1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // Utility functions to interact with an lp solver from the SAT context.
19 #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.pb.h"
20 #include "ortools/lp_data/lp_data.h"
21 #include "ortools/sat/boolean_problem.pb.h"
22 #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
23 #include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h"
24 #include "ortools/sat/sat_solver.h"
25 #include "ortools/util/logging.h"
27 namespace operations_research {
28 namespace sat {
30 // Returns the smallest factor f such that f * abs(x) is integer modulo the
31 // given tolerance relative to f (we use f * tolerance). It is only looking
32 // for f smaller than the given limit. Returns zero if no such factor exist.
33 //
34 // The complexity is a lot less than O(limit), but it is possible that we might
35 // miss the smallest such factor if the tolerance used is too low. This is
36 // because we only rely on the best rational approximations of x with increasing
37 // denominator.
38 int FindRationalFactor(double x, int limit = 1e4, double tolerance = 1e-6);
40 // Multiplies all continuous variable by the given scaling parameters and change
41 // the rest of the model accordingly. The returned vector contains the scaling
42 // of each variable (will always be 1.0 for integers) and can be used to recover
43 // a solution of the unscaled problem from one of the new scaled problems by
44 // dividing the variable values.
45 //
46 // We usually scale a continuous variable by scaling, but if its domain is going
47 // to have larger values than max_bound, then we scale to have the max domain
48 // magnitude equal to max_bound.
49 //
50 // Note that it is recommended to call DetectImpliedIntegers() before this
51 // function so that we do not scale variables that do not need to be scaled.
52 //
53 // TODO(user): Also scale the solution hint if any.
54 std::vector<double> ScaleContinuousVariables(double scaling, double max_bound,
55                                              MPModelProto* mp_model);
57 // This simple step helps and should be done first. Returns false if the model
58 // is trivially infeasible because of crossing bounds.
59 bool MakeBoundsOfIntegerVariablesInteger(const SatParameters& params,
60                                          MPModelProto* mp_model,
61                                          SolverLogger* logger);
63 // Performs some extra tests on the given MPModelProto and returns false if one
64 // is not satisfied. These are needed before trying to convert it to the native
65 // CP-SAT format.
66 bool MPModelProtoValidationBeforeConversion(const SatParameters& params,
67                                             const MPModelProto& mp_model,
68                                             SolverLogger* logger);
70 // To satisfy our scaling requirements, any terms that is almost zero can just
71 // be set to zero. We need to do that before operations like
72 // DetectImpliedIntegers(), becauses really low coefficients can cause issues
73 // and might lead to less detection.
74 void RemoveNearZeroTerms(const SatParameters& params, MPModelProto* mp_model,
75                          SolverLogger* logger);
77 // This will mark implied integer as such. Note that it can also discover
78 // variable of the form coeff * Integer + offset, and will change the model
79 // so that these are marked as integer. It is why we return both a scaling and
80 // an offset to transform the solution back to its original domain.
81 //
82 // TODO(user): Actually implement the offset part. This currently only happens
83 // on the 3 neos-46470* miplib problems where we have a non-integer rhs.
84 std::vector<double> DetectImpliedIntegers(MPModelProto* mp_model,
85                                           SolverLogger* logger);
87 // Converts a MIP problem to a CpModel. Returns false if the coefficients
88 // couldn't be converted to integers with a good enough precision.
89 //
90 // There is a bunch of caveats and you can find more details on the
91 // SatParameters proto documentation for the mip_* parameters.
92 bool ConvertMPModelProtoToCpModelProto(const SatParameters& params,
93                                        const MPModelProto& mp_model,
94                                        CpModelProto* cp_model,
95                                        SolverLogger* logger);
97 // Scales a double objective to its integer version and fills it in the proto.
98 // The variable listed in the objective must be already defined in the cp_model
99 // proto as this uses the variables bounds to compute a proper scaling.
100 //
101 // This uses params.mip_wanted_tolerance() and
102 // params.mip_max_activity_exponent() to compute the scaling. Note however that
103 // if the wanted tolerance is not satisfied this still scale with best effort.
104 // You can see in the log the tolerance guaranteed by this automatic scaling.
105 //
106 // This will almost always returns true except for really bad cases like having
107 // infinity in the objective.
108 bool ScaleAndSetObjective(const SatParameters& params,
109                           const std::vector<std::pair<int, double>>& objective,
110                           double objective_offset, bool maximize,
111                           CpModelProto* cp_model, SolverLogger* logger);
113 // Given a CpModelProto with a floating point objective, and its scaled integer
114 // version with a known lower bound, this uses the variable bounds to derive a
115 // correct lower bound on the original objective.
116 //
117 // Note that the integer version can be way different, but then the bound is
118 // likely to be bad. For now, we solve this with a simple LP with one
119 // constraint.
120 //
121 // TODO(user): Code a custom algo with more precision guarantee?
122 double ComputeTrueObjectiveLowerBound(
123     const CpModelProto& model_proto_with_floating_point_objective,
124     const CpObjectiveProto& integer_objective,
125     const int64_t inner_integer_objective_lower_bound);
127 // Converts an integer program with only binary variables to a Boolean
128 // optimization problem. Returns false if the problem didn't contains only
129 // binary integer variable, or if the coefficients couldn't be converted to
130 // integer with a good enough precision.
131 bool ConvertBinaryMPModelProtoToBooleanProblem(const MPModelProto& mp_model,
132                                                LinearBooleanProblem* problem);
134 // Converts a Boolean optimization problem to its lp formulation.
135 void ConvertBooleanProblemToLinearProgram(const LinearBooleanProblem& problem,
136                                           glop::LinearProgram* lp);
138 // Changes the variable bounds of the lp to reflect the variables that have been
139 // fixed by the SAT solver (i.e. assigned at decision level 0). Returns the
140 // number of variables fixed this way.
141 int FixVariablesFromSat(const SatSolver& solver, glop::LinearProgram* lp);
143 // Solves the given lp problem and uses the lp solution to drive the SAT solver
144 // polarity choices. The variable must have the same index in the solved lp
145 // problem and in SAT for this to make sense.
146 //
147 // Returns false if a problem occurred while trying to solve the lp.
148 bool SolveLpAndUseSolutionForSatAssignmentPreference(
149     const glop::LinearProgram& lp, SatSolver* sat_solver,
150     double max_time_in_seconds);
152 // Solves the lp and add constraints to fix the integer variable of the lp in
153 // the LinearBoolean problem.
154 bool SolveLpAndUseIntegerVariableToStartLNS(const glop::LinearProgram& lp,
155                                             LinearBooleanProblem* problem);
157 }  // namespace sat
158 }  // namespace operations_research
160 #endif  // OR_TOOLS_SAT_LP_UTILS_H_