4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
5  *                               Simbody(tm)                                  *
6  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
7  * This is part of the SimTK biosimulation toolkit originating from           *
8  * Simbios, the NIH National Center for Physics-Based Simulation of           *
9  * Biological Structures at Stanford, funded under the NIH Roadmap for        *
10  * Medical Research, grant U54 GM072970. See https://simtk.org/home/simbody.  *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Portions copyright (c) 2007-12 Stanford University and the Authors.        *
13  * Authors: Michael Sherman                                                   *
14  * Contributors:                                                              *
15  *                                                                            *
16  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
17  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
18  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
19  *                                                                            *
20  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
21  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
22  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
23  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
24  * limitations under the License.                                             *
25  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
27 #include "SimTKcommon.h"
28 #include "simbody/internal/common.h"
30 #include <cassert>
31 #include <iosfwd>
33 namespace SimTK {
35 class SimbodyMatterSubsystem;
36 class MobilizedBody;
37 class SimbodyMatterSubtree;
38 class SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults;
40 /** A SimbodyMatterSubtree is a view of a connected subgraph of the tree of
41 mobilized bodies in a SimbodyMatterSubsystem. It is used to perform kinematic
42 operations on the subgraph to facilitate the handling of constraints, which
43 typically involve only small subgraphs.
45 A SimbodyMatterSubtree is characterized by a single ancestor body A and a set
46 of terminal mobilized bodies T={Ti}, where A is the outmost body that is on
47 the inboard path of each Ti. Note that a SimbodyMatterSubtree's "terminal"
48 bodies do not have to be terminal in the full tree. The SimbodyMatterSubtree
49 includes T and all "branch" mobilized bodies B={Bij} found on any path from a
50 Ti to A, and A itself which serves as Ground. A may be one of the terminal
51 bodies. A's mobilizer is *not* part of the SimbodyMatterSubtree. The path
52 from Ti to A is called the ith branch of the SimbodyMatterSubtree; branches
53 can overlap.
54 @verbatim
55                            . .
56       .    .                .
57        .  .                 .
58         T0      T1          T2     }
59          *       *       .  *      }
60      B0   *     * B1       *       }
61            *   *          *        }   A SimbodyMatterSubtree with
62         .    *           *  B2     }   three branches.
63           . . *        *           }
64                 *     *            }
65            B0,B1  *  *             }
66                     A              }
67                     .
68                     .
69                    ...
70                  Ground
71 @endverbatim
72 Each body in the SimbodyMatterSubtree is assigned an index called a
73 SubtreeBodyIndex, with the Ancestor being SubtreeBodyIndex 0 and other ids
74 assigned such that ids increase going outwards along a branch. Maps are kept
75 in the SimbodyMatterSubtree object to track its relationship to the full tree.
77 A SimbodyMatterSubtree can be constructed at Topology stage and needed ones
78 can thus be precalculated and stored in the SimbodyMatterSubsystem Topology
79 Cache (i.e., in the System not the State). Calculations done on the
80 SimbodyMatterSubtree, on the other hand, require further state information
81 and cannot be stored as part of the System. For those, we define a companion
82 class below called SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults.
84 A SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults object is initialized at Model stage, at which
85 point we can determine the mobilities u and generalized coordinates q. These
86 are assigned SubtreeUIndex's and SubtreeQIndex's in the same order that the
87 SimbodyMatterSubtree bodies are numbered. Maps are kept in the
88 SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults object to track the relationship between the
89 SimbodyMatterSubtree mobilities and those in the full tree.
91 Note that SimbodyMatterSubtree operations are elaborate \e operators, not
92 \e responses. That means the results are not stored in the State, but rather
93 in the private SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults objects.
