1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
20 #ifndef LIBMESH_INF_FE_H
21 #define LIBMESH_INF_FE_H
23 #include "libmesh/libmesh_config.h"
27 // Local includes
28 #include "libmesh/fe_base.h"
29 #include "libmesh/inf_fe_map.h"
31 // C++ includes
32 #include <cstddef>
34 namespace libMesh
35 {
38 // forward declarations
39 class Elem;
40 class FEComputeData;
43 /**
44  * Infinite elements are in some sense directional, compared
45  * to conventional finite elements.  All methods related
46  * to the radial part, which extends perpendicular from the base,
47  * are collected in this class.  This class offers static methods for
48  * use in \p InfFE and \p InfFEMap
49  *
50  * \author Daniel Dreyer
51  * \date 2003
52  */
53 class InfFERadial
54 {
55 private:
57   /**
58    * Never use an object of this type.
59    */
InfFERadial()60   InfFERadial() {}
62 public:
64   /**
65    * \returns The decay in the radial direction of
66    * the \p Dim dimensional infinite element.
67    */
68   static Real decay (const unsigned int dim, const Real v);
70   /**
71    * \returns The first (local) derivative of the
72    * decay in radial direction of the infinite element.
73    *
74    * This is only valid for 3D?? - RHS
75    */
decay_deriv(const Real)76   static Real decay_deriv (const Real) { return -.5; }
78   /**
79    * \returns The radial weight D, used as an additional weight
80    * for the test function, evaluated at local radial coordinate \p v.
81    */
D(const Real v)82   static Real D (const Real v) { return (1.-v)*(1.-v)/4.; }
84   /**
85    * \returns The first (local) radial derivative of the radial weight D.
86    */
D_deriv(const Real v)87   static Real D_deriv (const Real v) { return (v-1.)/2.; }
89   /**
90    * \returns The Order of the mapping functions
91    * in the radial direction. Currently, this is always \p FIRST.
92    */
mapping_order()93   static Order mapping_order() { return FIRST; }
95   /**
96    * \returns The number of shape functions in radial direction
97    * associated with this infinite element.
98    * Either way, if the modes are stored as nodal dofs (\p n_dofs_at_node)
99    * or as element dofs (\p n_dofs_per_elem), in each case we have the
100    * same number of modes in radial direction.
101    *
102    * \note For the case of 1D infinite elements, in the base the
103    * dof-per-node scheme is used.
104    *
105    * From the formulation of the infinite elements, we have
106    * 1 mode, when \p o_radial=CONST.
107    * Therefore, we have a total of \p o_radial+1 modes in radial direction.
108    */
n_dofs(const Order o_radial)109   static unsigned int n_dofs (const Order o_radial)
110   { return static_cast<unsigned int>(o_radial)+1; }
112   /**
113    * \returns The number of dofs in radial direction on "onion slice"
114    * \p n (either 0 or 1) for an infinite element of type \p inf_elem_type and
115    * radial order \p o_radial.
116    *
117    * Currently, the first radial mode is associated with the nodes in
118    * the base.  All higher radial modes are associated with
119    * the physically existing nodes further out.
120    */
121   static unsigned int n_dofs_at_node (const Order o_radial,
122                                       const unsigned int n_onion);
124   /**
125    * \returns The number of modes in radial direction interior to the element,
126    * not associated with any interior nodes.
127    *
128    * \note These modes are a discontinuous approximation, therefore
129    * we have no special formulation for coupling in the base, like in the
130    * case of associating (possibly) multiple dofs per (outer) node.
131    */
n_dofs_per_elem(const Order o_radial)132   static unsigned int n_dofs_per_elem (const Order o_radial)
133   { return static_cast<unsigned int>(o_radial)+1; }
135 };
139 /**
140  * This nested class contains most of the static methods related
141  * to the base part of an infinite element.  Only static members
142  * are provided, for use within \p InfFE and \p InfFEMap.
143  *
144  * \author Daniel Dreyer
145  * \date 2003
146  */
147 class InfFEBase
148 {
149 private:
151   /**
152    * Never use an object of this type.
153    */
InfFEBase()154   InfFEBase() {}
156 public:
158   /**
159    * Build the base element of an infinite element.  Be careful,
160    * this method allocates memory!  So be sure to delete the
161    * new element afterward.
