3## Copyright (C) 2006-2021 The Octave Project Developers
5## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this
6## distribution or <https://octave.org/copyright/>.
8## This file is part of Octave.
10## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13## (at your option) any later version.
15## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18## GNU General Public License for more details.
20## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
22## <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26## -*- texinfo -*-
27## @deftypefn  {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A})
28## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k})
29## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{sigma})
30## @deftypefnx {} {@var{s} =} svds (@var{A}, @var{k}, @var{sigma}, @var{opts})
31## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{u}, @var{s}, @var{v}] =} svds (@dots{})
32## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{u}, @var{s}, @var{v}, @var{flag}] =} svds (@dots{})
34## Find a few singular values of the matrix @var{A}.
36## The singular values are calculated using
38## @example
39## @group
40## [@var{m}, @var{n}] = size (@var{A});
41## @var{s} = eigs ([sparse(@var{m}, @var{m}), @var{A};
42##                      @var{A}', sparse(@var{n}, @var{n})])
43## @end group
44## @end example
46## The eigenvalues returned by @code{eigs} correspond to the singular values
47## of @var{A}.  The number of singular values to calculate is given by @var{k}
48## and defaults to 6.
50## The argument @var{sigma} specifies which singular values to find.  When
51## @var{sigma} is the string @qcode{'L'}, the default, the largest singular
52## values of @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar
53## and the singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary,
54## @code{@var{sigma} = 0} finds the smallest singular values.  Note that for
55## relatively small values of @var{sigma}, there is a chance that the
56## requested number of singular values will not be found.  In that case
57## @var{sigma} should be increased.
59## @var{opts} is a structure defining options that @code{svds} will pass
60## to @code{eigs}.  The possible fields of this structure are documented in
61## @code{eigs}.  By default, @code{svds} sets the following three fields:
63## @table @code
64## @item tol
65## The required convergence tolerance for the singular values.  The default
66## value is 1e-10.  @code{eigs} is passed @code{@var{tol} / sqrt (2)}.
68## @item maxit
69## The maximum number of iterations.  The default is 300.
71## @item disp
72## The level of diagnostic printout (0|1|2).  If @code{disp} is 0 then
73## diagnostics are disabled.  The default value is 0.
74## @end table
76## If more than one output is requested then @code{svds} will return an
77## approximation of the singular value decomposition of @var{A}
79## @example
80## @var{A}_approx = @var{u}*@var{s}*@var{v}'
81## @end example
83## @noindent
84## where @var{A}_approx is a matrix of size @var{A} but only rank @var{k}.
86## @var{flag} returns 0 if the algorithm has successfully converged, and 1
87## otherwise.  The test for convergence is
89## @example
90## @group
91## norm (@var{A}*@var{v} - @var{u}*@var{s}, 1) <= @var{tol} * norm (@var{A}, 1)
92## @end group
93## @end example
95## @code{svds} is best for finding only a few singular values from a large
96## sparse matrix.  Otherwise, @code{svd (full (@var{A}))} will likely be more
97## efficient.
98## @seealso{svd, eigs}
99## @end deftypefn
101function [u, s, v, flag] = svds (A, k, sigma, opts)
103  persistent root2 = sqrt (2);
105  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4)
106    print_usage ();
107  endif
109  if (ndims (A) > 2)
110    error ("svds: A must be a 2-D matrix");
111  endif
113  if (nargin < 4)
114    opts.tol = 0;    # use ARPACK default
115    opts.disp = 0;
116    opts.maxit = 300;
117  else
118    if (! isstruct (opts))
119      error ("svds: OPTS must be a structure");
120    endif
121    if (! isfield (opts, "tol"))
122      opts.tol = 0;  # use ARPACK default
123    else
124      opts.tol = opts.tol / root2;
125    endif
126    if (isfield (opts, "v0"))
127      if (! isvector (opts.v0) || (length (opts.v0) != sum (size (A))))
128        error ("svds: OPTS.v0 must be a vector with rows (A) + columns (A) entries");
129      endif
130    endif
131  endif
133  if (nargin < 3 || strcmp (sigma, "L"))
134    if (isreal (A))
135      sigma = "LA";
136    else
137      sigma = "LR";
138    endif
139  elseif (isscalar (sigma) && isnumeric (sigma) && isreal (sigma))
140    if (sigma < 0)
141      error ("svds: SIGMA must be a positive real value");
142    endif
143  else
144    error ("svds: SIGMA must be a positive real value or the string 'L'");
145  endif
147  [m, n] = size (A);
148  max_a = max (abs (nonzeros (A)));
149  if (isempty (max_a))
150    max_a = 0;
151  endif
152  ## Must initialize variable value, otherwise it may appear to interpreter
153  ## that code is trying to call flag() colormap function.
154  flag = 0;
156  if (max_a == 0)
157    s = zeros (k, 1);  # special case of zero matrix
158  else
159    if (nargin < 2)
160      k = min ([6, m, n]);
161    else
162      k = min ([k, m, n]);
163    endif
165    ## Scale everything by the 1-norm to make things more stable.
166    b = A / max_a;
167    b_opts = opts;
168    ## Call to eigs is always a symmetric matrix by construction
169    b_opts.issym = true;
170    b_sigma = sigma;
171    if (! ischar (b_sigma))
172      b_sigma /= max_a;
173    endif
175    if (b_sigma == 0)
176      ## Find the smallest eigenvalues
177      ## The eigenvalues returns by eigs for sigma=0 are symmetric about 0.
