1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 //! Memory profiling functions.
7 use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcReceiver};
8 use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
9 use profile_traits::mem::{ProfilerChan, ProfilerMsg, ReportKind, Reporter, ReporterRequest};
10 use profile_traits::mem::ReportsChan;
11 use std::borrow::ToOwned;
12 use std::cmp::Ordering;
13 use std::collections::HashMap;
14 use std::thread;
15 use std::time::Instant;
16 use time::duration_from_seconds;
18 pub struct Profiler {
19     /// The port through which messages are received.
20     pub port: IpcReceiver<ProfilerMsg>,
22     /// Registered memory reporters.
23     reporters: HashMap<String, Reporter>,
25     /// Instant at which this profiler was created.
26     created: Instant,
27 }
29 const JEMALLOC_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR: &'static str = "jemalloc-heap-allocated";
30 const SYSTEM_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR: &'static str = "system-heap-allocated";
32 impl Profiler {
create(period: Option<f64>) -> ProfilerChan33     pub fn create(period: Option<f64>) -> ProfilerChan {
34         let (chan, port) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
36         // Create the timer thread if a period was provided.
37         if let Some(period) = period {
38             let chan = chan.clone();
39             thread::Builder::new().name("Memory profiler timer".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
40                 loop {
41                     thread::sleep(duration_from_seconds(period));
42                     if chan.send(ProfilerMsg::Print).is_err() {
43                         break;
44                     }
45                 }
46             }).expect("Thread spawning failed");
47         }
49         // Always spawn the memory profiler. If there is no timer thread it won't receive regular
50         // `Print` events, but it will still receive the other events.
51         thread::Builder::new().name("Memory profiler".to_owned()).spawn(move || {
52             let mut mem_profiler = Profiler::new(port);
53             mem_profiler.start();
54         }).expect("Thread spawning failed");
56         let mem_profiler_chan = ProfilerChan(chan);
58         // Register the system memory reporter, which will run on its own thread. It never needs to
59         // be unregistered, because as long as the memory profiler is running the system memory
60         // reporter can make measurements.
61         let (system_reporter_sender, system_reporter_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
62         ROUTER.add_route(system_reporter_receiver.to_opaque(), Box::new(|message| {
63             let request: ReporterRequest = message.to().unwrap();
64             system_reporter::collect_reports(request)
65         }));
66         mem_profiler_chan.send(ProfilerMsg::RegisterReporter("system".to_owned(),
67                                                              Reporter(system_reporter_sender)));
69         mem_profiler_chan
70     }
new(port: IpcReceiver<ProfilerMsg>) -> Profiler72     pub fn new(port: IpcReceiver<ProfilerMsg>) -> Profiler {
73         Profiler {
74             port: port,
75             reporters: HashMap::new(),
76             created: Instant::now(),
77         }
78     }
start(&mut self)80     pub fn start(&mut self) {
81         while let Ok(msg) = self.port.recv() {
82            if !self.handle_msg(msg) {
83                break
84            }
85         }
86     }
handle_msg(&mut self, msg: ProfilerMsg) -> bool88     fn handle_msg(&mut self, msg: ProfilerMsg) -> bool {
89         match msg {
90             ProfilerMsg::RegisterReporter(name, reporter) => {
91                 // Panic if it has already been registered.
92                 let name_clone = name.clone();
93                 match self.reporters.insert(name, reporter) {
94                     None => true,
95                     Some(_) => panic!(format!("RegisterReporter: '{}' name is already in use",
96                                               name_clone)),
97                 }
98             },
100             ProfilerMsg::UnregisterReporter(name) => {
101                 // Panic if it hasn't previously been registered.
