1 //  Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Hartmut Kaiser
2 //
3 //  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
4 //  file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 #if !defined(HPX_THREADS_SCHEDULER_MODE_AUG_27_2017_1136AM)
9 namespace hpx { namespace threads { namespace policies
10 {
11     /// This enumeration describes the possible modes of a scheduler.
12     enum scheduler_mode
13     {
14         nothing_special = 0,            ///< As the name suggests, this option
15             ///< can be used to disable all other options.
16             ///<
17         do_background_work = 0x1,       ///< The scheduler will periodically
18             ///< call a provided callback function from a special HPX thread
19             ///< to enable performing background-work, for instance driving
20             ///< networking progress or garbage-collect AGAS.
21         reduce_thread_priority = 0x02,  ///< The kernel priority of the
22             ///< os-thread driving the scheduler will be reduced below normal.
23             ///<
24         delay_exit = 0x04,              ///< The scheduler will wait for some
25             ///< unspecified amount of time before exiting the scheduling loop
26             ///< while being terminated to make sure no other work is being
27             ///< scheduled during processing the shutdown request.
28         fast_idle_mode = 0x08,          ///< Some schedulers have the capability
29             ///< to act as 'embedded' schedulers. In this case it needs to
30             ///< periodically invoke a provided callback into the outer scheduler
31             ///< more frequently than normal. This option enables this behavior.
32         enable_elasticity = 0x10,        ///< This option allows for the
33             ///< scheduler to dynamically increase and reduce the number of
34             ///< processing units it runs on. Setting this value not succeed for
35             ///< schedulers that do not support this functionality.
36         default_mode = do_background_work | reduce_thread_priority | delay_exit
37             ///< This option represents the default mode.
38     };
39 }}}
41 #endif