1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE project
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org>
5     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
6 */
11 #include <kservice.h>
12 #include <kservice_export.h>
14 class KBuildServiceGroupFactory;
16 class KServiceGroupPrivate;
18 /**
19  * @class KServiceGroup kservicegroup.h <KServiceGroup>
20  *
21  * KServiceGroup represents a group of service, for example
22  * screensavers.
23  * This class is typically used like this:
24  *
25  * \code
26  * // Start from root group
27  * KServiceGroup::Ptr group = KServiceGroup::root();
28  * if (!group || !group->isValid()) return;
29  *
30  * KServiceGroup::List list = group->entries();
31  *
32  * // Iterate over all entries in the group
33  * for( KServiceGroup::List::ConstIterator it = list.begin();
34  *      it != list.end(); it++)
35  * {
36  *    KSycocaEntry *p = (*it);
37  *    if (p->isType(KST_KService))
38  *    {
39  *       KService *s = static_cast<KService *>(p);
40  *       printf("Name = %s\n", s->name().toLatin1());
41  *    }
42  *    else if (p->isType(KST_KServiceGroup))
43  *    {
44  *       KServiceGroup *g = static_cast<KServiceGroup *>(p);
45  *       // Sub group ...
46  *    }
47  * }
48  * \endcode
49  *
50  * @short Represents a group of services
51  */
52 class KSERVICE_EXPORT KServiceGroup : public KSycocaEntry
53 {
54     friend class KBuildServiceGroupFactory;
56 public:
57     /**
58      * A shared data pointer for KServiceGroup.
59      */
60     typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<KServiceGroup> Ptr;
61     /**
62      * A shared data pointer for KSycocaEntry.
63      */
64     typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<KSycocaEntry> SPtr;
65     /**
66      * A list of shared data pointers for KSycocaEntry.
67      */
68     typedef QList<SPtr> List;
70 public:
71     /**
72      * Construct a dummy servicegroup indexed with @p name.
73      * @param name the name of the service group
74      */
75     KServiceGroup(const QString &name);
77     /**
78      * Construct a service and take all information from a config file
79      * @param _fullpath full path to the config file
80      * @param _relpath relative path to the config file
81      */
82     KServiceGroup(const QString &_fullpath, const QString &_relpath);
84     ~KServiceGroup() override;
86     /**
87      * Returns the relative path of the service group.
88      * @return the service group's relative path
89      */
90     QString relPath() const;
92     /**
93      * Returns the caption of this group.
94      * @return the caption of this group
95      */
96     QString caption() const;
98     /**
99      * Returns the name of the icon associated with the group.
100      * @return the name of the icon associated with the group,
101      *         or QString() if not set
102      */
103     QString icon() const;
105     /**
106      * Returns the comment about this service group.
107      * @return the descriptive comment for the group, if there is one,
108      *         or QString() if not set
109      */
110     QString comment() const;
112     /**
113      * Returns the total number of displayable services in this group and
114      * any of its subgroups.
115      * @return the number of child services
116      */
117     int childCount() const;
119     /**
120      * Returns true if the NoDisplay flag was set, i.e. if this
121      * group should be hidden from menus, while still being in ksycoca.
122      * @return true to hide this service group, false to display it
123      */
124     bool noDisplay() const;
126     /**
127      * Return true if we want to display empty menu entry
128      * @return true to show this service group as menu entry is empty, false to hide it
129      */
130     bool showEmptyMenu() const;
131     void setShowEmptyMenu(bool b);
133     /**
134      * @return true to show an inline header into menu
135      */
136     bool showInlineHeader() const;
137     void setShowInlineHeader(bool _b);
139     /**
140      * @return true to show an inline alias item into menu
141      */
142     bool inlineAlias() const;
143     void setInlineAlias(bool _b);
144     /**
145      * @return true if we allow to inline menu.