162    */
163   static Elem * build_elem (const Elem * inf_elem);
165   /**
166    * \returns The base element associated to
167    * \p type.  This is, for example, \p TRI3 for
168    * \p INFPRISM6.
169    */
170   static ElemType get_elem_type (const ElemType type);
172   /**
173    * \returns The number of shape functions used in the
174    * mapping in the base element of type \p base_elem_type
175    * mapped with order \p base_mapping_order
176    */
177   static unsigned int n_base_mapping_sf (const Elem & base_elem,
178                                          const Order base_mapping_order);
180 };
184 /**
185  * A specific instantiation of the \p FEBase class. This
186  * class is templated, and specific template instantiations
187  * will result in different Infinite Element families, similar
188  * to the \p FE class.  \p InfFE builds a \p FE<Dim-1,T_base>,
189  * and most of the requests related to the base are handed over
190  * to this object.  All methods related to the radial part
191  * are collected in the class \p InfFERadial.  Similarly,
192  * most of the static methods concerning base approximation
193  * are contained in \p InfFEBase.
194  *
195  * Having different shape approximation families in radial direction
196  * introduces the requirement for an additional \p Order in this
197  * class. Therefore, the \p FEType internals change when infinite
198  * elements are enabled.
199  * When the specific infinite element type is not known at compile
200  * time, use the \p FEBase::build() member to create abstract
201  * (but still optimized) infinite elements at run time.
202  *
203  * The node numbering scheme is the one from the current
204  * infinite element.  Each node in the base holds exactly
205  * the same number of dofs as an adjacent conventional \p FE
206  * would contain.  The nodes further out hold the additional
207  * dof necessary for radial approximation.  The order of the outer nodes'
208  * components is such that the radial shapes have highest
209  * priority, followed by the base shapes.
210  *
211  * \author Daniel Dreyer
212  * \date 2003
213  * \brief Base class for all the infinite geometric element types.
214  */
215 template <unsigned int Dim, FEFamily T_radial, InfMapType T_map>
216 class InfFE : public FEBase
217 {
219   /*
220    * Protect the nested class
221    */
222 protected:
225 public:
227   // InfFE continued
229   /**
230    * Constructor and empty destructor.
231    * Initializes some data structures.  Builds a \p FE<Dim-1,T_base>
232    * object to handle  approximation in the base, so that
233    * there is no need to template \p InfFE<Dim,T_radial,T_map> also with
234    * respect to the base approximation \p T_base.
235    *
236    * The same remarks concerning compile-time optimization for
237    * \p FE also hold for \p InfFE.  Use the
238    * \p FEBase::build_InfFE(const unsigned int, const FEType &)
239    * method to build specific instantiations of \p InfFE at
240    * run time.
241    */
242   explicit
243   InfFE(const FEType & fet);
~InfFE()244   ~InfFE() {}
246   // The static public members for access from FEInterface etc
248   /**
249    * \returns The value of the \f$ i^{th} \f$ shape function at
250    * point \p p.  This method lets you specify the relevant
251    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
252    *
253    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
254    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
255    *
256    * \note This method does not return physically correct shapes,
257    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape() methods should
258    * only be used for mapping.
259    */
260   static Real shape(const FEType & fet,
261                     const ElemType t,
262                     const unsigned int i,
263                     const Point & p);
265   /**
266    * \returns The value of the \f$ i^{th} \f$ shape function at
267    * point \p p.  This method lets you specify the relevant
268    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
269    *
270    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
271    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
272    *
273    * \note This method does not return physically correct shapes,
274    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape() methods should
275    * only be used for mapping.
276    */
277   static Real shape(const FEType & fet,
278                     const Elem * elem,
279                     const unsigned int i,
280                     const Point & p);
282   /**
283    * \returns The value of the \f$ i^{th} \f$ shape function at
284    * point \p p.  This method lets you specify the relevant
285    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
286    *
287    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
288    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
289    *
290    * \note This method does not return physically correct shapes,
291    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape() methods should
292    * only be used for mapping.