102                 match self.reporters.remove(&name) {
103                     Some(_) => true,
104                     None =>
105                         panic!(format!("UnregisterReporter: '{}' name is unknown", &name)),
106                 }
107             },
109             ProfilerMsg::Print => {
110                 self.handle_print_msg();
111                 true
112             },
114             ProfilerMsg::Exit => false
115         }
116     }
handle_print_msg(&self)118     fn handle_print_msg(&self) {
119         let elapsed = self.created.elapsed();
120         println!("Begin memory reports {}", elapsed.as_secs());
121         println!("|");
123         // Collect reports from memory reporters.
124         //
125         // This serializes the report-gathering. It might be worth creating a new scoped thread for
126         // each reporter once we have enough of them.
127         //
128         // If anything goes wrong with a reporter, we just skip it.
129         //
130         // We also track the total memory reported on the jemalloc heap and the system heap, and
131         // use that to compute the special "jemalloc-heap-unclassified" and
132         // "system-heap-unclassified" values.
134         let mut forest = ReportsForest::new();
136         let mut jemalloc_heap_reported_size = 0;
137         let mut system_heap_reported_size = 0;
139         let mut jemalloc_heap_allocated_size: Option<usize> = None;
140         let mut system_heap_allocated_size: Option<usize> = None;
142         for reporter in self.reporters.values() {
143             let (chan, port) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
144             reporter.collect_reports(ReportsChan(chan));
145             if let Ok(mut reports) = port.recv() {
146                 for report in &mut reports {
147                     // Add "explicit" to the start of the path, when appropriate.
148                     match report.kind {
149                         ReportKind::ExplicitJemallocHeapSize |
150                         ReportKind::ExplicitSystemHeapSize |
151                         ReportKind::ExplicitNonHeapSize |
152                         ReportKind::ExplicitUnknownLocationSize =>
153                             report.path.insert(0, String::from("explicit")),
154                         ReportKind::NonExplicitSize => {},
155                     }
157                     // Update the reported fractions of the heaps, when appropriate.
158                     match report.kind {
159                         ReportKind::ExplicitJemallocHeapSize =>
160                             jemalloc_heap_reported_size += report.size,
161                         ReportKind::ExplicitSystemHeapSize =>
162                             system_heap_reported_size += report.size,
163                         _ => {},
164                     }
166                     // Record total size of the heaps, when we see them.
167                     if report.path.len() == 1 {
168                         if report.path[0] == JEMALLOC_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR {
169                             assert!(jemalloc_heap_allocated_size.is_none());
170                             jemalloc_heap_allocated_size = Some(report.size);
171                         } else if report.path[0] == SYSTEM_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR {
172                             assert!(system_heap_allocated_size.is_none());
173                             system_heap_allocated_size = Some(report.size);
174                         }
175                     }
177                     // Insert the report.
178                     forest.insert(&report.path, report.size);
179                 }
180             }
181         }
183         // Compute and insert the heap-unclassified values.
184         if let Some(jemalloc_heap_allocated_size) = jemalloc_heap_allocated_size {
185             forest.insert(&path!["explicit", "jemalloc-heap-unclassified"],
186                           jemalloc_heap_allocated_size - jemalloc_heap_reported_size);
187         }
188         if let Some(system_heap_allocated_size) = system_heap_allocated_size {
189             forest.insert(&path!["explicit", "system-heap-unclassified"],
190                           system_heap_allocated_size - system_heap_reported_size);
191         }
193         forest.print();
195         println!("|");
196         println!("End memory reports");
197         println!("");
198     }
199 }
201 /// A collection of one or more reports with the same initial path segment. A ReportsTree
202 /// containing a single node is described as "degenerate".
203 struct ReportsTree {
204     /// For leaf nodes, this is the sum of the sizes of all reports that mapped to this location.
205     /// For interior nodes, this is the sum of the sizes of all its child nodes.
206     size: usize,
208     /// For leaf nodes, this is the count of all reports that mapped to this location.
209     /// For interor nodes, this is always zero.
210     count: u32,
212     /// The segment from the report path that maps to this node.
213     path_seg: String,
215     /// Child nodes.
