2 * intnum - implementation of tanhsinh- and Gauss-Legendre quadrature
3 *
4 * Copyright (C) 2013,2021 Christoph Zurnieden
5 *
6 * Calc is open software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
7 * the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9 *
10 * Calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
12 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General
13 * Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * A copy of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is
16 * distributed with calc under the filename COPYING-LGPL.  You should have
17 * received a copy with calc; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.
18 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
19 */
22static resource_debug_level;
23resource_debug_level = config("resource_debug", 0);
26read -once infinities;
28static __CZ__tanhsinh_x;
29static __CZ__tanhsinh_w;
30static __CZ__tanhsinh_order;
31static __CZ__tanhsinh_prec;
33define quadtsdeletenodes()
35    free(__CZ__tanhsinh_x);
36    free(__CZ__tanhsinh_w);
37    free(__CZ__tanhsinh_order);
38    free(__CZ__tanhsinh_prec);
41define quadtscomputenodes(order, expo, eps)
43    local t cht sht chp sum k PI places;
44    local h t0 x w;
45    if (__CZ__tanhsinh_order == order && __CZ__tanhsinh_prec == eps)
46	return 1;
47    __CZ__tanhsinh_order = order;
48    __CZ__tanhsinh_prec = eps;
49    __CZ__tanhsinh_x = list();
50    __CZ__tanhsinh_w = list();
51    /* The tanhsinh algorithm needs a slightly higher precision than G-L */
52    eps = epsilon(eps * 1e-2);
53    places = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
54    PI = pi();
55    sum = 0;
56    t0 = 2 ^ (-expo);
57    h = 2 * t0;
58    /*
59     * The author wanted to use the mpmath trick here which was
60     * advertised---and reasonably so!---to be faster. Didn't work out
61     * so well with calc.
62     * PI4 = PI/4;
63     * expt0 = bround(exp(t0),places);
64     * a = bround( PI4 * expt0,places);
65     * b = bround(PI4 / expt0,places);
66     * udelta = bround(exp(h),places);
67     * urdelta = bround(1/udelta,places);
68     */
69    /* make use of x(-t) = -x(t), w(-t) = w(t)  */
70    for (k = 0; k < 20 * order + 1; k++) {
71	/*
72	 * x = tanh(pi/2 * sinh(t))
73	 * w = pi/2 * cosh(t) / cosh(pi/2 * sinh(t))^2
74	 */
75	t = bround(t0 + k * h, places);
77	cht = bround(cosh(t), places);
78	sht = bround(sinh(t), places);
79	chp = bround(cosh(0.5 * PI * sht), places);
80	x = bround(tanh(0.5 * PI * sht), places);
81	w = bround((PI * h * cht) / (2 * chp ^ 2), places);
82	/*
83	 * c = bround(exp(a-b),places);
84	 * d = bround(1/c,places);
85	 * co =bround( (c+d)/2,places);
86	 * si =bround( (c-d)/2,places);
87	 * x = bround(si / co,places);
88	 * w = bround((a+b) / co^2,places);
89	 */
90	if (abs(x - 1) <= eps)
91	    break;
93	append(__CZ__tanhsinh_x, x);
94	append(__CZ__tanhsinh_w, w);
95	/*
96	 * a *= udelta;
97	 * b *= urdelta;
98	 */
99    }
101    /* Normalize the weights to make them add up to 2 (two) */
102    /*
103     * for(k=0;k < size(__CZ__tanhsinh_w);k++)
104     * sum = bround(sum + __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k],places);
105     * sum *= 2;
106     * for(k=0;k < size(__CZ__tanhsinh_w);k++)
107     * __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k] = bround(2.0 * __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k] / sum,places);
108     */
110    epsilon(eps);
111    return 1;
114define quadtscore(a, b, n)
116    local k c d order eps places sum ret x x1 x2 xm w w1 w2 m sizel;
118    eps = epsilon(epsilon() * 1e-2);
119    places = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
120    m = int (4 + max(0, ln(places / 30.0) / ln(2))) + 2;
