1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 /// Collection of objects used to extend the Constraint Solver library.
15 ///
16 /// This file contains a set of objects that simplifies writing extensions
17 /// of the library.
18 ///
19 /// The main objects that define extensions are:
20 ///   - BaseIntExpr, the base class of all expressions that are not variables.
21 ///   - SimpleRevFIFO, a reversible FIFO list with templatized values.
22 ///     A reversible data structure is a data structure that reverts its
23 ///     modifications when the search is going up in the search tree, usually
24 ///     after a failure occurs.
25 ///   - RevImmutableMultiMap, a reversible immutable multimap.
26 ///   - MakeConstraintDemon<n> and MakeDelayedConstraintDemon<n> to wrap methods
27 ///     of a constraint as a demon.
28 ///   - RevSwitch, a reversible flip-once switch.
29 ///   - SmallRevBitSet, RevBitSet, and RevBitMatrix: reversible 1D or 2D
30 ///     bitsets.
31 ///   - LocalSearchOperator, IntVarLocalSearchOperator, ChangeValue and
32 ///     PathOperator, to create new local search operators.
33 ///   - LocalSearchFilter and IntVarLocalSearchFilter, to create new local
34 ///     search filters.
35 ///   - BaseLns, to write Large Neighborhood Search operators.
36 ///   - SymmetryBreaker, to describe model symmetries that will be broken during
37 ///     search using the 'Symmetry Breaking During Search' framework
38 ///     see Gent, I. P., Harvey, W., & Kelsey, T. (2002).
39 ///     Groups and Constraints: Symmetry Breaking During Search.
40 ///     Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP2002
41 ///     (Vol. 2470, pp. 415-430). Springer. Retrieved from
42 ///     http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
43 ///
44 /// Then, there are some internal classes that are used throughout the solver
45 /// and exposed in this file:
46 ///   - SearchLog, the root class of all periodic outputs during search.
47 ///   - ModelCache, A caching layer to avoid creating twice the same object.
52 #include <stdint.h>
53 #include <string.h>
55 #include <algorithm>
56 #include <functional>
57 #include <memory>
58 #include <string>
59 #include <utility>
60 #include <vector>
62 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
63 #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
64 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
65 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
66 #include "ortools/base/timer.h"
67 #include "ortools/constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h"
68 #include "ortools/util/bitset.h"
69 #include "ortools/util/tuple_set.h"
71 namespace operations_research {
73 /// This is the base class for all expressions that are not variables.
74 /// It provides a basic 'CastToVar()' implementation.
75 ///
76 /// The class of expressions represent two types of objects: variables
77 /// and subclasses of BaseIntExpr. Variables are stateful objects that
78 /// provide a rich API (remove values, WhenBound...). On the other hand,
79 /// subclasses of BaseIntExpr represent range-only stateless objects.
80 /// That is, min(A + B) is recomputed each time as min(A) + min(B).
81 ///
82 /// Furthermore, sometimes, the propagation on an expression is not complete,
83 /// and Min(), Max() are not monotonic with respect to SetMin() and SetMax().
84 /// For instance, if A is a var with domain [0 .. 5], and B another variable
85 /// with domain [0 .. 5], then Plus(A, B) has domain [0, 10].
86 ///
87 /// If we apply SetMax(Plus(A, B), 4)), we will deduce that both A
88 /// and B have domain [0 .. 4]. In that case, Max(Plus(A, B)) is 8
89 /// and not 4.  To get back monotonicity, we 'cast' the expression
90 /// into a variable using the Var() method (that will call CastToVar()
91 /// internally). The resulting variable will be stateful and monotonic.
92 ///
93 /// Finally, one should never store a pointer to a IntExpr, or
94 /// BaseIntExpr in the code. The safe code should always call Var() on an
95 /// expression built by the solver, and store the object as an IntVar*.
96 /// This is a consequence of the stateless nature of the expressions that
97 /// makes the code error-prone.
98 class LocalSearchMonitor;
100 class BaseIntExpr : public IntExpr {
101  public:
BaseIntExpr(Solver * const s)102   explicit BaseIntExpr(Solver* const s) : IntExpr(s), var_(nullptr) {}
~BaseIntExpr()103   ~BaseIntExpr() override {}
105   IntVar* Var() override;
106   virtual IntVar* CastToVar();
108  private:
109   IntVar* var_;
110 };
112 /// This enum is used internally to do dynamic typing on subclasses of integer
113 /// variables.
114 enum VarTypes {
118   CONST_VAR,
119   VAR_ADD_CST,
121   CST_SUB_VAR,
122   OPP_VAR,
124 };
126 /// This class represent a reversible FIFO structure.
127 /// The main difference w.r.t a standard FIFO structure is that a Solver is
128 /// given as parameter to the modifiers such that the solver can store the
129 /// backtrack information
130 /// Iterator's traversing order should not be changed, as some algorithm
131 /// depend on it to be consistent.
132 /// It's main use is to store a list of demons in the various classes of
133 /// variables.
134 #ifndef SWIG
135 template <class T>
136 class SimpleRevFIFO {
137  private:
138   enum { CHUNK_SIZE = 16 };  // TODO(user): could be an extra template param
139   struct Chunk {
140     T data_[CHUNK_SIZE];
141     const Chunk* const next_;
ChunkChunk142     explicit Chunk(const Chunk* next) : next_(next) {}
143   };
145  public:
146   /// This iterator is not stable with respect to deletion.
147   class Iterator {
148    public:
Iterator(const SimpleRevFIFO<T> * l)149     explicit Iterator(const SimpleRevFIFO<T>* l)
150         : chunk_(l->chunks_), value_(l->Last()) {}
ok()151     bool ok() const { return (value_ != nullptr); }
152     T operator*() const { return *value_; }
153     void operator++() {
154       ++value_;
155       if (value_ == chunk_->data_ + CHUNK_SIZE) {
156         chunk_ = chunk_->next_;
157         value_ = chunk_ ? chunk_->data_ : nullptr;
158       }
159     }
161    private:
162     const Chunk* chunk_;
163     const T* value_;
164   };
SimpleRevFIFO()166   SimpleRevFIFO() : chunks_(nullptr), pos_(0) {}
Push(Solver * const s,T val)168   void Push(Solver* const s, T val) {
169     if (pos_.Value() == 0) {
170       Chunk* const chunk = s->UnsafeRevAlloc(new Chunk(chunks_));
171       s->SaveAndSetValue(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&chunks_),
172                          reinterpret_cast<void*>(chunk));
173       pos_.SetValue(s, CHUNK_SIZE - 1);
174     } else {
175       pos_.Decr(s);
176     }
177     chunks_->data_[pos_.Value()] = val;
178   }
180   /// Pushes the var on top if is not a duplicate of the current top object.
PushIfNotTop(Solver * const s,T val)181   void PushIfNotTop(Solver* const s, T val) {
182     if (chunks_ == nullptr || LastValue() != val) {
183       Push(s, val);
184     }
185   }
187   /// Returns the last item of the FIFO.
Last()188   const T* Last() const {
189     return chunks_ ? &chunks_->data_[pos_.Value()] : nullptr;
190   }
MutableLast()192   T* MutableLast() { return chunks_ ? &chunks_->data_[pos_.Value()] : nullptr; }
194   /// Returns the last value in the FIFO.
LastValue()195   const T& LastValue() const {
196     DCHECK(chunks_);
197     return chunks_->data_[pos_.Value()];
198   }
200   /// Sets the last value in the FIFO.
SetLastValue(const T & v)201   void SetLastValue(const T& v) {
202     DCHECK(Last());
203     chunks_->data_[pos_.Value()] = v;
204   }
206  private:
207   Chunk* chunks_;
208   NumericalRev<int> pos_;
209 };
211 /// Hash functions
212 // TODO(user): use murmurhash.
Hash1(uint64_t value)213 inline uint64_t Hash1(uint64_t value) {
214   value = (~value) + (value << 21);  /// value = (value << 21) - value - 1;
215   value ^= value >> 24;
216   value += (value << 3) + (value << 8);  /// value * 265
217   value ^= value >> 14;
218   value += (value << 2) + (value << 4);  /// value * 21
219   value ^= value >> 28;
220   value += (value << 31);
221   return value;
222 }
Hash1(uint32_t value)224 inline uint64_t Hash1(uint32_t value) {
225   uint64_t a = value;
226   a = (a + 0x7ed55d16) + (a << 12);
227   a = (a ^ 0xc761c23c) ^ (a >> 19);
228   a = (a + 0x165667b1) + (a << 5);
229   a = (a + 0xd3a2646c) ^ (a << 9);
230   a = (a + 0xfd7046c5) + (a << 3);
231   a = (a ^ 0xb55a4f09) ^ (a >> 16);
232   return a;
233 }
Hash1(int64_t value)235 inline uint64_t Hash1(int64_t value) {
236   return Hash1(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
237 }
Hash1(int value)239 inline uint64_t Hash1(int value) { return Hash1(static_cast<uint32_t>(value)); }
Hash1(void * const ptr)241 inline uint64_t Hash1(void* const ptr) {
242 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__powerpc64__) || \
243     defined(__aarch64__)
244   return Hash1(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(ptr));
245 #else
246   return Hash1(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t>(ptr));
247 #endif
248 }
250 template <class T>
Hash1(const std::vector<T * > & ptrs)251 uint64_t Hash1(const std::vector<T*>& ptrs) {
252   if (ptrs.empty()) return 0;
253   if (ptrs.size() == 1) return Hash1(ptrs[0]);
254   uint64_t hash = Hash1(ptrs[0]);
255   for (int i = 1; i < ptrs.size(); ++i) {
256     hash = hash * i + Hash1(ptrs[i]);
257   }
258   return hash;
259 }
Hash1(const std::vector<int64_t> & ptrs)261 inline uint64_t Hash1(const std::vector<int64_t>& ptrs) {
262   if (ptrs.empty()) return 0;
263   if (ptrs.size() == 1) return Hash1(ptrs[0]);
264   uint64_t hash = Hash1(ptrs[0]);
265   for (int i = 1; i < ptrs.size(); ++i) {
266     hash = hash * i + Hash1(ptrs[i]);
267   }
268   return hash;
269 }
271 /// Reversible Immutable MultiMap class.
272 /// Represents an immutable multi-map that backtracks with the solver.
273 template <class K, class V>
274 class RevImmutableMultiMap {
275  public:
RevImmutableMultiMap(Solver * const solver,int initial_size)276   RevImmutableMultiMap(Solver* const solver, int initial_size)
277       : solver_(solver),
278         array_(solver->UnsafeRevAllocArray(new Cell*[initial_size])),
279         size_(initial_size),
280         num_items_(0) {
281     memset(array_, 0, sizeof(*array_) * size_.Value());
282   }
~RevImmutableMultiMap()284   ~RevImmutableMultiMap() {}
num_items()286   int num_items() const { return num_items_.Value(); }
288   /// Returns true if the multi-map contains at least one instance of 'key'.
ContainsKey(const K & key)289   bool ContainsKey(const K& key) const {
290     uint64_t code = Hash1(key) % size_.Value();
291     Cell* tmp = array_[code];
292     while (tmp) {
293       if (tmp->key() == key) {
294         return true;
295       }
296       tmp = tmp->next();
297     }
298     return false;
299   }
301   /// Returns one value attached to 'key', or 'default_value' if 'key'
302   /// is not in the multi-map. The actual value returned if more than one
303   /// values is attached to the same key is not specified.
FindWithDefault(const K & key,const V & default_value)304   const V& FindWithDefault(const K& key, const V& default_value) const {
305     uint64_t code = Hash1(key) % size_.Value();
306     Cell* tmp = array_[code];
307     while (tmp) {
308       if (tmp->key() == key) {
309         return tmp->value();
310       }
311       tmp = tmp->next();
312     }
313     return default_value;
314   }
316   /// Inserts (key, value) in the multi-map.
Insert(const K & key,const V & value)317   void Insert(const K& key, const V& value) {
318     const int position = Hash1(key) % size_.Value();
319     Cell* const cell =
320         solver_->UnsafeRevAlloc(new Cell(key, value, array_[position]));
321     solver_->SaveAndSetValue(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&array_[position]),
322                              reinterpret_cast<void*>(cell));
323     num_items_.Incr(solver_);
324     if (num_items_.Value() > 2 * size_.Value()) {
325       Double();
326     }
327   }
329  private:
330   class Cell {
331    public:
Cell(const K & key,const V & value,Cell * const next)332     Cell(const K& key, const V& value, Cell* const next)
333         : key_(key), value_(value), next_(next) {}
SetRevNext(Solver * const solver,Cell * const next)335     void SetRevNext(Solver* const solver, Cell* const next) {
336       solver->SaveAndSetValue(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&next_),
337                               reinterpret_cast<void*>(next));
338     }
next()340     Cell* next() const { return next_; }
key()342     const K& key() const { return key_; }
value()344     const V& value() const { return value_; }
346    private:
347     const K key_;
348     const V value_;
349     Cell* next_;
350   };
Double()352   void Double() {
353     Cell** const old_cell_array = array_;
354     const int old_size = size_.Value();
355     size_.SetValue(solver_, size_.Value() * 2);
356     solver_->SaveAndSetValue(
357         reinterpret_cast<void**>(&array_),
358         reinterpret_cast<void*>(
359             solver_->UnsafeRevAllocArray(new Cell*[size_.Value()])));
360     memset(array_, 0, size_.Value() * sizeof(*array_));
361     for (int i = 0; i < old_size; ++i) {
362       Cell* tmp = old_cell_array[i];
363       while (tmp != nullptr) {
364         Cell* const to_reinsert = tmp;
365         tmp = tmp->next();
366         const uint64_t new_position = Hash1(to_reinsert->key()) % size_.Value();
367         to_reinsert->SetRevNext(solver_, array_[new_position]);
368         solver_->SaveAndSetValue(
369             reinterpret_cast<void**>(&array_[new_position]),
370             reinterpret_cast<void*>(to_reinsert));
371       }
372     }
373   }
375   Solver* const solver_;
376   Cell** array_;
377   NumericalRev<int> size_;
378   NumericalRev<int> num_items_;
379 };
381 /// A reversible switch that can switch once from false to true.
382 class RevSwitch {
383  public:
RevSwitch()384   RevSwitch() : value_(false) {}
Switched()386   bool Switched() const { return value_; }
Switch(Solver * const solver)388   void Switch(Solver* const solver) { solver->SaveAndSetValue(&value_, true); }
390  private:
391   bool value_;
392 };
394 /// This class represents a small reversible bitset (size <= 64).
395 /// This class is useful to maintain supports.
396 class SmallRevBitSet {
397  public:
398   explicit SmallRevBitSet(int64_t size);
399   /// Sets the 'pos' bit.
400   void SetToOne(Solver* const solver, int64_t pos);
401   /// Erases the 'pos' bit.
402   void SetToZero(Solver* const solver, int64_t pos);
403   /// Returns the number of bits set to one.
404   int64_t Cardinality() const;
405   /// Is bitset null?
IsCardinalityZero()406   bool IsCardinalityZero() const { return bits_.Value() == uint64_t{0}; }
407   /// Does it contains only one bit set?
IsCardinalityOne()408   bool IsCardinalityOne() const {
409     return (bits_.Value() != 0) && !(bits_.Value() & (bits_.Value() - 1));
410   }
411   /// Gets the index of the first bit set starting from 0.
412   /// It returns -1 if the bitset is empty.
413   int64_t GetFirstOne() const;
415  private:
416   Rev<uint64_t> bits_;
417 };
419 /// This class represents a reversible bitset.
420 /// This class is useful to maintain supports.
421 class RevBitSet {
422  public:
423   explicit RevBitSet(int64_t size);
424   ~RevBitSet();
426   /// Sets the 'index' bit.
427   void SetToOne(Solver* const solver, int64_t index);
428   /// Erases the 'index' bit.
429   void SetToZero(Solver* const solver, int64_t index);
430   /// Returns whether the 'index' bit is set.
431   bool IsSet(int64_t index) const;
432   /// Returns the number of bits set to one.
433   int64_t Cardinality() const;
434   /// Is bitset null?
435   bool IsCardinalityZero() const;
436   /// Does it contains only one bit set?
437   bool IsCardinalityOne() const;
438   /// Gets the index of the first bit set starting from start.
439   /// It returns -1 if the bitset is empty after start.
440   int64_t GetFirstBit(int start) const;
441   /// Cleans all bits.
442   void ClearAll(Solver* const solver);
444   friend class RevBitMatrix;
446  private:
447   /// Save the offset's part of the bitset.
448   void Save(Solver* const solver, int offset);
449   const int64_t size_;
450   const int64_t length_;
451   uint64_t* bits_;
452   uint64_t* stamps_;
453 };
455 /// Matrix version of the RevBitSet class.
456 class RevBitMatrix : private RevBitSet {
457  public:
458   RevBitMatrix(int64_t rows, int64_t columns);
459   ~RevBitMatrix();
461   /// Sets the 'column' bit in the 'row' row.
462   void SetToOne(Solver* const solver, int64_t row, int64_t column);
463   /// Erases the 'column' bit in the 'row' row.
464   void SetToZero(Solver* const solver, int64_t row, int64_t column);
465   /// Returns whether the 'column' bit in the 'row' row is set.
IsSet(int64_t row,int64_t column)466   bool IsSet(int64_t row, int64_t column) const {
467     DCHECK_GE(row, 0);
468     DCHECK_LT(row, rows_);
469     DCHECK_GE(column, 0);
470     DCHECK_LT(column, columns_);
471     return RevBitSet::IsSet(row * columns_ + column);
472   }
473   /// Returns the number of bits set to one in the 'row' row.
474   int64_t Cardinality(int row) const;
475   /// Is bitset of row 'row' null?
476   bool IsCardinalityZero(int row) const;
477   /// Does the 'row' bitset contains only one bit set?