216     children: Vec<ReportsTree>,
217 }
219 impl ReportsTree {
new(path_seg: String) -> ReportsTree220     fn new(path_seg: String) -> ReportsTree {
221         ReportsTree {
222             size: 0,
223             count: 0,
224             path_seg: path_seg,
225             children: vec![]
226         }
227     }
229     // Searches the tree's children for a path_seg match, and returns the index if there is a
230     // match.
find_child(&self, path_seg: &str) -> Option<usize>231     fn find_child(&self, path_seg: &str) -> Option<usize> {
232         for (i, child) in self.children.iter().enumerate() {
233             if child.path_seg == *path_seg {
234                 return Some(i);
235             }
236         }
237         None
238     }
240     // Insert the path and size into the tree, adding any nodes as necessary.
insert(&mut self, path: &[String], size: usize)241     fn insert(&mut self, path: &[String], size: usize) {
242         let mut t: &mut ReportsTree = self;
243         for path_seg in path {
244             let i = match t.find_child(&path_seg) {
245                 Some(i) => i,
246                 None => {
247                     let new_t = ReportsTree::new(path_seg.clone());
248                     t.children.push(new_t);
249                     t.children.len() - 1
250                 },
251             };
252             let tmp = t;    // this temporary is needed to satisfy the borrow checker
253             t = &mut tmp.children[i];
254         }
256         t.size += size;
257         t.count += 1;
258     }
260     // Fill in sizes for interior nodes and sort sub-trees accordingly. Should only be done once
261     // all the reports have been inserted.
compute_interior_node_sizes_and_sort(&mut self) -> usize262     fn compute_interior_node_sizes_and_sort(&mut self) -> usize {
263         if !self.children.is_empty() {
264             // Interior node. Derive its size from its children.
265             if self.size != 0 {
266                 // This will occur if e.g. we have paths ["a", "b"] and ["a", "b", "c"].
267                 panic!("one report's path is a sub-path of another report's path");
268             }
269             for child in &mut self.children {
270                 self.size += child.compute_interior_node_sizes_and_sort();
271             }
272             // Now that child sizes have been computed, we can sort the children.
273             self.children.sort_by(|t1, t2| t2.size.cmp(&t1.size));
274         }
275         self.size
276     }
print(&self, depth: i32)278     fn print(&self, depth: i32) {
279         if !self.children.is_empty() {
280             assert_eq!(self.count, 0);
281         }
283         let mut indent_str = String::new();
284         for _ in 0..depth {
285             indent_str.push_str("   ");
286         }
288         let mebi = 1024f64 * 1024f64;
289         let count_str = if self.count > 1 { format!(" [{}]", self.count) } else { "".to_owned() };
290         println!("|{}{:8.2} MiB -- {}{}",
291                  indent_str, (self.size as f64) / mebi, self.path_seg, count_str);
293         for child in &self.children {
294             child.print(depth + 1);
295         }
296     }
297 }
299 /// A collection of ReportsTrees. It represents the data from multiple memory reports in a form
300 /// that's good to print.
301 struct ReportsForest {
302     trees: HashMap<String, ReportsTree>,
303 }
305 impl ReportsForest {
new() -> ReportsForest306     fn new() -> ReportsForest {
307         ReportsForest {
308             trees: HashMap::new(),
309         }
310     }
312     // Insert the path and size into the forest, adding any trees and nodes as necessary.
insert(&mut self, path: &[String], size: usize)313     fn insert(&mut self, path: &[String], size: usize) {
314         let (head, tail) = path.split_first().unwrap();
315         // Get the right tree, creating it if necessary.
316         if !self.trees.contains_key(head) {
317             self.trees.insert(head.clone(), ReportsTree::new(head.clone()));
318         }
319         let t = self.trees.get_mut(head).unwrap();
321         // Use tail because the 0th path segment was used to find the right tree in the forest.