293    */
294   static Real shape(const FEType fet,
295                     const Elem * elem,
296                     const unsigned int i,
297                     const Point & p,
298                     const bool add_p_level);
300   /**
301    * \returns The \f$ j^{th} \f$ derivative of the \f$ i^{th} \f$
302    * shape function at point \p p. This method lets you specify the relevant
303    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
304    *
305    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
306    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
307    *
308    * \note This method does not return physically correct shape gradients,
309    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape_deriv() methods should
310    * only be used for mapping.
311    */
312   static Real shape_deriv (const FEType & fet,
313                            const Elem * inf_elem,
314                            const unsigned int i,
315                            const unsigned int j,
316                            const Point & p);
318   /**
319    * \returns The \f$ j^{th} \f$ derivative of the \f$ i^{th} \f$
320    * shape function at point \p p. This method lets you specify the relevant
321    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
322    *
323    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
324    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
325    *
326    * \note This method does not return physically correct shape gradients,
327    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape_deriv() methods should
328    * only be used for mapping.
329    */
330   static Real shape_deriv (const FEType fet,
331                            const Elem * inf_elem,
332                            const unsigned int i,
333                            const unsigned int j,
334                            const Point & p,
335                            const bool add_p_level);
337   /**
338    * \returns The \f$ j^{th} \f$ derivative of the \f$ i^{th} \f$
339    * shape function at point \p p. This method lets you specify the relevant
340    * data directly, and is therefore allowed to be static.
341    *
342    * \note This class member is not as efficient as its counterpart in
343    * \p FE<Dim,T>, and is not employed in the \p reinit() cycle.
344    *
345    * \note This method does not return physically correct shape gradients,
346    * instead use \p compute_data().  The \p shape_deriv() methods should
347    * only be used for mapping.
348    */
349   static Real shape_deriv (const FEType & fet,
350                            const ElemType inf_elem_type,
351                            const unsigned int i,
352                            const unsigned int j,
353                            const Point & p);
355   /**
356    * Generalized version of \p shape(), takes an \p Elem *.  The \p data
357    * contains both input and output parameters.  For frequency domain
358    * simulations, the complex-valued shape is returned.  In time domain
359    * both the computed shape, and the phase is returned.
360    *
361    * \note The phase (proportional to the distance of the \p Point \p
362    * data.p from the envelope) is actually a measure how far into the
363    * future the results are.
364    */
365   static void compute_data(const FEType & fe_t,
366                            const Elem * inf_elem,
367                            FEComputeData & data);
369   /**
370    * \returns The number of shape functions associated with
371    * a finite element of type \p t and approximation order \p o.
372    *
373    * \deprecated Call the version of this function that takes a
374    * pointer-to-Elem instead.
375    */
n_shape_functions(const FEType & fet,const ElemType t)376   static unsigned int n_shape_functions (const FEType & fet,
377                                          const ElemType t)
378   { return n_dofs(fet, t); }
n_shape_functions(const FEType & fet,const Elem * inf_elem)380   static unsigned int n_shape_functions (const FEType & fet,
381                                          const Elem * inf_elem)
382   { return n_dofs(fet, inf_elem); }
384   /**
385    * \returns The number of shape functions associated with this
386    * infinite element.  Currently, we have \p o_radial+1 modes in
387    * radial direction, and \code FE<Dim-1,T>::n_dofs(...) \endcode
388    * in the base.
389    *
390    * \deprecated Call the version of this function that takes an Elem*
391    * instead for consistency with other FEInterface::n_dofs() methods.
392    */
393   static unsigned int n_dofs(const FEType & fet,
394                              const ElemType inf_elem_type);
396   static unsigned int n_dofs(const FEType & fet,
397                              const Elem * inf_elem);
399   /**
400    * \returns The number of dofs at infinite element node \p n
401    * (not dof!) for an element of type \p t and order \p o.
402    *
403    * \deprecated Call the version of this function that takes an Elem*
404    * instead for consistency with other FEInterface::n_dofs() methods.
405    */
406   static unsigned int n_dofs_at_node(const FEType & fet,
407                                      const ElemType inf_elem_type,
408                                      const unsigned int n);
410   static unsigned int n_dofs_at_node(const FEType & fet,
411                                      const Elem * inf_elem,
412                                      const unsigned int n);
414   /**
415    * \returns The number of dofs interior to the element,
416    * not associated with any interior nodes.
417    *
418    * \deprecated Call the version of this function that takes an Elem*
419    * instead for consistency with other FEInterface::n_dofs() methods.
