2;; report-impl.scm : structures/utilities for representing reports
3;; Copyright 2000 Bill Gribble <grib@gnumatic.com>
5;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
7;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
8;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16;; along with this program; if not, contact:
18;; Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942
19;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652
20;; Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org
22(define-module (gnucash report report-core))
24(eval-when (compile load eval expand)
25  (load-extension "libgnc-report" "scm_init_sw_report_module"))
27(use-modules (gnucash engine))
28(use-modules (gnucash utilities))
29(use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
30(use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
31(use-modules (gnucash gnome-utils))
32(use-modules (ice-9 match))
33(use-modules (srfi srfi-1))
34(use-modules (srfi srfi-9))
35(use-modules (srfi srfi-26))
36(use-modules (gnucash report report-register-hooks))
37(use-modules (gnucash report html-style-sheet))
38(use-modules (gnucash report html-document))
39(use-modules (gnucash report html-utilities))
41(load-and-reexport (sw_report)
42                   (sw_engine))
44(export <report>)
45(export gnc:all-report-template-guids)
46(export gnc:custom-report-template-guids)
47(export gnc:define-report)
48(export gnc:delete-report)
49(export gnc:find-report-template)
50(export gnc:is-custom-report-type)
51(export gnc:make-report)
52(export gnc:make-report-options)
53(export gnc:menuname-asset-liability)
54(export gnc:menuname-budget)
55(export gnc:menuname-business-reports)
56(export gnc:menuname-custom)
57(export gnc:menuname-example)
58(export gnc:menuname-experimental)
59(export gnc:menuname-income-expense)
60(export gnc:menuname-multicolumn)
61(export gnc:menuname-reports)
62(export gnc:menuname-taxes)
63(export gnc:optname-invoice-number)
64(export gnc:optname-reportname)
65(export gnc:pagename-accounts)
66(export gnc:pagename-display)
67(export gnc:pagename-general)
68(export gnc:rename-report)
69(export gnc:report-ctext)
70(export gnc:report-dirty?)
71(export gnc:report-editor-widget)
72(export gnc:report-embedded-list)
73(export gnc:report-export-thunk)
74(export gnc:report-export-types)
75(export gnc:report-id)
76(export gnc:report-menu-name)
77(export gnc:report-name)
78(export gnc:report-needs-save?)
79(export gnc:report-options)
80(export gnc:report-render-html)
81(export gnc:render-report)
82(export gnc:report-run)
83(export gnc:report-serialize)
84(export gnc:report-set-ctext!)
85(export gnc:report-set-dirty?!)
86(export gnc:report-set-editor-widget!)
87(export gnc:report-set-id!)
88(export gnc:report-set-needs-save?!)
89(export gnc:report-set-options!)
90(export gnc:report-set-stylesheet!)
91(export gnc:report-set-type!)
92(export gnc:report-stylesheet)
93(export gnc:report-template-export-thunk)
94(export gnc:report-template-export-types)
95(export gnc:report-template-has-unique-name?)
96(export gnc:report-template-in-menu?)
97(export gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid?)
98(export gnc:report-template-menu-name)
99(export gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid)
100(export gnc:report-template-menu-path)
101(export gnc:report-template-menu-tip)
102(export gnc:report-template-name)
103(export gnc:report-template-new-options)
104(export gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid)
105(export gnc:report-template-options-changed-cb)
106(export gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb)
107(export gnc:report-template-options-generator)
108(export gnc:report-template-renderer)
109(export gnc:report-template-renderer/report-guid)
110(export gnc:report-template-report-guid)
111(export gnc:report-template-set-report-guid!)
112(export gnc:report-template-version)
113(export gnc:report-templates-for-each)
114(export gnc:report-to-template-new)
115(export gnc:report-to-template-update)
116(export gnc:report-type)
117(export gnc:restore-report-by-guid)
118(export gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template)
120;; Terminology in this file:
121;; report-template: a report definition of some form. This can be a report
122;;      included in gnucash by default, or a new report definition added by
123;;      the user in the .gnucash directory or a custom report
124;; custom report: like a report-template, but saved with a different set
125;;      of default options. A better name would probably be "preconfigured
126;;      report" or something similar. These templates are managed by the
127;;      user via the "Preconfigured Reports" menu item
128;; report: an instantiation of a report-template (custom or otherwise). One
129;;      specific instance of a template, loaded and configured by the user
130;;      while the program is running.
131;; saved report: a report that was still open at the time a book is closed.
132;;      GnuCash dumps the current settings and template id for such a report
133;;      in a meta file in .gnucash/books. When the book is reopened, the template
134;;      id and settings are used to restore the report to the state it was
135;;      in before the book was closed.
