1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 #ifndef OR_TOOLS_SAT_UTIL_H_
15 #define OR_TOOLS_SAT_UTIL_H_
17 #include <cstdint>
18 #include <deque>
20 #include "absl/random/bit_gen_ref.h"
21 #include "absl/random/random.h"
22 #include "ortools/sat/model.h"
23 #include "ortools/sat/sat_base.h"
24 #include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h"
25 #include "ortools/util/random_engine.h"
26 #include "ortools/util/time_limit.h"
28 #if !defined(__PORTABLE_PLATFORM__)
29 #include "google/protobuf/descriptor.h"
30 #endif  // __PORTABLE_PLATFORM__
32 namespace operations_research {
33 namespace sat {
35 // Returns a in [0, m) such that a * x = 1 modulo m.
36 // If gcd(x, m) != 1, there is no inverse, and it returns 0.
37 //
38 // This DCHECK that x is in [0, m).
39 // This is integer overflow safe.
40 //
41 // Note(user): I didn't find this in a easily usable standard library.
42 int64_t ModularInverse(int64_t x, int64_t m);
44 // Just returns x % m but with a result always in [0, m).
45 int64_t PositiveMod(int64_t x, int64_t m);
47 // If we know that X * coeff % mod = rhs % mod, this returns c such that
48 // PositiveMod(X, mod) = c.
49 //
50 // This requires coeff != 0, mod !=0 and gcd(coeff, mod) == 1.
51 // The result will be in [0, mod) but there is no other condition on the sign or
52 // magnitude of a and b.
53 //
54 // This is overflow safe, and when rhs == 0 or abs(mod) == 1, it returns 0.
55 int64_t ProductWithModularInverse(int64_t coeff, int64_t mod, int64_t rhs);
57 // Returns true if the equation a * X + b * Y = cte has some integer solutions.
58 // For now, we check that a and b are different from 0 and from int64_t min.
59 //
60 // There is actually always a solution if cte % gcd(|a|, |b|) == 0. And because
61 // a, b and cte fit on an int64_t, if there is a solution, there is one with X
62 // and Y fitting on an int64_t.
63 //
64 // We will divide everything by gcd(a, b) first, so it is why we take reference
65 // and the equation can change.
66 //
67 // If there are solutions, we return one of them (x0, y0).
68 // From any such solution, the set of all solutions is given for Z integer by:
69 // X = x0 + b * Z;
70 // Y = y0 - a * Z;
71 //
72 // Given a domain for X and Y, it is possible to compute the "exact" domain of Z
73 // with our Domain functions. Note however that this will only compute solution
74 // where both x-x0 and y-y0 do fit on an int64_t:
75 // DomainOf(x).SubtractionWith(x0).InverseMultiplicationBy(b).IntersectionWith(
76 //     DomainOf(y).SubtractionWith(y0).InverseMultiplicationBy(-a))
77 bool SolveDiophantineEquationOfSizeTwo(int64_t& a, int64_t& b, int64_t& cte,
78                                        int64_t& x0, int64_t& y0);
80 // The model "singleton" random engine used in the solver.
81 //
82 // In test, we usually set use_absl_random() so that the sequence is changed at
83 // each invocation. This way, clients do not relly on the wrong assumption that
84 // a particular optimal solution will be returned if they are many equivalent
85 // ones.
86 class ModelRandomGenerator : public absl::BitGenRef {
87  public:
88   // We seed the strategy at creation only. This should be enough for our use
89   // case since the SatParameters is set first before the solver is created. We
90   // also never really need to change the seed afterwards, it is just used to
91   // diversify solves with identical parameters on different Model objects.
ModelRandomGenerator(Model * model)92   explicit ModelRandomGenerator(Model* model)
93       : absl::BitGenRef(deterministic_random_) {
94     const auto& params = *model->GetOrCreate<SatParameters>();
95     deterministic_random_.seed(params.random_seed());
96     if (params.use_absl_random()) {
97       absl_random_ = absl::BitGen(absl::SeedSeq({params.random_seed()}));
98       absl::BitGenRef::operator=(absl::BitGenRef(absl_random_));
99     }
100   }
102   // This is just used to display ABSL_RANDOM_SALT_OVERRIDE in the log so that
103   // it is possible to reproduce a failure more easily while looking at a solver
104   // log.
105   //
106   // TODO(user): I didn't find a cleaner way to log this.
LogSalt()107   void LogSalt() const {}
109  private:
110   random_engine_t deterministic_random_;
111   absl::BitGen absl_random_;
112 };
114 // The model "singleton" shared time limit.
