1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Hamish Rodda <rodda@kde.org>
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007-2009 David Nolden <david.nolden.kdevelop@art-master.de>
5     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
6 */
11 #include <QUrl>
13 #include <language/languageexport.h>
14 #include <language/duchain/problem.h>
15 #include <language/duchain/topducontext.h>
17 #include <KTextEditor/CodeCompletionModel>
19 class QIcon;
21 namespace KTextEditor {
22 class Cursor;
23 }
25 namespace KDevelop {
26 class Declaration;
27 class DUChainBase;
28 class DUContext;
29 class IndexedString;
30 class TopDUContext;
31 class IndexedDeclaration;
33 /**
34  * A namespace which contains convenience utilities for navigating definition-use chains.
35  */
36 namespace DUChainUtils {
37 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::CompletionProperties completionProperties(
38     const Declaration* dec);
39 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QIcon iconForProperties(KTextEditor::CodeCompletionModel::CompletionProperties p);
40 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QIcon iconForDeclaration(const Declaration* dec);
41 /** Asks the language-plugins for standard-contexts for the given url, and returns one if available.
42  * If there is no language-plugin registered for the given url, it will just try to get any top-context for the file from the du-chain.
43  * NOTE: The DUChain needs to be read or write locked when you call this.
44  * @param preferProxyContext Whether the returned context should be a proxy context. When no proxy-context is found, a normal context is returned.
45  *
46  * FIXME: this should operate on IndexedString
47  */
48 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT KDevelop::TopDUContext* standardContextForUrl(const QUrl& url,
49                                                                           bool preferProxyContext = false);
50 /**
51  * Returns the content-context associated to the given proxy-contex.
52  * Returns the same context if it is not a proxy-context.
53  * Returns zero if no content-context could be acquired.
54  * */
55 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT TopDUContext* contentContextFromProxyContext(TopDUContext* top);
57 {
58     Declaration* declaration; // found declaration (either declared/defined or used)
59     DUContext* context; // context in which the declaration, definition, or use was found
60     KTextEditor::Range range; // range of the declaration/definition/use
61 };
62 /** Returns 1. the Declaration/Definition either declared or used under the cursor,
63  * or zero; and 2. the context in which the declaration, definition, or use was found.
64  * DUChain must be locked.
65  * Must only be called from the foreground or with the foreground lock held. */
66 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT ItemUnderCursor itemUnderCursor(const QUrl& url, const KTextEditor::Cursor& cursor);
67 /**If the given declaration is a definition, and has a real declaration
68  * attached, returns that declarations. Else returns the given argument. */
69 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT Declaration* declarationForDefinition(Declaration* definition,
70                                                                   TopDUContext* topContext = nullptr);
71 ///Returns the first declaration in the given line. Searches the given context and all sub-contexts.
72 ///Must only be called from the foreground or with the foreground lock held.
73 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT Declaration* declarationInLine(const KTextEditor::Cursor& cursor, KDevelop::DUContext* ctx);
76 {
77 public:
78     virtual bool accept(Declaration* decl) = 0;
79     //Should return whether processing should be deepened into the given context
80     virtual bool accept(DUContext* ctx) = 0;
81     virtual ~DUChainItemFilter();
82 };
83 ///walks a context, all its sub-contexts, and all its declarations in exactly the order they appear in the file.
84 ///Re-implement DUChainItemFilter to do something with the items.
85 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT void collectItems(DUContext* context, DUChainItemFilter& filter);
87 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT DUContext* argumentContext(Declaration* decl);
89 ///Uses the persistent symbol table to find all occurrences of this declaration, based on its identifier.
90 ///The result should be filtered to make sure that the declaration is actually useful to you.
91 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QList<IndexedDeclaration> collectAllVersions(Declaration* decl);
93 ///If the given declaration is a class, this gets all classes that inherit this one
94 ///@param collectVersions If this is true, the persistent symbol table is used to first find all registered
95 ///                       versions of this class, and then get the inheriters from them all together. This is needed for C++.
96 ///@param maxAllowedSteps The maximum of steps allowed. If this is zero in the end, this means the search has been stopped with the max. reached
97 ///                                           If you really want _all_ inheriters, you should initialize it with a very large value.
98 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QList<Declaration*> inheriters(const Declaration* decl, uint& maxAllowedSteps,
99                                                            bool collectVersions = true);
101 ///Gets all functions that override the function @p overriddenDeclaration, starting the search at @p currentClass
102 ///@param maxAllowedSteps The maximum of steps allowed. If this is zero in the end, this means the search has been stopped with the max. reached
103 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QList<Declaration*> overriders(const Declaration* currentClass,
104                                                            const Declaration* overriddenDeclaration,
105                                                            uint& maxAllowedSteps);
107 ///Returns whether the given context or any of its child-contexts contain a use of the given declaration. This is relatively expensive.
108 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT bool contextHasUse(DUContext* context, Declaration* declaration);
110 ///Returns the total count of uses of the given declaration under the given context
111 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT uint contextCountUses(DUContext* context, Declaration* declaration);
113 ///Returns the declaration that is overridden by the given one, or zero.
114 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT Declaration* overridden(const Declaration* decl);
116 ///If the given declaration is a function-declaration, this follows the context-structure up to the function-context that contains the arguments,
117 ///and returns it.
118 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT DUContext* functionContext(Declaration* decl);
120 KDEVPLATFORMLANGUAGE_EXPORT QVector<KDevelop::Problem::Ptr> allProblemsForContext(const ReferencedTopDUContext& top);
121 }
122 }