1 // Aleth: Ethereum C++ client, tools and libraries.
2 // Copyright 2013-2019 Aleth Authors.
3 // Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.
5 /// @file
6 /// Recursive Linear-Prefix serialization / deserialization.
7 #pragma once
9 #include "Exceptions.h"
10 #include "FixedHash.h"
11 #include "vector_ref.h"
13 #include <array>
14 #include <exception>
15 #include <iomanip>
16 #include <iosfwd>
17 #include <vector>
19 namespace dev
20 {
22 class RLP;
24 template <class _T> struct intTraits { static const unsigned maxSize = sizeof(_T); };
25 template <> struct intTraits<u160> { static const unsigned maxSize = 20; };
26 template <> struct intTraits<u256> { static const unsigned maxSize = 32; };
27 template <> struct intTraits<bigint> { static const unsigned maxSize = ~(unsigned)0; };
29 static const byte c_rlpMaxLengthBytes = 8;
30 static const byte c_rlpDataImmLenStart = 0x80;
31 static const byte c_rlpListStart = 0xc0;
33 static const byte c_rlpDataImmLenCount = c_rlpListStart - c_rlpDataImmLenStart - c_rlpMaxLengthBytes;
34 static const byte c_rlpDataIndLenZero = c_rlpDataImmLenStart + c_rlpDataImmLenCount - 1;
35 static const byte c_rlpListImmLenCount = 256 - c_rlpListStart - c_rlpMaxLengthBytes;
36 static const byte c_rlpListIndLenZero = c_rlpListStart + c_rlpListImmLenCount - 1;
38 template <class T> struct Converter { static T convert(RLP const&, int) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); } };
40 /**
41  * Class for interpreting Recursive Linear-Prefix Data.
42  */
43 class RLP
44 {
45 public:
46     /// Conversion flags
47     enum
48     {
49         AllowNonCanon = 1,
50         ThrowOnFail = 4,
51         FailIfTooBig = 8,
52         FailIfTooSmall = 16,
53         Strict = ThrowOnFail | FailIfTooBig,
54         VeryStrict = ThrowOnFail | FailIfTooBig | FailIfTooSmall,
55         LaissezFaire = AllowNonCanon
56     };
58     using Strictness = int;
60     /// Construct a null node.
61     RLP() {}
63     /// Construct a node of value given in the bytes.
64     explicit RLP(bytesConstRef _d, Strictness _s = VeryStrict);
66     /// Construct a node of value given in the bytes.
67     explicit RLP(bytes const& _d, Strictness _s = VeryStrict): RLP(&_d, _s) {}
69     /// Construct a node to read RLP data in the bytes given.
70     RLP(byte const* _b, unsigned _s, Strictness _st = VeryStrict): RLP(bytesConstRef(_b, _s), _st) {}
72     /// Construct a node to read RLP data in the string.
73     explicit RLP(std::string const& _s, Strictness _st = VeryStrict): RLP(bytesConstRef((byte const*)_s.data(), _s.size()), _st) {}
75     /// The bare data of the RLP.
76     bytesConstRef data() const { return m_data; }
78     /// @returns true if the RLP is non-null.
79     explicit operator bool() const { return !isNull(); }
81     /// No value.
82     bool isNull() const { return m_data.size() == 0; }
84     /// Contains a zero-length string or zero-length list.
85     bool isEmpty() const { return !isNull() && (m_data[0] == c_rlpDataImmLenStart || m_data[0] == c_rlpListStart); }
87     /// String value.
88     bool isData() const { return !isNull() && m_data[0] < c_rlpListStart; }
90     /// List value.
91     bool isList() const { return !isNull() && m_data[0] >= c_rlpListStart; }
93     /// Integer value. Must not have a leading zero.
94     bool isInt() const;
96     /// @returns the number of items in the list, or zero if it isn't a list.
97     size_t itemCount() const { return isList() ? items() : 0; }
98     size_t itemCountStrict() const { if (!isList()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); return items(); }
100     /// @returns the number of bytes in the data, or zero if it isn't data.
101     size_t size() const { return isData() ? length() : 0; }
102     size_t sizeStrict() const { if (!isData()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); return length(); }
104     /// Equality operators; does best-effort conversion and checks for equality.