322         t.insert(tail, size);
323     }
print(&mut self)325     fn print(&mut self) {
326         // Fill in sizes of interior nodes, and recursively sort the sub-trees.
327         for (_, tree) in &mut self.trees {
328             tree.compute_interior_node_sizes_and_sort();
329         }
331         // Put the trees into a sorted vector. Primary sort: degenerate trees (those containing a
332         // single node) come after non-degenerate trees. Secondary sort: alphabetical order of the
333         // root node's path_seg.
334         let mut v = vec![];
335         for (_, tree) in &self.trees {
336             v.push(tree);
337         }
338         v.sort_by(|a, b| {
339             if a.children.is_empty() && !b.children.is_empty() {
340                 Ordering::Greater
341             } else if !a.children.is_empty() && b.children.is_empty() {
342                 Ordering::Less
343             } else {
344                 a.path_seg.cmp(&b.path_seg)
345             }
346         });
348         // Print the forest.
349         for tree in &v {
350             tree.print(0);
351             // Print a blank line after non-degenerate trees.
352             if !tree.children.is_empty() {
353                 println!("|");
354             }
355         }
356     }
357 }
359 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
361 mod system_reporter {
362     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
363     use libc::{c_void, size_t};
364     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
365     use libc::c_int;
366     use profile_traits::mem::{Report, ReportKind, ReporterRequest};
367     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
368     use std::ffi::CString;
369     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
370     use std::mem::size_of;
371     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
372     use std::ptr::null_mut;
374     #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
375     use task_info::task_basic_info::{virtual_size, resident_size};
377     /// Collects global measurements from the OS and heap allocators.
collect_reports(request: ReporterRequest)378     pub fn collect_reports(request: ReporterRequest) {
379         let mut reports = vec![];
380         {
381             let mut report = |path, size| {
382                 if let Some(size) = size {
383                     reports.push(Report {
384                         path: path,
385                         kind: ReportKind::NonExplicitSize,
386                         size: size,
387                     });
388                 }
389             };
391             // Virtual and physical memory usage, as reported by the OS.
392             report(path!["vsize"], vsize());
393             report(path!["resident"], resident());
395             // Memory segments, as reported by the OS.
396             for seg in resident_segments() {
397                 report(path!["resident-according-to-smaps", seg.0], Some(seg.1));
398             }
400             // Total number of bytes allocated by the application on the system
401             // heap.
402             report(path![SYSTEM_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR], system_heap_allocated());
404             // The descriptions of the following jemalloc measurements are taken
405             // directly from the jemalloc documentation.
407             // "Total number of bytes allocated by the application."
408             report(path![JEMALLOC_HEAP_ALLOCATED_STR], jemalloc_stat("stats.allocated"));
410             // "Total number of bytes in active pages allocated by the application.
411             // This is a multiple of the page size, and greater than or equal to
412             // |stats.allocated|."
413             report(path!["jemalloc-heap-active"], jemalloc_stat("stats.active"));
415             // "Total number of bytes in chunks mapped on behalf of the application.
416             // This is a multiple of the chunk size, and is at least as large as
417             // |stats.active|. This does not include inactive chunks."
418             report(path!["jemalloc-heap-mapped"], jemalloc_stat("stats.mapped"));
419         }
421         request.reports_channel.send(reports);
422     }
424     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
425     extern {
mallinfo() -> struct_mallinfo426         fn mallinfo() -> struct_mallinfo;
427     }
429     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
430     #[repr(C)]
431     pub struct struct_mallinfo {
432         arena:    c_int,
433         ordblks:  c_int,
434         smblks:   c_int,
435         hblks:    c_int,
436         hblkhd:   c_int,
437         usmblks:  c_int,
438         fsmblks:  c_int,
439         uordblks: c_int,
440         fordblks: c_int,
441         keepcost: c_int,
442     }
444     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
system_heap_allocated() -> Option<usize>445     fn system_heap_allocated() -> Option<usize> {
446         let info: struct_mallinfo = unsafe { mallinfo() };
448         // The documentation in the glibc man page makes it sound like |uordblks| would suffice,
449         // but that only gets the small allocations that are put in the brk heap. We need |hblkhd|
450         // as well to get the larger allocations that are mmapped.