137;; This file will define record types for report-templates and reports. From what
138;; I understand the latter is used mostly to handle saved reports as defined above,
139;; while the former manages report-templates (including custom-reports).
141;; This hash should contain all the reports available and will be used
142;; to generate the reports menu whenever a new window opens and to
143;; figure out what to do when a report needs to be generated.
145;; The key is the report guid and the
146;; value is the report definition structure.
147(define *gnc:_report-templates_* (make-hash-table 23))
149;; Define those strings here to make changes easier and avoid typos.
150(define gnc:menuname-reports "Reports/StandardReports")
151(define gnc:menuname-asset-liability (N_ "_Assets & Liabilities"))
152(define gnc:menuname-income-expense (N_ "_Income & Expense"))
153(define gnc:menuname-budget (N_ "B_udget"))
154(define gnc:menuname-taxes (N_ "_Taxes"))
155(define gnc:menuname-example (N_ "E_xamples"))
156(define gnc:menuname-experimental (N_ "_Experimental"))
157(define gnc:menuname-multicolumn (N_ "_Multicolumn"))
158(define gnc:menuname-custom (N_ "_Custom"))
159(define gnc:pagename-general (N_ "General"))
160(define gnc:pagename-accounts (N_ "Accounts"))
161(define gnc:pagename-display (N_ "Display"))
162(define gnc:optname-reportname (N_ "Report name"))
163(define gnc:optname-stylesheet (N_ "Stylesheet"))
164(define gnc:menuname-business-reports (N_ "_Business"))
165(define gnc:optname-invoice-number (N_ "Invoice Number"))
167;; A <report-template> represents one of the available report types.
168(define-record-type <report-template>
169  (make-new-record-template version name report-guid parent-type options-generator
170                            options-cleanup-cb options-changed-cb
171                            renderer in-menu? menu-path menu-name
172                            menu-tip export-types export-thunk)
173  report-template?
174  (version report-template-version)
175  (report-guid report-template-report-guid report-template-set-report-guid!)
176  (name report-template-name report-template-set-name)
177  (parent-type report-template-parent-type report-template-set-parent-type!)
178  (options-generator report-template-options-generator)
179  (options-cleanup-cb report-template-options-cleanup-cb)
180  (options-changed-cb report-template-options-changed-cb)
181  (renderer report-template-renderer)
182  (in-menu? report-template-in-menu?)
183  (menu-path report-template-menu-path)
184  (menu-name report-template-menu-name)
185  (menu-tip report-template-menu-tip)
186  (export-types report-template-export-types)
187  (export-thunk report-template-export-thunk))
189(define (make-report-template)
190  (make-new-record-template #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #f #t #f #f #f #f #f))
191(define gnc:report-template-version report-template-version)
192(define gnc:report-template-report-guid report-template-report-guid)
193(define gnc:report-template-set-report-guid! report-template-set-report-guid!)
194(define gnc:report-template-name report-template-name)
195(define gnc:report-template-set-name report-template-set-name)
196(define gnc:report-template-parent-type report-template-parent-type)
197(define gnc:report-template-set-parent-type! report-template-set-parent-type!)
198(define gnc:report-template-options-generator report-template-options-generator)
199(define gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb report-template-options-cleanup-cb)
200(define gnc:report-template-options-changed-cb report-template-options-changed-cb)
201(define gnc:report-template-renderer report-template-renderer)
202(define gnc:report-template-in-menu? report-template-in-menu?)
203(define gnc:report-template-menu-path report-template-menu-path)
204(define gnc:report-template-menu-name report-template-menu-name)
205(define gnc:report-template-menu-tip report-template-menu-tip)
206(define gnc:report-template-export-types report-template-export-types)
207(define gnc:report-template-export-thunk report-template-export-thunk)
209;; define strings centrally to ease code clarity
210(define rpterr-dupe
211  (G_ "One of your reports has a report-guid that is a duplicate. Please check the report system, especially your saved reports, for a report with this report-guid: "))
212(define rpterr-guid1 (G_ "Wrong report definition: "))
213(define rpterr-guid2 (G_ " Report is missing a GUID."))
215(define (gui-error str)
216  (if (gnucash-ui-is-running)
217      (gnc-error-dialog '() str)
218      (gnc:error "report-core.scm error: " str)))
219(define (gui-warning str)
220  (if (gnucash-ui-is-running)
221      (gnc-warning-dialog '() str)
222      (gnc:warn "report-core.scm warning: " str)))
223(define (gui-error-missing-template template-name)
224  (gui-error
225   (string-append
226    "Report Failed! One of your previously opened reports has failed \
227to open. The template on which it was based: " template-name ", was \
228not found.")))