478   bool IsCardinalityOne(int row) const;
479   /// Returns the first bit in the row 'row' which position is >= 'start'.
480   /// It returns -1 if there are none.
481   int64_t GetFirstBit(int row, int start) const;
482   /// Cleans all bits.
483   void ClearAll(Solver* const solver);
485  private:
486   const int64_t rows_;
487   const int64_t columns_;
488 };
490 /// @{
491 /// These methods represent generic demons that will call back a
492 /// method on the constraint during their Run method.
493 /// This way, all propagation methods are members of the constraint class,
494 /// and demons are just proxies with a priority of NORMAL_PRIORITY.
496 /// Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments.
497 template <class T>
498 class CallMethod0 : public Demon {
499  public:
CallMethod0(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(),const std::string & name)500   CallMethod0(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(), const std::string& name)
501       : constraint_(ct), method_(method), name_(name) {}
~CallMethod0()503   ~CallMethod0() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)505   void Run(Solver* const s) override { (constraint_->*method_)(); }
DebugString()507   std::string DebugString() const override {
508     return "CallMethod_" + name_ + "(" + constraint_->DebugString() + ")";
509   }
511  private:
512   T* const constraint_;
513   void (T::*const method_)();
514   const std::string name_;
515 };
517 template <class T>
MakeConstraintDemon0(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(),const std::string & name)518 Demon* MakeConstraintDemon0(Solver* const s, T* const ct, void (T::*method)(),
519                             const std::string& name) {
520   return s->RevAlloc(new CallMethod0<T>(ct, method, name));
521 }
523 template <class P>
ParameterDebugString(P param)524 std::string ParameterDebugString(P param) {
525   return absl::StrCat(param);
526 }
528 /// Support limited to pointers to classes which define DebugString().
529 template <class P>
ParameterDebugString(P * param)530 std::string ParameterDebugString(P* param) {
531   return param->DebugString();
532 }
534 /// Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument.
535 template <class T, class P>
536 class CallMethod1 : public Demon {
537  public:
CallMethod1(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P),const std::string & name,P param1)538   CallMethod1(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P), const std::string& name,
539               P param1)
540       : constraint_(ct), method_(method), name_(name), param1_(param1) {}
~CallMethod1()542   ~CallMethod1() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)544   void Run(Solver* const s) override { (constraint_->*method_)(param1_); }
DebugString()546   std::string DebugString() const override {
547     return absl::StrCat("CallMethod_", name_, "(", constraint_->DebugString(),
548                         ", ", ParameterDebugString(param1_), ")");
549   }
551  private:
552   T* const constraint_;
553   void (T::*const method_)(P);
554   const std::string name_;
555   P param1_;
556 };
558 template <class T, class P>
MakeConstraintDemon1(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P),const std::string & name,P param1)559 Demon* MakeConstraintDemon1(Solver* const s, T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P),
560                             const std::string& name, P param1) {
561   return s->RevAlloc(new CallMethod1<T, P>(ct, method, name, param1));
562 }
564 /// Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments.
565 template <class T, class P, class Q>
566 class CallMethod2 : public Demon {
567  public:
CallMethod2(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2)568   CallMethod2(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P, Q), const std::string& name,
569               P param1, Q param2)
570       : constraint_(ct),
571         method_(method),
572         name_(name),
573         param1_(param1),
574         param2_(param2) {}
~CallMethod2()576   ~CallMethod2() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)578   void Run(Solver* const s) override {
579     (constraint_->*method_)(param1_, param2_);
580   }
DebugString()582   std::string DebugString() const override {
583     return absl::StrCat(absl::StrCat("CallMethod_", name_),
584                         absl::StrCat("(", constraint_->DebugString()),
585                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param1_)),
586                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param2_), ")"));
587   }
589  private:
590   T* const constraint_;
591   void (T::*const method_)(P, Q);
592   const std::string name_;
593   P param1_;
594   Q param2_;
595 };
597 template <class T, class P, class Q>
MakeConstraintDemon2(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2)598 Demon* MakeConstraintDemon2(Solver* const s, T* const ct,
599                             void (T::*method)(P, Q), const std::string& name,
600                             P param1, Q param2) {
601   return s->RevAlloc(
602       new CallMethod2<T, P, Q>(ct, method, name, param1, param2));
603 }
604 /// Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with three arguments.
605 template <class T, class P, class Q, class R>
606 class CallMethod3 : public Demon {
607  public:
CallMethod3(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q,R),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2,R param3)608   CallMethod3(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P, Q, R), const std::string& name,
609               P param1, Q param2, R param3)
610       : constraint_(ct),
611         method_(method),
612         name_(name),
613         param1_(param1),
614         param2_(param2),
615         param3_(param3) {}
~CallMethod3()617   ~CallMethod3() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)619   void Run(Solver* const s) override {
620     (constraint_->*method_)(param1_, param2_, param3_);
621   }
DebugString()623   std::string DebugString() const override {
624     return absl::StrCat(absl::StrCat("CallMethod_", name_),
625                         absl::StrCat("(", constraint_->DebugString()),
626                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param1_)),
627                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param2_)),
628                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param3_), ")"));
629   }
631  private:
632   T* const constraint_;
633   void (T::*const method_)(P, Q, R);
634   const std::string name_;
635   P param1_;
636   Q param2_;
637   R param3_;
638 };
640 template <class T, class P, class Q, class R>
MakeConstraintDemon3(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q,R),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2,R param3)641 Demon* MakeConstraintDemon3(Solver* const s, T* const ct,
642                             void (T::*method)(P, Q, R), const std::string& name,
643                             P param1, Q param2, R param3) {
644   return s->RevAlloc(
645       new CallMethod3<T, P, Q, R>(ct, method, name, param1, param2, param3));
646 }
647 /// @}
649 /// @{
650 /// These methods represents generic demons that will call back a
651 /// method on the constraint during their Run method. This demon will
652 /// have a priority DELAYED_PRIORITY.
654 /// Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments.
655 template <class T>
656 class DelayedCallMethod0 : public Demon {
657  public:
DelayedCallMethod0(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(),const std::string & name)658   DelayedCallMethod0(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(), const std::string& name)
659       : constraint_(ct), method_(method), name_(name) {}
~DelayedCallMethod0()661   ~DelayedCallMethod0() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)663   void Run(Solver* const s) override { (constraint_->*method_)(); }
priority()665   Solver::DemonPriority priority() const override {
666     return Solver::DELAYED_PRIORITY;
667   }
DebugString()669   std::string DebugString() const override {
670     return "DelayedCallMethod_" + name_ + "(" + constraint_->DebugString() +
671            ")";
672   }
674  private:
675   T* const constraint_;
676   void (T::*const method_)();
677   const std::string name_;
678 };
680 template <class T>
MakeDelayedConstraintDemon0(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(),const std::string & name)681 Demon* MakeDelayedConstraintDemon0(Solver* const s, T* const ct,
682                                    void (T::*method)(),
683                                    const std::string& name) {
684   return s->RevAlloc(new DelayedCallMethod0<T>(ct, method, name));
685 }
687 /// Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument.
688 template <class T, class P>
689 class DelayedCallMethod1 : public Demon {
690  public:
DelayedCallMethod1(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P),const std::string & name,P param1)691   DelayedCallMethod1(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P), const std::string& name,
692                      P param1)
693       : constraint_(ct), method_(method), name_(name), param1_(param1) {}
~DelayedCallMethod1()695   ~DelayedCallMethod1() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)697   void Run(Solver* const s) override { (constraint_->*method_)(param1_); }
priority()699   Solver::DemonPriority priority() const override {
700     return Solver::DELAYED_PRIORITY;
701   }
DebugString()703   std::string DebugString() const override {
704     return absl::StrCat("DelayedCallMethod_", name_, "(",
705                         constraint_->DebugString(), ", ",
706                         ParameterDebugString(param1_), ")");
707   }
709  private:
710   T* const constraint_;
711   void (T::*const method_)(P);
712   const std::string name_;
713   P param1_;
714 };
716 template <class T, class P>
MakeDelayedConstraintDemon1(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P),const std::string & name,P param1)717 Demon* MakeDelayedConstraintDemon1(Solver* const s, T* const ct,
718                                    void (T::*method)(P),
719                                    const std::string& name, P param1) {
720   return s->RevAlloc(new DelayedCallMethod1<T, P>(ct, method, name, param1));
721 }
723 /// Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments.
724 template <class T, class P, class Q>
725 class DelayedCallMethod2 : public Demon {
726  public:
DelayedCallMethod2(T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2)727   DelayedCallMethod2(T* const ct, void (T::*method)(P, Q),
728                      const std::string& name, P param1, Q param2)
729       : constraint_(ct),
730         method_(method),
731         name_(name),
732         param1_(param1),
733         param2_(param2) {}
~DelayedCallMethod2()735   ~DelayedCallMethod2() override {}
Run(Solver * const s)737   void Run(Solver* const s) override {
738     (constraint_->*method_)(param1_, param2_);
739   }
priority()741   Solver::DemonPriority priority() const override {
742     return Solver::DELAYED_PRIORITY;
743   }
DebugString()745   std::string DebugString() const override {
746     return absl::StrCat(absl::StrCat("DelayedCallMethod_", name_),
747                         absl::StrCat("(", constraint_->DebugString()),
748                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param1_)),
749                         absl::StrCat(", ", ParameterDebugString(param2_), ")"));
750   }
752  private:
753   T* const constraint_;
754   void (T::*const method_)(P, Q);
755   const std::string name_;
756   P param1_;
757   Q param2_;
758 };
760 template <class T, class P, class Q>
MakeDelayedConstraintDemon2(Solver * const s,T * const ct,void (T::* method)(P,Q),const std::string & name,P param1,Q param2)761 Demon* MakeDelayedConstraintDemon2(Solver* const s, T* const ct,
762                                    void (T::*method)(P, Q),
763                                    const std::string& name, P param1,
764                                    Q param2) {
765   return s->RevAlloc(
766       new DelayedCallMethod2<T, P, Q>(ct, method, name, param1, param2));
767 }
768 /// @}
770 #endif  // !defined(SWIG)
772 /// The base class for all local search operators.
773 ///
774 /// A local search operator is an object that defines the neighborhood of a
775 /// solution. In other words, a neighborhood is the set of solutions which can
776 /// be reached from a given solution using an operator.
777 ///
778 /// The behavior of the LocalSearchOperator class is similar to iterators.
779 /// The operator is synchronized with an assignment (gives the
780 /// current values of the variables); this is done in the Start() method.
781 ///
782 /// Then one can iterate over the neighbors using the MakeNextNeighbor method.
783 /// This method returns an assignment which represents the incremental changes
784 /// to the current solution. It also returns a second assignment representing
785 /// the changes to the last solution defined by the neighborhood operator; this
786 /// assignment is empty if the neighborhood operator cannot track this
787 /// information.
788 ///
789 // TODO(user): rename Start to Synchronize ?
790 // TODO(user): decouple the iterating from the defining of a neighbor.
791 class LocalSearchOperator : public BaseObject {
792  public:
LocalSearchOperator()793   LocalSearchOperator() {}
~LocalSearchOperator()794   ~LocalSearchOperator() override {}
795   virtual bool MakeNextNeighbor(Assignment* delta, Assignment* deltadelta) = 0;
796   virtual void Start(const Assignment* assignment) = 0;
Reset()797   virtual void Reset() {}
798 #ifndef SWIG
Self()799   virtual const LocalSearchOperator* Self() const { return this; }
800 #endif  // SWIG
HasFragments()801   virtual bool HasFragments() const { return false; }
HoldsDelta()802   virtual bool HoldsDelta() const { return false; }
803 };
805 /// Base operator class for operators manipulating variables.
806 template <class V, class Val, class Handler>
807 class VarLocalSearchOperator : public LocalSearchOperator {
808  public:
VarLocalSearchOperator()809   VarLocalSearchOperator() : activated_(), was_activated_(), cleared_(true) {}
VarLocalSearchOperator(Handler var_handler)810   explicit VarLocalSearchOperator(Handler var_handler)
811       : activated_(),
812         was_activated_(),
813         cleared_(true),
814         var_handler_(var_handler) {}
~VarLocalSearchOperator()815   ~VarLocalSearchOperator() override {}
HoldsDelta()816   bool HoldsDelta() const override { return true; }
817   /// This method should not be overridden. Override OnStart() instead which is
818   /// called before exiting this method.
Start(const Assignment * assignment)819   void Start(const Assignment* assignment) override {
820     const int size = Size();
821     CHECK_LE(size, assignment->Size())
822         << "Assignment contains fewer variables than operator";
823     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
824       activated_.Set(i, var_handler_.ValueFromAssignment(*assignment, vars_[i],
825                                                          i, &values_[i]));
826     }
827     prev_values_ = old_values_;
828     old_values_ = values_;
829     was_activated_.SetContentFromBitsetOfSameSize(activated_);
830     OnStart();
831   }
IsIncremental()832   virtual bool IsIncremental() const { return false; }
Size()833   int Size() const { return vars_.size(); }
834   /// Returns the value in the current assignment of the variable of given
835   /// index.
Value(int64_t index)836   const Val& Value(int64_t index) const {
837     DCHECK_LT(index, vars_.size());
838     return values_[index];
839   }
840   /// Returns the variable of given index.
Var(int64_t index)841   V* Var(int64_t index) const { return vars_[index]; }
SkipUnchanged(int index)842   virtual bool SkipUnchanged(int index) const { return false; }
OldValue(int64_t index)843   const Val& OldValue(int64_t index) const { return old_values_[index]; }
SetValue(int64_t index,const Val & value)844   void SetValue(int64_t index, const Val& value) {
845     values_[index] = value;
846     MarkChange(index);
847   }
Activated(int64_t index)848   bool Activated(int64_t index) const { return activated_[index]; }
Activate(int64_t index)849   void Activate(int64_t index) {
850     activated_.Set(index);
851     MarkChange(index);
852   }
Deactivate(int64_t index)853   void Deactivate(int64_t index) {
854     activated_.Clear(index);
855     MarkChange(index);
856   }
ApplyChanges(Assignment * delta,Assignment * deltadelta)857   bool ApplyChanges(Assignment* delta, Assignment* deltadelta) const {
858     if (IsIncremental() && !cleared_) {
859       for (const int64_t index : delta_changes_.PositionsSetAtLeastOnce()) {
860         V* var = Var(index);
861         const Val& value = Value(index);
862         const bool activated = activated_[index];
863         var_handler_.AddToAssignment(var, value, activated, nullptr, index,
864                                      deltadelta);
865         var_handler_.AddToAssignment(var, value, activated,
866                                      &assignment_indices_, index, delta);
867       }
868     } else {
869       delta->Clear();
870       for (const int64_t index : changes_.PositionsSetAtLeastOnce()) {
871         const Val& value = Value(index);
872         const bool activated = activated_[index];
873         if (!activated || value != OldValue(index) || !SkipUnchanged(index)) {
874           var_handler_.AddToAssignment(Var(index), value, activated_[index],
875                                        &assignment_indices_, index, delta);
876         }
877       }
878     }
879     return true;
880   }
RevertChanges(bool incremental)881   void RevertChanges(bool incremental) {
882     cleared_ = false;
883     delta_changes_.SparseClearAll();
884     if (incremental && IsIncremental()) return;
885     cleared_ = true;
886     for (const int64_t index : changes_.PositionsSetAtLeastOnce()) {
887       values_[index] = old_values_[index];
888       var_handler_.OnRevertChanges(index, values_[index]);
889       activated_.CopyBucket(was_activated_, index);
890       assignment_indices_[index] = -1;
891     }
892     changes_.SparseClearAll();
893   }
AddVars(const std::vector<V * > & vars)894   void AddVars(const std::vector<V*>& vars) {
895     if (!vars.empty()) {
896       vars_.insert(vars_.end(), vars.begin(), vars.end());
897       const int64_t size = Size();
898       values_.resize(size);
899       old_values_.resize(size);
900       prev_values_.resize(size);
901       assignment_indices_.resize(size, -1);
902       activated_.Resize(size);
903       was_activated_.Resize(size);
904       changes_.ClearAndResize(size);
905       delta_changes_.ClearAndResize(size);
906       var_handler_.OnAddVars();
907     }
908   }
910   /// Called by Start() after synchronizing the operator with the current
911   /// assignment. Should be overridden instead of Start() to avoid calling
912   /// VarLocalSearchOperator::Start explicitly.
OnStart()913   virtual void OnStart() {}
915   /// OnStart() should really be protected, but then SWIG doesn't see it. So we
916   /// make it public, but only subclasses should access to it (to override it).
917  protected:
MarkChange(int64_t index)918   void MarkChange(int64_t index) {
919     delta_changes_.Set(index);
920     changes_.Set(index);
921   }
923   std::vector<V*> vars_;
924   std::vector<Val> values_;
925   std::vector<Val> old_values_;
926   std::vector<Val> prev_values_;
927   mutable std::vector<int> assignment_indices_;
928   Bitset64<> activated_;
929   Bitset64<> was_activated_;
930   SparseBitset<> changes_;
931   SparseBitset<> delta_changes_;
932   bool cleared_;
933   Handler var_handler_;
934 };
936 /// Base operator class for operators manipulating IntVars.
