1 /*******************************************************************************
2 * Copyright 2016-2019 Intel Corporation.
3 *
4 * This software and the related documents are Intel copyrighted  materials,  and
5 * your use of  them is  governed by the  express license  under which  they were
6 * provided to you (License).  Unless the License provides otherwise, you may not
7 * use, modify, copy, publish, distribute,  disclose or transmit this software or
8 * the related documents without Intel's prior written permission.
9 *
10 * This software and the related documents  are provided as  is,  with no express
11 * or implied  warranties,  other  than those  that are  expressly stated  in the
12 * License.
13 *******************************************************************************/
15 #if !defined( __IPP_IWLL__ )
16 #define __IPP_IWLL__
18 extern "C" {
19 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiCopySplit(const void *pSrc, int srcStep, void* const pDstOrig[], int dstStep,
20                                    IppiSize size, int typeSize, int channels, int partial);
21 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiCopyMerge(const void* const pSrc[], int srcStep, void *pDst, int dstStep,
22                                    IppiSize size, int typeSize, int channels, int partial);
23 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiCopyChannel(const void *pSrc, int srcStep, int srcChannels, int srcChannel, void *pDst, int dstStep,
24     int dstChannels, int dstChannel, IppiSize size, int typeSize);
25 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiCopyMask(const void *pSrc, int srcStep, void *pDst, int dstStep,
26     IppiSize size, int typeSize, int channels, const Ipp8u *pMask, int maskStep);
27 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiSet(const double *pValue, void *pDst, int dstStep,
28     IppiSize size, IppDataType dataType, int channels);
29 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiSetMask(const double *pValue, void *pDst, int dstStep,
30     IppiSize size, IppDataType dataType, int channels, const Ipp8u *pMask, int maskStep);
31 IW_DECL(IppStatus) llwiCopyMakeBorder(const void *pSrc, IwSize srcStep, void *pDst, IwSize dstStep,
32     IwiSize size, IppDataType dataType, int channels, IwiBorderSize borderSize, IwiBorderType border, const Ipp64f *pBorderVal);
33 }
35 #endif