2 Additions to the core debug module.
4 The module table returned by `std.debug` also contains all of the entries
5 from the core debug table.  An hygienic way to import this module, then, is
6 simply to override the core `debug` locally:
8    local debug = require "std.debug"
10 The behaviour of the functions in this module are controlled by the value
11 of the global `_DEBUG`.  Not setting `_DEBUG` prior to requiring **any** of
12 stdlib's modules is equivalent to having `_DEBUG = true`.
14 The first line of Lua code in production quality projects that use stdlib
15 should be either:
17     _DEBUG = false
19 or alternatively, if you need to be careful not to damage the global
20 environment:
22     local init = require "std.debug_init"
23     init._DEBUG = false
25 This mitigates almost all of the overhead of argument typechecking in
26 stdlib API functions.
28 @module std.debug
32local debug_init = require "std.debug_init"
33local base       = require "std.base"
35local _DEBUG = debug_init._DEBUG
36local argerror, raise = base.argerror, base.raise
37local prototype, unpack = base.prototype, base.unpack
38local copy, split, tostring = base.copy, base.split, base.tostring
39local insert, last, len, maxn = base.insert, base.last, base.len, base.maxn
40local ipairs, pairs = base.ipairs, base.pairs
43local M
46-- Return a deprecation message if _DEBUG.deprecate is `nil`, otherwise "".
47local function DEPRECATIONMSG (version, name, extramsg, level)
48  if level == nil then level, extramsg = extramsg, nil end
49  extramsg = extramsg or "and will be removed entirely in a future release"
51  local _, where = pcall (function () error ("", level + 3) end)
52  if _DEBUG.deprecate == nil then
53    return (where .. string.format ("%s was deprecated in release %s, %s.\n",
54                                    name, tostring (version), extramsg))
55  end
57  return ""
61-- Define deprecated functions when _DEBUG.deprecate is not "truthy",
62-- and write `DEPRECATIONMSG` output to stderr.
63local function DEPRECATED (version, name, extramsg, fn)
64  if fn == nil then fn, extramsg = extramsg, nil end
66  if not _DEBUG.deprecate then
67    return function (...)
68      io.stderr:write (DEPRECATIONMSG (version, name, extramsg, 2))
69      return fn (...)
70    end
71  end
75local _setfenv = debug.setfenv
77local function setfenv (fn, env)
78  -- Unwrap functable:
79  if type (fn) == "table" then
80    fn = fn.call or (getmetatable (fn) or {}).__call
81  end
83  if _setfenv then
84    return _setfenv (fn, env)
86  else
87    -- From http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00313.html
88    local name
89    local up = 0
90    repeat
91      up = up + 1
92      name = debug.getupvalue (fn, up)
93    until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
94    if name then
95      debug.upvaluejoin (fn, up, function () return name end, 1)
96      debug.setupvalue (fn, up, env)
97    end
99    return fn
100  end
104local _getfenv = rawget (_G, "getfenv")
106local getfenv = function (fn)
107  fn = fn or 1
109  -- Unwrap functable:
110  if type (fn) == "table" then
111    fn = fn.call or (getmetatable (fn) or {}).__call
112  end
114  if _getfenv then
115    if type (fn) == "number" then fn = fn + 1 end
117    -- Stack frame count is critical here, so ensure we don't optimise one
118    -- away in LuaJIT...
119    return _getfenv (fn), nil
121  else
122    if type (fn) == "number" then
123      fn = debug.getinfo (fn + 1, "f").func
124    end
126    local name, env
127    local up = 0
128    repeat
129      up = up + 1
130      name, env = debug.getupvalue (fn, up)
131    until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
132    return env
133  end
137local function resulterror (name, i, extramsg, level)
138  level = level or 1
139  raise ("result", "from", name, i, extramsg, level + 1)
143local function extramsg_toomany (bad, expected, actual)
144  local s = "no more than %d %s%s expected, got %d"
145  return s:format (expected, bad, expected == 1 and "" or "s", actual)
149--- Strip trailing ellipsis from final argument if any, storing maximum
150-- number of values that can be matched directly in `t.maxvalues`.
