem>Freeze Panes</guimenuitem> menu item is
1132                used to freeze the top-most and leftmost visible
1133                portion of the worksheet. This is useful to be able to
1134                line up portions of the worksheet which are not
1135                usually together. For instance, if a user had a very
1136                large table with the titles of each column of data on
1137                row 12, the user could select row 13 and select this
1138                menu item.  If the user scrolled through each data
1139                row, the data would line up underneath each header.
1140              </para>
1141              <para> There are 3 ways to determine which rows and/or
1142                columns should be frozen.
1143              </para>
1144              <itemizedlist>
1145                <listitem>
1146                  <para>
1147                    If the selection is at least partially visible and does
1148                    not include the cell
1149                    A1, &gnum; freezes the
1150		            portion of the worksheet above or to the left of the
1151                    current selection.
1152                 </para>
1153                </listitem>
1154                <listitem>
1155                  <para>
1156                    If the selection is at least partially visible,
1157                    includes cell A1, and does not consist
1158                    of whole rows or columns,
1159                    &gnum; freezes all rows or columns intersecting the
1160                    selection.
1161                 </para>
1162                </listitem>
1163                <listitem>
1164                  <para>
1165                    If the selection is at least partially visible,
1166                    includes cell A1, and consists
1167                    of whole rows or columns,
1168                    &gnum; freezes those rows or columns.
1169                 </para>
1170                </listitem>
1171                <listitem>
1172                  <para>If the
1173		            selection is not visible at all, then &gnum; freezes those
1174                    rows and columns to the left or above the sixth visible column
1175                    and tenth visible row.
1176                  </para>
1177                </listitem>
1178              </itemizedlist>
1179              <para>In all cases, the region of the worksheet above or to the left
1180                of the currently visible region will become inaccessible until the
1181                view is unfrozen.
1182              </para>
1183<!-- TODO: menu elements, freeze only row/col. -->
1184            </listitem>
1185            <listitem>
1186              <para>
1187                <guimenuitem>Windows</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1188                <guimenuitem>Windows</guimenuitem> menu item provides
1189		access to a submenu which lists all of the windows
1190		which are currently open. This provides an easy way to
1191		jump between all the different instances and views of
1192		&gnum; documents.
1193              </para>
1194            </listitem>
1197          </itemizedlist>
1198        </listitem>
1199      </varlistentry>
1203      <varlistentry>
1204        <term>
1205          <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
1206          Changes to the current view.
1207        </term>
1208        <listitem>
1209          <para>
1210            These menu items alter the display of the current view.
1211	  </para>
1212        <itemizedlist>
1213            <listitem>
1214              <para>
1215                <guimenuitem>Toolbars</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1216                <guimenuitem>Toolbars</guimenuitem> menu item provides
1217                a submenu which lists each &gnum; toolbar. The
1218                toolbars in this submenu which have a check mark in
1219                front of their name will be shown. The display status
1220                of each toolbar can be changed by selecting the menu
1221                item with that toolbar's name.
1222              </para>
1223            </listitem>
1224            <listitem>
1225              <para>
1226                <guimenuitem>View Statusbar</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1227                <guimenuitem>View Statusbar</guimenuitem> menu item
1228                determines whether to display the status bar and
1229                information area at the bottom of each
1230                worksheets. Selecting the menu item toggles the check
1231                mark in front. When this menu item has the checkmark,
1232                &gnum; will display the statusbar.
1233              </para>
1234            </listitem>
1235            <listitem>
1236              <para>
1237                <guimenuitem>Full Screen</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1238                <guimenuitem>Full Screen</guimenuitem> menu item
1239                changes the display of &gnum; from a window based
1240                display to a display which occupies the whole
1241                screen. In full screen mode, the window borders will
1242                not be displayed nor will the toolbars. The key
1243                <keysym>F11</keysym> toggles between full screen and
1244                regular display mode. When this menu item has the checkmark,
1245                &gnum; is in <guimenuitem>Full Screen</guimenuitem> mode.
1246              </para>
1247            </listitem>
1248            <listitem>
1249              <para>
1250                <guimenuitem>View Properties...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1251                <guimenuitem>View Properties...</guimenuitem> menu item opens the
1252                <guimenuitem>View Properties</guimenuitem> dialog.
1253                </para>
1255                <figure id="menu-view-properties-dialog.png">
1256                <title>The <guimenu>View Properties</guimenu> dialog</title>
1257                    <screenshot>
1258                        <mediaobject>
1259                            <imageobject>
1260                            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-view-properties-dialog.png" />
1261                            </imageobject>
1262                            <textobject>
1263                            <phrase>An image of the View Properties dialog.</phrase>
1264                            </textobject>
1265                        </mediaobject>
1266                    </screenshot>
1267                </figure>
1269                <para>The <guimenu>View Properties</guimenu> dialog has four tabs.
1270                    <guimenu>Auto Completion </guimenu>is described in
1271                    <xref linkend="sect-worksheets-settings" />,
1272                    <guimenu>Protection</guimenu> in
1273                    <xref linkend="sect-worksheets-settings-protection" />.
1274                </para>
1276                <figure id="menu-view-properties-dialog-cm.png">
1277                <title>The <guimenu>View Properties</guimenu> dialog, <guimenu>Cell Markers</guimenu> tab</title>
1278                    <screenshot>
1279                        <mediaobject>
1280                            <imageobject>
1281                            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-view-properties-dialog-cm.png" />
1282                            </imageobject>
1283                            <textobject>
1284                            <phrase>An image of the Cell Markers tab of the View Properties dialog.</phrase>
1285                            </textobject>
1286                        </mediaobject>
1287                    </screenshot>
1288                </figure>
1290                <para>The check boxes on the <guimenu>Cell Markers</guimenu> tab shown in
1291                    <xref linkend="menu-view-properties-dialog-cm.png" /> determine
1292                    whether cells are shown with indicators that they contain formulae and/or
1293                    that they have clipped content.
1294                </para>
1296                <para>The check boxes on the <guimenu>Widget</guimenu> tab shown in
1297                    <xref linkend="menu-view-properties-dialog.png" /> determine
1298                    whether the notebook tabs, the horizontal scrollbar and/or
1299                    the vertical scrollbars are shown in this view.
1300                </para>
1301            </listitem>
1302              </itemizedlist>
1303            </listitem>
1304	  </varlistentry>
1306      <varlistentry>
1307        <term>
1308          <emphasis role="bold">3</emphasis>
1309        </term>
1310        <listitem>
1311          <para>
1312            <guimenuitem>Zoom...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog where you can set
1313            the magnification of one or more worksheets in the current workbook.
