1 /* lkhead.c */
3 /*
4  *  Copyright (C) 1989-2009  Alan R. Baldwin
5  *
6  *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  *
19  *
20  * Alan R. Baldwin
21  * 721 Berkeley St.
22  * Kent, Ohio  44240
23  */
25 #include "aslink.h"
27 /*Module	lkhead.c
28  *
29  *	The module lkhead.c contains the function newhead() which
30  *	creates a head structure, the function module() which
31  *	loads the module name into the current head structure,
32  *	and newmode() which loads the linker merge modes.
33  *
34  *	lkhead.c contains the following functions:
35  *		VOID	newhead()
36  *		VOID	newmode()
37  *		VOID	module()
38  *
39  *	lkhead.c contains no local variables.
40  */
42 /*)Function	VOID	newhead()
43  *
44  *	The function newhead() creates a head structure.  All head
45  *	structures are linked to form a linked list of head structures
46  *	with the current head structure at the tail of the list.
47  *
48  *	local variables:
49  *		int	i		evaluation value
50  *		char	id[]		temporary string
51  *		head *	thp		temporary pointer
52  *					to a header structure
53  *
54  *	global variables:
55  *		area	*ap		Pointer to the current
56  *					area structure
57  *		lfile	*cfp		The pointer *cfp points to the
58  *					current lfile structure
59  *		head	*headp		The pointer to the first
60  *					head structure of a linked list
61  *		head	*hp		Pointer to the current
62  *					head structure
63  *
64  *	functions called:
65  *		a_uint	expr()		lkeval.c
66  *		a_uint	eval()		lkeval.c
67  *		VOID	getid()		lklex.c
68  *		VOID *	new()		lksym.c
69  *		VOID	lkparea()	lkarea.c
70  *		int	more()		lklex.c
71  *		int	symeq()		lksym.c
72  *
73  *	side effects:
74  *		A new head structure is created and linked to any
75  *		existing linked head structure.  The head structure
76  *		parameters of file handle, number of areas, number
77  *		of global symbols, number of banks and number of
78  *		merge modes are loaded into the structure.  The
79  *		area, bank, symbol, and mode structure lists are created.
80  *		The default area "_abs_" is created when the first
81  *		head structure is created and an areax structure is
82  *		created for every head structure called.
83  */
85 /*
86  * Create a new header entry.
87  *
88  * H n areas n global symbols n banks n modes
89  *   |       |                |       |
90  *   |       |                |       `----- G Lines
91  *   |       |                `------------- B Lines
92  *   |	     `------------------------------ hp->h_nsym
93  *   `-------------------------------------- hp->h_narea
94  *
95  */
newhead()97 newhead()
98 {
99 	int i;
100 	char id[NCPS];
101 	struct head *thp;
103 	hp = (struct head *) new (sizeof(struct head));
104 	if (headp == NULL) {
105 		headp = hp;
106 	} else {
107 		thp = headp;
108 		while (thp->h_hp)
109 			thp = thp->h_hp;
110 		thp->h_hp = hp;
111 	}
112 	/*
113 	 * Initialize the header
114 	 */
115 	hp->h_lfile = cfp;		/* Set file pointer */
116 	hp->m_id = "";			/* No Module */
117 	/*
118 	 * Scan for Parameters
119 	 */
120 	while (more()) {
121 		i = (int) eval();
122 		getid(id, -1);
123 		/*
124 		 * Area pointer list
125 		 */
126 		if (symeq("areas", id, 1)) {
127 			hp->h_narea = i;
128 			if (i)
129 				hp->a_list = (struct areax **) new (i*sizeof(struct areax *));
130 		} else
131 		/*
132 		 * Symbol pointer list
133 		 */
134 		if (symeq("global", id, 1)) {
135 			hp->h_nsym = i;
136 			if (i)
137 				hp->s_list = (struct sym **) new (i*sizeof(struct sym *));
138 			skip(-1);
139 		} else
140 		/*
141 		 * Bank pointer list
142 		 */
143 		if (symeq("banks", id, 1)) {
144 			hp->h_nbank = i;
145 			if (i)
146 				hp->b_list = (struct bank **) new (i*sizeof(struct bank *));
147 		} else
148 		/*
149 		 * Mode pointer list
150 		 */
151 		if (symeq("modes", id, 1)) {
152 			hp->h_nmode = i;
153 			if (i)
154 				hp->m_list = (struct mode **) new (i*sizeof(struct mode *));
155 		}
156 	}
157 	/*
158 	 * Setup Absolute DEF linkage.