178      ## As we are only interested in the positive eigenvalues, we have to
179      ## double k and then throw out the k negative eigenvalues.
180      ## Separately, if sigma is nonzero, but smaller than the smallest
181      ## singular value, ARPACK may not return k eigenvalues.  However, as
182      ## computation scales with k we'd like to avoid doubling k for all
183      ## scalar values of sigma.
184      b_k = 2 * k;
185    else
186      b_k = k;  # Normal case, find just the k largest eigenvalues
187    endif
189    if (nargout > 1)
190      [V, s, flag] = eigs ([sparse(m,m), b; b', sparse(n,n)],
191                           b_k, b_sigma, b_opts);
192      s = diag (s);
193    else
194      s = eigs ([sparse(m,m), b; b', sparse(n,n)], b_k, b_sigma, b_opts);
195    endif
197    if (ischar (sigma))
198      norma = max (s);
199    else
200      norma = normest (A);
201    endif
202    ## We wish to exclude all eigenvalues that are less than zero as these
203    ## are artifacts of the way the matrix passed to eigs is formed.  There
204    ## is also the possibility that the value of sigma chosen is exactly
205    ## a singular value, and in that case we're dead!! So have to rely on
206    ## the warning from eigs.  We exclude the singular values which are
207    ## less than or equal to zero to within some tolerance scaled by the
208    ## norm since if we don't we might end up with too many singular
209    ## values.
210    if (b_sigma == 0)
211      if (sum (s>0) < k)
212        ## It may happen that the number of positive s is less than k.
213        ## In this case, take -s (if s in an eigenvalue, so is -s),
214        ## flipped upside-down.
215        s = flipud (-s);
216      endif
217    endif
218    tol = norma * opts.tol;
219    ind = find (s > tol);
220    if (length (ind) < k)
221      ## Too few eigenvalues returned.  Add in any zero eigenvalues of B,
222      ## including the nominally negative ones.
223      zind = find (abs (s) <= tol);
224      p = min (length (zind), k - length (ind));
225      ind = [ind; zind(1:p)];
226    elseif (length (ind) > k)
227      ## Too many eigenvalues returned.  Select according to criterion.
228      if (b_sigma == 0)
229        ind = ind(end+1-k:end); # smallest eigenvalues
230      else
231        ind = ind(1:k);         # largest eigenvalues
232      endif
233    endif
234    s = s(ind);
236    if (length (s) < k)
237      warning ("svds: returning fewer singular values than requested");
238      if (! ischar (sigma))
239        warning ("svds: try increasing the value of sigma");
240      endif
241    endif
243    s *= max_a;
244  endif
246  if (nargout < 2)
247    u = s;
248  else
249    if (max_a == 0)
250      u = eye (m, k);
251      s = diag (s);
252      v = eye (n, k);
253    else
254      u = root2 * V(1:m,ind);
255      s = diag (s);
256      v = root2 * V(m+1:end,ind);
257    endif
259    if (nargout > 3)
260      flag = (flag != 0);
261    endif
262  endif
267%!shared n, k, A, u, s, v, opts, rand_state, randn_state, tol
268%! n = 100;
269%! k = 7;
270%! A = sparse ([3:n,1:n,1:(n-2)],[1:(n-2),1:n,3:n],[ones(1,n-2),0.4*n*ones(1,n),ones(1,n-2)]);
271%! [u,s,v] = svd (full (A));
272%! s = diag (s);
273%! [~, idx] = sort (abs (s));
274%! s = s(idx);
275%! u = u(:, idx);
276%! v = v(:, idx);
277%! rand_state = rand ("state");
278%! rand ("state", 42);
279%! opts.v0 = rand (2*n,1);  # Initialize eigs ARPACK starting vector
280%!                          # to guarantee reproducible results
282%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
283%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k);
284%! s2 = diag (s2);
285%! assert (flag, ! 1);
286%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
287%! assert (s2, s(end:-1:end-k+1), tol);
290%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k,0,opts);
291%! s2 = diag (s2);
292%! assert (flag, ! 1);
293%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
294%! assert (s2, s(k:-1:1), tol);
297%! idx = floor (n/2);
298%! % Don't put sigma right on a singular value or there are convergence issues
299%! sigma = 0.99*s(idx) + 0.01*s(idx+1);
300%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (A,k,sigma,opts);
301%! s2 = diag (s2);
302%! assert (flag, ! 1);
303%! tol = 15 * eps * norm (s2, 1);
304%! assert (s2, s((idx+floor (k/2)):-1:(idx-floor (k/2))), tol);
306%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
307%! [u2,s2,v2,flag] = svds (zeros (10), k);
308%! assert (u2, eye (10, k));
309%! assert (s2, zeros (k));
310%! assert (v2, eye (10, 7));
312%!testif HAVE_ARPACK
313%! s = svds (speye (10));
314%! assert (s, ones (6, 1), 8*eps);
316%!testif HAVE_ARPACK <57185>
317%! z = complex (ones (10), ones (10));
318%! s = svds (z);
319%! assert (isreal (s));
322%! ## Restore random number generator seed at end of tests
323%! rand ("state", rand_state);