121    if (!isnull(n)) {
122	order = n;
123	m = ilog(order / 3, 2) + 1;
124    } else
125	order = 3 * 2 ^ (m - 1);
127    quadtscomputenodes(order, m, epsilon());
128    sizel = size(__CZ__tanhsinh_w);
130    if (isinfinite(a) || isinfinite(b)) {
131	/*
132	 *           x
133	 * t =  ------------
134	 *                2
135	 *      sqrt(1 - y )
136	 */
137	if (isninf(a) && ispinf(b)) {
138	    for (k = 0; k < sizel; k++) {
139		x1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
140		x2 = -__CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
141		w1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k];
143		x = bround(x1 * (1 - x1 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2), places);
144		xm = bround(x2 * (1 - x2 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2), places);
145		w = bround(w1 * (((1 - x1 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2)) / (1 - x1 ^ 2)),
146			   places);
147		w2 = bround(w1 * (((1 - x2 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2)) / (1 - x2 ^ 2)),
148			    places);
149		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
150		sum += bround(w2 * f(xm), places);
151	    }
152	}
153	/*
154	 *        1
155	 * t =  - - + b + 1
156	 *        x
157	 */
158	else if (isninf(a) && !iscinf(b)) {
159	    for (k = 0; k < sizel; k++) {
160		x1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
161		x2 = -__CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
162		w1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k];
164		x = bround((b + 1) - (2 / (x1 + 1)), places);
165		xm = bround((b + 1) - (2 / (x2 + 1)), places);
166		w = bround(w1 * (1 / 2 * (2 / (x1 + 1)) ^ 2), places);
167		w2 = bround(w1 * (1 / 2 * (2 / (x2 + 1)) ^ 2), places);
168		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
169		sum += bround(w2 * f(xm), places);
170	    }
171	}
172	/*
173	 *      1
174	 * t =  - + a - 1
175	 *      x
176	 */
177	else if (!iscinf(a) && ispinf(b)) {
178	    for (k = 0; k < sizel; k++) {
179		x1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
180		x2 = -__CZ__tanhsinh_x[k];
181		w1 = __CZ__tanhsinh_w[k];
182		x = bround((a - 1) + (2 / (x1 + 1)), places);
183		xm = bround((a - 1) + (2 / (x2 + 1)), places);
184		w = bround(w1 * (((1 / 2) * (2 / (x1 + 1)) ^ 2)), places);
185		w2 = bround(w1 * (((1 / 2) * (2 / (x2 + 1)) ^ 2)), places);
186		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
187		sum += bround(w2 * f(xm), places);
188	    }
189	} else if (isninf(a) || isninf(b)) {
190	    /*TODO: swap(a,b) and negate(w)? Lookup! */
191	    return newerror("quadtscore: reverse limits?");
192	} else {
193	    return
194		newerror("quadtscore: complex infinity not yet implemented");
195        }
196	ret = sum;
197    } else {
198	/* Avoid rounding errors */
199	if (a == -1 && b == 1) {
200	    c = 1;
201	    d = 0;
202	} else {
203	    c = (b - a) / 2;
204	    d = (b + a) / 2;
205	}
206	sum = 0;
207	for (k = 0; k < sizel; k++) {
208	    sum +=
209		bround(__CZ__tanhsinh_w[k] * f(c * __CZ__tanhsinh_x[k] + d),
210		       places);
211	    sum +=
212		bround(__CZ__tanhsinh_w[k] * f(c * -__CZ__tanhsinh_x[k] + d),
213		       places);
214	}
215	ret = c * sum;
216    }
217    epsilon(eps);
218    return ret;
221static __CZ__quadts_error;
223define quadts(a, b, points)
225    local k sp results epsbits nsect interval length segment slope C ;
226    local x1 x2 y1 y2  sum D1 D2 D3 D4;
227    if (param(0) < 2)
228	return newerror("quadts: not enough arguments");
229    epsbits = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
230    if (param(0) < 3 || isnull(points)) {
231	/* return as given */
232	return quadtscore(a, b);
233    } else {
234	if ((isinfinite(a) || isinfinite(b))
