1 //
2 // This file is part of the SDTS++ toolkit, written by the U.S.
3 // Geological Survey.  It is experimental software, written to support
4 // USGS research and cartographic data production.
5 //
6 // SDTS++ is public domain software.  It may be freely copied,
7 // distributed, and modified.  The USGS welcomes user feedback, but makes
8 // no committment to any level of support for this code.  See the SDTS
9 // web site at http://mcmcweb.er.usgs.gov/sdts for more information,
10 // including points of contact.
11 //
13 #ifndef INCLUDED_SIO_8211UTILS_H
14 #define INCLUDED_SIO_8211UTILS_H
16 /// decimal value for ISO8211 field terminator
17 static const char sio_8211FieldTerminator = 30;
19 /// decimal value for ISO8211 unit terminator
20 static const char sio_8211UnitTerminator  = 31;
22 #endif  // INCLUDED_SIO_8211UTILS_H