1 /* Copyright 2017-2021 PaGMO development team
3 This file is part of the PaGMO library.
5 The PaGMO library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of either:
8   * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
9     Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10     option) any later version.
12 or
14   * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
15     Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
16     later version.
18 or both in parallel, as here.
20 The PaGMO library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
21 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
22 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
23 for more details.
25 You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
26 GNU Lesser General Public License along with the PaGMO library.  If not,
27 see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */
32 #include <string>
33 #include <tuple>
34 #include <vector>
36 #include <pagmo/algorithm.hpp>
37 #include <pagmo/detail/visibility.hpp>
38 #include <pagmo/population.hpp>
39 #include <pagmo/rng.hpp>
40 #include <pagmo/s11n.hpp>
42 namespace pagmo
43 {
45 /// Differential Evolution Algorithm
46 /**
47  * \image html de.png "Differential Evolution block diagram."
48  *
49  * Differential Evolution is an heuristic optimizer developed by Rainer Storn and Kenneth Price.
50  *
51  * ''A breakthrough happened, when Ken came up with the idea of using vector differences for perturbing
52  * the vector population. Since this seminal idea a lively discussion between Ken and Rainer and endless
53  * ruminations and computer simulations on both parts yielded many substantial improvements which
54  * make DE the versatile and robust tool it is today'' (from the official web pages....)
55  *
56  * The implementation provided for PaGMO is based on the code provided in the official
57  * DE web site. pagmo::de is suitable for box-constrained single-objective continuous optimization.
58  *
59  * \verbatim embed:rst:leading-asterisk
60  * .. note::
61  *
62  *    The feasibility correction, that is the correction applied to an allele when some mutation puts it outside
63  *    the allowed box-bounds, is here done by creating a random number in the bounds.
64  *
65  * .. seealso::
66  *
67  *    The paper that introduces Differential Evolution https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1008202821328
68  *
69  * \endverbatim
70  */
71 class PAGMO_DLL_PUBLIC de
72 {
73 public:
74     /// Single entry of the log (gen, fevals, best, dx, df)
75     typedef std::tuple<unsigned, unsigned long long, double, double, double> log_line_type;
76     /// The log
77     typedef std::vector<log_line_type> log_type;
79     /// Constructor.
80     /**
81      * Constructs de
82      *
83      * The following variants (mutation variants) are available to create a new candidate individual:
84      * @code{.unparsed}
85      * 1 - best/1/exp                               2. - rand/1/exp
86      * 3 - rand-to-best/1/exp                       4. - best/2/exp
87      * 5 - rand/2/exp                               6. - best/1/bin
88      * 7 - rand/1/bin                               8. - rand-to-best/1/bin
89      * 9 - best/2/bin                               10. - rand/2/bin
90      * @endcode
91      *
92      * @param gen number of generations.
93      * @param F weight coefficient (dafault value is 0.8)
94      * @param CR crossover probability (dafault value is 0.9)
95      * @param variant mutation variant (dafault variant is 2: /rand/1/exp)
96      * @param ftol stopping criteria on the f tolerance (default is 1e-6)
97      * @param xtol stopping criteria on the x tolerance (default is 1e-6)
98      * @param seed seed used by the internal random number generator (default is random)
100      * @throws std::invalid_argument if F, CR are not in [0,1]
101      * @throws std::invalid_argument if variant is not one of 1 .. 10
102      */
103     de(unsigned gen = 1u, double F = 0.8, double CR = 0.9, unsigned variant = 2u, double ftol = 1e-6,
104        double xtol = 1e-6, unsigned seed = pagmo::random_device::next());
106     // Evolve.
107     population evolve(population) const;
108     // Set the seed.
109     void set_seed(unsigned);
110     /// Get the seed
111     /**
112      * @return the seed controlling the algorithm stochastic behaviour
113      */
get_seed() const114     unsigned get_seed() const
115     {
116         return m_seed;
117     }
118     /// Sets the algorithm verbosity
119     /**
120      * Sets the verbosity level of the screen output and of the
121      * log returned by get_log(). \p level can be:
122      * - 0: no verbosity
123      * - >0: will print and log one line each \p level generations.
124      *
125      * Example (verbosity 100):
126      * @code{.unparsed}
127      * Gen:        Fevals:          Best:            dx:            df:
128      * 5001         100020    3.62028e-05      0.0396687      0.0002866
129      * 5101         102020    1.16784e-05      0.0473027    0.000249057
130      * 5201         104020    1.07883e-05      0.0455471    0.000243651
131      * 5301         106020    6.05099e-06      0.0268876    0.000103512
132      * 5401         108020    3.60664e-06      0.0230468    5.78161e-05
133      * 5501         110020     1.7188e-06      0.0141655    2.25688e-05
134      * @endcode
135      * Gen, is the generation number, Fevals the number of function evaluation used, Best is the best fitness
136      * function currently in the population, dx is the population flatness evaluated as the distance between
137      * the decisions vector of the best and of the worst individual, df is the population flatness evaluated
138      * as the distance between the fitness of the best and of the worst individual.
139      *
140      * @param level verbosity level
141      */
set_verbosity(unsigned level)142     void set_verbosity(unsigned level)
143     {
144         m_verbosity = level;
145     };
146     /// Gets the verbosity level
147     /**
148      * @return the verbosity level
149      */
get_verbosity() const150     unsigned get_verbosity() const
151     {
152         return m_verbosity;
153     }
154     /// Gets the generations
155     /**
156      * @return the number of generations to evolve for
157      */
get_gen() const158     unsigned get_gen() const
159     {
160         return m_gen;
161     }
162     /// Algorithm name
163     /**
164      * One of the optional methods of any user-defined algorithm (UDA).
165      *
166      * @return a string containing the algorithm name
167      */
get_name() const168     std::string get_name() const
169     {
170         return "DE: Differential Evolution";
171     }
172     // Extra info.
173     std::string get_extra_info() const;
174     /// Get log
175     /**
176      * A log containing relevant quantities monitoring the last call to evolve. Each element of the returned
177      * <tt>std::vector</tt> is a de::log_line_type containing: Gen, Fevals, Best, dx, df as described
178      * in de::set_verbosity
179      * @return an <tt>std::vector</tt> of de::log_line_type containing the logged values Gen, Fevals, Best, dx, df
180      */
get_log() const181     const log_type &get_log() const
182     {
183         return m_log;
184     }
186 private:
187     // Object serialization
188     friend class boost::serialization::access;
189     template <typename Archive>
190     void serialize(Archive &, unsigned);
192     unsigned m_gen;
193     double m_F;
194     double m_CR;
195     unsigned m_variant;
196     double m_Ftol;
197     double m_xtol;
198     mutable detail::random_engine_type m_e;
199     unsigned m_seed;
200     unsigned m_verbosity;
201     mutable log_type m_log;
202 };
204 } // namespace pagmo
208 #endif