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42		<H2><A NAME="HDRUNDUS2"></A>Chapter 6. Graphical User Interface: Important Windows</H2>
43		<P><A NAME="PToC9"></A>Partial Table-of-Contents</P>
44		<MENU>
45			<LI><A NAME="PToC_127" HREF="#HDRUSEIMAG">6.1 Using the Image Window</A>
46			<MENU>
47				<LI><A NAME="PToC_128" HREF="#HDRCHAV">Controlling the Image: View Control...</A>
48				<LI><A NAME="PToC_146" HREF="#Header_146">Undo, Redo, and Reset</A>
49				<LI><A NAME="PToC_147" HREF="#HDRGAUTAX">AutoAxes...</A>
50				<LI><A NAME="PToC_148" HREF="#HDRSTBKCL">Set Background Color...</A>
51				<LI><A NAME="PToC_149" HREF="#Header_149">Display Rotation Globe</A>
52				<LI><A NAME="PToC_150" HREF="#HDRGLOPT">Rendering Options...</A>
53				<LI><A NAME="PToC_151" HREF="#HDRIMDEP">Image Depth</A>
54				<LI><A NAME="PToC_152" HREF="#HDRSPEED">Changing the Rate of Frame Display: Throttle...</A>
55				<LI><A NAME="PToC_153" HREF="#HDRCHTIIW">Changing the Title of an Image Window</A>
56				<LI><A NAME="PToC_154" HREF="#HDRCPACC">Control Panel Access...</A>
57				<LI><A NAME="PToC_155" HREF="#HDRSAVIMGS">Saving an Image</A>
58				<LI><A NAME="PToC_157" HREF="#HDRPRTIMGS">Printing an Image</A>
59			</MENU>
60			<LI><A NAME="PToC_159" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRUSVPE">6.2 Using the VPE</A>
61			<MENU>
62				<LI><A NAME="PToC_160" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRCREATVP">Creating a Visual Program</A>
63				<LI><A NAME="PToC_163" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRSETVAL">Specifying Values for a Tool's Inputs</A>
64				<LI><A NAME="PToC_164" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRCDMTC">Creating, Deleting, and Moving Tab Connections</A>
65				<LI><A NAME="PToC_165" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRMACTS">Moving and Copying Tools</A>
66				<LI><A NAME="PToC_166" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRTNR">Using Transmitters and Receivers</A>
67				<LI><A NAME="PToC_167" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRARTABS">Adding and Removing Input and Output Tabs</A>
68				<LI><A NAME="PToC_168" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRUCB">Entering Values in a Configuration Dialog Box</A>
69				<LI><A NAME="PToC_173" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRRAHIT">Revealing and Hiding Input Tabs</A>
70				<LI><A NAME="PToC_174" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRCOMPDI">Using the Compute Module Configuration Dialog Box</A>
71				<LI><A NAME="PToC_175" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRLTFTDB">Locating Tools: The Find Tool Dialog Box</A>
72				<LI><A NAME="PToC_176" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRWINDSET">Customizing the VPE Window</A>
73				<LI><A NAME="PToC_177" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRADCOM">Adding Comments to a Visual Program</A>
74				<LI><A NAME="PToC_178" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRVPEANOT">Adding Annotation to a Visual Program</A>
75				<LI><A NAME="PToC_179" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRVPEPAGE">Creating pages in the VPE</A>
76				<LI><A HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRVPEGLAY">Automatic Graph Layout of a Visual Program</A>
77				<LI><A NAME="PToC_180" HREF="usrgu041.htm#HDRSAVERVP">Saving and Restoring a Visual Program</A>
78			</MENU>
79			<LI><A NAME="PToC_186" HREF="usrgu042.htm#HDRCOLMAPE">6.3 Using the Colormap Editor</A>
80			<MENU>
81				<LI><A NAME="PToC_187" HREF="usrgu042.htm#HDRENTV">Entering Values in a Colormap Editor</A>
82				<LI><A NAME="PToC_198" HREF="usrgu042.htm#Header_198">Using Data-Driven Colormap Editors</A>
83			</MENU>
84		</MENU>
85		<HR>
86		<P><A NAME="IDX655"></A><A NAME="IDX656"></A><A NAME="IDX657"></A></P>
87		<P>This chapter discusses how to use:</P>
89			<LI>The Image window
90			<LI>The Visual Program Editor
91			<LI>The Colormap Editor.
92		</UL>
93		<HR>
94		<H2><A NAME="HDRUSEIMAG"></A>6.1 Using the Image Window</H2>
95		<A NAME="IDX658"></A>
96		<P>Once an image appears in the Image window, it can be altered and manipulated in many ways. This section describes how to manipulate the image directly, using the interactor features accessed through the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> menu in the Image window.</P>
97		<P><B>Notes: </B></P>
98		<OL>
99			<P></P>
100			<LI>These features are enabled <I>only</I> if you used the Image tool in your visual program to render the image. If you used another tool, such as <TT><STRONG>Display</STRONG></TT>, you will not be able to use many of the Image window options. The Image tool is found in the <TT><STRONG>Rendering</STRONG></TT> category. See <A HREF="refgu072.htm#HDRIMAGE">Image</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I> for more information.
101			<P></P>
102			<LI>It is also possible to control many characteristics of the Image widow by using input parameters to the Image tool. These parameters are hidden by default but can be accessed with the <TT><STRONG>Expose</STRONG></TT> button in the Image tool's Configuration dialog box (which itself is accessed by selecting the <TT><STRONG>Configuration</STRONG></TT> option in <TT><STRONG>Edit</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu of the Visual Program Editor) For more information, see Image in the <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.
103		</OL>
104		<P></P>
105		<H3><A NAME="HDRCHAV"></A>Controlling the Image: View Control...</H3>
106		<P>You can change your view of an object in the Image window by using the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> option of the Image window <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> menu. The way an object appears in the Image window is controlled by a <I>camera</I>. The camera specifies the <I>look-from point</I>, the <I>look-to point</I>, the field of view, the size and shape of the window, and whether the rendering method is orthographic or perspective.</P>
107		<P>If you are using orthographic projection, the field of view is controlled by a parameter called <I>width</I>, which specifies the width of the Image window in world coordinates. For perspective projection, the field of view is controlled by the camera look-from position and the view angle of the camera. The differences between these two projection methods is discussed in <A HREF="#HDRPROJMET">&quot;Changing the Projection Method&quot;</A>.</P>
108		<P>You can change the camera settings with <I>direct interactors</I>, which let you use the mouse in conjunction with dialog box options to manipulate the view of the object directly, and which provide immediate visual feedback for your actions. Or, you can specify precise values for the camera settings, as described in <A HREF="#HDRCAMSET">&quot;Precise Camera Settings&quot;</A>.</P>
109		<P>You control your view of the object by selecting one of the control <I>modes</I>. Each mode allows you to control different aspects of your view. When you select this option, the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box appears. The basic configuration of this dialog box is illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGVIEWC">Figure 35</A>. <A NAME="IDX659"></A></P>
110		<P><B><A NAME="FIGVIEWC" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGVIEWC">Figure 35. View Control Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
111			<B><BR>
112				<CENTER>
113					<IMG SRC="../images/vuctrl.gif" ALT="Figure vuctrl not displayed." HEIGHT="235" WIDTH="302"></CENTER>
114				<BR>
115			</B><BR>
116		</P>
117		<P>Depending on the view mode selected, the appearance of the dialog box changes, automatically adding controls particular to the current mode.</P>
118		<P>Accelerator keys are associated with many of the modes, so that it is not even necessary to open the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box to access these view control modes. <A HREF="#FIGMODE">Figure 36</A> lists the modes with their respective accelerator keys.</P>
119		<P><B><A NAME="FIGMODE"></A><U>Figure 36. View Control Modes with Accelerator Keys</U></B></P>
122				<TR>
123					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%"></TD>
124					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="43%">Accelerator</TD>
125					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="43%">New Accelerator</TD>
126				</TR>
127				<TR HEIGHT="4">
128					<TD COLSPAN="3" HEIGHT="4"></TD>
129				</TR>
130				<TR>
131					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Camera</TD>
132					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+K</TD>
133					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+K</TD>
134				</TR>
135				<TR>
136					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Cursors</TD>
137					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+X</TD>
138					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+X</TD>
139				</TR>
140				<TR>
141					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Pick</TD>
142					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+I</TD>
143					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+I</TD>
144				</TR>
145				<TR HEIGHT="4">
146					<TD COLSPAN="3" HEIGHT="4"></TD>
147				</TR>
148				<TR>
149					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Navigate</TD>
150					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+N</TD>
151					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+N</TD>
152				</TR>
153				<TR>
154					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Pan/Zoom</TD>
155					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+G</TD>
156					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Space</TD>
157				</TR>
158				<TR>
159					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Roam</TD>
160					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+W</TD>
161					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Tab</TD>
162				</TR>
163				<TR>
164					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Rotate</TD>
165					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+R</TD>
166					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+R</TD>
167				</TR>
168				<TR>
169					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Zoom</TD>
170					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Z</TD>
171					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Shift+Space</TD>
172				</TR>
173				<TR HEIGHT="4">
175				</TR>
176				<TR>
177					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Undo</TD>
178					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+U</TD>
179					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Z</TD>
180				</TR>
181				<TR>
182					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="57%">Redo</TD>
183					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+D</TD>
184					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="43%">Ctrl+Y</TD>
185				</TR>
186			</TABLE>
188		<P>You can change your view of the image by:</P>
190			<LI>Changing your viewing direction
191			<LI>Changing the projection method
192			<LI>Rotating the object (<TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode)
193			<LI>Zooming in or out of the image (<TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode)
194			<LI>Changing the look-to point (the center) of the image (<TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode)
195			<LI>Panning and zooming in or out of the image (<TT><STRONG>Pan/Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode)
196			<LI>Moving the camera within the scene (<TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode)
197			<LI>Specifying precise values for the camera settings (<TT><STRONG>Camera</STRONG></TT> mode)
198			<LI>Setting probe points in the image (<TT><STRONG>Cursors</STRONG></TT> mode)
199			<LI>Picking objects in the image (<TT><STRONG>Pick</STRONG></TT> mode)
200			<LI>Resizing the image
201			<LI>Resetting previous views (<TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Redo</STRONG></TT> buttons).
