1 #include "cado.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
3 #include <inttypes.h>      // for PRIu32
4 #include <stdlib.h>        // for exit, EXIT_FAILURE
5 #include <algorithm>       // for max
6 #include <cstdint>         // for uint32_t
7 #include <memory>          // for allocator_traits<>::value_type
8 #include <vector>          // for vector
10 #include "las-cofactor.hpp"
12 #include "macros.h"        // for ASSERT_ALWAYS, ASSERT
14 #include "ecm/facul.hpp"       // for FACUL_SMOOTH, facul_both, FACUL_MAYBE, FAC...
15 #include "las-siever-config.hpp"  // for siever_config::side_config, siever_...
16 #include "modredc_15ul.h"  // for modredc15ul_clearmod, modredc15ul_initmod_int
17 #include "modredc_2ul2.h"  // for modredc2ul2_clearmod, modredc2ul2_initmod_int
18 #include "modredc_ul.h"    // for modredcul_clearmod, modredcul_initmod_ul
19 #include "params.h"
declare_usage(cxx_param_list & pl)21 void cofactorization_statistics::declare_usage(cxx_param_list & pl)
22 {
23     param_list_decl_usage(pl, "stats-cofact", "write statistics about the cofactorization step in file xxx");
24 }
26 //  las_info::{init,clear,print}_cof_stats
cofactorization_statistics(param_list_ptr pl)27 cofactorization_statistics::cofactorization_statistics(param_list_ptr pl)
28 {
29     const char * statsfilename = param_list_lookup_string (pl, "stats-cofact");
30     if (!statsfilename) {
31         file = NULL;
32         return;
33     }
34     file = fopen (statsfilename, "w");
35     if (file == NULL) {
36         fprintf (stderr, "Error, cannot create file %s\n", statsfilename);
37         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
38     }
39 }
call(int bits0,int bits1)41 void cofactorization_statistics::call(int bits0, int bits1)
42 {
43     if (!file) return;
44     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> dummy(lock);
45     size_t s0 = cof_call.size();
46     if ((size_t) bits0 >= s0) {
47         size_t news0 = std::max((size_t) bits0+1, s0 + s0/2);
48         cof_call.insert(cof_call.end(), news0-s0, std::vector<uint32_t>());
49         cof_success.insert(cof_success.end(), news0-s0, std::vector<uint32_t>());
50         s0 = news0;
51     }
52     size_t s1 = cof_call[bits0].size();
53     if ((size_t) bits1 >= s1) {
54         size_t news1 = std::max((size_t) bits1+1, s1 + s1/2);
55         cof_call[bits0].insert(cof_call[bits0].end(), news1-s1, 0);
56         cof_success[bits0].insert(cof_success[bits0].end(), news1-s1, 0);
57         s1 = news1;
58     }
59     /* no need to use a mutex here: either we use one thread only
60        to compute the cofactorization data and if several threads
61        the order is irrelevant. The only problem that can happen
62        is when two threads increase the value at the same time,
63        and it is increased by 1 instead of 2, but this should
64        happen rarely. */
65     cof_call[bits0][bits1]++;
66 }
print()68 void cofactorization_statistics::print()
69 {
70     if (!file) return;
71     for(size_t bits0 = 0 ; bits0 < cof_call.size() ; ++bits0) {
72         for(size_t bits1 = 0 ; bits1 < cof_call[bits0].size() ; ++bits1) {
73             fprintf (file, "%zu %zu %" PRIu32 " %" PRIu32 "\n",
74                     bits0, bits1,
75                     cof_call[bits0][bits1],
76                     cof_success[bits0][bits1]);
77         }
78     }
79 }
~cofactorization_statistics()81 cofactorization_statistics::~cofactorization_statistics()
82 {
83     if (!file) return;
84     fclose (file);
85 }
86 //
88 /* {{{ factor_leftover_norm */
90 #define NMILLER_RABIN 1 /* in the worst case, what can happen is that a
91                            composite number is declared as prime, thus
92                            a relation might be missed, but this will not
93                            affect correctness */
94 #define IS_PROBAB_PRIME(X) (0 != mpz_probab_prime_p((X), NMILLER_RABIN))
95 #define BITSIZE(X)      (mpz_sizeinbase((X), 2))
96 #define NFACTORS        8 /* maximal number of large primes */
98 /************************ cofactorization ********************************/
100 /* {{{ cofactoring area */
102 /* Return 0 if the leftover norm n cannot yield a relation.
