1 // The libMesh Finite Element Library.
2 // Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Benjamin S. Kirk, John W. Peterson, Roy H. Stogner
4 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
23 // Local includes
24 #include "libmesh/quadrature.h"
26 namespace libMesh
27 {
29 /**
30  * This class implements the Grundmann-Moller quadrature rules for
31  * tetrahedra.  The GM rules are well-defined for simplices of
32  * arbitrary dimension and to any order, but the rules by Dunavant for
33  * two-dimensional simplices are in general superior.  This is primarily
34  * due to the fact that the GM rules contain a significant proportion
35  * of negative weights, making them susceptible to round-off error
36  * at high-order.
37  *
38  * The GM rules are interesting in 3D because they overlap with the
39  * conical product rules at higher order while having significantly
40  * fewer evaluation points, making them potentially much more
41  * efficient.  The table below gives a comparison between the number
42  * of points in a conical product (CP) rule and the GM rule of
43  * equivalent order.  The GM rules are defined to be exact for
44  * polynomials of degree d=2*s+1, s=0,1,2,3,... The table also gives
45  * the percentage of each GM rule's weights which are negative.
46  * The percentage of negative weights appears to approach 50, and the
47  * amplification factor (a measure of the effect of round-off) defined
48  * as
49  *
50  * amp. factor = \f$ \frac{1}{V} \sum \|w_i\|, \f$
51  *
52  * where V is the volume of the reference element, grows like exp(C*s).
53  * (A rule with all positive weights has an amplification factor of
54  * 1.0 by definition.)
55  *
56  * \verbatim
57  * s   degree  n_pts(conical)  n_pts(GM)   % neg wts  amp. factor
58  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
59  * 0   1       1               1            0.00      1.00e+00
60  * 1   3       8               5           20.00      2.60e+00
61  * 2   5       27              15          26.67      5.63e+00
62  * 3   7       64              35          31.43      1.19e+01
63  * 4   9       125             70          34.29      2.54e+01
64  * 5   11      216             126         36.51      5.41e+01
65  * 6   13      343             210         38.10      1.16e+02
66  * 7   15      512             330         39.39      2.51e+02
67  * 8   17      729             495         40.40      5.45e+02
68  * 9   19      1000            715         41.26      1.19e+03
69  * 10  21      1331            1001        41.96      2.59e+03
70  * 11  23      1728            1365        42.56      5.68e+03
71  * 12  25      2197            1820        43.08      1.25e+04
72  * 13  27      2744            2380        43.53      2.75e+04
73  * 14  29      3375            3060        43.92      6.07e+04
74  * 15  31      4096            3876        44.27      1.34e+05
75  * 16  33      4913            4845        44.58      2.97e+05
76  * 17  35      5832            5985        44.86      6.59e+05 <= Conical rule has fewer points for degree >= 34
77  * 18  37      6859            7315        45.11      1.46e+06
78  * 19  39      8000            8855        45.34      3.25e+06
79  * 20  41      9261            10626       45.55      7.23e+06
80  * 21  43      10648           12650       45.74      1.61e+07
81  * \endverbatim
82  *
83  * Reference:
84  *    Axel Grundmann and Michael M\"{o}ller, "Invariant Integration
85  *    Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods," SIAM
86  *    Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, April 1978,
87  *    pages 282-290.
88  *
89  * Reference LGPL Fortran90 code by John Burkardt can be found here:
90  * http://people.scs.fsu.edu/~burkardt/f_src/gm_rules/gm_rules.html
91  *
92  * \author John W. Peterson
93  * \date 2008
94  * \brief Implements the quadrature rules of Grundmann and Moller in 2D and 3D.
95  */
96 class QGrundmann_Moller final : public QBase
97 {
98 public:
100   /**
101    * Constructor.  Declares the order of the quadrature rule.
102    */
103   QGrundmann_Moller (unsigned int dim,
104                      Order order=INVALID_ORDER) :
QBase(dim,order)105     QBase(dim,order)
106   {}
108   /**
109    * Copy/move ctor, copy/move assignment operator, and destructor are
110    * all explicitly defaulted for this simple class.
111    */
112   QGrundmann_Moller (const QGrundmann_Moller &) = default;
113   QGrundmann_Moller (QGrundmann_Moller &&) = default;
114   QGrundmann_Moller & operator= (const QGrundmann_Moller &) = default;
115   QGrundmann_Moller & operator= (QGrundmann_Moller &&) = default;
116   virtual ~QGrundmann_Moller() = default;
118   /**
119    * \returns \p QGRUNDMANN_MOLLER.
120    */
121   virtual QuadratureType type() const override;
124 private:
126   /**
127    * In 1D, use a Gauss rule.
128    * In 2D, the GM product rule is only defined for Tris.
129    * In 3D, the GM product rule is only defined for Tets.
130    */
131   virtual void init_1D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
132   virtual void init_2D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
133   virtual void init_3D (const ElemType, unsigned int) override;
135   /**
136    * This routine is called from init_2D() and init_3D().  It actually
137    * fills the _points and _weights vectors for a given rule index, s
138    * and dimension, dim.
139    */
140   void gm_rule(unsigned int s, unsigned int dim);
142   /**
143    * Routine which generates p-compositions of a given order, s,
144    * as well as permutations thereof.  This routine is called internally by
145    * the gm_rule() routine, you should not call this yourself!
146    */
147   void compose_all(unsigned int s, // number to be compositioned
148                    unsigned int p, // # of partitions
149                    std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> & result);
150 };
152 } // namespace libMesh