230;; if args is supplied, it is a list of field names and values
231(define (gnc:define-report . args)
232  ;; For now the version is ignored, but in the future it'll let us
233  ;; change behaviors without breaking older reports.
234  ;;
235  ;; The renderer should be a function that accepts one argument, a
236  ;; set of options, and generates the report. the renderer must
237  ;; return as its final value an <html-document> object.
238  (define report-rec (make-report-template))
239  (define allowable-fields (record-type-fields <report-template>))
240  (define (not-a-field? fld) (not (memq fld allowable-fields)))
241  (define (xor . args) (fold (lambda (a b) (if a (if b #f a) b)) #f args))
243  (let loop ((args args))
244    (match args
245      (()
246       (let ((report-guid (gnc:report-template-report-guid report-rec))
247             (report-name (gnc:report-template-name report-rec)))
248         (cond
249          ;; missing report-guid: is an error
250          ((not report-guid)
251           (gui-error (string-append rpterr-guid1 report-name rpterr-guid2)))
253          ;; dupe: report-guid is a duplicate
254          ((hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* report-guid)
255           (gui-error (string-append rpterr-dupe report-guid)))
257          ;; has export-type but no export-thunk. or vice versa.
258          ((xor (gnc:report-template-export-thunk report-rec)
259                (gnc:report-template-export-types report-rec))
260           (gui-error (format #f "Export needs both thunk and types: ~a" report-guid)))
262          ;; good: new report definition, store into report-templates hash
263          (else
264           (hash-set! *gnc:_report-templates_* report-guid report-rec)))))
266      (((? not-a-field? fld) . _)
267       (gnc:error "gnc:define-report: " fld " is not a valid field"))
269      ((field val . rest)
270       ((record-modifier <report-template> field) report-rec val)
271       (loop rest)))))
273(define (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid template-id template-name)
274  (let ((templ (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
275    (and templ
276         (gnc:report-template-new-options templ))))
278(define (gnc:report-template-menu-name/report-guid template-id template-name)
279  (let ((templ (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
280    (and templ
281         (or (gnc:report-template-menu-name templ)
282             (gnc:report-template-name templ)))))
284(define (gnc:report-template-renderer/report-guid template-id template-name)
285  (let ((templ (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
286    (and templ
287         (gnc:report-template-renderer templ))))
289(define (gnc:report-template-new-options report-template)
290  (let ((generator (gnc:report-template-options-generator report-template))
291        (namer
292         (gnc:make-string-option
293          gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname "0a"
294          (N_ "Enter a descriptive name for this report.")
295          (G_ (gnc:report-template-name report-template))))
296        (stylesheet
297         (gnc:make-multichoice-option
298          gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-stylesheet "0b"
299          (N_ "Select a stylesheet for the report.")
300          (string->symbol (N_ "Default"))
301          (map
302           (lambda (ss)
303             (vector
304              (string->symbol (gnc:html-style-sheet-name ss))
305              (gnc:html-style-sheet-name ss)))
306           (gnc:get-html-style-sheets)))))
308    (let ((options (if (procedure? generator)
309                       (or (gnc:backtrace-if-exception generator)
310                           (begin
311                             (gnc:warn "BUG DETECTED: Scheme exception raised in "
312                                       "report options generator procedure named "
313                                       (procedure-name generator))
314                             (gnc:new-options)))
315                       (gnc:new-options))))
316      (or (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname)
317          (gnc:register-option options namer))
318      (or (gnc:lookup-option options gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-stylesheet)
319          (gnc:register-option options stylesheet))
320      options)))
322;; A <report> represents an instantiation of a particular report type.
323(define-record-type <report>
324  (make-report type id options dirty? needs-save? editor-widget ctext custom-template)
325  report?
326  (type report-type report-set-type!)
327  (id report-id report-set-id!)
328  (options report-options report-set-options!)
329  (dirty? report-dirty? report-set-dirty?!)
330  (needs-save? report-needs-save? report-set-needs-save?!)
331  (editor-widget report-editor-widget report-set-editor-widget!)
332  (ctext report-ctext report-set-ctext!)
333  (custom-template report-custom-template report-set-custom-template!))
335(define gnc:report-type report-type)
336(define gnc:report-set-type! report-set-type!)
337(define gnc:report-id report-id)
338(define gnc:report-set-id! report-set-id!)
339(define gnc:report-options report-options)
340(define gnc:report-set-options! report-set-options!)
341(define gnc:report-needs-save? report-needs-save?)
342(define gnc:report-set-needs-save?! report-set-needs-save?!)
343(define gnc:report-dirty? report-dirty?)
