Given a context-free grammar specification with attached semantic actions, mosmlyac produces a parser, in the style of yacc.
If \fiFILE is grammar.grm containing a grammar specification then mosmlyac grammar.grm produces a file grammar.sml containing a Moscow ML unit with code for a parser and a file grammar.sig containing its interface.
This manual page documents the options accepted by mosmlyac. For more information consult the online manuals.
-v Generate a description of the parsing tables and a report on conflicts resulting from ambiguities in the grammar. The description is put in file grammar.output (when FILE is grammar.grm).
-v prefix Name the output files prefix.sml, prefix.sig, prefix.output, instead of using the default naming convention.
The full documentation for mosmlyac and the other Moscow ML tools can be found in the online manuals in /usr/share/doc/mosml/manual.pdf.gz (`Moscow ML Owner's Manual') and /usr/share/doc/mosml/mosmllib.pdf.gz (`Moscow ML Library Documentation').