235	    && (!ismat(points) && !islist(points)))
236	    return
237		newerror(strcat
238			 ("quadts: segments of infinite length ",
239			  "are not yet supported"));
240	if (ismat(points) || islist(points)) {
241	    sp = size(points);
242	    if (sp == 0)
243		return
244		    newerror(strcat
245			     ("quadts: variable 'points` must be a list or ",
246			      "1d-matrix of a length > 0"));
247	    /* check if all points are numbers */
248	    for (k = 0; k < sp; k++) {
249		if (!isnum(points[k]))
250		    return
251			newerror(strcat
252				 ("quadts: elements of 'points` must be",
253				  " numbers only"));
254	    }
255	    /* We have n-1 intervals and a and b, hence n-1 + 2 results */
256	    results = mat[sp + 1];
257            if (a != points[0]) {
258	        results[0] = quadtscore(a, points[0]);
259            } else {
260                results[0] = 0;
261            }
262	    if (sp == 1) {
263                if (b != points[0]) {
264		    results[1] = quadtscore(points[0], b);
265                } else {
266                    results[1] = 0;
267                }
268	    } else {
269		for (k = 1; k < sp; k++) {
270		    results[k] = quadtscore(points[k - 1], points[k]);
271		}
272                if (b != points[k - 1]) {
273		    results[k] = quadtscore(points[k - 1], b);
274                } else {
275                    results[k] = 0;
276                }
277	    }
278	} else {
279	    if (!isint(points) || points <= 0)
280		return newerror(strcat("quadts: variable 'points` must be a ",
281				       "list or a positive integer"));
282	    /* Taking "points" as the number of equally spaced intervals */
283	    results = mat[points + 1];
284	    /* It is easy if a,b lie on the real line */
285	    if (isreal(a) && isreal(b)) {
286		length = abs(a - b);
287		segment = length / points;
289		for (k = 1; k <= points; k++) {
290		    results[k - 1] =
291			quadtscore(a + (k - 1) * segment, a + k * segment);
292		}
293	    } else {
294		/* We have at least one complex limit but treat "points" still
295                 * as the number of equally spaced intervals on a straight line
296                 * connecting a and b. Computing the segments here is a bit
297                 * more complicated but not much, it should have been taught in
298                 * high school.
299		 * Other contours by way of a list of points */
300		slope = (im(b) - im(a)) / (re(b) - re(a));
301		C = (im(a) + slope) * re(a);
302		length = abs(re(a) - re(b));
303		segment = length / points;
305		/* y = mx+C where m is the slope, x is the real part and y the
306		 * imaginary part  */
307                if(re(a)>re(b))swap(a,b);
308		for (k = re(a); k <= (re(b)); k+=segment) {
309		    x1 = slope*(k) +  C;
310		    results[k] = quadtscore(k + x1 * 1i);
311		}
312	    }			/* else of isreal */
313	}			/* else of ismat|islist */
314    }				/* else of isnull(points) */
315    /* With a bit of undeserved luck we have a result by now. */
316    sp = size(results);
317    for (k = 0; k < sp; k++) {
318	sum += results[k];
319    }
320    return sum;
323static __CZ__gl_x;
324static __CZ__gl_w;
325static __CZ__gl_order;
326static __CZ__gl_prec;
328define quadglcomputenodes(N)
330    local places k l x w t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 r tmp;
332    if (__CZ__gl_order == N && __CZ__gl_prec == epsilon())
333	return;
335    __CZ__gl_x = mat[N];
336    __CZ__gl_w = mat[N];
337    __CZ__gl_order = N;
338    __CZ__gl_prec = epsilon();
340    places = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
342    /*
343     * Compute roots and weights (doing it inline seems to be fastest)
344     * Trick shamelessly stolen from D. Bailey et .al (program "arprec")