937 class IntVarLocalSearchOperator;
939 class IntVarLocalSearchHandler {
940  public:
IntVarLocalSearchHandler()941   IntVarLocalSearchHandler() : op_(nullptr) {}
IntVarLocalSearchHandler(const IntVarLocalSearchHandler & other)942   IntVarLocalSearchHandler(const IntVarLocalSearchHandler& other)
943       : op_(other.op_) {}
IntVarLocalSearchHandler(IntVarLocalSearchOperator * op)944   explicit IntVarLocalSearchHandler(IntVarLocalSearchOperator* op) : op_(op) {}
AddToAssignment(IntVar * var,int64_t value,bool active,std::vector<int> * assignment_indices,int64_t index,Assignment * assignment)945   void AddToAssignment(IntVar* var, int64_t value, bool active,
946                        std::vector<int>* assignment_indices, int64_t index,
947                        Assignment* assignment) const {
948     Assignment::IntContainer* const container =
949         assignment->MutableIntVarContainer();
950     IntVarElement* element = nullptr;
951     if (assignment_indices != nullptr) {
952       if ((*assignment_indices)[index] == -1) {
953         (*assignment_indices)[index] = container->Size();
954         element = assignment->FastAdd(var);
955       } else {
956         element = container->MutableElement((*assignment_indices)[index]);
957       }
958     } else {
959       element = assignment->FastAdd(var);
960     }
961     if (active) {
962       element->SetValue(value);
963       element->Activate();
964     } else {
965       element->Deactivate();
966     }
967   }
968   bool ValueFromAssignment(const Assignment& assignment, IntVar* var,
969                            int64_t index, int64_t* value);
970   void OnRevertChanges(int64_t index, int64_t value);
OnAddVars()971   void OnAddVars() {}
973  private:
974   IntVarLocalSearchOperator* const op_;
975 };
977 /// Specialization of LocalSearchOperator built from an array of IntVars
978 /// which specifies the scope of the operator.
979 /// This class also takes care of storing current variable values in Start(),
980 /// keeps track of changes done by the operator and builds the delta.
981 /// The Deactivate() method can be used to perform Large Neighborhood Search.
983 #ifdef SWIG
984 /// Unfortunately, we must put this code here and not in
985 /// */constraint_solver.i, because it must be parsed by SWIG before the
986 /// derived C++ class.
987 // TODO(user): find a way to move this code back to the .i file, where it
988 /// belongs.
989 /// In python, we use an allow-list to expose the API. This list must also
990 /// be extended here.
991 #if defined(SWIGPYTHON)
992 // clang-format off
993 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
994                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::Size;
995 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
996                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::Value;
997 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
998                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::OldValue;
999 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
1000                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::SetValue;
1001 %feature("director") VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
1002                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::IsIncremental;
1003 %feature("director") VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
1004                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::OnStart;
1005 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
1006                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::IsIncremental;
1007 %unignore VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t,
1008                                  IntVarLocalSearchHandler>::OnStart;
1009 // clang-format on
1010 #endif  // SWIGPYTHON
1012 // clang-format off
1013 %rename(IntVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate)
1014         VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t, IntVarLocalSearchHandler>;
1015 %template(IntVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate)
1016         VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t, IntVarLocalSearchHandler>;
1017 // clang-format on
1018 #endif  // SWIG
1020 class IntVarLocalSearchOperator
1021     : public VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t, IntVarLocalSearchHandler> {
1022  public:
IntVarLocalSearchOperator()1023   IntVarLocalSearchOperator() : max_inverse_value_(-1) {}
1024   // If keep_inverse_values is true, assumes that vars models an injective
1025   // function f with domain [0, vars.size()) in which case the operator will
1026   // maintain the inverse function.
1027   explicit IntVarLocalSearchOperator(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars,
1028                                      bool keep_inverse_values = false)
1029       : VarLocalSearchOperator<IntVar, int64_t, IntVarLocalSearchHandler>(
IntVarLocalSearchHandler(this)1030             IntVarLocalSearchHandler(this)),
1031         max_inverse_value_(keep_inverse_values ? vars.size() - 1 : -1) {
1032     AddVars(vars);
1033     if (keep_inverse_values) {
1034       int64_t max_value = -1;
1035       for (const IntVar* const var : vars) {
1036         max_value = std::max(max_value, var->Max());
1037       }
1038       inverse_values_.resize(max_value + 1, -1);
1039       old_inverse_values_.resize(max_value + 1, -1);
1040     }
1041   }
~IntVarLocalSearchOperator()1042   ~IntVarLocalSearchOperator() override {}
1043   /// Redefines MakeNextNeighbor to export a simpler interface. The calls to
1044   /// ApplyChanges() and RevertChanges() are factored in this method, hiding
1045   /// both delta and deltadelta from subclasses which only need to override
1046   /// MakeOneNeighbor().
1047   /// Therefore this method should not be overridden. Override MakeOneNeighbor()
1048   /// instead.
1049   bool MakeNextNeighbor(Assignment* delta, Assignment* deltadelta) override;
1051  protected:
1052   friend class IntVarLocalSearchHandler;
1054   /// Creates a new neighbor. It returns false when the neighborhood is
1055   /// completely explored.
1056   // TODO(user): make it pure virtual, implies porting all apps overriding
1057   /// MakeNextNeighbor() in a subclass of IntVarLocalSearchOperator.
1058   virtual bool MakeOneNeighbor();
IsInverseValue(int64_t index)1060   bool IsInverseValue(int64_t index) const {
1061     DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
1062     return index <= max_inverse_value_;
1063   }
InverseValue(int64_t index)1065   int64_t InverseValue(int64_t index) const { return inverse_values_[index]; }
OldInverseValue(int64_t index)1067   int64_t OldInverseValue(int64_t index) const {
1068     return old_inverse_values_[index];
1069   }
SetInverseValue(int64_t index,int64_t value)1071   void SetInverseValue(int64_t index, int64_t value) {
1072     inverse_values_[index] = value;
1073   }
SetOldInverseValue(int64_t index,int64_t value)1075   void SetOldInverseValue(int64_t index, int64_t value) {
1076     old_inverse_values_[index] = value;
1077   }
1079  private:
1080   const int64_t max_inverse_value_;
1081   std::vector<int64_t> old_inverse_values_;
1082   std::vector<int64_t> inverse_values_;
1083 };
ValueFromAssignment(const Assignment & assignment,IntVar * var,int64_t index,int64_t * value)1085 inline bool IntVarLocalSearchHandler::ValueFromAssignment(
1086     const Assignment& assignment, IntVar* var, int64_t index, int64_t* value) {
1087   const Assignment::IntContainer& container = assignment.IntVarContainer();
1088   const IntVarElement* element = &(container.Element(index));
1089   if (element->Var() != var) {
1090     CHECK(container.Contains(var))
1091         << "Assignment does not contain operator variable " << var;
1092     element = &(container.Element(var));
1093   }
1094   *value = element->Value();
1095   if (op_->IsInverseValue(index)) {
1096     op_->SetInverseValue(*value, index);
1097     op_->SetOldInverseValue(*value, index);
1098   }
1099   return element->Activated();
1100 }
OnRevertChanges(int64_t index,int64_t value)1102 inline void IntVarLocalSearchHandler::OnRevertChanges(int64_t index,
1103                                                       int64_t value) {
1104   if (op_->IsInverseValue(index)) {
1105     op_->SetInverseValue(value, index);
1106   }
1107 }
1109 /// SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator
1110 class SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator;
1112 class SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler {
1113  public:
SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler()1114   SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler() : op_(nullptr) {}
SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler(const SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler & other)1115   SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler(const SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler& other)
1116       : op_(other.op_) {}
SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler(SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator * op)1117   explicit SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler(SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator* op)
1118       : op_(op) {}
1119   void AddToAssignment(SequenceVar* var, const std::vector<int>& value,
1120                        bool active, std::vector<int>* assignment_indices,
1121                        int64_t index, Assignment* assignment) const;
1122   bool ValueFromAssignment(const Assignment& assignment, SequenceVar* var,
1123                            int64_t index, std::vector<int>* value);
1124   void OnRevertChanges(int64_t index, const std::vector<int>& value);
1125   void OnAddVars();
1127  private:
1128   SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator* const op_;
1129 };
1131 #ifdef SWIG
1132 /// Unfortunately, we must put this code here and not in
1133 /// */constraint_solver.i, because it must be parsed by SWIG before the
1134 /// derived C++ class.
1135 // TODO(user): find a way to move this code back to the .i file, where it
1136 /// belongs.
1137 // clang-format off
1138 %rename(SequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate) VarLocalSearchOperator<
1139     SequenceVar, std::vector<int>, SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler>;
1140 %template(SequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate) VarLocalSearchOperator<
1141       SequenceVar, std::vector<int>, SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler>;
1142 // clang-format on
1143 #endif
1145 typedef VarLocalSearchOperator<SequenceVar, std::vector<int>,
1146                                SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler>
1147     SequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate;
1149 class SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator
1150     : public SequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate {
1151  public:
SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator()1152   SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator() {}
SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator(const std::vector<SequenceVar * > & vars)1153   explicit SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator(const std::vector<SequenceVar*>& vars)
1154       : SequenceVarLocalSearchOperatorTemplate(
1155             SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler(this)) {
1156     AddVars(vars);
1157   }
~SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator()1158   ~SequenceVarLocalSearchOperator() override {}
1159   /// Returns the value in the current assignment of the variable of given
1160   /// index.
Sequence(int64_t index)1161   const std::vector<int>& Sequence(int64_t index) const { return Value(index); }
OldSequence(int64_t index)1162   const std::vector<int>& OldSequence(int64_t index) const {
1163     return OldValue(index);
1164   }
SetForwardSequence(int64_t index,const std::vector<int> & value)1165   void SetForwardSequence(int64_t index, const std::vector<int>& value) {
1166     SetValue(index, value);
1167   }
SetBackwardSequence(int64_t index,const std::vector<int> & value)1168   void SetBackwardSequence(int64_t index, const std::vector<int>& value) {
1169     backward_values_[index] = value;
1170     MarkChange(index);
1171   }
1173  protected:
1174   friend class SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler;
1176   std::vector<std::vector<int>> backward_values_;
1177 };
AddToAssignment(SequenceVar * var,const std::vector<int> & value,bool active,std::vector<int> * assignment_indices,int64_t index,Assignment * assignment)1179 inline void SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler::AddToAssignment(
1180     SequenceVar* var, const std::vector<int>& value, bool active,
1181     std::vector<int>* assignment_indices, int64_t index,
1182     Assignment* assignment) const {
1183   Assignment::SequenceContainer* const container =
1184       assignment->MutableSequenceVarContainer();
1185   SequenceVarElement* element = nullptr;
1186   if (assignment_indices != nullptr) {
1187     if ((*assignment_indices)[index] == -1) {
1188       (*assignment_indices)[index] = container->Size();
1189       element = assignment->FastAdd(var);
1190     } else {
1191       element = container->MutableElement((*assignment_indices)[index]);
1192     }
1193   } else {
1194     element = assignment->FastAdd(var);
1195   }
1196   if (active) {
1197     element->SetForwardSequence(value);
1198     element->SetBackwardSequence(op_->backward_values_[index]);
1199     element->Activate();
1200   } else {
1201     element->Deactivate();
1202   }
1203 }
ValueFromAssignment(const Assignment & assignment,SequenceVar * var,int64_t index,std::vector<int> * value)1205 inline bool SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler::ValueFromAssignment(
1206     const Assignment& assignment, SequenceVar* var, int64_t index,
1207     std::vector<int>* value) {
1208   const Assignment::SequenceContainer& container =
1209       assignment.SequenceVarContainer();
1210   const SequenceVarElement* element = &(container.Element(index));
1211   if (element->Var() != var) {
1212     CHECK(container.Contains(var))
1213         << "Assignment does not contain operator variable " << var;
1214     element = &(container.Element(var));
1215   }
1216   const std::vector<int>& element_value = element->ForwardSequence();
1217   CHECK_GE(var->size(), element_value.size());
1218   op_->backward_values_[index].clear();
1219   *value = element_value;
1220   return element->Activated();
1221 }
OnRevertChanges(int64_t index,const std::vector<int> & value)1223 inline void SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler::OnRevertChanges(
1224     int64_t index, const std::vector<int>& value) {
1225   op_->backward_values_[index].clear();
1226 }
OnAddVars()1228 inline void SequenceVarLocalSearchHandler::OnAddVars() {
1229   op_->backward_values_.resize(op_->Size());
1230 }
1232 /// This is the base class for building an Lns operator. An Lns fragment is a
1233 /// collection of variables which will be relaxed. Fragments are built with
1234 /// NextFragment(), which returns false if there are no more fragments to build.
1235 /// Optionally one can override InitFragments, which is called from
1236 /// LocalSearchOperator::Start to initialize fragment data.
1237 ///
1238 /// Here's a sample relaxing one variable at a time:
1239 ///
1240 /// class OneVarLns : public BaseLns {
1241 ///  public:
1242 ///   OneVarLns(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars) : BaseLns(vars), index_(0) {}
1243 ///   virtual ~OneVarLns() {}
1244 ///   virtual void InitFragments() { index_ = 0; }
1245 ///   virtual bool NextFragment() {
1246 ///     const int size = Size();
1247 ///     if (index_ < size) {
1248 ///       AppendToFragment(index_);
1249 ///       ++index_;
1250 ///       return true;
1251 ///     } else {
1252 ///       return false;
1253 ///     }
1254 ///   }
1255 ///
1256 ///  private:
1257 ///   int index_;
1258 /// };
1259 class BaseLns : public IntVarLocalSearchOperator {
1260  public:
1261   explicit BaseLns(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars);
1262   ~BaseLns() override;
1263   virtual void InitFragments();
1264   virtual bool NextFragment() = 0;
1265   void AppendToFragment(int index);
1266   int FragmentSize() const;
HasFragments()1267   bool HasFragments() const override { return true; }
1269  protected:
1270   /// This method should not be overridden. Override NextFragment() instead.
1271   bool MakeOneNeighbor() override;
1273  private:
1274   /// This method should not be overridden. Override InitFragments() instead.
1275   void OnStart() override;
1276   std::vector<int> fragment_;
1277 };
1279 /// Defines operators which change the value of variables;
1280 /// each neighbor corresponds to *one* modified variable.
1281 /// Sub-classes have to define ModifyValue which determines what the new
1282 /// variable value is going to be (given the current value and the variable).
1283 class ChangeValue : public IntVarLocalSearchOperator {
1284  public:
1285   explicit ChangeValue(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars);
1286   ~ChangeValue() override;
1287   virtual int64_t ModifyValue(int64_t index, int64_t value) = 0;
1289  protected:
1290   /// This method should not be overridden. Override ModifyValue() instead.
1291   bool MakeOneNeighbor() override;
1293  private:
1294   void OnStart() override;
1296   int index_;
1297 };
1299 /// Base class of the local search operators dedicated to path modifications
1300 /// (a path is a set of nodes linked together by arcs).
1301 /// This family of neighborhoods supposes they are handling next variables
1302 /// representing the arcs (var[i] represents the node immediately after i on
1303 /// a path).
1304 /// Several services are provided:
1305 /// - arc manipulators (SetNext(), ReverseChain(), MoveChain())
1306 /// - path inspectors (Next(), Prev(), IsPathEnd())
1307 /// - path iterators: operators need a given number of nodes to define a
1308 ///   neighbor; this class provides the iteration on a given number of (base)
1309 ///   nodes which can be used to define a neighbor (through the BaseNode method)
1310 /// Subclasses only need to override MakeNeighbor to create neighbors using
1311 /// the services above (no direct manipulation of assignments).
1312 class PathOperator : public IntVarLocalSearchOperator {
1313  public:
1314   /// Set of parameters used to configure how the neighnorhood is traversed.
1315   struct IterationParameters {
1316     /// Number of nodes needed to define a neighbor.
1317     int number_of_base_nodes;
1318     /// Skip paths which have been proven locally optimal. Note this might skip
1319     /// neighbors when paths are not independent.
1320     bool skip_locally_optimal_paths;
1321     /// True if path ends should be considered when iterating over neighbors.
1322     bool accept_path_end_base;
1323     /// Callback returning an index such that if
1324     /// c1 = start_empty_path_class(StartNode(p1)),
1325     /// c2 = start_empty_path_class(StartNode(p2)),
1326     /// p1 and p2 are path indices,
1327     /// then if c1 == c2, p1 and p2 are equivalent if they are empty.
1328     /// This is used to remove neighborhood symmetries on equivalent empty
1329     /// paths; for instance if a node cannot be moved to an empty path, then all
1330     /// moves moving the same node to equivalent empty paths will be skipped.
1331     /// 'start_empty_path_class' can be nullptr in which case no symmetries will
1332     /// be removed.
1333     std::function<int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class;
1334   };
1335   /// Builds an instance of PathOperator from next and path variables.
1336   PathOperator(const std::vector<IntVar*>& next_vars,
1337                const std::vector<IntVar*>& path_vars,
1338                IterationParameters iteration_parameters);
PathOperator(const std::vector<IntVar * > & next_vars,const std::vector<IntVar * > & path_vars,int number_of_base_nodes,bool skip_locally_optimal_paths,bool accept_path_end_base,std::function<int (int64_t)> start_empty_path_class)1339   PathOperator(const std::vector<IntVar*>& next_vars,
1340                const std::vector<IntVar*>& path_vars, int number_of_base_nodes,
1341                bool skip_locally_optimal_paths, bool accept_path_end_base,
1342                std::function<int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class)
1343       : PathOperator(
1344             next_vars, path_vars,
1345             {number_of_base_nodes, skip_locally_optimal_paths,
1346              accept_path_end_base, std::move(start_empty_path_class)}) {}
~PathOperator()1347   ~PathOperator() override {}
1348   virtual bool MakeNeighbor() = 0;
1349   void Reset() override;
1351   // TODO(user): Make the following methods protected.
1352   bool SkipUnchanged(int index) const override;
1354   /// Returns the node after node in the current delta.
Next(int64_t node)1355   int64_t Next(int64_t node) const {
1356     DCHECK(!IsPathEnd(node));
1357     return Value(node);
1358   }
1360   /// Returns the node before node in the current delta.
Prev(int64_t node)1361   int64_t Prev(int64_t node) const {
1362     DCHECK(!IsPathStart(node));
1363     DCHECK_EQ(Next(InverseValue(node)), node);
1364     return InverseValue(node);
1365   }
1367   /// Returns the index of the path to which node belongs in the current delta.
