1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE libraries
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000 Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2013 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
6     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
7 */
10 #define KIO_SIMPLEJOB_H
12 #include "job_base.h"
13 #include <kio/global.h> // filesize_t
15 namespace KIO
16 {
17 class SimpleJobPrivate;
18 /**
19  * @class KIO::SimpleJob simplejob.h <KIO/SimpleJob>
20  *
21  * A simple job (one url and one command).
22  * This is the base class for all jobs that are scheduled.
23  * Other jobs are high-level jobs (CopyJob, DeleteJob, FileCopyJob...)
24  * that manage subjobs but aren't scheduled directly.
25  */
26 class KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob : public KIO::Job
27 {
28     Q_OBJECT
30 public:
31     ~SimpleJob() override;
33 protected:
34     /**
35      * Suspend this job
36      * @see resume
37      */
38     bool doSuspend() override;
40     /**
41      * Resume this job
42      * @see suspend
43      */
44     bool doResume() override;
46     /**
47      * Abort job.
48      * This kills all subjobs and deletes the job.
49      */
50     bool doKill() override;
52 public:
53     /**
54      * Returns the SimpleJob's URL
55      * @return the url
56      */
57     const QUrl &url() const;
59     /**
60      * Abort job.
61      * Suspends slave to be reused by another job for the same request.
62      */
63     virtual void putOnHold();
65     /**
66      * Discard suspended slave.
67      */
68     static void removeOnHold();
70     /**
71      * Returns true when redirections are handled internally, the default.
72      *
73      * @since 4.4
74      */
75     bool isRedirectionHandlingEnabled() const;
77     /**
78      * Set @p handle to false to prevent the internal handling of redirections.
79      *
80      * When this flag is set, redirection requests are simply forwarded to the
81      * caller instead of being handled internally.
82      *
83      * @since 4.4
84      */
85     void setRedirectionHandlingEnabled(bool handle);
87 public Q_SLOTS:
88     /**
89      * @internal
90      * Called on a slave's error.
91      * Made public for the scheduler.
92      */
93     void slotError(int, const QString &);
95 protected Q_SLOTS:
96     /**
97      * Called when the slave marks the job
98      * as finished.
99      */
100     virtual void slotFinished();
102     /**
103      * @internal
104      * Called on a slave's warning.
105      */
106     virtual void slotWarning(const QString &);
108     /**
109      * MetaData from the slave is received.
110      * @param _metaData the meta data
111      * @see metaData()
112      */
113     virtual void slotMetaData(const KIO::MetaData &_metaData);
115 protected:
116     /**
117      * Allow jobs that inherit SimpleJob and are aware
118      * of redirections to store the SSL session used.
119      * Retrieval is handled by SimpleJob::start
120      * @param m_redirectionURL Reference to redirection URL,
121      * used instead of m_url if not empty
122      */
123     void storeSSLSessionFromJob(const QUrl &m_redirectionURL);
125     /**
126      * Creates a new simple job. You don't need to use this constructor,
127      * unless you create a new job that inherits from SimpleJob.
128      */
129     SimpleJob(SimpleJobPrivate &dd);
131 private:
132     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(SimpleJob)
133 };
135 /**
136  * Removes a single directory.
137  *
138  * The directory is assumed to be empty.
139  * The job will fail if the directory is not empty.
140  * Use KIO::del() (DeleteJob) to delete non-empty directories.
141  *
142  * @param url The URL of the directory to remove.
143  * @return A pointer to the job handling the operation.
144  */
145 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *rmdir(const QUrl &url);
147 /**
148  * Changes permissions on a file or directory.
149  * See the other chmod in chmodjob.h for changing many files
150  * or directories.
151  *
152  * @param url The URL of file or directory.
153  * @param permissions The permissions to set.
154  * @return the job handling the operation.
155  */
156 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *chmod(const QUrl &url, int permissions);
158 /**
159  * Changes ownership and group of a file or directory.
160  *
161  * @param url The URL of file or directory.
162  * @param owner the new owner
163  * @param group the new group
164  * @return the job handling the operation.
165  */
166 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *chown(const QUrl &url, const QString &owner, const QString &group);
168 /**
169  * Changes the modification time on a file or directory.
170  *
171  * @param url The URL of file or directory.
172  * @param mtime The modification time to set.
173  * @return the job handling the operation.
174  */
175 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *setModificationTime(const QUrl &url, const QDateTime &mtime);
177 /**
178  * Rename a file or directory.
179  * Warning: this operation fails if a direct renaming is not
180  * possible (like with files or dirs on separate partitions)
181  * Use move or file_move in this case.
182  *
183  * @param src The original URL
184  * @param dest The final URL
185  * @param flags Can be Overwrite here
186  * @return the job handling the operation.
187  */
188 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *rename(const QUrl &src, const QUrl &dest, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
190 /**
191  * Create or move a symlink.
192  * This is the lowlevel operation, similar to file_copy and file_move.
193  * It doesn't do any check (other than those the slave does)
194  * and it doesn't show rename and skip dialogs - use KIO::link for that.
195  * @param target The string that will become the "target" of the link (can be relative)
196  * @param dest The symlink to create.
197  * @param flags Can be Overwrite and HideProgressInfo
198  * @return the job handling the operation.
199  */
200 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *symlink(const QString &target, const QUrl &dest, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
202 /**
203  * Execute any command that is specific to one slave (protocol).
204  *
205  * Examples are : HTTP POST, mount and unmount (kio_file)
206  *
207  * @param url The URL isn't passed to the slave, but is used to know
208  *        which slave to send it to :-)
209  * @param data Packed data.  The meaning is completely dependent on the
210  *        slave, but usually starts with an int for the command number.
211  * @param flags Can be HideProgressInfo here
212  * @return the job handling the operation.
213  */
214 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *special(const QUrl &url, const QByteArray &data, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
216 /**
217  * Mount filesystem.
218  *
219  * Special job for @p kio_file.
220  *
221  * @param ro Mount read-only if @p true.
222  * @param fstype File system type (e.g. "ext2", can be empty).
223  * @param dev Device (e.g. /dev/sda0).
224  * @param point Mount point, can be @p null.
225  * @param flags Can be HideProgressInfo here
226  * @return the job handling the operation.
227  */
228 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *mount(bool ro, const QByteArray &fstype, const QString &dev, const QString &point, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
230 /**
231  * Unmount filesystem.
232  *
233  * Special job for @p kio_file.
234  *
235  * @param point Point to unmount.
236  * @param flags Can be HideProgressInfo here
237  * @return the job handling the operation.
238  */
239 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *unmount(const QString &point, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
241 /**
242  * HTTP cache update
243  *
244  * @param url Url to update, protocol must be "http".
245  * @param no_cache If true, cache entry for @p url is deleted.
246  * @param expireDate Local machine time indicating when the entry is
247  * supposed to expire.
248  * @return the job handling the operation.
249  */
250 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *http_update_cache(const QUrl &url, bool no_cache, const QDateTime &expireDate);
252 /**
253  * Delete a single file.
254  *
255  * @param src File to delete.
256  * @param flags Can be HideProgressInfo here
257  * @return the job handling the operation.
258  */
259 KIOCORE_EXPORT SimpleJob *file_delete(const QUrl &src, JobFlags flags = DefaultFlags);
261 }
263 #endif