344(define gnc:report-set-dirty?-internal! report-set-dirty?!)
345(define gnc:report-editor-widget report-editor-widget)
346(define gnc:report-set-editor-widget! report-set-editor-widget!)
347(define gnc:report-ctext report-ctext)
348(define gnc:report-set-ctext! report-set-ctext!)
349(define gnc:report-custom-template report-custom-template)
350(define gnc:report-set-custom-template! report-set-custom-template!)
352(define (gnc:report-set-dirty?! report val)
353  (gnc:report-set-dirty?-internal! report val)
354  (let* ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report)))
355         (cb (gnc:report-template-options-changed-cb template)))
356    (if (and cb (procedure? cb))
357        (cb report))))
359;; gnc:make-report instantiates a report from a report-template.
360;; The actual report is stored away in a hash-table -- only the id is returned.
361(define (gnc:make-report template-id . rest)
362  (let* ((template-parent (gnc:report-template-parent-type
363                           (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
364         (report-type (or template-parent template-id))
365         (custom-template (if template-parent template-id ""))
366         (r (make-report
367             report-type     ;; type
368             #f              ;; id
369             #f              ;; options
370             #t              ;; dirty
371             #f              ;; needs-save
372             #f              ;; editor-widget
373             #f              ;; ctext
374             custom-template ;; custom-template
375             ))
376         (template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
377    (let ((options (if (null? rest)
378                       (gnc:report-template-new-options template)
379                       (car rest))))
380      (gnc:report-set-options! r options)
381      (gnc:options-register-callback
382       #f #f
383       (lambda ()
384         (gnc:report-set-dirty?! r #t)
385         (let ((cb (gnc:report-template-options-changed-cb template)))
386           (if cb (cb r))))
387       options))
388    (gnc:report-set-id! r (gnc-report-add r))
389    (gnc:report-id r)))
392(define (gnc:restore-report-by-guid id template-id template-name options)
393  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:restore-report-by-guid is now deprecated.
394 use gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template instead.")
395  (if options
396      (let* ((r (make-report template-id id options #t #t #f #f ""))
397             (report-id (gnc-report-add r)))
398        (if (number? report-id)
399            (gnc:report-set-id! r report-id))
400        report-id)
401      (begin
402        (gui-error-missing-template template-name)
403        #f)))
405(define (gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template
406         id template-id template-name custom-template-id options)
407  (if options
408      (let* ((r (make-report template-id id options #t #t #f #f custom-template-id))
409             (report-id (gnc-report-add r)))
410        (if (number? report-id)
411            (gnc:report-set-id! r report-id))
412        report-id)
413      (begin
414        (gui-error-missing-template template-name)
415        #f)))
417(define (gnc:make-report-options template-id)
418  (let ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-id)))
419    (and template
420         (gnc:report-template-new-options template))))
422;; A convenience wrapper to get the report-template's export types from
423;; an instantiated report.
424(define (gnc:report-export-types report)
425  (let ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_*
426                            (gnc:report-type report))))
427    (and template
428         (gnc:report-template-export-types template))))
430;; A convenience wrapper to get the report-template's export thunk from
431;; an instantiated report.
432(define (gnc:report-export-thunk report)
433  (let ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_*
434                            (gnc:report-type report))))
435    (and template
436         (gnc:report-template-export-thunk template))))
438(define (gnc:report-menu-name report)
439  (let ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_*
440                            (gnc:report-type report))))
441    (and template
442         (or (gnc:report-template-menu-name template)
443             (gnc:report-name report)))))
445(define (gnc:report-name report)
446  (let* ((opt (gnc:report-options report)))
447    (and opt
448         (gnc:option-value
449          (gnc:lookup-option opt gnc:pagename-general gnc:optname-reportname)))))
451(define (gnc:report-stylesheet report)
452  (gnc:html-style-sheet-find
453   (symbol->string (gnc:option-value
454                    (gnc:lookup-option
455                     (gnc:report-options report)
456                     gnc:pagename-general
457                     gnc:optname-stylesheet)))))
459(define (gnc:report-set-stylesheet! report stylesheet)
460  (gnc:option-set-value
461   (gnc:lookup-option
462    (gnc:report-options report)
463    gnc:pagename-general
464    gnc:optname-stylesheet)
465   (string->symbol
466    (gnc:html-style-sheet-name stylesheet))))
469;; Load and save helper functions
471;; list of all report guids in existence (includes standard & custom
472;; reports, but not instantiated ones)
473(define (gnc:all-report-template-guids)
474  (map car (hash-map->list cons *gnc:_report-templates_*)))
476;; return a list of the custom report template guids.
