1 /****************************************************************************
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include <QtGlobal>
30 namespace QmakeProjectManager {
31 namespace Constants {
33 // Menus
34 const char M_CONTEXT[] = "ProFileEditor.ContextMenu";
36 // Kinds
37 const char PROFILE_EDITOR_ID[] = "Qt4.proFileEditor";
38 const char PROFILE_EDITOR_DISPLAY_NAME[] = QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("OpenWith::Editors", ".pro File Editor");
39 const char PROFILE_MIMETYPE[] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeprofile";
40 const char PROINCLUDEFILE_MIMETYPE [] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeproincludefile";
41 const char PROFEATUREFILE_MIMETYPE [] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeprofeaturefile";
42 const char PROCONFIGURATIONFILE_MIMETYPE [] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeproconfigurationfile";
43 const char PROCACHEFILE_MIMETYPE [] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeprocachefile";
44 const char PROSTASHFILE_MIMETYPE [] = "application/vnd.qt.qmakeprostashfile";
46 // Actions
47 const char RUNQMAKE[] = "Qt4Builder.RunQMake";
48 const char RUNQMAKECONTEXTMENU[] = "Qt4Builder.RunQMakeContextMenu";
49 const char BUILDSUBDIR[] = "Qt4Builder.BuildSubDir";
50 const char REBUILDSUBDIR[] = "Qt4Builder.RebuildSubDir";
51 const char CLEANSUBDIR[] = "Qt4Builder.CleanSubDir";
52 const char BUILDFILE[] = "Qt4Builder.BuildFile";
53 const char BUILDSUBDIRCONTEXTMENU[] = "Qt4Builder.BuildSubDirContextMenu";
54 const char REBUILDSUBDIRCONTEXTMENU[] = "Qt4Builder.RebuildSubDirContextMenu";
55 const char CLEANSUBDIRCONTEXTMENU[] = "Qt4Builder.CleanSubDirContextMenu";
56 const char BUILDFILECONTEXTMENU[] = "Qt4Builder.BuildFileContextMenu";
57 const char ADDLIBRARY[] = "Qt4.AddLibrary";
59 // Tasks
60 const char PROFILE_EVALUATE[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.ProFileEvaluate";
62 // Project
63 const char QMAKEPROJECT_ID[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4Project";
65 const char QMAKE_BC_ID[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.Qt4BuildConfiguration";
66 const char MAKESTEP_BS_ID[] = "Qt4ProjectManager.MakeStep";
67 const char QMAKE_BS_ID[] = "QtProjectManager.QMakeBuildStep";
69 // Kit
70 const char KIT_INFORMATION_ID[] = "QtPM4.mkSpecInformation";
72 } // namespace Constants
73 } // namespace QmakeProjectManager