104    Possible cases, where qj represents a prime in [B,L], and rj a prime > L
105    (assuming L < B^2, which might be false for the DLP descent):
106    (0) n >= 2^mfb
107    (a) n < L:           1 or q1
108    (b) L < n < B^2:     r1 -> cannot yield a relation
109    (c) B^2 < n < B*L:   r1 or q1*q2
110    (d) B*L < n < L^2:   r1 or q1*q2 or q1*r2
111    (e) L^2 < n < B^3:   r1 or q1*r2 or r1*r2 -> cannot yield a relation
112    (f) B^3 < n < B^2*L: r1 or q1*r2 or r1*r2 or q1*q2*q3
113    (g) B^2*L < n < L^3: r1 or q1*r2 or r1*r2
114    (h) L^3 < n < B^4:   r1 or q1*r2, r1*r2 or q1*q2*r3 or q1*r2*r3 or r1*r2*r3
115                         -> cannot yield a relation
116 */
117 int
check_leftover_norm(cxx_mpz const & n,siever_config::side_config const & scs)118 check_leftover_norm (cxx_mpz const & n, siever_config::side_config const & scs)
119 {
120   size_t s = mpz_sizeinbase (n, 2);
121   unsigned int lpb = scs.lpb;
122   unsigned int mfb = scs.mfb;
123   unsigned int klpb;
124   double nd, kB, B;
126   if (s > mfb)
127     return 0; /* n has more than mfb bits, which is the given limit */
129   if (scs.lim == 0) {
130       /* special case when not sieving */
131       return 1;
132   }
134   if (s <= lpb)
135     return 1; /* case (a) */
136   /* Note that in the case where L > B^2, if we're below L it's still fine of
137      course, but we have no guarantee that our cofactor is prime... */
139   nd = mpz_get_d (n);
140   B = (double) scs.lim;
141   kB = B * B;
142   for (klpb = lpb; klpb < s; klpb += lpb, kB *= B)
143     {
144       /* invariant: klpb = k * lpb, kB = B^(k+1) */
145       if (nd < kB) /* L^k < n < B^(k+1) */
146 	return 0;
147     }
149   /* Here we have L < n < 2^mfb. If n is composite and we wrongly consider
150      it prime, we'll return 0, thus we'll potentially miss a relation, but
151      we won't output a relation with a composite ideal, thus a base-2 strong
152      prime test is enough. */
154   // TODO: maybe we should pass the modulus to the facul machinery
155   // instead of reconstructing it.