95 Operators here perform kinematic operations based on perturbations of the
96 global System State values. The supported perturbations are:
97   General
98   1a same as global System state (except answers are in A rather than G)
99   1b all mobility variables set
100   2  all mobility variables from 1a or 1b, except for one which is perturbed
101      (q,u,udot)
103   Linear
104   3  all mobility variables are zero (u,udot)
105   4  all mobility variables are zero *again*, except for one which is 1
106      (u,udot)
107 Steps 1 and 2 are designed to work together, as are 3 and 4: first evaluate
108 nominal kinematics; then perturb. **/
109 class SimTK_SIMBODY_EXPORT SimbodyMatterSubtree {
110 public:
111     SimbodyMatterSubtree();
112     SimbodyMatterSubtree(const SimbodyMatterSubtree&);
113     SimbodyMatterSubtree& operator=(const SimbodyMatterSubtree&);
114     ~SimbodyMatterSubtree();
116     explicit SimbodyMatterSubtree(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&);
117     SimbodyMatterSubtree(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem&,
118             const Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex>& terminalBodies);
120     void setSimbodyMatterSubsystem(const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& matter);
121     const SimbodyMatterSubsystem& getSimbodyMatterSubsystem() const;
123     // This doesn't change the associated SimbodyMatterSubsystem if there
124     // is one, but does remove all the bodies from the SimbodyMatterSubtree.
125     void clear();
127     SimbodyMatterSubtree& addTerminalBody(MobilizedBodyIndex);
129     void realizeTopology();
131     int getNumSubtreeBodies() const; // includes ancestor
132     MobilizedBodyIndex getAncestorMobilizedBodyIndex() const;
134     // These are in the same order they were added; body[i] is the terminus
135     // of branch i.
136     const Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex>& getTerminalBodies() const;
138     // These are indexed by SubtreeBodyIndex starting with 0 for the ancestor
139     // body and monotonically increasing outwards along a branch.
140     const Array_<MobilizedBodyIndex>& getAllBodies() const;
142     // 0 returns an invalid Index
143     SubtreeBodyIndex getParentSubtreeBodyIndex(SubtreeBodyIndex) const;
144     const Array_<SubtreeBodyIndex>&
145         getChildSubtreeBodyIndices(SubtreeBodyIndex) const;
147         // MODEL STAGE
149     // State must be realized to at least Stage::Model for this call to work.
150     // The supplied SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults object is allocated and properly initialized to
151     // be able to hold computation results from this SimbodyMatterSubtree.
152     void initializeSubtreeResults(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
154     // This can be used as a sanity check that initializeSubtreeResults() was
155     // already called in this SimbodyMatterSubtree to produce these
156     // SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults. It is by no means exhaustive but will catch
157     // egregious errors.
158     bool isCompatibleSubtreeResults(const SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
160         // POSITION STAGE
162     // State must be realized to at least Stage::Position for this to work. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
163     // must have already been initialized to work with this SimbodyMatterSubtree. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults stage
164     // will be Stage::Position after this call. All body transforms will be the same as
165     // the corresponding ones in the state, except they will be measured from the ancestor
166     // frame instead of ground. SimbodyMatterSubtree q's will be identical to corresponding State q's.
167     void copyPositionsFromState(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
169     // State must be realized to Stage::Instance. subQ must be the right length for this
170     // SimbodyMatterSubtree, and SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults must have been properly initialized. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
171     // stage will be Stage::Position after this call.
172     void calcPositionsFromSubtreeQ(const State&, const Vector& subQ, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
174     // Calculates a perturbed position result starting with the subQ's and position results
175     // which must already be in SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults.
176     void perturbPositions(const State&, SubtreeQIndex subQIndex, Real perturbation, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
179         // VELOCITY STAGE
181     // State must be realized to at least Stage::Velocity for this to work. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
182     // must already be at Stage::Position. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults stage
183     // will be Stage::Velocity after this call. All subtree body spatial velocities will be
184     // the same as in the State, except measured relative to A and expressed in A. SimbodyMatterSubtree u's
185     // will be identical to corresponding State u's.
186     void copyVelocitiesFromState(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
188     // State must be realized to Stage::Instance. subU must be the right length for this
189     // SimbodyMatterSubtree, and SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults must already be at Stage::Position. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
190     // stage will be Stage::Velocity after this call.
191     void calcVelocitiesFromSubtreeU(const State&, const Vector& subU, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
193     // State must be realized to Stage::Instance and SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults must already be at
194     // Stage::Position. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults stage will be Stage::Velocity after this call, but
195     // all SimbodyMatterSubtree u's and body velocities will be zero.
196     void calcVelocitiesFromZeroU(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
198     // Calculates a perturbed velocity result starting with the subU's and velocity results
199     // which must already be in SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults.