1368   /// Only returns a valid value if path variables are taken into account.
Path(int64_t node)1369   int64_t Path(int64_t node) const {
1370     return ignore_path_vars_ ? 0LL : Value(node + number_of_nexts_);
1371   }
1373   /// Number of next variables.
number_of_nexts()1374   int number_of_nexts() const { return number_of_nexts_; }
1376  protected:
1377   /// This method should not be overridden. Override MakeNeighbor() instead.
1378   bool MakeOneNeighbor() override;
1379   /// Called by OnStart() after initializing node information. Should be
1380   /// overridden instead of OnStart() to avoid calling PathOperator::OnStart
1381   /// explicitly.
OnNodeInitialization()1382   virtual void OnNodeInitialization() {}
1384   /// Returns the ith base node of the operator.
BaseNode(int i)1385   int64_t BaseNode(int i) const { return base_nodes_[i]; }
1386   /// Returns the alternative for the ith base node.
BaseAlternative(int i)1387   int BaseAlternative(int i) const { return base_alternatives_[i]; }
1388   /// Returns the alternative node for the ith base node.
BaseAlternativeNode(int i)1389   int64_t BaseAlternativeNode(int i) const {
1390     if (!ConsiderAlternatives(i)) return BaseNode(i);
1391     const int alternative_index = alternative_index_[BaseNode(i)];
1392     return alternative_index >= 0
1393                ? alternative_sets_[alternative_index][base_alternatives_[i]]
1394                : BaseNode(i);
1395   }
1396   /// Returns the alternative for the sibling of the ith base node.
BaseSiblingAlternative(int i)1397   int BaseSiblingAlternative(int i) const {
1398     return base_sibling_alternatives_[i];
1399   }
1400   /// Returns the alternative node for the sibling of the ith base node.
BaseSiblingAlternativeNode(int i)1401   int64_t BaseSiblingAlternativeNode(int i) const {
1402     if (!ConsiderAlternatives(i)) return BaseNode(i);
1403     const int sibling_alternative_index =
1404         GetSiblingAlternativeIndex(BaseNode(i));
1405     return sibling_alternative_index >= 0
1406                ? alternative_sets_[sibling_alternative_index]
1407                                   [base_sibling_alternatives_[i]]
1408                : BaseNode(i);
1409   }
1410   /// Returns the start node of the ith base node.
StartNode(int i)1411   int64_t StartNode(int i) const { return path_starts_[base_paths_[i]]; }
1412   /// Returns the vector of path start nodes.
path_starts()1413   const std::vector<int64_t>& path_starts() const { return path_starts_; }
1414   /// Returns the class of the path of the ith base node.
PathClass(int i)1415   int PathClass(int i) const {
1416     return iteration_parameters_.start_empty_path_class != nullptr
1417                ? iteration_parameters_.start_empty_path_class(StartNode(i))
1418                : StartNode(i);
1419   }
1421   /// When the operator is being synchronized with a new solution (when Start()
1422   /// is called), returns true to restart the exploration of the neighborhood
1423   /// from the start of the last paths explored; returns false to restart the
1424   /// exploration at the last nodes visited.
1425   /// This is used to avoid restarting on base nodes which have changed paths,
1426   /// leading to potentially skipping neighbors.
1427   // TODO(user): remove this when automatic detection of such cases in done.
RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize()1428   virtual bool RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize() { return false; }
1429   /// Returns true if a base node has to be on the same path as the "previous"
1430   /// base node (base node of index base_index - 1).
1431   /// Useful to limit neighborhood exploration to nodes on the same path.
1432   // TODO(user): ideally this should be OnSamePath(int64_t node1, int64_t
1433   // node2);
1434   /// it's currently way more complicated to implement.
OnSamePathAsPreviousBase(int64_t base_index)1435   virtual bool OnSamePathAsPreviousBase(int64_t base_index) { return false; }
1436   /// Returns the index of the node to which the base node of index base_index
1437   /// must be set to when it reaches the end of a path.
1438   /// By default, it is set to the start of the current path.
1439   /// When this method is called, one can only assume that base nodes with
1440   /// indices < base_index have their final position.
GetBaseNodeRestartPosition(int base_index)1441   virtual int64_t GetBaseNodeRestartPosition(int base_index) {
1442     return StartNode(base_index);
1443   }
1444   /// Set the next base to increment on next iteration. All base > base_index
1445   /// will be reset to their start value.
SetNextBaseToIncrement(int64_t base_index)1446   virtual void SetNextBaseToIncrement(int64_t base_index) {
1447     next_base_to_increment_ = base_index;
1448   }
1449   /// Indicates if alternatives should be considered when iterating over base
1450   /// nodes.
ConsiderAlternatives(int64_t base_index)1451   virtual bool ConsiderAlternatives(int64_t base_index) const { return false; }
OldNext(int64_t node)1453   int64_t OldNext(int64_t node) const {
1454     DCHECK(!IsPathEnd(node));
1455     return OldValue(node);
1456   }
OldPrev(int64_t node)1458   int64_t OldPrev(int64_t node) const {
1459     DCHECK(!IsPathStart(node));
1460     return OldInverseValue(node);
1461   }
OldPath(int64_t node)1463   int64_t OldPath(int64_t node) const {
1464     return ignore_path_vars_ ? 0LL : OldValue(node + number_of_nexts_);
1465   }
1467   /// Moves the chain starting after the node before_chain and ending at the
1468   /// node chain_end after the node destination
1469   bool MoveChain(int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end, int64_t destination);
1471   /// Reverses the chain starting after before_chain and ending before
1472   /// after_chain
1473   bool ReverseChain(int64_t before_chain, int64_t after_chain,
1474                     int64_t* chain_last);
1476   /// Insert the inactive node after destination.
1477   bool MakeActive(int64_t node, int64_t destination);
1478   /// Makes the nodes on the chain starting after before_chain and ending at
1479   /// chain_end inactive.
1480   bool MakeChainInactive(int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end);
1481   /// Replaces active by inactive in the current path, making active inactive.
1482   bool SwapActiveAndInactive(int64_t active, int64_t inactive);
1484   /// Sets 'to' to be the node after 'from' on the given path.
SetNext(int64_t from,int64_t to,int64_t path)1485   void SetNext(int64_t from, int64_t to, int64_t path) {
1486     DCHECK_LT(from, number_of_nexts_);
1487     SetValue(from, to);
1488     SetInverseValue(to, from);
1489     if (!ignore_path_vars_) {
1490       DCHECK_LT(from + number_of_nexts_, Size());
1491       SetValue(from + number_of_nexts_, path);
1492     }
1493   }
1495   /// Returns true if node is the last node on the path; defined by the fact
1496   /// that node is outside the range of the variable array.
IsPathEnd(int64_t node)1497   bool IsPathEnd(int64_t node) const { return node >= number_of_nexts_; }
1499   /// Returns true if node is the first node on the path.
IsPathStart(int64_t node)1500   bool IsPathStart(int64_t node) const { return OldInverseValue(node) == -1; }
1502   /// Returns true if node is inactive.
IsInactive(int64_t node)1503   bool IsInactive(int64_t node) const {
1504     return !IsPathEnd(node) && inactives_[node];
1505   }
1507   /// Returns true if the operator needs to restart its initial position at each
1508   /// call to Start()
InitPosition()1509   virtual bool InitPosition() const { return false; }
1510   /// Reset the position of the operator to its position when Start() was last
1511   /// called; this can be used to let an operator iterate more than once over
1512   /// the paths.
ResetPosition()1513   void ResetPosition() { just_started_ = true; }
1515   /// Handling node alternatives.
1516   /// Adds a set of node alternatives to the neighborhood. No node can be in
1517   /// two altrnatives.
AddAlternativeSet(const std::vector<int64_t> & alternative_set)1518   int AddAlternativeSet(const std::vector<int64_t>& alternative_set) {
1519     const int alternative = alternative_sets_.size();
1520     for (int64_t node : alternative_set) {
1521       DCHECK_EQ(-1, alternative_index_[node]);
1522       alternative_index_[node] = alternative;
1523     }
1524     alternative_sets_.push_back(alternative_set);
1525     sibling_alternative_.push_back(-1);
1526     return alternative;
1527   }
1528 #ifndef SWIG
1529   /// Adds all sets of node alternatives of a vector of alternative pairs. No
1530   /// node can be in two altrnatives.
AddPairAlternativeSets(const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int64_t>,std::vector<int64_t>>> & pair_alternative_sets)1531   void AddPairAlternativeSets(
1532       const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int64_t>, std::vector<int64_t>>>&
1533           pair_alternative_sets) {
1534     for (const auto& pair_alternative_set : pair_alternative_sets) {
1535       const int alternative = AddAlternativeSet(pair_alternative_set.first);
1536       sibling_alternative_.back() = alternative + 1;
1537       AddAlternativeSet(pair_alternative_set.second);
1538     }
1539   }
1540 #endif  // SWIG
1541   /// Returns the active node in the given alternative set.
GetActiveInAlternativeSet(int alternative_index)1542   int64_t GetActiveInAlternativeSet(int alternative_index) const {
1543     return alternative_index >= 0
1544                ? active_in_alternative_set_[alternative_index]
1545                : -1;
1546   }
1547   /// Returns the active node in the alternative set of the given node.
GetActiveAlternativeNode(int node)1548   int64_t GetActiveAlternativeNode(int node) const {
1549     return GetActiveInAlternativeSet(alternative_index_[node]);
1550   }
1551   /// Returns the index of the alternative set of the sibling of node.
GetSiblingAlternativeIndex(int node)1552   int GetSiblingAlternativeIndex(int node) const {
1553     if (node >= alternative_index_.size()) return -1;
1554     const int alternative = alternative_index_[node];
1555     return alternative >= 0 ? sibling_alternative_[alternative] : -1;
1556   }
1557   /// Returns the active node in the alternative set of the sibling of the given
1558   /// node.
GetActiveAlternativeSibling(int node)1559   int64_t GetActiveAlternativeSibling(int node) const {
1560     if (node >= alternative_index_.size()) return -1;
1561     const int alternative = alternative_index_[node];
1562     const int sibling_alternative =
1563         alternative >= 0 ? sibling_alternative_[alternative] : -1;
1564     return GetActiveInAlternativeSet(sibling_alternative);
1565   }
1566   /// Returns true if the chain is a valid path without cycles from before_chain
1567   /// to chain_end and does not contain exclude.
1568   bool CheckChainValidity(int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end,
1569                           int64_t exclude) const;
1571   const int number_of_nexts_;
1572   const bool ignore_path_vars_;
1573   int next_base_to_increment_;
1574   int num_paths_ = 0;
1575   std::vector<int64_t> start_to_path_;
1577  private:
1578   void OnStart() override;
1579   /// Returns true if two nodes are on the same path in the current assignment.
1580   bool OnSamePath(int64_t node1, int64_t node2) const;
CheckEnds()1582   bool CheckEnds() const {
1583     const int base_node_size = base_nodes_.size();
1584     for (int i = base_node_size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
1585       if (base_nodes_[i] != end_nodes_[i]) {
1586         return true;
1587       }
1588     }
1589     return false;
1590   }
1591   bool IncrementPosition();
1592   void InitializePathStarts();
1593   void InitializeInactives();
1594   void InitializeBaseNodes();
1595   void InitializeAlternatives();
1596   void Synchronize();
1598   std::vector<int> base_nodes_;
1599   std::vector<int> base_alternatives_;
1600   std::vector<int> base_sibling_alternatives_;
1601   std::vector<int> end_nodes_;
1602   std::vector<int> base_paths_;
1603   std::vector<int64_t> path_starts_;
1604   std::vector<bool> inactives_;
1605   bool just_started_;
1606   bool first_start_;
1607   IterationParameters iteration_parameters_;
1608   bool optimal_paths_enabled_;
1609   std::vector<int> path_basis_;
1610   std::vector<bool> optimal_paths_;
1611   /// Node alternative data.
1612 #ifndef SWIG
1613   std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> alternative_sets_;
1614 #endif  // SWIG
1615   std::vector<int> alternative_index_;
1616   std::vector<int64_t> active_in_alternative_set_;
1617   std::vector<int> sibling_alternative_;
1618 };
1620 /// Operator Factories.
1621 template <class T>
1622 LocalSearchOperator* MakeLocalSearchOperator(
1623     Solver* solver, const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars,
1624     const std::vector<IntVar*>& secondary_vars,
1625     std::function<int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class);
1627 /// Classes to which this template function can be applied to as of 04/2014.
1628 /// Usage: LocalSearchOperator* op = MakeLocalSearchOperator<Relocate>(...);
1629 /// class TwoOpt;
1630 /// class Relocate;
1631 /// class Exchange;
1632 /// class Cross;
1633 /// class MakeActiveOperator;
1634 /// class MakeInactiveOperator;
1635 /// class MakeChainInactiveOperator;
1636 /// class SwapActiveOperator;
1637 /// class ExtendedSwapActiveOperator;
1638 /// class MakeActiveAndRelocate;
1639 /// class RelocateAndMakeActiveOperator;
1640 /// class RelocateAndMakeInactiveOperator;
1642 #if !defined(SWIG)
1643 // A LocalSearchState is a container for variables with bounds that can be
1644 // relaxed and tightened, saved and restored. It represents the solution state
1645 // of a local search engine, and allows it to go from solution to solution by
1646 // relaxing some variables to form a new subproblem, then tightening those
1647 // variables to move to a new solution representation. That state may be saved
1648 // to an internal copy, or reverted to the last saved internal copy.
1649 // Relaxing a variable returns its bounds to their initial state.
1650 // Tightening a variable's bounds may make its min larger than its max,
1651 // in that case, the tightening function will return false, and the state will
1652 // be marked as invalid. No other operations than Revert() can be called on an
1653 // invalid state: in particular, an invalid state cannot be saved.
1654 class LocalSearchVariable;
1656 class LocalSearchState {
1657  public:
1658   LocalSearchVariable AddVariable(int64_t initial_min, int64_t initial_max);
1659   void Commit();
1660   void Revert();
StateIsValid()1661   bool StateIsValid() const { return state_is_valid_; }
1663  private:
1664   friend class LocalSearchVariable;
1666   struct Bounds {
1667     int64_t min;
1668     int64_t max;
1669   };
1671   void RelaxVariableBounds(int variable_index);
1672   bool TightenVariableMin(int variable_index, int64_t value);
1673   bool TightenVariableMax(int variable_index, int64_t value);
1674   int64_t VariableMin(int variable_index) const;
1675   int64_t VariableMax(int variable_index) const;
1677   std::vector<Bounds> initial_variable_bounds_;
1678   std::vector<Bounds> variable_bounds_;
1679   std::vector<std::pair<Bounds, int>> saved_variable_bounds_trail_;
1680   std::vector<bool> variable_is_relaxed_;
1681   bool state_is_valid_ = true;
1682 };
1684 // A LocalSearchVariable can only be created by a LocalSearchState, then it is
1685 // meant to be passed by copy. If at some point the duplication of
1686 // LocalSearchState pointers is too expensive, we could switch to index only,
1687 // and the user would have to know the relevant state. The present setup allows
1688 // to ensure that variable users will not misuse the state.
1689 class LocalSearchVariable {
1690  public:
Min()1691   int64_t Min() const { return state_->VariableMin(variable_index_); }
Max()1692   int64_t Max() const { return state_->VariableMax(variable_index_); }
SetMin(int64_t new_min)1693   bool SetMin(int64_t new_min) {
1694     return state_->TightenVariableMin(variable_index_, new_min);
1695   }
SetMax(int64_t new_max)1696   bool SetMax(int64_t new_max) {
1697     return state_->TightenVariableMax(variable_index_, new_max);
1698   }
Relax()1699   void Relax() { state_->RelaxVariableBounds(variable_index_); }
1701  private:
1702   // Only LocalSearchState can construct LocalSearchVariables.
1703   friend class LocalSearchState;
LocalSearchVariable(LocalSearchState * state,int variable_index)1705   LocalSearchVariable(LocalSearchState* state, int variable_index)
1706       : state_(state), variable_index_(variable_index) {}
1708   LocalSearchState* const state_;
1709   const int variable_index_;
1710 };
1711 #endif  // !defined(SWIG)
1713 /// Local Search Filters are used for fast neighbor pruning.
1714 /// Filtering a move is done in several phases:
1715 /// - in the Relax phase, filters determine which parts of their internals
1716 ///   will be changed by the candidate, and modify intermediary State
1717 /// - in the Accept phase, filters check that the candidate is feasible,
1718 /// - if the Accept phase succeeds, the solver may decide to trigger a
1719 ///   Synchronize phase that makes filters change their internal representation
1720 ///   to the last candidate,
1721 /// - otherwise (Accept fails or the solver does not want to synchronize),
1722 ///   a Revert phase makes filters erase any intermediary State generated by the
1723 ///   Relax and Accept phases.
1724 /// A given filter has phases called with the following pattern:
1725 /// (Relax.Accept.Synchronize | Relax.Accept.Revert | Relax.Revert)*.
1726 /// Filters's Revert() is always called in the reverse order their Accept() was
1727 /// called, to allow late filters to use state done/undone by early filters'
1728 /// Accept()/Revert().
1729 class LocalSearchFilter : public BaseObject {
1730  public:
1731   /// Lets the filter know what delta and deltadelta will be passed in the next
1732   /// Accept().
Relax(const Assignment * delta,const Assignment * deltadelta)1733   virtual void Relax(const Assignment* delta, const Assignment* deltadelta) {}
1734   /// Dual of Relax(), lets the filter know that the delta was accepted.
Commit(const Assignment * delta,const Assignment * deltadelta)1735   virtual void Commit(const Assignment* delta, const Assignment* deltadelta) {}
1737   /// Accepts a "delta" given the assignment with which the filter has been
1738   /// synchronized; the delta holds the variables which have been modified and
1739   /// their new value.