420    */
421   static unsigned int n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType & fet,
422                                       const ElemType inf_elem_type);
424   static unsigned int n_dofs_per_elem(const FEType & fet,
425                                       const Elem * inf_elem);
427   /**
428    * \returns The continuity of the element.
429    */
get_continuity()430   virtual FEContinuity get_continuity() const override
431   { return C_ZERO; }  // FIXME - is this true??
433   /**
434    * \returns \p true if the element's higher order shape functions are
435    * hierarchic
436    */
is_hierarchic()437   virtual bool is_hierarchic() const override
438   { return false; }  // FIXME - Inf FEs don't handle p elevation yet
440   /**
441    * Usually, this method would build the nodal soln from the
442    * element soln.  But infinite elements require additional
443    * simulation-specific data to compute physically correct
444    * results.  Use \p compute_data() to compute results.  For
445    * compatibility an empty vector is returned.
446    */
447   static void nodal_soln(const FEType & fet,
448                          const Elem * elem,
449                          const std::vector<Number> & elem_soln,
450                          std::vector<Number> & nodal_soln);
map(const Elem * inf_elem,const Point & reference_point)453   static Point map (const Elem * inf_elem,
454                     const Point & reference_point) {
455     // libmesh_deprecated(); // soon
456     return InfFEMap::map(Dim, inf_elem, reference_point);
457   }
460   static Point inverse_map (const Elem * elem,
461                             const Point & p,
462                             const Real tolerance = TOLERANCE,
463                             const bool secure = true) {
464     // libmesh_deprecated(); // soon
465     return InfFEMap::inverse_map(Dim, elem, p, tolerance, secure);
466   }
469   static void inverse_map (const Elem * elem,
470                            const std::vector<Point> & physical_points,
471                            std::vector<Point> &       reference_points,
472                            const Real tolerance = TOLERANCE,
473                            const bool secure = true) {
474     // libmesh_deprecated(); // soon
475     return InfFEMap::inverse_map(Dim, elem, physical_points,
476                                  reference_points, tolerance, secure);
477   }
480   // The workhorses of InfFE. These are often used during matrix assembly.
482   /**
483    * This is at the core of this class. Use this for each
484    * new element in the mesh.  Reinitializes all the physical
485    * element-dependent data based on the current element
486    * \p elem.
487    * \note: pts need to be in reference space coordinates, not physical ones.
488    */
489   virtual void reinit (const Elem * elem,
490                        const std::vector<Point> * const pts = nullptr,
491                        const std::vector<Real> * const weights = nullptr) override;
493   /**
494    * Reinitializes all the physical
495    * element-dependent data based on the \p side of an infinite
496    * element.
497    */
498   virtual void reinit (const Elem * inf_elem,
499                        const unsigned int s,
500                        const Real tolerance = TOLERANCE,
501                        const std::vector<Point> * const pts = nullptr,
502                        const std::vector<Real> * const weights = nullptr) override;
504   /**
505    * Not implemented yet.  Reinitializes all the physical
506    * element-dependent data based on the \p edge of an infinite
507    * element.
508    */
509   virtual void edge_reinit (const Elem * elem,
510                             const unsigned int edge,
511                             const Real tolerance = TOLERANCE,
512                             const std::vector<Point> * const pts = nullptr,
513                             const std::vector<Real> * const weights = nullptr) override;
515   /**
516    * Computes the reference space quadrature points on the side of
517    * an element based on the side quadrature points.
518    */
side_map(const Elem *,const Elem *,const unsigned int,const std::vector<Point> &,std::vector<Point> &)519   virtual void side_map (const Elem * /* elem */,
520                          const Elem * /* side */,
521                          const unsigned int /* s */,
522                          const std::vector<Point> & /* reference_side_points */,
523                          std::vector<Point> & /* reference_points */) override
524   {
525     libmesh_not_implemented();
526   }
528   /**
529    * The use of quadrature rules with the \p InfFE class is somewhat
530    * different from the approach of the \p FE class.  While the
531    * \p FE class requires an appropriately initialized quadrature
532    * rule object, and simply uses it, the \p InfFE class requires only
533    * the quadrature rule object of the current \p FE class.