1314          </para>
1315        </listitem>
1316	  </varlistentry>
1319	</variablelist>
1320  </sect2>
1323  <!--  *********************************** INSERT MENU ********************* -->
1324  <sect2 id="Insert-Menu">
1325    <title>Insert Menu</title>
1327    <para>
1328      The <guimenu>Insert</guimenu> menu is
1329    </para>
1331    <figure id="menu-insert-labelled.png">
1332      <title>The <guimenu>Insert</guimenu> menu.</title>
1333        <screenshot>
1334	  <mediaobject>
1335            <imageobject>
1336              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-insert-labelled.png" />
1337            </imageobject>
1338            <textobject>
1339              <phrase>An image of the Insert menu.</phrase>
1340            </textobject>
1341           </mediaobject>
1342	 </screenshot>
1343    </figure>
1345    <para>
1346      The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:
1347    </para>
1349    <variablelist>
1351      <varlistentry>
1352        <term>
1353	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
1354	  Insert into workbook.
1355	</term>
1356	<listitem>
1357	  <para>
1358	    These menu items alter the cells available in a workbook.
1359	  </para>
1360	  <itemizedlist>
1362	   <listitem>
1363	     <para>
1364	       <guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1365	       <guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
1366	       dialog asking the user how the sheet should be altered
1367	       when new cells are inserted. The dialog lists four
1368	       choices. The user can choose one of these by clicking
1369	       the mouse pointer on one of the four dots.  Only one
1370	       choice is possible and the currently selected choice
1371	       has a black dot in front.
1372	     </para>
1373	     <para>
1374	       The <guilabel>Shift cells right</guilabel> will insert
1375	       a region of new cells of the size of the current
1376	       selection. Cells which are on the same row as the
1377	       selection and within or to the right of the selection
1378	       will shift over to the right to accommodate the new
1379	       cells. The <guilabel>Shift cells down</guilabel> choice
1380	       will also insert a region of new cells the same size as
1381	       the current selection. With this choice, cells which
1382	       are in the selection or below the selection will move
1383	       down to accommodate the new cells. The two other
1384	       choices will act as if the user had chosen to insert
1385	       rows or columns. These actions are explained above.
1386	     </para>
1387	   </listitem>
1389	   <listitem>
1390	     <para>
1391	       <guimenuitem>Columns</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1392	       <guimenuitem>Columns</guimenuitem> menu item will
1393	       insert columns to the left of the current
1394	       selection. The number of columns inserted will equal
1395	       the number of columns spanned by the current selection.
1396	     </para>
1397	   </listitem>
1399	   <listitem>
1400	     <para>
1401	       <guimenuitem>Rows</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1402	       <guimenuitem>Rows</guimenuitem> menu item will insert
1403	       rows above the current selection. The number of rows
1404	       inserted will be equal to the number of rows spanned by
1405	       the current selection.
1406	     </para>
1407	   </listitem>
1409	    <listitem>
1410	      <para>
1411	        <guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1412		<guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> menu item allows the
1413		user to insert a worksheet immediately following the
1414		current sheet.
1415	     </para>
1416	   </listitem>
1418	 </itemizedlist>
1419       </listitem>
1420     </varlistentry>
1422<!-- TODO: add a separtor to insert menu. Sep. sheet obj. from cell content. -->
1424     <varlistentry>
1425       <term>
1426         <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
1427	 Insert an object into the worksheet or content into the current cell.
1428       </term>
1430       <listitem>
1431         <para>
1432	   The menu items insert sheet objects into the worksheet or
1433	 insert content into the current cell.
1434	 </para>
1435	 <itemizedlist>
1437	   <listitem>
1438	     <para>
1439	       <guimenuitem>Graph...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1440	       <guimenuitem>Graph...</guimenuitem> menu item will
1441	       allow a user to insert a graphic plot of data. This
1442	       menu item will launch the graph druid. Graphing in
1443	       &gnum; is explained in
1444	       <xref linkend="chapter-graphs" />.
1445	     </para>
1446	   </listitem>
1448	   <listitem>
1449	     <para>
1450	       <guimenuitem>Image...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1451	       <guimenuitem>Image...</guimenuitem> menu item will
1452	       allow a user to insert a graphic object containing the
1453	       image from an external file. The use of images in
1454	       &gnum;  is explained in
1455	       <xref linkend="sect-graphics-images" />.
1456	     </para>
1457	   </listitem>
1459<!-- TODO: bonobo build where are insert obj/ins. shaped obj. ? -->
1461	   <listitem>
1462	     <para>
1463	       <guimenuitem>Object...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1464	       <guimenuitem>Object...</guimenuitem> menu item launches
1465	       a dialog with the objects which
1466	       &gnum; is currently able
1467	       to embed in a worksheet. The user simply picks one of
1468	       the objects in the list, and then inserts the object
1469	       into the worksheet. These objects are not part of
1470	       &gnum; but are provided by
1471	       other programs in the GNOME project.
1472	     </para>
1473	   </listitem>
1475	   <listitem>
1476	     <para>
1477	       <guimenuitem>Shaped Object...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1478	       <guimenuitem>Shaped Object...</guimenuitem> menu item
1479	       allows user to insert more complicated objects into a
1480	       worksheet. This is currently not used but will provide
1481	       more extended functionality for the future.
1482	     </para>
1483	   </listitem>
1486	   <listitem>
1487	     <para>
1488	       <guimenuitem>Function</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item
1489		opens a dialog to allow the user to enter a
1490		mathematical formula into the cell. The function
1491		dialog includes the names and a brief explanation of
1492		all the available functions.
1493	     </para>
1494	   </listitem>
1495	   <listitem>
1496	     <para>
1497	       <guimenuitem>Function Wrapper</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1498	       Selecting an item from the submenu shown in <xref linkend="menu-insert-fw.png"/>
1499	       replaces every rectangular region in the current selection with an array function
1500	       in which the appropriate function is wrapped around an array version of the
1501	       current content. This can be used to create a self-sorting data region.
1502	     </para>
1503    <figure id="menu-insert-fw.png">
1504      <title>The <guimenu>Function Wrapper</guimenu> submenu.</title>
1505        <screenshot>
1506	  <mediaobject>
1507            <imageobject>
1508              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-insert-fw.png" />
1509            </imageobject>
1510            <textobject>
1511              <phrase>An image of the Function Wrapper submenu.</phrase>
1512            </textobject>
1513           </mediaobject>
1514	 </screenshot>
1515    </figure>
1516	   </listitem>
1518	   <listitem>
1519	     <para>
1520	       <guimenuitem>Name...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog with a
1521	       list of all defined names that can be pasted into
1522	       the current cell.
1523	       The dialog is similar to the <guimenu>Define Names</guimenu> dialog
1524	       opened by choosing <guimenuitem>Modify&nbsp;&#9654; Names...</guimenuitem>
1525	       from the <xref linkend="Edit-Menu" />.
1526	       See <xref linkend="sect-data-formulas-names" /> for details.
1527	     </para>
1528	   </listitem>
1530	   <listitem>
1531	     <para>
1532	       <guimenuitem>Comment...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog where
1533		you can enter or edit a comment for the active cell.
1534		The dialog is described in <xref linkend="sect-data-comment" />.
1535	     </para>
1536	   </listitem>
1538	   <listitem>
1539	     <para>
1540	       <guimenuitem>Hyperlink...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog for entering the
1541	       location of a link. The dialog is described in <xref linkend="sect-data-link" />.
1542	       </para>
1543	   </listitem>
1545	   <listitem>
1546	     <para>
1547	       <guimenuitem>Special</guimenuitem> opens a submenu from which
1548	       you can insert predefined content into a cell.