105     bool operator==(char const* _s) const { return isData() && toString() == _s; }
106     bool operator!=(char const* _s) const { return isData() && toString() != _s; }
107     bool operator==(std::string const& _s) const { return isData() && toString() == _s; }
108     bool operator!=(std::string const& _s) const { return isData() && toString() != _s; }
109     template <unsigned _N> bool operator==(FixedHash<_N> const& _h) const { return isData() && toHash<_N>() == _h; }
110     template <unsigned _N> bool operator!=(FixedHash<_N> const& _s) const { return isData() && toHash<_N>() != _s; }
111     bool operator==(unsigned const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<unsigned>() == _i; }
112     bool operator!=(unsigned const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<unsigned>() != _i; }
113     bool operator==(u256 const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<u256>() == _i; }
114     bool operator!=(u256 const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<u256>() != _i; }
115     bool operator==(bigint const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<bigint>() == _i; }
116     bool operator!=(bigint const& _i) const { return isInt() && toInt<bigint>() != _i; }
118     /// Subscript operator.
119     /// @returns the list item @a _i if isList() and @a _i < listItems(), or RLP() otherwise.
120     /// @note if used to access items in ascending order, this is efficient.
121     RLP operator[](size_t _i) const;
123     using element_type = RLP;
125     /// @brief Iterator class for iterating through items of RLP list.
126     class iterator
127     {
128         friend class RLP;
130     public:
131         using value_type = RLP;
132         using element_type = RLP;
134         iterator& operator++();
135         iterator operator++(int) { auto ret = *this; operator++(); return ret; }
136         RLP operator*() const { return RLP(m_currentItem); }
137         bool operator==(iterator const& _cmp) const { return m_currentItem == _cmp.m_currentItem; }
138         bool operator!=(iterator const& _cmp) const { return !operator==(_cmp); }
140     private:
141         iterator() {}
142         iterator(RLP const& _parent, bool _begin);
144         size_t m_remaining = 0;
145         bytesConstRef m_currentItem;
146     };
148     /// @brief Iterator into beginning of sub-item list (valid only if we are a list).
149     iterator begin() const { return iterator(*this, true); }
151     /// @brief Iterator into end of sub-item list (valid only if we are a list).
152     iterator end() const { return iterator(*this, false); }
154     template <class T> inline T convert(int _flags) const;
156     /// Best-effort conversion operators.
157     explicit operator std::string() const { return toString(); }
158     explicit operator bytes() const { return toBytes(); }
159     explicit operator uint8_t() const { return toInt<uint8_t>(); }
160     explicit operator uint16_t() const { return toInt<uint16_t>(); }
161     explicit operator uint32_t() const { return toInt<uint32_t>(); }
162     explicit operator uint64_t() const { return toInt<uint64_t>(); }
163     explicit operator u160() const { return toInt<u160>(); }
164     explicit operator u256() const { return toInt<u256>(); }
165     explicit operator bigint() const { return toInt<bigint>(); }
166     template <unsigned N> explicit operator FixedHash<N>() const { return toHash<FixedHash<N>>(); }
167     template <class T, class U> explicit operator std::pair<T, U>() const { return toPair<T, U>(); }
168     template <class T> explicit operator std::vector<T>() const { return toVector<T>(); }
169     template <class T> explicit operator std::set<T>() const { return toSet<T>(); }
170     template <class T, size_t N> explicit operator std::array<T, N>() const { return toArray<T, N>(); }
172     /// Converts to bytearray. @returns the empty byte array if not a string.
173     bytes toBytes(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const { if (!isData()) { if (_flags & ThrowOnFail) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); else return bytes(); } return bytes(payload().data(), payload().data() + length()); }
174     /// Converts to bytearray. @returns the empty byte array if not a string.
175     bytesConstRef toBytesConstRef(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const { if (!isData()) { if (_flags & ThrowOnFail) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); else return bytesConstRef(); } return payload().cropped(0, length()); }
176     /// Converts to string. @returns the empty string if not a string.
177     std::string toString(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const { if (!isData()) { if (_flags & ThrowOnFail) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast()); else return std::string(); } return payload().cropped(0, length()).toString(); }
178     /// Converts to string. @throws BadCast if not a string.
