1 // Copyright (c) 2010-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced
2 // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files
3 // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117.
4 //
5 // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code
6 // availability visit https://mfem.org.
7 //
8 // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
9 // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file
10 // CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
15 #include "../config/config.hpp"
16 #include "fespace.hpp"
17 #include "bilininteg.hpp"
19 namespace mfem
20 {
22 /** Auxiliary class Hybridization, used to implement BilinearForm hybridization.
24     Hybridization can be viewed as a technique for solving linear systems
25     obtained through finite element assembly. The assembled matrix \f$ A \f$ can
26     be written as:
27         \f[ A = P^T \hat{A} P, \f]
28     where \f$ P \f$ is the matrix mapping the conforming finite element space to
29     the purely local finite element space without any inter-element constraints
30     imposed, and \f$ \hat{A} \f$ is the block-diagonal matrix of all element
31     matrices.
33     We assume that:
34     - \f$ \hat{A} \f$ is invertible,
35     - \f$ P \f$ has a left inverse \f$ R \f$, such that \f$ R P = I \f$,
36     - a constraint matrix \f$ C \f$ can be constructed, such that
37       \f$ \operatorname{Ker}(C) = \operatorname{Im}(P) \f$.
39     Under these conditions, the linear system \f$ A x = b \f$ can be solved
40     using the following procedure:
41     - solve for \f$ \lambda \f$ in the linear system:
42           \f[ (C \hat{A}^{-1} C^T) \lambda = C \hat{A}^{-1} R^T b \f]
43     - compute \f$ x = R \hat{A}^{-1} (R^T b - C^T \lambda) \f$
45     Hybridization is advantageous when the matrix
46     \f$ H = (C \hat{A}^{-1} C^T) \f$ of the hybridized system is either smaller
47     than the original system, or is simpler to invert with a known method.
49     In some cases, e.g. high-order elements, the matrix \f$ C \f$ can be written
50     as
51         \f[ C = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & C_b \end{pmatrix}, \f]
52     and then the hybridized matrix \f$ H \f$ can be assembled using the identity
53         \f[ H = C_b S_b^{-1} C_b^T, \f]
54     where \f$ S_b \f$ is the Schur complement of \f$ \hat{A} \f$ with respect to
55     the same decomposition as the columns of \f$ C \f$:
56         \f[ S_b = \hat{A}_b - \hat{A}_{bf} \hat{A}_{f}^{-1} \hat{A}_{fb}. \f]
58     Hybridization can also be viewed as a discretization method for imposing
59     (weak) continuity constraints between neighboring elements. */
60 class Hybridization
61 {
62 protected:
63    FiniteElementSpace *fes, *c_fes;
64    BilinearFormIntegrator *c_bfi;
66    SparseMatrix *Ct, *H;
68    Array<int> hat_offsets, hat_dofs_marker;
69    Array<int> Af_offsets, Af_f_offsets;
70    double *Af_data;
71    int *Af_ipiv;
73 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
74    HypreParMatrix *pC, *P_pc; // for parallel non-conforming meshes
75    OperatorHandle pH;
76 #endif
78    void ConstructC();
80    void GetIBDofs(int el, Array<int> &i_dofs, Array<int> &b_dofs) const;
82    void GetBDofs(int el, int &num_idofs, Array<int> &b_dofs) const;
84    void ComputeH();
86    // Compute depending on mode:
87    // - mode 0: bf = Af^{-1} Rf^t b, where
88    //           the non-"boundary" part of bf is set to 0;
89    // - mode 1: bf = Af^{-1} ( Rf^t b - Cf^t lambda ), where
90    //           the "essential" part of bf is set to 0.
91    // Input: size(b)      =   fes->GetConformingVSize()
92    //        size(lambda) = c_fes->GetConformingVSize()
93    void MultAfInv(const Vector &b, const Vector &lambda, Vector &bf,
94                   int mode) const;
96 public:
97    /// Constructor
98    Hybridization(FiniteElementSpace *fespace, FiniteElementSpace *c_fespace);
99    /// Destructor
100    ~Hybridization();
102    /** Set the integrator that will be used to construct the constraint matrix
103        C. The Hybridization object assumes ownership of the integrator, i.e. it
104        will delete the integrator when destroyed. */
SetConstraintIntegrator(BilinearFormIntegrator * c_integ)105    void SetConstraintIntegrator(BilinearFormIntegrator *c_integ)
106    { delete c_bfi; c_bfi = c_integ; }
108    /// Prepare the Hybridization object for assembly.
109    void Init(const Array<int> &ess_tdof_list);
111    /// Assemble the element matrix A into the hybridized system matrix.
112    void AssembleMatrix(int el, const DenseMatrix &A);
114    /// Assemble the boundary element matrix A into the hybridized system matrix.
115    void AssembleBdrMatrix(int bdr_el, const DenseMatrix &A);
117    /// Finalize the construction of the hybridized matrix.
118    void Finalize();
120    /// Return the serial hybridized matrix.
GetMatrix()121    SparseMatrix &GetMatrix() { return *H; }
123 #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI
124    /// Return the parallel hybridized matrix.
GetParallelMatrix()125    HypreParMatrix &GetParallelMatrix() { return *pH.Is<HypreParMatrix>(); }
127    /** @brief Return the parallel hybridized matrix in the format specified by
128        SetOperatorType(). */
GetParallelMatrix(OperatorHandle & H_h) const129    void GetParallelMatrix(OperatorHandle &H_h) const { H_h = pH; }
131    /// Set the operator type id for the parallel hybridized matrix/operator.
SetOperatorType(Operator::Type tid)132    void SetOperatorType(Operator::Type tid) { pH.SetType(tid); }
133 #endif
135    /** Perform the reduction of the given r.h.s. vector, b, to a r.h.s vector,
136        b_r, for the hybridized system. */
137    void ReduceRHS(const Vector &b, Vector &b_r) const;
139    /** Reconstruct the solution of the original system, sol, from solution of
140        the hybridized system, sol_r, and the original r.h.s. vector, b.
141        It is assumed that the vector sol has the right essential b.c. */
142    void ComputeSolution(const Vector &b, const Vector &sol_r,
143                         Vector &sol) const;
145    /** @brief Destroy the current hybridization matrix while preserving the
146        computed constraint matrix and the set of essential true dofs. After
147        Reset(), a new hybridized matrix can be assembled via AssembleMatrix()
148        and Finalize(). The Mesh and FiniteElementSpace objects are assumed to be
149        un-modified. If that is not the case, a new Hybridization object must be
150        created. */
151    void Reset();
152 };
154 }
156 #endif