1549	       You can insert the current date, the current time, or both.
1550	     </para>
1551	   </listitem>
1553	 </itemizedlist>
1554       </listitem>
1555     </varlistentry>
1556   </variablelist>
1573  <!--  ************************************FORMAT MENU ********************* -->
1574  <sect2 id="Format-Menu">
1575    <title>Format Menu</title>
1577    <para>
1578      The <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu allows users to control the
1579      formats of cells, columns, rows, worksheets and the
1580      workbook. This menu also gives users access to templates of
1581      standard formats.
1582    </para>
1584    <figure id="menu-format-labelled.png">
1585      <title>The <guimenu>Format</guimenu> Menu and Its <guimenu>Cells</guimenu>
1586      Submenu.</title>
1587      <screenshot>
1588        <mediaobject>
1589            <imageobject>
1590              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-format-labelled.png" />
1591            </imageobject>
1592            <textobject>
1593              <phrase>An image of the Format menu and its Cells submenu.</phrase>
1594            </textobject>
1595        </mediaobject>
1596      </screenshot>
1597    </figure>
1599    <!-- the list of format menu items -->
1600    <variablelist>
1601      <varlistentry>
1602       <term><guimenu>The Format Menu</guimenu> offers these menuitems:</term>
1605       <listitem>
1606       <para>
1607         <itemizedlist>
1608          <listitem>
1609           <para>
1610            <guimenuitem>Cells</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1611	    <guimenuitem>Cells...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a submenu
1612	    with choices to allows the user to modify the formatting of the
1613	    selected cells.
1614	   </para>
1616	  <para>
1617	    <itemizedlist>
1618	      <listitem>
1619		<para>
1620		  <guimenuitem>Format...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1621		  <guimenuitem>Format...</guimenuitem> menu item opens the
1622		  cell format dialog. This dialog is used to set cell data
1623		  types and formats. It is explained in <xref
1624		  linkend="sect-data-format" />.
1625		</para>
1626	      </listitem>
1627	      <listitem>
1628		<para>
1629		  <guimenuitem>Conditional Formatting...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1630		  <guimenuitem>Conditional Formatting...</guimenuitem> menu item
1631		  opens the
1632		  conditional format dialog. This dialog is used to set cell data
1633		  types and formats that depend on values in the workbook.
1634		  It is explained in <xref
1635		  linkend="sect-data-format-conditional" />.
1636		</para>
1637	      </listitem>
1638	      <listitem>
1639		<para>
1640		  <guimenuitem>Merge</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1641		  This menu item combines the current selection into a single
1642		  large cell.
1643		</para>
1644	      </listitem>
1645	      <listitem>
1646		<para>
1647		  <guimenuitem>Unmerge</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1648		  This menu item divides a merged selection into the original
1649		  cells.
1650		</para>
1651	      </listitem>
1652	      <listitem>
1653		<para>
1654		  <guimenuitem>Auto Fit Height</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1655		  This menu item makes &gnum;
1656		  automatically choose the optimal row heights to display
1657		  all of the text in the current selection.
1658		</para>
1659	      </listitem>
1660	      <listitem>
1661		<para>
1662		  <guimenuitem>Auto Fit Width</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1663		  This menu item makes &gnum;
1664		  automatically choose the optimal column widths to display
1665		  all of the text in the current selection.
1666		</para>
1667	      </listitem>
1668	    </itemizedlist>
1669	  </para>
1670	  </listitem>
1672        <listitem>
1673         <para>
1675          <guimenuitem>Column</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1676	  <guimenuitem>Column</guimenuitem> menu item opens a submenu
1677	  with choices to allows the user to modify the view of the
1678	  selected columns.
1679        </para>
1680    <figure id="menu-format-column.png">
1681      <title>The <guimenu>Column</guimenu> Submenu.</title>
1682      <screenshot>
1683        <mediaobject>
1684            <imageobject>
1685              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-format-column.png" />
1686            </imageobject>
1687            <textobject>
1688              <phrase>An image of the Column submenu.</phrase>
1689            </textobject>
1690        </mediaobject>
1691      </screenshot>
1692    </figure>
1694        <para>
1695	 <itemizedlist>
1696	   <listitem>
1697	     <para>
1698	     <guimenuitem>Width...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1699	     <guimenuitem>Width...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
1700	     dialog to enable the user to adjust the size of the
1701	     columns which hold the current selection. The dialog has
1702	     a single entry box in which the user can change the
1703	     current size of the column in points.
1704	   </para>
1705	 </listitem>
1706	 <listitem>
1707	   <para>
1708	     <guimenuitem>Auto Fit Width</guimenuitem> &mdash;
1709	     This menu item makes &gnum;
1710	     automatically choose the optimal column size to display
1711	     all of the text in the current selection.
1712	   </para>
1713	 </listitem>
1714	 <listitem>
1715	   <para>
1716	     <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1717	     <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem> menu item will hide the
1718	     columns containing the current
1719	     selection. &gnum; still
1720	     holds these columns in memory and will save them to a
1721	     file but will not display those columns. The only
1722	     indication that a user has that columns have been hidden
1723	     is that the column header names are not sequential.
1724	   </para>
1725	 </listitem>
1726	 <listitem>
1727	   <para>
1728	     <guimenuitem>Unhide</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item
1729	     will show columns which are hidden if the selection spans
1730	     the two columns on either side of the selection. If
1731	     columns D, E, and F have been hidden, the selection must
1732	     span at least across columns C and G for this menu item
1733	     to unhide columns D, E, and F.
1734	   </para>
1735	 </listitem>
1736	 <listitem>
1737	   <para>
1738	     <guimenuitem>Standard Width</guimenuitem> &mdash; This
1739	     menu item allows the user to resize the columns which
1740	     hold the selection to the standard size. At 100 percent
1741	     zoom this is 48 points or 64 pixels.
1742	   </para>
1743	 </listitem>
1744	 </itemizedlist>
1745	</para>
1746	</listitem>
1749	<listitem>
1750	  <para>
1751	    <guimenuitem>Row</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1752	    <guimenuitem>Row</guimenuitem>
1753	    menu item provides the same functions as the
1754	    <guimenuitem>Column</guimenuitem>
1755	    menu item but operates on rows.
1756	    <itemizedlist>
1757              <listitem>
1758                <para>
1759		  <guimenuitem>Height...</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item
1760		  opens a
1761		  dialog which allows the user to type in a row height in pixels.
1762		</para>
1763	      </listitem>
1764              <listitem>
1765                <para>
1766		  <guimenuitem>Auto Fit Height</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu
1767		  item
1768		  changes the rows which hold the selection to the optimal height
1769		  to hold the text in the selection.
1770		</para>
1771	      </listitem>
1772              <listitem>
1773                <para>
1774		  <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
1775		  <guimenuitem>Hide</guimenuitem> menu item will hide the rows
1776		  in the selection. The workbook still contains the data in the
1777		  hidden rows but those rows are not shown.
1778		</para>
1779	      </listitem>
1780              <listitem>
1781                <para>
1782		  <guimenuitem>Unhide</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item will
1783		  make
1784		  hidden rows visible. The selection must span the rows which are
1785		  hidden for this menu item to unhide the hidden rows.