345     */
346    for (k = 1; k <= N//2; k++) {
347	r = bround(cos(pi() * (k - .25) / (N + .5)), places);
348	while (1) {
349	    t1 = 1, t2 = 0;
350	    for (l = 1; l <= N; l++) {
351		t3 = t2;
352		t2 = t1;
353		t1 = bround(((2 * l - 1) * r * t2 - (l - 1) * t3) / l, places);
354	    }
355	    t4 = bround(N * (r * t1 - t2) / ((r ^ 2) - 1), places);
356	    t5 = r;
357	    tmp = t1 / t4;
358	    r = r - tmp;
359	    if (abs(tmp) <= epsilon())
360		break;
361	}
362	x = r;
363	w = bround(2 / ((1 - r ^ 2) * t4 ^ 2), places);
365	__CZ__gl_x[k - 1] = x;
366	__CZ__gl_w[k - 1] = w;
367	__CZ__gl_x[N - k] = -__CZ__gl_x[k - 1];
368	__CZ__gl_w[N - k] = __CZ__gl_w[k - 1];
369    }
370    return;
373define quadgldeletenodes()
375    free(__CZ__gl_x);
376    free(__CZ__gl_w);
377    free(__CZ__gl_order);
378    free(__CZ__gl_prec);
381define quadglcore(a, b, n)
383    local k c d digs order eps places sum ret err x x1 w w1 m;
384    local phalf x2 px1 spx1 u b1 a1 half;
386    eps = epsilon(epsilon() * 1e-2);
387    places = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
388    if (!isnull(n))
389	order = n;
390    else {
391	m = int (4 + max(0, ln(places / 30.0) / ln(2))) + 2;
392	order = 3 * 2 ^ (m - 1);
393    }
396    quadglcomputenodes(order, 1);
398    if (isinfinite(a) || isinfinite(b)) {
399	if (isninf(a) && ispinf(b)) {
400	    for (k = 0; k < order; k++) {
401		x1 = __CZ__gl_x[k];
402		w1 = __CZ__gl_w[k];
404		x = bround(x1 * (1 - x1 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2), places);
405		w = bround(w1 * (((1 - x1 ^ 2) ^ (-1 / 2)) / (1 - x1 ^ 2)),
406			   places);
407		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
408	    }
409	} else if (isninf(a) && !iscinf(b)) {
410	    for (k = 0; k < order; k++) {
411		x1 = __CZ__gl_x[k];
412		w1 = __CZ__gl_w[k];
414		x = bround((b + 1) - (2 / (x1 + 1)), places);
415		w = bround(w1 * (1 / 2 * (2 / (x1 + 1)) ^ 2), places);
416		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
417	    }
418	} else if (!iscinf(a) && ispinf(b)) {
419	    for (k = 0; k < order; k++) {
420		x1 = __CZ__gl_x[k];
421		w1 = __CZ__gl_w[k];
422		x = bround((a - 1) + (2 / (x1 + 1)), places);
423		w = bround(w1 * (((1 / 2) * (2 / (x1 + 1)) ^ 2)), places);
424		sum += bround(w * f(x), places);
425	    }
426	} else if (isninf(a) || isninf(b)) {
427	    /*TODO: swap(a,b) and negate(w)? Lookup! */
428	    return newerror("quadglcore: reverse limits?");
429	} else
430	    return
431		newerror("quadglcore: complex infinity not yet implemented");
432	ret = sum;
433    } else {
434	/* Avoid rounding errors */
435	if (a == -1 && b == 1) {
436	    c = 1;
437	    d = 0;
438	} else {
439	    c = (b - a) / 2;
440	    d = (b + a) / 2;
441	}
442	sum = 0;
443	for (k = 0; k < order; k++) {
444	    sum += bround(__CZ__gl_w[k] * f(c * __CZ__gl_x[k] + d), places);
445	}
446	ret = c * sum;
447    }
448    epsilon(eps);
449    return ret;
452define quadgl(a, b, points)
454    local k sp results epsbits nsect interval length segment slope C x1 y1 x2
455	y2;
456    local sum D1 D2 D3 D4;
457    if (param(0) < 2)
458	return newerror("quadgl: not enough arguments");
459    epsbits = highbit(1 + int (1 / epsilon())) +1;
460    if (isnull(points)) {
461	/* return as given */
462	return quadglcore(a, b);
463    } else {
464	/* But if we could half the time needed to execute a single operation
465	 * we could do all of it in just twice that time. */
466	if (isinfinite(a) || isinfinite(b)
467	    && (!ismat(points) && !islist(points)))
468	    return
469		newerror(strcat
470			 ("quadgl: multiple segments of infinite length ",
471			  "are not yet supported"));
472	if (ismat(points) || islist(points)) {
473	    sp = size(points);