477(define (gnc:custom-report-template-guids)
478  (map car (gnc:custom-report-templates-list)))
480(define (gnc:find-report-template guid)
481  (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* guid))
483(define (gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid? guid)
484  (assoc guid (gnc:custom-report-templates-list)))
486(define (gnc:is-custom-report-type report)
487  (gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid? (gnc:report-custom-template report)))
489;; list of reports saved within the saved-reports; returns a list of
490;; pairs whose cars = guid <string> and cdrs = report-template <record>
491(define (gnc:custom-report-templates-list)
492  (filter (compose gnc:report-template-parent-type cdr)
493          (hash-map->list cons *gnc:_report-templates_*)))
495;; This function should be called right before changing a custom-template's name
496;; to test if the new name is unique among the existting custom reports.
497;; If not the calling function can prevent the name from being updated.
498(define (gnc:report-template-has-unique-name? templ-guid new-name)
499  (or (not new-name)
500      (not (any
501            (lambda (tmpl)
502              (and (not (equal? (car tmpl) templ-guid))
503                   (equal? (gnc:report-template-name (cdr tmpl)) new-name)))
504            (gnc:custom-report-templates-list)))))
506;; Generate a unique custom template name using the given string as a base
507;; If this string already exists as a custom template name, a
508;; number will be appended to it.
509(define (gnc:report-template-make-unique-name new-name)
510  (let loop ((name new-name)
511             (counter 1))
512    (if (gnc:report-template-has-unique-name? #f name)
513        name
514        (loop (string-append new-name (number->string counter))
515              (1+ counter)))))
518;; Load and save functions
521;; Generate guile code required to recreate an instatiated report
522(define (gnc:report-serialize report)
523  ;; clean up the options if necessary.  this is only needed
524  ;; in special cases.
525  (let* ((report-type (gnc:report-type report))
526         (template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* report-type))
527         (thunk (gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb template)))
528    (if thunk
529        (thunk report)))
531  ;; save them
532  (string-append
533   ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n"
534   (format #f ";; options for report ~S\n" (gnc:report-name report))
535   (format
536    #f "(let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid ~S ~S)))\n"
537    (gnc:report-type report)
538    (gnc:report-template-name
539     (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report))))
540   (gnc:generate-restore-forms (gnc:report-options report) "options")
541   (format
542    #f "  (gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template ~S ~S ~S ~S options)\n"
543    (gnc:report-id report) (gnc:report-type report)
544    (gnc:report-template-name
545     (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report)))
546    (gnc:report-custom-template report))
547   ")"))
549;; Generate guile code required to recreate embedded report instances
550(define (gnc:report-serialize-embedded embedded-reports)
551  (let* ((result-string ""))
552    (if embedded-reports
553        (begin
554          (for-each
555           (lambda (subreport-id)
556             (let* ((subreport (gnc-report-find subreport-id))
557                    (subreport-type (gnc:report-type subreport))
558                    (subreport-template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* subreport-type))
559                    (subreport-template-name (gnc:report-template-name subreport-template))
560                    (thunk (gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb subreport-template)))
561               ;; clean up the options if necessary.  this is only needed
562               ;; in special cases.
563               (if thunk
564                   (thunk subreport))
565               ;; save them
566               (set! result-string
567                 (string-append
568                  result-string
569                  "\n      ;;;; Options for embedded report\n"
570                  "      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n"
571                  (format #f "      ;; options for report ~S\n" (gnc:report-name subreport))
572                  (format #f "      (let ((options (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid ~S ~S)))"
573                          subreport-type
574                          subreport-template-name)
575                  (gnc:generate-restore-forms (gnc:report-options subreport) "options")
576                  (format #f "\n        (set! new-embedded-report-ids\n          (append\n            new-embedded-report-ids\n              (list (gnc:restore-report-by-guid-with-custom-template #f ~S ~S ~S options))\n          )\n        )\n"
577                          subreport-type
578                          subreport-template-name
579                          (gnc:report-custom-template subreport))
580                  "      )\n"))))
581           embedded-reports)
582          ;;(set! result-string (string-append result-string (gnc:update-section-general)))
583          (set! result-string
584            (string-append
585             result-string
586             "\n"
587             "      ;;;; Update Section: __general\n"
588             "      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n"
589             "      (let*\n"
590             "        (\n"
591             "          (option (gnc:lookup-option options \"__general\" \"report-list\"))\n"
592             "          (saved-report-list (gnc:option-value option))\n"
593             "        )\n"
594             "        (\n"
595             "          (lambda (option)\n"
596             "            (if option ((gnc:option-setter option) (map (lambda (x y) (cons x (cdr y))) new-embedded-report-ids saved-report-list)))\n"
597             "          )\n"
598             "          option\n"
599             "        )\n"
600             "      )\n"))))
601    result-string))
603(define (gnc:report-template-serialize-internal name type templ-name options guid)
604  (let* ((embedded-serialized (gnc:report-serialize-embedded (gnc:report-embedded-list options)))
605         (result (string-append
606                  ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n"