202		</UL>
203		<P>To select a mode, use its accelerator key, or do the following:</P>
205			<LI>Click on the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box. A menu of the mode options is displayed.
206			<LI>Click on the desired option. The option box displays the name of the new mode. The dialog box also displays any additional controls for the new mode.
207		</OL>
208		The different modes are discussed in more detail in subsequent sections. Most of the modes use two or three mouse buttons to manipulate the view. A diagram is provided in the margin to the left of each section to illustrate the mouse button functions, the mode, and the accelerator key.
209		<P>Some of the modes use an overlay, which provides visual feedback before any action is taken to change the image. This temporary overlay (typically an axes diagram, rectangle, or brick) is laid over the image. As you drag with the mouse, the overlay changes accordingly. The image does not change until you release the mouse button, at which time it is updated according to the action you selected.</P>
210		<TABLE>
211			<TR>
212				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
213				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">If <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT> is enabled, Data Explorer does update the image <I>while</I> you perform rotation actions, and while you place probes in <TT><STRONG>Cursors</STRONG></TT> mode.</TD>
214			</TR>
215		</TABLE>
216		<P></P>
217		<H4><A NAME="HDRCHVUDIR"></A><U>Changing Your Viewing Direction</U></H4>
218		<A NAME="IDX660"></A><A NAME="IDX661"></A>
219		<P>Data Explorer allows you to choose from several defined viewing directions. To change the view:</P>
221			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Set View</STRONG></TT> option box in the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box. While the mouse button is pressed down, an option box listing different view options appears. These choices are illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGSVDB">Figure 37</A>.
222			<P><B><A NAME="FIGSVDB"></A>Figure 37. Set View Option Box</B></P>
224				<TR><BR>
225					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">None<BR>
226						Top<BR>
227						Bottom<BR>
228						Front<BR>
229						Back<BR>
230						Left<BR>
231						Right<BR>
232						Diagonal<BR>
233						Off Top<BR>
234						Off Bottom<BR>
235						Off Front<BR>
236						Off Back<BR>
237						Off Left<BR>
238						Off Right<BR>
239						Off Diagonal</TD>
240				</TR>
241			</TABLE>
242			<P>Choose to view the object from the top, bottom, front, back, left, right, or diagonal view. Because a head-on view of an object tends to detract from the 3-D quality, <TT><STRONG>Off</STRONG></TT> options are provided to skew the image slightly. To select an option, move the mouse so that the desired option is highlighted, then release the mouse button. The image is redisplayed with the new view.</P>
243		</OL>
244		<P></P>
245		<H4><A NAME="HDRPROJMET"></A><U>Changing the Projection Method</U></H4>
246		<A NAME="IDX662"></A><A NAME="IDX663"></A><A NAME="IDX664"></A>
247		<P>Data Explorer provides two methods of image projection. These methods make it possible to map a three-dimensional image onto a 2-dimensional screen. The two methods are:</P>
249			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
250				<TD>
251					<P><B>Perspective </B></P>
252				</TD>
253				<TD>
254					<P>Perspective projection simulates normal camera and human visual systems, thereby providing realistic rendering of objects. While it is realistic, it does not preserve the exact shape and measurements of the object, and parallel lines usually do not project as being parallel.</P>
255				</TD>
256			</TR>
257			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
258				<TD>
259					<P><B>Orthographic </B></P>
260				</TD>
261				<TD>
262					<P>Orthographic projection provides a less realistic view of an object than perspective projection. However, orthographic projection does preserve exact scale measurements and parallel lines. One way to think about orthographic projection is that it is as if the distance between the front and back of an object is small, relative to the distance between the object and the camera. Orthographic is the default projection method. It is quicker to render an object in orthographic projection than in perspective.</P>
263				</TD>
264			</TR>
265		</TABLE>
266		<P>The differences between these two methods become evident when using the view controls in certain modes. For example, the <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode behavior depends on the projection method, as does the behavior of the 3-D cursor (<TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Cursors</STRONG></TT> modes). The differences are discussed in the sections that discuss these modes. For more information about these projection methods, consult a computer graphics text.</P>
267		<P>You can select the projection method by using the <TT><STRONG>Projection</STRONG></TT> option box on the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box.</P>
268		<P></P>
269		<H5><U>Setting the View Angle</U></H5>
270		<A NAME="IDX665"></A>
271		<P>If you select <TT><STRONG>Perspective</STRONG></TT>, then you can also specify the view angle (in degrees). The vertex of the view angle is located at your camera, and the end points are the left and right sides of the image area. Thus, the wider the viewing angle, the more image space you can fit in your viewing area.</P>
272		<P>Specify the view angle by adjusting the <TT><STRONG>View Angle</STRONG></TT> stepper in the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box. Unless you are in <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode, the camera position is adjusted so that the size of the object in the image area remains unchanged. While in <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode, changing the view angle does not change the camera position.</P>
273		<P>While you are using orthographic projection, the <TT><STRONG>View Angle</STRONG></TT> stepper is disabled. In orthographic projection, you can specify the camera width. This is discussed in <A HREF="#HDRCAMSET">&quot;Precise Camera Settings&quot;</A>.</P>
274		<TABLE>
275			<TR>
276				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
277				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">Changing the projection method or view angle does not automatically initiate reexecution of the visual program. To see the effects of your changes, you must select <TT><STRONG>Execute Once</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT>.</TD>
278			</TR>
279		</TABLE>
280		<P></P>
281		<H4><A NAME="HDRROTOBJ"></A><U>Rotating the Object</U></H4>
282		<A NAME="IDX666"></A><A NAME="IDX667"></A>
283		<P>To rotate the object you are viewing:</P>
285			<LI>Select <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> from the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> pull-down box or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+R</STRONG></TT> accelerator key.
286			<LI>A set of 3-D axes appears in the lower right corner of the Image window. Also, if you have enabled the <TT><STRONG>Display Rotation Globe</STRONG></TT> option (in the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu), or you do so now, a wire-frame globe appears in the lower left corner. If you press the <I>right</I> mouse button, you can drag the mouse to rotate the object clockwise (CW) and counter-clockwise (CCW), with the image center as the point of rotation. If you press the <I>left</I> or <I>center</I> mouse button, you can use the mouse as a track ball and rotate the object in all three dimensions. The mode of rotation is determined by the mouse button you use.
287			<P>As you rotate the object, the set of axes and the wire-framed globe (if enabled) also rotate, providing instant feedback to your actions.</P>
288			<TABLE>
289				<TR>
290					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
291					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">If you do not have <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT> enabled, only the set of axes and the globe are updated as you move the mouse, providing preliminary feedback to your rotation actions. If <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT> is enabled, then the object rotates as you move the mouse.</TD>
292				</TR>
293			</TABLE>
294			<LI>When you release the mouse button, the object is rotated according to the new position of the axes and globe.
295			<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
296		</OL>
297		<P>The point around which the object rotates is the look-to point, which you can change by selecting <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> (see <A HREF="#HDRROAM">&quot;Changing the Look-to Point&quot;</A>). Alternatively, you can select <TT><STRONG>Pan/Zoom</STRONG></TT> in the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu (see <A HREF="#HDRZOOMING">&quot;Zooming into and out of the Image&quot;</A>).</P>
298		<P></P>
299		<H4><A NAME="HDRZOOMING"></A><U>Zooming into and out of the Image</U></H4>
300		<A NAME="IDX668"></A><A NAME="IDX669"></A>
301		<P>To zoom in or out (relative to the center of the Image window):</P>
303			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode in the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box, or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+Z</STRONG></TT> accelerator key.
304			<LI>To zoom in, press the <I>left</I> mouse button; to zoom out, press the <I>right</I> mouse button. Drag the mouse in the image area. This causes an overlay image of a rectangle to appear. As you move the mouse pointer away from the center of the window, the rectangle enlarges. As you move the mouse pointer towards the center of the window, the rectangle shrinks. Releasing the mouse button causes the image to zoom in or out, depending on which mouse button is pressed. If the left button (zoom in) is pressed, the portion of the image inside the rectangle is enlarged to fill the Image window. If the right button is pressed (zoom out), the image displayed in the Image window is reduced to the size of the rectangle.
305			<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
306		</OL>
307		<P>For both orthographic and perspective projection, zooming in makes the object appear larger in the Image window, while zooming out makes it appear smaller. However, the way that this is accomplished is different depending on which projection method is selected:</P>
308		<UL>
309			<P></P>
310			<LI>While using perspective projection, zooming in or out changes the view angle, without changing the look-from point.
311			<P></P>
312			<LI>While using orthographic projection, zooming in or out adjusts width of the image. The camera look-from point does not change, because with orthographic projection the look-from parameter merely specifies a direction, not a location in space.
313		</UL>
314		<P>For more information about the projection methods, see <A HREF="#HDRPROJMET">&quot;Changing the Projection Method&quot;</A>.</P>
315		<P></P>
316		<H4><A NAME="HDRROAM"></A><U>Changing the Look-to Point</U></H4>
317		<A NAME="IDX670"></A><A NAME="IDX671"></A>
318		<P>Data Explorer maintains the look-to point at the center of the Image window. You can use the <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode to change the look-to point. <A NAME="IDX672"></A></P>
319		<P>To change the look-to point:</P>
321			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box or the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+W</STRONG></TT> accelerator key.