151-- @tparam table t table to act on
152-- @string v element added to *t*, to match against ... suffix
153-- @treturn table *t* with ellipsis stripped and maxvalues field set
154local function markdots (t, v)
155  return (v:gsub ("%.%.%.$", function () t.dots = true return "" end))
159--- Calculate permutations of type lists with and without [optionals].
160-- @tparam table t a list of expected types by argument position
161-- @treturn table set of possible type lists
162local function permute (t)
163  if t[#t] then t[#t] = t[#t]:gsub ("%]%.%.%.$", "...]") end
165  local p = {{}}
166  for i, v in ipairs (t) do
167    local optional = v:match "%[(.+)%]"
169    if optional == nil then
170      -- Append non-optional type-spec to each permutation.
171      for b = 1, #p do
172	insert (p[b], markdots (p[b], v))
173      end
174    else
175      -- Duplicate all existing permutations, and add optional type-spec
176      -- to the unduplicated permutations.
177      local o = #p
178      for b = 1, o do
179        p[b + o] = copy (p[b])
180        insert (p[b], markdots (p[b], optional))
181      end
182    end
183  end
184  return p
188local function typesplit (types)
189  if type (types) == "string" then
190    types = split (types:gsub ("%s+or%s+", "|"), "%s*|%s*")
191  end
192  local r, seen, add_nil = {}, {}, false
193  for _, v in ipairs (types) do
194    local m = v:match "^%?(.+)$"
195    if m then
196      add_nil, v = true, m
197    end
198    if not seen[v] then
199      r[#r + 1] = v
200      seen[v] = true
201    end
202  end
203  if add_nil then
204    r[#r + 1] = "nil"
205  end
206  return r
210local function projectuniq (fkey, tt)
211  -- project
212  local t = {}
213  for _, u in ipairs (tt) do
214    t[#t + 1] = u[fkey]
215  end
217  -- split and remove duplicates
218  local r, s = {}, {}
219  for _, e in ipairs (t) do
220    for _, v in ipairs (typesplit (e)) do
221      if s[v] == nil then
222	r[#r + 1], s[v] = v, true
223      end
224    end
225  end
226  return r
230local function parsetypes (types)
231  local r, permutations = {}, permute (types)
232  for i = 1, #permutations[1] do
233    r[i] = projectuniq (i, permutations)
234  end
235  r.dots = permutations[1].dots
236  return r
240--- Concatenate a table of strings using ", " and " or " delimiters.
241-- @tparam table alternatives a table of strings
242-- @treturn string string of elements from alternatives delimited by ", "
243--   and " or "
244local function concat (alternatives)
245  if len (alternatives) > 1 then
246    local t = copy (alternatives)
247    local top = table.remove (t)
248    t[#t] = t[#t] .. " or " .. top
249    alternatives = t
250  end
251  return table.concat (alternatives, ", ")
255local function extramsg_mismatch (expectedtypes, actual, index)
256  local actualtype = prototype (actual)
258  -- Tidy up actual type for display.
259  if actualtype == "nil" then
260    actualtype = "no value"
261  elseif actualtype == "string" and actual:sub (1, 1) == ":" then
262    actualtype = actual
263  elseif type (actual) == "table" and next (actual) == nil then
264    local matchstr = "," .. table.concat (expectedtypes, ",") .. ","
265    if actualtype == "table" and matchstr == ",#list," then
266      actualtype = "empty list"
267    elseif actualtype == "table" or matchstr:match ",#" then
268      actualtype = "empty " .. actualtype
269    end
270  end
272  if index then
273    actualtype = actualtype .. " at index " .. tostring (index)
274  end
276  -- Tidy up expected types for display.
277  local expectedstr = expectedtypes
278  if type (expectedtypes) == "table" then
279    local t = {}
280    for i, v in ipairs (expectedtypes) do
281      if v == "func" then
282        t[i] = "function"
283      elseif v == "bool" then
284        t[i] = "boolean"
285      elseif v == "any" then
286        t[i] = "any value"
287      elseif v == "file" then
288        t[i] = "FILE*"
289      elseif not index then
290        t[i] = v:match "(%S+) of %S+" or v
291      else
292        t[i] = v
293      end
294    end
295    expectedstr = (concat (t) .. " expected"):
296                  gsub ("#table", "non-empty table"):
297                  gsub ("#list", "non-empty list"):
298                  gsub ("(%S+ of [^,%s]-)s? ", "%1s "):
299                  gsub ("(%S+ of [^,%s]-)s?,", "%1s,"):
300		  gsub ("(s, [^,%s]-)s? ", "%1s "):
301		  gsub ("(s, [^,%s]-)s?,", "%1s,"):
302		  gsub ("(of .-)s? or ([^,%s]-)s? ", "%1s or %2s ")
303  end
305  return expectedstr .. ", got " .. actualtype
309local argcheck, argscheck  -- forward declarations
311if _DEBUG.argcheck then
313  --- Return index of the first mismatch between types and values, or `nil`.