179     std::string toStringStrict() const { return toString(Strict); }
181     template <class T>
182     std::vector<T> toVector(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const
183     {
184         std::vector<T> ret;
185         if (isList())
186         {
187             ret.reserve(itemCount());
188             for (auto const& i: *this)
189                 ret.push_back(i.convert<T>(_flags));
190         }
191         else if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
192             BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
193         return ret;
194     }
196     template <class T>
197     std::set<T> toSet(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const
198     {
199         std::set<T> ret;
200         if (isList())
201             for (auto const& i: *this)
202                 ret.insert(i.convert<T>(_flags));
203         else if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
204             BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
205         return ret;
206     }
208     template <class T>
209     std::unordered_set<T> toUnorderedSet(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const
210     {
211         std::unordered_set<T> ret;
212         if (isList())
213             for (auto const& i: *this)
214                 ret.insert(i.convert<T>(_flags));
215         else if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
216             BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
217         return ret;
218     }
220     template <class T, class U>
221     std::pair<T, U> toPair(int _flags = Strict) const
222     {
223         std::pair<T, U> ret;
224         if (itemCountStrict() != 2)
225         {
226             if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
227                 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
228             else
229                 return ret;
230         }
231         ret.first = (*this)[0].convert<T>(_flags);
232         ret.second = (*this)[1].convert<U>(_flags);
233         return ret;
234     }
236     template <class T, size_t N>
237     std::array<T, N> toArray(int _flags = LaissezFaire) const
238     {
239         if (itemCount() != N)
240         {
241             if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
242                 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
243             else
244                 return std::array<T, N>();
245         }
246         std::array<T, N> ret;
247         for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
248             ret[i] = operator[](i).convert<T>(_flags);
249         return ret;
250     }
252     /// Converts to int of type given; if isData(), decodes as big-endian bytestream. @returns 0 if not an int or data.
253     template <class _T = unsigned> _T toInt(int _flags = Strict) const
254     {
255         requireGood();
256         if ((!isInt() && !(_flags & AllowNonCanon)) || isList() || isNull())
257         {
258             if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
259                 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
260             else
261                 return 0;
262         }
264         auto p = payload();
265         if (p.size() > intTraits<_T>::maxSize && (_flags & FailIfTooBig))
266         {
267             if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
268                 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
269             else
270                 return 0;
271         }
273         return fromBigEndian<_T>(p);
274     }
276     int64_t toPositiveInt64(int _flags = Strict) const
277     {
278         int64_t i = toInt<int64_t>(_flags);
279         if ((_flags & ThrowOnFail) && i < 0)
280             BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
281         return i;
282     }
284     template <class _N> _N toHash(int _flags = Strict) const
285     {
286         requireGood();
287         auto p = payload();
288         auto l = p.size();
289         if (!isData() || (l > _N::size && (_flags & FailIfTooBig)) || (l < _N::size && (_flags & FailIfTooSmall)))
290         {
291             if (_flags & ThrowOnFail)
292                 BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadCast());
293             else
294                 return _N();
295         }
297         _N ret;
298         size_t s = std::min<size_t>(_N::size, l);
299         memcpy(ret.data() + _N::size - s, p.data(), s);
300         return ret;
301     }
303     /// @returns the data payload. Valid for all types.
304     bytesConstRef payload() const { auto l = length(); if (l > m_data.size()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(BadRLP()); return m_data.cropped(payloadOffset(), l); }
306     /// @returns the theoretical size of this item as encoded in the data.
307     /// @note Under normal circumstances, is equivalent to m_data.size() - use that unless you know it won't work.
308     size_t actualSize() const;
310 private:
311     /// Disable construction from rvalue
312     explicit RLP(bytes const&&) {}
314     /// Throws if is non-canonical data (i.e. single byte done in two bytes that could be done in one).
315     void requireGood() const;
317     /// Single-byte data payload.
318     bool isSingleByte() const { return !isNull() && m_data[0] < c_rlpDataImmLenStart; }
320     /// @returns the amount of bytes used to encode the length of the data. Valid for all types.
321     unsigned lengthSize() const { if (isData() && m_data[0] > c_rlpDataIndLenZero) return m_data[0] - c_rlpDataIndLenZero; if (isList() && m_data[0] > c_rlpListIndLenZero) return m_data[0] - c_rlpListIndLenZero; return 0; }
323     /// @returns the size in bytes of the payload, as given by the RLP as opposed to as inferred from m_data.