322			<LI>A wire-frame box appears around the image. The current look-to point is marked by a small square box. To move the look-to point, select the point by pressing the <I>left</I> mouse button and holding the mouse pointer on it. You can then move the cursor by dragging the selected point inside the box. When the left mouse button is depressed on the point, the mouse cursor disappears (the look-to point remains) and the three projections (one for each axis) appear inside the wire-framed box as dots, similar to the 3-D cursor function illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGTDCURS">Figure 40</A>. When you release the mouse button, the location of the point becomes the new look-to point, and the image view is updated.
323			<P>Alternatively, double-clicking on a point in the Image window changes the look-to point to the position on which you double-click. You can set the look-to point to a location outside the current boundary box of the object using this method.</P>
324			<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
325		</OL>
326		<P>The directions of the axes are indicated by a wire-frame 3-D axes diagram in the lower right-hand corner of the Image window. To move the look-to point, the movement of the mouse must be along the same direction as one of the axes. If you move the mouse in a direction that does not correspond to any of the axes directions, the point does not move. Because of this, the movement of the look-to point is constrained to six directions (i.e., the positive and negative directions for each of the three axes).</P>
327		<P>Note that since perspective projection does not preserve parallel lines, the directions in the axes diagram do not necessarily correspond to the direction that the point moves in the Image window. However, these axes do correspond with the values of the coordinates.</P>
328		<P>While using orthographic projection, the movement of the point in the Image window corresponds with the directions of the axes diagram. <A NAME="IDX673"></A></P>
329		<P>The <TT><STRONG>Constraints</STRONG></TT> option appears in the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box when you select <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode.</P>
330		<P>You can further restrict the movement of the look-to point by using the <TT><STRONG>Constraints</STRONG></TT> option. This allows you to constrain movement of the point to two directions (i.e., the positive and negative directions of a particular axis). Select an axis to restrict movement to by clicking on the <TT><STRONG>Constraints</STRONG></TT> option box and selecting the desired axis (X, Y, or Z). Once this is done, you are able to move the look-to point along only the selected axis, while the values of the other two axes remain constant.</P>
331		<P>You may want to position the cursor in two steps, using different views for each step. For example, you can position the <I>x</I> and <I>y</I> coordinates using the front view, and the <I>z</I> coordinate using the side view.</P>
332		<P>To release the constraints on an axis, choose the <TT><STRONG>None</STRONG></TT> option.</P>
333		<P>While in <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode, the center and right mouse buttons have the same functions as they do in <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode.</P>
334		<P></P>
335		<H4><A NAME="HDRPANZOOM"></A><U>Panning and Zooming into and out of the Image</U></H4>
336		<A NAME="IDX674"></A><A NAME="IDX675"></A>
337		<P>You can zoom into or out of the image and change the look-to point at the same time, using the <TT><STRONG>Pan/Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode. In this mode, the left and right mouse buttons work the same as they do in <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode, except that the point on the image where you initially click becomes the new look-to point, and therefore the center of your zoom action. As you move the mouse pointer away from the point where you initially clicked, the rectangle enlarges. As you move the mouse pointer towards the point where you initially clicked, the rectangle shrinks. For information about the <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode, see <A HREF="#HDRZOOMING">&quot;Zooming into and out of the Image&quot;</A>.</P>
338		<P>To select <TT><STRONG>Pan/Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode, select its option from the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box, or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+G</STRONG></TT> accelerator key.</P>
339		<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable <TT><STRONG>Pan/Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
340		<P></P>
341		<H4><A NAME="HDRNAVIGAT"></A><U>Navigating in a Scene</U></H4>
342		<A NAME="IDX676"></A><A NAME="IDX677"></A>
343		<P>You can move your camera within the scene in all directions using the <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode. As well as being able to change your view direction like the other modes, <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> also lets you move <I>through</I> an object and view it from the inside out.</P>
344		<P>When you use <I>Navigate</I> mode, the camera is automatically changed to perspective rendering.</P>
345		<P>You can also move your camera in one direction while looking in another direction. For instance, you can move forward past the left side of an object while looking to the right, enabling you to see the object as you move past it.</P>
346		<P>Unlike the <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> modes, which appear to adjust the object to change your view, or the <TT><STRONG>Zoom</STRONG></TT> mode, which appears to adjust the camera lens to change your view, the <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode appears to actually move your camera around the scene, while the objects you are viewing remain stationary.</P>
347		<P><B>Note: </B>Because Data Explorer does not support perspective rendering of volumes, you cannot navigate software-rendered volumes.</P>
348		<P>To move your camera within the scene:</P>
350			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode from the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box. This adds some controls, illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGVC3">Figure 38</A>, to the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box. <A NAME="IDX678"></A>
351			<LI>The mouse buttons control the navigate motion of the camera, while the setting of the <TT><STRONG>Look</STRONG></TT> option box controls the direction the camera is pointing. The <TT><STRONG>Look</STRONG></TT> options are illustrated in <A HREF="#TBLLOOKOPT">Table 4</A>.
352			<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
353			<P>With <TT><STRONG>Look</STRONG></TT> set to <TT><STRONG>Forward</STRONG></TT>, you have more control over the trajectory the camera moves along in the scene. To move forward, click on the left mouse button. To move backward, click on the right mouse button. The position of the mouse pointer on the image indicates the angle at which you travel; that is, the point where the mouse pointer is located moves more towards the center of the image area.</P>
354			<P><B><A NAME="FIGVC3" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGVC3">Figure 38. Navigate Portion of the View Control Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
355				<BR>
356			</P>
357			<CENTER>
358				<B><IMG SRC="../images/navigate.gif" ALT="Figure navigate not displayed." HEIGHT="372" WIDTH="302"></B></CENTER>
359			<P></P>
360			<P><B><A NAME="TBLLOOKOPT" HREF="usrgu002.htm#FT_TBLLOOKOPT">Table 4. Look Option Menu</A></B></P>
362				<TR>
363					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">Forward</TD>
364				</TR>
365				<TR>
366					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">45&deg; Left</TD>
367				</TR>
368				<TR>
369					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">45&deg; Right</TD>
370				</TR>
371				<TR>
372					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">45&deg; Up</TD>
373				</TR>
374				<TR>
375					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">45&deg; Down</TD>
376				</TR>
377				<TR>
378					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">90&deg; Left</TD>
379				</TR>
380				<TR>
381					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">90&deg; Right</TD>
382				</TR>
383				<TR>
384					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">90&deg; Up</TD>
385				</TR>
386				<TR>
387					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">90&deg; Down</TD>
388				</TR>
389				<TR>
390					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">Backward</TD>
391				</TR>
392				<TR>
393					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="100%">Align</TD>
394				</TR>
395			</TABLE>
396			<P>If the camera is pointing forward, you can use the center mouse button to change your direction. Clicking on the center mouse button adjusts your direction (and view of the object) toward the position of the mouse pointer in the image area.</P>
397			<P>With the exception of <TT><STRONG>Align</STRONG></TT>, all of the options in the <TT><STRONG>Look</STRONG></TT> option box affect only the direction the camera is pointing. <TT><STRONG>Align</STRONG></TT> adjusts the current navigate direction (the forward direction) to be the same as the current <TT><STRONG>Look</STRONG></TT> value. For example, if the camera is pointing 45&deg; to the right of the current navigate direction, <TT><STRONG>Align</STRONG></TT> changes the navigate direction to be 45&deg; to the right of its current value, thereby aligning travel direction with camera direction.</P>
398			<TABLE>
399				<TR>
400					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
401					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">Switching to another mode (such as <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT>) from <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> while the Look value is something other than Forward, automatically aligns the navigate direction with the camera direction.</TD>
402				</TR>
403			</TABLE>
404			<P>If the camera is pointing in any direction but forward, you can still use the left and right mouse buttons to move forward and backward; the trajectory of your movement is the same as it was when you last traveled forward. In this case, the center mouse button has no effect.</P>
405			<LI>The <TT><STRONG>Navigate</STRONG></TT> mode uses two values to control its precision. These are controlled by the two sliders on the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box. They are:
407				<TR VALIGN="TOP">
408					<TD>
409						<P><B>Motion </B></P>
410					</TD>
411					<TD>
412						<P>Controls the speed of execution as you move the camera forward and backward. The higher the number, the faster the speed, and the faster your camera appears to move. In addition to using the slider, you can use the up- and down-arrow keys to adjust this value (be sure the cursor is in the Image window).</P>
413					</TD>
414				</TR>
415				<TR VALIGN="TOP">
416					<TD>
417						<P><B>Pivot </B></P>
418					</TD>
419					<TD>
420						<P>Controls the increment of the turn angle when you turn using the center mouse button. The higher the number, the more drastic the turn. In addition to using the slider, you can use the left- and right-arrow keys to adjust this value (be sure the cursor is in the Image window).</P>
421					</TD>
422				</TR>
423			</TABLE>
424		</OL>
425		<P></P>
426		<H4><A NAME="HDRCAMSET"></A><U>Precise Camera Settings</U></H4>
427		<A NAME="IDX679"></A>
428		<P>In addition to using direct interactors to change camera settings, Data Explorer lets you specify exact values to the camera for more precise results. You can also use this feature to learn the exact camera settings that result from your use of direct interactors. These settings correspond to parameters of the Camera module. (See <A HREF="refgu021.htm#HDRCAMERA">Camera</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.)</P>
429		<P>To access the camera settings, select the <TT><STRONG>Camera</STRONG></TT> mode using the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box in the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box or the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+K</STRONG></TT> accelerator key. The camera controls appear on the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box, as illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGCAMSET">Figure 39</A>.</P>
430		<P><B><A NAME="FIGCAMSET" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGCAMSET">Figure 39. Camera Settings Portion of the View Control Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
431			<B><BR>
432				<CENTER>
433					<IMG SRC="../images/camera.gif" ALT="Figure camera not displayed."></CENTER>
434				<BR>
435			</B><BR>
436		</P>
437		<P>Note that these camera controls are not direct interactors, so changing their values does not cause the visual program to reexecute automatically. To see the effect of your changes, you must specify <TT><STRONG>Execute</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT> in the VPE, Control Panel, or Image window.</P>
438		<P></P>
439		<H5><A NAME="Header_138"></A><U>Changing the Look-to Point, Look-from Point, and the Up Vector</U></H5>
440		<P>You can adjust your view of the image by specifying values for these settings:</P>
442			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
443				<TD>
444					<P><B>look-to point vector </B></P>
445				</TD>
446				<TD>
447					<P>The point around which the displayed image is centered. The point is specified as a vector in world coordinates.</P>
448				</TD>
449			</TR>
450			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
451				<TD>
452					<P><B>look-from point vector </B></P>
453				</TD>
454				<TD>
455					<P>The position of the camera. The point is specified as a vector in world coordinates.</P>
456				</TD>
457			</TR>
458			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
459				<TD>
460					<P><B>up vector </B></P>
461				</TD>
462				<TD>
463					<P>The rotation (tilt) of the camera. Only the direction of this vector is important, not the magnitude. For instance, if you are looking at the object from a positive <I>z</I> direction, an up vector with a negative value for <I>x</I> tilts the camera counterclockwise.</P>
464				</TD>
465			</TR>
466		</TABLE>
467		<P>The option box near the center of the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box (displaying <TT><STRONG>To:</STRONG></TT> by default and in <A HREF="#FIGCAMSET">Figure 39</A>) allows you to select the vector values to be displayed.</P>
468		<P>To change the value of one of the vectors, do the following:</P>
470			<LI>Select the vector to change using the option box. The choices in the option menu are <TT><STRONG>To</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>From</STRONG></TT>, and <TT><STRONG>Up</STRONG></TT>. The current values for the vector you choose are displayed in the X, Y, and Z fields to the right of the options.