314  -- @tparam table typelist a list of expected types
315  -- @tparam table valuelist a table of arguments to compare
316  -- @treturn int|nil position of first mismatch in *typelist*
317  local function match (typelist, valuelist)
318    local n = #typelist
319    for i = 1, n do  -- normal parameters
320      local ok = pcall (argcheck, "pcall", i, typelist[i], valuelist[i])
321      if not ok then return i end
322    end
323    for i = n + 1, maxn (valuelist) do -- additional values against final type
324      local ok = pcall (argcheck, "pcall", i, typelist[n], valuelist[i])
325      if not ok then return i end
326    end
327  end
330  --- Compare *check* against type of *actual*
331  -- @string check extended type name expected
332  -- @param actual object being typechecked
333  -- @treturn boolean `true` if *actual* is of type *check*, otherwise
334  --   `false`
335  local function checktype (check, actual)
336    if check == "any" and actual ~= nil then
337      return true
338    elseif check == "file" and io.type (actual) == "file" then
339      return true
340    end
342    local actualtype = type (actual)
343    if check == actualtype then
344      return true
345    elseif check == "bool" and actualtype == "boolean" then
346      return true
347    elseif check == "#table" then
348      if actualtype == "table" and next (actual) then
349        return true
350      end
351    elseif check == "function" or check == "func" then
352      if actualtype == "function" or
353          (getmetatable (actual) or {}).__call ~= nil
354      then
355         return true
356      end
357    elseif check == "int" then
358      if actualtype == "number" and actual == math.floor (actual) then
359        return true
360      end
361    elseif type (check) == "string" and check:sub (1, 1) == ":" then
362      if check == actual then
363        return true
364      end
365    end
367    actualtype = prototype (actual)
368    if check == actualtype then
369      return true
370    elseif check == "list" or check == "#list" then
371      if actualtype == "table" or actualtype == "List" then
372        local len, count = len (actual), 0
373        local i = next (actual)
374        repeat
375	  if i ~= nil then count = count + 1 end
376          i = next (actual, i)
377        until i == nil or count > len
378        if count == len and (check == "list" or count > 0) then
379          return true
380        end
381      end
382    elseif check == "object" then
383      if actualtype ~= "table" and type (actual) == "table" then
384        return true
385      end
386    end
388    return false
389  end
392  local function empty (t) return not next (t) end
394  -- Pattern to normalize: [types...] to [types]...
395  local last_pat = "^%[([^%]%.]+)%]?(%.*)%]?"
397  --- Diagnose mismatches between *valuelist* and type *permutations*.
398  -- @tparam table valuelist list of actual values to be checked
399  -- @tparam table argt table of precalculated values and handler functiens
400  local function diagnose (valuelist, argt)
401    local permutations = argt.permutations
403    local bestmismatch, t = 0
404    for i, typelist in ipairs (permutations) do
405      local mismatch = match (typelist, valuelist)
406      if mismatch == nil then
407        bestmismatch, t = nil, nil
408        break -- every *valuelist* matched types from this *typelist*
409      elseif mismatch > bestmismatch then
410        bestmismatch, t = mismatch, permutations[i]
411      end
412    end
414    if bestmismatch ~= nil then
415      -- Report an error for all possible types at bestmismatch index.
416      local i, expected = bestmismatch
417      if t.dots and i > #t then
418	expected = typesplit (t[#t])
419      else
420	expected = projectuniq (i, permutations)
421      end
423      -- This relies on the `permute()` algorithm leaving the longest
424      -- possible permutation (with dots if necessary) at permutations[1].
425      local typelist = permutations[1]
427      -- For "container of things", check all elements are a thing too.