1740   /// If the filter represents a part of the global objective, its contribution
1741   /// must be between objective_min and objective_max.
1742   /// Sample: supposing one wants to maintain a[0,1] + b[0,1] <= 1,
1743   /// for the assignment (a,1), (b,0), the delta (b,1) will be rejected
1744   /// but the delta (a,0) will be accepted.
1745   /// TODO(user): Remove arguments when there are no more need for those.
1746   virtual bool Accept(const Assignment* delta, const Assignment* deltadelta,
1747                       int64_t objective_min, int64_t objective_max) = 0;
IsIncremental()1748   virtual bool IsIncremental() const { return false; }
1750   /// Synchronizes the filter with the current solution, delta being the
1751   /// difference with the solution passed to the previous call to Synchronize()
1752   /// or IncrementalSynchronize(). 'delta' can be used to incrementally
1753   /// synchronizing the filter with the new solution by only considering the
1754   /// changes in delta.
1755   virtual void Synchronize(const Assignment* assignment,
1756                            const Assignment* delta) = 0;
1757   /// Cancels the changes made by the last Relax()/Accept() calls.
Revert()1758   virtual void Revert() {}
1760   /// Sets the filter to empty solution.
Reset()1761   virtual void Reset() {}
1763   /// Objective value from last time Synchronize() was called.
GetSynchronizedObjectiveValue()1764   virtual int64_t GetSynchronizedObjectiveValue() const { return 0LL; }
1765   /// Objective value from the last time Accept() was called and returned true.
1766   // If the last Accept() call returned false, returns an undefined value.
GetAcceptedObjectiveValue()1767   virtual int64_t GetAcceptedObjectiveValue() const { return 0LL; }
1768 };
1770 /// Filter manager: when a move is made, filters are executed to decide whether
1771 /// the solution is feasible and compute parts of the new cost. This class
1772 /// schedules filter execution and composes costs as a sum.
1773 class LocalSearchFilterManager : public BaseObject {
1774  public:
1775   // This class is responsible for calling filters methods in a correct order.
1776   // For now, an order is specified explicitly by the user.
1777   enum FilterEventType { kAccept, kRelax };
1778   struct FilterEvent {
1779     LocalSearchFilter* filter;
1780     FilterEventType event_type;
1781   };
DebugString()1783   std::string DebugString() const override {
1784     return "LocalSearchFilterManager";
1785   }
1786   // Builds a manager that calls filter methods using an explicit ordering.
1787   explicit LocalSearchFilterManager(std::vector<FilterEvent> filter_events);
1788   // Builds a manager that calls filter methods using the following ordering:
1789   // first Relax() in vector order, then Accept() in vector order.
1790   // Note that some filters might appear only once, if their Relax() or Accept()
1791   // are trivial.
1792   explicit LocalSearchFilterManager(std::vector<LocalSearchFilter*> filters);
1794   // Calls Revert() of filters, in reverse order of Relax events.
1795   void Revert();
1796   /// Returns true iff all filters return true, and the sum of their accepted
1797   /// objectives is between objective_min and objective_max.
1798   /// The monitor has its Begin/EndFiltering events triggered.
1799   bool Accept(LocalSearchMonitor* const monitor, const Assignment* delta,
1800               const Assignment* deltadelta, int64_t objective_min,
1801               int64_t objective_max);
1802   /// Synchronizes all filters to assignment.
1803   void Synchronize(const Assignment* assignment, const Assignment* delta);
GetSynchronizedObjectiveValue()1804   int64_t GetSynchronizedObjectiveValue() const { return synchronized_value_; }
GetAcceptedObjectiveValue()1805   int64_t GetAcceptedObjectiveValue() const { return accepted_value_; }
1807  private:
1808   void InitializeForcedEvents();
1810   std::vector<FilterEvent> filter_events_;
1811   int last_event_called_ = -1;
1812   // If a filter is incremental, its Relax() and Accept() must be called for
1813   // every candidate, even if a previous Accept() rejected it.
1814   // To ensure that those filters have consistent inputs, all intermediate
1815   // Relax events are also triggered. All those events are called 'forced'.
1816   std::vector<int> next_forced_events_;
1817   int64_t synchronized_value_;
1818   int64_t accepted_value_;
1819 };
1821 class IntVarLocalSearchFilter : public LocalSearchFilter {
1822  public:
1823   explicit IntVarLocalSearchFilter(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars);
1824   ~IntVarLocalSearchFilter() override;
1825   /// This method should not be overridden. Override OnSynchronize() instead
1826   /// which is called before exiting this method.
1827   void Synchronize(const Assignment* assignment,
1828                    const Assignment* delta) override;
FindIndex(IntVar * const var,int64_t * index)1830   bool FindIndex(IntVar* const var, int64_t* index) const {
1831     DCHECK(index != nullptr);
1832     const int var_index = var->index();
1833     *index = (var_index < var_index_to_index_.size())
1834                  ? var_index_to_index_[var_index]
1835                  : kUnassigned;
1836     return *index != kUnassigned;
1837   }
1839   /// Add variables to "track" to the filter.
1840   void AddVars(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars);
Size()1841   int Size() const { return vars_.size(); }
Var(int index)1842   IntVar* Var(int index) const { return vars_[index]; }
Value(int index)1843   int64_t Value(int index) const {
1844     DCHECK(IsVarSynced(index));
1845     return values_[index];
1846   }
IsVarSynced(int index)1847   bool IsVarSynced(int index) const { return var_synced_[index]; }
1849  protected:
OnSynchronize(const Assignment * delta)1850   virtual void OnSynchronize(const Assignment* delta) {}
1851   void SynchronizeOnAssignment(const Assignment* assignment);
1853  private:
1854   std::vector<IntVar*> vars_;
1855   std::vector<int64_t> values_;
1856   std::vector<bool> var_synced_;
1857   std::vector<int> var_index_to_index_;
1858   static const int kUnassigned;
1859 };
1861 class PropagationMonitor : public SearchMonitor {
1862  public:
1863   explicit PropagationMonitor(Solver* const solver);
1864   ~PropagationMonitor() override;
DebugString()1865   std::string DebugString() const override { return "PropagationMonitor"; }
1867   /// Propagation events.
1868   virtual void BeginConstraintInitialPropagation(
1869       Constraint* const constraint) = 0;
1870   virtual void EndConstraintInitialPropagation(
1871       Constraint* const constraint) = 0;
1872   virtual void BeginNestedConstraintInitialPropagation(
1873       Constraint* const parent, Constraint* const nested) = 0;
1874   virtual void EndNestedConstraintInitialPropagation(
1875       Constraint* const parent, Constraint* const nested) = 0;
1876   virtual void RegisterDemon(Demon* const demon) = 0;
1877   virtual void BeginDemonRun(Demon* const demon) = 0;
1878   virtual void EndDemonRun(Demon* const demon) = 0;
1879   virtual void StartProcessingIntegerVariable(IntVar* const var) = 0;
1880   virtual void EndProcessingIntegerVariable(IntVar* const var) = 0;
1881   virtual void PushContext(const std::string& context) = 0;
1882   virtual void PopContext() = 0;
1883   /// IntExpr modifiers.
1884   virtual void SetMin(IntExpr* const expr, int64_t new_min) = 0;
1885   virtual void SetMax(IntExpr* const expr, int64_t new_max) = 0;
1886   virtual void SetRange(IntExpr* const expr, int64_t new_min,
1887                         int64_t new_max) = 0;
1888   /// IntVar modifiers.
1889   virtual void SetMin(IntVar* const var, int64_t new_min) = 0;
1890   virtual void SetMax(IntVar* const var, int64_t new_max) = 0;
1891   virtual void SetRange(IntVar* const var, int64_t new_min,
1892                         int64_t new_max) = 0;
1893   virtual void RemoveValue(IntVar* const var, int64_t value) = 0;
1894   virtual void SetValue(IntVar* const var, int64_t value) = 0;
1895   virtual void RemoveInterval(IntVar* const var, int64_t imin,
1896                               int64_t imax) = 0;
1897   virtual void SetValues(IntVar* const var,
1898                          const std::vector<int64_t>& values) = 0;
1899   virtual void RemoveValues(IntVar* const var,
1900                             const std::vector<int64_t>& values) = 0;
1901   /// IntervalVar modifiers.
1902   virtual void SetStartMin(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min) = 0;
1903   virtual void SetStartMax(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_max) = 0;
1904   virtual void SetStartRange(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min,
1905                              int64_t new_max) = 0;
1906   virtual void SetEndMin(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min) = 0;
1907   virtual void SetEndMax(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_max) = 0;
1908   virtual void SetEndRange(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min,
1909                            int64_t new_max) = 0;
1910   virtual void SetDurationMin(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min) = 0;
1911   virtual void SetDurationMax(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_max) = 0;
1912   virtual void SetDurationRange(IntervalVar* const var, int64_t new_min,
1913                                 int64_t new_max) = 0;
1914   virtual void SetPerformed(IntervalVar* const var, bool value) = 0;
1915   /// SequenceVar modifiers
1916   virtual void RankFirst(SequenceVar* const var, int index) = 0;
1917   virtual void RankNotFirst(SequenceVar* const var, int index) = 0;
1918   virtual void RankLast(SequenceVar* const var, int index) = 0;
1919   virtual void RankNotLast(SequenceVar* const var, int index) = 0;
1920   virtual void RankSequence(SequenceVar* const var,
1921                             const std::vector<int>& rank_first,
1922                             const std::vector<int>& rank_last,
1923                             const std::vector<int>& unperformed) = 0;
1924   /// Install itself on the solver.
1925   void Install() override;
1926 };
1928 class LocalSearchMonitor : public SearchMonitor {
1929   // TODO(user): Add monitoring of local search filters.
1930  public:
1931   explicit LocalSearchMonitor(Solver* const solver);
1932   ~LocalSearchMonitor() override;
DebugString()1933   std::string DebugString() const override { return "LocalSearchMonitor"; }
1935   /// Local search operator events.
1936   virtual void BeginOperatorStart() = 0;
1937   virtual void EndOperatorStart() = 0;
1938   virtual void BeginMakeNextNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op) = 0;
1939   virtual void EndMakeNextNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op,
1940                                    bool neighbor_found, const Assignment* delta,
1941                                    const Assignment* deltadelta) = 0;
1942   virtual void BeginFilterNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op) = 0;
1943   virtual void EndFilterNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op,
1944                                  bool neighbor_found) = 0;
1945   virtual void BeginAcceptNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op) = 0;
1946   virtual void EndAcceptNeighbor(const LocalSearchOperator* op,
1947                                  bool neighbor_found) = 0;
1948   virtual void BeginFiltering(const LocalSearchFilter* filter) = 0;
1949   virtual void EndFiltering(const LocalSearchFilter* filter, bool reject) = 0;
1951   /// Install itself on the solver.
1952   void Install() override;
1953 };
1955 class BooleanVar : public IntVar {
1956  public:
1957   static const int kUnboundBooleanVarValue;
1959   explicit BooleanVar(Solver* const s, const std::string& name = "")
IntVar(s,name)1960       : IntVar(s, name), value_(kUnboundBooleanVarValue) {}
~BooleanVar()1962   ~BooleanVar() override {}
Min()1964   int64_t Min() const override { return (value_ == 1); }
1965   void SetMin(int64_t m) override;
Max()1966   int64_t Max() const override { return (value_ != 0); }
1967   void SetMax(int64_t m) override;
1968   void SetRange(int64_t mi, int64_t ma) override;
Bound()1969   bool Bound() const override { return (value_ != kUnboundBooleanVarValue); }
Value()1970   int64_t Value() const override {
1971     CHECK_NE(value_, kUnboundBooleanVarValue) << "variable is not bound";
1972     return value_;
1973   }
1974   void RemoveValue(int64_t v) override;
1975   void RemoveInterval(int64_t l, int64_t u) override;
1976   void WhenBound(Demon* d) override;
WhenRange(Demon * d)1977   void WhenRange(Demon* d) override { WhenBound(d); }
WhenDomain(Demon * d)1978   void WhenDomain(Demon* d) override { WhenBound(d); }
1979   uint64_t Size() const override;
1980   bool Contains(int64_t v) const override;
1981   IntVarIterator* MakeHoleIterator(bool reversible) const override;
1982   IntVarIterator* MakeDomainIterator(bool reversible) const override;
1983   std::string DebugString() const override;
VarType()1984   int VarType() const override { return BOOLEAN_VAR; }
1986   IntVar* IsEqual(int64_t constant) override;
1987   IntVar* IsDifferent(int64_t constant) override;
1988   IntVar* IsGreaterOrEqual(int64_t constant) override;
1989   IntVar* IsLessOrEqual(int64_t constant) override;
1991   virtual void RestoreValue() = 0;
BaseName()1992   std::string BaseName() const override { return "BooleanVar"; }
RawValue()1994   int RawValue() const { return value_; }
1996  protected:
1997   int value_;
1998   SimpleRevFIFO<Demon*> bound_demons_;
1999   SimpleRevFIFO<Demon*> delayed_bound_demons_;
2000 };
2002 class SymmetryManager;
2004 /// A symmetry breaker is an object that will visit a decision and
2005 /// create the 'symmetrical' decision in return.
2006 /// Each symmetry breaker represents one class of symmetry.
2007 class SymmetryBreaker : public DecisionVisitor {
2008  public:
SymmetryBreaker()2009   SymmetryBreaker()
2010       : symmetry_manager_(nullptr), index_in_symmetry_manager_(-1) {}
~SymmetryBreaker()2011   ~SymmetryBreaker() override {}
2013   void AddIntegerVariableEqualValueClause(IntVar* const var, int64_t value);
2014   void AddIntegerVariableGreaterOrEqualValueClause(IntVar* const var,
2015                                                    int64_t value);
2016   void AddIntegerVariableLessOrEqualValueClause(IntVar* const var,
2017                                                 int64_t value);
2019  private:
2020   friend class SymmetryManager;
set_symmetry_manager_and_index(SymmetryManager * manager,int index)2021   void set_symmetry_manager_and_index(SymmetryManager* manager, int index) {
2022     CHECK(symmetry_manager_ == nullptr);
2023     CHECK_EQ(-1, index_in_symmetry_manager_);
2024     symmetry_manager_ = manager;
2025     index_in_symmetry_manager_ = index;
2026   }
symmetry_manager()2027   SymmetryManager* symmetry_manager() const { return symmetry_manager_; }
index_in_symmetry_manager()2028   int index_in_symmetry_manager() const { return index_in_symmetry_manager_; }
2030   SymmetryManager* symmetry_manager_;
2031   /// Index of the symmetry breaker when used inside the symmetry manager.
2032   int index_in_symmetry_manager_;
2033 };
2035 /// The base class of all search logs that periodically outputs information when
2036 /// the search is running.
2037 class SearchLog : public SearchMonitor {
2038  public:
2039   SearchLog(Solver* const s, OptimizeVar* const obj, IntVar* const var,
2040             double scaling_factor, double offset,
2041             std::function<std::string()> display_callback,
2042             bool display_on_new_solutions_only, int period);
2043   ~SearchLog() override;
2044   void EnterSearch() override;
2045   void ExitSearch() override;
2046   bool AtSolution() override;
2047   void BeginFail() override;
2048   void NoMoreSolutions() override;
2049   void AcceptUncheckedNeighbor() override;
2050   void ApplyDecision(Decision* const decision) override;
2051   void RefuteDecision(Decision* const decision) override;
2052   void OutputDecision();
2053   void Maintain();
2054   void BeginInitialPropagation() override;
2055   void EndInitialPropagation() override;
2056   std::string DebugString() const override;
2058  protected:
2059   /* Bottleneck function used for all UI related output. */
2060   virtual void OutputLine(const std::string& line);
2062  private:
2063   static std::string MemoryUsage();
2065   const int period_;
2066   std::unique_ptr<WallTimer> timer_;
2067   IntVar* const var_;
2068   OptimizeVar* const obj_;
2069   const double scaling_factor_;
2070   const double offset_;
2071   std::function<std::string()> display_callback_;
2072   const bool display_on_new_solutions_only_;
2073   int nsol_;
2074   int64_t tick_;
2075   int64_t objective_min_;
2076   int64_t objective_max_;
2077   int min_right_depth_;
2078   int max_depth_;
2079   int sliding_min_depth_;
2080   int sliding_max_depth_;
2081 };
2083 /// Implements a complete cache for model elements: expressions and
2084 /// constraints.  Caching is based on the signatures of the elements, as
2085 /// well as their types.  This class is used internally to avoid creating
2086 /// duplicate objects.
2087 class ModelCache {
2088  public:
2089   enum VoidConstraintType {
2093   };
2095   enum VarConstantConstraintType {
2101   };
2103   enum VarConstantConstantConstraintType {
2106   };
2108   enum ExprExprConstraintType {
2109     EXPR_EXPR_EQUALITY = 0,
2112     EXPR_EXPR_LESS,
2116   };
2118   enum ExprExpressionType {
2119     EXPR_OPPOSITE = 0,
2120     EXPR_ABS,
2121     EXPR_SQUARE,
2123   };
2125   enum ExprExprExpressionType {
2127     EXPR_EXPR_PROD,
2128     EXPR_EXPR_DIV,
2129     EXPR_EXPR_MAX,
2130     EXPR_EXPR_MIN,
2131     EXPR_EXPR_SUM,
2137   };
2139   enum ExprExprConstantExpressionType {
2142   };
2144   enum ExprConstantExpressionType {
2156   };
2157   enum VarConstantConstantExpressionType {
2160   };
2162   enum VarConstantArrayExpressionType {
2165   };
2167   enum VarArrayConstantArrayExpressionType {
2170   };
2172   enum VarArrayExpressionType {
2173     VAR_ARRAY_MAX = 0,
2174     VAR_ARRAY_MIN,
2175     VAR_ARRAY_SUM,
2177   };
2179   enum VarArrayConstantExpressionType {
2182   };
2184   explicit ModelCache(Solver* const solver);
2185   virtual ~ModelCache();
2187   virtual void Clear() = 0;
2189   /// Void constraints.