534    * From this \p QBase *, it determines the necessary data,
535    * and builds two appropriate quadrature classes, one for radial,
536    * and another for base integration, using the convenient
537    * \p QBase::build() method.
538    */
539   virtual void attach_quadrature_rule (QBase * q) override;
541   /**
542    * \returns The number of shape functions associated with
543    * this infinite element.
544    */
n_shape_functions()545   virtual unsigned int n_shape_functions () const override
546   { return _n_total_approx_sf; }
548   /**
549    * \returns The total number of quadrature points.  Call this
550    * to get an upper bound for the \p for loop in your simulation
551    * for matrix assembly of the current element.
552    */
n_quadrature_points()553   virtual unsigned int n_quadrature_points () const override
554   { libmesh_assert(radial_qrule); return _n_total_qp; }
557 protected:
559   // static members used by the workhorses
561   /**
562    * \returns The value of the \f$ i^{th} \f$ polynomial evaluated
563    * at \p v.  This method provides the approximation
564    * in radial direction for the overall shape functions,
565    * which is defined in \p InfFE::shape().
566    * This method is allowed to be static, since it is independent
567    * of dimension and base_family.  It is templated, though,
568    * w.r.t. to radial \p FEFamily.
569    *
570    * \returns The value of the \f$ i^{th} \f$ mapping shape function
571    * in radial direction evaluated at \p v when T_radial ==
572    * INFINITE_MAP.  Currently, only one specific mapping shape is
573    * used.  Namely the one by Marques JMMC, Owen DRJ: Infinite
574    * elements in quasi-static materially nonlinear problems, Computers
575    * and Structures, 1984.
576    */
577   static Real eval(Real v,
578                    Order o_radial,
579                    unsigned int i);
581   /**
582    * \returns The value of the first derivative of the
583    * \f$ i^{th} \f$ polynomial at coordinate \p v.
584    * See \p eval for details.
585    */
586   static Real eval_deriv(Real v,
587                          Order o_radial,
588                          unsigned int i);
592   // Non-static members used by the workhorses
594   /**
595    * Updates the protected member \p base_elem to the appropriate base element
596    * for the given \p inf_elem.
597    */
598   void update_base_elem (const Elem * inf_elem);
600   /**
601    * Do not use this derived member in \p InfFE<Dim,T_radial,T_map>.
602    */
init_base_shape_functions(const std::vector<Point> &,const Elem *)603   virtual void init_base_shape_functions(const std::vector<Point> &,
604                                          const Elem *) override
605   { libmesh_not_implemented(); }
607   /**
608    * Some of the member data only depend on the radial part of the
609    * infinite element.  The parts that only change when the radial
610    * order changes, are initialized here.
611    */
612   void init_radial_shape_functions(const Elem * inf_elem,
613                                    const std::vector<Point> * radial_pts = nullptr);
615   /**
616    * Initialize all the data fields like \p weight, \p mode,
617    * \p phi, \p dphidxi, \p dphideta, \p dphidzeta, etc.
618    * for the current element.  This method prepares the data
619    * related to the base part, and some of the combined fields.
620    */
621   void init_shape_functions(const std::vector<Point> & radial_qp,
622                             const std::vector<Point> & base_qp,
623                             const Elem * inf_elem);
625   /**
626    * Initialize all the data fields like \p weight,
627    * \p phi, etc for the side \p s.
628    */
629   void init_face_shape_functions (const std::vector<Point> &,
630                                   const Elem * inf_side);
632   /**
633    * Combines the shape functions, which were formed in
634    * \p init_shape_functions(Elem *), with geometric data.
635    * Has to be called every time the geometric configuration
636    * changes.  Afterward, the fields are ready to be used
637    * to compute global derivatives, the jacobian etc, see
638    * \p FEAbstract::compute_map().
639    */
640   void combine_base_radial(const Elem * inf_elem);
642   /**
643    * After having updated the jacobian and the transformation
644    * from local to global coordinates in FEAbstract::compute_map(),
645    * the first derivatives of the shape functions are
646    * transformed to global coordinates, giving \p dphi,
647    * \p dphidx/y/z, \p dphasedx/y/z, \p dweight. This method
648    * should barely be re-defined in derived classes, but
649    * still should be usable for children. Therefore, keep
650    * it protected.