474	    if (sp == 0)
475		return
476		    newerror(strcat
477			     ("quadgl: variable 'points` must be a list or ",
478			      "1d-matrix of a length > 0"));
479	    /* check if all points are numbers */
480	    for (k = 0; k < sp; k++) {
481		if (!isnum(points[k]))
482		    return
483			newerror(strcat
484				 ("quadgl: elements of 'points` must be ",
485				  "numbers only"));
486	    }
487	    /* We have n-1 intervals and a and b, hence n-1 + 2 results */
488	    results = mat[sp + 1];
489            if (a != points[0]) {
490	        results[0] = quadglcore(a, points[0]);
491            } else {
492                results[0] = 0;
493            }
494	    if (sp == 1) {
495		if (b != points[0]) {
496		    results[1] = quadglcore(points[0], b);
497                } else {
498                    results[1] = 0;
499                }
500	    } else {
501		for (k = 1; k < sp; k++) {
502		    results[k] = quadglcore(points[k - 1], points[k]);
503		}
504                if (b != points[k - 1]) {
505		    results[k] = quadglcore(points[k - 1], b);
506                } else {
507                    results[k] = 0;
508                }
509	    }
510	} else {
511	    if (!isint(points) || points <= 0)
512		return newerror(strcat("quadgl: variable 'points` must be a ",
513				       "list or a positive integer"));
514	    /* Taking "points" as the number of equally spaced intervals */
515	    results = mat[points + 1];
516	    /* It is easy if a,b lie on the real line */
517	    if (isreal(a) && isreal(b)) {
518		length = abs(a - b);
519		segment = length / points;
521		for (k = 1; k <= points; k++) {
522		    results[k - 1] =
523			quadglcore(a + (k - 1) * segment, a + k * segment);
524		}
525	    } else {
526		/* Other contours by way of a list of points */
527		slope = (im(b) - im(a)) / (re(b) - re(a));
528		C = (im(a) + slope) * re(a);
529		length = abs(re(a) - re(b));
530		segment = length / points;
532		/* y = mx+C where m is the slope, x is the real part and y the
533		 * imaginary part  */
534                if(re(a)>re(b))swap(a,b);
535		for (k = re(a); k <= (re(b)); k+=segment) {
536		    x1 = slope*(k) +  C;
537		    results[k] = quadglcore(k + x1 * 1i);
538		}
539	    }			/* else of isreal */
540	}			/* else of ismat|islist */
541    }				/* else of isnull(points) */
542    /* With a bit of undeserved luck we have a result by now. */
543    sp = size(results);
544    for (k = 0; k < sp; k++) {
545	sum += results[k];
546    }
547    return sum;
550define quad(a, b, points = -1, method = "tanhsinh")
552    if (isnull(a) || isnull(b) || param(0) < 2)
553	return newerror("quad: both limits must be given");
554    if (isstr(a)) {
555	if (strncmp(a, "cinf", 1) == 0)
556	    return
557		newerror(strcat
558			 ("quad: complex infinity not yet supported, use",
559			  " 'pinf' or 'ninf' respectively"));
560    }
561    if (isstr(b)) {
562	if (strncmp(b, "cinf", 1) == 0)
563	    return
564		newerror(strcat
565			 ("quad: complex infinity not yet supported, use",
566			  " 'pinf' or 'ninf' respectively"));
567    }
569    if (param(0) == 3) {
570	if (isstr(points))
571	    method = points;
572    }
574    if (strncmp(method, "tanhsinh", 1) == 0) {
575	if (!isstr(points)) {
576	    if (points == -1) {
577		return quadts(a, b);
578	    } else {
579		return quadts(a, b, points);
580	    }
581	} else {
582	    return quadts(a, b);
583	}
584    }
586    if (strncmp(method, "gausslegendre", 1) == 0) {
587	if (!isstr(points)) {
588	    if (points == -1) {
589		return quadgl(a, b);
590	    } else {
591		return quadgl(a, b, points);
592	    }
593	} else {
594	    return quadgl(a, b);
595	}
596    }
599define makerange(start, end, steps)
601    local ret k l step C length slope x1 x2 y1 y2;