428      if typelist[i] then
429	local check, contents = typelist[i]:match "^(%S+) of (%S-)s?$"
430	if contents and type (valuelist[i]) == "table" then
431	  for k, v in pairs (valuelist[i]) do
432	    if not checktype (contents, v) then
433	      argt.badtype (i, extramsg_mismatch (expected, v, k), 3)
434	    end
435	  end
436	end
437      end
439      -- Otherwise the argument type itself was mismatched.
440      if t.dots or #t >= maxn (valuelist) then
441        argt.badtype (i, extramsg_mismatch (expected, valuelist[i]), 3)
442      end
443    end
445    local n, t = maxn (valuelist), t or permutations[1]
446    if t and t.dots == nil and n > #t then
447      argt.badtype (#t + 1, extramsg_toomany (argt.bad, #t, n), 3)
448    end
449  end
452  function argcheck (name, i, expected, actual, level)
453    level = level or 2
454    expected = typesplit (expected)
456    -- Check actual has one of the types from expected
457    local ok = false
458    for _, expect in ipairs (expected) do
459      local check, contents = expect:match "^(%S+) of (%S-)s?$"
460      check = check or expect
462      -- Does the type of actual check out?
463      ok = checktype (check, actual)
465      -- For "table of things", check all elements are a thing too.
466      if ok and contents and type (actual) == "table" then
467        for k, v in pairs (actual) do
468          if not checktype (contents, v) then
469            argerror (name, i, extramsg_mismatch (expected, v, k), level + 1)
470          end
471        end
472      end
473      if ok then break end
474    end
476    if not ok then
477      argerror (name, i, extramsg_mismatch (expected, actual), level + 1)
478    end
479  end
482  -- Pattern to extract: fname ([types]?[, types]*)
483  local args_pat = "^%s*([%w_][%.%:%d%w_]*)%s*%(%s*(.*)%s*%)"
485  function argscheck (decl, inner)
486    -- Parse "fname (argtype, argtype, argtype...)".
487    local fname, argtypes = decl:match (args_pat)
488    if argtypes == "" then
489      argtypes = {}
490    elseif argtypes then
491      argtypes = split (argtypes, "%s*,%s*")
492    else
493      fname = decl:match "^%s*([%w_][%.%:%d%w_]*)"
494    end
496    -- Precalculate vtables once to make multiple calls faster.
497    local input, output = {
498      bad          = "argument",
499      badtype      = function (i, extramsg, level)
500		       level = level or 1
501		       argerror (fname, i, extramsg, level + 1)
502		     end,
503      permutations = permute (argtypes),
504    }
506    -- Parse "... => returntype, returntype, returntype...".
507    local returntypes = decl:match "=>%s*(.+)%s*$"
508    if returntypes then
509      local i, permutations = 0, {}
510      for _, group in ipairs (split (returntypes, "%s+or%s+")) do
511	returntypes = split (group, ",%s*")
512	for _, t in ipairs (permute (returntypes)) do
513	  i = i + 1
514          permutations[i] = t
515	end
516      end
518      -- Ensure the longest permutation is first in the list.
519      table.sort (permutations, function (a, b) return #a > #b end)
521      output = {
522        bad          = "result",
523        badtype      = function (i, extramsg, level)
524		         level = level or 1
525		         resulterror (fname, i, extramsg, level + 1)
526		       end,
527        permutations = permutations,
528      }
529    end
531    return function (...)
532      local argt = {...}
534      -- Don't check type of self if fname has a ':' in it.
535      if fname:find (":") then table.remove (argt, 1) end
537      -- Diagnose bad inputs.
538      diagnose (argt, input)
540      -- Propagate outer environment to inner function.
541      local x = math.max -- ??? getfenv(1) fails if we remove this ???
542      setfenv (inner, getfenv (1))
544      -- Execute.
545      local results = {inner (...)}
547      -- Diagnose bad outputs.
548      if returntypes then
549	diagnose (results, output)
550      end
552      return unpack (results, 1, maxn (results))
553    end
554  end
558  -- Turn off argument checking if _DEBUG is false, or a table containing
559  -- a false valued `argcheck` field.
561  argcheck  = base.nop
562  argscheck = function (decl, inner) return inner end
567local function say (n, ...)