1786	        </para>
1787	      </listitem>
1788              <listitem>
1789                <para>
1790		  <guimenuitem>Standard Height</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item
1791		  resizes the rows back to the default height of 12.75 points or
1792		  17 pixels (at 100 percent zoom).
1793	        </para>
1794	      </listitem>
1795	    </itemizedlist>
1796	  </para>
1797        </listitem>
1800        <listitem>
1801<!-- Do NOT introduce any whitespace AROUND the <anchor>. -->
1802        <para><anchor id="format-menu-sheet"
1803          xreflabel="Format&nbsp;&#9654; Sheet"
1804          /><guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> opens a submenu where you can change
1805          properties of the current worksheet.
1806          With the exception of <guimenuitem>Manage Sheets...</guimenuitem> and
1807          <guimenuitem>Zoom...</guimenuitem>,
1808          all operations on this submenu apply to just the current worksheet.
1809        </para>
1810    <figure id="menu-format-sheet.png">
1811      <title><guimenu>Sheet</guimenu> Submenu</title>
1812      <screenshot>
1813        <mediaobject>
1814            <imageobject>
1815              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-format-sheet.png" />
1816            </imageobject>
1817            <textobject>
1818              <phrase>An image of the Sheet submenu.</phrase>
1819            </textobject>
1820        </mediaobject>
1821      </screenshot>
1822    </figure>
1824    <variablelist>
1826      <varlistentry>
1827        <term>
1828	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
1829          Sheet Management
1830	</term>
1831	<listitem>
1832        <para>
1833            These items are also on the worksheet tab context menu, accessed
1834            by clicking
1835	       (usually with the right mouse button) on one of the
1836	       worksheet tabs.
1837        </para>
1838        <para>
1839          <guimenuitem>Manage Sheets...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog from
1840          which the names and many properties of all the sheets can be
1841          managed. Properties that can be managed from this dialog include
1842          locking, worksheet visibility, column display order (left to right
1843          or right to left), sheet name, sheet order, and sheet tab appearance.
1844          From this dialog you can also add new worksheets and duplicate
1845          or remove existing worksheets.
1846          For more information, see <xref linkend="sect-worksheets-managing-process-dialog" />.
1847        </para>
1848              <para>
1849                <guimenuitem>Rename...</guimenuitem> opens the <guilabel>Rename
1850                Sheet</guilabel> dialog. Edit the sheet name in the <guilabel>New
1851                Name:</guilabel> field and press <keysym>Enter</keysym> or click
1852                <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to change the worksheet name.
1853	        </para>
1854	      </listitem>
1855        </varlistentry>
1857      <varlistentry>
1858        <term>
1859	  <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
1860            Sheet Display Toggles
1861	</term>
1862	<listitem>
1863        <para>The second section contains various toggles that control how
1864            a worksheet is displayed.
1865            If a toggle is enabled, a small check mark is displayed to the left
1866            of the menu item.
1867        </para>
1868        <para>
1869		<itemizedlist>
1870              <listitem>
1871                <para>
1872                  <guimenuitem>Display Formulas</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1873                  is enabled, the worksheet will show the actual formulae for all cells
1874                  with formulae, instead of showing the calculated result.
1875                  You can use this property to quickly determine which cells contain data
1876                  and which contain formulae.
1877                </para>
1878	      </listitem>
1879              <listitem>
1880                <para>
1881                  <guimenuitem>Use R1C1 Notation</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1882                  is enabled, &gnum; uses R1C1-style notation to address cells,
1883                        rather than A1 notation.
1884	        			</para>
1885	      </listitem>
1886              <listitem>
1887                <para>
1888                  <guimenuitem>Hide Zeros</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1889                  is enabled, &gnum; displays all cells which would display a zero
1890                  value as empty cells.
1891                  This can be used to more easily find cells with non-zero data in
1892                  sheets with many zero results.
1893	        			</para>
1894	      </listitem>
1895              <listitem>
1896                <para>
1897                  <guimenuitem>Hide Gridlines</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1898                  is enabled, &gnum; does not draw the grid lines that ordinarily separate
1899                  cells.
1900	        			</para>
1901	      </listitem>
1902              <listitem>
1903                <para>
1904                  <guimenuitem>Hide Column Headers</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1905                  is enabled, &gnum; does not display the column headers, which leaves room
1906                  in the cell grid for roughly one more row of cells of default height.
1907	        			</para>
1908	      </listitem>
1909              <listitem>
1910                <para>
1911                <guimenuitem>Hide Row Header</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this property
1912                is enabled, &gnum; does not display the row headers, which leaves
1913                slightly more room to display the contents of cells.
1914	        			</para>
1915	      </listitem>
1916              <listitem>
1917                <para>
1918                  <guimenuitem>Direction</guimenuitem> &mdash; When this menu item
1919                  is selected, &gnum; switches between left-to-right sheets and
1920                  right-to-left sheets. If row headers are displayed, they are moved
1921                  to the right-hand side of the cell grid when the worksheet
1922                  is displayed right to left.
1923	        			</para>
1924	      </listitem>
1925		</itemizedlist>
1926	    </para>
1927	      </listitem>
1928        </varlistentry>
1930      <varlistentry>
1931        <term>
1932          <emphasis role="bold">3</emphasis>
1933          Zoom...
1934        </term>
1935        <listitem>
1936          <para>
1937            <guimenuitem>Zoom...</guimenuitem> opens a dialog where you can set
1938            the magnification of one or more worksheets in the current workbook.
1939          </para>
1940        </listitem>
1941	  </varlistentry>
1942      </variablelist>
1943        </listitem>
1945        <listitem>
1946         <para>
1947           <guimenuitem>Autoformat...</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu item
1948	   opens the autoformat dialog to give user access to a list
1949	   of format templates.  Format templates are useful for users
1950	   who are often filling out tables in a particular
1951	   format. The user picks an area of the worksheet into which
1952	   they want to apply the template. Most templates define
1953	   headers and footers so the selection area must be big
1954	   enough to fit those template elements and the user's
1955	   data. The template will not affect data which has already
1956	   been input into a worksheet.
1957	 </para>
1958	 <para>
1959	   The dialog has two tabs: <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> and
1960	   <guilabel>Template Details</guilabel>. The details are
1961	   simply information about the template. The
1962	   <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> tab has three main options: a
1963	   <guilabel>Settings</guilabel> menu, an
1964	   <guilabel>Edit</guilabel> menu and a category chooser. The
1965	   settings menu allows a user to pick what parts of the
1966	   template they want to copy into the worksheet. The edit
1967	   menu will be used to create new templates. Currently
1968	   templates are written as text into an extensible markup
1969	   language (XML) format. The category chooser gives the user
1970	   access to different groups of templates.  Templates in each
1971	   category are displayed in the middle area of the
1972	   dialog. Users select the template they want to use by
1973	   clicking on it.  The currently selected template is
1974	   highlighted with a red boundary which may be hard to see.