324     size_t length() const;
326     /// @returns the number of bytes into the data that the payload starts.
327     size_t payloadOffset() const { return isSingleByte() ? 0 : (1 + lengthSize()); }
329     /// @returns the number of data items.
330     size_t items() const;
332     /// @returns the size encoded into the RLP in @a _data and throws if _data is too short.
333     static size_t sizeAsEncoded(bytesConstRef _data) { return RLP(_data, ThrowOnFail | FailIfTooSmall).actualSize(); }
335     /// Our byte data.
336     bytesConstRef m_data;
338     /// The list-indexing cache.
339     // Index of the last item accessed with operator[]
340     mutable size_t m_lastIndex = (size_t)-1;
341     // Offset of the next byte after last byte of m_lastItem
342     mutable size_t m_lastEnd = 0;
343     // Data of the last item accessed with operator[]
344     mutable bytesConstRef m_lastItem;
345 };
347 template <> struct Converter<std::string> { static std::string convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toString(_flags); } };
348 template <> struct Converter<bytes> { static bytes convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toBytes(_flags); } };
349 template <> struct Converter<uint8_t> { static uint8_t convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<uint8_t>(_flags); } };
350 template <> struct Converter<uint16_t> { static uint16_t convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<uint16_t>(_flags); } };
351 template <> struct Converter<uint32_t> { static uint32_t convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<uint32_t>(_flags); } };
352 template <> struct Converter<uint64_t> { static uint64_t convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<uint64_t>(_flags); } };
353 template <> struct Converter<u160> { static u160 convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<u160>(_flags); } };
354 template <> struct Converter<u256> { static u256 convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<u256>(_flags); } };
355 template <> struct Converter<bigint> { static bigint convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toInt<bigint>(_flags); } };
356 template <unsigned N> struct Converter<FixedHash<N>> { static FixedHash<N> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toHash<FixedHash<N>>(_flags); } };
357 template <class T, class U> struct Converter<std::pair<T, U>> { static std::pair<T, U> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toPair<T, U>(_flags); } };
358 template <class T> struct Converter<std::vector<T>> { static std::vector<T> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toVector<T>(_flags); } };
359 template <class T> struct Converter<std::set<T>> { static std::set<T> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toSet<T>(_flags); } };
360 template <class T> struct Converter<std::unordered_set<T>> { static std::unordered_set<T> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toUnorderedSet<T>(_flags); } };
361 template <class T, size_t N> struct Converter<std::array<T, N>> { static std::array<T, N> convert(RLP const& _r, int _flags) { return _r.toArray<T, N>(_flags); } };
363 template <class T> inline T RLP::convert(int _flags) const { return Converter<T>::convert(*this, _flags); }
365 /**
366  * @brief Class for writing to an RLP bytestream.
367  */
368 class RLPStream
369 {
370 public:
371     /// Initializes empty RLPStream.
372     RLPStream() {}
374     /// Initializes the RLPStream as a list of @a _listItems items.
375     explicit RLPStream(size_t _listItems) { appendList(_listItems); }
377     ~RLPStream() {}
379     /// Append given datum to the byte stream.
380     RLPStream& append(unsigned _s) { return append(bigint(_s)); }
381     RLPStream& append(u160 _s) { return append(bigint(_s)); }
382     RLPStream& append(u256 _s) { return append(bigint(_s)); }
383     RLPStream& append(bigint _s);
384     RLPStream& append(bytesConstRef _s, bool _compact = false);
385     RLPStream& append(bytes const& _s) { return append(bytesConstRef(&_s)); }
386     RLPStream& append(std::string const& _s) { return append(bytesConstRef(_s)); }
387     RLPStream& append(char const* _s) { return append(std::string(_s)); }
388     template <unsigned N> RLPStream& append(FixedHash<N> _s, bool _compact = false, bool _allOrNothing = false) { return _allOrNothing && !_s ? append(bytesConstRef()) : append(_s.ref(), _compact); }
390     /// Appends an arbitrary RLP fragment - this *must* be a single item unless @a _itemCount is given.