2191   virtual Constraint* FindVoidConstraint(VoidConstraintType type) const = 0;
2193   virtual void InsertVoidConstraint(Constraint* const ct,
2194                                     VoidConstraintType type) = 0;
2196   /// Var Constant Constraints.
2197   virtual Constraint* FindVarConstantConstraint(
2198       IntVar* const var, int64_t value,
2199       VarConstantConstraintType type) const = 0;
2201   virtual void InsertVarConstantConstraint(Constraint* const ct,
2202                                            IntVar* const var, int64_t value,
2203                                            VarConstantConstraintType type) = 0;
2205   /// Var Constant Constant Constraints.
2207   virtual Constraint* FindVarConstantConstantConstraint(
2208       IntVar* const var, int64_t value1, int64_t value2,
2209       VarConstantConstantConstraintType type) const = 0;
2211   virtual void InsertVarConstantConstantConstraint(
2212       Constraint* const ct, IntVar* const var, int64_t value1, int64_t value2,
2213       VarConstantConstantConstraintType type) = 0;
2215   /// Expr Expr Constraints.
2217   virtual Constraint* FindExprExprConstraint(
2218       IntExpr* const expr1, IntExpr* const expr2,
2219       ExprExprConstraintType type) const = 0;
2221   virtual void InsertExprExprConstraint(Constraint* const ct,
2222                                         IntExpr* const expr1,
2223                                         IntExpr* const expr2,
2224                                         ExprExprConstraintType type) = 0;
2226   /// Expr Expressions.
2228   virtual IntExpr* FindExprExpression(IntExpr* const expr,
2229                                       ExprExpressionType type) const = 0;
2231   virtual void InsertExprExpression(IntExpr* const expression,
2232                                     IntExpr* const expr,
2233                                     ExprExpressionType type) = 0;
2235   /// Expr Constant Expressions.
2237   virtual IntExpr* FindExprConstantExpression(
2238       IntExpr* const expr, int64_t value,
2239       ExprConstantExpressionType type) const = 0;
2241   virtual void InsertExprConstantExpression(
2242       IntExpr* const expression, IntExpr* const var, int64_t value,
2243       ExprConstantExpressionType type) = 0;
2245   /// Expr Expr Expressions.
2247   virtual IntExpr* FindExprExprExpression(
2248       IntExpr* const var1, IntExpr* const var2,
2249       ExprExprExpressionType type) const = 0;
2251   virtual void InsertExprExprExpression(IntExpr* const expression,
2252                                         IntExpr* const var1,
2253                                         IntExpr* const var2,
2254                                         ExprExprExpressionType type) = 0;
2256   /// Expr Expr Constant Expressions.
2258   virtual IntExpr* FindExprExprConstantExpression(
2259       IntExpr* const var1, IntExpr* const var2, int64_t constant,
2260       ExprExprConstantExpressionType type) const = 0;
2262   virtual void InsertExprExprConstantExpression(
2263       IntExpr* const expression, IntExpr* const var1, IntExpr* const var2,
2264       int64_t constant, ExprExprConstantExpressionType type) = 0;
2266   /// Var Constant Constant Expressions.
2268   virtual IntExpr* FindVarConstantConstantExpression(
2269       IntVar* const var, int64_t value1, int64_t value2,
2270       VarConstantConstantExpressionType type) const = 0;
2272   virtual void InsertVarConstantConstantExpression(
2273       IntExpr* const expression, IntVar* const var, int64_t value1,
2274       int64_t value2, VarConstantConstantExpressionType type) = 0;
2276   /// Var Constant Array Expressions.
2278   virtual IntExpr* FindVarConstantArrayExpression(
2279       IntVar* const var, const std::vector<int64_t>& values,
2280       VarConstantArrayExpressionType type) const = 0;
2282   virtual void InsertVarConstantArrayExpression(
2283       IntExpr* const expression, IntVar* const var,
2284       const std::vector<int64_t>& values,
2285       VarConstantArrayExpressionType type) = 0;
2287   /// Var Array Expressions.
2289   virtual IntExpr* FindVarArrayExpression(
2290       const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, VarArrayExpressionType type) const = 0;
2292   virtual void InsertVarArrayExpression(IntExpr* const expression,
2293                                         const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars,
2294                                         VarArrayExpressionType type) = 0;
2296   /// Var Array Constant Array Expressions.
2298   virtual IntExpr* FindVarArrayConstantArrayExpression(
2299       const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, const std::vector<int64_t>& values,
2300       VarArrayConstantArrayExpressionType type) const = 0;
2302   virtual void InsertVarArrayConstantArrayExpression(
2303       IntExpr* const expression, const std::vector<IntVar*>& var,
2304       const std::vector<int64_t>& values,
2305       VarArrayConstantArrayExpressionType type) = 0;
2307   /// Var Array Constant Expressions.
2309   virtual IntExpr* FindVarArrayConstantExpression(
2310       const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, int64_t value,
2311       VarArrayConstantExpressionType type) const = 0;
2313   virtual void InsertVarArrayConstantExpression(
2314       IntExpr* const expression, const std::vector<IntVar*>& var, int64_t value,
2315       VarArrayConstantExpressionType type) = 0;
2317   Solver* solver() const;
2319  private:
2320   Solver* const solver_;
2321 };
2323 /// Argument Holder: useful when visiting a model.
2324 #if !defined(SWIG)
2325 class ArgumentHolder {
2326  public:
2327   /// Type of the argument.
2328   const std::string& TypeName() const;
2329   void SetTypeName(const std::string& type_name);
2331   /// Setters.
2332   void SetIntegerArgument(const std::string& arg_name, int64_t value);
2333   void SetIntegerArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2334                                const std::vector<int64_t>& values);
2335   void SetIntegerMatrixArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2336                                 const IntTupleSet& values);
2337   void SetIntegerExpressionArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2338                                     IntExpr* const expr);
2339   void SetIntegerVariableArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2340                                        const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars);
2341   void SetIntervalArgument(const std::string& arg_name, IntervalVar* const var);
2342   void SetIntervalArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2343                                 const std::vector<IntervalVar*>& vars);
2344   void SetSequenceArgument(const std::string& arg_name, SequenceVar* const var);
2345   void SetSequenceArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2346                                 const std::vector<SequenceVar*>& vars);
2348   /// Checks if arguments exist.
2349   bool HasIntegerExpressionArgument(const std::string& arg_name) const;
2350   bool HasIntegerVariableArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name) const;
2352   /// Getters.
2353   int64_t FindIntegerArgumentWithDefault(const std::string& arg_name,
2354                                          int64_t def) const;
2355   int64_t FindIntegerArgumentOrDie(const std::string& arg_name) const;
2356   const std::vector<int64_t>& FindIntegerArrayArgumentOrDie(
2357       const std::string& arg_name) const;
2358   const IntTupleSet& FindIntegerMatrixArgumentOrDie(
2359       const std::string& arg_name) const;
2361   IntExpr* FindIntegerExpressionArgumentOrDie(
2362       const std::string& arg_name) const;
2363   const std::vector<IntVar*>& FindIntegerVariableArrayArgumentOrDie(
2364       const std::string& arg_name) const;
2366  private:
2367   std::string type_name_;
2368   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, int64_t> integer_argument_;
2369   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::vector<int64_t>>
2370       integer_array_argument_;
2371   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, IntTupleSet> matrix_argument_;
2372   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, IntExpr*> integer_expression_argument_;
2373   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, IntervalVar*> interval_argument_;
2374   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, SequenceVar*> sequence_argument_;
2375   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::vector<IntVar*>>
2376       integer_variable_array_argument_;
2377   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::vector<IntervalVar*>>
2378       interval_array_argument_;
2379   absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::vector<SequenceVar*>>
2380       sequence_array_argument_;
2381 };
2383 /// Model Parser
2384 class ModelParser : public ModelVisitor {
2385  public:
2386   ModelParser();
2388   ~ModelParser() override;
2390   /// Header/footers.
2391   void BeginVisitModel(const std::string& solver_name) override;
2392   void EndVisitModel(const std::string& solver_name) override;
2393   void BeginVisitConstraint(const std::string& type_name,
2394                             const Constraint* const constraint) override;
2395   void EndVisitConstraint(const std::string& type_name,
2396                           const Constraint* const constraint) override;
2397   void BeginVisitIntegerExpression(const std::string& type_name,
2398                                    const IntExpr* const expr) override;
2399   void EndVisitIntegerExpression(const std::string& type_name,
2400                                  const IntExpr* const expr) override;
2401   void VisitIntegerVariable(const IntVar* const variable,
2402                             IntExpr* const delegate) override;
2403   void VisitIntegerVariable(const IntVar* const variable,
2404                             const std::string& operation, int64_t value,
2405                             IntVar* const delegate) override;
2406   void VisitIntervalVariable(const IntervalVar* const variable,
2407                              const std::string& operation, int64_t value,
2408                              IntervalVar* const delegate) override;
2409   void VisitSequenceVariable(const SequenceVar* const variable) override;
2410   /// Integer arguments
2411   void VisitIntegerArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2412                             int64_t value) override;
2413   void VisitIntegerArrayArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2414                                  const std::vector<int64_t>& values) override;
2415   void VisitIntegerMatrixArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2416                                   const IntTupleSet& values) override;
2417   /// Variables.
2418   void VisitIntegerExpressionArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2419                                       IntExpr* const argument) override;
2420   void VisitIntegerVariableArrayArgument(
2421       const std::string& arg_name,
2422       const std::vector<IntVar*>& arguments) override;
2423   /// Visit interval argument.
2424   void VisitIntervalArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2425                              IntervalVar* const argument) override;
2426   void VisitIntervalArrayArgument(
2427       const std::string& arg_name,
2428       const std::vector<IntervalVar*>& arguments) override;
2429   /// Visit sequence argument.
2430   void VisitSequenceArgument(const std::string& arg_name,
2431                              SequenceVar* const argument) override;
2432   void VisitSequenceArrayArgument(
2433       const std::string& arg_name,
2434       const std::vector<SequenceVar*>& arguments) override;
2436  protected:
2437   void PushArgumentHolder();
2438   void PopArgumentHolder();
2439   ArgumentHolder* Top() const;
2441  private:
2442   std::vector<ArgumentHolder*> holders_;
2443 };
2445 template <class T>
2446 class ArrayWithOffset : public BaseObject {
2447  public:
ArrayWithOffset(int64_t index_min,int64_t index_max)2448   ArrayWithOffset(int64_t index_min, int64_t index_max)
2449       : index_min_(index_min),
2450         index_max_(index_max),
2451         values_(new T[index_max - index_min + 1]) {
2452     DCHECK_LE(index_min, index_max);
2453   }
~ArrayWithOffset()2455   ~ArrayWithOffset() override {}
Evaluate(int64_t index)2457   virtual T Evaluate(int64_t index) const {
2458     DCHECK_GE(index, index_min_);
2459     DCHECK_LE(index, index_max_);
2460     return values_[index - index_min_];
2461   }
SetValue(int64_t index,T value)2463   void SetValue(int64_t index, T value) {
2464     DCHECK_GE(index, index_min_);
2465     DCHECK_LE(index, index_max_);
2466     values_[index - index_min_] = value;
2467   }
DebugString()2469   std::string DebugString() const override { return "ArrayWithOffset"; }
2471  private:
2472   const int64_t index_min_;
2473   const int64_t index_max_;
2474   std::unique_ptr<T[]> values_;
2475 };
2476 #endif  // SWIG
2478 /// This class is a reversible growing array. In can grow in both
2479 /// directions, and even accept negative indices.  The objects stored
2480 /// have a type T. As it relies on the solver for reversibility, these
2481 /// objects can be up-casted to 'C' when using Solver::SaveValue().
2482 template <class T, class C>
2483 class RevGrowingArray {
2484  public:
RevGrowingArray(int64_t block_size)2485   explicit RevGrowingArray(int64_t block_size)
2486       : block_size_(block_size), block_offset_(0) {
2487     CHECK_GT(block_size, 0);
2488   }
~RevGrowingArray()2490   ~RevGrowingArray() {
2491     for (int i = 0; i < elements_.size(); ++i) {
2492       delete[] elements_[i];
2493     }
2494   }
At(int64_t index)2496   T At(int64_t index) const {
2497     const int64_t block_index = ComputeBlockIndex(index);
2498     const int64_t relative_index = block_index - block_offset_;
2499     if (relative_index < 0 || relative_index >= elements_.size()) {
2500       return T();
2501     }
2502     const T* block = elements_[relative_index];
2503     return block != nullptr ? block[index - block_index * block_size_] : T();
2504   }
RevInsert(Solver * const solver,int64_t index,T value)2506   void RevInsert(Solver* const solver, int64_t index, T value) {
2507     const int64_t block_index = ComputeBlockIndex(index);
2508     T* const block = GetOrCreateBlock(block_index);
2509     const int64_t residual = index - block_index * block_size_;
2510     solver->SaveAndSetValue(reinterpret_cast<C*>(&block[residual]),
2511                             reinterpret_cast<C>(value));
2512   }
2514  private:
NewBlock()2515   T* NewBlock() const {
2516     T* const result = new T[block_size_];
2517     for (int i = 0; i < block_size_; ++i) {
2518       result[i] = T();
2519     }
2520     return result;
2521   }
GetOrCreateBlock(int block_index)2523   T* GetOrCreateBlock(int block_index) {
2524     if (elements_.size() == 0) {
2525       block_offset_ = block_index;
2526       GrowUp(block_index);
2527     } else if (block_index < block_offset_) {
2528       GrowDown(block_index);
2529     } else if (block_index - block_offset_ >= elements_.size()) {
2530       GrowUp(block_index);
2531     }
2532     T* block = elements_[block_index - block_offset_];
2533     if (block == nullptr) {
2534       block = NewBlock();
2535       elements_[block_index - block_offset_] = block;
2536     }
2537     return block;
2538   }
ComputeBlockIndex(int64_t value)2540   int64_t ComputeBlockIndex(int64_t value) const {
2541     return value >= 0 ? value / block_size_
2542                       : (value - block_size_ + 1) / block_size_;
2543   }
GrowUp(int64_t block_index)2545   void GrowUp(int64_t block_index) {
2546     elements_.resize(block_index - block_offset_ + 1);
2547   }
GrowDown(int64_t block_index)2549   void GrowDown(int64_t block_index) {
2550     const int64_t delta = block_offset_ - block_index;
2551     block_offset_ = block_index;
2552     DCHECK_GT(delta, 0);
2553     elements_.insert(elements_.begin(), delta, nullptr);
2554   }
2556   const int64_t block_size_;
2557   std::vector<T*> elements_;
2558   int block_offset_;
2559 };
2561 /// This is a special class to represent a 'residual' set of T. T must
2562 /// be an integer type.  You fill it at first, and then during search,
2563 /// you can efficiently remove an element, and query the removed
2564 /// elements.
2565 template <class T>
2566 class RevIntSet {
2567  public:
2568   static constexpr int kNoInserted = -1;
2570   /// Capacity is the fixed size of the set (it cannot grow).
RevIntSet(int capacity)2571   explicit RevIntSet(int capacity)
2572       : elements_(new T[capacity]),
2573         num_elements_(0),
2574         capacity_(capacity),
2575         position_(new int[capacity]),
2576         delete_position_(true) {
2577     for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
2578       position_[i] = kNoInserted;
2579     }
2580   }
2582   /// Capacity is the fixed size of the set (it cannot grow).
RevIntSet(int capacity,int * shared_positions,int shared_positions_size)2583   RevIntSet(int capacity, int* shared_positions, int shared_positions_size)
2584       : elements_(new T[capacity]),
2585         num_elements_(0),
2586         capacity_(capacity),
2587         position_(shared_positions),
2588         delete_position_(false) {
2589     for (int i = 0; i < shared_positions_size; ++i) {
2590       position_[i] = kNoInserted;
2591     }
2592   }
~RevIntSet()2594   ~RevIntSet() {
2595     if (delete_position_) {
2596       delete[] position_;
2597     }
2598   }
Size()2600   int Size() const { return num_elements_.Value(); }
Capacity()2602   int Capacity() const { return capacity_; }
Element(int i)2604   T Element(int i) const {
2605     DCHECK_GE(i, 0);
2606     DCHECK_LT(i, num_elements_.Value());
2607     return elements_[i];
2608   }
RemovedElement(int i)2610   T RemovedElement(int i) const {
2611     DCHECK_GE(i, 0);
2612     DCHECK_LT(i + num_elements_.Value(), capacity_);
2613     return elements_[i + num_elements_.Value()];
2614   }
Insert(Solver * const solver,const T & elt)2616   void Insert(Solver* const solver, const T& elt) {
2617     const int position = num_elements_.Value();
2618     DCHECK_LT(position, capacity_);  /// Valid.
2619     DCHECK(NotAlreadyInserted(elt));
2620     elements_[position] = elt;
2621     position_[elt] = position;
2622     num_elements_.Incr(solver);
2623   }
Remove(Solver * const solver,const T & value_index)2625   void Remove(Solver* const solver, const T& value_index) {
2626     num_elements_.Decr(solver);
2627     SwapTo(value_index, num_elements_.Value());
2628   }
Restore(Solver * const solver,const T & value_index)2630   void Restore(Solver* const solver, const T& value_index) {
2631     SwapTo(value_index, num_elements_.Value());
2632     num_elements_.Incr(solver);
2633   }
Clear(Solver * const solver)2635   void Clear(Solver* const solver) { num_elements_.SetValue(solver, 0); }
2637   /// Iterators on the indices.