146      */
147     bool allowInline() const;
148     void setAllowInline(bool _b);
150     /**
151      * @return inline limit value
152      */
153     int inlineValue() const;
154     void setInlineValue(int _val);
156     /**
157      * Returns a list of untranslated generic names that should be
158      * be suppressed when showing this group.
159      * E.g. The group "Games/Arcade" might want to suppress the generic name
160      * "Arcade Game" since it's redundant in this particular context.
161      */
162     QStringList suppressGenericNames() const;
164     /**
165      * @internal
166      * Sets information related to the layout of services in this group.
167      */
168     void setLayoutInfo(const QStringList &layout);
170     /**
171      * @internal
172      * Returns information related to the layout of services in this group.
173      */
174     QStringList layoutInfo() const;
176     /**
177      * List of all Services and ServiceGroups within this
178      * ServiceGroup.
179      * @param sorted true to sort items
180      * @param excludeNoDisplay true to exclude items marked "NoDisplay"
181      * @param allowSeparators true to allow separator items to be included
182      * @param sortByGenericName true to sort GenericName+Name instead of Name+GenericName
183      * @return the list of entries
184      */
185     List entries(bool sorted, bool excludeNoDisplay, bool allowSeparators, bool sortByGenericName = false);
186     List entries(bool sorted, bool excludeNoDisplay);
188     /**
189      * List of all Services and ServiceGroups within this
190      * ServiceGroup.
191      * @param sorted true to sort items
192      * @return the list of entried
193      */
194     List entries(bool sorted = false);
196     /**
197      * options for groupEntries and serviceEntries
198      * @see EntriesOptions
199      */
200     enum EntriesOption {
201         NoOptions = 0x0, /**< no options set */
202         SortEntries = 0x1, /**< sort items */
203         ExcludeNoDisplay = 0x2, /**< exclude items marked "NoDisplay" */
204         AllowSeparators = 0x4, /**< allow separator items to be included */
205         SortByGenericName = 0x8, /**< sort by GenericName+Name instead of Name+GenericName */
206     };
207     /**
208      * Stores a combination of #EntriesOption values.
209      */
210     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(EntriesOptions, EntriesOption)
212     /**
213      * subgroups for this service group
214      */
215     QList<Ptr> groupEntries(EntriesOptions options = ExcludeNoDisplay);
217     /**
218      * entries of this service group
219      */
220     KService::List serviceEntries(EntriesOptions options = ExcludeNoDisplay);
222     /**
223      * Returns a non-empty string if the group is a special base group.
224      * By default, "Settings/" is the kcontrol base group ("settings")
225      * and "System/Screensavers/" is the screensavers base group ("screensavers").
226      * This allows moving the groups without breaking those apps.
227      *
228      * The base group is defined by the X-KDE-BaseGroup key
229      * in the .directory file.
230      * @return the base group name, or null if no base group
231      */
232     QString baseGroupName() const;
234     /**
235      * Returns a path to the .directory file describing this service group.
236      * The path is either absolute or relative to the "apps" resource.
237      */
238     QString directoryEntryPath() const;
240     /**
241      * Returns the root service group.
242      * @return the root service group
243      */
244     static Ptr root();
246     /**
247      * Returns the group with the given relative path.
248      * @param relPath the path of the service group
249      * @return the group with the given relative path name.
250      */
251     static Ptr group(const QString &relPath);
253     /**
254      * Returns the group of services that have X-KDE-ParentApp equal
255      * to @p parent (siblings).
256      * @param parent the name of the service's parent
257      * @return the services group
258      */
259     static Ptr childGroup(const QString &parent);
261 protected:
262     /**
263      * @internal
264      * Add a service to this group
265      */
266     void addEntry(const KSycocaEntry::Ptr &entry);
268 private:
269     friend class KServiceGroupFactory;
270     /**
271      * @internal construct a service from a stream.
272      * The stream must already be positioned at the correct offset
273      */
274     KServiceGroup(QDataStream &_str, int offset, bool deep);
276     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KServiceGroup)
277 };
279 #endif