1 //
2 // libsemigroups - C++ library for semigroups and monoids
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 James D. Mitchell
4 //
5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 //
19 // This file contains some functionality for generating elements in the free
20 // monoid over an alphabet with a given number of letters up to a given length
21 // in a lexicographic or short-lex order.
22 //
23 // SILO  = Strings In Lexicographic Order
24 // SISLO = Strings In Short-Lex Order
25 // SISO  = Strings In Some Order
27 // TODO(later):
28 // 1. cbegin_silo and cend_silo for rvalue references to strings
29 // 2. cbegin_sislo and cend_sislo for rvalue references to strings
34 #include <cstddef>   // for size_t, ptrdiff_t, ...
35 #include <iterator>  // for forward_iterator_tag
36 #include <string>    // for string
37 #include <utility>   // for pair
39 #include "iterator.hpp"  // for detail::ConstIteratorStateful
40 #include "wilo.hpp"      // for const_wilo_iterator
41 #include "wislo.hpp"     // for const_wislo_iterator
42 #include "word.hpp"      // for word_to_string
44 namespace libsemigroups {
45   namespace detail {
46     // This is a traits class for ConstIteratorStateful in iterator.hpp
47     template <typename T>
48     struct SisoIteratorTraits {
49       // state_type::first = alphabet, state_type::second = current value
50       using state_type             = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
51       using internal_iterator_type = T;
52       using value_type             = std::string;
53       using reference              = std::string&;
54       using const_reference        = std::string const&;
55       using difference_type        = std::ptrdiff_t;
56       using size_type              = std::size_t;
57       using const_pointer          = std::string const*;
58       using pointer                = std::string*;
59       using iterator_category      = std::forward_iterator_tag;
61       struct Deref {
62         const_reference
operator ()libsemigroups::detail::SisoIteratorTraits::Deref63         operator()(state_type&                   state,
64                    internal_iterator_type const& it) const noexcept {
65           if (state.second.empty()) {
66             detail::word_to_string(state.first, *it, state.second);
67           }
68           return state.second;
69         }
70       };
72       struct AddressOf {
73         const_pointer
operator ()libsemigroups::detail::SisoIteratorTraits::AddressOf74         operator()(state_type&                   state,
75                    internal_iterator_type const& it) const noexcept {
76           Deref()(state, it);  // to ensure that state.second is initialised
77           return &state.second;
78         }
79       };
81       struct PrefixIncrement {
operator ()libsemigroups::detail::SisoIteratorTraits::PrefixIncrement82         void operator()(state_type&             state,
83                         internal_iterator_type& it) const noexcept {
84           ++it;
85           state.second.clear();
86         }
87       };
89       struct Swap {
operator ()libsemigroups::detail::SisoIteratorTraits::Swap90         void operator()(internal_iterator_type& it_this,
91                         internal_iterator_type& it_that,
92                         state_type&             state_this,
93                         state_type&             state_that) const noexcept {
94           using std::swap;
95           swap(it_this, it_that);
96           swap(state_this, state_that);
97         }
98       };
100       using EqualTo          = void;
101       using NotEqualTo       = void;
102       using PostfixIncrement = void;
103     };
104   }  // namespace detail
106   //! No doc
107   using const_silo_iterator = detail::ConstIteratorStateful<
108       detail::SisoIteratorTraits<const_wilo_iterator>>;
110   static_assert(std::is_default_constructible<const_silo_iterator>::value,
111                 "forward iterator requires default-constructible");
112   static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<const_silo_iterator>::value,
113                 "forward iterator requires copy-constructible");
114   static_assert(std::is_copy_assignable<const_silo_iterator>::value,
115                 "forward iterator requires copy-assignable");
116   static_assert(std::is_destructible<const_silo_iterator>::value,
117                 "forward iterator requires destructible");
119   //! No doc
120   using const_sislo_iterator = detail::ConstIteratorStateful<
121       detail::SisoIteratorTraits<const_wislo_iterator>>;
123   static_assert(std::is_default_constructible<const_sislo_iterator>::value,
124                 "forward iterator requires default-constructible");
125   static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<const_sislo_iterator>::value,
126                 "forward iterator requires copy-constructible");
127   static_assert(std::is_copy_assignable<const_sislo_iterator>::value,
128                 "forward iterator requires copy-assignable");
129   static_assert(std::is_destructible<const_sislo_iterator>::value,
130                 "forward iterator requires destructible");
132   //! Returns a forward iterator pointing to the 3rd parameter \p first.
