1 // Gmsh - Copyright (C) 1997-2021 C. Geuzaine, J.-F. Remacle
2 //
3 // See the LICENSE.txt file in the Gmsh root directory for license information.
4 // Please report all issues on https://gitlab.onelab.info/gmsh/gmsh/issues.
6 #ifndef MESH_GFACE_H
7 #define MESH_GFACE_H
9 #include <vector>
10 #include <set>
11 #include <list>
12 #include "SPoint2.h"
13 #include "SVector3.h"
14 #include "MElementOctree.h"
16 class GEdge;
17 class GFace;
18 class MVertex;
20 // Create the mesh of the face
21 class meshGFace {
22   const bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh;
24 public:
repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh(r)25   meshGFace(bool r = true) : repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh(r) {}
26   void operator()(GFace *, bool print = true);
27 };
29 // Destroy the mesh of the face
30 class deMeshGFace {
31 public:
deMeshGFace()32   deMeshGFace() {}
33   void operator()(GFace *);
34 };
36 // Orient the mesh of a face to match the orientation of the underlying
37 // geometry. This is necessary for 3 different reasons:
38 // 1) some surface mesh algorithms do not respect the original geometrical
39 //    orientation
40 // 2) some volume algorithms need to change the surface mesh orientation
41 // 3) users can choose to reverse the natural orientation
42 class orientMeshGFace {
43 public:
44   void operator()(GFace *);
45 };
47 void fourthPoint(double *p1, double *p2, double *p3, double *p4);
48 void findTransfiniteCorners(GFace *gf, std::vector<MVertex *> &corners);
49 int MeshTransfiniteSurface(GFace *gf);
50 int MeshExtrudedSurface(
51   GFace *gf,
52   std::set<std::pair<MVertex *, MVertex *> > *constrainedEdges = nullptr);
53 bool meshGenerator(GFace *gf, int RECUR_ITER, bool repairSelfIntersecting1dMesh,
54                    bool onlyInitialMesh, bool debug = true,
55                    std::vector<GEdge *> *replacement_edges = nullptr);
56 bool pointInsideParametricDomain(std::vector<SPoint2> &bnd, SPoint2 &p,
57                                  SPoint2 &out, int &N);
59 /**
60  * @brief Automatically set transfinite constraints on curves and faces
61  *        in the candidate_faces if possible. Curves on opposide sides
62  *        of rectangular faces are constrained to reiceive the same number
63  *        of points.
64  *
65  * @param candidate_faces The faces which are candidate for transfinite
66  * @param cornerAngle Threshold on the angle (viewed from face) at corners
67  * @param setRecombine If true, quads will be built instead of triangles when
68  * meshing
69  * @param maxDiffRel Reject transfinite constraints if the relative difference
70  * on the initial number of lines (from sizing constraints) on opposite sides is
71  * larger than the maxDiffRel
72  * @param ignoreEmbedded If true, ignore embedded edges and vertices in faces
73  *
74  * @return true if success
75  */
76 bool MeshSetTransfiniteFacesAutomatic(std::set<GFace *> &candidate_faces,
77                                       double cornerAngle = 2.35,
78                                       bool setRecombine = true,
79                                       double maxDiffRel = 1.,
80                                       bool ignoreEmbedded = false);
82 #endif