1975	 </para>
1976       </listitem>
1978      </itemizedlist>
1979    </para>
1980    </listitem>
1981    </varlistentry>
1982    </variablelist>
1984  </sect2>
1988<!--   ********************* TOOLS MENU ************  -->
1989<sect2 id="Tools-Menu">
1990	<title>Tools Menu</title>
1992	<para>The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu is </para>
1993		<figure id="menu-tools-labelled.png">
1994		    <title>The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu.</title>
1995		    <screenshot>
1996		      <mediaobject>
1997            <imageobject>
1998              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-tools-labelled.png" />
1999            </imageobject>
2000            <textobject>
2001              <phrase>An image of the Tools menu.</phrase>
2002            </textobject>
2003           </mediaobject>
2004		    </screenshot>
2005	    </figure>
2006	<para>The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:</para>
2010 <variablelist>
2012      <varlistentry>
2013	<term>
2014	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
2015	    Automatic tools
2016	</term>
2017	<listitem>
2018	  <para>These two tools allow the user to make
2019	  &gnum; automatically correct
2020	  typing or automatically save workbooks at periodic
2021	  intervals.</para>
2022       <itemizedlist>
2023		<listitem>
2024		<para><guimenuitem>Auto Correct...</guimenuitem> &mdash;
2025		The <guimenuitem>Auto Correct...</guimenuitem> menu
2026		item opens a dialog which allows the user to configure
2027		the way in which &gnum; automatically corrects text
2028		which is being entered. The dialog presents the user
2029		with three tabs. Each of these tabs allows the user to
2030		correct one type of common spelling mistake, while
2031		allowing the user to add exceptions to the
2032		rules. &gnum; can
2033		automatically capitalize the names of week
2034		days. &gnum; can
2035		automatically change an entry which starts with two
2036		capital letters to only start with one and
2037		&gnum; can change a
2038		sentence entry to start with a capital letter.
2039						</para>
2040					</listitem>
2042		<listitem>
2043		<para>
2044		  <guimenuitem>Auto Save</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2045		  <guimenuitem>Auto Save</guimenuitem> menu item opens
2046		  a dialog which allows the user to have
2047		  &gnum; automatically
2048		  save the current workbook after a fixed interval of
2049		  time. The user can also have
2050		  &gnum; ask for
2051		  confirmation before saving so that the user always
2052		  remains aware of the state the workbook was in when
2053		  it was saved.
2054						</para>
2055					</listitem>
2056				</itemizedlist>
2057				</listitem>
2058      </varlistentry>
2060<!-- TODO: Split lp and scenarios when the 2 chpt.  are written. -->
2061      <varlistentry>
2062	<term>
2063	  <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
2064	   Linear programming, scenario generation, simulation and statistical
2065        analysis tools
2066	</term>
2067	<listitem>
2068	  <para>
2069	    &gnum; can be used to solve
2070	    systems of linear equations and other mathematical
2071	    problems. These two dialogs enable access to these
2072	    tools. A full discussion of these tools is presented in
2073	    <xref linkend="sect-advanced-analysis-solver" />.
2074	  </para>
2075	  <itemizedlist>
2076	    <listitem>
2077	      <para>
2079	      <guimenuitem>Goal Seek</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2080	      <guimenuitem>Goal Seek</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2081	      dialog through which the user can configure
2082	      &gnum; to iteratively
2083	      search for a numeric value which solves a formula. This
2084	      dialog is explained in <xref
2085	      linkend="sect-advanced-analysis-goalseek" />.
2087	    </para>
2088	  </listitem>
2090	  <listitem>
2091	    <para>
2092	      <guimenuitem>Solver</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2093	      <guimenuitem>Solver</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2094	      dialog through which the user can configure
2095	      &gnum; to solve linear
2096	      systems of equations.  This is explained in <xref
2097	      linkend="sect-advanced-analysis-solver" />.
2098	    </para>
2099	  </listitem>
2101	  <listitem>
2102	    <para>
2103	      <guimenuitem>Scenarios</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2104	      <guimenuitem>Scenarios</guimenuitem> menu item displays
2105	      a submenu with two entries. The
2106	      <guimenuitem>View...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2107	      dialog in which the user can select previously defined
2108	      scenarios. The <guimenuitem>Add...</guimenuitem> menu
2109	      item opens a dialog in which the user can define the
2110	      contents of a new scenario.
2111	    </para>
2112	  </listitem>
2114	  <listitem>
2115	    <para>
2116	      <guimenuitem>Simulation</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2117	      <guimenuitem>Simulation</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2118	      multipaned dialog allowing the user to configure the
2119	      parameters for a simulation using linear modeling
2120	      constraints.
2121	    </para>
2122	  </listitem>
2124	</itemizedlist>
2125	</listitem>
2126      </varlistentry>
2128      <varlistentry>
2129	<term>
2130	  <emphasis role="bold">3</emphasis>
2131	    The Plug-ins dialog.
2132	</term>
2133	<listitem>
2134	  <para>This entry launches the plug-in management
2135	  dialog. Plug-ins are programs which are separate from
2136	  &gnum; but provide useful
2137	  functionality.  Some of the core parts of &gnum;, such as
2138	  Excel file format support, are actually plugins. This means
2139	  that a user who never uses Excel files can remove this
2140	  module from &gnum; and make
2141	  &gnum; use less memory.<!--
2142	  <xref linkend="Plugins" /> explains plug-ins in greater
2143	  detail.--></para>
2144	</listitem>
2145      </varlistentry>
2152<!--   ********************* Statistics MENU ************  -->
2153<sect2 id="Statistics-Menu">
2154  <title>Statistics Menu</title>
2156  <para>The <guimenu>Statistics</guimenu> menu is </para>
2157  <figure id="menu-statistics-labelled.png">
2158    <title>The <guimenu>Statistics</guimenu> menu.</title>
2159    <screenshot>
2160      <mediaobject>
2161	<imageobject>
2162	  <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-statistics-labelled.png" />
2163	</imageobject>
2164	<textobject>
2165	  <phrase>An image of the Statistics menu.</phrase>
2166	</textobject>
2167      </mediaobject>
2168    </screenshot>
2169  </figure>
2170  <para>The
2171  <guimenuitem>Statistics</guimenuitem> menu and its submenus contain
2172  all available statistical analysis tools. These tools
2173  are explained in <xref linkend="chapter-stat-analysis" />.</para>
2176  <!-- ******************* THE DATA MENU   ************** -->
2177  <sect2 id="Data-Menu">
2178    <title>Data Menu</title>
2180    <para>
2181      The <guimenu>Data</guimenu> menu is
2182    </para>
2184    <figure id="menu-data-labelled.png">
2185      <title>The <guimenu>Data</guimenu> menu.</title>
2186      <screenshot>
2187        <mediaobject>
2188            <imageobject>
2189              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-data-labelled.png" />
2190            </imageobject>
2191            <textobject>
2192              <phrase>An image of the Data menu.</phrase>
2193            </textobject>
2194        </mediaobject>
2195      </screenshot>
2196    </figure>
2198    <para>
2199      The menu choices are grouped into the following groups:
2200    </para>
2202    <variablelist>
2204      <varlistentry>
2205	<term>
2206	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
2207	    Data Field tools.
2208	</term>
2209	<listitem>
2210	  <para>
2211	    These menu items allow the user to re-organize data.
2212	  </para>
2214	  <itemizedlist>
2215	    <listitem>
2216	      <para>
2217	        <guimenuitem>Sort...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2218		<guimenuitem>Sort...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2219		dialog which allows users to sort a selection
2220		according to defined criteria. By default
2221		&gnum; sorts the rows in
2222		a selected area
2223		depending on the contents of the cells in a particular
2224		column of each row. The sort criteria can be extended
2225		to calculate on the basis of the cells in several
2226		columns.  &gnum; can sort
2227		a selection using any number of rules. Rules can be
2228		added using the <guibutton>Add</guibutton>
2229		button. Rules with no column entered will be ignored
2230		or the user can remove these rules with the
2231		<guibutton>Remove</guibutton> button.