471			<LI>Change each field to the new value. Do this by clicking on the field, typing in the new number, and pressing the enter key.
472			<LI>Repeat these steps for each vector you want to change.
473		</OL>
474		<P>Remember, to see the results of your changes, you must specify <TT><STRONG>Execute</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT>.</P>
475		<P></P>
476		<H5><U>Changing the Size of the Image Window</U></H5>
477		<P>Data Explorer lets you specify the exact height and width of the image display area in the Image window, in pixels. When you change the size of the image display area, the image is resized accordingly.</P>
478		<P>To change the width and height of the image display:</P>
480			<LI>Click on the <TT><STRONG>Window Width</STRONG></TT> field of the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGCAMSET">Figure 39</A>.
481			<LI>Type a new value, specified in pixels, for the width. Press the enter key.
482			<LI>Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the <TT><STRONG>Window Height</STRONG></TT> field.
483		</OL>
484		<P>To see effect of the changes, specify <TT><STRONG>Execute</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT>.</P>
485		<P></P>
486		<H5><U>Setting the Camera Width</U></H5>
487		<P>If you select <TT><STRONG>Orthographic</STRONG></TT> projection, then you can also specify the width of the field of view. The larger the width, the smaller the object appears.</P>
488		<P>Specify the width by clicking on the <TT><STRONG>Camera Width</STRONG></TT> field, typing a new value (in world coordinates), and pressing the Enter key.</P>
489		<P>While you are using perspective projection, the <TT><STRONG>Width</STRONG></TT> field is grayed out.</P>
490		<P></P>
491		<H4><U>Resizing the Image</U></H4>
492		<A NAME="IDX680"></A><A NAME="IDX681"></A>
493		<P>To resize the image, simply resize the image window by dragging its borders to shrink or expand the window. The image displayed inside the window is resized accordingly. Note that the size of the object in the Image window is controlled only by the width of the window.</P>
494		<P>You can specify an exact Image window size by using <TT><STRONG>Camera</STRONG></TT> mode, as described in <A HREF="#HDRCAMSET">&quot;Precise Camera Settings&quot;</A>.</P>
495		<P>For more information on resizing windows, see <A HREF="usrgu037.htm#HDRRESIZE">&quot;Moving and Resizing Windows&quot;</A>.</P>
496		<P></P>
497		<H4><A NAME="HDRRESTIMG"></A><U>Restoring Images</U></H4>
498		<A NAME="IDX682"></A>
499		<P>Data Explorer remembers the 10 most recent camera configurations. You can undo the most recent actions in the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box by selecting the <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT> option box or by using its accelerator key, <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+U</STRONG></TT>. You can continue to revert to previous configurations until you have reached the first configuration in memory; after that, the <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT> option is disabled (grayed out). <A NAME="IDX683"></A></P>
500		<P>As you revert to previous camera configurations (by <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT>ing actions), you can still restore them by using the <TT><STRONG>Redo</STRONG></TT> button, providing that you have not performed any other actions since the last <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT>. The accelerator key for <TT><STRONG>Redo</STRONG></TT> is <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+D</STRONG></TT>.</P>
501		<TABLE>
502			<TR>
503				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
504				<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">The <TT><STRONG>Redo</STRONG></TT> button is disabled as soon as you change the camera configuration by a means other than <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT>. Any configurations that have been stored and &quot;undone&quot; are discarded.</TD>
505			</TR>
506		</TABLE>
507		<P></P>
508		<H5><U>Resetting the Camera</U></H5>
509		<A NAME="IDX684"></A><A NAME="IDX685"></A>
510		<P>To return the image to a &quot;front&quot; view that includes the entire object, select the <TT><STRONG>Reset</STRONG></TT> option of the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box, or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+F</STRONG></TT> accelerator key.</P>
511		<P>You can also use this option if you bring in a new data set and want to create a new camera appropriate for the data.</P>
512		<P><B>Note: </B>You can also reset the camera by using the <TT><STRONG>resetCamera</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
513		<P></P>
514		<H4><A NAME="HDRPROBES"></A><U>Using Probes (Cursors)</U></H4>
515		<A NAME="IDX686"></A>
516		<P><B><A NAME="FIGTDCURS" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGTDCURS">Figure 40. 3-D Cursor with a Selected Point</A></B><BR>
517			<B><BR>
518				<CENTER>
519					<IMG SRC="../images/3dcurs.gif" ALT="Figure 3dcurs not displayed."></CENTER>
520				<BR>
521			</B><BR>
522		</P>
523		<P>A probe is a list of one or more vectors that represent points in the image. You can use them with Data Explorer modules that accept vectors as input, such as ClipPlane and Streamline.</P>
524		<P>After you execute a visual program and have an image in the Image window, you can modify the visual program to include a <TT><STRONG>Probe</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>ProbeList</STRONG></TT> tool from the <TT><STRONG>Special</STRONG></TT> category. The probe tool accepts input from the 3-D cursor tool, specifying the points to use as vectors for input into another tool. The <TT><STRONG>Probe</STRONG></TT> tool accepts one point as its input; the <TT><STRONG>ProbeList</STRONG></TT> tool accepts multiple points as input.</P>
525		<P>To use probes to select points for input into tools:</P>
527			<LI>Execute a visual program to produce an image in the Image window.
528			<LI>In the VPE, place one or more probe tools from the <TT><STRONG>Special</STRONG></TT> category in the visual program, connecting them to the tools for which you want to provide input.
529			<P>The probe icons are numbered as you place them on the canvas. For example, the first probe icon you place is labeled &quot;Probe_1,&quot; the second &quot;Probe_2,&quot; and so on. You can change the label of the icon by using its Configuration dialog box. <A NAME="IDX687"></A><A NAME="IDX688"></A></P>
530			<LI>In the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box, select <TT><STRONG>Cursors</STRONG></TT> mode from the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box, or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+X</STRONG></TT> accelerator key. A wire frame appears around the object. The dialog box changes to add the Probe controls. Select the probe you want to set by choosing the <TT><STRONG>Probe(s)</STRONG></TT> option box. This opens an options menu with a list of the available probes, from which you can select the desired probe.
531			<LI>Use the mouse to select a point or points to use as input to the tool connected to the <TT><STRONG>Probe</STRONG></TT> or <TT><STRONG>ProbeList</STRONG></TT> icon.
532			<P>To add a point, double-click on the <I>left</I> mouse button inside the wire-frame box. A small square box appears, marking the point.</P>
533			<TABLE>
534				<TR>
535					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"><B>Note:</B></TD>
536					<TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP">The <TT><STRONG>Probe</STRONG></TT> tool allows only one point, while the <TT><STRONG>ProbeList</STRONG></TT> allows several.</TD>
537				</TR>
538			</TABLE>
539			<P>To move a point, select the point by pressing the left mouse button with the mouse pointer positioned on it. When the left mouse button is depressed on the point, the three projections (one for each axis) appear inside the wire-frame box as dots, and the values for the <I>x, y,</I> and <I>z</I> coordinates are displayed on the right side of the Image window menu bar, as illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGTDCURS">Figure 40</A>. You can move the point by dragging the selected point inside the box along the same direction as any of the axes. When you have moved the point to the desired area, release the left mouse button.</P>
540			<P>Note that since perspective projection does not preserve parallel lines, the directions in the axes diagram do not necessarily correspond with the direction that the point moves in the Image window. However, these axes do correspond with the values of the coordinates.</P>
541			<P>While using orthographic projection, the movement of the point in the Image window corresponds to the directions of the axes diagram.</P>
542			<P>To delete a point, double click on it with the left mouse button.</P>
543			<P>You can restrict the movement of the 3-D cursor with the <TT><STRONG>Constraints</STRONG></TT> option. Selecting the <TT><STRONG>Constraints</STRONG></TT> option box reveals an options menu that lets you choose which of the three axis projections to that movement is constrained. For example, if the <I>x</I> axis is selected from the cascade menu, you are able to move only the <I>x</I> projection in the 3-D cursor box. When cursor movement is constrained, the portion of the wire-frame box that corresponds to the selected axis is highlighted. To remove movement constraints on the cursors, select <TT><STRONG>None</STRONG></TT> from the options menu.</P>
544			<P>Constraining is useful for more precise positioning of the cursor. Note that exact positioning is not possible with the 3-D cursor tool.</P>
545			<LI>Repeat the previous three steps for each probe icon in your visual program.