651    */
652   virtual void compute_shape_functions(const Elem *, const std::vector<Point> &) override;
656   // Miscellaneous static members
658   /**
659    * Computes the indices in the base \p base_node and in radial
660    * direction \p radial_node (either 0 or 1) associated to the
661    * node \p outer_node_index of an infinite element of type
662    * \p inf_elem_type.
663    */
664   static void compute_node_indices (const ElemType inf_elem_type,
665                                     const unsigned int outer_node_index,
666                                     unsigned int & base_node,
667                                     unsigned int & radial_node);
669   /**
670    * Does the same as \p compute_node_indices(), but stores
671    * the maps for the current element type.  Provided the
672    * infinite element type changes seldom, this is probably
673    * faster than using \p compute_node_indices () alone.
674    * This is possible since the number of nodes is not likely
675    * to change.
676    */
677   static void compute_node_indices_fast (const ElemType inf_elem_type,
678                                          const unsigned int outer_node_index,
679                                          unsigned int & base_node,
680                                          unsigned int & radial_node);
682   /**
683    * Computes the indices of shape functions in the base \p base_shape and
684    * in radial direction \p radial_shape (0 in the base, \f$ \ge 1 \f$ further
685    * out) associated to the shape with global index \p i of an infinite element
686    * of type \p inf_elem_type.
687    *
688    * \deprecated Call the version of this function that takes an Elem * instead.
689    */
690   static void compute_shape_indices (const FEType & fet,
691                                      const ElemType inf_elem_type,
692                                      const unsigned int i,
693                                      unsigned int & base_shape,
694                                      unsigned int & radial_shape);
696   static void compute_shape_indices (const FEType & fet,
697                                      const Elem * inf_elem,
698                                      const unsigned int i,
699                                      unsigned int & base_shape,
700                                      unsigned int & radial_shape);
702   /**
703    * the radial distance of the base nodes from the origin
704    */
705   std::vector<Real> dist;
707   /**
708    * the additional radial weight \f$ 1/{r^2} \f$ in local coordinates,
709    * over all quadrature points. The weight does not vary in base
710    * direction.  However, for uniform access to the data fields from the
711    * outside, this data field is expanded to all quadrature points.
712    */
713   std::vector<Real> dweightdv;
715   /**
716    * the radial decay \f$ 1/r \f$ in local coordinates.  Needed when
717    * setting up the overall shape functions.
718    *
719    * \note It is this decay which ensures that the Sommerfeld
720    * radiation condition is satisfied in advance.
721    */
722   std::vector<Real> som;
723   /**
724    * the first local derivative of the radial decay \f$ 1/r \f$ in local
725    * coordinates.  Needed when setting up the overall shape functions.
726    */
727   std::vector<Real> dsomdv;
729   /**
730    * the radial approximation shapes in local coordinates
731    * Needed when setting up the overall shape functions.
732    */
733   std::vector<std::vector<Real>> mode;
735   /**
736    * the first local derivative of the radial approximation shapes.
737    * Needed when setting up the overall shape functions.
738    */
739   std::vector<std::vector<Real>> dmodedv;
741   /**
742    * the radial mapping shapes in local coordinates
743    */
744   std::vector<std::vector<Real>> radial_map;
747   /**
748    * the first local derivative of the radial mapping shapes
749    */
750   std::vector<std::vector<Real>> dradialdv_map;
752   /**
753    * the first local derivative (for 3D, the first in the base)
754    * of the phase term in local coordinates.
755    * Needed in the overall weak form of infinite element formulations.
756    */
757   std::vector<Real> dphasedxi;
759   /**
760    * the second local derivative (for 3D, the second in the base)
761    * of the phase term in local coordinates.
762    * Needed in the overall weak form of infinite element formulations.
763    */
764   std::vector<Real> dphasedeta;
766   /**
767    * the third local derivative (for 3D, the derivative in radial
768    * direction) of the phase term in local coordinates.
769    * Needed in the overall weak form of infinite element formulations.
770    */
771   std::vector<Real> dphasedzeta;
776   // numbering scheme maps
778   /**
779    * The internal structure of the \p InfFE
780    * -- tensor product of base element times radial
781    * nodes -- has to be determined from the node numbering
782    * of the current infinite element.  This vector
783    * maps the infinite \p Elem node number to the
784    * radial node (either 0 or 1).