568  local level, argt = n, {...}
569  if type (n) ~= "number" then
570    level, argt = 1, {n, ...}
571  end
572  if _DEBUG.level ~= math.huge and
573      ((type (_DEBUG.level) == "number" and _DEBUG.level >= level) or level <= 1)
574  then
575    local t = {}
576    for k, v in pairs (argt) do t[k] = tostring (v) end
577    io.stderr:write (table.concat (t, "\t") .. "\n")
578  end
582local level = 0
584local function trace (event)
585  local t = debug.getinfo (3)
586  local s = " >>> "
587  for i = 1, level do s = s .. " " end
588  if t ~= nil and t.currentline >= 0 then
589    s = s .. t.short_src .. ":" .. t.currentline .. " "
590  end
591  t = debug.getinfo (2)
592  if event == "call" then
593    level = level + 1
594  else
595    level = math.max (level - 1, 0)
596  end
597  if t.what == "main" then
598    if event == "call" then
599      s = s .. "begin " .. t.short_src
600    else
601      s = s .. "end " .. t.short_src
602    end
603  elseif t.what == "Lua" then
604    s = s .. event .. " " .. (t.name or "(Lua)") .. " <" ..
605      t.linedefined .. ":" .. t.short_src .. ">"
606  else
607    s = s .. event .. " " .. (t.name or "(C)") .. " [" .. t.what .. "]"
608  end
609  io.stderr:write (s .. "\n")
612-- Set hooks according to _DEBUG
613if type (_DEBUG) == "table" and _DEBUG.call then
614  debug.sethook (trace, "cr")
619M = {
620  --- Provide a deprecated function definition according to _DEBUG.deprecate.
621  -- You can check whether your covered code uses deprecated functions by
622  -- setting `_DEBUG.deprecate` to  `true` before loading any stdlib modules,
623  -- or silence deprecation warnings by setting `_DEBUG.deprecate = false`.
624  -- @function DEPRECATED
625  -- @string version first deprecation release version
626  -- @string name function name for automatic warning message
627  -- @string[opt] extramsg additional warning text
628  -- @func fn deprecated function
629  -- @return a function to show the warning on first call, and hand off to *fn*
630  -- @usage
631  -- M.op = DEPRECATED ("41", "'std.functional.op'", std.operator)
634  --- Format a deprecation warning message.
635  -- @function DEPRECATIONMSG
636  -- @string version first deprecation release version
637  -- @string name function name for automatic warning message
638  -- @string[opt] extramsg additional warning text
639  -- @int level call stack level to blame for the error
640  -- @treturn string deprecation warning message, or empty string
641  -- @usage
642  -- io.stderr:write (DEPRECATIONMSG ("42", "multi-argument 'module.fname'", 2))
645  --- Check the type of an argument against expected types.
646  -- Equivalent to luaL_argcheck in the Lua C API.
647  --
648  -- Call `argerror` if there is a type mismatch.
649  --
650  -- Argument `actual` must match one of the types from in `expected`, each
651  -- of which can be the name of a primitive Lua type, a stdlib object type,
652  -- or one of the special options below:
653  --
654  --    #table    accept any non-empty table
655  --    any       accept any non-nil argument type
656  --    file      accept an open file object
657  --    function  accept a function, or object with a __call metamethod
658  --    int       accept an integer valued number
659  --    list      accept a table where all keys are a contiguous 1-based integer range
660  --    #list     accept any non-empty list
661  --    object    accept any std.Object derived type
662  --    :foo      accept only the exact string ":foo", works for any :-prefixed string
663  --
664  -- The `:foo` format allows for type-checking of self-documenting
665  -- boolean-like constant string parameters predicated on `nil` versus
666  -- `:option` instead of `false` versus `true`.  Or you could support
667  -- both:
668  --
669  --    argcheck ("table.copy", 2, "boolean|:nometa|nil", nometa)
670  --
671  -- A very common pattern is to have a list of possible types including
672  -- "nil" when the argument is optional.  Rather than writing long-hand
673  -- as above, prepend a question mark to the list of types and omit the
674  -- explicit "nil" entry:
675  --
676  --    argcheck ("table.copy", 2, "?boolean|:nometa", predicate)
677  --
678  -- Normally, you should not need to use the `level` parameter, as the
679  -- default is to blame the caller of the function using `argcheck` in
680  -- error messages; which is almost certainly what you want.