2232	      </para>
2234	      <para>
2235	        For each rule, the dialog has an entry box in
2236	        which the column to be sorted must be entered. The
2237	        dropdown box (the little down pointing arrow) will
2238	        show a list of appropriate columns.  The user can
2239	        determine a sort order for the selection. The
2240	        <guibutton>Advanced</guibutton> button allows the user
2241	        to further characterize the sort criteria..
2242	      </para>
2244	      <para> If the first row of the selection is a header,
2245	        &gnum; can be told not to
2246	        shuffle this row during the
2247	        sort. &gnum; can also
2248	        sort columns based on the contents of cells in
2249	        specified rows, instead of shuffling rows on the basis
2250	        of columns, if the user toggles the
2251	        <guilabel>Sort</guilabel> to act right-left instead of
2252	        top-down.
2253	      </para>
2254	    </listitem>
2256	    <listitem>
2257	      <para>
2258	        <guimenuitem>Shuffle...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2259		<guimenuitem>Shuffle...</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2260		dialog that allows users to shuffle a selection. Shuffling
2261		means to rearrange the cells in the selection into a random
2262		order. The dialog allows users to shuffle the data within a
2263		column, within a row, or within an area.
2264	      </para>
2265	    </listitem>
2267	    <listitem>
2268	      <para>
2269	        <guimenuitem>Fill</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2270		<guimenuitem>Fill</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2271		submenu that allows various forms of data to be created.
2272	      </para>
2273	    </listitem>
2275	    <listitem>
2276	      <para>
2277	        <guimenuitem>Filter</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2278		<guimenuitem>Filter</guimenuitem> menu item opens a
2279		submenu with three entries: <guimenuitem>Add Auto
2280		Filter</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Show
2281		All</guimenuitem>, and <guimenuitem>Advanced
2282		Filter</guimenuitem> entry. Filters are explained in
2283		<xref linkend="sect-data-filter" />.
2284	      </para>
2285	    </listitem>
2287	    <listitem>
2288	      <para>
2289	        <guimenuitem>Validate...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2290		<guimenuitem>Validate...</guimenuitem> menu item opens
2291		the cell format dialog to the validation
2292		tab. Validation is a means of constraining the
2293		contents of a cell either to have a certain value or
2294		to fall within a certain range.
2295	      </para>
2296	    </listitem>
2299	    <listitem>
2300	      <para>
2301	        <guimenuitem>Consolidate...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2302		<guimenuitem>Consolidate...</guimenuitem> menu item
2303		opens a dialog box through which a user can create
2304		derived information based on data in other worksheets.
2305	      </para>
2306	    </listitem>
2308	    <listitem>
2309	      <para>
2310	        <guimenuitem>Table...</guimenuitem> &mdash;
2311	      </para>
2312	    </listitem>
2314	    <listitem>
2315	      <para>
2316	        <guimenuitem>Group and Outline</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2317		<guimenuitem>Group and Outline</guimenuitem> menu item
2318		provides a submenu through which users can group rows
2319		or columns into units which can be collapsed to be
2320		hidden from view. These entries also allow users to
2321		alter the display of the grouping handles on the
2322		borders of the worksheet.
2324	      </para>
2325	    </listitem>
2327	  </itemizedlist>
2328	</listitem>
2329      </varlistentry>
2331      <varlistentry>
2332	<term>
2333	  <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
2334	    Data Modifications or Import.
2335	</term>
2336	<listitem>
2337	  <para>
2338	    These entries allow user to convert data already in a worksheet or to
2339        import external
2340	    data directly into a worksheet.
2341	    </para>
2342	    <itemizedlist>
2344	    <listitem>
2345	      <para>
2346	        <guimenuitem>Text to Columns...</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2347		<guimenuitem>Text to Columns...</guimenuitem> menu item
2348		opens a dialog box through which a user can create
2349		derived information based on data in other worksheets.
2350	      </para>
2351	    </listitem>
2353	    <listitem>
2354	      <para>
2355	        <guimenuitem>Import Data</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2356		<guimenuitem>Import Data</guimenuitem> menu item
2357		provides the following submenu:
2358	      </para>
2359	      <figure id="menu-data-import.png">
2360		<title>The <guimenu>Import Data</guimenu> submenu.</title>
2361		<screenshot>
2362		  <mediaobject>
2363		    <imageobject>
2364		      <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-data-import.png" />
2365		    </imageobject>
2366		    <textobject>
2367		      <phrase>An image of the Import Data submenu.</phrase>
2368		    </textobject>
2369		  </mediaobject>
2370		</screenshot>
2371	      </figure>
2372	      <para>
2373		The items in this submenu allow the user to import data
2374		from various non-spreadsheet formats. To open files in  a
2375		spreadsheet format,
2376		use the <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem> menu described in
2377		<xref linkend="File-Menu"/>. See <xref
2378	        linkend="sect-file-formats" /> for details.  These
2379	        submenu items create a
2380	        new window containing the selected file.  A more
2381	        extensive discussion is presented in <xref
2382	        linkend="sect-file-open" />.
2383	      </para>
2384	    </listitem>
2386	    <listitem>
2387	      <para>
2388	        <guimenuitem>Export Data</guimenuitem> &mdash; The
2389		<guimenuitem>Export Data</guimenuitem> menu item
2390		provides the following submenu:
2391	      </para>
2392	      <figure id="menu-data-export.png">
2393		<title>The <guimenu>Export Data</guimenu> submenu.</title>
2394		<screenshot>
2395		  <mediaobject>
2396		    <imageobject>
2397		      <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-data-export.png" />
2398		    </imageobject>
2399		    <textobject>
2400		      <phrase>An image of the Export Data submenu.</phrase>
2401		    </textobject>
2402		  </mediaobject>
2403		</screenshot>
2404	      </figure>
2405	      <para>
2406		The items in this submenu allows users to export the current
2407		file or sheet to a non-spreadsheet format. The
2408		<guimenuitem>Repeat Export</guimenuitem> menu item repeats
2409		the last
2410		export in the current session or, if the file was recently
2411		imported, exports the file to the original source.
2412		To save data from &gnum; in a spreadsheet format,
2413		use the <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem> menu described in
2414		<xref linkend="File-Menu"/>.
2415		For an explanation of the file formats which
2416		&gnum; supports see <xref linkend="sect-file-save"/>.