546			<P>Reexecute the visual program to implement the probes.</P>
547		</OL>
548		<P>While in <TT><STRONG>Cursors</STRONG></TT> mode, the center and right mouse buttons have the same functions as they do in <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode.</P>
549		<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable Probe (cursors) mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
550		<P></P>
551		<H4><A NAME="HDRPICKIN"></A><U>Using Pick</U></H4>
552		<A NAME="IDX689"></A>
553		<P>Picking consists of choosing a location on an object in an image using the mouse. A chosen location is called a &quot;poke&quot;. Each poke may intersect the object in the image in one or more places (the intersections are called &quot;picks&quot;) or may not intersect the object at all. For example, a poke on a spherical isosurface results in two &quot;picks&quot;: one on the front of the sphere and one on the back. Picking differs from using probes, in which probes may be present anywhere in a 3-dimensional space, while picks always exist on the surface of an object.</P>
554		<P>After you execute a visual program and have an image in the Image window, you can modify the visual program to include a <TT><STRONG>Pick</STRONG></TT> tool from the <TT><STRONG>Special</STRONG></TT> category. The Pick tool accepts input from the mouse and outputs a field that specifies the picked point or points. The &quot;positions&quot; component of this field identifies each picked point on the object in the image. The field can be used, for example, to identify all picked points with a glyph, or to start streamlines at each picked point. In addition, the field output by the Pick tool can be used by a user-written module to perform a variety of operations on the object in the image (e.g., coloring each picked object a particular color). <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference</I> includes a sample module that uses the pick structure in this way.</P>
555		<P>To use picking to select points on objects:</P>
557			<LI>Execute a visual program to produce an image in the Image window.
558			<LI>In the VPE, place one or more pick tools from the <TT><STRONG>Special</STRONG></TT> category in the visual program, connecting them to the tools for which you want to provide input.
559			<P>The pick icons are numbered as you place them on the canvas. For example, the first pick icon you place is labeled &quot;Pick_1&quot;, the second &quot;Pick_2&quot;, and so on. You can change the label of the icon by using its Configuration dialog box.</P>
560			<LI>In the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box, select <TT><STRONG>Pick</STRONG></TT> mode from the <TT><STRONG>Mode</STRONG></TT> option box or use the <TT><STRONG>Ctrl+I</STRONG></TT> accelerator key. The dialog box changes to add the Pick controls.
561			<P>Select the pick tool you want by choosing the <TT><STRONG>Pick(s)</STRONG></TT> option box. This opens an options menu with a list of the available picks from which to select.</P>
562			<LI>Select a point or points as input to the tool connected to the Pick icon.
563			<P>To choose a point, click on a point in the image. A small square box appears, marking the point.</P>
564		</OL>
565		Depending on whether you have the <TT><STRONG>persistent</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Pick tool set to 0 or 1, subsequent executions may or may not use the last pick point or points chosen. If <TT><STRONG>persistent</STRONG></TT> is set to 0, then pick points are not saved between executions; if <TT><STRONG>persistent</STRONG></TT> is set to 1, then pick points are saved between executions.
566		<P><B>Note: </B>You can also enable Pick mode by using the <TT><STRONG>intrctnMode</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
567		<P></P>
568		<H3><A NAME="Header_146"></A>Undo, Redo, and Reset</H3>
569		<P>These options are almost self-explanatory. <TT><STRONG>Undo</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Redo</STRONG></TT> both restore images, either by &quot;undoing&quot; the current image or by &quot;redoing&quot; the image that has just been &quot;undone&quot;.</P>
570		<P>The <TT><STRONG>Reset</STRONG></TT> option returns the Image window to its initial state (i.e., before the image was first modified). See also <A HREF="#HDRRESTIMG">&quot;Restoring Images&quot;</A>.</P>
571		<P></P>
572		<H3><A NAME="HDRGAUTAX"></A>AutoAxes...</H3>
573		<A NAME="IDX690"></A>
574		<P>This option generates an axes box around an image:</P>
575		<P>Select <TT><STRONG>AutoAxes...</STRONG></TT>from the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu. The <TT><STRONG>AutoAxes Configuration...</STRONG></TT> dialog box appears, as illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGAXES1">Figure 41</A>.</P>
576		<P><B><A NAME="FIGAXES1" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGAXES1">Figure 41. AutoAxes Configuration dialog box</A></B><BR>
577			<B><BR>
578				<CENTER>
579					<IMG SRC="../images/autoax.gif" ALT="Figure autoax not displayed."></CENTER>
580				<BR>
581			</B><BR>
582		</P>
583		<P>The dialog box consists of eight parts:</P>
585			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
586				<TD>
587					<P><B>Enabled </B></P>
588				</TD>
589				<TD>
590					<P>The first &quot;part&quot; consists of a single toggle button--<TT><STRONG>AutoAxes enabled</STRONG></TT>. This button must be activated (depressed) to make an axes box appear the next time the visual program is executed. (The button is automatically activated whenever one or more of the AutoAxes options are changed.) Releasing (deactivating) the button prevents the appearances of an axes box.</P>
591				</TD>
592			</TR>
593			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
594				<TD>
595					<P><B>Input groups </B></P>
596				</TD>
597				<TD>
598					<P>The second part of the dialog box displays six (6) of the available configuration options shown below. Depressing (enabling) any of these option buttons automatically expands the window appropriately to reveal the relevant options. Releasing (disabling) any of these option buttons removes the relevant options.</P>
599				</TD>
600			</TR>
601			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
602				<TD>
603					<P><B>Axes' Labels </B></P>
604				</TD>
605				<TD>
606					<P>Allows you to individually specify a label for each of the three axes:</P>
608						<TR VALIGN="TOP">
609							<TD><B>X, Y, Z </B></TD>
610							<TD></TD>
611						</TR>
612					</TABLE>
613				</TD>
614			</TR>
615			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
616				<TD>
617					<P><B>Miscellaneous </B></P>
618				</TD>
619				<TD>
620					<P>Contains the following specifications:</P>
622						<TR VALIGN="TOP">
623							<TD><B>Frame </B></TD>
624							<TD>allows you to turn on or off a frame for the axes (that is, lines which complete the cube, in addition to the back three faces which are drawn by default).</TD>
625						</TR>
626						<TR VALIGN="TOP">
627							<TD><B>Grid </B></TD>
628							<TD>allows you to turn on or off grid lines along major ticks.</TD>
629						</TR>
630						<TR VALIGN="TOP">
631							<TD><B>Font </B></TD>
632							<TD>allows you to choose a font for the labels. The ellipses button allows you to choose from the set of predefined fonts.</TD>
633						</TR>
634						<TR VALIGN="TOP">
635							<TD><B>Label Scale </B></TD>
636							<TD>allows you to change the size of the labels from the default size. For example, specifying a labels scale of 2 will make the labels twice as large.</TD>
637						</TR>
638					</TABLE>
639				</TD>
640			</TR>
641			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
642				<TD>
643					<P><B>Annotation Colors </B></P>
644				</TD>
645				<TD>
646					<P>allows you to specify a color for each part of the axes: the grid (if drawn), ticks, labels, and background. The colors can be any of the defined colors (see <A HREF="refgu033.htm#HDRCOLOR">Color</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>), and in addition, the background can be drawn as &quot;clear&quot; (invisible).</P>
647				</TD>
648			</TR>
649			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
650				<TD>
651					<P><B>Corners / Cursor </B></P>
652				</TD>
653				<TD>
654					<P>The Corners section allows you to explicitly set the range of the axes in each dimension. The Cursor section allows you to place a cursor (marker) at a specific location in the axes box.</P>
655				</TD>
656			</TR>
657			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
658				<TD>
659					<P><B>Ticks </B></P>
660				</TD>
661				<TD>
662					<P>Allows you to specify number or locations of ticks. If the option menu to the right of &quot;Ticks&quot; is set to &quot;All&quot;, then you can specify the approximate total number of ticks in the &quot;All&quot; field. If the option menu to the right of &quot;Ticks&quot; is set to &quot;Per Axis&quot;, then you can specify the approximate number of ticks on each axis. If the option menu to the right of &quot;Ticks&quot; is set to &quot;Values&quot;, then you can use the Ticks' Values section to set exact tick locations and labels. You can also specify the direction of the ticks to point inward or outward using the buttons at the bottom of this section</P>
663				</TD>
664			</TR>
665			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
666				<TD>
667					<P><B>Ticks values </B></P>
668				</TD>
669				<TD>
670					<P>This section is only enabled if the option menu to the right of Ticks is set to &quot;Values&quot; By using the ... buttons you can add Tick Location/Tick Label pairs for each axis. See <A HREF="refgu014.htm#HDRAUTOAXE">AutoAxes</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I> for more information.</P>
671				</TD>
672			</TR>
673			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
674				<TD>
675					<P><B>buttons </B></P>
676				</TD>
677				<TD>
678					<P><TT><STRONG>OK</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> both confirm option changes, which appear the next time the visual program is executed. <TT><STRONG>OK</STRONG></TT> also closes the dialog box.</P>
679					<P><TT><STRONG>Restore</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Cancel</STRONG></TT> both restore values that were present when you opened the dialog box or last clicked on the <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> button. <TT><STRONG>Cancel</STRONG></TT> also closes the dialog box.</P>
680				</TD>
681			</TR>
682		</TABLE>
683		<P></P>
684		<P><B><A NAME="FIGAXES2" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGAXES2">Figure 42. Expanded AutoAxes Configuration Dialog Box</A></B>. The box lists seven options not visible in the default version (<A HREF="#FIGAXES1">Figure 41</A>).<BR>
685			<B><BR>
686				<CENTER>
687					<IMG SRC="../images/autoexp.gif" ALT="Figure autoexp not displayed."></CENTER>
688				<BR>
689			</B><BR>
690		</P>
691		<P>For more details on the AutoAxes configuration, see the corresponding module description in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.</P>
692		<P><B>Note: </B>It is also possible to set AutoAxes parameters using input parameters to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).</P>
693		<P></P>
694		<H3><A NAME="HDRSTBKCL"></A>Set Background Color...</H3>
695		<P>This option displays a dialog box that will accept either a color-name string or an RGB vector as the specification of a background color for the Image window. Valid strings are listed in a user-specified lookup table or a file supplied with Data Explorer (see Color in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>). If neither is available, Data Explorer uses a smaller, internal list (see <A HREF="usrgu077.htm#HDRINTCOLS">Appendix F. &quot;Data Explorer Colors&quot;</A>).</P>
696		<P><B>Notes: </B></P>
697		<OL>
698			<P></P>
699			<LI>Although each defined color has a corresponding RGB vector, the range of possible vectors is continuous from black ([0 0 0]) to white ([1 1 1]). Thus you can specify an RGB vector for which there is no corresponding string (i.e., no defined color). Nonetheless, Data Explorer will accept the vector as valid and generate the corresponding color.