607                  (format #f ";; Options for saved report ~S, based on template ~S\n"
608                          name type)
609                  (format
610                   #f "(let ()\n  (define (options-gen)\n    (let\n         (\n           (options (gnc:report-template-new-options/report-guid ~S ~S))\n           (new-embedded-report-ids '()) ;; only used with Multicolumn View Reports\n         )"
611                   type templ-name)
612                  (gnc:generate-restore-forms options "options")
613                  (if embedded-serialized
614                      embedded-serialized
615                      "")
616                  "\n      options\n    )\n  )\n"
617                  (format
618                   #f "  (gnc:define-report \n    'version 1\n    'name ~S\n    'report-guid ~S\n    'parent-type ~S\n    'options-generator options-gen\n    'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-custom)\n    'renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer/report-guid ~S ~S)\n  )\n)\n\n"
619                   name
620                   (or guid
621                       (guid-new-return)) ;; when saving a report, we need to create a guid for it for later reloading
622                   type
623                   type
624                   templ-name))))
625    (gnc:debug result)
626    result))
628;; Convert an instantiated report into a report template
629;; and generate the guile code required to recreate this template
630(define (gnc:report-template-serialize-from-report report)
631  ;; clean up the options if necessary.  this is only needed
632  ;; in special cases.
633  (let* ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report)))
634         (thunk (gnc:report-template-options-cleanup-cb template)))
635    (if thunk
636        (thunk report)))
638  ;; save them
639  (let* ((name (gnc:report-template-make-unique-name (gnc:report-name report)))
640         (type (gnc:report-type report))
641         (templ-name (gnc:report-template-name
642                      (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report))))
643         (options (gnc:report-options report)))
644    (gnc:report-template-serialize-internal name type templ-name options #f)))
646;; Generate guile code required to recreate a report template
647;; Note: multi column report templates encapsulate instantiated
648;; reports, not other report templates this means that the template
649;; recreation code must also contain the code to instantiate these
650;; embedded report instances. This results in a mix of template and
651;; instatiated reports in the saved reports file...
652(define (gnc:report-template-serialize report-template)
653  (let* ((name (gnc:report-template-name report-template))
654         (type (gnc:report-template-parent-type report-template))
655         (templ-name (gnc:report-template-name
656                      (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* type)))
657         (options (gnc:report-template-new-options report-template))
658         (guid (gnc:report-template-report-guid report-template)))
659    (gnc:report-template-serialize-internal name type templ-name options guid)))
661;; Convert a report into a report template and save this template in the savefile
662;; Under specific conditions the we will attempt to replace the current report's
663;; template instead of simply adding a new template to the file.
664;; These condititions are:
665;; 1. the report is an instance of an existing custom report template
666;;    (ie a template that is stored in the savefile already)
667;; 2. an overwrite is requested by setting overwrite? to #t
668(define (gnc:report-to-template report overwrite?)
669  ;; This implements the Save Report Configuration tasks
670  (let* ((custom-template-id (gnc:report-custom-template report))
671         (overwrite-ok? (and (gnc:report-template-is-custom/template-guid?
672                              custom-template-id)
673                             overwrite?))
674         ;; Generate a serialized report-template with a random guid
675         (saved-form (gnc:report-template-serialize-from-report report))
676         ;; Immediately evaluate the serialized report template to
677         ;; - check if it's error free and can be deserialized
678         ;; - load it into the runtime for immediate use by the user
679         ;; (Bug #342206)
680         (save-result (eval-string saved-form)))
682    (and (record? save-result)
683         (begin
684           ;; If it's ok to overwrite the old template, delete it now.
685           (if overwrite-ok?
686               (let ((templ-name
687                      (gnc:report-template-name
688                       (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* custom-template-id))))
689                 ;; We're overwriting, which needs some additional steps
690                 ;; 1. Remove the newly generated template from the template list again
691                 (hash-remove! *gnc:_report-templates_*
692                               (gnc:report-template-report-guid save-result))
693                 ;; 2. We still have the template record available
694                 ;; though, so adapt it to the template we want to
695                 ;; override (ie update guid and name)
696                 (gnc:report-template-set-report-guid! save-result custom-template-id)
697                 (gnc:report-template-set-name save-result templ-name)
698                 ;; 3. Overwrite the template with the new one
699                 (hash-set! *gnc:_report-templates_* custom-template-id save-result)))
701           ;; Regardless of how we got here, we now have a new template to write
702           ;; so let's write it
703           (and (gnc:save-all-reports)
704                (let ((templ-guid (gnc:report-template-report-guid save-result)))
705                  ;; Indicate the report was instantiated from the new template
706                  (gnc:report-set-custom-template! report templ-guid)
707                  ;; Inform the calling function of the new template's guid
708                  templ-guid))))))
710;; Convert a report into a new report template and add this template to the save file
711(define (gnc:report-to-template-new report)
712  (gnc:report-to-template report #f))
714;; Get the current report's template and try to update it with the report's current
715;; settings. This will only be possible if the report was already based on a
716;; custom report template. If that's not the case, a new template will be added instead.