115 class ModelSharedTimeLimit : public SharedTimeLimit {
116  public:
ModelSharedTimeLimit(Model * model)117   explicit ModelSharedTimeLimit(Model* model)
118       : SharedTimeLimit(model->GetOrCreate<TimeLimit>()) {}
119 };
121 // Randomizes the decision heuristic of the given SatParameters.
122 void RandomizeDecisionHeuristic(absl::BitGenRef random,
123                                 SatParameters* parameters);
125 // Context: this function is not really generic, but required to be unit-tested.
126 // It is used in a clause minimization algorithm when we try to detect if any of
127 // the clause literals can be propagated by a subset of the other literal being
128 // false. For that, we want to enqueue in the solver all the subset of size n-1.
129 //
130 // This moves one of the unprocessed literal from literals to the last position.
131 // The function tries to do that while preserving the longest possible prefix of
132 // literals "amortized" through the calls assuming that we want to move each
133 // literal to the last position once.
134 //
135 // For a vector of size n, if we want to call this n times so that each literal
136 // is last at least once, the sum of the size of the changed suffixes will be
137 // O(n log n). If we were to use a simpler algorithm (like moving the last
138 // unprocessed literal to the last position), this sum would be O(n^2).
139 //
140 // Returns the size of the common prefix of literals before and after the move,
141 // or -1 if all the literals are already processed. The argument
142 // relevant_prefix_size is used as a hint when keeping more that this prefix
143 // size do not matter. The returned value will always be lower or equal to
144 // relevant_prefix_size.
145 int MoveOneUnprocessedLiteralLast(const std::set<LiteralIndex>& processed,
146                                   int relevant_prefix_size,
147                                   std::vector<Literal>* literals);
149 // ============================================================================
150 // Implementation.
151 // ============================================================================
153 // Manages incremental averages.
154 class IncrementalAverage {
155  public:
156   // Initializes the average with 'initial_average' and number of records to 0.
IncrementalAverage(double initial_average)157   explicit IncrementalAverage(double initial_average)
158       : average_(initial_average) {}
IncrementalAverage()159   IncrementalAverage() {}
161   // Sets the number of records to 0 and average to 'reset_value'.
162   void Reset(double reset_value);
CurrentAverage()164   double CurrentAverage() const { return average_; }
NumRecords()165   int64_t NumRecords() const { return num_records_; }
167   void AddData(double new_record);
169  private:
170   double average_ = 0.0;
171   int64_t num_records_ = 0;
172 };
174 // Manages exponential moving averages defined as
175 // new_average = decaying_factor * old_average
176 //               + (1 - decaying_factor) * new_record.
177 // where 0 < decaying_factor < 1.
178 class ExponentialMovingAverage {
179  public:
ExponentialMovingAverage(double decaying_factor)180   explicit ExponentialMovingAverage(double decaying_factor)
181       : decaying_factor_(decaying_factor) {
182     DCHECK_GE(decaying_factor, 0.0);
183     DCHECK_LE(decaying_factor, 1.0);
184   }
186   // Returns exponential moving average for all the added data so far.
CurrentAverage()187   double CurrentAverage() const { return average_; }
189   // Returns the total number of added records so far.
NumRecords()190   int64_t NumRecords() const { return num_records_; }
192   void AddData(double new_record);
194  private:
195   double average_ = 0.0;
196   int64_t num_records_ = 0;
197   const double decaying_factor_;
198 };
200 // Utility to calculate percentile (First variant) for limited number of
201 // records. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentile
202 //
203 // After the vector is sorted, we assume that the element with index i
204 // correspond to the percentile 100*(i+0.5)/size. For percentiles before the
205 // first element (resp. after the last one) we return the first element (resp.
206 // the last). And otherwise we do a linear interpolation between the two element
207 // around the asked percentile.
208 class Percentile {
209  public:
Percentile(int record_limit)210   explicit Percentile(int record_limit) : record_limit_(record_limit) {}
212   void AddRecord(double record);
214   // Returns number of stored records.
NumRecords()215   int64_t NumRecords() const { return records_.size(); }
217   // Note that this is not fast and runs in O(n log n) for n records.
218   double GetPercentile(double percent);
220  private:
221   std::deque<double> records_;
222   const int record_limit_;
223 };
225 // This method tries to compress a list of tuples by merging complementary
226 // tuples, that is a set of tuples that only differ on one variable, and that
227 // cover the domain of the variable. In that case, it will keep only one tuple,
228 // and replace the value for variable by any_value, the equivalent of '*' in
229 // regexps.
230 //
231 // This method is exposed for testing purposes.
232 void CompressTuples(absl::Span<const int64_t> domain_sizes, int64_t any_value,
233                     std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>* tuples);
235 }  // namespace sat
236 }  // namespace operations_research
238 #endif  // OR_TOOLS_SAT_UTIL_H_