2638   typedef const T* const_iterator;
begin()2639   const_iterator begin() const { return elements_.get(); }
end()2640   const_iterator end() const { return elements_.get() + num_elements_.Value(); }
2642  private:
2643   /// Used in DCHECK.
NotAlreadyInserted(const T & elt)2644   bool NotAlreadyInserted(const T& elt) {
2645     for (int i = 0; i < num_elements_.Value(); ++i) {
2646       if (elt == elements_[i]) {
2647         return false;
2648       }
2649     }
2650     return true;
2651   }
SwapTo(T value_index,int next_position)2653   void SwapTo(T value_index, int next_position) {
2654     const int current_position = position_[value_index];
2655     if (current_position != next_position) {
2656       const T next_value_index = elements_[next_position];
2657       elements_[current_position] = next_value_index;
2658       elements_[next_position] = value_index;
2659       position_[value_index] = next_position;
2660       position_[next_value_index] = current_position;
2661     }
2662   }
2664   /// Set of elements.
2665   std::unique_ptr<T[]> elements_;
2666   /// Number of elements in the set.
2667   NumericalRev<int> num_elements_;
2668   /// Number of elements in the set.
2669   const int capacity_;
2670   /// Reverse mapping.
2671   int* position_;
2672   /// Does the set owns the position array.
2673   const bool delete_position_;
2674 };
2676 /// ----- RevPartialSequence -----
2678 class RevPartialSequence {
2679  public:
RevPartialSequence(const std::vector<int> & items)2680   explicit RevPartialSequence(const std::vector<int>& items)
2681       : elements_(items),
2682         first_ranked_(0),
2683         last_ranked_(items.size() - 1),
2684         size_(items.size()),
2685         position_(new int[size_]) {
2686     for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
2687       elements_[i] = items[i];
2688       position_[i] = i;
2689     }
2690   }
RevPartialSequence(int size)2692   explicit RevPartialSequence(int size)
2693       : elements_(size),
2694         first_ranked_(0),
2695         last_ranked_(size - 1),
2696         size_(size),
2697         position_(new int[size_]) {
2698     for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
2699       elements_[i] = i;
2700       position_[i] = i;
2701     }
2702   }
~RevPartialSequence()2704   ~RevPartialSequence() {}
NumFirstRanked()2706   int NumFirstRanked() const { return first_ranked_.Value(); }
NumLastRanked()2708   int NumLastRanked() const { return size_ - 1 - last_ranked_.Value(); }
Size()2710   int Size() const { return size_; }
2712 #if !defined(SWIG)
2713   const int& operator[](int index) const {
2714     DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
2715     DCHECK_LT(index, size_);
2716     return elements_[index];
2717   }
2718 #endif
RankFirst(Solver * const solver,int elt)2720   void RankFirst(Solver* const solver, int elt) {
2721     DCHECK_LE(first_ranked_.Value(), last_ranked_.Value());
2722     SwapTo(elt, first_ranked_.Value());
2723     first_ranked_.Incr(solver);
2724   }
RankLast(Solver * const solver,int elt)2726   void RankLast(Solver* const solver, int elt) {
2727     DCHECK_LE(first_ranked_.Value(), last_ranked_.Value());
2728     SwapTo(elt, last_ranked_.Value());
2729     last_ranked_.Decr(solver);
2730   }
IsRanked(int elt)2732   bool IsRanked(int elt) const {
2733     const int position = position_[elt];
2734     return (position < first_ranked_.Value() ||
2735             position > last_ranked_.Value());
2736   }
DebugString()2738   std::string DebugString() const {
2739     std::string result = "[";
2740     for (int i = 0; i < first_ranked_.Value(); ++i) {
2741       absl::StrAppend(&result, elements_[i]);
2742       if (i != first_ranked_.Value() - 1) {
2743         result.append("-");
2744       }
2745     }
2746     result.append("|");
2747     for (int i = first_ranked_.Value(); i <= last_ranked_.Value(); ++i) {
2748       absl::StrAppend(&result, elements_[i]);
2749       if (i != last_ranked_.Value()) {
2750         result.append("-");
2751       }
2752     }
2753     result.append("|");
2754     for (int i = last_ranked_.Value() + 1; i < size_; ++i) {
2755       absl::StrAppend(&result, elements_[i]);
2756       if (i != size_ - 1) {
2757         result.append("-");
2758       }
2759     }
2760     result.append("]");
2761     return result;
2762   }
2764  private:
SwapTo(int elt,int next_position)2765   void SwapTo(int elt, int next_position) {
2766     const int current_position = position_[elt];
2767     if (current_position != next_position) {
2768       const int next_elt = elements_[next_position];
2769       elements_[current_position] = next_elt;
2770       elements_[next_position] = elt;
2771       position_[elt] = next_position;
2772       position_[next_elt] = current_position;
2773     }
2774   }
2776   /// Set of elements.
2777   std::vector<int> elements_;
2778   /// Position of the element after the last element ranked from the start.
2779   NumericalRev<int> first_ranked_;
2780   /// Position of the element before the last element ranked from the end.
2781   NumericalRev<int> last_ranked_;
2782   /// Number of elements in the sequence.
2783   const int size_;
2784   /// Reverse mapping.
2785   std::unique_ptr<int[]> position_;
2786 };
2788 /// This class represents a reversible bitset. It is meant to represent a set of
2789 /// active bits. It does not offer direct access, but just methods that can
2790 /// reversibly subtract another bitset, or check if the current active bitset
2791 /// intersects with another bitset.
2792 class UnsortedNullableRevBitset {
2793  public:
2794   /// Size is the number of bits to store in the bitset.
2795   explicit UnsortedNullableRevBitset(int bit_size);
~UnsortedNullableRevBitset()2797   ~UnsortedNullableRevBitset() {}
2799   /// This methods overwrites the active bitset with the mask. This method
2800   /// should be called only once.
2801   void Init(Solver* const solver, const std::vector<uint64_t>& mask);
2803   /// This method subtracts the mask from the active bitset. It returns true if
2804   /// the active bitset was changed in the process.
2805   bool RevSubtract(Solver* const solver, const std::vector<uint64_t>& mask);
2807   /// This method ANDs the mask with the active bitset. It returns true if
2808   /// the active bitset was changed in the process.
2809   bool RevAnd(Solver* const solver, const std::vector<uint64_t>& mask);
2811   /// This method returns the number of non null 64 bit words in the bitset
2812   /// representation.
ActiveWordSize()2813   int ActiveWordSize() const { return active_words_.Size(); }
2815   /// This method returns true if the active bitset is null.
Empty()2816   bool Empty() const { return active_words_.Size() == 0; }
2818   /// This method returns true iff the mask and the active bitset have a non
2819   /// null intersection. support_index is used as an accelerator:
2820   ///   - The first word tested to check the intersection will be the
2821   ///     '*support_index'th one.
2822   ///   - If the intersection is not null, the support_index will be filled with
2823   ///     the index of the word that does intersect with the mask. This can be
2824   ///     reused later to speed-up the check.
2825   bool Intersects(const std::vector<uint64_t>& mask, int* support_index);
2827   /// Returns the number of bits given in the constructor of the bitset.
bit_size()2828   int64_t bit_size() const { return bit_size_; }
2829   /// Returns the number of 64 bit words used to store the bitset.
word_size()2830   int64_t word_size() const { return word_size_; }
2831   /// Returns the set of active word indices.
active_words()2832   const RevIntSet<int>& active_words() const { return active_words_; }
2834  private:
2835   void CleanUpActives(Solver* const solver);
2837   const int64_t bit_size_;
2838   const int64_t word_size_;
2839   RevArray<uint64_t> bits_;
2840   RevIntSet<int> active_words_;
2841   std::vector<int> to_remove_;
2842 };
2844 template <class T>
IsArrayConstant(const std::vector<T> & values,const T & value)2845 bool IsArrayConstant(const std::vector<T>& values, const T& value) {
2846   for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
2847     if (values[i] != value) {
2848       return false;
2849     }
2850   }
2851   return true;
2852 }
2854 template <class T>
IsArrayBoolean(const std::vector<T> & values)2855 bool IsArrayBoolean(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2856   for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
2857     if (values[i] != 0 && values[i] != 1) {
2858       return false;
2859     }
2860   }
2861   return true;
2862 }
2864 template <class T>
AreAllOnes(const std::vector<T> & values)2865 bool AreAllOnes(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2866   return IsArrayConstant(values, T(1));
2867 }
2869 template <class T>
AreAllNull(const std::vector<T> & values)2870 bool AreAllNull(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2871   return IsArrayConstant(values, T(0));
2872 }
2874 template <class T>
AreAllGreaterOrEqual(const std::vector<T> & values,const T & value)2875 bool AreAllGreaterOrEqual(const std::vector<T>& values, const T& value) {
2876   for (const T& current_value : values) {
2877     if (current_value < value) {
2878       return false;
2879     }
2880   }
2881   return true;
2882 }
2884 template <class T>
AreAllLessOrEqual(const std::vector<T> & values,const T & value)2885 bool AreAllLessOrEqual(const std::vector<T>& values, const T& value) {
2886   for (const T& current_value : values) {
2887     if (current_value > value) {
2888       return false;
2889     }
2890   }
2891   return true;
2892 }
2894 template <class T>
AreAllPositive(const std::vector<T> & values)2895 bool AreAllPositive(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2896   return AreAllGreaterOrEqual(values, T(0));
2897 }
2899 template <class T>
AreAllNegative(const std::vector<T> & values)2900 bool AreAllNegative(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2901   return AreAllLessOrEqual(values, T(0));
2902 }
2904 template <class T>
AreAllStrictlyPositive(const std::vector<T> & values)2905 bool AreAllStrictlyPositive(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2906   return AreAllGreaterOrEqual(values, T(1));
2907 }
2909 template <class T>
AreAllStrictlyNegative(const std::vector<T> & values)2910 bool AreAllStrictlyNegative(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2911   return AreAllLessOrEqual(values, T(-1));
2912 }
2914 template <class T>
IsIncreasingContiguous(const std::vector<T> & values)2915 bool IsIncreasingContiguous(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2916   for (int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; ++i) {
2917     if (values[i + 1] != values[i] + 1) {
2918       return false;
2919     }
2920   }
2921   return true;
2922 }
2924 template <class T>
IsIncreasing(const std::vector<T> & values)2925 bool IsIncreasing(const std::vector<T>& values) {
2926   for (int i = 0; i < values.size() - 1; ++i) {
2927     if (values[i + 1] < values[i]) {
2928       return false;
2929     }
2930   }
2931   return true;
2932 }
2934 template <class T>
IsArrayInRange(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars,T range_min,T range_max)2935 bool IsArrayInRange(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, T range_min,
2936                     T range_max) {
2937   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2938     if (vars[i]->Min() < range_min || vars[i]->Max() > range_max) {
2939       return false;
2940     }
2941   }
2942   return true;
2943 }
AreAllBound(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars)2945 inline bool AreAllBound(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars) {
2946   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2947     if (!vars[i]->Bound()) {
2948       return false;
2949     }
2950   }
2951   return true;
2952 }
AreAllBooleans(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars)2954 inline bool AreAllBooleans(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars) {
2955   return IsArrayInRange(vars, 0, 1);
2956 }
2958 /// Returns true if all the variables are assigned to a single value,
2959 /// or if their corresponding value is null.
2960 template <class T>
AreAllBoundOrNull(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars,const std::vector<T> & values)2961 bool AreAllBoundOrNull(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars,
2962                        const std::vector<T>& values) {
2963   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2964     if (values[i] != 0 && !vars[i]->Bound()) {
2965       return false;
2966     }
2967   }
2968   return true;
2969 }
2971 /// Returns true if all variables are assigned to 'value'.
AreAllBoundTo(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars,int64_t value)2972 inline bool AreAllBoundTo(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, int64_t value) {
2973   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2974     if (!vars[i]->Bound() || vars[i]->Min() != value) {
2975       return false;
2976     }
2977   }
2978   return true;
2979 }
MaxVarArray(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars)2981 inline int64_t MaxVarArray(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars) {
2982   DCHECK(!vars.empty());
2983   int64_t result = kint64min;
2984   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2985     /// The std::max<int64_t> is needed for compilation on MSVC.
2986     result = std::max<int64_t>(result, vars[i]->Max());
2987   }
2988   return result;
2989 }
MinVarArray(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars)2991 inline int64_t MinVarArray(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars) {
2992   DCHECK(!vars.empty());
2993   int64_t result = kint64max;
2994   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
2995     /// The std::min<int64_t> is needed for compilation on MSVC.
2996     result = std::min<int64_t>(result, vars[i]->Min());
2997   }
2998   return result;
2999 }
FillValues(const std::vector<IntVar * > & vars,std::vector<int64_t> * const values)3001 inline void FillValues(const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars,
3002                        std::vector<int64_t>* const values) {
3003   values->clear();
3004   values->resize(vars.size());
3005   for (int i = 0; i < vars.size(); ++i) {
3006     (*values)[i] = vars[i]->Value();
3007   }
3008 }
PosIntDivUp(int64_t e,int64_t v)3010 inline int64_t PosIntDivUp(int64_t e, int64_t v) {
3011   DCHECK_GT(v, 0);
3012   return (e < 0 || e % v == 0) ? e / v : e / v + 1;
3013 }
PosIntDivDown(int64_t e,int64_t v)3015 inline int64_t PosIntDivDown(int64_t e, int64_t v) {
3016   DCHECK_GT(v, 0);
3017   return (e >= 0 || e % v == 0) ? e / v : e / v - 1;
3018 }
3020 std::vector<int64_t> ToInt64Vector(const std::vector<int>& input);
3022 #if !defined(SWIG)
3023 // A PathState represents a set of paths and changed made on it.
3024 //
3025 // More accurately, let us define P_{num_nodes, starts, ends}-graphs the set of
3026 // directed graphs with nodes [0, num_nodes) whose connected components are
3027 // paths from starts[i] to ends[i] (for the same i) and loops.
3028 // Let us fix num_nodes, starts and ends so we call these P-graphs.
3029 //
3030 // Let us define some notions on graphs with the same set of nodes:
3031 //   tails(D) is the set of nodes that are the tail of some arc of D.
3032 //   P0 inter P1 is the graph of all arcs both in P0 and P1.
3033 //   P0 union P1 is the graph of all arcs either in P0 or P1.
3034 //   P1 - P0 is the graph with arcs in P1 and not in P0.
3035 //   P0 |> D is the graph with arcs of P0 whose tail is not in tails(D).
3036 //   P0 + D is (P0 |> D) union D.
3037 //
3038 // Now suppose P0 and P1 are P-graphs.
3039 // P0 + (P1 - P0) is exactly P1.
3040 // Moreover, note that P0 |> D is not a union of paths from some starts[i] to
3041 // ends[i] and loops like P0, because the operation removes arcs from P0.
3042 // P0 |> D is a union of generic paths, loops, and isolated nodes.
3043 // Let us call the generic paths and isolated nodes "chains".
3044 // Then the paths of P0 + D are chains linked by arcs of D.
3045 // Those chains are particularly interesting when examining a P-graph change.
3046 //
3047 // A PathState represents a P-graph for a fixed {num_nodes, starts, ends}.
3048 // The value of a PathState can be changed incrementally from P0 to P1
3049 // by passing the arcs of P1 - P0 to ChangeNext() and marking the end of the
3050 // change with a call to CutChains().
3051 // If P0 + D is not a P-graph, the behaviour is undefined.
3052 // TODO(user): check whether we want to have a DCHECK that P0 + D
3053 //   is a P-graph or if CutChains() should return false.
3054 //
3055 // After CutChains(), tails(D) can be traversed using an iterator,
3056 // and the chains of P0 |> D can be browsed by chain-based iterators.
3057 // An iterator allows to browse the set of paths that have changed.
3058 // Then Commit() or Revert() can be called: Commit() changes the PathState to
3059 // represent P1 = P0 + D, all further changes are made from P1; Revert() changes
3060 // the PathState to forget D completely and return the state to P0.
3061 //
3062 // After a Commit(), Revert() or at initial state, the same iterators are
3063 // available and represent the change by an empty D: the set of changed paths
3064 // and the set of changed nodes is empty. Still, the chain-based iterator allows
3065 // to browse paths: each path has exactly one chain.
3066 class PathState {
3067  public:
3068   // A Chain allows to iterate on all nodes of a chain, and access some data:
3069   // first node, last node, number of nodes in the chain.
3070   // Chain is a range, its iterator ChainNodeIterator, its value type int.
3071   // Chains are returned by PathChainIterator's operator*().
3072   class Chain;
3073   // A ChainRange allows to iterate on all chains of a path.
3074   // ChainRange is a range, its iterator Chain*, its value type Chain.
3075   class ChainRange;
3076   // A NodeRange allows to iterate on all nodes of a path.
3077   // NodeRange is a range, its iterator PathNodeIterator, its value type int.
3078   class NodeRange;
3080   // Path constructor: path_start and path_end must be disjoint,
3081   // their values in [0, num_nodes).
3082   PathState(int num_nodes, std::vector<int> path_start,
3083             std::vector<int> path_end);
3085   // Instance-constant accessors.
3087   // Returns the number of nodes in the underlying graph.
NumNodes()3088   int NumNodes() const { return num_nodes_; }
3089   // Returns the number of paths (empty paths included).
NumPaths()3090   int NumPaths() const { return num_paths_; }
3091   // Returns the start of a path.
Start(int path)3092   int Start(int path) const { return path_start_end_[path].start; }
3093   // Returns the end of a path.
End(int path)3094   int End(int path) const { return path_start_end_[path].end; }
3096   // State-dependent accessors.
3098   // Returns the committed path of a given node, -1 if it is a loop.