700			<P></P>
701			<LI>Data Explorer supplies double quotation marks for color-name strings, and brackets, commas, and terminal zeros for vectors. For example, either <TT>green</TT> or <TT>0 1 0</TT> is sufficient to specify the color green.
702			<P></P>
703			<LI>It is also possible to set the background color using the <TT><STRONG>bkgrdColor</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).
704		</OL>
705		<P></P>
706		<H3><A NAME="Header_149"></A>Display Rotation Globe</H3>
707		<P>The rotation globe can be displayed only in the <TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> modes of the <TT><STRONG>View Control...</STRONG></TT> dialog box (see <A HREF="#HDRCHAV">&quot;Controlling the Image: View Control...&quot;</A>). In either mode, activation (depression) of the <TT><STRONG>Display Rotation Globe</STRONG></TT> toggle button generates a globe in the lower left-hand corner of the Image window. The orientation of this globe changes in parallel with that of the axes in the lower right-hand corner of the window, or vice versa, depending on which object you manipulate.</P>
708		<P>Hold down the left mouse button to rotate the objects in two dimensions (<TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode) and the middle button to orient them in three (<TT><STRONG>Roam</STRONG></TT> mode).</P>
709		<P></P>
710		<H3><A NAME="HDRGLOPT"></A>Rendering Options...</H3>
711		<A NAME="IDX691"></A><A NAME="IDX692"></A><A NAME="IDX693"></A>
712		<P>You can choose between software and hardware rendering if you are running Data Explorer on a workstation with a graphics card that supports hardware rendering. Approximations in both types of rendering help the user to see the effect of rotation, roam, or navigation interactions before rendering and display are complete.</P>
713		<P>To set the rendering options, select <TT><STRONG>Rendering Options...</STRONG></TT> in the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu in the Image window. This causes the <TT><STRONG>Rendering...</STRONG></TT> dialog box to appear, as illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGREND">Figure 43</A>.</P>
714		<P><B><A NAME="FIGREND" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGREND">Figure 43. Rendering Options Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
715			<B><BR>
716				<CENTER>
717					<IMG SRC="../images/rendopts.gif" ALT="Figure rendopts not displayed."></CENTER>
718				<BR>
719			</B><BR>
720		</P>
721		<P>The <TT><STRONG>Rendering...</STRONG></TT> dialog box allows you to select the rendering mode with a toggle button. If you select <TT><STRONG>hardware</STRONG></TT>, this means &quot;use hardware if available&quot; at the time Data Explorer is run. If a graphics card which supports hardware rendering is not available, software rendering will be used instead.</P>
722		<P>You can specify the approximation method that Data Explorer uses for each of two execution states--button-up execution and button-down execution. Button-down execution is applicable in execute-on-change mode and in navigation.</P>
723		<P>For example, you might specify <TT><STRONG>None</STRONG></TT> for the approximation method for button-up execution, and <TT><STRONG>Dots</STRONG></TT> for the approximation method for button-down execution. When holding the mouse button down in <TT><STRONG>Rotate</STRONG></TT> mode (with <TT><STRONG>Execute on Change</STRONG></TT> enabled), these rendering methods display a dot representation of the object, giving you quick feedback on your camera position, until you release the mouse button, at which point the object is rendered normally. The following is a brief description of the rendering methods you can specify with this dialog box. For detailed information about the rendering options, see <A HREF="refgu048.htm#HDRDISPLAY">Display</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.</P>
725			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
726				<TD>
727					<P><B>None </B></P>
728				</TD>
729				<TD>
730					<P>No approximation method is specified, so a complete rendering of the image is done.</P>
731				</TD>
732			</TR>
733			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
734				<TD>
735					<P><B>Wireframe &nbsp;(available only with hardware rendering)&nbsp; </B></P>
736				</TD>
737				<TD>
738					<P>Renders the object as a wireframe, at the specified density. Surfaces are rendered as wireframe meshes, while points and volumes are rendered as dots. Wireframes are produced at full or fractional density.</P>
739				</TD>
740			</TR>
741			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
742				<TD>
743					<P><B>Dots </B></P>
744				</TD>
745				<TD>
746					<P>For hardware rendering, this approximation renders all points, surfaces, and volumes as dots, at the specified density. Lines are rendered as wireframe. Dots are produced at full or fractional density.</P>
747					<P>For software rendering, all points, surfaces, and volumes are rendered as dots. You cannot specify the density for software rendering.</P>
748				</TD>
749			</TR>
750			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
751				<TD>
752					<P><B>Box </B></P>
753				</TD>
754				<TD>
755					<P>Draws the bounding box of each field in the object to be rendered.</P>
756				</TD>
757			</TR>
758		</TABLE>
759		<P>While the Dots or Wireframe hardware rendering approximation methods are specified, the integer for <TT><STRONG>Render every</STRONG></TT> controls the density of the rendering approximation. For the Dots approximation, it means that every <I>n</I>th vertex is rendered, where <I>n</I> is the integer specified. For Wireframe approximation, the rendering depends on the type of connections. For example, if the connections are triangles, it means that every <I>n</I>th triangle is rendered. You can use the <TT><STRONG>Render every</STRONG></TT> value to control the speed of your rendering; the higher the value, the faster an object can be rendered. The default value is 1 (meaning every dot and every wireframe is rendered).</P>
760		<P>The <TT><STRONG>Render every</STRONG></TT> box is grayed out during software rendering, and during hardware rendering that is not Dots or Wireframe approximations.</P>
761		<P><B>Note: </B>Do not use the Options module to set hardware-rendering options if you intend to use the <TT><STRONG>Rendering...</STRONG></TT> dialog box: options set by the Options module are overridden by those set through the dialog box (see <A HREF="refgu048.htm#HDRDISPLAY">Display</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.</P>
762		<P></P>
763		<H3><A NAME="HDRIMDEP"></A>Image Depth</H3>
764		<P>This option determines the maximum number of possible colors (or shades of color) that Data Explorer can use in creating an image. With greater numbers, gradations are smoother and edges are sharper. The image is &quot;clearer.&quot; The choices are the number of bits available for specifying colors: 8 (256 colors), 12 (4096), 15 (32768), 16 (65536), 24 (more than 16 million) and 32 (more than 16 million). Data Explorer supports 8 bits. With the appropriate graphics card, it will process the others.</P>
765		<P></P>
766		<H3><A NAME="HDRSPEED"></A>Changing the Rate of Frame Display: Throttle...</H3>
767		<A NAME="IDX694"></A><A NAME="IDX695"></A>
768		<P>You can specify a maximum rate of speed to display new frames. This rate is specified as a number of seconds per frame (i.e., the minimum number of seconds that any frame will be displayed before advancing to the next frame).</P>
769		<P>To change the rate of display, do the following:</P>
771			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Throttle...</STRONG></TT> option from the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu in the Image window. A dialog box appears, as illustrated in <A HREF="#FIGTHROT">Figure 44</A>.
772			<P><B><A NAME="FIGTHROT" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGTHROT">Figure 44. Throttle Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
773				<B><BR>
774					<CENTER>
775						<IMG SRC="../images/throtdb.gif" ALT="{ Throttle Dialog box }"></CENTER>
776					<BR>
777				</B><BR>
778			</P>
779			<LI>Edit the <TT><STRONG>Seconds per Frame</STRONG></TT> text field, changing it to the minimum number of seconds you want any given frame to be displayed.
780			<LI>Click on the <TT><STRONG>Close</STRONG></TT> button. The new rate takes effect.
781		</OL>
782		You can also set the throttle value by using the <TT><STRONG>throttle</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).
783		<P></P>
784		<H3><A NAME="HDRCHTIIW"></A>Changing the Title of an Image Window</H3>
785		<A NAME="IDX696"></A><A NAME="IDX697"></A>
786		<P>By default, the title of the Image window is the name of the visual program that produced the image. If your visual program requires multiple image windows, it may be difficult to distinguish the windows, since all of the Image windows, by default, have the same title.</P>
787		<P>In this case, you can change the title of each Image window to help you organize them. To change the name of the Image:</P>
789			<LI>Select the <TT><STRONG>Change Image Name...</STRONG></TT> option from the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> menu in the Image window. A dialog box opens.