681  -- @function argcheck
682  -- @string name function to blame in error message
683  -- @int i argument number to blame in error message
684  -- @string expected specification for acceptable argument types
685  -- @param actual argument passed
686  -- @int[opt=2] level call stack level to blame for the error
687  -- @usage
688  -- local function case (with, branches)
689  --   argcheck ("std.functional.case", 2, "#table", branches)
690  --   ...
691  argcheck = argcheck,
693  --- Raise a bad argument error.
694  -- Equivalent to luaL_argerror in the Lua C API. This function does not
695  -- return.  The `level` argument behaves just like the core `error`
696  -- function.
697  -- @function argerror
698  -- @string name function to callout in error message
699  -- @int i argument number
700  -- @string[opt] extramsg additional text to append to message inside parentheses
701  -- @int[opt=1] level call stack level to blame for the error
702  -- @see resulterror
703  -- @see extramsg_mismatch
704  -- @usage
705  -- local function slurp (file)
706  --   local h, err = input_handle (file)
707  --   if h == nil then argerror ("std.io.slurp", 1, err, 2) end
708  --   ...
709  argerror = argerror,
711  --- Wrap a function definition with argument type and arity checking.
712  -- In addition to checking that each argument type matches the corresponding
713  -- element in the *types* table with `argcheck`, if the final element of
714  -- *types* ends with an ellipsis, remaining unchecked arguments are checked
715  -- against that type:
716  --
717  --     format = argscheck ("string.format (string, ?any...)", string.format)
718  --
719  -- A colon in the function name indicates that the argument type list does
720  -- not have a type for `self`:
721  --
722  --     format = argscheck ("string:format (?any...)", string.format)
723  --
724  -- If an argument can be omitted entirely, then put its type specification
725  -- in square brackets:
726  --
727  --     insert = argscheck ("table.insert (table, [int], ?any)", table.insert)
728  --
729  -- Similarly return types can be checked with the same list syntax as
730  -- arguments:
731  --
732  --     len = argscheck ("string.len (string) => int", string.len)
733  --
734  -- Additionally, variant return type lists can be listed like this:
735  --
736  --     open = argscheck ("io.open (string, ?string) => file or nil, string",
737  --                       io.open)
738  --
739  -- @function argscheck
740  -- @string decl function type declaration string
741  -- @func inner function to wrap with argument checking
742  -- @usage
743  -- local case = argscheck ("std.functional.case (?any, #table) => [any...]",
744  --   function (with, branches)
745  --     ...
746  -- end)
747  argscheck = argscheck,
749  --- Format a type mismatch error.
750  -- @function extramsg_mismatch
751  -- @string expected a pipe delimited list of matchable types
752  -- @param actual the actual argument to match with
753  -- @number[opt] index erroring container element index
754  -- @treturn string formatted *extramsg* for this mismatch for @{argerror}
755  -- @see argerror
756  -- @see resulterror
757  -- @usage
758  --   if fmt ~= nil and type (fmt) ~= "string" then
759  --     argerror ("format", 1, extramsg_mismatch ("?string", fmt))
760  --   end
761  extramsg_mismatch = function (expected, actual, index)
762    return extramsg_mismatch (typesplit (expected), actual, index)
763  end,
765  --- Format a too many things error.
766  -- @string bad the thing there are too many of
767  -- @int expected maximum number of *bad* things expected
768  -- @int actual actual number of *bad* things that triggered the error
769  -- @see argerror
770  -- @see resulterror
771  -- @see extramsg_mismatch
772  -- @usage
773  --   if maxn (argt) > 7 then
774  --     argerror ("sevenses", 8, extramsg_toomany ("argument", 7, maxn (argt)))
775  --   end
776  extramsg_toomany = extramsg_toomany,
778  --- Extend `debug.getfenv` to unwrap functables correctly.
779  -- @tparam int|function|functable fn target function, or stack level
780  -- @treturn table environment of *fn*
781  getfenv = getfenv,
783  --- Compact permutation list into a list of valid types at each argument.
784  -- Eliminate bracketed types by combining all valid types at each position
785  -- for all permutations of *typelist*.