Path(int node)3099   int Path(int node) const {
3100     return committed_nodes_[committed_index_[node]].path;
3101   }
3102   // Returns the set of arcs that have been added,
3103   // i.e. that were changed and were not in the committed state.
ChangedArcs()3104   const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>& ChangedArcs() const {
3105     return changed_arcs_;
3106   }
3107   // Returns the set of paths that actually changed,
3108   // i.e. that have an arc in ChangedArcs().
ChangedPaths()3109   const std::vector<int>& ChangedPaths() const { return changed_paths_; }
3110   // Returns the current range of chains of path.
3111   ChainRange Chains(int path) const;
3112   // Returns the current range of nodes of path.
3113   NodeRange Nodes(int path) const;
3115   // State modifiers.
3117   // Adds arc (node, new_next) to the changed state, more formally,
3118   // changes the state from (P0, D) to (P0, D + (node, new_next)).
ChangeNext(int node,int new_next)3119   void ChangeNext(int node, int new_next) {
3120     changed_arcs_.emplace_back(node, new_next);
3121   }
3122   // Marks the end of ChangeNext() sequence, more formally,
3123   // changes the state from (P0, D) to (P0 |> D, D).
3124   void CutChains();
3125   // Makes the current temporary state permanent, more formally,
3126   // changes the state from (P0 |> D, D) to (P0 + D, \emptyset),
3127   void Commit();
3128   // Erase incremental changes made by ChangeNext() and CutChains(),
3129   // more formally, changes the state from (P0 |> D, D) to (P0, \emptyset).
3130   void Revert();
3132   // LNS Operators may not fix variables,
3133   // in which case we mark the candidate invalid.
SetInvalid()3134   void SetInvalid() { is_invalid_ = true; }
IsInvalid()3135   bool IsInvalid() const { return is_invalid_; }
3137  private:
3138   // Most structs below are named pairs of ints, for typing purposes.
3140   // Start and end are stored together to optimize (likely) simultaneous access.
3141   struct PathStartEnd {
PathStartEndPathStartEnd3142     PathStartEnd(int start, int end) : start(start), end(end) {}
3143     int start;
3144     int end;
3145   };
3146   // Paths are ranges of chains, which are ranges of committed nodes, see below.
3147   struct PathBounds {
3148     int begin_index;
3149     int end_index;
3150   };
3151   struct ChainBounds {
3152     ChainBounds() = default;
ChainBoundsChainBounds3153     ChainBounds(int begin_index, int end_index)
3154         : begin_index(begin_index), end_index(end_index) {}
3155     int begin_index;
3156     int end_index;
3157   };
3158   struct CommittedNode {
CommittedNodeCommittedNode3159     CommittedNode(int node, int path) : node(node), path(path) {}
3160     int node;
3161     // Path of node in the committed state, -1 for loop nodes.
3162     // TODO(user): check if path would be better stored
3163     // with committed_index_, or in its own vector, or just recomputed.
3164     int path;
3165   };
3166   // Used in temporary structures, see below.
3167   struct TailHeadIndices {
3168     int tail_index;
3169     int head_index;
3170   };
3171   struct IndexArc {
3172     int index;
3173     int arc;
3174     bool operator<(const IndexArc& other) const { return index < other.index; }
3175   };
3177   // From changed_paths_ and changed_arcs_, fill chains_ and paths_.
3178   // Selection-based algorithm in O(n^2), to use for small change sets.
3179   void MakeChainsFromChangedPathsAndArcsWithSelectionAlgorithm();
3180   // From changed_paths_ and changed_arcs_, fill chains_ and paths_.
3181   // Generic algorithm in O(std::sort(n)+n), to use for larger change sets.
3182   void MakeChainsFromChangedPathsAndArcsWithGenericAlgorithm();
3184   // Copies nodes in chains of path at the end of nodes,
3185   // and sets those nodes' path member to value path.
3186   void CopyNewPathAtEndOfNodes(int path);
3187   // Commits paths in O(#{changed paths' nodes}) time,
3188   // increasing this object's space usage by O(|changed path nodes|).
3189   void IncrementalCommit();
3190   // Commits paths in O(num_nodes + num_paths) time,
3191   // reducing this object's space usage to O(num_nodes + num_paths).
3192   void FullCommit();
3194   // Instance-constant data.
3195   const int num_nodes_;
3196   const int num_paths_;
3197   std::vector<PathStartEnd> path_start_end_;
3199   // Representation of the committed and changed paths.
3200   // A path is a range of chains, which is a range of nodes.
3201   // Ranges are represented internally by indices in vectors:
3202   // ChainBounds are indices in committed_nodes_. PathBounds are indices in
3203   // chains_. When committed (after construction, Revert() or Commit()):
3204   // - path ranges are [path, path+1): they have one chain.
3205   // - chain ranges don't overlap, chains_ has an empty sentinel at the end.
3206   // - committed_nodes_ contains all nodes and old duplicates may appear,
3207   //   the current version of a node is at the index given by
3208   //   committed_index_[node]. A Commit() can add nodes at the end of
3209   //   committed_nodes_ in a space/time tradeoff, but if committed_nodes_' size
3210   //   is above num_nodes_threshold_, Commit() must reclaim useless duplicates'
3211   //   space by rewriting the path/chain/nodes structure.
3212   // When changed (after CutChains()), new chains are computed,
3213   // and the structure is updated accordingly:
3214   // - path ranges that were changed have nonoverlapping values [begin, end)
3215   //   where begin is >= num_paths_ + 1, i.e. new chains are stored after
3216   //   committed state.
3217   // - additional chain ranges are stored after the committed chains
3218   //   to represent the new chains resulting from the changes.
3219   //   Those chains do not overlap with each other or with unchanged chains.
3220   //   An empty sentinel chain is added at the end of additional chains.
3221   // - committed_nodes_ are not modified, and still represent the committed
3222   // paths.
3223   //   committed_index_ is not modified either.
3224   std::vector<CommittedNode> committed_nodes_;
3225   std::vector<int> committed_index_;
3226   const int num_nodes_threshold_;
3227   std::vector<ChainBounds> chains_;
3228   std::vector<PathBounds> paths_;
3230   // Incremental information: indices of nodes whose successor have changed,
3231   // path that have changed nodes.
3232   std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> changed_arcs_;
3233   std::vector<int> changed_paths_;
3234   std::vector<bool> path_has_changed_;
3236   // Temporary structures, since they will be reused heavily,
3237   // those are members in order to be allocated once and for all.
3238   std::vector<TailHeadIndices> tail_head_indices_;
3239   std::vector<IndexArc> arcs_by_tail_index_;
3240   std::vector<IndexArc> arcs_by_head_index_;
3241   std::vector<int> next_arc_;
3243   // See IsInvalid() and SetInvalid().
3244   bool is_invalid_ = false;
3245 };
3247 // A Chain is a range of committed nodes.
3248 class PathState::Chain {
3249  public:
3250   class Iterator {
3251    public:
3252     Iterator& operator++() {
3253       ++current_node_;
3254       return *this;
3255     }
3256     int operator*() const { return current_node_->node; }
3257     bool operator!=(Iterator other) const {
3258       return current_node_ != other.current_node_;
3259     }
3261    private:
3262     // Only a Chain can construct its iterator.
3263     friend class PathState::Chain;
Iterator(const CommittedNode * node)3264     explicit Iterator(const CommittedNode* node) : current_node_(node) {}
3265     const CommittedNode* current_node_;
3266   };
3268   // Chains hold CommittedNode* values, a Chain may be invalidated
3269   // if the underlying vector is modified.
Chain(const CommittedNode * begin_node,const CommittedNode * end_node)3270   Chain(const CommittedNode* begin_node, const CommittedNode* end_node)
3271       : begin_(begin_node), end_(end_node) {}
NumNodes()3273   int NumNodes() const { return end_ - begin_; }
First()3274   int First() const { return begin_->node; }
Last()3275   int Last() const { return (end_ - 1)->node; }
begin()3276   Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(begin_); }
end()3277   Iterator end() const { return Iterator(end_); }
3279  private:
3280   const CommittedNode* const begin_;
3281   const CommittedNode* const end_;
3282 };
3284 // A ChainRange is a range of Chains, committed or not.
3285 class PathState::ChainRange {
3286  public:
3287   class Iterator {
3288    public:
3289     Iterator& operator++() {
3290       ++current_chain_;
3291       return *this;
3292     }
3293     Chain operator*() const {
3294       return {first_node_ + current_chain_->begin_index,
3295               first_node_ + current_chain_->end_index};
3296     }
3297     bool operator!=(Iterator other) const {
3298       return current_chain_ != other.current_chain_;
3299     }
3301    private:
3302     // Only a ChainRange can construct its Iterator.
3303     friend class ChainRange;
Iterator(const ChainBounds * chain,const CommittedNode * const first_node)3304     Iterator(const ChainBounds* chain, const CommittedNode* const first_node)
3305         : current_chain_(chain), first_node_(first_node) {}
3306     const ChainBounds* current_chain_;
3307     const CommittedNode* const first_node_;
3308   };
3310   // ChainRanges hold ChainBounds* and CommittedNode*,
3311   // a ChainRange may be invalidated if on of the underlying vector is modified.
ChainRange(const ChainBounds * const begin_chain,const ChainBounds * const end_chain,const CommittedNode * const first_node)3312   ChainRange(const ChainBounds* const begin_chain,
3313              const ChainBounds* const end_chain,
3314              const CommittedNode* const first_node)
3315       : begin_(begin_chain), end_(end_chain), first_node_(first_node) {}
begin()3317   Iterator begin() const { return {begin_, first_node_}; }
end()3318   Iterator end() const { return {end_, first_node_}; }
3320  private:
3321   const ChainBounds* const begin_;
3322   const ChainBounds* const end_;
3323   const CommittedNode* const first_node_;
3324 };
3326 // A NodeRange allows to iterate on all nodes of a path,
3327 // by a two-level iteration on ChainBounds* and CommittedNode* of a PathState.
3328 class PathState::NodeRange {
3329  public:
3330   class Iterator {
3331    public:
3332     Iterator& operator++() {
3333       ++current_node_;
3334       if (current_node_ == end_node_) {
3335         ++current_chain_;
3336         // Note: dereferencing bounds is valid because there is a sentinel
3337         // value at the end of PathState::chains_ to that intent.
3338         const ChainBounds bounds = *current_chain_;
3339         current_node_ = first_node_ + bounds.begin_index;
3340         end_node_ = first_node_ + bounds.end_index;
3341       }
3342       return *this;
3343     }
3344     int operator*() const { return current_node_->node; }
3345     bool operator!=(Iterator other) const {
3346       return current_chain_ != other.current_chain_;
3347     }
3349    private:
3350     // Only a NodeRange can construct its Iterator.
3351     friend class NodeRange;
Iterator(const ChainBounds * current_chain,const CommittedNode * const first_node)3352     Iterator(const ChainBounds* current_chain,
3353              const CommittedNode* const first_node)
3354         : current_node_(first_node + current_chain->begin_index),
3355           end_node_(first_node + current_chain->end_index),
3356           current_chain_(current_chain),
3357           first_node_(first_node) {}
3358     const CommittedNode* current_node_;
3359     const CommittedNode* end_node_;
3360     const ChainBounds* current_chain_;
3361     const CommittedNode* const first_node_;
3362   };
3364   // NodeRanges hold ChainBounds* and CommittedNode*,
3365   // a NodeRange may be invalidated if on of the underlying vector is modified.
NodeRange(const ChainBounds * begin_chain,const ChainBounds * end_chain,const CommittedNode * first_node)3366   NodeRange(const ChainBounds* begin_chain, const ChainBounds* end_chain,
3367             const CommittedNode* first_node)
3368       : begin_chain_(begin_chain),
3369         end_chain_(end_chain),
3370         first_node_(first_node) {}
begin()3371   Iterator begin() const { return {begin_chain_, first_node_}; }
3372   // Note: there is a sentinel value at the end of PathState::chains_,
3373   // so dereferencing chain_range_.end()->begin_ is always valid.
end()3374   Iterator end() const { return {end_chain_, first_node_}; }
3376  private:
3377   const ChainBounds* begin_chain_;
3378   const ChainBounds* end_chain_;
3379   const CommittedNode* const first_node_;
3380 };
3382 // This checker enforces unary dimension requirements.
3383 // A unary dimension requires that there is some valuation of
3384 // node_capacity and demand such that for all paths,
3385 // if arc A -> B is on a path of path_class p,
3386 // then node_capacity[A] + demand[p][A] = node_capacity[B].
3387 // Moreover, all node_capacities of a path must be inside interval
3388 // path_capacity[path].
3389 // Note that Intervals have two meanings:
3390 // - for demand and node_capacity, those are values allowed for each associated
3391 //   decision variable.
3392 // - for path_capacity, those are set of values that node_capacities of the path
3393 //   must respect.
3394 // If the path capacity of a path is [kint64min, kint64max],
3395 // then the unary dimension requirements are not enforced on this path.
3396 class UnaryDimensionChecker {
3397  public:
3398   struct Interval {
3399     int64_t min;
3400     int64_t max;
3401   };
3403   UnaryDimensionChecker(const PathState* path_state,
3404                         std::vector<Interval> path_capacity,
3405                         std::vector<int> path_class,
3406                         std::vector<std::vector<Interval>> demand,
3407                         std::vector<Interval> node_capacity);
3409   // Given the change made in PathState, checks that the unary dimension
3410   // constraint is still feasible.
3411   bool Check() const;
3413   // Commits to the changes made in PathState,
3414   // must be called before PathState::Commit().
3415   void Commit();
3417  private:
3418   // Range min/max query on partial_demand_sums_.
3419   // The first_node and last_node MUST form a subpath in the committed state.
3420   // Nodes first_node and last_node are passed by their index in precomputed
3421   // data, they must be committed in some path, and it has to be the same path.
3422   // See partial_demand_sums_.
3423   Interval GetMinMaxPartialDemandSum(int first_node_index,
3424                                      int last_node_index) const;
3426   // Queries whether all nodes in the committed subpath [first_node, last_node]
3427   // have fixed demands and trivial node_capacity [kint64min, kint64max].
3428   // first_node and last_node MUST form a subpath in the committed state.
3429   // Nodes are passed by their index in precomputed data.
3430   bool SubpathOnlyHasTrivialNodes(int first_node_index,
3431                                   int last_node_index) const;
3433   // Commits to the current solution and rebuilds structures from scratch.
3434   void FullCommit();
3435   // Commits to the current solution and only build structures for paths that
3436   // changed, using additional space to do so in a time-memory tradeoff.
3437   void IncrementalCommit();
3438   // Adds sums of given path to the bottom layer of the RMQ structure,
3439   // updates index_ and previous_nontrivial_index_.
3440   void AppendPathDemandsToSums(int path);
3441   // Updates the RMQ structure from its bottom layer,
3442   // with [begin_index, end_index) the range of the change,
3443   // which must be at the end of the bottom layer.
3444   // Supposes that requests overlapping the range will be inside the range,
3445   // to avoid updating all layers.
3446   void UpdateRMQStructure(int begin_index, int end_index);
3448   const PathState* const path_state_;
3449   const std::vector<Interval> path_capacity_;
3450   const std::vector<int> path_class_;
3451   const std::vector<std::vector<Interval>> demand_;
3452   const std::vector<Interval> node_capacity_;
3454   // Precomputed data.
3455   // Maps nodes to their pre-computed data, except for isolated nodes,
3456   // which do not have precomputed data.
3457   // Only valid for nodes that are in some path in the committed state.
3458   std::vector<int> index_;
3459   // Implementation of a <O(n log n), O(1)> range min/max query, n = #nodes.
3460   // partial_demand_sums_rmq_[0][index_[node]] contains the sum of demands
3461   // from the start of the node's path to the node.
3462   // If node is the start of path, the sum is demand_[path_class_[path]][node],
3463   // moreover partial_demand_sums_rmq_[0][index_[node]-1] is {0, 0}.
3464   // partial_demand_sums_rmq_[layer][index] contains an interval
3465   // [min_value, max_value] such that min_value is
3466   // min(partial_demand_sums_rmq_[0][index+i].min | i in [0, 2^layer)),
3467   // similarly max_value is the maximum of .max on the same range.
3468   std::vector<std::vector<Interval>> partial_demand_sums_rmq_;
3469   // The incremental branch of Commit() may waste space in the layers of the
3470   // RMQ structure. This is the upper limit of a layer's size.
3471   const int maximum_partial_demand_layer_size_;
3472   // previous_nontrivial_index_[index_[node]] has the index of the previous
3473   // node on its committed path that has nonfixed demand or nontrivial node
3474   // capacity. This allows for O(1) queries that all nodes on a subpath
3475   // are nonfixed and nontrivial.
3476   std::vector<int> previous_nontrivial_index_;
3477 };
3479 // Make a filter that takes ownership of a PathState and synchronizes it with
3480 // solver events. The solver represents a graph with array of variables 'nexts'.
3481 // Solver events are embodied by Assignment* deltas, that are translated to node
3482 // changes during Relax(), committed during Synchronize(), and reverted on
3483 // Revert().
3484 LocalSearchFilter* MakePathStateFilter(Solver* solver,
3485                                        std::unique_ptr<PathState> path_state,
3486                                        const std::vector<IntVar*>& nexts);
3488 // Make a filter that translates solver events to the input checker's interface.
3489 // Since UnaryDimensionChecker has a PathState, the filter returned by this
3490 // must be synchronized to the corresponding PathStateFilter:
3491 // - Relax() must be called after the PathStateFilter's.
3492 // - Accept() must be called after.
3493 // - Synchronize() must be called before.
3494 // - Revert() must be called before.
3495 LocalSearchFilter* MakeUnaryDimensionFilter(
3496     Solver* solver, std::unique_ptr<UnaryDimensionChecker> checker,
3497     const std::string& dimension_name);
3499 #endif  // !defined(SWIG)
3501 }  // namespace operations_research