1 /**
2  * Licensed to the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
3  * Development, Inc. (UCAID) under one or more contributor license
4  * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
5  * additional information regarding copyright ownership.
6  *
7  * UCAID licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
8  * Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
9  * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
10  * License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17  * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
18  * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
19  */
21 /**
22  * @file xmltooling/security/SecurityHelper.h
23  *
24  * A helper class for working with keys, certificates, etc.
25  */
27 #if !defined(__xmltooling_sechelper_h__) && !defined(XMLTOOLING_NO_XMLSEC)
28 #define __xmltooling_sechelper_h__
30 #include <xmltooling/base.h>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <vector>
35 class XSECCryptoKey;
36 class XSECCryptoX509;
38 namespace xmltooling {
39     class XMLTOOL_API Credential;
40     class XMLTOOL_API SOAPTransport;
41     class XMLTOOL_API XSECCryptoX509CRL;
43     /**
44      * A helper class for working with keys, certificates, etc.
45      */
46     class XMLTOOL_API SecurityHelper
47     {
48     public:
49         /**
50          * Access a file to try and guess the encoding format used.
51          *
52          * @param pathname  path to file
53          * @return  constant identifying encoding format
54          */
55         static const char* guessEncodingFormat(const char* pathname);
57         /**
58          * Loads a private key from a local file.
59          *
60          * @param pathname  path to file containing key
61          * @param format    optional constant identifying key encoding format
62          * @param password  optional password to decrypt key
63          * @return  a populated key object
64          */
65         static XSECCryptoKey* loadKeyFromFile(const char* pathname, const char* format=nullptr, const char* password=nullptr);
67         /**
68          * Loads certificate(s) from a local file.
69          *
70          * @param certs     array to populate with certificate(s)
71          * @param pathname  path to file containing certificate(s)
72          * @param format    optional constant identifying certificate encoding format
73          * @param password  optional password to decrypt certificate(s)
74          * @return  size of the resulting array
75          */
76         static std::vector<XSECCryptoX509*>::size_type loadCertificatesFromFile(
77             std::vector<XSECCryptoX509*>& certs, const char* pathname, const char* format=nullptr, const char* password=nullptr
78             );
80         /**
81          * Loads CRL(s) from a local file.
82          *
83          * @param crls      array to populate with CRL(s)
84          * @param pathname  path to file containing CRL(s)
85          * @param format    optional constant identifying CRL encoding format
86          * @return  size of the resulting array
87          */
88         static std::vector<XSECCryptoX509CRL*>::size_type loadCRLsFromFile(
89             std::vector<XSECCryptoX509CRL*>& crls, const char* pathname, const char* format=nullptr
90             );
92         /**
93          * Loads a private key from a URL.
94          *
95          * @param transport object to use to acquire key
96          * @param backing   backing file for key (written to or read from if download fails)
97          * @param format    optional constant identifying key encoding format
98          * @param password  optional password to decrypt key
99          * @return  a populated key object
100          */
101         static XSECCryptoKey* loadKeyFromURL(SOAPTransport& transport, const char* backing, const char* format=nullptr, const char* password=nullptr);
103         /**
104          * Loads certificate(s) from a URL.
105          *
106          * @param certs     array to populate with certificate(s)
107          * @param transport object to use to acquire certificate(s)
108          * @param backing   backing file for certificate(s) (written to or read from if download fails)
109          * @param format    optional constant identifying certificate encoding format
110          * @param password  optional password to decrypt certificate(s)
111          * @return  size of the resulting array
112          */
113         static std::vector<XSECCryptoX509*>::size_type loadCertificatesFromURL(
114             std::vector<XSECCryptoX509*>& certs, SOAPTransport& transport, const char* backing, const char* format=nullptr, const char* password=nullptr
115             );
117         /**
118          * Loads CRL(s) from a URL.
119          *
120          * @param crls      array to populate with CRL(s)
121          * @param transport object to use to acquire CRL(s)
122          * @param backing   backing file for CRL(s) (written to or read from if download fails)
123          * @param format    optional constant identifying CRL encoding format
124          * @return  size of the resulting array
125          */
126         static std::vector<XSECCryptoX509CRL*>::size_type loadCRLsFromURL(
127             std::vector<XSECCryptoX509CRL*>& crls, SOAPTransport& transport, const char* backing, const char* format=nullptr
128             );
130         /**
131          * Compares two keys for equality.
132          *
133          * @param key1 first key to compare
134          * @param key2 second key to compare
135          * @return  true iff the keys match
136          */
137         static bool matches(const XSECCryptoKey& key1, const XSECCryptoKey& key2);
139         /**
140          * Performs a hash operation over the supplied data.
141          *
142          * @param hashAlg   name of hash algorithm, syntax specific to crypto provider
143          * @param buf       input data to hash
144          * @param buflen    length of input data
145          * @param toHex     if true, hex-encodes the resulting raw bytes
146          * @return  result of hash operation, or an empty string
147          */
148         static std::string doHash(const char* hashAlg, const char* buf, unsigned long buflen, bool toHex=true);
150         /**
151          * Returns the base64-encoded DER encoding of a public key in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format.
152          * <p>If a hash algorithm is provided, the data is digested before being base64-encoded.
153          *
154          * @param cred      the credential containing the key to encode
155          * @param hash      optional name of hash algorithm, syntax specific to crypto provider
156          * @param nowrap    if true, any linefeeds will be stripped from the result
157          * @return  the base64 encoded key value
158          */
159         static std::string getDEREncoding(const Credential& cred, const char* hash=nullptr, bool nowrap=true);
161         /**
162          * Returns the base64-encoded DER encoding of a public key in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format.
163          * <p>If a hash algorithm is provided, the data is digested before being base64-encoded.
164          *
165          * @param key       the key to encode
166          * @param hash      optional name of hash algorithm, syntax specific to crypto provider
167          * @param nowrap    if true, any linefeeds will be stripped from the result
168          * @return  the base64 encoded key value
169          */
170         static std::string getDEREncoding(const XSECCryptoKey& key, const char* hash=nullptr, bool nowrap=true);
172         /**
173          * Returns the base64-encoded DER encoding of a certifiate's public key in SubjectPublicKeyInfo format.
174          * <p>If a hash algorithm is provided, the data is digested before being base64-encoded.
175          *
176          * @param cert      the certificate's key to encode
177          * @param hash      optional name of hash algorithm, syntax specific to crypto provider
178          * @param nowrap    if true, any linefeeds will be stripped from the result
179          * @return  the base64 encoded key value
180          */
181         static std::string getDEREncoding(const XSECCryptoX509& cert, const char* hash=nullptr, bool nowrap=true);
183         /**
184          * Decodes a DER-encoded public key.
185          *
186          * @param buf       DER encoded data
187          * @param buflen    length of data in bytes
188          * @param base64    true iff DER is base64-encoded
189          * @return  the decoded public key, or nullptr
190          */
191         static XSECCryptoKey* fromDEREncoding(const char* buf, unsigned long buflen, bool base64=true);
193         /**
194          * Decodes a base64-encoded and DER-encoded public key.
195          *
196          * @param buf       base64 and DER encoded data
197          * @return  the decoded public key, or nullptr
198          */
199         static XSECCryptoKey* fromDEREncoding(const XMLCh* buf);
200     };
201 };
203 #endif /* __xmltooling_sechelper_h__ */