3(*                                                                  *)
4(*  imagefile.s7i  Support for various image file formats.          *)
5(*  Copyright (C) 2021  Thomas Mertes                               *)
6(*                                                                  *)
7(*  This file is part of the Seed7 Runtime Library.                 *)
8(*                                                                  *)
9(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is free software; you can             *)
10(*  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU     *)
11(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *)
12(*  Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your      *)
13(*  option) any later version.                                      *)
14(*                                                                  *)
15(*  The Seed7 Runtime Library is distributed in the hope that it    *)
16(*  will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the      *)
17(*  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR *)
18(*  PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more    *)
19(*  details.                                                        *)
20(*                                                                  *)
21(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General       *)
22(*  Public License along with this program; if not, write to the    *)
23(*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             *)
24(*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       *)
25(*                                                                  *)
29  include "png.s7i";
30  include "gif.s7i";
31  include "jpeg.s7i";
32  include "bmp.s7i";
33  include "ico.s7i";
34  include "ppm.s7i";
38 *  Reads an image file into a pixmap.
39 *  The file is checked for magic numbers and the corresponding read
40 *  function is used, to read the actual image.
41 *  @param imageFile File that contains an image.
42 *  @return A pixmap with the image, or
43 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file is not in a valid
44 *          image file format.
45 *)
46const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readImage (inout file: imageFile) is func
47  result
48    var PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: pixmap is PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value;
49  local
50    var string: magic is "";
51  begin
52    block
53      magic := gets(imageFile, length(PPM_MAGIC));
54      if magic = BMP_MAGIC then
55        seek(imageFile, 1);
56        pixmap := readBmp(imageFile);
57      elsif magic = PPM_MAGIC then
58        seek(imageFile, 1);
59        pixmap := readPpm(imageFile);
60      else
61        magic &:= gets(imageFile, length(JPEG_MAGIC) - length(PPM_MAGIC));
62        if magic = JPEG_MAGIC then
63          seek(imageFile, 1);
64          pixmap := readJpeg(imageFile);
65        else
66          magic &:= gets(imageFile, length(ICO_MAGIC) - length(JPEG_MAGIC));
67          if magic = ICO_MAGIC then
68            seek(imageFile, 1);
69            pixmap := readIco(imageFile);
70          else
71            magic &:= gets(imageFile, length(GIF_MAGIC_87) - length(ICO_MAGIC));
72            if magic = GIF_MAGIC_87 or magic = GIF_MAGIC_89 then
73              seek(imageFile, 1);
74              pixmap := readGif(imageFile);
75            else
76              magic &:= gets(imageFile, length(PNG_MAGIC) - length(GIF_MAGIC_87));
77              if magic = PNG_MAGIC then
78                seek(imageFile, 1);
79                pixmap := readPng(imageFile);
80              end if;
81            end if;
82          end if;
83        end if;
84      end if;
85    exception
86      otherwise: noop;
87    end block;
88  end func;
92 *  Reads an image file with the given ''imageFileName'' into a pixmap.
93 *  The file is checked for magic numbers and the corresponding read
94 *  function is used, to read the actual image. The file extension of
95 *  ''imageFileName'' is not used to decide about the image file type.
96 *  @param imageFileName Name of the image file.
97 *  @return A pixmap with the image, or
98 *          PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value if the file cannot be opened or
99 *          is not in a valid image file format.
100 *)
101const func PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: readImage (in string: imageFileName) is func
102  result
103    var PRIMITIVE_WINDOW: pixmap is PRIMITIVE_WINDOW.value;
104  local
105    var file: imageFile is STD_NULL;
106   begin
107    imageFile := open(imageFileName, "r");
108    if imageFile <> STD_NULL then
109      pixmap := readImage(imageFile);
110      close(imageFile);
111    end if;
112  end func;