2417	      </para>
2418	    </listitem>
2420	  </itemizedlist>
2421	</listitem>
2422      </varlistentry>
2424    </variablelist>
2427  </sect2>
2433  <!--  *********************** HELP MENU *****************-->
2434  <sect2 id="Help-Menu">
2435    <title>Help Menu</title>
2437    <para>
2438      The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu is quite simple.
2439    </para>
2441    <figure id="menu-help-labelled.png">
2442      <title>The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu.</title>
2443      <screenshot>
2444        <mediaobject>
2445            <imageobject>
2446              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-help-labelled.png" />
2447            </imageobject>
2448            <textobject>
2449              <phrase>An image of the Help menu.</phrase>
2450            </textobject>
2451        </mediaobject>
2452      </screenshot>
2453    </figure>
2455    <para>
2456      The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu connects users to this manual,
2457      to the list of functions available for use in
2458      &gnum; and to the list of people
2459      who created this wonderful application.
2460    </para>
2462<!-- TODO: Split help from bug report. -->
2463    <!-- the help menu list -->
2464    <variablelist>
2466      <varlistentry>
2467	<term>
2468	  <emphasis role="bold">1</emphasis>
2469	    Entries to find help and report a problem with &gnum;
2470	</term>
2472	<listitem>
2473	  <para>
2474	    These menu items allow the user to obtain help from
2475	    several sources or to report a problem with the program.
2476	  </para>
2478	  <itemizedlist>
2480	    <listitem>
2481              <para>
2482                <guimenuitem>Contents</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu
2483                entry allows the user to launch the local help system
2484                and display this manual.
2485	      </para>
2486	    </listitem>
2488	    <listitem>
2489              <para>
2490                <guimenuitem>&gnum; on the Web</guimenuitem> &mdash;
2491                This menu entry allows the user to launch a web
2492                browser and explore the web site dedicated to &gnum;
2493                on the server used by the GNOME project.
2494	      </para>
2495	    </listitem>
2497	    <listitem>
2498              <para>
2499                <guimenuitem>Live Assistance</guimenuitem> &mdash;
2500                This menu entry allows the user to launch an Internet
2501                Relay Chat (IRC) client to join the GIMPnet network
2502                and the #&gnum; channel. This channel is used by the
2503                &gnum; developers. There is generally someone around
2504                who will, after a few minutes, notice a nice question
2505                and attempt to answer it.
2506	      </para>
2507	      <warning>
2508	        <para>
2509		  Live assistance is provided on a purely voluntary
2510                  basis. There are no guarantees that your question
2511                  will be answered or that the answer will be
2512                  correct. We generally try our best to answer
2513                  questions when they are asked politely and when the
2514                  user shows that they have at least looked in the
2515                  User Manual for an answer.
2516		</para>
2517	      </warning>
2518	    </listitem>
2520	    <listitem>
2521              <para>
2522                <guimenuitem>Report a Problem</guimenuitem> &mdash;
2523                This menu entry allows the user to launch a web
2524                browser and open the page on GNOME's GitLab issue/
2525				        bug entry system for the &gnum; program. This page
2526                includes instructions on submitting reports of
2527                problems. The first time a user reports a problem,
2528                they will be asked to login to the system.
2529	      </para>
2530	    </listitem>
2532          </itemizedlist>
2533        </listitem>
2534      </varlistentry>
2536      <varlistentry>
2537	<term>
2538	  <emphasis role="bold">2</emphasis>
2539	    The <interface>About &gnum;</interface> dialog.
2540	</term>
2542        <listitem>
2543         <para>
2544          <guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem> &mdash;Shows basic
2545          information about &gnum;, such
2546          as the authors' names and the application version number.
2547         </para>
2548        </listitem>
2549      </varlistentry>
2550    </variablelist>
2552  </sect2>
2558<!--  *********************** CONTEXT MENUS *****************-->
2559<sect1 id="context-menu">
2560	<title>Context Menus</title>
2562<!-- TODO: add info area context menu. -->
2563<!-- TODO: add text entry context menu. -->
2565	<para>Context menus are menus which open up under the mouse pointer and are
2566	therefore detached from the format graphical structure
2567	of the application. These menus provide an extra and convenient way to access
2568	&gnum; commands. All of the commands in context menus are available
2569	through the regular menu system. Context menus provide different commands
2570	depending on the position of the pointer.</para>
2572	<para>To activate a context menu, a user simply positions the pointer over
2573	the appropriate area and clicks one of the buttons on their mouse. Since this
2574	button is configurable and users have mice with different buttons, it may be a
2575	different button on any given machine or may even require the combination of a
2576	keyboard key and a mouse buttons. The user will have to find how to do this
2577	themselves.</para>
2579  <para>
2580    Currently &gnum; provides five different context menus. The
2581    context menu that is called in the central grid area is discussed
2582    next in <xref linkend="menu-context-grid" />. The Context menu
2583    that appears when the pointer is over the row headers or column
2584    headers is presented in <xref
2585    linkend="menu-context-col-row-header" />. Another context menu
2586    relates to the worksheet tabs and is explained in <xref
2587    linkend="menu-context-tabs" />. Yet another context menu applies
2588    to embedded objects or shaped components such as a plot. These are
2589    shown in <xref linkend="menu-context-object" />.
2590  </para>
2593  <sect2 id="menu-context-grid">
2594    <title>The Context Menu for the Cell Grid Area</title>
2596    <para>
2597      The context menu in the cell grid area appears when the pointer
2598      is over the cell grid area. This menu applies to the cells that
2599      have been selected, not necessarily the cell underneath the
2600      mouse pointer.
2601    </para>
2602		<figure id="menu-context-grid.png">
2603		    <title>The Context Menu for the Cell Grid Area.</title>
2604		    <screenshot>
2605		      <mediaobject>
2606            <imageobject>
2607              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-grid.png" />
2608            </imageobject>
2609            <textobject>
2610              <phrase>An image of the context menu in the cell grid area.</phrase>
2611            </textobject>
2612           </mediaobject>
2613		    </screenshot>
2614	    </figure>
2615	<para>
2616	  The grid context menu merely provides an extra way to access &gnum;
2617	  commands. The <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>,
2618	  <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Paste Special</guimenuitem>,
2619	  <guimenuitem>Delete Cells...</guimenuitem>,
2620	  <guimenuitem>Clear Contents</guimenuitem>,
2621	  <guimenuitem>Remove Comment</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Edit Hyperlink</guimenuitem>,
2622	  and <guimenuitem>Remove Link</guimenuitem>
2623	  commands are taken from the  <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu and its submenus and are
2624	  explained in <xref linkend="Edit-Menu" />. The
2625	  <guimenuitem>Insert Cells...</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Add Comment</guimenuitem>
2626	  menu items are explained in the section on the <guimenu>Insert</guimenu> menu
2627	  in <xref linkend="Insert-Menu" />. The <guimenuitem>Format Cells...</guimenuitem>,
2628	  <guimenuitem>Conditional Formatting...</guimenuitem> items as well as the items
2629	  on the
2630	  <guimenu>Cell</guimenu>, <guimenu>Column</guimenu>, and <guimenu>Row</guimenu>
2631	  submenus are explained in the manual section on the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu
2632	  in <xref linkend="Format-Menu" />.