391     RLPStream& append(RLP const& _rlp, size_t _itemCount = 1) { return appendRaw(_rlp.data(), _itemCount); }
393     /// Appends a sequence of data to the stream as a list.
394     template <class _T> RLPStream& append(std::vector<_T> const& _s) { return appendVector(_s); }
395     template <class _T> RLPStream& appendVector(std::vector<_T> const& _s) { appendList(_s.size()); for (auto const& i: _s) append(i); return *this; }
396     template <class _T, size_t S> RLPStream& append(std::array<_T, S> const& _s) { appendList(_s.size()); for (auto const& i: _s) append(i); return *this; }
397     template <class _T> RLPStream& append(std::set<_T> const& _s) { appendList(_s.size()); for (auto const& i: _s) append(i); return *this; }
398     template <class _T> RLPStream& append(std::unordered_set<_T> const& _s) { appendList(_s.size()); for (auto const& i: _s) append(i); return *this; }
399     template <class T, class U> RLPStream& append(std::pair<T, U> const& _s) { appendList(2); append(_s.first); append(_s.second); return *this; }
401     /// Appends a list.
402     RLPStream& appendList(size_t _items);
403     RLPStream& appendList(bytesConstRef _rlp);
404     RLPStream& appendList(bytes const& _rlp) { return appendList(&_rlp); }
405     RLPStream& appendList(RLPStream const& _s) { return appendList(&_s.out()); }
407     /// Appends raw (pre-serialised) RLP data. Use with caution.
408     RLPStream& appendRaw(bytesConstRef _rlp, size_t _itemCount = 1);
409     RLPStream& appendRaw(bytes const& _rlp, size_t _itemCount = 1) { return appendRaw(&_rlp, _itemCount); }
411     /// Shift operators for appending data items.
412     template <class T> RLPStream& operator<<(T _data) { return append(_data); }
414     /// Clear the output stream so far.
415     void clear() { m_out.clear(); m_listStack.clear(); }
417     /// Read the byte stream.
418     bytes const& out() const { if(!m_listStack.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(RLPException() << errinfo_comment("listStack is not empty")); return m_out; }
420     /// Invalidate the object and steal the output byte stream.
421     bytes&& invalidate() { if(!m_listStack.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(RLPException() << errinfo_comment("listStack is not empty")); return std::move(m_out); }
423     /// Swap the contents of the output stream out for some other byte array.
424     void swapOut(bytes& _dest) { if(!m_listStack.empty()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(RLPException() << errinfo_comment("listStack is not empty")); swap(m_out, _dest); }
426 private:
427     void noteAppended(size_t _itemCount = 1);
429     /// Push the node-type byte (using @a _base) along with the item count @a _count.
430     /// @arg _count is number of characters for strings, data-bytes for ints, or items for lists.
431     void pushCount(size_t _count, byte _offset);
433     /// Push an integer as a raw big-endian byte-stream.
434     template <class _T> void pushInt(_T _i, size_t _br)
435     {
436         m_out.resize(m_out.size() + _br);
437         byte* b = &m_out.back();
438         for (; _i; _i >>= 8)
439             *(b--) = toUint8(_i);
440     }
442     /// Our output byte stream.
443     bytes m_out;
445     std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> m_listStack;
446 };
448 template <class _T> void rlpListAux(RLPStream& _out, _T _t) { _out << _t; }
449 template <class _T, class ... _Ts> void rlpListAux(RLPStream& _out, _T _t, _Ts ... _ts) { rlpListAux(_out << _t, _ts...); }
451 /// Export a single item in RLP format, returning a byte array.
452 template <class _T> bytes rlp(_T _t) { return (RLPStream() << _t).out(); }
454 /// Export a list of items in RLP format, returning a byte array.
455 inline bytes rlpList() { return RLPStream(0).out(); }
456 template <class ... _Ts> bytes rlpList(_Ts ... _ts)
457 {
458     RLPStream out(sizeof ...(_Ts));
459     rlpListAux(out, _ts...);
460     return out.out();
461 }
463 /// The empty string in RLP format.
464 extern bytes RLPNull;
466 /// The empty list in RLP format.
467 extern bytes RLPEmptyList;
469 /// Human readable version of RLP.
470 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, dev::RLP const& _d);
472 }