717(define (gnc:report-to-template-update report)
718  (gnc:report-to-template report #t))
720(define (gnc:report-template-save-to-savefile report-template)
721  (let ((saved-form (gnc:report-template-serialize report-template)))
722    (gnc-saved-reports-write-to-file saved-form #f)))
724;; save all custom reports, moving the old version of the
725;; saved-reports file aside as a backup
726;; return #t if all templates were saved successfully
727(define (gnc:save-all-reports)
728  (gnc-saved-reports-backup)
729  (gnc-saved-reports-write-to-file "" #t)
730  (every identity
731         (map
732          (lambda (p)
733            (gnc:debug "saving report " (car p))
734            (gnc:report-template-save-to-savefile (cdr p)))
735          (gnc:custom-report-templates-list))))
738;; gets the renderer from the report template;
739;; gets the stylesheet from the report;
740;; renders the html doc and caches the resulting string;
741;; returns the html string.
742;; Now accepts either an html-doc or finished HTML from the renderer -
743;; the former requires further processing, the latter is just returned.
744(define (gnc:report-render-html report headers?)
745  (if (and (not (gnc:report-dirty? report))
746           (gnc:report-ctext report))
747      (gnc:report-ctext report)
748      (let ((template (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* (gnc:report-type report))))
749        (and template
750             (let* ((renderer (gnc:report-template-renderer template))
751                    (stylesheet (gnc:report-stylesheet report))
752                    (doc (renderer report))
753                    (html (cond
754                           ((string? doc) doc)
755                           (else
756                            (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc stylesheet)
757                            (gnc:html-document-render doc headers?)))))
758               (gnc:report-set-ctext! report html) ;; cache the html
759               (gnc:report-set-dirty?! report #f)  ;; mark it clean
760               html)))))
762;; render report. will return a 2-element list: either (list html #f)
763;; where html is the report html string, or (list #f captured-error)
764;; where captured-error is the error string.
765(define (gnc:render-report report)
766  (define (get-report) (gnc:report-render-html report #t))
767  (gnc:apply-with-error-handling get-report '()))
769;; looks up the report by id and renders it with gnc:report-render-html
770;; marks the cursor busy during rendering; returns the html
771(define (gnc:report-run id)
772  (issue-deprecation-warning "gnc:report-run is deprecated. use gnc:render-report instead.")
773  (let ((report (gnc-report-find id))
774        (html #f))
775    (gnc-set-busy-cursor '() #t)
776    (gnc:backtrace-if-exception
777     (lambda ()
778       (if report (set! html (gnc:report-render-html report #t)))))
779    (gnc-unset-busy-cursor '())
780    html))
783;; "thunk" should take the report-type and the report template record
784(define (gnc:report-templates-for-each thunk)
785  (hash-for-each
786   (lambda (report-id template)
787     (thunk report-id template))
788   *gnc:_report-templates_*))
790;; return the list of reports embedded in the specified report
791(define (gnc:report-embedded-list options)
792  (let* ((option (gnc:lookup-option options "__general" "report-list")))
793    (and option
794         (let ((opt-value (gnc:option-value option)))
795           (map car opt-value)))))
797;; delete an existing report from the hash table and then call to
798;; resave the saved-reports file... report is gone
799(define (gnc:delete-report template-guid)
800  (if (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-guid)
801      (begin
802        (gnc:debug "Deleting report " template-guid)
803        (hash-remove! *gnc:_report-templates_* template-guid)
804        (gnc:save-all-reports))))
806;; rename an existing report from the hash table and then
807;; resave the saved-reports file
808(define (gnc:rename-report template-guid new-name)
809  (let ((templ (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* template-guid)))
810    (when templ
811      (gnc:debug "Renaming report " template-guid)
812      (gnc:report-template-set-name templ new-name)
813      (gnc:save-all-reports))))
816;; gnucash-cli helper and exported functions
819(define (show-selected-reports pred? port)
820  (for-each
821   (lambda (template)
822     (format port "* ~a ~a\n"
823             (if (gnc:report-template-parent-type template) "C" " ")
824             (gnc:report-template-name template)))
825   (sort (hash-fold (lambda (k v p) (if (pred? v) (cons v p) p)) '()
826                    *gnc:_report-templates_*)
827         (lambda (a b) (gnc:string-locale<? (gnc:report-template-name a)
828                                            (gnc:report-template-name b))))))
830(define (stderr-log tmpl . args)
831  (apply format (current-error-port) tmpl args)
832  #f)
834(define (template-export report template export-type dry-run?)