200     void perturbVelocities(const State&, SubtreeUIndex subUIndex, Real perturbation, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
205     // State must be realized to at least Stage::Acceleration for this to work. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
206     // must already be at Stage::Velocity. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults stage
207     // will be Stage::Acceleration after this call. All subtree body spatial accelerations will be
208     // the same as in the State, except measured relative to A and expressed in A. SimbodyMatterSubtree udots
209     // will be identical to corresponding State udots.
210     void copyAccelerationsFromState(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
212     // State must be realized to Stage::Instance. subUDot must be the right length for this
213     // SimbodyMatterSubtree, and SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults must already be at Stage::Velocity. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults
214     // stage will be Stage::Acceleration after this call.
215     void calcAccelerationsFromSubtreeUDot(const State&, const Vector& subUDot, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
217     // State must be realized to Stage::Instance and SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults must already be at
218     // Stage::Velocity. SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults stage will be Stage::Acceleration after this call.
219     // All SimbodyMatterSubtree udots's will be zero, body accelerations will have only their bias values
220     // (coriolis accelerations from nonzero u's).
221     void calcAccelerationsFromZeroUDot(const State&, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
223     // Calculates a perturbed velocity result starting with the subUDot's and acceleration results
224     // which must already be in SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults.
225     void perturbAccelerations(const State&, SubtreeUIndex subUDotIndex, Real perturbation, SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&) const;
227     class SubtreeRep;
228 private:
229     SubtreeRep* rep;
getRep()230     const SubtreeRep& getRep() const {assert(rep);return *rep;}
updRep()231     SubtreeRep&       updRep()       {assert(rep);return *rep;}
232 };
234 SimTK_SIMBODY_EXPORT std::ostream&
235 operator<<(std::ostream&, const SimbodyMatterSubtree&);
237 /*
238  * This is the writable "cache" for a SimbodyMatterSubtree. Once the full State has
239  * been realized to the Model stage, a SimbodyMatterSubtree can initialize one of these
240  * objects and then use it to hold operator results.
241  */
242 class SimTK_SIMBODY_EXPORT SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults {
243 public:
244     SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults();
245     SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults(const SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&);
246     SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults& operator=(const SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&);
247     ~SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults();
249     void clear();
251     void reallocateBodies(int nBodies);
252     void addMobilities(SubtreeBodyIndex, QIndex qStart, int nq, UIndex uStart, int nu);
253     void realizeModel(const Vector& stateQ, const Vector& stateU);
255     Stage getStage() const;
257     int getNumSubtreeBodies() const;
258     int getNumSubtreeQs() const;
259     int getNumSubtreeUs() const;
261     const Vector&     getSubtreeQ() const;
262     const Transform&  getSubtreeBodyTransform(SubtreeBodyIndex) const; // from ancestor frame
264     const Vector&     getSubtreeU() const;
265     const SpatialVec& getSubtreeBodyVelocity(SubtreeBodyIndex) const; // measured & expressed  in ancestor frame
267     const Vector&     getSubtreeUDot() const;
268     const SpatialVec& getSubtreeBodyAcceleration(SubtreeBodyIndex) const; // measured & expressed in ancestor frame
270     // These are indexed by SubtreeQIndex and SubtreeUIndex.
271     const Array_<QIndex>& getQSubset() const; // subset of Subsystem Qs used by this SimbodyMatterSubtree
272     const Array_<UIndex>& getUSubset() const; // subset of Subsystem Us used by this SimbodyMatterSubtree
274     void findSubtreeBodyQ(SubtreeBodyIndex, SubtreeQIndex& qStart, int& nq) const; // indices into QSubset
275     void findSubtreeBodyU(SubtreeBodyIndex, SubtreeUIndex& uStart, int& nu) const; // indices into USubset
277     class SubtreeResultsRep;
278 private:
279     friend class SimbodyMatterSubtree;
280     SubtreeResultsRep* rep;
getRep()281     const SubtreeResultsRep& getRep() const {assert(rep);return *rep;}
updRep()282     SubtreeResultsRep&       updRep()       {assert(rep);return *rep;}
283 };
285 SimTK_SIMBODY_EXPORT std::ostream&
286 operator<<(std::ostream&, const SimbodyMatterSubtreeResults&);
288 } // namespace SimTK