2633	</para>
2637<sect2 id="menu-context-col-row-header">
2638	<title>The Context Menu for Column and Row Headers</title>
2639	<para>The Context Menu for Column and Row Headers</para>
2640		<figure id="menu-context-col-row-header.png">
2641		    <title>The Context Menu of a Row Header</title>
2642		    <screenshot>
2643		      <mediaobject>
2644            <imageobject>
2645              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-col-row-header.png" />
2646            </imageobject>
2647            <textobject>
2648              <phrase>An image of the context menu on a row header.</phrase>
2649            </textobject>
2650           </mediaobject>
2651		    </screenshot>
2652	    </figure>
2653	<para>The context menu which relates to column or row headers is similar to
2654	the context menu for the grid area. Both insert and delete operations are
2655	modified to operate explicitly on rows or on columns.
2656	</para>
2661  <sect2 id="menu-context-tabs">
2662    <title>Context Menu for Worksheet Tabs</title>
2664    <para>
2665      The context menu for worksheet tabs provides access to functions
2666      that manipulate worksheets as a whole, rather than their contents.
2667    </para>
2669    <figure id="menu-context-tabs.png">
2670      <title>The Context Menu for Worksheet Tabs</title>
2671      <screenshot>
2672        <mediaobject>
2673          <imageobject>
2674            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-sheet-tabs.png" />
2675          </imageobject>
2676          <textobject>
2677            <phrase>An image of the context menu of the worksheet tabs.</phrase>
2678          </textobject>
2679        </mediaobject>
2680      </screenshot>
2681    </figure>
2682    <para>
2683      The context menu for the worksheet tabs provides the same functions as the
2684      <guimenuitem>Sheet</guimenuitem> submenu of the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
2685      menu. These functions are explained in
2686      <xref linkend="sect-worksheets-managing-process-contextmenu" />.
2687      There are also two submenus where you can select one of the
2688      existing sheets, whether its tab is currently visible or not.
2689      The first submenu lists the sheets in their current order,
2690      the second submenu lists them alphabetically.
2691    </para>
2693  </sect2>
2696  <sect2 id="menu-context-object">
2697    <title>The Context Menu for Embedded Objects and Components</title>
2699    <para>
2700      The Context Menu for Embedded Objects and Components.
2701    </para>
2703    <figure id="menu-context-object.png">
2704      <title>The Context Menu for Graphical Objects</title>
2705      <screenshot>
2706        <mediaobject>
2707          <imageobject>
2708            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-object.png" />
2709          </imageobject>
2710          <textobject>
2711            <phrase>An image of the context menu on embedded objects.</phrase>
2712          </textobject>
2713        </mediaobject>
2714      </screenshot>
2715    </figure>
2717    <para>
2718      All embedded objects, such as drawing elements, graphs and
2719      images, have a context menu which can be invoked by placing the
2720      mouse pointer over the element and clicking with one of the
2721      secondary mouse buttons.
2722    </para>
2724    <para>
2725      The first menu entry, labeled
2726      <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>, will open a dialog
2727      specific to the type of element selected in which the user can
2728      configure the properties of the element.
2729    </para>
2731    <para>
2732      The menu entry labeled
2733      <guimenuitem>Size &amp; Position</guimenuitem>, will open a dialog
2734      that permits the user to adjust the size and position of the embedded object.
2735    </para>
2737    <para>
2738      The menu entry labeled
2739      <guimenuitem>Snap to Grid</guimenuitem>, enlarges the object such that all of
2740        its corners are located at cell corners.
2741    </para>
2743    <para>
2744      The menu entry labeled <guimenuitem>Order</guimenuitem>,
2745      opens a submenu which allows the user to change the visual order
2746      in which the graphical elements are placed. This order will
2747      affect the way in which the graphical elements obscure each other.
2748    </para>
2750    <figure id="menu-context-object-order.png">
2751      <title>The Context Submenu for Graphical Object Order</title>
2752      <screenshot>
2753        <mediaobject>
2754          <imageobject>
2755            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-object-order.png" />
2756          </imageobject>
2757          <textobject>
2758            <phrase>An image of the context submenu allowing the
2759            re-ordering of graphical objects.</phrase>
2760          </textobject>
2761        </mediaobject>
2762      </screenshot>
2763    </figure>
2766    <para>
2767      The menu entries labeled <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>,
2768      <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>, and
2769      <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>, allow the user to operate on
2770      the whole object at once. The <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
2771      menu item allows the user to remove the element from its current
2772      position and then paste the object in a different location on
2773      the same sheet, in a different worksheet, in a different
2774      &gnum; file, or in a file from a different program entirely. The
2775      <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> menu item provides the same
2776      functionality while leaving the original item in place. The
2777      <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> allows the user to remove the
2778      graphical element entirely.
2779    </para>
2781    <para>
2782      The remaining menu item, <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem>, allows just the
2783      selected object to be printed.
2784    </para>
2786    <para>
2787      For certain types of objects, a menu entry labeled <guimenuitem>Save
2788      As Image...</guimenuitem>
2789      allows the object to be saved as an image file. This menu item
2790      is not present in <xref linkend="menu-context-object.png"/> but is shown in
2791        <xref linkend="menu-context-graph.png"/> .
2792    </para>
2794    <figure id="menu-context-graph.png">
2795      <title>The Context Menu for Graphs and Images</title>
2796      <screenshot>
2797        <mediaobject>
2798          <imageobject>
2799            <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-graph.png" />
2800          </imageobject>
2801          <textobject>
2802            <phrase>An image of the context menu for graphs and images.</phrase>
2803          </textobject>
2804        </mediaobject>
2805      </screenshot>
2806    </figure>
2808    <para>
2809        Graphs have a context menu that also contains menu entries labeled <guimenuitem>Open in
2810        New Window</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Copy to New Graph Sheet</guimenuitem>.
2811	The <guimenuitem>Open in New Window</guimenuitem> menu item shows the graph by
2812	itself in a window. The <guimenuitem>Copy to New Graph Sheet</guimenuitem> copies
2813	the graph to a special sheet in the current workbook that contains only a single graph.
2814    </para>
2820<sect2 id="menu-context-toolbars">
2821	<title>The Context Menu for Toolbars</title>
2822		<para>The Context Menu for Toolbars</para>
2823		<figure id="menu-context-toolbars.png">
2824		    <title>The Context Menu for Toolbars.</title>
2825		    <screenshot>
2826		      <mediaobject>
2827            <imageobject>
2828              <imagedata fileref="figures/menu-context-toolbars.png" />
2829            </imageobject>
2830            <textobject>
2831              <phrase>An image of the context menu on the toolbars.</phrase>
2832            </textobject>
2833           </mediaobject>
2834		    </screenshot>
2835	    </figure>
2836	<para>
2837	  The context menu for toolbars allows the user to configure toolbars.
2838	  Each toolbar can be displayed above the sheets, to the left of the sheets,
2839	  or to the right of the sheets. The context menu can also be used to hide a
2840	  toolbar. The toolbar can be made visible again via the
2841	  <guimenuitem>Toolbars</guimenuitem> submenu of the <guimenu>View</guimenu>
2842	  menu. See <xref linkend="View-Menu"/>.
2843	</para>