786  -- @function parsetypes
787  -- @tparam list types a normalized list of type names
788  -- @treturn list valid types for each positional parameter
789  parsetypes = parsetypes,
791  --- Raise a bad result error.
792  -- Like @{argerror} for bad results. This function does not
793  -- return.  The `level` argument behaves just like the core `error`
794  -- function.
795  -- @string name function to callout in error message
796  -- @int i argument number
797  -- @string[opt] extramsg additional text to append to message inside parentheses
798  -- @int[opt=1] level call stack level to blame for the error
799  -- @usage
800  -- local function slurp (file)
801  --   local h, err = input_handle (file)
802  --   if h == nil then argerror ("std.io.slurp", 1, err, 2) end
803  --   ...
804  resulterror = resulterror,
806  --- Extend `debug.setfenv` to unwrap functables correctly.
807  -- @tparam function|functable fn target function
808  -- @tparam table env new function environment
809  -- @treturn function *fn*
810  setfenv = setfenv,
812  --- Print a debugging message to `io.stderr`.
813  -- Display arguments passed through `std.tostring` and separated by tab
814  -- characters when `_DEBUG` is `true` and *n* is 1 or less; or `_DEBUG.level`
815  -- is a number greater than or equal to *n*.  If `_DEBUG` is false or
816  -- nil, nothing is written.
817  -- @function say
818  -- @int[opt=1] n debugging level, smaller is higher priority
819  -- @param ... objects to print (as for print)
820  -- @usage
821  -- local _DEBUG = require "std.debug_init"._DEBUG
822  -- _DEBUG.level = 3
823  -- say (2, "_DEBUG table contents:", _DEBUG)
824  say = say,
826  --- Trace function calls.
827  -- Use as debug.sethook (trace, "cr"), which is done automatically
828  -- when `_DEBUG.call` is set.
829  -- Based on test/trace-calls.lua from the Lua distribution.
830  -- @function trace
831  -- @string event event causing the call
832  -- @usage
833  -- _DEBUG = { call = true }
834  -- local debug = require "std.debug"
835  trace = trace,
837  --- Split a typespec string into a table of normalized type names.
838  -- @tparam string|table either `"?bool|:nometa"` or `{"boolean", ":nometa"}`
839  -- @treturn table a new list with duplicates removed and leading "?"s
840  --   replaced by a "nil" element
841  typesplit = typesplit,
844  -- Private:
845  _setdebug = function (t)
846    for k, v in pairs (t) do
847      if v == "nil" then v = nil end
848      _DEBUG[k] = v
849    end
850  end,
854for k, v in pairs (debug) do
855  M[k] = M[k] or v
858--- Equivalent to calling `debug.say (1, ...)`
859-- @function debug
860-- @see say
861-- @usage
862-- local debug = require "std.debug"
863-- debug "oh noes!"
864local metatable = {
865  __call = function (self, ...)
866             M.say (1, ...)
867           end,
872--[[ =========== ]]--
873--[[ Deprecated. ]]--
874--[[ =========== ]]--
877M.toomanyargmsg = DEPRECATED ("41.2.0", "debug.toomanyargmsg",
878  "use 'debug.extramsg_toomany' instead",
879  function (name, expect, actual)
880    local s = "bad argument #%d to '%s' (no more than %d argument%s expected, got %d)"
881    return s:format (expect + 1, name, expect, expect == 1 and "" or "s", actual)
882  end)
885return setmetatable (M, metatable)
889--- Control std.debug function behaviour.
890-- To declare debugging state, set _DEBUG either to `false` to disable all
891-- runtime debugging; to any "truthy" value (equivalent to enabling everything
892-- except *call*, or as documented below.
893-- @class table
894-- @name _DEBUG
895-- @tfield[opt=true] boolean argcheck honor argcheck and argscheck calls
896-- @tfield[opt=false] boolean call do call trace debugging
897-- @field[opt=nil] deprecate if `false`, deprecated APIs are defined,
898--   and do not issue deprecation warnings when used; if `nil` issue a
899--   deprecation warning each time a deprecated api is used; any other
900--   value causes deprecated APIs not to be defined at all
901-- @tfield[opt=1] int level debugging level
902-- @usage _DEBUG = { argcheck = false, level = 9 }