156   int prime=0;
157   if (s <= MODREDCUL_MAXBITS) {
158       modulusredcul_t m;
159       ASSERT(mpz_fits_ulong_p(n));
160       modredcul_initmod_ul (m, mpz_get_ui(n));
161       prime = modredcul_sprp2(m);
162       modredcul_clearmod (m);
163   } else if (s <= MODREDC15UL_MAXBITS) {
164       modulusredc15ul_t m;
165       unsigned long t[2];
166       modintredc15ul_t nn;
167       size_t written;
168       mpz_export (t, &written, -1, sizeof(unsigned long), 0, 0, n);
169       ASSERT_ALWAYS(written <= 2);
170       modredc15ul_intset_uls (nn, t, written);
171       modredc15ul_initmod_int (m, nn);
172       prime = modredc15ul_sprp2(m);
173       modredc15ul_clearmod (m);
174   } else if (s <= MODREDC2UL2_MAXBITS) {
175       modulusredc2ul2_t m;
176       unsigned long t[2];
177       modintredc2ul2_t nn;
178       size_t written;
179       mpz_export (t, &written, -1, sizeof(unsigned long), 0, 0, n);
180       ASSERT_ALWAYS(written <= 2);
181       modredc2ul2_intset_uls (nn, t, written);
182       modredc2ul2_initmod_int (m, nn);
183       prime = modredc2ul2_sprp2(m);
184       modredc2ul2_clearmod (m);
185   } else {
186       prime = mpz_probab_prime_p (n, 1);
187   }
188   if (prime)
189     return 0; /* n is a pseudo-prime larger than L */
190   return 1;
191 }
193 /* This is the header-comment for the old factor_leftover_norm()
194  * function, that is now deleted */
195 /* This function was contributed by Jerome Milan (and bugs were introduced
196    by Paul Zimmermann :-).
197    Input: n - the number to be factored (leftover norm). Must be composite!
198               Assumed to have no factor < B (factor base bound).
199           L - large prime bound is L=2^l
200    Assumes n > 0.
201    Return value:
202           -1 if n has a prime factor larger than L
203           1 if all prime factors of n are < L
204           0 if n could not be completely factored
205    Output:
206           the prime factors of n are factors->data[0..factors->length-1],
207           with corresponding multiplicities multis[0..factors->length-1].
208 */
210 /* This is the same function as factor_leftover_norm() but it works
211    with both norms! It is used when we want to factor these norms
212    simultaneously and not one after the other.
213    Return values:
214    -1  one of the cofactors is not smooth
215    0   unable to fully factor one of the cofactors
216    1   both cofactors are smooth
217 */
factor_both_leftover_norms(std::array<cxx_mpz,2> & n,std::array<std::vector<cxx_mpz>,2> & factors,std::array<unsigned long,2> const & Bs,facul_strategies_t const * strat)219 int factor_both_leftover_norms(
220         std::array<cxx_mpz, 2> & n,
221         std::array<std::vector<cxx_mpz>, 2> & factors,
222         std::array<unsigned long, 2> const & Bs,
223         facul_strategies_t const * strat)
224 {
225     int is_smooth[2] = {FACUL_MAYBE, FACUL_MAYBE};
226     /* To remember if a cofactor is already factored.*/
228     for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) {
229         factors[side].clear();
231         double B = (double) Bs[side];
232         /* If n < B^2, then n is prime, since all primes < B have been removed */
233         if (mpz_get_d (n[side]) < B * B)
234             is_smooth[side] = FACUL_SMOOTH;
235     }
237     /* call the facul library */
238     std::array<int, 2> facul_code = facul_both (factors, n, strat, is_smooth);
240     if (is_smooth[0] != FACUL_SMOOTH || is_smooth[1] != FACUL_SMOOTH) {
241         if (is_smooth[0] == FACUL_NOT_SMOOTH || is_smooth[1] == FACUL_NOT_SMOOTH)
242             return -1;
243         else
244             return 0;
245     }
247     /* now we know both cofactors are smooth */
248     for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) {
249         /* facul_code[side] is the number of found (smooth) factors */
250         for (int i = 0; i < facul_code[side]; i++) {
251             /* we know that factors found by facul_both() are primes < L */
252             mpz_divexact (n[side], n[side], factors[side][i]);
253             /* repeated factors should not be a problem, since they will
254                be dealt correctly in the filtering */
255         }
257         /* since the cofactor is smooth, n[side] is a prime < L here */
258         if (mpz_cmp_ui (n[side], 1) > 0) {
259             /* 1 is special */
260             factors[side].push_back(n[side]);
261         }
262     }
263     return 1; /* both cofactors are smooth */
264 }
267 /*}}}*/
268 /*}}}*/