785    */
786   std::vector<unsigned int> _radial_node_index;
788   /**
789    * The internal structure of the \p InfFE
790    * -- tensor product of base element times radial
791    * nodes -- has to be determined from the node numbering
792    * of the current element.  This vector
793    * maps the infinite \p Elem node number to the
794    * associated node in the base element.
795    */
796   std::vector<unsigned int> _base_node_index;
798   /**
799    * The internal structure of the \p InfFE
800    * -- tensor product of base element shapes times radial
801    * shapes -- has to be determined from the dof numbering
802    * scheme of the current infinite element.  This vector
803    * maps the infinite \p Elem dof index to the radial
804    * \p InfFE shape index (\p 0..radial_order+1 ).
805    */
806   std::vector<unsigned int> _radial_shape_index;
808   /**
809    * The internal structure of the \p InfFE
810    * -- tensor product of base element shapes times radial
811    * shapes -- has to be determined from the dof numbering
812    * scheme of the current infinite element.  This vector
813    * maps the infinite \p Elem dof index to the associated
814    * dof in the base \p FE.
815    */
816   std::vector<unsigned int> _base_shape_index;
821   // some more protected members
823   /**
824    * The number of total approximation shape functions for
825    * the current configuration
826    */
827   unsigned int _n_total_approx_sf;
829   /**
830    * The total number of quadrature points
831    * for the current configuration
832    */
833   unsigned int _n_total_qp;
835   /**
836    * this vector contains the combined integration weights, so
837    * that \p FEAbstract::compute_map() can still be used
838    */
839   std::vector<Real> _total_qrule_weights;
841   /**
842    * The quadrature rule for the base element associated
843    * with the current infinite element
844    */
845   std::unique_ptr<QBase> base_qrule;
847   /**
848    * The quadrature rule for the base element associated
849    * with the current infinite element
850    */
851   std::unique_ptr<QBase> radial_qrule;
853   /**
854    * The base element associated with the
855    * current infinite element
856    */
857   std::unique_ptr<Elem> base_elem;
859   /**
860    * Have a \p FE<Dim-1,T_base> handy for base approximation.
861    * Since this one is created using the \p FEBase::build() method,
862    * the \p InfFE class is not required to be templated w.r.t.
863    * to the base approximation shape.
864    */
865   std::unique_ptr<FEBase> base_fe;
867   /**
868    * This \p FEType stores the characteristics for which the data
869    * structures \p phi, \p phi_map etc are currently initialized.
870    * This avoids re-initializing the radial part.
871    *
872    * \note Currently only \p order may change, both the FE families
873    * and \p base_order must remain constant.
874    */
875   FEType current_fe_type;
878 private:
880   /**
881    * \returns \p false, currently not required.
882    */
883   virtual bool shapes_need_reinit() const override;
885   /**
886    * When \p compute_node_indices_fast() is used, this static
887    * variable remembers the element type for which the
888    * static variables in  \p compute_node_indices_fast()
889    * are currently set.  Using a class member for the
890    * element type helps initializing it to a default value.
891    */
892   static ElemType _compute_node_indices_fast_current_elem_type;
895 #ifdef DEBUG
897   /**
898    * static members that are used to issue warning messages only once.
899    */
900   static bool _warned_for_nodal_soln;
901   static bool _warned_for_shape;
902   static bool _warned_for_dshape;
904 #endif
906   /**
907    * Make all \p InfFE<Dim,T_radial,T_map> classes
908    * friends of each other, so that the protected
909    * \p eval() may be accessed.
910    */
911   template <unsigned int friend_Dim, FEFamily friend_T_radial, InfMapType friend_T_map>
912   friend class InfFE;
914   friend class InfFEMap;
915 };
919 // InfFERadial class inline members
920 inline
decay(const unsigned int dim,const Real v)921 Real InfFERadial::decay(const unsigned int dim, const Real v)
922 {
923   switch (dim)
924     //TODO:[DD] What decay do i have in 2D and 1D?
925     {
926     case 3:
927       return (1.-v)/2.;
929     case 2:
930       return 0.;
932     case 1:
933       return 0.;
935     default:
936       libmesh_error_msg("Invalid dim = " << dim);
937     }
938 }
940 } // namespace libMesh
946 #endif // LIBMESH_INF_FE_H