133   //!
134   //! If incremented, the iterator will point to the next least lexicographic
135   //! string after \p w over \p alphabet with length less than \p upper_bound.
136   //! Iterators of the type returned by this function are equal whenever they
137   //! are obtained by advancing the return value of any call to \c cbegin_silo
138   //! by the same amount, or they are both obtained by any call to
139   //! \c cend_silo.
140   //!
141   //! \param alphabet the alphabet
142   //! \param upper_bound  only strings of length less than this value are
143   //! considered;
144   //! \param first the starting point for the iteration;
145   //! \param last the ending point for the iteration.
146   //!
147   //! \returns An iterator of type \c const_silo_iterator.
148   //!
149   //! \exceptions
150   //! \no_libsemigroups_except
151   //!
152   //! \note
153   //! The parameter \p upper_bound is required because lexicographical
154   //! ordering is not a well-ordering, and there might be infinitely many
155   //! strings between a given pair of stringss.
156   //!
157   //! \warning
158   //! Copying iterators of this type is expensive.  As a consequence, prefix
159   //! incrementing \c ++it the iterator \c it returned by \c cbegin_silo is
160   //! significantly cheaper than postfix incrementing \c it++.
161   //!
162   //! \warning
163   //! Iterators constructed using different parameters may not be equal, so
164   //! best not to loop over them.
165   //!
166   //! \sa cend_silo
167   //!
168   //! \par Example
169   //! \code
170   //! std::vector<std::string>(cbegin_silo("ba", 3, "b", "aaa"),
171   //!                          cend_silo("ba", 3, "b", "aaa"));
172   //! // {"b", "bb", "ba", "a", "ab", "aa"};
173   //! \endcode
174   const_silo_iterator cbegin_silo(std::string const& alphabet,
175                                   size_t const       upper_bound,
176                                   std::string const& first,
177                                   std::string const& last);
179   //! Returns a forward iterator pointing to one after the end of the range
180   //! from \p first to \p last.
181   //!
182   //! The iterator returned by this is still dereferencable and incrementable,
183   //! but does not point to a string in the correct range.
184   //!
185   //! \sa cbegin_silo
186   const_silo_iterator cend_silo(std::string const& alphabet,
187                                 size_t const       upper_bound,
188                                 std::string const& first,
189                                 std::string const& last);
191   //! Returns a forward iterator pointing to the 2nd parameter \p first.
192   //!
193   //! If incremented, the iterator will point to the next least short-lex
194   //! string after \p w over \p alphabet.
195   //! Iterators of the type returned by this function are equal whenever they
196   //! are obtained by advancing the return value of any call to \c cbegin_sislo
197   //! by the same amount, or they are both obtained by any call to
198   //! \c cend_sislo.
199   //!
200   //! \param alphabet the alphabet
201   //! \param first the starting point for the iteration;
202   //! \param last the ending point for the iteration.
203   //!
204   //! \returns An iterator of type \c const_sislo_iterator.
205   //!
206   //! \exceptions
207   //! \no_libsemigroups_except
208   //!
209   //! \warning
210   //! Copying iterators of this type is expensive.  As a consequence, prefix
211   //! incrementing \c ++it the iterator \c it returned by \c cbegin_sislo is
212   //! significantly cheaper than postfix incrementing \c it++.
213   //!
214   //! \warning
215   //! Iterators constructed using different parameters may not be equal, so
216   //! best not to loop over them.
217   //!
218   //! \sa cend_sislo
219   //!
220   //! \par Example
221   //! \code
222   //! std::vector<std::string>(cbegin_sislo("ba", "b", "bbb"),
223   //!                          cend_sislo("ba", "b", "bbb"));
224   //! // {"b", "b", "bb", "ba","ab", "aa"};
225   //! \endcode
226   const_sislo_iterator cbegin_sislo(std::string const& alphabet,
227                                     std::string const& first,
228                                     std::string const& last);
230   //! Returns a forward iterator pointing to one after the end of the range
231   //! from \p first to \p last.
232   //!
233   //! The iterator returned by this is still dereferencable and incrementable,
234   //! but does not point to a string in the correct range.
235   //!
236   //! \sa cbegin_sislo
237   const_sislo_iterator cend_sislo(std::string const& alphabet,
238                                   std::string const& first,
239                                   std::string const& last);
241 }  // namespace libsemigroups