3This is a mission file for Freedroid.
4It describes the starting point, objectives and other parameters
5of a mission to be completed within freedroid.
6This file is, as all of Freedroid, put under the GPL License:
8 *
9 *   Copyright (c) 1994, 2002, 2003  Johannes Prix
10 *   Copyright (c) 1994, 2002, 2003  Reinhard Prix
11 *
12 *
13 *  This file is part of Freedroid
14 *
15 *  Freedroid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
18 *  (at your option) any later version.
19 *
20 *  Freedroid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
24 *
25 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 *  along with Freedroid; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
27 *  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
28 *  MA  02111-1307  USA
29 *
31Feel free to make any modifications you like.  If you set up
32something cool, please send your file in to the Freedroid project.
36The structure of a mission file is simple.
37* There must be a starting string indicating the
38  start of the real mission data.
39* A mission name must be specified
40* A mission briefing text must be specified
41* A mission target must be specified.
42* A "ship" must be specified, where a "ship" could also
43  be for example a small automated mining community or
44  a building complex somewhere on a planet.
45* A crew file must be specified, where the information which
46  droids are to be generated in which levels can be found.
47* A "game.dat" file must be specified, containing all the
48  droid specifications and the constants for the game
49  physics.
50* An elevator file must be specified.
51* A missing file termination string should be present to indicate
52  the end and the integrity of the mission file.
54What all these strings must look like can easily deduced
55directly form the following example.
59*** Start of Mission File ***
61Mission Name: Classical Paradroid Mission
64+++ At first we specify the other files, that also contain essential
65+++ information about this mission, e.g. maps and droids and that
67Physics ('game.dat') file to use for this mission: freedroid.ruleset
68Ship file to use for this mission: Paradroid.maps
69Lift file to use for this mission: Paradroid.elevators
70Crew file to use for this mission: Paradroid.droids
72Influs mission start comment="Ok. I'm on board.  Let's get to work."
75+++ For the classical paradroid mission, several different
76+++ starting points are allowed:
78Possible Start Point : Level=4 XPos=1 YPos=1
79Possible Start Point : Level=5 XPos=3 YPos=1
80Possible Start Point : Level=6 XPos=2 YPos=1
81Possible Start Point : Level=7 XPos=2 YPos=1
83** Start of Mission Briefing Text Section **
85The title picture in the graphics subdirectory for this mission is : title.jpg
86The title song in the sound subdirectory for this mission is : Paradroid.ogg
87Song name to play in the end title if the mission is completed: android-commando_hiscore.mod
90* New Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
91A fleet of Robo-freighters on its way to the Beta Ceti system reported entering an uncharted field of asteroids. Each ship carries a cargo of battle droids to reinforce the outworld defences. Two distress beacons have been discovered. Similar Messages were stored on each. The ships had been bombarded by a powerful radionic beam from one of the asteroids. All of the robots on the ships, including those in storage, became hyper-active. The crews report an attack by droids, isolating them on the bridge. They cannot reach the shuttle and can hold out for only a couple more hours.  Since these beacons were located two days ago, we can only fear the worst.  Some of the fleet was last seen heading for enemy space. In enemy hands the droids can be used against our forces. Docking would be impossible but we can beam aboard a prototype Influence Device.
93Press Fire to skip instructions
95* End of Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
96* New Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
97The 001 Influence Device consists of a helmet, which, when placed over a robots control unit can halt the normal activities of that robot for a short time. The helmet has its own energy supply and powers the robot itself, at an upgraded capability. The helmet also uses an energy cloak for protection of the host. The helmet is fitted with twin lasers mounted in a turret. These can be focused on any target inside a range of eight metres. Most of the device's resources are channelled towards holding control of the host robot, as it attempts to resume 'normal' operation. It is therefore necessary to change the host robot often to prevent the device from burning out. Transfer to a new robot requires the device to drain its host of energy in order to take  over. Failure to achieve transfer results in the device being a free agent once more.
100* End of Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
101* New Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
102An Influence Device can transmit data to your console.  A small-scale plan of the whole deck is available, as well as a side elevation of the ship. Robots are represented on-screen as a symbol showing a three-digit number. The first digit shown is the important one, the class of the robot. It denotes the strength also. To find out more about any given robot, use the robot enquiry system at a console. Only data about units of a lower class than your current host is available, since it is the host's security clearance which is used to access the console.
105Press Fire to skip instructions
107* End of Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
110* New Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
111Clear the freighter of robots by destroying them with twin lasers or by transferring control to them.
113Control is via keyboard, mouse or joystick.
115Motion control: a, s, d, w  or Cursor keys on the keyboard, or you can use the joystick.
116To fire: press space-bar + direction, left mouse-button or first joystick-button + direction.
117To enter takeover-mode: press fire without a direction, right mouse-key or second joystick-button.
118To enter lifts or consoles: press 'e' or RightShift on the keyboard, middle mouse-button or third joystick button.
119If you collide with a droid while in takeover mode, you enter the takeover-game.
120If you win, you can control this droid for a while, if you lose and you controlled another droid before, you revert to the 001 influence device, otherwise you are destroyed.
122To enter the game-menu press Escape.
125    Press Fire to Play
127* End of Mission Briefing Text Subsection *
131** Beginning of End Title Text Section **
133Success!!! Congratulations!!
134You have made it!
136We hope you have enjoyed this piece of C64 nostalgia.
137Watch out for further FreeDroid based games:
138FreeDroidRPG for the role-play fans, and
139FreeDroidWorld for a multi-player arcade version.
141See http://freedroid.sourceforge.net for further details.
143Press Fire to play again.
145** End of End Title Text Section **
147*** End of Mission File ***