790			<LI>Enter a new name for the image in the text field of the dialog box, and click on <TT><STRONG>OK</STRONG></TT>. The title bar of the Image window is updated to reflect the change.
791		</OL>
792		<P><B>Notes: </B></P>
793		<OL>
794			<P></P>
795			<LI>If you start Data Explorer with the Image window as the anchor without specifying a visual program in the command line, the title of the Image window defaults to &quot;Image.&quot; However, when you load a visual program, the Image window assumes either the name of the visual program or, if the visual program contains any named images, the name of one of the Image windows.
796			<P></P>
797			<LI>It is also possible to specify the title of an Image window by using the <TT><STRONG>title</STRONG></TT> parameter to the Image tool (see Image in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).
798		</OL>
799		<P></P>
800		<H3><A NAME="HDRCPACC"></A>Control Panel Access...</H3>
801		<P>Clicking on this option in the <TT><STRONG>Options</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu generates a dialog box with two toggle buttons:</P>
803			<LI>The button on the left determines whether the specified control panel will be accessible from the Image window (using the <TT><STRONG>Open Control Panel by Name</STRONG></TT> option of the <TT><STRONG>Windows</STRONG></TT> pull-down menu) when Data Explorer is invoked with the <TT>-image</TT> or <TT>-menubar</TT> option.
804			<LI>The button on the right (...), when activated (depressed) will display the control panel(s).
805		</UL>
806		<P></P>
807		<H3><A NAME="HDRSAVIMGS"></A>Saving an Image</H3>
808		<A NAME="IDX698"></A>
809		<P>Data Explorer provides you with the capability to save single images and image series to disk files. You save images using the <TT><STRONG>File</STRONG></TT> menu <TT><STRONG>Save Image</STRONG></TT> option of the Image window. Selecting this option causes a <TT><STRONG>Save Image</STRONG></TT> dialog box to appear (see <A HREF="#FIGSAVEIMG">Figure 45</A>.).</P>
810		<P><B><A NAME="FIGSAVEIMG" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGSAVEIMG">Figure 45. Save Image Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
811			<B><BR>
812				<CENTER>
813					<IMG SRC="../images/savimg.gif" ALT="Figure savimg not displayed."></CENTER>
814				<BR>
815			</B><BR>
816		</P>
817		<P>To save an image:</P>
819			<LI>Open the Save Image dialog box using the <TT><STRONG>File</STRONG></TT> menu <TT><STRONG>Save Image</STRONG></TT> option.
820			<LI>Select the name of the file into which the image will be written or enter a file name into the <TT><STRONG>Output File Name</STRONG></TT> text field.
821			<LI>Select the image format.
822			<LI>Specify any image format options (e.g., <TT><STRONG>Gamma Correction</STRONG></TT>).
823			<LI>Click on <TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT>.
824			<LI>Click on <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT>.
825		</OL>
826		You can also save an image by using the <TT><STRONG>recordEnable</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>recordFile</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>recordFormat</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>recordRes</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>recordAspect</STRONG></TT> parameters to the Image tool. Portions of the <TT><STRONG>Save Image...</STRONG></TT> dialog box will be grayed out as appropriate if the corresponding parameter is set using these parameters to the Image tool. (See <A HREF="refgu072.htm#HDRIMAGE">Image</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>).
827		<P>If you select (specify) an existing file and select one of the RGB, MIFF, or YUV formats, the image will be appended to the existing file. If you select ImageMagick supported format, TIFF or PostScript formats, the existing file will be overwritten by the new image.</P>
828		<P>When you want to save another image, you need only click on <TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT>, specify a new file name, and click on <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT>.</P>
829		<P>To save a continuous sequence of images</P>
831			<LI>Open the Save Image dialog box using the <TT><STRONG>File</STRONG></TT> menu <TT><STRONG>Save Image</STRONG></TT> option.
832			<LI>Select the name of the file into which the sequence will be written or enter a file name into the <TT><STRONG>Output File Name</STRONG></TT> text field.
833			<LI>Select the image format, either &quot;RGB&quot;, &quot;R+G+B&quot; &quot;MIFF&quot;, or &quot;YUV&quot;.
834			<LI>Depress the <TT><STRONG>Continuous Saving</STRONG></TT> toggle by clicking on it.
835			<LI>If you do not wish to include the currently displayed image in the sequence, be sure the <TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT> toggle button is not depressed.
836			<LI>Click on the <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> button.
837		</OL>
838		Each time an image is displayed in the Image window it will be appended to the file specified in the Selection text field. To disable the continuous saving mode:
840			<LI>Open the Save Image dialog box using the <TT><STRONG>File</STRONG></TT> menu <TT><STRONG>Save Image</STRONG></TT> option.
841			<LI>Release the <TT><STRONG>Continuous Saving</STRONG></TT> toggle button by clicking on it.
842			<LI>Click on the <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> button.
843		</OL>
844		<P></P>
845		<H4><U>Save Image Options</U></H4>
847			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
848				<TD>
849					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
850				</TD>
851				<TD>
852					<P>allows you to specify whether or not the currently displayed image should be rerendered at a new resolution or aspect ratio.</P>
853					<P>If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is toggled off, then the <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> is completely determined by the resolution of the currently displayed image. <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> cannot be independently controlled, and you can not change the aspect ratio of the image from that of the currently displayed image. If you attempt to change the aspect ratio of the image size (e.g. by specifying a size of 8x8 when the original image is not at an aspect ratio of 1:1), the new image size will not be accepted by the <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> text field. If you change only one component of the image size (e.g. by specifying &quot;8 x&quot;), then the other component of the image size will be computed by comparing it to the current aspect ratio, and <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> will be adjusted such that the number of pixels of the image remains that of the currently displayed image.</P>
854					<P>If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is toggled on, then the currently displayed image will be rerendered at a new resolution based on the settings of <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT>, which can now be independently controlled. You can use this option, for example, to save or print an image at a much higher resolution than is displayed on the screen. You can also specify the number of pixels directly by setting the units of <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> to pixels (note that in this case it is meaningless to set the Output PPI).</P>
855				</TD>
856			</TR>
857			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
858				<TD>
859					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Gamma Correction</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
860				</TD>
861				<TD>
862					<P>Allows you to specify gamma correction applied to the output image. The default is 2.</P>
863				</TD>
864			</TR>
865			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
866				<TD>
867					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Delayed Colors</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
868				</TD>
869				<TD>
870					<P>For TIFF, MIFF, and PostScript image formats, allows you to specify whether the image is saved in an image-with-colormap format. For GIF image format, this option is required by the format.</P>
871				</TD>
872			</TR>
873			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
874				<TD>
875					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Format</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
876				</TD>
877				<TD>
878					<P>Allows you to choose from the set of available image formats.</P>
879				</TD>
880			</TR>
881			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
882				<TD>
883					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Output file name</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
884				</TD>
885				<TD>
886					<P>Allows you to specify the file name to which the image should be written. An appropriate extension for the chosen format will be added if you do not provide one.</P>
887				</TD>
888			</TR>
889			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
890				<TD>
891					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Select File</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
892				</TD>
893				<TD>
894					<P>Allows you to use a File Selection dialog to specify the output image file name.</P>
895				</TD>
896			</TR>
897			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
898				<TD>
899					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
900				</TD>
901				<TD>
902					<P>Allows you to specify that the current image should be saved when the <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> button is pressed.</P>
903				</TD>
904			</TR>
905			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
906				<TD>
907					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Continuous Saving</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
908				</TD>
909				<TD>
910					<P>Allows you to save a series of images. If you do not want the current image to be saved, be sure the <TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT> button is not set before pressing <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT>. When <TT><STRONG>Continuous Saving</STRONG></TT> is activated, each image displayed in the image window will be saved to the specified file. This option is useful only for image formats which support series: RGB, R+G+B, YUV, and MIFF.</P>
911				</TD>
912			</TR>
913		</TABLE>
914		For all formats other than the Postscript formats, the following field is available:
916			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
917				<TD>
918					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
919				</TD>
920				<TD>
921					<P>If the <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> button is set, this field allows you to set the resolution of the output image to something other than that of the image displayed to the screen.</P>
922				</TD>
923			</TR>
924		</TABLE>
925		If one of the Postscript formats is selected then the following fields are displayed:
927			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
928				<TD>
929					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Image Dimensions</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
930				</TD>
931				<TD>
932					<P>Allows you to specify the size of the image on the page (by default in inches).</P>
933				</TD>
934			</TR>
935			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
936				<TD>
937					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Orientation</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
938				</TD>
939				<TD>
940					<P>Allows you to specify the orientation of the image to portrait or landscape, or automatic, which chooses the best for the given image.</P>
941				</TD>
942			</TR>
943			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
944				<TD>
945					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Input Image Size</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
946				</TD>
947				<TD>
948					<P>Specifies the resolution of the image to be saved. This field is enabled only if the <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> button is toggled on.</P>
949				</TD>
950			</TR>
951			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
952				<TD>
953					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Page Dimensions</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
954				</TD>
955				<TD>
956					<P>Specifies the size of the page. By default this is specified in inches.</P>
957				</TD>
958			</TR>
959			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
960				<TD>
961					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
962				</TD>
963				<TD>
964					<P>Specifies the &quot;pixels per inch&quot; of the output image.</P>
965					<P><B>Note: </B>Unless you specifically care to set the precise pixels per inch, you do not typically need to set this.</P>
966				</TD>
967			</TR>
968			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
969				<TD>
970					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Margin Width</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
971				</TD>
972				<TD>
973					<P>Specifies a margin width of white space on the page.</P>
974				</TD>
975			</TR>
976		</TABLE>
977		For PostScript formats, the printed image will, by default, fill the page to within <TT><STRONG>Margin Width</STRONG></TT> of the edge of the page. If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is off, the pixels in the image will be sized appropriately to scale the image to fill the page, but the same number of pixels as in the currently displayed image will be used. If this results in a grainy image, set <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> on, and enter a different <TT><STRONG>Input image size</STRONG></TT>. For example, if the displayed image is 640x480, and you want to double the resolution, just enter 1280 in the <TT><STRONG>Input image size</STRONG></TT> field and Data Explorer will recalculate the new value of y (960) and the new (higher) value for <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT>.