602    local segment;
603    steps = int (steps);
604    if (steps < 1) {
605	return newerror("makerange: number of steps must be > 0");
606    }
607    if (!isnum(start) || !isnum(end)) {
608	return newerror("makerange: only numbers are supported yet");
609    }
610    if (isreal(start) && isreal(end)) {
611	step = (end - start) / (steps);
612	print step;
613	ret = mat[steps + 1];
614	for (k = 0; k <= steps; k++) {
615	    ret[k] = k * step + start;
616	}
617    } else {
618	ret = mat[steps + 1];
619	if (re(start) > re(end)) {
620	    swap(start, end);
621	}
623	slope = (im(end) - im(start)) / (re(end) - re(start));
624	C = im(start) - slope * re(start);
625	length = abs(re(start) - re(end));
626	segment = length / (steps);
628	for (k = re(start), l = 0; k <= (re(end)); k += segment, l++) {
629	    x1 = slope * (k) + C;
630	    ret[l] = k + x1 * 1i;
631	}
633    }
634    return ret;
637define makecircle(radius, center, points)
639    local ret k a b twopi centerx centery;
640    if (!isint(points) || points < 2) {
641	return
642	    newerror("makecircle: number of points is not a positive integer");
643    }
644    if (!isnum(center)) {
645	return newerror("makecircle: center does not lie on the complex plane");
646    }
647    if (!isreal(radius) || radius <= 0) {
648	return newerror("makecircle: radius is not a real > 0");
649    }
650    ret = mat[points];
651    twopi = 2 * pi();
652    centerx = re(center);
653    centery = im(center);
654    for (k = 0; k < points; k++) {
655	a = centerx + radius * cos(twopi * k / points);
656	b = centery + radius * sin(twopi * k / points);
657	ret[k] = a + b * 1i;
658    }
659    return ret;
662define makeellipse(angle, a, b, center, points)
664    local ret k x y twopi centerx centery;
665    if (!isint(points) || points < 2) {
666	return
667	    newerror("makeellipse: number of points is not a positive integer");
668    }
669    if (!isnum(center)) {
670	return
671	    newerror("makeellipse: center does not lie on the complex plane");
672    }
673    if (!isreal(a) || a <= 0) {
674	return newerror("makecircle: a is not a real > 0");
675    }
676    if (!isreal(b) || b <= 0) {
677	return newerror("makecircle: b is not a real > 0");
678    }
679    if (!isreal(angle)) {
680	return newerror("makecircle: angle is not a real");
681    }
682    ret = mat[points];
683    twopi = 2 * pi();
684    centerx = re(center);
685    centery = im(center);
686    for (k = 0; k < points; k++) {
687	x = centerx + a * cos(twopi * k / points) * cos(angle)
688	    - b * sin(twopi * k / points) * sin(angle);
689	y = centerx + a * cos(twopi * k / points) * sin(angle)
690	    + b * sin(twopi * k / points) * cos(angle);
691	ret[k] = x + y * 1i;
692    }
693    return ret;
696define makepoints()
698    local ret k;
699    ret = mat[param(0)];
700    for (k = 0; k < param(0); k++) {
701	if (!isnum(param(k + 1))) {
702	    return
703		newerror(strcat
704			 ("makepoints: parameter number \"", str(k + 1),
705			  "\" is not a number"));
706	}
707	ret[k] = param(k + 1);
708    }
709    return ret;
713config("resource_debug", resource_debug_level),;
714if (config("resource_debug") & 3) {
715    print "quadtsdeletenodes()";
716    print "quadtscomputenodes(order, expo, eps)";
717    print "quadtscore(a,b,n)";
718    print "quadts(a,b,points)";
719    print "quadglcomputenodes(N)";
720    print "quadgldeletenodes()";
721    print "quadglcore(a,b,n)";
722    print "quadgl(a,b,points)";
723    print "quad(a,b,points=-1,method=\"tanhsinh\")";
724    print "makerange(start, end, steps)";
725    print "makecircle(radius, center, points)";
726    print "makeellipse(angle, a, b, center, points)";
727    print "makepoints(a1,[...])";