1 #ifndef bwm_io_config_parser_h_
2 #define bwm_io_config_parser_h_
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <string>
6 #include <vector>
7 #include <utility>
8 #include "bwm_io_structs.h"
9 #include <bwm/io/bwm_site_sptr.h>
11 #ifdef WIN32
12  #define _LIB
13 #endif
14 #include <expatpp.h>
15 #ifdef _MSC_VER
16 #  include <vcl_msvc_warnings.h>
17 #endif
19 #include <vsol/vsol_point_2d.h>
20 #include <vsol/vsol_point_3d.h>
22 class bwm_io_config_parser : public expatpp
23 {
24  public:
25   bwm_io_config_parser(void);
26   // parser should not delete the site, it is used afterwards
~bwm_io_config_parser(void)27   ~bwm_io_config_parser(void) {}
site()29   bwm_site_sptr site() { return site_; }
30 #if 0
31   std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, vsol_point_2d> > > correspondences() const { return corresp_; }
32   std::string corresp_mode() const {return corr_mode_; }
33   std::string corresp_type() const {return corr_type_; }
34   std::vector<vsol_point_3d> corresp_world_pts() const {return corresp_world_pts_; }
35 #endif
36   // accessors for fiducial information
fiducial_locations()37   std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > fiducial_locations() const {return fid_locs_;}
fid_mode()38   std::string fid_mode() const {return fid_mode_;}
fid_type()39   std::string fid_type() const {return fid_type_;}
fid_site_name()40   std::string fid_site_name() const {return fid_site_name_;}
fid_image_path()41   std::string fid_image_path() const {return image_path_;}
fiducial_path()42   std::string fiducial_path() const {return fiducial_path_;}
43  private:
44   virtual void startElement(const XML_Char* name, const XML_Char** atts);
45   virtual void endElement(const XML_Char* name);
46   virtual void charData(const XML_Char* s, int len);
48   void handleAtts(const XML_Char** atts);
49   void cdataHandler(std::string name, std::string data);
50   void init_params();
52   //Data
53   int mDepth;
54   std::string cdata;
55   std::string last_tag;
57   bwm_site_sptr site_;
59   // intermediate variables to keep values during parsing
60   std::string name_;
61   bool status_;
62   std::string image_path_;
63   std::string camera_path_;
64   std::string camera_type_;
65   std::string proj2d_type_;
66   std::string coin3d_name_;
67   std::string object_path_;
68   std::string object_type_;
69   double lat_, lon_, elev_;
71   // correspondence related parameters
72   //std::string corr_mode_;
73   //std::string corr_type_;
74   std::string corr_cam_tab_;
75   double X_, Y_, Z_;
76 #if 0
77   std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<std::string, vsol_point_2d> > > corresp_;
78   std::vector<vsol_point_3d> corresp_world_pts_;
79 #endif
80   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, vsol_point_2d> > corresp_elm_;
81   void trim_string(std::string& s);
82   // members for reading the fiducial file
83   std::string fid_site_name_;
84   std::string fiducial_path_;
85   std::string fid_mode_;
86   std::string fid_type_;
87   std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > fid_locs_;
88 };
90 #endif