159 	 */
160 	lkparea(_abs_);
161 	ap->a_flag = A3_ABS;
162 	axp->a_addr = 0;
163 }
166 /*)Function	VOID	newmode()
167  *
168  *	The function newmode() creates / fills in a merge mode
169  *	definition for this module.
170  *
171  *	The MODE structure contains the specification of one of the
172  *	assemblers' relocation modes.  Each assembler must specify
173  *	at least one relocation mode.  The relocation specification
174  *	allows arbitrarily defined active bits and bit positions.
175  *	The 32 element arrays are indexed from 0 to 31.
176  *	Index 0 corresponds to bit 0, ..., and 31 corresponds to bit 31
177  *	of a normal integer value.
178  *
179  *	The value an array element defines if the normal integer bit is
180  *	active (bit <7> is set, 0x80) and what destination bit
181  *	(bits <4:0>, 0 - 31) should be loaded with this normal
182  *	integer bit.
183  *
184  *	The mode structure also contains a flag indicating if bit
185  *	positioning is required, a mask word containing the active
186  *	bits for merging, and an address paging mask.
187  *
188  *	local variables:
189  *		int	index		bit index of mode definition
190  *		int	n		counter
191  *		struct mode *mp		pointer to a mode structure
192  *
193  *	global variables:
194  *		head	*headp		The pointer to the first
195  *				 	head structure of a linked list
196  *		head	*hp		Pointer to the current
197  *				 	head structure
198  *		FILE *	stderr		standard library error handle
199  *
200  *	functions called:
201  *		a_uint	eval()		lkexpr.c
202  *		int	fprintf()	c_library
203  *		VOID	lkexit()	lkmain.c
204  *		int	more()		lklex.c
205  *		char *	new()		lksym.c
206  *
207  *	side effects:
208  *		The merge mode structure is created / updated with
209  *		the definition values.
210  */
212 VOID
newmode()213 newmode()
214 {
215 	int index, n;
216 	a_uint v;
217 	struct mode *mp;
219 	if (headp == NULL) {
220 		fprintf(stderr, "No header defined\n");
221 		lkexit(ER_FATAL);
222 	}
223 	/*
224 	 * Mode number
225 	 */
226 	n = (int) eval();
227 	if (n >= hp->h_nmode) {
228 		fprintf(stderr, "Header mode list overflow\n");
229 		lkexit(ER_FATAL);
230 	}
231 	/*
232 	 * Bit index
233 	 */
234 	index = (int) eval();
235 	if (index == 0) {
236 		mp = (struct mode *) new (sizeof(struct mode));
237 		hp->m_list[n] = mp;
238 		/*
239 		 * Initialize Mode
240 		 */
241 		for (n=0; n<32; n++) {
242 			mp->m_def[n] = n;
243 		}
244 	} else {
245 		mp = hp->m_list[n];
246 	}
247 	/*
248 	 * Load Bits
249 	 */
250 	while (more() && (index < 32)) {
251 		n = (int) eval();
252 		if (mp->m_def[index] != (n & 0x1F)) {
253 			mp->m_flag |= 1;
254 		}
255 		mp->m_def[index] = n;
256 		if (n & 0x80) {
257 			mp->m_dbits |= (((a_uint) 1) << (n & 0x1F));
258 			mp->m_sbits |= (((a_uint) 1) << index);
259 		}
260 		index += 1;
261 	}
262 	/*
263 	 * Set Missing Low Order Bits
264 	 */
265 	for (n=0; n<32; n++) {
266 		v = 1 << n;
267 		if (mp->m_sbits & v) {
268 			break;
269 		} else {
270 			mp->m_sbits |= v;
271 		}
272 	}
273 }
276 /*)Function	VOID	module()
277  *
278  *	The function module() copies the module name into
279  *	the current head structure.
280  *
281  *	local variables:
282  *		char	id[]		module id string
283  *
284  *	global variables:
285  *		head	*headp		The pointer to the first
286  *					head structure of a linked list
287  *		head	*hp		Pointer to the current
288  *					head structure
289  *		int	lkerr		error flag
290  *		FILE *	stderr		c_library
291  *
292  *	functions called:
293  *		int	fprintf()	c_library
294  *		VOID	getid()		lklex.c
295  *		char *	strsto()	lksym.c
296  *
297  *	side effects:
298  *		The module name is copied into the head structure.
299  */
301 VOID
module()302 module()
303 {
304 	char id[NCPS];
306 	if (headp) {
307 		getid(id, -1);
308 		hp->m_id = strsto(id);
309 	} else {
310 		fprintf(stderr, "No header defined\n");
311 		lkerr++;
312 	}
313 }