835  (let* ((report-guid (gnc:report-template-report-guid template))
836         (parent-template-guid (gnc:report-template-parent-type template))
837         (template (if parent-template-guid
838                       (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* parent-template-guid)
839                       template))
840         (export-thunk (gnc:report-template-export-thunk template))
841         (export-types (gnc:report-template-export-types template)))
843    (cond
844     ((not export-thunk)
845      (stderr-log "Only the following reports have export code:\n")
846      (show-selected-reports gnc:report-template-export-thunk (current-error-port))
847      (stderr-log "Use -R show to describe report\n"))
848     ((not (assoc export-type export-types))
849      (stderr-log "Export-type disallowed: ~a. Allowed types: ~a\n"
850                  export-type (string-join (map car export-types) ", ")))
851     (dry-run? #t)
852     (else
853      (display "Running export..." (current-error-port))
854      (let ((output (export-thunk
855                     (gnc-report-find (gnc:make-report report-guid))
856                     (assoc-ref export-types export-type))))
857        (display "done!\n" (current-error-port))
858        output)))))
860(define (reportname->templates report)
861  (or (and=> (gnc:find-report-template report) list)
862      (hash-fold
863       (lambda (k v p) (if (equal? (gnc:report-template-name v) report) (cons v p) p))
864       '() *gnc:_report-templates_*)))
866(define-public (gnc:cmdline-report-list port)
867  (show-selected-reports gnc:report-template-in-menu? port))
869(define-public (gnc:cmdline-report-show report port)
870  (let ((templates (reportname->templates report)))
871    (cond
872     ((null? templates)
873      (stderr-log "Cannot find ~s. Valid reports:\n" report)
874      (gnc:cmdline-report-list (current-error-port)))
875     (else
876      (for-each
877       (lambda (template)
878         (let* ((options-gen (gnc:report-template-options-generator template))
879                (parent-guid (gnc:report-template-parent-type template))
880                (parent-template (and parent-guid
881                                      (hash-ref *gnc:_report-templates_* parent-guid)))
882                (export-types (gnc:report-template-export-types
883                               (or parent-template template))))
884           (format port "\n* name: ~a\n  guid: ~a\n~a~a~a"
885                   (gnc:report-template-name template)
886                   (gnc:report-template-report-guid template)
887                   (if parent-template
888                       (format #f "  parent-template: ~a\n"
889                               (gnc:report-template-name parent-template))
890                       "")
891                   (if export-types
892                       (format #f "  export-types: ~a\n"
893                               (string-join (map car export-types) ", ")) "")
894                   (gnc:html-render-options-changed (options-gen) #t))))
895       templates)))))
897;; In: report - string matching reportname
898;; In: export-type - string matching export type (eg CSV TXF etc)
899;; Out: if args are valid and runs a single report: #t, otherwise: #f
900(define-public (gnc:cmdline-check-report report export-type)
901  (let ((templates (reportname->templates report)))
902    (cond
903     ((null? templates)
904      (stderr-log "Cannot find ~s. Valid reports:\n" report)
905      (gnc:cmdline-report-list (current-error-port))
906      (stderr-log "\n"))
908     ((pair? (cdr templates))
909      (stderr-log "~s matches multiple reports. Select guid instead:\n" report)
910      (gnc:cmdline-report-show report (current-error-port))
911      (stderr-log "\n"))
913     (export-type (template-export report (car templates)
914                                   export-type #t))
915     (else #t))))
917;; In: report - string matching reportname
918;; In: export-type - string matching export type (eg CSV TXF etc)
919;; Out: if error, #f
920(define-public (gnc:cmdline-template-export report export-type)
921  (match (reportname->templates report)
922    ((template) (template-export report template export-type #f))
923    (_ (gnc:error report " does not match unique report") #f)))
925;; In: report - string matching reportname
926;; Out: a number, or #f if error
927(define-public (gnc:cmdline-get-report-id report)
928  (match (reportname->templates report)
929    ((template) (gnc:make-report (gnc:report-template-report-guid template)))
930    (_ (gnc:error report " does not match unique report") #f)))