451         //
452         // These fields are unfortunately |int| and so can overflow (becoming negative) if memory
453         // usage gets high enough. So don't report anything in that case. In the non-overflow case
454         // we cast the two values to usize before adding them to make sure the sum also doesn't
455         // overflow.
456         if info.hblkhd < 0 || info.uordblks < 0 {
457             None
458         } else {
459             Some(info.hblkhd as usize + info.uordblks as usize)
460         }
461     }
463     #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
system_heap_allocated() -> Option<usize>464     fn system_heap_allocated() -> Option<usize> {
465         None
466     }
468     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
469     use jemalloc_sys::mallctl;
471     #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(target_os = "windows")))]
jemalloc_stat(value_name: &str) -> Option<usize>472     fn jemalloc_stat(value_name: &str) -> Option<usize> {
473         // Before we request the measurement of interest, we first send an "epoch"
474         // request. Without that jemalloc gives cached statistics(!) which can be
475         // highly inaccurate.
476         let epoch_name = "epoch";
477         let epoch_c_name = CString::new(epoch_name).unwrap();
478         let mut epoch: u64 = 0;
479         let epoch_ptr = &mut epoch as *mut _ as *mut c_void;
480         let mut epoch_len = size_of::<u64>() as size_t;
482         let value_c_name = CString::new(value_name).unwrap();
483         let mut value: size_t = 0;
484         let value_ptr = &mut value as *mut _ as *mut c_void;
485         let mut value_len = size_of::<size_t>() as size_t;
487         // Using the same values for the `old` and `new` parameters is enough
488         // to get the statistics updated.
489         let rv = unsafe {
490             mallctl(epoch_c_name.as_ptr(), epoch_ptr, &mut epoch_len, epoch_ptr,
491                        epoch_len)
492         };
493         if rv != 0 {
494             return None;
495         }
497         let rv = unsafe {
498             mallctl(value_c_name.as_ptr(), value_ptr, &mut value_len, null_mut(), 0)
499         };
500         if rv != 0 {
501             return None;
502         }
504         Some(value as usize)
505     }
507     #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", not(feature = "unstable")))]
jemalloc_stat(_value_name: &str) -> Option<usize>508     fn jemalloc_stat(_value_name: &str) -> Option<usize> {
509         None
510     }
512     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
page_size() -> usize513     fn page_size() -> usize {
514         unsafe {
515             ::libc::sysconf(::libc::_SC_PAGESIZE) as usize
516         }
517     }
519     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
proc_self_statm_field(field: usize) -> Option<usize>520     fn proc_self_statm_field(field: usize) -> Option<usize> {
521         use std::fs::File;
522         use std::io::Read;
524         let mut f = File::open("/proc/self/statm").ok()?;
525         let mut contents = String::new();
526         f.read_to_string(&mut contents).ok()?;
527         let s = contents.split_whitespace().nth(field)?;
528         let npages = s.parse::<usize>().ok()?;
529         Some(npages * page_size())
530     }
532     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
vsize() -> Option<usize>533     fn vsize() -> Option<usize> {
534         proc_self_statm_field(0)
535     }
537     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
resident() -> Option<usize>538     fn resident() -> Option<usize> {
539         proc_self_statm_field(1)
540     }
542     #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
vsize() -> Option<usize>543     fn vsize() -> Option<usize> {
544         virtual_size()
545     }
547     #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
resident() -> Option<usize>548     fn resident() -> Option<usize> {
549         resident_size()
550     }
552     #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos")))]
vsize() -> Option<usize>553     fn vsize() -> Option<usize> {
554         None
555     }
557     #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "macos")))]
resident() -> Option<usize>558     fn resident() -> Option<usize> {
559         None
560     }
562     #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
resident_segments() -> Vec<(String, usize)>563     fn resident_segments() -> Vec<(String, usize)> {
564         use regex::Regex;
565         use std::collections::HashMap;
566         use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
567         use std::fs::File;
568         use std::io::{BufReader, BufRead};
570         // The first line of an entry in /proc/<pid>/smaps looks just like an entry
571         // in /proc/<pid>/maps:
572         //
573         //   address           perms offset  dev   inode  pathname
574         //   02366000-025d8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0      [heap]
575         //
576         // Each of the following lines contains a key and a value, separated
577         // by ": ", where the key does not contain either of those characters.
