1 /*
2    D-Bus Java Implementation
3    Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Matthew Johnson
5    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6    under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or the
7    Academic Free Licence Version 2.1.
9    Full licence texts are included in the COPYING file with this program.
10 */
11 package org.freedesktop.dbus;
13 import static org.freedesktop.dbus.Gettext._;
15 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
16 import java.util.Vector;
17 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException;
18 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusExecutionException;
19 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.MessageFormatException;
20 import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.NotConnected;
22 import cx.ath.matthew.debug.Debug;
24 /**
25  * Error messages which can be sent over the bus.
26  */
27 public class Error extends Message
28 {
Error()29    Error() { }
Error(String dest, String errorName, long replyserial, String sig, Object... args)30    public Error(String dest, String errorName, long replyserial, String sig, Object... args) throws DBusException
31    {
32       this(null, dest, errorName, replyserial, sig, args);
33    }
Error(String source, String dest, String errorName, long replyserial, String sig, Object... args)34    public Error(String source, String dest, String errorName, long replyserial, String sig, Object... args) throws DBusException
35    {
36       super(Message.Endian.BIG, Message.MessageType.ERROR, (byte) 0);
38       if (null == errorName)
39          throw new MessageFormatException(_("Must specify error name to Errors."));
40       headers.put(Message.HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL,replyserial);
41       headers.put(Message.HeaderField.ERROR_NAME,errorName);
43       Vector<Object> hargs = new Vector<Object>();
44       hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.ERROR_NAME, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, errorName } });
45       hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.REPLY_SERIAL, new Object[] { ArgumentType.UINT32_STRING, replyserial } });
47       if (null != source) {
48          headers.put(Message.HeaderField.SENDER,source);
49          hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.SENDER, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, source } });
50       }
52       if (null != dest) {
53          headers.put(Message.HeaderField.DESTINATION,dest);
54          hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.DESTINATION, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, dest } });
55       }
57       if (null != sig) {
58          hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE, new Object[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE_STRING, sig } });
59          headers.put(Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE,sig);
60          setArgs(args);
61       }
63       byte[] blen = new byte[4];
64       appendBytes(blen);
65       append("ua(yv)", serial, hargs.toArray());
66       pad((byte)8);
68       long c = bytecounter;
69       if (null != sig) append(sig, args);
70       marshallint(bytecounter-c, blen, 0, 4);
71    }
Error(String source, Message m, Throwable e)72    public Error(String source, Message m, Throwable e)  throws DBusException
73    {
74       this(source, m.getSource(), AbstractConnection.dollar_pattern.matcher(e.getClass().getName()).replaceAll("."), m.getSerial(), "s", e.getMessage());
75    }
Error(Message m, Throwable e)76    public Error(Message m, Throwable e)  throws DBusException
77    {
78       this(m.getSource(), AbstractConnection.dollar_pattern.matcher(e.getClass().getName()).replaceAll("."), m.getSerial(), "s", e.getMessage());
79    }
80    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
createExceptionClass(String name)81    private static Class<? extends DBusExecutionException> createExceptionClass(String name)
82    {
83       if (name == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Local.Disconnected") return NotConnected.class;
84       Class<? extends DBusExecutionException> c = null;
85       do {
86          try {
87             c = (Class<? extends org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusExecutionException>) Class.forName(name);
88          } catch (ClassNotFoundException CNFe) {}
89          name = name.replaceAll("\\.([^\\.]*)$", "\\$$1");
90       } while (null == c && name.matches(".*\\..*"));
91       return c;
92    }
93    /**
94     * Turns this into an exception of the correct type
95     */
getException()96    public DBusExecutionException getException()
97    {
98       try {
99          Class<? extends DBusExecutionException> c = createExceptionClass(getName());
100          if (null == c || !DBusExecutionException.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) c = DBusExecutionException.class;
101          Constructor<? extends DBusExecutionException> con = c.getConstructor(String.class);
102          DBusExecutionException ex;
103          Object[] args = getParameters();
104          if (null == args || 0 == args.length)
105             ex = con.newInstance("");
106          else {
107             String s = "";
108             for (Object o: args)
109                s += o + " ";
110             ex = con.newInstance(s.trim());
111          }
112          ex.setType(getName());
113          return ex;
114       } catch (Exception e) {
115          if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e);
116          if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug && null != e.getCause())
117             Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e.getCause());
118          DBusExecutionException ex;
119          Object[] args = null;
120          try {
121             args = getParameters();
122          } catch (Exception ee) {}
123          if (null == args || 0 == args.length)
124             ex = new DBusExecutionException("");
125          else {
126             String s = "";
127             for (Object o: args)
128                s += o + " ";
129             ex = new DBusExecutionException(s.trim());
130          }
131          ex.setType(getName());
132          return ex;
133       }
134    }
135    /**
136     * Throw this as an exception of the correct type
137     */
throwException()138    public void throwException() throws DBusExecutionException
139    {
140       throw getException();
141    }
142 }