978		<P>By default, <TT><STRONG>Image Dimensions</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>Page Dimensions</STRONG></TT>, and <TT><STRONG>Margin Width</STRONG></TT> are specified in inches However, you can use the <TT>DX*metric</TT> resource or the <TT>-metric</TT> command line option to use centimeters instead. See <A HREF="usrgu075.htm#TBLRESCFG">Table 7</A>.</P>
979		<P></P>
981			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
982				<TD>
983					<P><B>Pushbuttons </B></P>
984				</TD>
985				<TD>
986					<P><TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> causes the currently displayed image to be saved if the <TT><STRONG>Save Current</STRONG></TT> toggle button is depressed.</P>
987					<P><TT><STRONG>Restore</STRONG></TT> restores settings in the dialog to what they were the last time the <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> button was depressed.</P>
988					<P><TT><STRONG>Close</STRONG></TT> causes the dialog to be closed without saving an image.</P>
989				</TD>
990			</TR>
991		</TABLE>
992		<P><B>Note: </B>If you are not using the Image window, this functionality is available with the WriteImage module. See <A HREF="refgu173.htm#HDRWRITEIM">WriteImage</A> in <I>IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference</I>.</P>
993		<P></P>
994		<P></P>
995		<H3><A NAME="HDRPRTIMGS"></A>Printing an Image</H3>
996		<A NAME="IDX699"></A>
997		<P><B><A NAME="FIGPRTIMG" HREF="../usrguide.htm#FT_FIGPRTIMG">Figure 46. Print Image Dialog Box</A></B><BR>
998			<B><BR>
999				<CENTER>
1000					<IMG SRC="../images/prtimg.gif" ALT="Figure prtimg not displayed."></CENTER>
1001				<BR>
1002			</B><BR>
1003		</P>
1004		<P>You can print images displayed in the Image window by choosing the <TT><STRONG>Print Image...</STRONG></TT> option from the <TT><STRONG>File</STRONG></TT> menu of the Image window. Selecting this option causes a Print Image dialog box to be opened (see <A HREF="#FIGPRTIMG">Figure 46</A>). Note that portions of the <TT><STRONG>Print Image</STRONG></TT> dialog box will be grayed out as appropriate if the corresponding parameter is set using the <TT><STRONG>recordFormat</STRONG></TT>, <TT><STRONG>recordRes</STRONG></TT>, or <TT><STRONG>recordAspect</STRONG></TT> parameters to the Image tool.</P>
1005		<P></P>
1006		<H4><U>Print Image Options</U></H4>
1008			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1009				<TD>
1010					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1011				</TD>
1012				<TD>
1013					<P>allows you to specify whether or not the currently displayed image should be rerendered at a new resolution or aspect ratio.</P>
1014					<P>If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is toggled off, then the <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> is completely determined by the resolution of the currently displayed image. <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> cannot be independently controlled, and you can not change the aspect ratio of the image from that of the currently displayed image. If you attempt to change the aspect ratio of the image size (e.g. by specifying a size of 8x8 when the original image is not at an aspect ratio of 1:1), the new image size will not be accepted by the <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> text field. If you change only one component of the image size (e.g. by specifying &quot;8 x&quot;), then the other component of the image size will be computed by comparing it to the current aspect ratio, and <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> will be adjusted such that the number of pixels of the image remains that of the currently displayed image.</P>
1015					<P>If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is toggled on, then the currently displayed image will be rerendered at a new resolution based on the settings of <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> and <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT>, which can now be independently controlled. You can use this option, for example, to save or print an image at a much higher resolution than is displayed on the screen. You can also specify the number of pixels directly by setting the units of <TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> to pixels (note that in this case it is meaningless to set the Output PPI).</P>
1016				</TD>
1017			</TR>
1018			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1019				<TD>
1020					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Gamma Correction</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1021				</TD>
1022				<TD>
1023					<P>Allows you to specify gamma correction applied to the output image. The default is 2.</P>
1024				</TD>
1025			</TR>
1026			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1027				<TD>
1028					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Delayed Colors</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1029				</TD>
1030				<TD>
1031					<P>For TIFF, MIFF, and PostScript image formats, allows you to specify whether the image is saved in an image-with-colormap format. For GIF image format, this option is required by the format.</P>
1032				</TD>
1033			</TR>
1034			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1035				<TD>
1036					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Format</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1037				</TD>
1038				<TD>
1039					<P>Allows you to choose from the set of available image formats.</P>
1040				</TD>
1041			</TR>
1042		</TABLE>
1043		For all formats other than the Postscript formats, the following field is available:
1045			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1046				<TD>
1047					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Image Size</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1048				</TD>
1049				<TD>
1050					<P>If the <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> button is set, this field allows you to set the resolution of the output image to something other than that of the image displayed to the screen.</P>
1051				</TD>
1052			</TR>
1053		</TABLE>
1054		If one of the Postscript formats is selected then the following fields are displayed:
1056			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1057				<TD>
1058					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Image Dimensions</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1059				</TD>
1060				<TD>
1061					<P>Allows you to specify the size of the image on the page (by default in inches).</P>
1062				</TD>
1063			</TR>
1064			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1065				<TD>
1066					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Orientation</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1067				</TD>
1068				<TD>
1069					<P>Allows you to specify the orientation of the image to portrait or landscape, or automatic, which chooses the best for the given image.</P>
1070				</TD>
1071			</TR>
1072			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1073				<TD>
1074					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Input Image Size</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1075				</TD>
1076				<TD>
1077					<P>Specifies the resolution of the image to be printed. This field is enabled only if the <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> button is toggled on.</P>
1078				</TD>
1079			</TR>
1080			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1081				<TD>
1082					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Page Dimensions</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1083				</TD>
1084				<TD>
1085					<P>Specifies the size of the page. By default this is specified in inches.</P>
1086				</TD>
1087			</TR>
1088			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1089				<TD>
1090					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1091				</TD>
1092				<TD>
1093					<P>Specifies the &quot;pixels per inch&quot; of the output image.</P>
1094					<P><B>Note: </B>Unless you specifically care to set the precise pixels per inch, you do not typically need to set this.</P>
1095				</TD>
1096			</TR>
1097			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1098				<TD>
1099					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Margin Width</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1100				</TD>
1101				<TD>
1102					<P>Specifies a margin width of white space on the page.</P>
1103				</TD>
1104			</TR>
1105		</TABLE>
1106		For PostScript formats, the printed image will, by default, fill the page to within <TT><STRONG>Margin Width</STRONG></TT> of the edge of the page. If <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> is off, the pixels in the image will be sized appropriately to scale the image to fill the page, but the same number of pixels as in the currently displayed image will be used. If this results in a grainy image, set <TT><STRONG>Allow Rerendering</STRONG></TT> on, and enter a different <TT><STRONG>Input image size</STRONG></TT>. For example, if the displayed image is 640x480, and you want to double the resolution, just enter 1280 in the <TT><STRONG>Input image size</STRONG></TT> field and Data Explorer will recalculate the new value of y (960) and the new (higher) value for <TT><STRONG>Output PPI</STRONG></TT>.
1108			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1109				<TD>
1110					<P><B><TT><STRONG>Print command</STRONG></TT> </B></P>
1111				</TD>
1112				<TD>
1113					<P>Contains a text field where you can enter a command to print the image, for example:</P>
1114					<PRE>
1115lpr -P myPrinter
1117				</TD>
1118			</TR>
1119			<TR VALIGN="TOP">
1120				<TD>
1121					<P><B>Pushbuttons </B></P>
1122				</TD>
1123				<TD>
1124					<P><TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> Causes the command specified by <TT><STRONG>Print Command</STRONG></TT> to be executed.</P>
1125					<P><TT><STRONG>Restore</STRONG></TT> Restores settings in the dialog to what they were the last time that <TT><STRONG>Apply</STRONG></TT> was depressed.</P>
1126					<P><TT><STRONG>Close</STRONG></TT> Causes the dialog to be closed without printing an image.</P>
1127				</TD>
1128			</TR>
1129		</TABLE>
1130		<P></P>
1131		<HR>
1132		<DIV ALIGN="center">
1133			<P><A HREF="../allguide.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/foot-fc.gif" ALT="Full Contents" HEIGHT="18" WIDTH="94" BORDER="0"></A> <A HREF="../qikguide.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/foot-qs.gif" ALT="QuickStart Guide" HEIGHT="18" WIDTH="94" BORDER="0"></A> <A HREF="../usrguide.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/foot-ug.gif" ALT="User's Guide" HEIGHT="18" WIDTH="94" BORDER="0"></A> <A HREF="../refguide.htm"><IMG SRC="../images/foot-ur.gif" ALT="User's Reference" HEIGHT="18" WIDTH="94" BORDER="0"></A></P>
1134		</DIV>
1135		<DIV ALIGN="center">
1136			<P><FONT SIZE="-1">[ <A HREF="http://www.research.ibm.com/dx">OpenDX Home at IBM</A>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="http://www.opendx.org/">OpenDX.org</A>&nbsp;] </FONT></P>
1137			<P></P>
1138		</DIV>
1139		<P></P>
1140	</BODY>