578         // For example:
579         //
580         //   Rss:           132 kB
582         let f = match File::open("/proc/self/smaps") {
583             Ok(f) => BufReader::new(f),
584             Err(_) => return vec![],
585         };
587         let seg_re = Regex::new(
588             r"^[:xdigit:]+-[:xdigit:]+ (....) [:xdigit:]+ [:xdigit:]+:[:xdigit:]+ \d+ +(.*)").unwrap();
589         let rss_re = Regex::new(r"^Rss: +(\d+) kB").unwrap();
591         // We record each segment's resident size.
592         let mut seg_map: HashMap<String, usize> = HashMap::new();
594         #[derive(PartialEq)]
595         enum LookingFor { Segment, Rss }
596         let mut looking_for = LookingFor::Segment;
598         let mut curr_seg_name = String::new();
600         // Parse the file.
601         for line in f.lines() {
602             let line = match line {
603                 Ok(line) => line,
604                 Err(_) => continue,
605             };
606             if looking_for == LookingFor::Segment {
607                 // Look for a segment info line.
608                 let cap = match seg_re.captures(&line) {
609                     Some(cap) => cap,
610                     None => continue,
611                 };
612                 let perms = cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str();
613                 let pathname = cap.get(2).unwrap().as_str();
615                 // Construct the segment name from its pathname and permissions.
616                 curr_seg_name.clear();
617                 if pathname == "" || pathname.starts_with("[stack:") {
618                     // Anonymous memory. Entries marked with "[stack:nnn]"
619                     // look like thread stacks but they may include other
620                     // anonymous mappings, so we can't trust them and just
621                     // treat them as entirely anonymous.
622                     curr_seg_name.push_str("anonymous");
623                 } else {
624                     curr_seg_name.push_str(pathname);
625                 }
626                 curr_seg_name.push_str(" (");
627                 curr_seg_name.push_str(perms);
628                 curr_seg_name.push_str(")");
630                 looking_for = LookingFor::Rss;
631             } else {
632                 // Look for an "Rss:" line.
633                 let cap = match rss_re.captures(&line) {
634                     Some(cap) => cap,
635                     None => continue,
636                 };
637                 let rss = cap.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::<usize>().unwrap() * 1024;
639                 if rss > 0 {
640                     // Aggregate small segments into "other".
641                     let seg_name = if rss < 512 * 1024 {
642                         "other".to_owned()
643                     } else {
644                         curr_seg_name.clone()
645                     };
646                     match seg_map.entry(seg_name) {
647                         Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(rss); },
648                         Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => *entry.get_mut() += rss,
649                     }
650                 }
652                 looking_for = LookingFor::Segment;
653             }
654         }
656         // Note that the sum of all these segments' RSS values differs from the "resident"
657         // measurement obtained via /proc/<pid>/statm in resident(). It's unclear why this
658         // difference occurs; for some processes the measurements match, but for Servo they do not.
659         seg_map.into_iter().collect()
660     }
662     #[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
resident_segments() -> Vec<(String, usize)>663     fn resident_segments() -> Vec<(String, usize)> {
664         vec![]
665     }
666 }